iersei · 7 months
hello kind stranger i am DOING MY PART 🫡
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would u produce. umm one red son monkie kid i like that guy. any pronouns swag <- I DONT GO TO UR PLACES !!
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hello kind stranger !! thank you for doing your part !!
i don’t go here in turn, but he seems pretty fire <3
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happi-tree · 3 months
save me happi
Saves you easily 💗💗💗
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bunny-lovers · 3 months
"Soulmates" for the fanfic ask game!!
Hope you & your f/os have a wonderful weekend & thank you for the ask! 😊 @cchocolatine @vampireautism @sparklings-bf @sunburstkisser @tarotspot @fox--universe @starluvsmark
One bed: do you share a bed with your F/O?
Yes & it's a queen size bed for Rumi & I.
Amnesia: what's somethings that you remember about your F/O that others forget?
Rumi speaks her mind, even if it causes confrontation.
Hurt comfort: If your feeling bad what does your F/O do to cheer you up?
Rumi would just lie down with me & holds me while she says how much she loves me. Sometimes she bake one of my favorite chocolates to make me feel better.
Crossover: if your F/O could meet your other F/Os witch would they get along with the most, and witch one would they hate the most?
Rumi would get along with my other f/os who are strong. She wouldn't get along with few of my f/os who are bad news, it's her rabbit instincts.
Soulmates: what made you realize they were perfect partner material?
It was when I feel a sense of calm when I'm around her. Spending so much time with Rumi made me feel at home and at peace. We also respect each other, challenge each other, we're totally ourselves, & we're always there for each other.
Opposites attract: how is your F/O different then you?
Rumi is an outgoing person while I'm the shy one.
Love at first sight: what's most the noticeable thing about your F/O's looked?
Her rabbit ears!
Time travel: if you could go back to any moment with your F/O to relive witch would it be?
It would be our first summer vacation.
ABO: if you're F/O was a animal what would they be, and why?
A white rabbit, cause Rumi's quirk is Rabbit. She also has rabbit ears & a white round tail.
Hanahaik: how long did it take you to confess to your F/O?
It took me about a week to confess to Rumi. I had a huge crush on Rumi after she saved me from the villain & I couldn't stop thinking about her.
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vilevampire · 1 year
idk who those people are would u like to educate me...
GLADLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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just to preface this I'll explain what the fuck is going on in mairuma in general first just to provide context bc idk how much you've absorbed by osmosis (also I rmr I told u abt mairuma once on discord but . I don't rmr a single thing that was said in that convo, only that it happened)
buckle up bc this ended up getting pretty fucking long
"mairimashita! iruma-kun" is an ongoing manga and anime series that revolves around iruma, a human boy who got sold by his parents to a powerful demon and started living his life in the netherworld.
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this is he. baby boy. his new demon found family enrolls him in demon school, and so while hiding the fact that he is human, iruma starts attending babyls demon school. his new grandpa (who happens to be the chairman of said demon school) puts him in a class for problem children, saying "that way your classmates will catch more attention than you, and you won't be found out (as human)!!!!"
makes sense ? no, of course not, but this is a comedy-focused series, so that's just how it is
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iruma and his classmates. they're called the misfits class. I love all of them (except for … one …) dearly and could ramble abt each individual character for hours but for now I am only focusing on jazz and allocer. starting with jazzy my boy jazzy
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baby son boy he is just a little guy just a little man he's just a son. jazzy is a character who is seen as cool, clever, unapproachable and mature to most other characters but is actually a huge softie inside.
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he's also a kleptomaniac but he doesn't usually steal shit on purpose, it's just habit. if you ask me he's done nothing wrong in his life ever
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(irrelevant tangent: jazzy actually has a specific animal theme. can you guess which animal it is ??????? I'm just fucking with you it's impossible to guess, but he's supposed to be snake-themed. the only thing that even suggests that in his design is his forked tongue, but it's. not visible most of the time so it didn't even occur to me that he was supposed to be snake themed until. embarrassingly recently. anyway)
jazz has a terrible older brother (named rock. their names r jazz and rock. like the moosic) who steals from him and belittles him constantly, but he can't fight back because his family values skill above all else, so they consider it his own fault for being vulnerable to stealing. basically "git gud lol"
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because of this, jazz longs to be a better older brother than his own, despite not actually having any younger siblings. he becomes attached to cute, defenseless-looking things easily and is weak to people who look up to him and ask him for help. he likes beeing relied on and being there for others. he starts seeing most of his classmates as his younger siblings too
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basically he is just a little guy and bc so much abt jazzy reminds me of myself (including his black and red color scheme) I am incredibly attached to him and he's my #2 fave character in the whole series (the first one is … well, you can probably guess)
now about allocer … where do I begin. probably by saying we know little to nothing about him, and not because the author particularly intended him to be mysterious, but just because he doesn't get much attention in the series as a whole. despite being one of the main side characters, he gets sidelined incredibly often. he's forgettable, rarely relevant and overall one of the characters we have least information on
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look at him and his goofy lion face. there's no reason for him to be so ignored, it's furryphobia plain and simple.
(side note: over the course of the series his character design becomes increasingly yassified and he lets his hair grow + dyes it so don't mind that he looks slightly different in almost every picture he's in)
regardless I'll do my best to tell what we know FOR SURE 100% CANON CONFIRMED about him and then I'll dwelve into theories and hc territory (all supported by canon info, but still pretty speculatory bc of how little info we have on him in general…)
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first of all he is smart. second of all. he reads books. third of all. he scored #1 in all exams. fourth of all … he is smart. that's it. wish I was kidding, but that's what his character revolves around most of the time. he gets outshined by other characters all the fucking time and usually just shows up to spout a proverb or say something related to knowledge and wisdom.
aside from that, his characterization tends to be pretty inconsistent (because the author doesn't give a FUCK about him) but I'll report on his most consistent traits and ignore the . multiple . inconsistencies.
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allocer is a reserved character who doesn't talk much about himself (this is intentional at least to some extent, evidenced by the picture above). he seems to be kind of awkward, the way he phrases things tends to be unnatural, too. compare these phrases:
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(I'll get to what the fuck is going on in this scene in a second I just need to ramble about allocer first)
jazzy speaks in a much more natural, conversational way, saying "what are you saying…?", while allocer simply says "incomprehensible". when he's not speaking in proverbs and book quotes, he often drops weirdly-worded sentences like that.
there's a few different scenes that help us infer that he's not good at dealing with people and emotions. for example, his fanbook profile lists "women's feelings" as his weak subject. when he gets confessed to he also states it's "abstruse", aka confusing and hard to understand
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basically what I'm saying is that he's arospec and autistic-coded and nobody can change my fucking mind ok if anybody wants to argue w/ me on this I hope you've spent at least half the time I have studying every major scene allocer is in like I have. I have lost my entire fucking mind trying to infer ANYTHING conclusive about his characterization out of the NEAR NONEXISTENT CRUMBS canon has given us.
with that out of the way I can finally start talking about jazz and allocer's dynamic ^_^
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jazz and allocer first become close when they're assigned to train under the same mentor, general furfur — love this guy btw — before performing in the "harvest festival", a kind of practical exam every first year at babyls has to do.
yet, for some reason, instead of actually training the two, furfur takes them to a bar. jazz and allocer question this, but furfur shrugs it off saying that connecting with adults is part of their training.
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spoiler alert: furfur is a little shit and he brought jazz and allocer here to sell them into child labor to pay for his debts with the bar (remember the pictures from a while ago that I used to compare their speech patterns? that was them realizing they were being sold. lol)
and so the two of them r stuck in hell together for the next 3 weeks
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(side note #2: I love their matching outfits. they look so cute)
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in this hostile environment, a weird partnership forms between them. they learn more about each other. jazz tells allocer about his evil fucked up brother and how frustrated he is that he couldn't see through furfur's bullshit, to which allocer replies he is actually just as upset.
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allocer's face isn't very expressive and his voice is often monotone (again, autism…) so jazz is very surprised by this.
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the two of them start working towards a common goal: HUMILIATING FURFUR AND SEEING HIM CRY.
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anw long story short they come up with a plan using every dirty trick they learned from the adults at the bar, their plan doesn't fucking work, they get made fun of by furfur, and they're still stuck working for free. lol
but that's how their relationship forms. what I find so fascinating about them is that they have no reason to trust each other given the circumstances, but they still do. they form an unbreakable bond. they complement each other too, one being streets smart, while the other is books smart. the partners in crime ever.
also mairuma has these little after-credits side stories called sukimas and . I will let the video speak for itself bc watching this is what made me start shipping them in the first place. just watch
they have more interactions I could talk about in-depth, but their partnership during the harvest festival arc is the most major. still I'll briefly go over some other jazzllocer moments that make me insane
at some point during the harvest festival, jazz gets disqualified (long story). and though jazz and allocer were working together during it, they were never an official team, so allocer wasn't disqualified with him. still, near the end, allocer states that "there's no point in winning if it's not together (with jazz)" (thinking abt this makes me want to detonate myself like a bomb)
when they're second years, they're put in another exam and in this one each of the misfits is supposed to protect two first year students from the teachers hunting them. jazz's strategy? he entrusted his incredibly important protegees to allocer and confronted the teachers upfront as a diversion. in the end allocer couldn't protect his own first years, but he did protect jazzy's, which earned his buddy a rank up (once again I feel like exploding at this very moment)
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3. mairuma has fanbooks and that includes character profiles with some trivia on them, including a "people they are currently paying attention to" section. in jazz's profile, allocer is the first one listed there (meaning he's the one he's paying the most attention to), followed by general furfur and his brother. in allocer's profile, jazz is the first one listed, followed by furfur again and then a teacher he bonded with in a diff arc (if you can't read japanese you'll just have to believe me on this one)
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btw despite ALL OF THIS canon interaction, these two r a very rare rarepair. they don't have a romantic ao3 tag bc nobody has ever published a fic w/ this ship. the ONLY fic under their platonic tag isn't even about them, they're just side characters in it. every day this fact alone spirals me into further despair and insanity. I am so fucking unwell literally rotting I am deteriorating flesh and bones losing every ounce of my fucking mind I hope at least ONE person reads this deranged ass ramble and starts to at least consider this ship bc I can't take it anymore they ahve NOOOOO CONTENTTT AAAAOGIGGHHGGO SOMEBODY GET ME OUTTTTT G924488948 gets put down like a rabid animal
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datarobotsuggestion · 7 months
omg robot trick or treat !!!
you get: omega from final fantasy xiv!
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cookies-over-yonder · 6 months
I've started dndads. in Hermie's honour.......
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penofwildfire · 7 days
why are you doing this to my dash...... 💔 /lh
I assume this is about the slew of white ninjago characters I just reblogged. It's funny. Sorry <3
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julianbashir · 7 months
OOOH trick or treat !!
you get a boxer crab! also known as the pom pom crab, these tiny crustaceans carry tiny sea anemones in their claws, brandishing them against would-be predators and using them to catch food. they almost never let go of the anemones, and if they lose one, they'll tear the other one in half to make two again.
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fictionkinfessions · 2 months
hi, Uzi. same N here! this response meant a lot to me... so. I'm off anon just for this message, in case you ever want to reach out! and if not, that's okay, new people are scary.
But seeing how much you care really made my week, even if the new source stuff freaked me out. Thank you. :)
(this is so scary im so shy being off anon... but it's for a cause! no pressure though, if you see this at all. :p)
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officialgleamstar · 2 months
holds out hands like a victorian urchin. taylor/scary/link on the grid??
placing this chart into your hands. here you go, poor beggar child
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[ask game]
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iersei · 7 months
EVERYONE CLAP AND CHEER WE FUCKING WIN THEEESE !!! BY .2% NO LESS... congratulations u single handedly carried this poll
aaa i was so burnt out last week from the round 2 battle that i forgor to respond to all the messages i got about the battle, but please know that i still have so much joy about this community and how hard we have fought for this cause 👍
proud to know that my efforts did something! though remember that this has been and will always be a group effort on the part of everyone who has been doing their own part and sharing around the polls, doing their own campaigns, and even just sharing around my propaganda lol
i'm talking real seriously about a really silly matter asfkjgk, but hey! collaborative effort works!
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happi-tree · 5 months
woah its happi from tumblr
Woah it's my dear mutual vampireautism!!! From tumblr!!! Woaaaaaaah hi lovebird 🥰🥰🥰
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saphushia · 3 months
a song with a persons name in the title?
21: A favorite song with a person’s name in the title
went down my likes and grabbed the first one that fit lmaooo
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12u3ie · 1 year
also i saw a post like "joe hills had a job 3 years ago" is that true???? has he been full time for three entire years ???? ur the joe knowledgebase to us ok thats why we ask u. btw.
He went full time the summer of season 7, however long ago that was. So yeah around three years -ish. Before that he also did stuff like freelance web development work, and he also had some sort of office job before that. So yes, he's been full-time for around three years and had a job/jobs before that.
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btw i mentioned divorced zukka to my bf one time and he spent weeks thinking i only liked zukka if they were divorced and in no other context
that's actually how i enjoy it. im kidding but not really
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ezrisdax-archive · 7 months
💖 + legend of korra?
Korra, my love forever, she just came onto the screen and stole my heart right away. I always cheering for her to get the win and really invested in her story.
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