vampirebutterflies · 1 year
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“The heart of a man is very much like the sea, it has its storms, it has its tides, and in its depths it has its pearls too.”
Ed and his new best friend ✨
Stills from the darling @sherlockig overlaid on my pictures from a Van Gogh art installation. because, of course. Made to match w my beloved @gremlin-soup 🌌
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blakbonnet · 6 months
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bizarrelittlemew · 5 months
Ida!!! what do u have in ur kitchen garden and what are you Changing about it 👀
OH YAY I'M SO GLAD YOU ASKED but honestly i haven't planned all the details yet, it's mostly that my kitchen garden that i started two years ago has completely grown over (the depression's been real) 😭
so i'm going to salvage all my little strawberry plants and maybe see if i can dig up some jerusalem artichokes for replanting (didn't even harvest them last year lol so i definitely have to dig some up or they will be crowded). then i'm gonna till the whole area and rearrange the beds (i just make the edges out of fieldstones, they're not raised) so they are a little narrower but longer! so hopefully it will be easier to reach in and pull weeds. at the very least i will replant the strawberries and probably have potatoes (they grow really well, our soil is excellent), onions, spinach, carrots etc. and then spread wood chips (from a tree we had cut down) in the lanes between the beds!
sidenote i live in bumfuck nowhere basically (it was super cheap for so much space though) so the garden is overall very large (and old), i also have apples and plums and cherries and rhubarb in different places 🥰 and lots of flowers and bushes and like some little wildernesses
i will also make a real effort to get my climbing rose to grow this year but unfortunately the deer and/or hares (haven't caught the culprits but it could be either) love to eat it 😭 i also have a blackcurrant bush that nearly died+got eaten during the drought last year (it came back to life a little bit after i dug it up and put it in a pot) plus some potted flowers that have NOT been happy to live in pots on my patio so i might try and plant those and see what happens! the good thing is that i have access to plenty of manure lmao (many of the people here have horses)
but yeah wish me luck because last year i got nothing done at all 😬 though mother nature is beautiful and forgiving and gave me strawberries anyway 🥰
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smoothedsmoothie · 11 months
yes yes yes !!!! i saw it earlier today too !!!! :DD it made me really happy !!! ^^ <3
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onenicebugperday · 1 year
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@vampirebutterflies​ submitted: Hey mind if I uhhh
Funky goldy orangey yellowy fellow found in w.Australia!! Was a big fan of my boots. Tried getting in my boot. I was not a big fan of that. The longest antennae I’ve ever seen in my gotdamn LIFE.
I’m thinking poooossibly gryllacrididae / raspy cricket??? Unsure. In the meantime I’m calling it marmalade <3
Lmaoooo couldn’t even fit those things in the photo. HUGE. I love this lil dude. I think I’d agree with raspy cricket? Looks close at any rate. I’m not super familiar with most of your bugs over there. But if you see Marmalade again...tell them they are perfect...
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edsbacktattoo · 1 month
i was tagged by @stedesearring and @soupbtch to do this little vegetable personality quiz!
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i am a yapper but i DO NOT chew with my mouth open!!!!! i do not!!!!!! i do have a very good taste in music tho that’s accurate
i’m going to no pressure tag: @tisziny @gentlebeard @blakbonnet @vampirebutterflies @saltpepperbeard @douwatahima @xoxoemynn and anyone else who wants to join in 😌🫶
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adelidae · 8 months
TAGGED BY: @batemanofficial ! thank you 💗
1. are you named after anyone? yes, a family friend ^_^
2. when was the last time you cried? i'm mr short-term memory loss 👍 i don't remember
3. do you have kids? no
4. what sports do you play / have you played? NETBALL!!!!! I LOVE NETBALL <333333 ive tried my hand at tennis soccer basketball but netball has my heart. i also like badminton but havent played in years
5. do you use sarcasm? all the time. i'm a sucker for deadpan humour
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people? probably how friendly they seem. or if they're wearing anything cool. i like to make conversation so what someone is wearing can usually inspire that
7. what’s your eye color? brown yayyy
8. scary movies or happy endings? i don't think these things are necessarily mutually exclusive
9. any talents? i have a high shooting % in netball from just about anywhere in the circle which i'm really proud of. also i'm good at starting conversations with people ^_^
10. where were you born? what are you, a cop?
11. what are your hobbies? NETBALL!!!! i also like reading and video games. i've been trying my hand at drawing recently which has been going alright and it feels good to make stuff.
12. do you have any pets? yes, two dogs !!
13. how tall are you? 6'0
14. favorite subject in school? computers hands down. indonesian takes second place. computers was like the one class that got me through high school it was the only one i genuinely enjoyed by the end of it
15. dream job? one that never gets boring 🙏
tag list -> @sleepingfancies / @bluejaybytes / @runawaytaurus / @saranios / @ahaura / @bleeedingblue / @asiancatboy / @vampirebutterflies / @theemergencymachete / @bonnibubblegum / @gayboyification / @seafevers / @ursulalesbian / @chandajaan / @vulpinesaint / @diesatoru / @beantothemax / @hauntedmoors / @shirleyjacksons / @garcavisconde + of course anyone else who wants to !
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eye-scream-girls · 7 months
Tagged by the lovely @bizarrelittlemew - 15 questions for 15 friends!
ARE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? My government name is from tragic literature, my day to day name matches a great aunt I've never met, but no one noticed we matched until I was an adult and she was long dead.
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? Unfortunately today, while at work, and I am fucking mad about it.
WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/HAVE YOU PLAYED? I have previously played rugby, badminton and boxing but these days I am mostly sedentary
DO YOU HAVE KIDS? nope, no way,.absolutely not.
DO YOU USE SARCASM? My accent makes my sarcasm hard to detect so I end up using the worst kind of American sitcom quips
WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE? How many colours they're wearing, and if they make eye contact
SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? I love scary movies and I love happy endings
ANY TALENTS? I think I'm pretty good at drawing
WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES? Drawing, hoarding images and inspiration and references and sorting them all into elaborate files of classification. Dress making/sewing/embroidery/ fashion illustration, doll making of many varieties, costuming, pokemon, drag, horror movies, collecting plushies, reading and writing fanfic, shit posting, riding the bus listening to music, rewatching shows over and over, taking photos of cats like they're cyptids, collecting neon lights and fairy lights, leatherwork and metal work, fabric shopping and hoarding fabric like a little dragon
WHERE WERE YOU BORN? Ōtautahi, Aotearoa
HOW TALL ARE YOU? I actually don't know, 5'8ish?
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? I have a housemate that's definitely some kind of alien pretending to be a cat, I'm suspicious but she's chill...
Most of the time.
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DREAM JOB? Honestly dominatrix. Long story, but sex work is real work, and I work as hard as I play.
I don't have the memory to recall 15 moots, so just going to try my best to tag people I want to get to know more: @sherlockig @palavapeite @sugashook @blakbonnet @merryfinches @endevouring-to-surprise @spookygayferret @vampirebutterflies @werewolf-transgenderism @mxmollusca @chocolatepot 💜💜💜
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field-guide-to-mud · 2 years
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How the most dangerous thing is to love; how you will heal and rise above
layout by @vampirebutterflies
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vampirebutterflies · 11 months
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“It’s about belonging to something when the world has told you you’re nothing”
matching gentlebeard icons 🥹🌌 made with screencaps from the wonderful @sherlockig over my pictures from Van Gogh Starry Night art exhibit
made to match with my co-captain @gremlin-soup, free to use but credit is appreciated!
better quality + all icons here 🌅
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blakbonnet · 2 years
MEOW HOW AM I MEANT TO STOP READING YOUR TAGS WHEN YOU FUCKING TAG IT FROM MY POST you’re right though op is Izzy and Ed would be a reputable breeder
I didn't mean you should stop reading my tags 💀you're stuck with me now 🥹✌️
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bizarrelittlemew · 6 months
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smoothedsmoothie · 6 months
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HELLO hii aster i'm booping you back !!
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tagged by @vampirebutterflies to create a moodboard from the first 9 pinterest results for "miles core," bon appétit
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edsbacktattoo · 11 months
Tag your mutuals as things that have happened in season 2 so far
@tisziny as Stede stabbing Izzy with the sword in the dream sequence
@stedesearring as the fish that ed is still holding while he and Stede kiss under the moonlight. i would tag her as stede’s earring for obvious reasons but we haven’t seen her yet 😔🤘 kaitlin babe you’re the fish
@bunnyandthejets the bunny in the glorious 4 minutes before she’s brutally murdered
@gentlebeard “girl, how ARE you?”
@bizarrelittlemew as oluwande positively fucking shit up in filing
@snake-snack-stede as the look ed gives stede after he uses his ‘captain voice’
@stedebonnets as stede twirling in the red coat
@blakbonnet as the very small “thank you” that ed says after stede says he likes the length of his beard
@wearfinethingsalltoowell “i love your chin, naked or otherwise”
@dickfuckk as jackie asking swede to do a little spin for her
@57flagsofdeath as ed’s jingling cat collar
@batsarebetterthanpeople as anne and mary embracing while their house burns the fuck down
@jellybeanium124 as stede holding up a bottle and saying “champers? :D”
@saltpepperbeard as ed’s loving look while he’s watching stede run back to the ship
@xoxoemynn as stede shooting the gun into the air
@vampirebutterflies as mermaid stede
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eye-scream-girls · 1 year
Tagged by @serious-goose - this was hard but also really cute!! No one judge my music tastes, I will cry.
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Tagging @sherlockig @blakbonnet @bizarrelittlemew @mxmollusca @ourflagmeansgayrights @davidhole @caerbannogbunny @dickfuckk @as-a-creww @spookygayferret @sugashook @saltpepperbeard @myflagmeansace @vampirebutterflies @flightoftheconnie and anyone else who wants to join in 💜 I'm really bad at remembering urls properly so if I missed someone, sorry, I have face blindness for urls
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