#vancon 2011
warpedwings · 5 months
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Cuties on their inflatable pals.
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aborddelimpala · 4 years
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Jensen about directing at Vancon 2011 for anonymous [video]
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lonnieontherun · 2 years
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@aborddelimpala​’s Jared Padalecki Appreciation Week 2022
July 13th : Fav' photoshoot / picture 
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shedontlovehuhself · 3 years
Video of Misha's answer and j2's reaction(must click). Jensen saying "wise words"👀
The caption:
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hunenka · 7 years
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Jensen vs. toy animals (x, x, x, x, x)
“Fuck you, Steven.”
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butyouaremymess · 8 years
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J2 + Jensen always taking care of Jared’s sweat problem
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Hi! I've been searching everywhere, and your tumblr is the only one with the full quote "Jensen: “He knows that I’m going to take care of him, because I’ve-, he and I have taken care of each other…pretty much all the time.” Do you know when/where he said it? Thank you very much!
*reaches millions of years into the past to pluck this ask from the black hole of my inbox*
Jensen: “He knows that I’m going to take care of him…”
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“-because, you know, he and I take care of each other pretty much all the time.”
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Vancon 2011
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The Cockles Breakup Theory - Jensen
So I’ve previously posted here about the Cockles Breakup Theory, but that focused more on Misha’s side of it since Misha’s side was a bit more obvious. I’ve gotten a few requests to do one specifically focusing on Jensen, so here we are. 
First of all, under no circumstances is this to be brought up with any of the cast or crew. Discussions like this are born in the fandom space and they’re meant to stay there. Please do not use these posts, or posts similar to this, to push an agenda with the actors, their families, or anyone else. This is purely speculative and purely for fun.
Throwing this under a cut because it’s gonna get long.
I’m gonna start out by giving a rough overview for those of you that don’t remember. We’re hovering between October of 2011 and somewhere around August of 2012. So we’re in season 7, where it looks like Cas has been removed from the show permanently. 
Misha shows up drunk and ornery all through Asylum 7, which was the following weekend. Jensen looks relatively unfazed. We don’t see much from him until well after fans were made aware of Misha’s return around December of 2011. 
The whole thing starts with this tweet from Misha:
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[A screenshot of a tweet from Misha Collins on October 21, 2011. It reads: “I’m not normally one to talk coworkers, but Jensen jus let me take this picture of him shirtless.” This is followed by a link that leads to a very close-up picture of the left side of Jensen Ackles’ face, from his forehead to the bottom of his nose.]
This is pretty on-the-nose (pardon the pun) even for Misha, who’s typically very flirty and jokey with his friends. I’ve seen people theorize that this particular post is what spurred their breakup, in addition to the other factors of Misha being let go from the show and not being on set in Vancouver with Jensen anymore. My personal theory is that their relationship, whatever it was at the beginning, was as much of a comfort thing as it was a relationship. They were there for weeks at a time, away from their families, and I don’t doubt that they took comfort in each other. When that factor was removed, that relationship basically fell apart. I’m sure Misha being so jokingly open about their relationship didn’t strike Jensen in the best way either. He’s always been an intensely private person, though he has opened up to fans more recently, and I’m sure any insinuation that he’s living anything other than the life of the normal American male makes him nervous.
The Jensen side of this is generally thought of like this: from mid-October 2011 (the time of Misha’s tweet, which is thought to have started the breakup) to roughly February 2012, Jensen was super tight-lipped about Misha and Cas. He hardly says anything, which some people write off because Misha and Cas weren’t on the show. However, the fans knew Misha would be back in December of 2011, so J2M probably knew before that and Jensen was still tight-lipped about Misha and Cas. 
Somewhere around February, though, something happened. Jensen’s a lot more open with talking about Cas and whenever he brings up Misha, he always mentions how much he helps to carry the show and how great he is, almost like he’s trying to praise him at every opportunity. Throughout panels between February and August 2012, he does just about everything he can to get Misha’s attention. He flirts with him, pulls him into the conversation as often as he can, and brings up Misha/Cas even when he’s not around.
There’s this set of gifs regarding Jensen speaking about Cas and the loss of Cas during season 7. He’s overly nice in them and gushes about Cas, leading some people to believe he was trying to get Misha’s attention and show him that he really did care. 
In this set of gifs from February-ish 2012, you’ve got him saying he’ll take Misha back on the show with a pleased smile.
At Nashcon in February, Jensen is asked what it’s like to have Misha back on set and he says “It’s very refreshing, you know, he’s one of the family.”
And of course, there are the various statements about Dean taking Cas’s trenchcoat from the water, which wasn’t scripted. Misha said at an earlier con that he thought Dean was overly obsessed with Cas and that it was super creepy which, if you pay any attention to Misha at all, is super out of character for him. As far as I’m aware, he’s always been super supportive of Deana and Cas’s relationship (romantic or not). Also at Nashcon, Jensen says he discussed the move with the director, Guy Bee, and “if [Cas] ever comes back, he’s gonna need the trenchcoat.”
And then we’re onto JIB3 in April 2012. This one’s… rough, to say the least. For anyone who watches the Cockles panels at JIB, you know what they’re usually like: fun, flirty, usually with drunk Jensen and Misha. Misha almost always takes the lead in their panels because he’s always been the one more comfortable in front of fans, but this time he just sits back and watches. It’s the panel Cockles fans look forward to all year, but this one was… well, see for yourself.
Jensen kinda carries the whole thing. It’s pretty clear Misha’s not at all into being there.
And then there’s this exchange, which just speaks for itself:
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[A set of gifs from Jus In Bello Convention in Rome. The exchange is as follows: Jensen: I-I had a great time. I really did. It wasn’t you, it was me. Misha: It’s funny, I just thought that, for me it was really special, so. Jensen: That’s, um… that’s too bad. That’s too bad. But maybe we can give it another shot! See if the creative juices get flowing. No? Okay. During this exchange, Jensen is very animated, moving his hands to punctuate his points and tilting his body toward Misha at times. At the end of that exchange, Jensen turns in his seat so Misha is slightly behind him. Misha, throughout this exchange, is incredibly reserved. He only moves to bring his microphone to his mouth and he turns his head to look at Jensen, but his body stays facing the crowd.]
I mean like what... how are you even supposed to interpret that any other way than a breakup? Look at Misha’s face, he looks devastated. His head is down, he doesn’t move at all while they’re talking, and he’s facing the crowd the entire time. His legs are straight out in front of him, unlike Jensen’s relaxed sitting posture.
Then there’s this whole thing, where Misha is so obviously trying to make Jensen jealous. It’s not until Misha sees Jensen looking over that he really goes for it, groping Sebastian and pretty much dry humping him on stage. Jensen just looks around awkwardly during this encounter, like he’s not really sure what to do with himself.
There’s also this debacle, which was also at JIB3. I’m not sure whose duck it was (I think Cliff’s, J2’s bodyguard) but Misha had autographed it with “Cliff, I want to give you my big d*ck”. The entire cast had been messing around with it all day, then Jensen walks on stage, sees Misha’s autograph, and almost immediately takes a sharp object to the duck to ruin it. I don’t want to assume this is because of Misha but like…………… I have eyes and a brain. 
As far as how it was resolved? We don’t really know. I doubt we’ll ever really know, to be honest with you. Around the time of filming 8x05, they had VanCon, where they were both visibly in much, much better spirits. Misha kissed a poster of Jensen, Jensen was so much more open that even at the time, some fans who attended the con remarked on it. This brings us to August of 2012, where it appears they mended whatever went wrong. Was it that Misha wasn’t on the show? Was it something more, like Jensen thinking they were becoming a little bit too public? We’ll probably never know.
I’m not going to tack my thoughts on the end here since I want this to primarily be an informational post, so if you’d like me to go in-depth with my own theory of what happened and what went down, I’ll certainly do that in a different post :) These are some other really great resources for the breakup theory that cover things way more in-depth than I have, especially with the conventions. There’s this one, which is basically the Cockles bible, most (if not all) of the pertinent info about the breakup is listed there. Here’s a youtube playlist of all the key moments we’ve discussed here as well as some others. You can also check out my cockles tag or my cockles breakup theory tag for more delightful cockles info.
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anotherneworld · 2 years
I’m probably going to VanCon this year and I hate myself for it. It’s not something I can reasonably afford (hotel, flight, etc, not to mention the convention itself), but it’s something I feel like I have to do to move on with my life. I attended my first convention in 2007 (the First convention, Asylum I in Coventry in May of 2007), and my last convention in 2011 (Chicago), and I never felt like I accomplished what I needed to accomplish. Supernatural was such a massive, important part of my young adulthood. It made it possible for me to meet my best friend and form relationships that have lasted far beyond the show; it jump-started my stagnant creative impulses; engaging with it literally (literally) saved my life. It saved my life once again in 2020, post finale, when covid hit and I was thrown completely off kilter. I don’t think I would’ve made it through without that particular crutch, and I want to bookend it. 
That being said, the cons are way too expensive, and I will essentially be decimating my exposable income to attend, especially as I will be attending on my own and therefore shouldering all the hotel fees. I feel like it is necessary to go because after this year the SPN cons as we know them will cease to exist, and I would like the chance to say thank you to the people who helped me get through my young adulthood relatively unscathed. It’s a bad decision, but only because of the financial implications; I don’t feel any shame about my fandom. I feel like if I do this, I will be able to close the door on this chapter of my life and move on. Sigh. Just trying to make it through the days.
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Un, if you're still doing the top 5 asks: 5 most heart eyes moments from Jared, and 5 from Jensen, please. Thank you 😊❤
Anon, I know you send me this ask forever ago, I’m sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you but please know that I am incredibly happy to have gotten this question because I absolutely love their heart eyes! And one of the reasons this took me so long to answer is because there are so many heart eye moments from these two but without further ado:
5 of my favorite 😍 Jared moments:
1. I know I have brought up this pic/moment before but it’s truly one of my favs. There’s just something so tender and intimate about it, it’s pure love right before your eyes ❤. JIB10. 
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2. Look at this puppy with his fluffy hair and his little smile looking all fondly at his man. I’m not saying I’ve looked at this gif and thought this is what Jared might look like giving Jensen heart eyes, early in the morning when they’ve just woken up and is still all sleepy but I’m not denying it either. DCcon 2017.
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3. Jared fonding over Jensen smiling? Yes, please ❤ Vancon 2019.
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4. The gentle look combined with rubbing Jensen’s shoulder, need I say more. Dallascon 2013.
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5. What must it be like to have someone love you so much that they’ll look at you as if you hung the moon, the sun, the stars and the whole goddamn universe. Torcon 2011. 
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5 of my favorite 😍 Jensen moments
1. I can’t do a top j2 heart eyes and not include this moment that’d be borderline blasphemous. 
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2. Again I ask, what must it be like to have someone love you so much that they’ll look at you as if you hung the moon, the sun, the stars and the whole goddamn universe.  
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3. You know that scene in romcoms where character a is so in love with their love interest that they get distracted and suffer some kind of mishap? That literally happened to Jensen because he got distracted staring at Jared. He was a goner for that boy from the beginning. 
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4.  Alexa, play ‘Can’t take my eyes off you’. Houscon 2017.
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5. This was so cute 🥰. JIB9.
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+ Bonus! Double heart eyes. Minncon 2017.
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archivingspn · 3 years
• 2014 - 9x22 Production Draft (cut Cas’ fake heaven scene) • 2016 - 11x17 - Production Draft (Dean isn’t thinking about Cas) • 2018 -  8x02 - yellow, 9x05, 9x23 - pink, 13x08, 13x21 (eyefucking) • 2018 - 14x01 - Studio Network Draft (Sam is described as surrogate dad not an uncle) • 2020-15x18 Production Draft and One Blue Page (not reciprocated)
• 2011-06x20 - (family) (brother) • 2013-08x17 - (family) • 2016-11x17 - (It’s a Sam parallel) • 2016-11x18 - (family) • 2016-11x23 - (friend, brother) • 2017-12x09 - (friend) • 2017-12x11 - (friend) • 2017-12x12 - (family, I love you, I love all of you, family, family) • 2019-14x12 - (friend) • 2020-15x09 - (friend) • 2020-15x18 - (I love you)
• 2009: Asylum 3 Saturday- Misha • 2009: Vancon- Misha • 2010: Vancon - Jensen • 2012: Nashcon - Jensen • 2012: Jibcon 3-Jensen solo • 2012: Jibcon 3- Misha & Jensen • 2012: Comic Con- Jensen, Edlund • 2012: SDCC Press Room - Jensen • 2012: Edmonton Comic and Entertainment Expo - Misha • 2013: ECCC - Misha • 2013: Vegascon- J2 • 2013: NJcon- Misha • 2013: SDCC Press Room - Kripke • 2013: SDCC Press Room - Carver • 2013: TorCon- Jensen meet and greet • 2013: Chicon - Misha • 2013: Burcon - Amy Gumenick • 2013: Burcon Autos- Robbie • 2014: Vegascon- J2 • 2014: Asylum 12 - Misha • 2014: Jibcon Saturday - Jensen solo • 2014: Jibcon Sunday - Jared solo • 2014: Jibcon Sunday - Jensen solo • 2014: Jibcon Sunday - Jensen & Misha • 2014: Torcon - J2 gold • 2015: Seacon- Jared • 2016: DCcon- Misha • 2015: Jibcon 6 Saturday - Jensen • 2015: Jibcon Saturday - Misha & Singer • 2016: Seacon Saturday - Sheppard • 2016: Vancon SuperWiki’s Wayward Cocktails - Wanek • 2017: Jaxcon - Jensen • 2018: SPNUK - J2M • 2018: Chicon - Alex • 2019: Jibcon Sunday - J2M • 2019: Dallascon- J2 • 2020: Twitter- #DCOnline - Richard, Misha • 2021: WonderCon - Cas’ voice actor
• 2007: TV Guide - Kripke (three year plan) • 2007: TV Addict - Kripke (rough two seasons outlines) • 2009: Channel Ten Interview with J2M - J2M (didn’t know if his character would stay) • 2009: Chicago Tribune - Kripke • 2010: Supernatural: The Official Season 4 Companion - Kripke • 2011: Zap2it - Edlund • 2011: TV Squad - Edlund • 2011: Zap2it - Edlund • 2012: Fangasm - Jensen • 2012: IGN - Carver • 2012: SYFY Wire- Misha • 2013: Supernatural Turkey - July - Jim Micheals • 2013: The Backlot- July- Misha • 2013: TV Guide Canada - Misha • 2013: HuffPost - Misha • 2013: Daily Dot - Kennedy, Chau, Bee  • 2013: Fail-fandomanon - needs source • 2013: Larry King Now - Misha • 2013: TV Fanatic- Misha • 2014: Fangasm - Misha • 2014: New York Times - J2M (no mention) • 2014: Variety - various (no mention) • 2015: ET Online- Misha • 2016: EW - Misha (outsider yet connected to both brothers) Highfill- (close to a third brother as one gets) • 2017: EW - Dabb (family) • 2017: EW - (Closest friend, Best buds, Family) • 2017: EW - (”now it’s Mom and it’s Cas“) • 2017: Hypable - Perez • 2019: MarySue - Dabb (no romance endgame) • 2020: Variety - Dabb • 2020: EW - (probably family and/or do anything for him) • 2020: TV Guide News - J2 • 2020: Daily Dot - internet reaction to 15x18 • 2020: Buzzfeed - internet reaction to 15x18 • 2020: Polygon - internet reaction to 15x18 • 2020: TV Web - internet reaction to 15x18 • 2020: PinkNews - internet reaction to 15x18 and DLCOnline • 2020: EW - Nov 26- rouge translators • 2021: London Screenwriters’ - Kripke
Social Media
• 2012: Twitter - Sep (Misha) • 2013: Twitter - Jan (Robbie) • 2013: Twitter - Feb (Adam) • 2013: Twitter - Mar (Misha) • 2013: Twitter - Mar (Wanek) • 2013: Twitter - Mar (Glass) • 2013: Twitter - Sep (Robbie) • 2013: Twitter - Oct (Kennedy) • 2013: Twitter - Oct (Glass) • 2013: Twitter - Oct (Osric) • 2013: Twitter - Oct (Bee) • 2013: Twitter - Oct (Misha) • 2013: Twitter - Nov (Robbie) • 2014: Twitter - Mar (Wanek) • 2014: Twitter - Mar (Misha) • 2014: Twitter - Apr (Jared) • 2014: Twitter - May (Robbie) • 2014: Twitter- May (Glass) • 2014: Twitter - Nov (Jensen, Robbie) • 2015: Twitter - Jun (Smith) • 2016: Twitter - Jan (Misha) • 2016: Twitter - Apr (Parks) • 2016: Twitter - May (Armstrong) • 2016: Twitter - Jun (Fitzmartin) • 2016: Twitter - Jul (Lee Rumohr) • 2018: Twitter - Apr (Official SPN Twitter) • 2018: Twitter - Aug (Williams) • 2019: Tumblr/Twitter - Feb (Jess, MonarchMish, Davy) • 2019: Twitter - Oct - (Williams) • 2020: Twitter - Sep (Meghan, Emma, Jason, NF, Davy, Jeremy) • 2020: Twitter - Sep (DSilza) • 2020: Twitter - Nov 5 (Berens) • 2020: Twitter - Nov (narwhalltime) • 2020: Twitter -  Nov (Buchanan) • 2020: Twitter -  Nov 20 (Jay Julier) • 2020: Twitter - Nov 25-26 (Williams) • 2020: Twitter - Nov 25-26 (Misha) • 2020: Twitter - Nov 25-26 (narwhalltime) • 2020: Twitter - Dec 11-12 (Williams) • 2020: Twitter - Dec 12 (Williams)
• 2011: Supernatural Season 6 DVD Extra- Edlund (another brother) • 2013: Season 8 DVD Extra “Angel Warrior: The Story of Castiel” - Carver (talks of DeanCas as a humorous friendship dynamic) • 2014: A Very Special Supernatural Special - Kripke, Carver, Singer, J2M2 • 2014: The Essential Supernatural [Revised and Updated Edition]: On the Road with Sam and Dean Winchester - (the book kind of infers that Cas’ bond with Dean is a flaw? And that’s pretty much the only line specifically dedicated to it in there.) • 2016: Warner Brothers Market Research • 2018: Hot Topic - Dean Cas Shirt
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aborddelimpala · 7 years
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#NaughtySamgirlsClub #Padahair #Padalove 
@theangelicsupernaturalboys @rubyzd @salleetart @wellcometothedarkside
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thesoulbound · 3 years
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Since it’s exactly ten years since I went to VanCon 2011 (well specifically the day I went home again lol) I decided for once to post a munday post! It was easily the best holiday I’ve been to and Vancouver and the surrounding areas are just absolutely gorgeous. We visited many of the old sets over the week and drove around. We also found the current (at the time season 7 episode Shut up Dr Phil) and met the quest starts there). A real week to remember. The following weekend had the convention itself and man, I don’t miss all the endless queue’s but the guests and friends and hotel was just wonderful :D
I do apologize for my face!
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super-sootica · 8 years
You don’t know the story of the Supernatural duck???  I’m going to give you a source.  But first let me give this story it’s proper gravitas.
One duck, here for humanity,
In Vancon 2011, where we lay our scene,
From a soft angel throne, to new scrutiny,
Where hunters hands provide the guillotine,
A inflatable  duck met Jensen’s knife,
After Jensen, startled froze,
He sent that duck to the afterlife.
The sad passage of he who wanted to be a dove,
Had for a while been happy on the stage,
The duck has just gotten into his groove,
But the duck was doomed to never move,
Because ripped plastic cannot mend,
Never was there a story of more,
Shit!  Fuck!
Than that of the Supernatural Duck*.
*Actual events vary. 
For a visual timeline please see this post
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bbbfansite · 7 years
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Throw back to @followBBB #onstage at #supernatural #Vancon 2011 I found this on my computer! 😀
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sneakydragon · 4 years
Sneaky Dragon Listening Party - Ep. 54
Hello, partygoers!
Things get back to normal in the old rumpus room as we put away the jack o’lanterns and witches hats, and return to our regular routine of perusing listener’s mixtapes. This week we examine side one of listener Nathan Evan’s mixtape.
We’ve got flowery forts, Syracusian power pop, Cancon, Vancon, trippy psych, soulful observations, chunky warblers, meaty mothers, and some controversy!
So grab a seat in that much vaunted beanbag chair and let’s get the old Victrola warmed up.
This episode we are spinning:
Fort Juniper – “What’s the Point (If No One’s Having Fun)” – Fort Juniper, 2011 – 19:44
Zumpano – “Behind the Beehive” – Goin’ Through Changes, 1996 – 28:41
Supergrass – “She’s So Loose” – I Should Coco, 1995 – 49:02
The Flashcubes – “Christi Girl” – Northside Records single b/w “Guernica” and “Got No Mind”, 1978 – 1:03:09
The Earlies – “One of Us Is Dead” – These Were the Earlies, 2004 – 1:18:52
Cuff the Duke – “Long Winter” – Life Stories from Minimum Wage, 2003 – 1:28:11
Mother Tucker’s Yellow Duck – “One Ring Jane” – Duck Records single b/w “Kill the Pig”, 1969 – 1:36:10
The Dramatics – “Whatcha See Is Whatcha Get – Watcha See Is Watcha Get, 1971 – 2:03:42
Chunky, Novi & Ernie – “Atlantic Liner” – Chunky, Novi and Ernie, 1973 – 2:12:34
The Mothers of Invention – “The Uncle Meat Variations” – Uncle Meat, 1969 – 2:26:54
Also playing on the old Victrola:
Superconductor – “There Goes Helen” – Hit Songs for Girls, 1993 – 43:05
Mother Tucker’s Yellow Duck ¬– “Funny Feeling” – London/TCP single b/w “I”, 1968 – 1:52:45
Mock Duck – “Do-Re-Mi” – Various Artists – The Cool Aid Benefit Album, 1970 – 1:57:45
Rebecca and the Sunnybrook Farmers – “Two Blind Sisters” – Birth, 1969 – 2:23:48
Thanks for listening.
Here is a fun artifact: The Flashcubes playing “Christi Girl” live on local TV:
If you have the time, here is their complete appearance – six songs and between song chats with the host:
Sneaky Dragon Listening Party – Ep. 54 was originally published on Sneaky Dragon
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