#vance is a wimp
sillimancer · 2 months
just wanna remind everyone that JD Vance does not speak for Appalachia any more than I do, his dumb book was classist garbage, and if I ever personally see him I'm gonna knee him in the balls so hard it makes his granddad infertile
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kaylinlmao · 2 years
Fight PT 2 *Edited*
Heyo! Since a couple people wanted this, I shall write it because I'm a people pleaser! :)
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Warning: Yandere! Bruce, Yandere! Finney, Yandere Robin, Yandere, Billy, Yandere! Vance, Yandere! Griffin. Toxic, obsessive, manipulative behavior. Aged up to 18 because that just makes more sense to me! Some swearing.
Summary: The boys go to seek out Y/N's friendship and she accepts. What she didn't for see was the manipulation, overprotective and obsessed behavior.
My older sister walked into my room and shook me awake. "Dude, wake the fuck up" she said, pulling the covers off of head. "What the hell happened to your eye?! MOM!" "No! Don't yell for mom! It's fine. I just got in a fight." "On your first day? Did you win?" she questioned me. "What the fuck you think? Of course I won. I'm no wimp." "Sure. Seriously, get up though if you don't want to be late." She laughed, rolling her eyes and walking away.
I crawled out of bed and got ready to go. I went downstairs to where my sister was eating at the table. "Where are the adults?" I asked "They just left for work" Of course they did. Didn't even interact with me at all. "Grab a pop tart or something and go. You have like 10 minutes until you're bell rings" she says. "Oh shit!" I said, running to the pantry, grabbing a Smores pop tart and bolting out the door. Once I started driving, I remembered everything that happened yesterday and started freaking out. Oh god. They're gonna kill me. I started imagining scenarios of them beating my ass or murdering me. Stupid intrusive thoughts. I didn't want to go to school now but I didn't have a choice. I parked my car, took a deep breath, and walked inside.
The bell hadn't rang yet so the halls were crowded with students and their friends talking before school started. As I was walking towards my locker, I saw Donna and she waved me over. "Hey! I heard what you did yesterday! That was either really smart or really stupid." She said, chuckling. "Probably the latter" I faintly smiled. "I have to go get my books from my locker. Ill see you later?" I asked. "Of course. Do you want to eat lunch together under the tree again?" she asked. "I would love to!" I said, smiling. "Ok! I'll meet you there! Bye!" "See you"
Once I made it to my locker, I saw the group of boys from yesterday waiting there for me. Oh god, oh god, oh god. I'm gonna die. They're gonna murder me and ima die. Play it cool, Y/N. Play it cool. I walked over to my locker and opened it, completely ignoring the boys crowded around it. How the fuck did they even know that this was my locker anyways? "Hey" Bruce said. I ignored him. Probably not the best choice but I didn't know what to say. Hey I'm sorry for beating your asses yesterday. Please don't kill me. No.
"Hello?" Finney said, tapping me. I shoved my books in my bag and started to walk away but Vance grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "We're talking to you" "How can I help you?" I asked, sighing in exasperation. "We need to talk" Billy said. "About what?" I questioned tiredly. "Let's go outside" Robin said. They started walking outside. Perfect time to bolt! I tried to run off but Bruce, who was closest to me, grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards them. They surrounded me so I had to walk with them.
"What the fuck do you want?!" I said, angry because I couldn't get away. "Hey! Stop that! We just wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out with us!" Bruce said. What the Reeses peanut butter fucks is this shit? "What the fuck do you mean?" Robin said. "Did I say that out loud?" "Yes, Y/N. Jesus." Vance rolling his eyes. "How the hell do you know my name? I never told you." "We asked Donna. And because she's scared of us, she told us." Billy said. "We just want to be your friends" Griffin says. "No catch?" I ask, suspicious. "No catch" Finney reassures me. I hesitate for a second before saying "Ok." and walking off.
"Hey! You're sitting with us at lunch." said Finney "No, I'm not. I'm sitting with Donna." "No you're not." Robin says. "You're sitting with us" said Bruce. "No I'm not! You can't tell me what to do!" I say. Vance stalks over to me. "You're sitting with us. Or do we need eliminate the problem?" Vance whispers in my ear. "You can't do anything to Donna" I whispered, my voice shaking. "You'd be surprised, Doll." "Ok. Ill sit with you guys" I whisper. He pulls away and as I'm walking away he yells "See you at lunch Dollface!"
What have I gotten myself into?
Soooo Idk if I like this yet but whateves. I'm gonna try to post everyday. Please request stuff! My imagination only goes so far. and let me know in the comments if you want yandere poly ghost boys, yandere brance x reader, yandere finbin x reader, or just some fluff or angst with any of them you want. Part 3 is posted! Love y'all! :) -Kaylin
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mariacallous · 13 days
Watching Fox News these days is like being at open-mic night at a marginal comedy club.
Rightwing pundits, like a lineup of amateur comics, are trying out their new material and hoping it kills. So far, not so much.
Take Jesse Watters (please). The primetime successor to Tucker Carlson was grasping at straws – yes, literal straws – the other day as he looked for a way to put down Tim Walz. How best to mock the popular Minnesota governor who is Kamala Harris’s running mate?
“Women love masculinity and women do not like Tim Walz, so that should just tell you about how masculine Tim Walz is,” Watters said on the roundtable talk show he co-hosts, The Five.
With that setup, he tried to prove his point.
“The other day you saw him with a vanilla ice-cream shake. Had a straw in it. Again, that tells you everything.”
The joke, or whatever it was, didn’t really land. Most people know that Walz is the opposite of a wimp. He’s a famously regular guy – America’s dad – who will use his newfound power to demand that all Americans own jumper cables and know how to use them.
The straw-grasping is getting a little desperate these days as Harris and Walz spread their forward-looking message, and as their rivals – the felon and adjudicated sex offender Donald Trump and his running mate, JD Vance – prove themselves less appealing by the day.
“Fox is really feeling the loss of Tucker Carlson right now,” theorized Matt Gertz, a senior fellow at Media Matters, the progressive media-watchdog non-profit, who watches a lot of rightwing cable news as part of his job.
“He was very effective at lifting something from the rightwing fever swamp and making it into a coherent message” that could spread through the conservative ecosystem.
Failing Tucker’s contributions to the commonweal, Fox and its pundits are floundering. They keep trying new approaches to replace their well-honed attacks on Biden – his family’s supposed corruption (“Biden crime family”) and his age (“senile”).
Over the past week, Fox tried to gin up controversy over Harris’s “code-switching” – the use of a different accent or speaking style when speaking to Black audiences. Fox’s White House correspondent Peter Doocy pressed the question at an official press briefing.
“Since when does the vice-president have what sounds like a southern accent?” Doocy demanded. The press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, dismissed him and moved on after posing a query of her own: “Do you think Americans seriously think this is an important question?”
Maria Bartiromo focused on this “southern accent” scandal on her Fox Business show, using a clip of Harris speaking to an audience in Detroit about how unions have helped win benefits for all Americans, like paid sick leave and a five-day work week, by repeating the phrase: “You’d better thank a union member.”
The pro-Trump cable network didn’t help its own cause with that one. “The funny thing about Fox News being mad at Harris for code-switching,” one observer noted on X, “is they had to play the clip of her talking about how great unions are over and over again.” You can’t buy that kind of media exposure.
The well-circulated photograph of Tim Walz’s family members wearing pro-Trump T-shirts fizzled, too, though it got a good ride on Fox for a day or two. Soon enough, it became clear that these were mostly distant cousins, a Nebraska branch of the family. Walz’s sister told the Associated Press she didn’t even recognize them. Walz does have an older brother who favors Trump, but most Americans are familiar with family disputes over politics.
Gertz told me that Fox pundits were sent reeling by Harris’s ascension and are “very shook by the ‘weird’ narrative” that Tim Walz has popularized. That’s the idea that Trump, Vance and their ilk are deeply strange people – way out of the mainstream with their nasty putdowns of “childless cat ladies” and their outlandish conspiracy theories. It applies all too well to the Fox personalities as well as the politicians they promote.
There’s time, of course, for Fox to come up with an effective message. Until something hits, we’re going to see a lot of painful tryouts.
The alternative, of course, is obvious: just don’t turn it on.
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allthingsfangirl101 · 1 month
Rock, Paper, Opps – Timothy McGee
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I joined Gibbs's team at NCIS a little over a month ago, but something still feels off. I've never struggled with solving a case, but the more I'm around crime scenes, the more it messes with me. I struggle to piece things together when I'm surrounded by blood, dead bodies, and gore. I get all shy and insecure. I think it's messing with how DiNozzo and McGee see me.
My worries were confirmed when I walked in and saw something I wasn't supposed to see.
"Rock, Paper, Scissors. Loser has to partner with the probie on her first stakeout."
My throat tightened as I watched DiNozzo and McGee play Rock, Paper, Scissors. McGee won and DiNozzo groaned.
"Wow," I said, making them jump. "Didn't think going on a stakeout with me would be so terrible."
Before either one of them could say anything, I turned on my heel and walked away. While they were busy looking for me, I snuck up to Director Vance's office.
"Agent Y/L/N," he smiled as I walked in and sat down, "what can I do for you?"
"I want you to take me off Gibbs's team."
My statement made him freeze. He walked over and quickly shut the door.
"Agent Y/L/N. . ." He stuttered.
"It's not because of Gibbs," I said quickly. I had to say this before I wimped out. "And it's not because of McGee or DiNozzo. It's just. . . I don't think. . . Every time. . . I don't think I have what it takes to be a field agent, Director Vance."
I expected him to fight me on it, to argue, but he didn't. He sat down and leaned back in his chair.
"And you're sure Gibbs, McGee, and DiNozzo had nothing to do with this?"
"I'm sure," I said, focusing on my hands.
"They didn't say anything to you? Insult you?" He paused before adding, "Anything that made you uncomfortable?"
"Of course not," I said quickly. "They don't even know we're having this conversation."
"Well, if you don't mind me asking, why do you want to leave?"
"I didn't say I wanted to leave NCIS," I gently corrected. "I just don't think I want to be a field agent anymore."
Vance let out a deep sigh as he leaned his elbows on his desk. "Y/N," he said softly, "are you sure everything is okay?"
"Yes, sir."
He thought about it for a second before saying, "We could use your expertise down in the information analysis unit."
* * * * *
I wasn't sure what Director Vance said to Gibbs and the others, but they went on the stakeout and I started working for the information analysis unit. I monitored the rest of the case but didn't get involved.
A couple of days later, I walked in from a meeting to find McGee and DiNozzo sitting in my office. McGee was in an extra chair while DiNozzo was sitting on my desk.
"Case must be over," I said as I walked in and filed the paperwork I just finalized. "DiNozzo, get your ass off my desk."
When he didn't move, I smacked his knee. He yelped and jumped off my desk. I sat down and ignored them as I logged into my computer.
"Was there some information that the two of you needed analyzed?" I asked.
"What the hell, Y/L/N?" DiNozzo snapped.
"Whoa," I laughed. "What's your problem?"
"You left," he said, his anger coming through. "No explanation. No nothing. You just left right in the middle of the case."
"You solved it, didn't you?" I shrugged.
"Well. . . yeah."
"Then what's the problem?" I looked up to see DiNozzo's grumpy pout.
"You left us."
This was the first thing that McGee had said since they broke into my office.
"Well I. . ."
"Why?" McGee cut me off. "Did we do something? Was it the Rock, Paper, Scissors game you caught us playing?"
"No," I said honestly. "It wasn't. Sure, it bugged me a little but it got me thinking. The last couple of weeks were fun. I mean that, boys. I had a lot of fun joking with you guys."
"Then what changed?" McGee asked gently.
"Figuring out the cases is easy for me," I shrugged. "But going to the crime scenes, being around the dead bodies and blood. . . I'm not comfortable around it. There's no changing that, so I talked to Vance."
The boys looked at me but didn't say anything. The silence was deafening until DiNozzo's phone started ringing.
"DiNozzo," he answered it. "Yeah. Be right there, boss."
"Case?" McGee asked when DiNozzo hung up.
"Yeah," DiNozzo sighed. "We gotta go."
"Good luck," I said, trying to get rid of this tension.
"We don't need any luck, Y/L/N. You know that," DiNozzo smirked. Soon, it was just McGee and I in my office.
"Be safe," I whispered. "And if you need a second opinion. . ."
"We'll talk to another field agent," he snapped.
"Hey!" I said, stopping him from leaving. "I meant it when I said I didn't leave because of you and DiNozzo or that damn Rock, Paper, Scissors game you preschoolers played."
"You're still angry about it!" He accused me.
"Of course, I'm angry about it," I shot back. "It was so embarrassing to walk in and hear my coworkers playing a game to see who got out of going on that stakeout with me. I mean, am I that bad? So bad you would've done anything to get out of that stakeout?!"
"It's not that," McGee stuttered.
"Well, that's what it felt like," I said harshly. My voice broke as I added, "It hurt, Tim. And yes, I decided that I didn't want to be surrounded by people who played games and placed bets to get out of being around me."
McGee opened his mouth to say something, but DiNozzo called from the hallway, "McGee! Let's go!"
"You better go," I said, clearing my throat. "You don't want to keep Gibbs waiting."
I went back to work and struggled to hide the tears as McGee finally left my office. When the door slammed shut behind him, I put my head in my hands and let the tears fall.
* * * * *
I wasn't sure what case Gibbs and his team were focused on but it kept them out of the building. I was in the elevator reviewing a file before briefing Director Vance so I wasn't paying attention when the doors opened.
I looked up, my stomach flipping when I saw McGee standing there.
"Hi," I whispered.
"Hi," he said just as softly.
"Going up?" I asked. "Well, down. This elevator still confuses me."
He nodded, sent me a hesitant smile, and walked into the elevator. We rode the rest of the way up in silence. I let out an involuntary gasp when McGee reached over and flipped the emergency switch.
"What are you. . ." I stuttered.
"I need to talk to you."
"And turning off the elevator with us in it was the only way to do it?" I teased. I cleared my throat and lowered my breath as I added, "Or you're embarrassed to be seen with me in the building."
"That's not it," he said quickly. "I wanted to apologize, Y/N."
"Doesn't Gibbs have a rule about apologizing?" I tried to joke. I reached over to try to turn the elevator back on but McGee grabbed my arm.
"He does," McGee said, turning me toward him, "but not when it comes to friends."
"I didn't think we worked together long enough to be considered friends," I mumbled.
"Of course we're friends," he whispered. "Y/N, I know how it sounded but we weren't playing Rock, Paper, Scissors to get out of going on the stakeout because we didn't want to be around you. The truth is, we hate stakeouts. They're never fun, despite who you're with. And yes, it sucks going on someone's first stakeout, but that has nothing to do with you. I swear, Y/N. I'm really sorry that it came off that way."
McGee stared at me for a brief second before reaching over and turning the elevator back on. The elevator doors opened on our floor but we didn't leave it. There was something I wanted to say before heading to my office.
"Thank you for saying that, Tim."
"Of course," he smiled. "So, I'll see you around, Agent Y/L/N?"
"See you around, Agent McGee."
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vance-e · 2 years
Hey! Can I request a Robin Arellano x little brother reader (platonic ofc) where Robin is teaching the reader how to fight? Also can this be an au where the grabber doesn’t kidnap Robin or Finney, só instead it’s just someone else? (If you’re confused abt what age the reader should be just make it around Gwen’s age like 10-11) And PLEASE don’t rush, take your time. If you don’t feel like writing this request then it’s fine! Thank you!
OMG i love this, im def gonna do this. I literally wrote the whole thing down and it didn't save!! so i'm doing it again!. and sorry guys i haven't been active in 2 months but i've been really busy with school, home and other stuff so i really hope you guys like this!
pairings: robin arellano x little brother (platonic)
characters: finney blake, robin arellano, (name) arellano, OC: lucas williams, brad pitcher, thomas clarke
warnings: robin teaching (name) how to fight, (name) getting bullied but absolutely destroying them, kidnappings, reader is 10 and robin is 13, finney is 13, fluff, angst?, little bit of swearing
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not owned by me >>> happy-xy
(name) loved his older brother very much, but what (name) was hiding from his brother was that he was getting bullied. He didn't want his brother getting expelled so he kept it to himself thinking it would go away.
But i didn't it just kept going and going that (name) was showing up at home all bloodied and bruised up. Robin asked him so many times but (name) didn't say anything. So robin had a plan, teach (name) how to fight his bullies off.
"take a fast step forward, step back and swing" robin said to hit little brother, showing him with an old telephone head. (name) tried it but almost hit himself in the eye with the cord. "watch out (name) don't want your eyes falling out" robin said laughing at his little brother.
kidnappings had been going around so that's another reason why robin is teaching (name) how to fight. last week vance hopper was kidnapped and a lot of people weren't doing anything so that's why robin wanted his little brother safe when he isn't around him.
Robin piled up clothes on the grass making it look like a punching bag. "i want you to punch this for a good 10 minutes while i got and get something and then i will teach you how to kick" robin said to his brother, asking finney to watch him for protection. " your a good brother" finney said to robin, while he was leaving. "thanks finn" robin smiled at finney, going inside to get drinks and snacks for all of them.
After robin taught (name) how to kick, he was already looking like a professional at fighting. "good job (name) robin said, high fiving his little brother while they go to sleep for school tomorrow.
The next day (name) heard his name being called out and found out it was his bullies. Lucas williams, brad pitcher and thomas clarke. They were the school's bullies but (name) felt like the only one that was getting bullied from them. "what do you want" (name) said turning around to face them "where's your lunch money, huh?" thomas said walking up to little arellano. " i don't have it today" (name) said stuttering because lucas, brad and thomas are really tall. "cmon boys" thomas said, running after (name)
(name) was running away until he was met with a wall. "we have you cornered now wimp" brad said, clicking his knuckles "oh fuck off!" (name) yelled at them. Thomas was about to punch (name) until he dodged it and punched thomas in the gut "ouchh" thomas said groaning at the impact. (name) started to kick their asses while a crowd was forming. Everybody was amazed that the school bullies were looking like scared puppies. "run away little pups" (name) said after getting off of lucas. They all scrambled to their feet pushing each other out of the way to get away.
(NAME) (NAME) (NAME) everybody was chanting.
now everybody knew not to fuck with the arellano brothers
hope you had a great night/day/ afternoon and ill see you tomorrow xx hope you liked this fic anon and sorry it was really long!
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so uuuh. some headcanons abt lola because we can never have enough of them
everything she knows about womanhood and love, she learned from her mother.
her father is violent and imposing, very proud and convinced about "being one of the last real men"
her mother often reminds lola of how beautiful she was when she was younger, before he got married and gave birth
(see lola's voiceline "i'm so old, my life is almost over!")
she also learnt from her mother that love means it doesn't matter how bad they treat you, you have to stay
but she also learnt that being in a relationship will always be about a man dictating a woman's life and having all the power over her, which. she didn't like one bit
especially when she reached high school (she wasn't at bullworth in her freshman year) and she saw some of her girl schoolmates
so, since she also knew for sure that men always want one thing from women (do we really need to say what that thing is?), she used the only power she thought women really have to gain control of her surroundings, as long as she is still young and beautiful enough
on one side, she adores the way johnny adores her, puts her on a pedestal, takes care of her in wall they ways she can't of herself
and sometimes it's also cute that he hits and fights any other guy who goes as far as laying his eyes on her one second too long
but she hates how he questions her every move and how he wants to know about all of her friends and about where she is all the time - it feels a bit too close to that power dynamic she was trying to avoid the whole time
but at the same time. they can't leave. she is no quitter and neither is johnny. so she tries to grab his attention and let him see - do you see how easily you could lose me? do you see how much i have the power to drive you crazy if i just want to?
very very unhealthy and purposefully destructive if you ask me. but that's what we do around here innit
in general she doesn't trust men. just- no.
there's only one human being who belongs in the masculine area of the gender spectrum whom she trusts from her heart, him being peanut.
i know i mentioned it before, but the way she genuinely cares about him goes beyond comprehension
she does do a couple tricks on him from time to time; after all, she's still lola lombardi. plus peanut is a disaster in love, so making eyes at him only to pretend not knowing what he's talking about later is still amusing
but she really confides him everything. all of her fears and the moments when the emptiness she feels inside grows deeper, those rare times when she really cries; it's peanut that she calls.
they will meet up in the middle of the night just to run around the city together and ease their minds and just. smile a bit you know
the rumor that lefty spreads about her wanting to join a nunnery after high school. she meant it ironically. she just wanted to say that boys are so fucking annoying and oh god i might as well become a nun. SHE WASN'T SERIOUS. but lefty loooves to spread stupid and/or false rumors for the fun of it so she should've expected it
she only really has a good relationship with lefty, who is too chill to question his morals just chatting with someone, and vance, with whom she has a sort of understanding, compatibility you might say
ricky, hal and above everyone else lucky have a deep distrust towards her that, especially for the latter, turn into a more or less visible hostility
not that she cares really. she'll just mirror their attitude towards her or whatever
although she has a special reciprocal resentment with norton, which often turns into an intellectual fight about media analysis
mostly, it's a "she giggles and bats her eyelashes but she's really a devil in disguise" vs "he acts all tough and strong but he's really just a wimp" kind of dislike
she listens to lana del rey (or she would if the time was right. you get what i mean)
(also. electra heart by marina full album.mp3 playing in the background)
she starts studying ancient greek during her senior year
during the summer break galloway suggested her an edition of euripides' tragedies because he saw her so interested when they studied the iliad
at first she was like "thanks sir but no sir, i can choose my books for myself", but then she did check it out
the pipeline from there to repeating the alphabet every day before going to bed is short
(also she dived deeper into greek tragedy and she fell so deeply for clytemnestra)
she's scarily good at putting her makeup on. and by good i mean drawing her eyeliner while standing in a moving bus
i think it's implied in game (johnny's fighting audio “once i'm finished with you i'm gonna go home to lola”) but i'll say it here anyway: lola basically left her childhood home (not that her parents cared particularly) and lives with johnny
she used to go very much along with zoe
she did think she was a bit exaggerating about social issues and kinda mocked her for it, telling her she was her "queer feminist friend or whatever" (her words) but she did have some good times with her
it was heartbreaking when she left, and especially knowing the reason why; it was exactly the demonstration of what she always believed, that this world is naturally hostile to women and girls and justice is never the one on their side
not interested in motors but she loves the 50s aesthetics and fashion. even before she started wearing leather she used to have one of those swing skirts as school uniform
idolizes marilyn monroe and vivian leigh in particular
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legionofpotatoes · 4 years
hOLY sHIT dude i know nothing abt god of war but your latest Sigrun poster just.... sLAYS??!!! it's so amazing oh my god, tHE DETAILS!! COLORS!!! Honestly tho the details of the crown (?) and the mask (?) are so intricate and complicated, I'm in awe, I love all of your posters but this one just tops it all, it's so beautiful I had to vent my excitement into your askbox, sorry for bothering you!! D: I'm literally sitting with my nose plastered into my screen rn,don't mind me keep on arting luv u!
I am going to lose my MIND anon this is so sweet of you thanks!!!!! Truth is there are a fair number of alterations I made from her look to fit the comp but generally speaking capturing the ornate intricacies in the helm was one of the main targets so I’m glad that punches through! 
(also I am a bit unhappy with the end result vs what I had envisioned so this means a whole lot thank you again ;u;)
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iheartred · 2 years
the blackphone x reader
what I think hanging into with them would be like !
m.list !!
cw : platonic relationships for all of these / non gendered(no prns!)
a/n : so I've been quite obsessed with this movie and have decided that I will be writing for it, if you want to request for something specific you can!!
Finney Blake :
Hanging out with him would probably consist of you guys practicing baseball, whether it'd be you throwing the ball and him hitting it or the other way around. You guys would also probably meet up with Robin and just go exploring the neighborhood ☆☆
I also feel like you guys would meet up at a park whenever you guys just don't feel like being at home and bringing your own things so you guys can just sit there and talk about whatever
Robin Arellano :
with him, you guys would probably be sitting inside watching horror movies. Finney would be absolutely horrified but would agree to join just because he wouldn't wanna feel left out
Finney: screaming sobbing and rolling on the sofa
Robin : dude the movie just started
Finney : oh, right
thats how it would go pretty much, but in general you guys have such a blast !!(mainly dissing Finney for being a wimp lol)
Gwen Blake :
Hanging out with Gwen Blake would probably be like a those teen girl movies where they have a sleep over and talk about boys/gossip. Probably more gossip than boy talk, I also feel like Gwen would be very into those dumb scary games where u get paranoid and end up staying up all night. Gwen is an absolute menace and will jump scare you if you ever try to sleep that night
You : Gwenny, my dear friend, what in God's name are you doing
Gwen : standing above you and your other friend as she stares at you menacingly
You : I'm just gonna
Cue you and your other friend running out the room as you get chased by Gwen
Bruce Yamada :
Practicing baseball with this dude is his like go-to. I feel like also going on walks with this guy would be awesome, like he always has something to talk about and would just have a whole conversation with himself if you weren't already there. He would also probably tag you randomly with no warning and start running down the street. Cue screaming from your end because he's so far ahead it's scary.
You : BRUCE.(inhale)YAMADA.(exhale)
Bruce : ignoring you as you very angrily run towards him with every last bit of energy you have left in you
Bruce : yea ???
Then you proceed to drop on the grass infront of him and watch as he panics before you pass out on the floor. Ofcourse your fine, just very exhausted from running like a mile and a half after a guy who's obviously faster than you because he's on the baseball team.
Vance hopper :
It's already a shocker as is that you could even get him to hang out with you. It would probably just be you sitting beside him while he plays his pinball game
You : Dude can we just go to an arcade or something, they have a pinball game there too
Vance : go by yourself if you're so miserable hanging out with me
Ofcourse if you ever want to go somewhere else with this dude you would either have to have the guts to drag him away from his pinball game or ask him another time when he isn't playing it. Though he's a stubborn bastard, I can imagine thats theres never a dull moment with him. This dude doesn't have a curfew or strict parents at all so he goes wherever he wants whenever he wants. Meaning, he'd probably yell at you to go with him somewhere you never know where ofcourse but it's always so fun anyways so it makes up for it
paperboy :
Bike rides ofcourse, I also think he'd be the type to have like a schedule to say when he's free. Like it could be like a Saturday but he'll still have something to do, whether it'd be chores or giving out the daily news papers. Ofcourse you usually help him and you guys do it so well together it's kinda scary. Like you guys are so in-sync while doing these chores it terrifies his parents. When you guys finish he probably puts on some music while you guys do whatever, I can imagine that his parents are usually at work 24/7 giving him freedom over the house till around 6:00pm. He probably goofs off whenever he has absolutely nothing to do
☆ ☆ ☆
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curtishoney · 4 years
I’ve decided to stop being a wimp and hiding behind the anonymous feature! Hi!! Anyway I’m feeling nostalgic and listening to Taylor Swift because I really liked her when I was younger (her and Katy Perry) but I’m not super into her anymore. I like more calm music? Like idk how to explain it like Vance Joy and the Lumineers.
hi!! i used to like her and katy perry too! i was like 8 and had no idea what cherry chapstick meant at the time lmaoo. i think i’ve heard of them before, but not any of their songs. and i love old school music! anything before 2000 really. 60s, 80s, and 90s especially!! i also like city pop! it makes me feel like i’m in the back of a taxi in tokyo in the 80’s 🥰🥰
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childrenoffairies · 4 years
Luna Darcey Dragneel
Luna Darcey Dragneel: Adopted Nalu Daughter
Aliases: Moonlight (Natsu), Sweetheart (Lucy), Pookie (Vance), Buttercup (Vance), Cupcake (Vance), Honey Muffin (Vance), Love Bug (Vance), Silent Flame (General Public)
Magic: Fire Demon Slayer
Personality: Quiet, intuitive, commanding. Luna can easily be mistaken as being shy when you first meet her, but she's really not. She's quiet, true, but this is usually because she's taking her time to study you, not because she's nervous to talk to you. Luna is very observant, and has a very sharp mind. She's not a suspicious person, per say, but she knows that people can be cruel. She wants to make sure you aren't going to hurt her and her loved ones before she lets you into her circle. Once she's welcomed you into her corner, though, you're stuck there. She's loyal, and will not abandon a friend no matter what. This sweet and tender persona can be a bit deceiving, though. Despite her quiet and kind nature Luna is not a wimp. She can go from soft and adorable to poo-poo your pants terrifying in the blink of an eye if she has to.
Physical Appearance: Zeref has always been Natsu and Lucy's excuse for why Luna has black hair, which is ironic because, despite the two having no blood relation, Luna actually grows up to look quite a bit like Zeref. She was pale skin, a sharp nose and chin, and a soft, almost delicate smile. Her eyes are a soft brown that are just slightly lighter than Lucy, Nashi, and Kyrie. She's quite pretty, but there's a bit of a mysterious air about her, which is amplified by her quiet nature. She has a rather lean build, adding to her delicate and alluring look. She grows to be the second shortest of her siblings, just slightly taller than Kyri, but she is the thinnest of the bunch, lacking her mother and sister's curvy figures. Being that she's a demon slayer, her arms and the left side of her face become covered in black marks when she accesses her demon-slaying magic, and her eyes turn a vibrant purple. The fact that her element is fire only makes her all the more scary.
Wardrobe: As a kid she keeps her hair just above her shoulders, often wearing two braids or a pigtail. As a preteen and teenager she goes through a bit of an identity crisis as she discovers more about her heritage and struggles to control her magic. This leads her to chop her hair off in the middle of a meltdown. From then on she sports a cute pixie cut, usually styled with a lace or floral headband. Her usual outfit as a kid is either a romper or a t-shirt with overalls and tennis shoes. As a teenager she starts wearing more sundresses. As an adult her usual outfits consist of lacey or otherwise patterned bralettes, shorts, knee-high boots, and a light over jacket (with a matching headband). Her favorite colors are red, black, brown, purple, and royal blue.
Guild Mark: Red, back of the left hand.
Theme Songs: Castle (Halsey), Safe and Sound (Taylor Swift), Lost and Found (Katie Herzig)
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disaster-leo · 2 years
Sunlight, seawater, and azure? (And riptide by Vance Joy but you don't have to answer that one, I just needed to get that one out)
Thanks for the ask!
Sunlight: believer by imagine dragons, and only because there was a kid at my school that would play it 24/7 in class and on the bus. It was just extremely annoying and repetitive, not even that bad of a song tbh.
Seawater: the shining. Which isn't that scary, but I'm a huge wimp and hate horror movies.
Azure: I really enjoy spending any time with friends, I'm an extrovert and my love language is quality time. I just love being around people honestly
Riptide: solid song
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99chidis · 7 years
Talk about 8 and 38 😊
thank you debbie!!
8. It’s hard to say what I’m most proud of. I don’t do a lot of things that bring me pride, I mostly float between neutral and disappointing to be honest. There was a time when I was really proud of my English (which isn’t my native), but looking back it wasn’t really pride, I was borderline conceited and presumptuous about it. I got off my high horse though, promise. I guess I’m proud that I found a job rather quickly after I dropped out of uni. I didn’t wimp out like I tend to usually do, I actually went to the interview and got it. It’s retail, it doesn’t pay much, I just fold clothes and smile sweetly at rude customers, but I like it. It hasn’t worn me out yet, so I’m happy. And, yeah, proud.
38. I make playlists for a lot of things. I have a christmas playlist, a cleaning playlist, an autumn one, a summer one, one for getting ready, one for being sad, one to chill to. I also make playlists for other feelings, like love (or something that feels like it). I made one about my last boyfriend, it was full of amazing songs that I loved and associated with him and it was great, until we broke up and now I can’t bare to listen to any of them. Alt-J’s Breezeblocks, dodie’s Absolutely Smitten, Vance Joy’s Riptide are especially hard, because they were my favorites, but now they taste too bitter to get through them.Apart from boy stuff, Lost Frequencies’ Reality and tøp’s Stressed Out make me think of one of my best friends, Julia and the times we spent fucking around instead of studying in high school. Major Lazer’s Lean On is a song I associate with my other best friend, Anna, and summers we spent in different countries, having the times of our lives. And, to wrap this up, I connect my third best friend, Mels, to One Direction’s Happily, because she is obsessed to the point where we sang it to her instead of “happy birthday” once. So yeah.My life has soundtracks, every relationship - platonic or not - has a soundtrack, every moment, every day, every major step in life. It helps me deal with stuff and process it the right way. So, obviously, there’s more. But this is a long ass answer to a simple prompt, so I’m gonna stop myself now.
Send me things to talk about!
(‘scuse me, Domi? why the fuck is this so damn long-winded and fake-deep?)
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danlands-moved-blog · 7 years
92 questions
i was tagged by my fave hoe @sleepyphil (ily)
(questions under the cut)
1. Drink: water 
2. Phone Call: @sleepyphil 
3. Text Message: “ily hoe" (wow i’m a real catch) 
4. Song You Listened To: riptide by vance joy 
5. Time You Cried: i don’t even remember tbh but i’m sure it wasn’t long ago bc my emotions are fucked 
6. Dated Someone Twice: um i haven’t even dated someone once. next. 
7. Been Cheated On: no 
8. Kissed Someone And Regretted It: no 
9. Lost Someone Special: yeah 
10. Been Depressed: yes 
11. Gotten Drunk and Thrown Up: not yet 
12. purple 
13. pastel pink 
14. black (?) 
15. Made New Friends: yes somehow people like me wtf 
16. Fallen Out of Love: uhhh not yet but idek if its love so.. 
17. Laughed Until You Cried: who hasn’t honestly 
18. Found Out Someone Was Talking About You: too many times wtf 
19. Met Someone Who Changed You: yeah but i’d like to believe it was in a good way 
20. Found Out Who Your True Friends Are: yeah which is literally why i have a grand total of like 2 friends 
21. Kissed Someone On Your Facebook: whomst is she
22. How Many of Your Facebook Friends Do You Know in Real Life: i guess more than half? (i haven’t been on there in forever uhhh) 
23. Do You Have Any Pets: i have a cat who i love and hate 
24. Do You Want To Change Your Name: sometimes 
25. What Did You Do For Your Last Birthday: i got a new haircut and new clothes 
26. What Time Did You Wake Up: 12 pm oops 
27. What Were You Doing at Midnight Last Night: what do you think 
28. Name Something You Cannot Wait For: not hating myself 
29. When Was The Last Time You Saw Your Mother: can’t answer 
30. What is One Thing You Wish You Could Change About Your Life: my anxiety 
31. What Are You Listening To Right Now: lorde, the front bottoms, hozier, etc. 
32. Have You Ever Talked To a Person Named Tom: this is specific and no 
33. Something That Is Getting On Your Nerves: my dad 
34. Most Visited Website: tumblr probably 
35. Elementary: a nicer time 
36. High School: hell 
37. College/University: honestly who knows man 
38. Hair Color: dark brown with blonde ish highlights 
39. Long Hair or Short Hair: long hair (but i’m getting my hair cut shorter at the end of summer) 
40. Do You Have A Crush On Someone: unfortunately 
41. What Do You Like About Yourself: ooooh that’s tough uhhhh,, my eyes i guess ? 
42. Piercings: no im a wimp 
43. Blood Type: idk 
44. Nickname: meggo, meg, hoe, cutie, bebe, megan montana, meme mom, mum, (i have so many nicknames save me) 
45. Relationship Status: single (probably forever rip) 
46. Zodiac Sign: leo 
47. Pronouns: she/her 
48. Favorite TV Show: friends 
49. Tattoos: don’t have any but i hope i can man up one day and get one 
50. Right or Left Hand: right hand 
51. Surgery: none 
52. Piercing: none 
54. Sport: i don’t sport 
55. Vacation: disney world 
56. Pair of Trainers: idek?? kindergarten?? 
57. Eating: nothing but i just ate some hershey’s drops 
58. Drinking: water 
59. About To: post this and waste my life away on tumblr 
60. Listening To: nothing 
61. Waiting For: my anxiety to go away 
62. Want: someone i can’t have 
63. Get Married: maybe one day 
64. Career: probably a psychiatrist 
65. Hugs or Kisses: kisses 
66. Lips or Eyes: lips 
67. Shorter or Taller: tall 
68. Older or Younger: preferably older or my age or close to my age at least 
70. Nice Arms or Nice stomach: uhh nice stomach maybe 
71. Sensitive or Loud: sensitive

72. Hook Up or Relationship: relationship im too shy for a hook up 
73. Troublemaker or Hesitant: hesitant
74. Kissed a Stranger: not yet 
75. Drank Hard Liquor: nope 
76. Lost Glasses/Contact Lenses: yep 
77. Turned Someone Down: yes 
78. Sex on First Date: how does one get a date 
79. Broken Someone’s Heart: i don’t think i have the ability to but i hope i haven’t 
80. Had Your Heart Broken: yeah 
81. Been Arrested: no but a police officer pulled up on my friend and i playing pokémon go it was wild 
82. Cried When Someone Died: ya 
83. Fallen For a Friend: m o o d 
84. Yourself: nope 
85. Miracles: nah 
86. Love at First Sight: no 
87. Santa Claus: no 
88. Kiss on First Date: sure 
89. Angels: no 
90. Current Best Friend’s Name: audrey and julie 
91. Eye Color: green with hints of blue 
92. Favorite Movie: i don’t really know uhhh probably some horror movie (maybe the conjuring?)
i’m too anxious to directly tag anyone so i’ll just tag everyone who sees this and wants to do it!!
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lazaraes-a · 4 years
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SHE'S     COVERED     IN     SWEAT     :     PINK     AT     HER     CURVES     &&     GLOWING     .               to     look     at     her     is     to     know     she     had     been     active     only     moments     before     &&     wide     grin     on     red     face     makes     it     clear     it     was     enjoyed     .               hands     rest     on     thick     of     her     thighs     ,     palms     half     on     damp     skin     /     half     on     nylon     of     her     shorts     :     hair     a     mess     of     frizz     that'll     take     an     hour     to     sort     out     as     it     tumbles     over     her     shoulder     .               but               -----               she     is     steady     on     her     feet     &&     while     she's     breathing     hard     ,     pace     has     already     begun     to     slow     .               she     is     not     untried     when     it     comes     to     heavy     workouts     .               ❛               wimp     .               ❜               word     comes     out     fond     ,     a     laugh     bubbling     out     on     the     tail     end     .               a     tease     ,     nothing     more     ,     as     she     straightens     .               tosses     high     ponytail     back     .               it     sways     against     bare     shoulder     blades     in     a     way     that     has     shoulders     rolling     in     response     .               ❛               i     went     easy     on     you     .               ❜         
I     THINK     I'M     GOING     TO     FEEL     THAT     TOMORROW          .       (       E.     VANCE     +     M.     MCKINNON         )     /     @iswarholy​
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