burlveneer-music · 1 year
Lori Vambe - Space-Time Dreamtime - Strut Records reissue of 2 private-press percussion albums from 1982
Occasionally, you find music outside the commercial mainstream, outside of everything – the music of visionaries, eccentrics, inventors, loners, the keepers of secrets, the path-finders. Moondog, Daphne Oram, Harry Partch are from this mould. And so too is Lori Vambe. New on Strut, the first ever reissue of Vambe’s privately pressed original albums from 1982, Drumland Dreamland and Drumgita Solo. A self-taught drummer, inventor, and sonic experimentalist, Lori Vambe is a unique figure in British music. Creator of his own instrument, the drumgita (pronounced ‘drum-guitar’) or string-drum, Vambe intended to create a kind of music that had never been made in order to pursue access to the fourth dimension. Vambe was born in Harare, Zimbabwe and his father, Lawrence Vambe, was a noted Zimbabwean journalist and author. Moving to London in 1959, Vambe immersed himself in the Brixton squat movement of the early 1970s, teaching himself to drum and creating a short-lived performance group, The Healing Drums of Brixton (Vambe, the sculptor Alexander Sokolov and outsider musician Michael O’Shea). Vambe later had a dream-vision involving a feeling of ecstasy while playing an unknown instrument that extended from his own umbilical cord; the instrument would manifest itself as the drumgita. In 1982, he privately produced a pair of home recordings, the diptych set Drumgita Solo and Drumland Dreamland, releasing them on his own label Drumony. On these records, he rejected any commercial aesthetic and employed tape effects, temporal shifts, reversed sound and overdubbing to investigate space-time and access the fourth dimension. Combining layered drums with the rhythmic throb of the drumgita and, on Drumland Dreamland, an improvised piano performance by Brazilian concert pianist Rafael Dos Santos, the albums are both hypnotic and perturbing. Both albums were cut at Portland Studios by Chas Chandler and stand as a concealed monument of Black British experimental music. 500 copies of each record were originally pressed, and both were released together. The albums were never performed live. For this first ever reissue of Drumland Drumland and Drumgita Solo, Strut presents the two albums in their original artwork, housed in a deluxe slipcase including an additional 8-page 12”-sized booklet featuring unseen photos, liner notes and an interview with Lori Vambe by The Wire magazine writer Francis Gooding. Both albums are fully remastered by The Carvery. 
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delatechnopourmonami · 6 months
Lori Vambe
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lesfoteses · 2 years
La puta tos
11 de gener del 2023
L'instint assassí també pot sortir-me al teatre. Ahir, hores després de quedar-me tancada a l'ascensor, vaig anar amb el Marc a La Villarroel a veure 'Ragazzo', un monòleg que interpreta l'Oriol Pla. Fa un paper sensacional i crec que és una obra que val molt la pena sobre l'activista italià Carlo Giuliani, assassinat a tiros per la policia a Via Tolemaide de Gènova, l'any 2001.
Qui no va fer un paper sensacional va ser el Marc, que quasi em fa emprenyar perquè va arribar passades les 20h al teatre, quan en teoria començava l'obra. Per sort això no és ni Alemanya ni el Japó: som a Barcelona i aquí no som tan puntuals. A mi m'encanta la gent puntual, crec que és la meva virtut preferida.
Com deia, el Marc va arribar abans de començar l'obra, per tant, finalment no va caldre que m'emprenyés pel seu retràs. El que no ens esperàvem és el que passaria a continuació: comença l'obra, primer fosc… Una dona files darrere nostre tus. No em vaig immutar, però sí fixar-m'hi, pensant "ai, aquesta, a veure si ara està malalta i ens donarà la turra tota l'obra amb la seva tos". No m'equivocava massa: NO NOMÉS ella tenia tos, 30 segons després, un home de segona fila tus. Però no és tos de malaltia aquest cop, és carraspera, allò que rasca el coll en dos tempos, com si el paio hagués de parlar (? wtf ets al teatre, no has de parlar) i s'esclarís la veu. L'Oriol Pla no s'havia aixecat del llit -literalment l'obra comença amb ell al llit-, que una tercera persona també fa la carraspera. Ja està. En aquell moment vaig veure clar que el públic que m'havia tocat no sabia que era al teatre sinó que es pensava que era una jam session de la tos i que tothom hi podia participar. No van parar en tota l'obra de tossir. Que si el tio de davant, la tia de darrera, la senyora de més enllà, MARE MEVA. Si estigués pirada, m'hagués aixecat de la cadira i hagués cridat "a la de 3 tossiu tots a la vegada i JA NO TORNEU A TOSSIR MÉS EN TOTA L'OBRA". O hauria escanyat l’home de dues files endavant, cridant "para de tossiiiiiir que no sentim res" mentre els meus peus haguessin quedat a la falda de la noia la fila del darrere i li hagués tacat el jersei blanc que ens il·luminava a tots, amb les meves vambes. Potser hagués acabat a Twitter fent això. O pitjor, a l'En Blau. Per sort no estic pirada.
Total que avui, per coses de la vida (mentida, per coses laborals) he anat a l'Antiga Fàbrica Damm al photocall que munten dels nominats i nominades dels premis Gaudí, que seran el diumenge 22. Total, que qui hi havia? Efectivament, Oriol Pla. I m'hi he acostat i li he preguntat: "escolta, tu eres conscient ahir a 'Ragazzo' de la quantitat de gent amb pulmonia que hi havia? No paraven de tossir". I m'ha confirmat que sí, i que "és tot un tema això de la tos, però crec que la majoria de cops és la tos nerviosa quan hi ha silencis". Doncs mira, si és així -que segurament sí perquè qui deu tenir més experiència amb la puta tos de la penya afortunadament no soc jo-, crec que hi ha individus d'aquesta societat que tenen una feina pendent que és aprendre a interactuar en el silenci. I arribar puntuals als llocs, també, ja que hi som.
Com deia, he estat a la Damm. La Damm és un espai meravellós que sempre m'ha agradat molt, i no per la birra (que és la meva preferida entre les poques cerveses que tolero). A la Damm hi ha cerveses per tot arreu, però per tot arreu. Els que fan la newsletter deuen somiar en cerveses. Està plena de cerveses l'entrada, la sortida i també el lavabo. Et rentes les mans després de fer caca al costat d’Estrelles selectes que no estan a la venda. Hi ha fins i tot samarretes de cerveses allà exposades amb les ampolles. Marketing. Bueno, total, que he entrat a fer pipí i mentre estava pixant he sentit que entrava algú i que tan bon punt es posava a pixar, patapam. Un tro, uau, quin pet s'ha tirat la pájara aquesta. M'he tapat la boca per no riure perquè el que em pensava que era només un pet ha acabat sent un fusil de asalto M4 i vinga metralleta. M'he espantat i tot. He pensat "Pobra, es pensa que està sola". I res, que per pudor -mai millor dit- m'he quedat més estona de rigor per esperar que sortís i així no havíem de creuar mirades. Quina vergonya. Ara deu dormir pensant que ningú l'ha sentit fer caca a la Damm, però filla, t'equivoques.
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ericblogsfutbol · 4 months
Puntuant camisetes de diversos equips de futbol de la temporada 23/24
En aquest blog jo puntuaré i descriuré les camisetes d'alguns equips que m'agradin.
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La primera camiseta és la del Manchester City on podem veure que és de color turquesa amb algunes línies per la superfície d'un color blau fosc, el logo de la marca puma de color blanc està situat al nord-oest de la camiseta i les lletres del mig de la camiseta són de color blanc, a part d'això també hi ha l'escut de l'equip al nord-est de la camiseta. Jo li dono un 6,5/10, ja que no és el meu estil.
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La segona equipació és la del FC Barcelona que podem observar que és de color vermell i blau fosc. El logo Nike de color blanc, el logo de Spotify i les lletres blanques del mig i l'escut de l'equip estan distribuïts de la mateixa manera que la camiseta del Manchester City. Jo personalment li dono 8/10 especialment perquè és el meu equip preferit, però si no li donaria un 6/10 sobretot perquè no m'agrada la combinació de blau amb vermell.
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La tercera camiseta és la del Sevilla que podem veure que és de color blanc amb figures d'un color gris clar pel fons d'ella. A diferència de les altres no té lletres al mig, però sí que té la mateixa distribució de logo i escut com les altres dos. El que més destaca d'aquesta samarreta és que té coll de color vermell, cosa que les altres dos no tenien. Per finalitzar, podem veure que la màniga dreta té el logo de JD i a l'esquerra el de la Champions League. La puntuació que li dono és d'un 8,5 de deu perquè del meu estil.
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La quarta camiseta és la del Borussia Dortmund en veure-la, podem veure que hi ha dos colors el groc i el negre, si ens fixem bé veiem que té la mateixa distribució amb els patrocinadors i l'escut és la mateixa que la del Barça i la del City. Jo li dono un 9/10 perquè m'agrada molt la combinació d'aquests dos colors i també pots combinar aquesta samarreta amb moltes peces de roba, vambes i accessoris.
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L'última camiseta és la del Betis que està distribuïda en ratlles amples blanques i verdes, els patrocinadors i l'escut estan distribuïts com la majoria de les camisetes que han passat per aquest blog. Personalment, li dono un 7,5/10 perquè el Betis és un equip que m'agrada molt i m'agrada molt la camiseta per la combinació dels colors.
Fins aquí el blog.
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hobbyspacer · 7 months
Space habitat reports – Mar.6.2024
Here is this week's selection of videos and news items about space habitats, living in space, and space settlement. Starts with NASA's latest Space to Ground report for the International Space Station: https://youtu.be/cpCro2R04Vs ** NASA's SpaceX Crew-8 Flight Day 2 Highlights - NASA Video NASA astronauts Matthew Dominick, Michael Barratt, and Jeanette Epps, and Roscosmos cosmonaut Alexander Grebenkin arrived at the International Space Station when their Dragon spacecraft autonomously docked to the forward-facing port of the Harmony module at 2:28 a.m. Eastern Standard Time on March 5 following a launch on March 3 on the Endeavour spacecraft aboard a Falcon 9 rocket from Launch Complex 39A at the agency’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Following docking, the quartet opened the hatch and floated onboard the orbital outpost before providing welcoming remarks as its mission aboard the space station began. The four crew members will conduct a long-duration science mission living and working aboard the microgravity laboratory to advance scientific knowledge and demonstrate new technologies for future human and robotic exploration missions. Such research benefits people on Earth and lays the groundwork for future human exploration through the agency’s Artemis missions, which will send astronauts to the Moon to prepare for future expeditions to Mars. See also NASA’s SpaceX Crew-8 Launches to International Space Station | Commercial Crew Program/NASA - Mar.4.2024 https://youtu.be/6GHnN2hM1Dg ** Space Station Crew Talks with WUSA-TV, Washington D.C., University of Maryland - March 6, 2024 - NASA Video Aboard the International Space Station, Expedition 70 Flight Engineers Michael Barratt and Jeanette Epps discussed life and work aboard the orbital outpost during an in-flight interview March 6 with WUSA-TV in Washington, D.C. and the University of Maryland. Barratt and Epps are the midst of long-duration missions living and working aboard the microgravity laboratory to advance scientific knowledge and demonstrate new technologies for future human and robotic exploration missions. Such research benefits people on Earth and lays the groundwork for future human exploration through the agency’s Artemis missions, which will send astronauts to the Moon to prepare for future expeditions to Mars. https://youtu.be/YmOz0Yzp91o ** Uncovering the Secrets of the International Space Station (Full Episode) | Superstructures - National Geographic The International Space Station is taken apart to uncover its engineering secrets. https://youtu.be/Ei-TcECJVXU ** Expedition 70 Space Station Crew Talks with NPR’s Short Wave Podcast - March 4, 2024 - NASA Video Aboard the International Space Station, Expedition 70 Flight Engineer Loral O’Hara of NASA discussed life and work aboard the orbital outpost during an in-flight interview March with NPR’s “Short Wave” podcast. O'Hara is in the midst of long-duration mission living and working aboard the microgravity laboratory to advance scientific knowledge and demonstrate new technologies for future human and robotic exploration missions. Such research benefits people on Earth and lays the groundwork for future human exploration through the agency’s Artemis missions, which will send astronauts to the Moon to prepare for future expeditions to Mars. https://youtu.be/qyWGtaH5WJs ** Virtual Reality for body and mind - European Space Agency, ESA ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen explains how two experiments involving virtual reality makes on International Space Station. The first is Virtual Assistance Mental Balance (VAMB) where Andreas gets to enjoy a calm setting in nature that helps him relax. The second one is VR for Exercise, where he cycles on the Space Station’s exercise bike and through different bike routes in Denmark on the VR headset, which has quickly become a favourite for Andreas. Timestaps of the video: 00:00 - 00:09 Intro 00:10 - 02:13 First experiment 02:14 - 04:48 Second experiment 04:49 - 05:09 Outro https://youtu.be/g4VStsvScEE ** Sierra Space: Crew-8 are on their way to the @Space_Station. Members of the crew visited Sierra Space last August to train Dream Chaser, Tenacity. During the crew's stay, Tenacity is scheduled to make its maiden voyage to deliver cargo to the ISS. Link: https://t.co/qjH33Nly1M pic.twitter.com/GaP5yd9lO8 — Sierra Space (@SierraSpaceCo) March 4, 2024 ** Shenzhou-17 Crew Complete 2nd Extravehicular Mission - CCTV Video News Agency The Shenzhou-17 crew members, who are currently on board China's space station, have completed their second extravehicular mission at 13:32 Beijing time on Saturday, according to the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA). https://youtu.be/aPhWPeAOG5w ** Other news and articles: - Student Teams to Help Fill the Inflatable Void with Latest Student Challenge | NASA - Mar.4.2024 - Gary C Hudson: The Current Commercial State of Spin-Gravity for Physiological Research | Space Studies Institute - Mar.4.2024 - Can Antarctica serve as a model for international cooperation on the moon? | Space.com - Mar.3.2024 - China Station Crew: 2nd Spacewalk Complete – Focus on Solar Wing Maintenance | Leonard David - Mar.2.2024 - China’s Moon Agenda in “Accelerated Pace” | Leonard David - Mar.1.2024 - The International Space Station's Air Leaks are Increasing. No Danger to the Crew | Universe Today - Mar.1.2024 - How Startups on Earth Could Blaze a Trail for Cities on Mars | Universe Today - Mar.1.2024 ** Space settlement ---- Why This Startup is Mining Asteroids - Spiral Embark on an adventure about the future of space colonization with Joel Sercel, the founder of TransAstra, a startup working on mining asteroids to potentially build cities in space. This film explores the history of homo sapiens, our sustainability troubles here on earth, why we must move to space, and how now is the perfect time to start. Learn more about TransAstra: https://transastra.com/ https://youtu.be/tgWzpK-XC7c ** Views from space stations ----  Highlight: Crew8 on approach - Mar 5 2024 - 06:40 utc -   ISS Above NASA EHDC6 Live views of the Earth from the International Space Station https://youtu.be/pmCkrS-XkxE ---- Highlight: Night - Phoenix AZ - Mar 3, 2024 - 23:26 MST - ISS Above https://youtu.be/5UW8W0BI5Kc ---- Live Video from the International Space Station (Official NASA Stream) - NASA Watch live video from the International Space Station, including inside views when the crew aboard the space station is on duty. Views of Earth are also streamed from an external camera located outside of the space station. During periods of signal loss due to handover between communications satellites, a blue screen is displayed. The space station orbits Earth about 250 miles (425 kilometers) above the surface. An international partnership of five space agencies from 15 countries operates the station, and it has been continuously occupied since November 2000. It's a microgravity laboratory where science, research, and human innovation make way for new technologies and research breakthroughs not possible on Earth. More: https://go.nasa.gov/3CkVtC8 Did you know you can spot the station without a telescope? It looks like a fast-moving star, but you have to know when to look up. Sign up for text messages or email alerts to let you know when (and where) to spot the station and wave to the crew: https://spotthestation.nasa.gov https://www.youtube.com/live/xAieE-QtOeM?feature=share ====
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ISS after undocking of STS-132 === Amazon Ads === Lego Ideas International Space Station 21321 Toy Blocks, Present, Space, Boys, Girls, Ages 16 and Up  ==== Outpost in Orbit: A Pictorial & Verbal History of the Space Station  Read the full article
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world-guardian · 11 months
spend literal hours working on a hard clue, killing hundreds of fire giants for fire bstaff, going 3x drop rate
max step hard clue
final step
requires blue dhide body and vambs
i fuckin hate osrs sm
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newhappygathering · 11 months
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juniper-salt · 1 year
Made something fun during break might hold an event with these rules
Castle wars made fun and silly ban list
Current bis armors for ranged melee and magic (masori, Torva and ancestral.) Along with Arma due to its reputation in *that* castle wars set up
Zaryete crossbow and vambs
Kodai wand and all nightmare staff variants
Best staff you can use is staff of the dead/light/balance
Best wand you can use, master wand
(Ancient scepter allowed to be more accommodating)
Bofa with crystal armor is banned how ever if used separately I think both are okay (yet to be tested separately might be too much still)
All t80 and 82 melee weapons are allowed
Justi is banned due to flag tanking shanigans
Eylisan is banned for obvious reasons
Dins is fine due to mage spam lol
Other than that go wild, examples of what's allowed and is good to give yall ideas
Arma crossbow with dragon opal
Ags and elder maul (along with other godswords)
The fang
Karils top and tank leg set up (typically with a crossbow)
Ahirms with magic boosting equipment and ice barrage
Zenyete jewelry
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bobyseo · 2 years
Construction Of Homes In TDP Government
In the current financial year, Rs. Construction of 6,47,000 houses at the cost of 1747.17 crores. In rural areas, 3,77,000 guaranteed houses, 10,000 are model guaranteed houses, and in urban areas 50 thousand guaranteed houses. 64,374 houses under Pradhan Mantri Grameen Yojana. 64,374 houses under Indira Awas Yojana. Actions for the construction of 50 thousand houses in the name of Vambe. 32,756 houses are being constructed under Grihini (loan-subsidy) scheme. 5,000 houses under Matsyakara Griha Scheme. 20 thousand houses for weavers. 20,438 thousand houses are being constructed under the housing construction of beedi workers. So far 4,46,689 houses have been sanctioned and construction of 1.91 lakh houses has been completed so far. The TDP Government had ruled the state for more than a decade under the presence of the founder NTR and is continued by Nara Chandrababu Naidu with a vision for the future of the state and made it possible for the future generations with the help of many Top TDP Leaders and Best TDP MLA Candidates.
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Shri. Nara Chandrababu Naidu is a visionary who is obsessed with efficiency and technology. Under TDP Government the state of Andhra Pradesh went through the most significant development in the history of the state. The TDP Leaders who worked for the people and the limitations of the state government helped the state achieve many development programs and this led to many projects which allowed the state of Andhra Pradesh where it is now.
Distribution of houses:
❖     The target is the distribution of more than 10 lakh house plots with Rs. 227.25 crores. So far 8,89,243 house plots have been distributed.
Social welfare:
❖     The target is to construct 500 hostel buildings with funds of Rs. 58.25 crores. All are under construction.
❖     Construction of 300 community halls with Rs. 12 crore is the target and 289 have been sanctioned.
❖     The target is to rehabilitate 1,699 vettichakiri workers annually with the financial assistance of Rs. 2339.80 lakhs.
❖     It has provided Rs.  48.45 lakhs for the rehabilitation of 251 vettichakiri workers
❖     With Rs. 6.90 crores, the target is to rehabilitate 3,449 sanitation workers per week
❖     So far Rs. 547.36 lakhs to rehabilitate 2439 sanitation workers.
❖     Rs. 540.00 crores to provide financial assistance to benefit and rehabilitate 2,699 Jogins.
❖     So far Rs. 308. 1373 Jogins have been rehabilitated at a cost of Rs.30 lakhs.
❖     1,10,000 beneficiaries under the self-employment scheme Rs. The government has decided to provide 200 crores.
❖     So far Rs. 87.93 crore has been disbursed to 70,230 beneficiaries.
❖     The target is to electrify 3116 Dalits at Rs.6232 lakhs.
❖     Till now 1938 Dalits families got electrified and a total amount of Rs.38.76 crores is spent.
 These TDP Contributions made by the government have become Top TDP Achievements.
Welfare of Minorities
❖     Construction of 5000 houses at a cost of Rs.21.90 crores under the Stok-o-Makas scheme.
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soonkia · 2 years
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Slowly bit by bit..#gunpla #gundam #kitbash #wip #custom https://www.instagram.com/p/CjLXf3-vAMb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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burlveneer-music · 1 year
My WVUD playlist and stream, 10/9/2023
Moondog - Oasis Shiftyman's Day - Wrong Car Ghost Train Orchestra & Kronos Quartet - Why Spend a Dark Night with You? (feat. Joan As Police Woman) Dominique Fils-Aimé - To Walk A Way Moondog - Lament I, "Bird's Lament" Mr. Scruff - Get a Move On! (radio edit) Xa4 - Pro Gre Tra Gre William Susman - Quiet Rhythms No. 5 (Live) Hania Rani - Komeda Nico Muhly - Roads and Paths Simone Graziano - Always Whispering Lori Vambe - Drumsong (One) Katia Labèque - To A Sea Horse Carlos Niño & Friends - Flutestargate (feat. Deantoni Parks & Nate Mercereau) Adam Rudolph Hu Vibrational - Honey Honey Foshe & Indira Elias - Sticks Minus & MrDolly - A Queda (feat. Luca Argel) Vic Mars - Pen Y Fan Mildlife - Return To Centaurus Posm - Cacatua William Fields - Lehoc Oneohtrix Point Never - Memories of Music Ancient Plastix - The Yellowed Grass
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ireneecl · 2 years
Anava a sisè de primària, tindria uns dotze anys, en aquells moments estaven de moda les vambes de rodes i efectivament jo les tenia. Era una setmana d'octubre que va ser l'aniversari de la meva àvia, quan va arribar el cap de setmana tota la família vam anar a celebrar-lo. Els meus cosins viuen en el carrer del costat i vam quedar per anar tots junts, quan ja estàvem sortint de casa li vaig dir a la meva mare que volia posar-me les vambes de roda em va dir que no que anàvem a un restaurant, però com soc tan tossuda me les vaig posar. Anava trenqui-la caminant fins que vaig caure, però va ser una caiguda molt forta, no em podia aixecar del mal que em feia el braç, el meu pare em va treure l'abric per veure que m'havia fet i tenia el braç molt doblegat i només plorava, va anar corrents cap a casa va agafar el cotxe i em va portar a l'hospital. Finalment em vaig trencar el braç i no vaig poder celebrar l'aniversari de la meva àvia.
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weirdoughnut · 3 years
no clue if this is a big milestone or something since im not exactly the most avid ao3 user but congrats on vamb hitting 100 bookmarks!
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lesfoteses · 1 year
Calbs per metre quadrat
18 d'abril del 2023
Primer m'han cridat l'atenció les vambes blanques impol·lutes que porten tots els assistents al Godó. També els colors clars de les camises i samarretes, i per últim (i no menys important) la poca quantitat de calbs que hi ha, malgrat el fotimer d'homes de més de 40 anys. Crec que és un fet objectivable, la proporció de calbs per metre quadrat: els rics no són calbs. Tu vas al Camp Nou, per posar un exemple, on també hi ha molt de mascle per metre quadrat... i la quantitat de calbs és substancialment superior al Barça! Doncs al Godó no hi ha calbs. Tampoc gent que faci pudor. Ja sé que era previsible això de les sabates blanques, els polos Lacoste i Ralph Lauren i les bosses Dior, però lo dels calbs no m'hi havia fixat mai.
Per primer cop a la vida he assistit al Godó, avui jugava Carlos Alcaraz contra el portuguès Nuno Borges. Li ha fotut una pallissa al portuguès aquest que mare meva, no les ha vist venir. M'ha agradat el Carlitos, com també m'agrada molt el Rafa Nadal. Però no he vist mai en directe el Rafa, al Carlitos en canvi ja sí i estic contenta.
Però anem al que interessa: una altra cosa que m'ha sobtat molt és veure nens catalans. N'hi havia de francesos i portuguesos, pocs però hi eren. Ok, ho puc mirar d'entendre... però a veure: és dimarts i a les 12 del migdia ja hi havia nens catalans corretejant per allà, que no tenen escola? WTF Em sembla de pares irresponsables i impresentables, fer saltar la classe al teu fill per venir a veure el Carlos.
I una altra cosa destacable és que segurament era la que vestia més barata, però no era la pitjor conjuntada. O sigui, ojo: penya combinant jersei verd festuc i pantalons blaus cel! O uns pantalons de xandall i una camisa. Em sembla horrorós. És veritat que només he vist dues persones en aquest estat de cutreria, i que evidentment el jersei verd festuc deuria ser Balenciaga i el xandall Gucci, però no sé, què vols que et digui. Tenint la pasta que tens, vesteix amb algo que no produeixi un atac cromàtic a la vista dels altres.
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kjaneway115 · 7 years
Finally finished my annual Christmas gift to my fellow VAMBies and ALL my readers.  Merry Christmas, happy holidays and hope you enjoy!
@mia-cooper @cheile @docbevculver @delwin47 @gates-hepburn @jhelenoftrek @notimejustwords @pcbw @talsi74656 @breezybree @ariella884 @rawkfemme @ricepips @kncrowder88 @kjaneway314 @marcygoomen @ussjellyfish @warp6
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carmenkennylukeyip · 4 years
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鄉村救護車 Village Ambulance [A708] [摩星嶺救護站(坪洲消防局)] [Mount Davis Ambulance Depot(Peng Chau Fire Station)] [拍攝當日鄉村救護車(A708)於長洲消防局頂更] [During The Day Of The Photo Shot, Village Ambulance(A708)Was On Standby At Cheung Chau Fire Station] @suzuki_hk #香港 #香港消防處 #香港救護車 #鄉村救護車 #鈴木 #鈴木Every #A708 #摩星嶺救護站 #坪洲消防局 #CarmenKennyLukeYip #HongKong #HKFSD #HongKongAmbulance #VillageAmbulance #VAMB #Suzuki #SuzukiEvery #A708 #MountDavisAmbulanceDepot #PengChauFireStation #CarmenKennyLukeYip(在 長洲直升機坪) https://www.instagram.com/p/CI5J7KNrp-l/?igshid=15wgyy3nbzod5
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