muxas-world · 3 months
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.... when whit the epilogue will arive for me???(2024 season first part)p1 p2
Janet Pluchinsky, Queen of Fillory (via queennmargo)/Emily Brontẽ, Wuthering Heights (ia valyrianswords)/David Mitchell, Slade House/Natalie Díaz, from The Cure for Melancholy Is to Take the Horn; Postcolonial Love Poem, 2020
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masha-russia · 7 years
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Don’t do horcruxes kids
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thelegendofclarke · 6 years
when u get this u have to answer with 5 things u like about yourself, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) ✨💛✨
thank you so much darling!
i have a pretty good singing voice. i used to be able to hit and e flat (the last high note in Defying Gravity from Wicked). i probably couldn’t do it now if you held a gun to my head, BUT i reserve my bragging rights in perpetuity. 
i think i am a good friend (at least i try to be) and i am very loyal. 
i have a cute nose and it looks good with a piercing I used to get random people telling me i should get a nose ring all the time before i got it pierced). 
i think i’m a pretty good listener. i try really hard to be empathetic and compassionate and look at things from the other person’s side. 
I am a pretty good cook and baker.
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wulfhalls · 7 years
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When I first met young Mr Riddle, he was a quiet albeit brilliant boy, committed to becoming a first rate wizard. Not unlike others I've known. Not unlike yourself. If the monster existed it was buried deep within.
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lglorien · 6 years
when u get this u have to answer with 5 things u like about yourself, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) ✨💛✨
Aw, thank you so much for this! :)
The five things are:
1. I’m a huge optimist. Like, I will always see the light at the end of the tunnel, and sure, I have my bad days and I get grumpy and shit, but even during those moments, a part of me always believes the darkness will go away and I’ll pull through a bad situation.
2. I’m very open-minded. I don’t judge people for what they are, but for the bad things they do to others. Actions are important.
3. I’m good at explaining things, and in relation to this, I do believe I am good teacher. I have so much to learn, as I’m a young teacher, and there’s always room for improvement, but I’m glad that I’m good at explaining stuff to people.
4. I’m a writer. (An unpublished one, but whatever haha). I just like the fact that my imagination allows me to express myself in this way because I love books, I love stories and story-telling and words. This means an awful lot to me, and I’m thankful that I can do some story-telling myself, that being a writer is a part of who I am.
5. I have good self-esteem. I am so incredibly thankful for that. I know a lot of people don’t like themselves and would change so much and even hate themselves for what they are, how they look, etc. This makes me so sad and I wish they didn’t have to go through all of that. I feel blessed for being able to love myself, love who I am and what I stand for, and just ... my accomplishments are my own, and I’m proud of them, even if they may appear meaningless to others. Like, idgaf, this is my life and I like it, and I like myself - my body, my mind, the whole package. Am I perfect? Aw hell no! But the thing is, I don’t mind that, and it’s a good feeling.
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empiregalaxy · 6 years
valyriansword replied to your post: Planning a trip to Italy at the end of the year…...
It is exciting :) I start in Rome, and make my way up to Paris / London (thank god for direct trains from Milan!) But Italy is just so rich in design, art, beauty & history. Truly a dream destination.
I’m saving alot but I am so excited! I love Europe. 
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emperorren · 7 years
What Reylo scenes would you want to happen in Episode IX? In the context of there being no limitations (PG-13 rating, things Disney wouldn't do, the plot (within reason))? Thanks!
(please excuse my lack of coherence but tlj, unlike tfa, left me with lots of question marks on the future evolution of reylo. It unexpectedly covered most of my preexisting predictions for this ship while also leaving their relationships unresolved, so I’m currently in the process of adjusting my predictions to the new circumstances and the changed dynamic and I’m just going to spitball in no particular order and no attempt at sticking to any coherent idea of plot)
number one on my wishlist is a deepening of the force bond in terms of what they can feel and how they can use it
I want the force bond to explored from different angles: what it means in terms of force lore, why it happened to them, what makes them special to the Force, how do they physically feel, how they deal with this intimacy they don’t understand now that they’ve hurt and disappointed each other so much. But I also want them to study it, as opposed to passively experience it. Perhaps try to manipulate the bond to either shut the other out or keep an eye or each other or (also) use it in an attempt to weaken the other in a duel
I want to see new visual ways to convey how the bond progressively grows and expands between them. So bring on all kinds of obscure lynchian visions, shared dreams, nightmares about each other dying, sensing each other’s approaching, tapping into each other’s conscience and deeply buried memories of their childhood and past abuse (that would be an awesome way to include a snoke flashback, as well as more details of rey’s parents), even better if the other’s present self is there to witness it too
at least an antagonistic duel filled with angst and rage and betrayal on either part, physical and raw and bloody. Yes I want to see some blood. (you said no rating limitations) I can imagine their duel to quickly turn into a battle of wills in which they try to overpower the other via the force bond
rey could use some of kylo’s signature tactics like the force stun and the force choke on kylo himself (which would obviously both terrify and turn him on)
even better if, at some time prior to this climatic duel, rey asked kylo to teach her to use those powers and he agreed—knowing fully well that she means to use them against him, but he’s self destructive like that and he is perversely fascinated by the idea of her being the fated angel of death who will finally put him out of his misery. Rey feels that and it upsets her in a similar way seeing him beat his own wounds on starkiller did
they’re both miserable without each other, but they don’t want to show it, so this leads to at least one scene in which Kylo tries desperately to pretend he hates Rey but as soon as she shows up all he can do is stutter and spit some badly rehashed insults while also looking like he’s about to cry. Rey can’t speak at all
perhaps this happens in the throne room while Renperor is sitting on the throne. Maybe they should continue the tradition of rey ending up in enemy territory (better if willingly), or maybe this time it’s Kylo who is captured by the resistance, and rey is conflicted about it and feels his pain as he’s wounded and kept prisoner, and after a while she secretly sets him free 
arguing on the jedi texts via force skype
arguing on how to rebuild the legacy saber via force skype
kylo being an insufferable know-it-all nerd
more force bond shenanigans: feeling the other’s physical pain (maybe because they’re being tortured or beaten in combat) but not being able to see the other (since the force is mad at them and they’re mad at each other, the bond won’t work properly for at least 1/3 of the movie), and going crazy with panic while also being in unspeakable physical pain through the bond
the eroticism of the force bond should be amped up, pg-13 be damned. Give me all the awkward and increasingly bolder force-touching, feeling each other’s arousal at the worst times, teasing and taunting each other, the unresolved sexual tension getting more and more literal, seeing each other naked, rey and kylo trying to keep their forbidden psychic affair secret to their respective organizations, while also being more and more desperate for each other
Rey struggling with the dark side. Perhaps accidentally unleashing her powers in a moment of wrath and killing someone in the process, then plagued by guilt and blind panic going to Kylo for advice
Alternatively Rey having a conflict with Poe and/or Finn once they learn of the bond. Poe wants to keep her in custody or use the bond to lure Kylo in a trap. Rey is furious and she runs away (to Kylo). I can honestly see Finn being deeply hurt by Rey’s bond with Kylo, but ultimately choosing to support her. (this could also mean interesting things for the poe/finn dynamic
let’s be real: a version of the Most Tropey Reylo Trope, aka Stranded Together On A Mysterious And Remote Corner Of The Galaxy, HAS to happen in some form eventually
especially if one of them is injured when this happens. Let’s say both.
they end up on the Falcon together. they tend on each other’s wounds (more shirtless moments, probably). Rey cups Kylo’s face in a callback to Han’s gesture, traces his scar from his cheek down his chest. Major ship tease moment 
perhaps this is followed by a galactic trip to either find some ancient artifact or to collect some crucial information to their understanding of the Force, the Galaxy, the Balance and their role in all of this, that would lead to some earth-shattering reveal 
maybe they go find the Bendu to inquire about the balance, possibly after reading some cryptic line in the jedi books
at some point, they should go back to Jakku. Would really love to see Kylo’s walking with his billowy dark robes through a sand storm and them finding shelter in Rey’s old AT-AT and Kylo seeing the scratches on the wall
there should also be some sort of cliff scene or an equivalent, because I’ve become attached to that pre-tlj headcanon; though, clearly, now that their dynamic has evolved it wouldn’t make sense for it to play exactly like it would have for eight
in general I want them to be alone with each other on an inhospitable planet, better if connected to the dark side. Like Mustafar, or somewhere in the unknown regions (Malachor?)
Leia’s funeral. Rey helps Kylo connect with his mother one last time via the force bond, letting him touch her face with her hand. 
Kylo cries in Rey’s arms.
Rey meeting the Knights of Ren?
probably some version of the forceback scene, though part of me believes tlj covered it with kylo killing snoke (note how the forceback has rain in it—foreshadowing the intense bond manifesting on ahch-to, and the “clan leader” could be a metaphor for snoke)
one of them (or both) will try to find a way to sever the bond permanently. maybe during the galactic trip hey learn of an ancient ritual and they agree to perform it and Kylo goes first but halfway through it Rey realizes it’s too painful (both physically for Kylo and emotionally for both of them) and she implores him to stop
“I can’t lose you”
Hux’s hostility only grows bigger and bigger and Kylo starts feeling threatened. Rey feels it through the bond, she panics. 
Hux finds out what’s going on with them and uses it to set up a trap to kill two birds with one stone and get rid of both Kylo and Rey. Maybe he imprisons Kylo after neutralizing his force powers.
how would he? well since Hux really hates the Force for being an advantage he has no access to, it makes sense to me that he’d try to ~kill it~. Now I obviously don’t think anyone can kill the Force, but maybe accidentally stumbling upon some old sacred text or artifact or creating a device that allows him to permanently sever the tie that binds the Force to all living beings? i.e. destroying force-sensitivity?
this could easily be the ultimate evil to defeat, and the final turning point for kylo—learning that his “side” of the war is actively trying to destroy his most beloved driving principle, the very thing he’s in service to? That should make him reevaluate his allegiances and spontaneously ask Rey’s help to stop this. (I originally wanted Snoke to be behind this, but I gotta admit Hux works better, with  his deep-seated resentment of force-sensitive beings)
sometime in act III there’s a huge battle and the resistance is being decimated and Rey is losing her fight and is almost unconscious and all hope seems lost and then suddenly Kylo’s ship appears and starts firing on the First Order and then he lands (a callback to the first time we saw him in the trilogy) and goes to join Rey while she’s watching all of this in a sort of semi-conscious slow motion haze and all she can think is, he came back for me
third time’s the charm, so there has to be a third offer, and this time the other will accept it. I’m not sure if I want Rey to be the one who offers Kylo, or Kylo to Rey
REYLO KISS. now I think we have VERY decent chances of actually seeing one in canon. But without the pg-13 limit? It starts as extremely sweet and tentative (Rey initiates it) and then deepens and SETS THE SCREEN ON FIRE. I’m torn between this happening in an intimate, quiet moment or during/after a fight (think the end of the praetorian guard scene for reference).
THEY FUCK. no rating limits. Unleash your imagination.
(better if they fuck while thinking this is going to be their first and last time, like the night before the battle that will decide both their fates, or kylo’s fate if he’s going to be executed by the resistance)
finally, i want to see them using the Force together. in some huge thing. Like stopping a death ray firing on a planet. (Coruscant or Naboo) Impossible? Maybe. But Kylo, alone, could stop a blaster mid air. Imagine what he could do with Rey
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elaynetrakand · 7 years
valyriansword replied to your post “You know what i’m really not looking forward to? That inevitable...”
Oh...it hurt reading this. :(
I know, I’m sorry. :(
The silver lining is that at least you’re sort of prepared now? I guess?
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octopuscato · 7 years
valyriansword replied to your post “Shoulder angel: “Here’s a good idea: get Stephen King’s It as an audio...”
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timothechallamet · 7 years
valyriansword replied to your post “Justice League is…really bad”
'nolan i miss you so much' relatable
and i can’t believe he still produces those shitty movies?
come on man...
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masha-russia · 7 years
Once you get this it would be cool if you posted ten facts about yourself and then passed this along to ten of your favorite followers 💕
Thank you Katerina
Ok so let me think … 
1. I am fluent in French, Russian and English
2. I lived in France and in Mauritius from 10 to 20
3. I love traveling very much (even though I don’t have the finances for it right now), and I prefer independent travels. I love road trips, staying at locals’ houses, going to places that are not really touristic.
4. I think I’ve said this before but when I was 18 I hitchhiked around Malaysia and Thailand for one month. It was such an amazing adventure and is my best memory, and I wish to do a similar trip again one day.
5. I love cats
6. I have long hair, down to my waist. I wish it was thicker though (like Daenerys’ wig in GoT, that would be just perfect!)
7. I don’t have many friends in RL and probably my best friends are the ones I made online, and who I never met cause they live in different countries.
8. To continue on this point, when I was 13 I became very good friends with a girl I met through Britney Spears blogs (I’m a huge Britney fan!). We lived in different places of France and never met but we were often writing each other long letters for several years! We were “penpals” I think this is the right word? I still keep all of her letters and she told me she keeps mine as well. We talk online now, but I think it would be great if we wrote each other again! Nowadays almost nobody communicates by letters anymore.
9. I enjoy politics very much, especially international politics, so I am always watching the news and country leaders’ conferences and reading political reports.
10. I like extreme sports and other similar “dangerous” activities. I’d love to parachute and go mountain climbing! I wish I could learn parkour as well.
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thelegendofclarke · 7 years
valyriansword replied to your post:
Okay all this talk about you cool cats taking fitness classes is making me GLARINGLY aware that I haven’t visited the gym in a while… 😅
I am currently sitting on my couch, still in my pajamas, eating girl scout cookies for breakfast. 
I freaking HATE quinoa. 
The only way I will eat kale is if it’s kale chips. So, like, kale fried in oil with absolutely no nutritional value. 
I should in no way be mistaken for someone who makes healthy life choices!
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lglorien · 7 years
Once you get this it would be cool if you posted ten facts about yourself and then passed this along to ten of your favorite followers 💕
Aaaaah, this is so nice, thank you!!! I also received the same ask from @engagemachine and @amovingtarget, so thank you all! 
 I’m a teacher of English.
I can bend my thumbs to touch my arms. (lol, that’s so random, though)
I hate spiders and clowns. (except the Joker, but I don’t know how to explain why he doesn’t fall under the category of creepy clowns that make me go “kill it with fire”)
I’m currently obsessed with the song Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea by MISSIO.
I’ve just become a theatre subscriber for the first time ever. (It was arranged by my school, but I signed up voluntarily and I’m super excited about it, too! Wow, I feel so cultured lol.)
I come from and live in the Green Capital of Europe 2016. (Now you have to Google it haha.)
In general, I prefer texts to phone calls.
I love darkness and tragedy in literature and other forms of art (movies included).
I have one tattoo and I’m getting another by the end of the year, this time a matching sister tattoo. (All of them in places you can cover, of course, because a teacher can’t really showcase them.)
I wish to adopt a child rather than give birth to one because going through pregnancy might actually harm me, and I don’t want to take that risk and not be there for my kid 100%. I’m not sad about it because I love kids and if God wills it, I’d love to be a mother whichever way I can.
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empiregalaxy · 6 years
valyriansword replied to your post: valyriansword replied to your post: ...
That’s amazing. Have you been to all those places before?
No, I have not! Time to fix that. London and Florence have been places I’ve wanted to go to for a long time. And what’s great about Italy, having a browse through booking.com is that accomodation is way cheaper than neighbouring France, Austria & Switzerland. I think I might be able to get a deal on my flights also. 
It’s so exciting!
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jessicallange · 7 years
Once you get this it would be cool if you posted ten facts about yourself and then passed this along to ten of your favorite followers 💕
Thank you!! :)
1. I can carry a tune
2. I love to write
3. Watercolor is my favorite artistic medium
4. My cat Katie is named after my preschool teacher
5. I played softball in school
6. Autumn is my favorite season
7. I’m almost 100% Finnish
8. I love history especially anything about Anne Boleyn 
9. My favorite director is Wes Anderson
10. I tend to dress in cool toned colors
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oberynmartell · 7 years
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+ valyriansword
i absolutely adore this blog! not only are her edits amazing but her writing is as well! she is so talented in more ways than one. I love seeing her on my dash and in the thrones edit tags. we dont speak often but every interaction we have had has been more than pleasant and enjoyable! i am so, so glad to be mutuals with her :) 
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