entesi · 5 months
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Yesterday was mine and Van’s six year wedding anniversary! I’m so incredibly lucky to have them ❤️ I am so blessed to have them as a part of my life and as my spouse and I’m always grateful for everything they do for me. They are a blessing in my life. I wish people could see them properly but maybe one day. System stuff can be hard but I’m so glad I have them. I love them so much! They make me so happy
Art by an old friend of ours, we aren’t in contact anymore but it’s still a super sweet art piece we treasure!
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enttesi · 1 month
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I finally finished the first part of Van’s reference! They’re looking so awesome
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poppitgen · 11 months
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We are working on redrawing the old concept piece with an updated style and anatomy! It has been traced for reference and will be fixed up to look good!
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hey hey its not saturday and im back online lol
i plan on posting soulbond stuff again so feel free to inbox me with soulbond related questions as I am a soulbond
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entesi-selfship · 4 months
New Pinned Post
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Noven/Dragon/Entesi | He/they | Adult | Plural (soulbond system) | Disabled, autistic and EDS | Married to my soulbond spouse Vandarian | Reality shifter and soulbonder | Antis, anti endos, dog posts DNI | Digital artist and character designer working on a webcomic and video game | Dragonkin
Carrd (F/O list, about me, DNI)
Divider credit: StephDragonness on DeviantART
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Welcome to my blog! I am Entesi, a dragon self shipper from Australia who loves to share posts about my self ships. I have a wide range of interests and F/Os, and a lot of my F/Os are also soulbonds, so I am happy to chat about soulbond stuff too! I love posting self ship content, I love making ask games and writing prompts and I love interacting with the self ship community. If you ever have a request for a prompt or ask game, please feel free to send them my way! I am always open for chatting about your F/Os, so long as they aren’t on my list of non-sharing F/Os or a trigger of mine. I love hearing about your F/Os, even the ones with ‘problematic’ themes! I don’t judge so long as it’s in fiction or completely consensual with any real-life people or soulbonds involved. Your love is so valid! You should share it!
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Please make me aware at any point if I accidentally violate your DNI. I follow from @Entesi ! Let me know if you guys need anything!
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A bit about me, I am a Gold Dragon from Australia, though I original hail from a planet called Molendo which I rule over. I have been in the self ship community for a long time, but a soulbonder and general self shipper for most of my life before I even knew what it was and what the terms are. I am married to my soulbond spouse Vandarian, I am engaged to my soulbond fiance Max, and have three beautiful soulbond boyfriends Ben, Kevin and Razer. All of my other romantic interests I either am not in a relationship with or are only in a relationship in fiction, but this may change one day. I do still interact with some soulbonds romantically, but it takes a lot for me to get the confidence to date them. I love talking about my F/Os and if you ever want to talk about them too, especially if they’re from a shared source of yours that you like, I’m happy to chat!
A ramble under the cut, but to be short; this blog does not welcome antis, anti endos, or harassment in general.
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This blog is not anti or anti endo friendly. I am a ship-and-let-ship believer and believe that fiction should be allowed to be explored however you want, so long as it’s tagged properly and kept completely fictional. If you’re incapable of differentiating between fiction and reality, and use your hatred of fiction as an excuse to abuse real people, such as people who like dark fiction and want to hurt them, you’re in the wrong buddy, not them. Fiction is a beautiful harmless way of exploring ideas without harming anyone real, like playing with Barbie dolls. Of course, fiction can affect some people, but not at the harm of the author, but if a person can’t differentiate, someone or they themselves need to find help. I try to stay neutral on the discourse, but if I see any antis try to hurt me or anyone I care about, you’re getting blocked buddy. I don’t support harassment in any form. I will not be starting discourse on this blog, and any anonymous asks pretending to be me to send harassment is not me because I do not support harassment towards anyone. Pardon the ramble, I just needed to get that out there. Thank you for reading this!
I also do not support anti endos as I am an endogenic system. Any endo hate will get you blocked!
If you need anything please feel free to message me! I love making friends so I’m always happy to chat
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butterflyinthewell · 6 years
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Lockdown calls his ship, the Death’s Head, his sweetheart.
[Text transcript with spaces for readability: This here is the Death’s Head and she’s fast, quiet and powerful. And I ain’t just whistling Dixie. When I...”acquired” her she was a simple IG-2000 class cruiser. But some heavy modifications I salvaged from Jormungandr, Taxxon and a few Jabbi-Ko sources made her a cyberhorse worth riding. 
It was never my intent to make her into some...warship, but sometimes trouble just follows a bot. So, I equipped her with two primary Deckard cannons and three secondary Samus-blasters. Hey, nothing wrong with shooting as long as the right bots get shot. However, blasting my way through a showdown isn’t normally my chosen approach. I installed a little Vandarian holographic technology I bought from some bamboozler named Swindle. Now my ship can blend in with her surroundings. She can look like buildings, boulders and the like. 
My sweetheart here contains a fully equipped medical lab-- useful for the extraction of trophies, if you know what I mean. Cybertitanium cables keep bounties from escaping. 
What’s more, the Death’s Head has isomorphic controls that respond only to my unique energy signature. Ain’t nobody’s hotwiring my ride. Ya see, I gotta watch all my angles, be prepared for anything. A bot’s got to know his limitations. --Lockdown.]
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starsshinedarkly77 · 6 years
Please tell us more about your dnd children they sound awesome!!!
sorry this took me so long to answer but i wanted to anyway!
one of em is Amarynth who’s a tabaxi sorcerer! she’s part of our outer space campaign so she grew up on a farming planet of all tabaxi. in this world, tabaxi don’t have magic but she was accidentally given magical powers when a dragonborn from a draconic and powerfully magic bloodline got her pregnant. he took the child away from her when he found out about it to try and prevent her society from gaining magic so that the wealthy from other planets could continue to exploit the tabaxi, but he doesn’t know about amarynth’s powers. she’s now on an interstellar mission to get her daughter back but she’s been a bit sidetracked and is now headed to parts unknown with her two new friends Alais and Saoirse. 
Kresh is my original D&D boy who I made up years ago and have only now gotten to play. He’s an extremely charming and persuasive tiefling rogue. He used to be a fairly successful thief pulling off big heists and the like with a group of like-minded individuals, including his partner Vandarian (he’s Big Gay by the way). But on their last big job together the group betrayed him which ended in a huge fight that left him blinded and in prison for a few years. He’s now out of jail and trying to pick back up his reputation, but a huge wave of goblins attacking the city he and his (future) party-mates are in might put a damper on that. 
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thebibliomancer · 7 years
Essential Avengers: Avengers #174: Captives of the Collector!
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August, 1978
I’ve been kind of excited to get to this issue. Because this was the very first Avengers cover I ever saw.
Back when I was a tiny bibliomancer, perhaps a novellamancer or even a pamphletmancer and I didn’t know what the Avengers even were.
My conception of superheroes was mostly X-Men, Spider-Man, and Batman. Because of cartoons.
But I had a few issues of Wizard magazine and there was a price guide in the back. Because this was back in the heady, foolish days where the speculation market was booming and comics seemed like a real investment.
And the price guide sometimes had tiny images of covers to keep it from being just a page of letters and numbers. And I saw this cover and thought ‘I have no idea what’s going on here.’ I think I might have thought it was a Justice League thing.
In fairness, Justice League would totally have people in tubes on the cover.
So I don’t really have anything to say about this cover because I just get drawn into a vortex of memory. But I do have to point and laugh at Hawkeye who tied a cable around himself so he could swing around like Flynn but it doesn’t seem like its long enough for him to touch ground.
Anyway, lets get down to business. To review. This comic.
Last time: the Avengers met the Guardians of the Galaxy and agreed to help them with a time traveling cyborg called Korvac. Unbeknownst to anyone, Korvac married a supermodel and settled down in Forest Hills to pursue his dream job of taking over all of existence.
Meanwhile, the Avengers have gotten into shit with the government and gotten their sweet governmental perks withdrawn because their security is shit and the asshole Peter Henry Gyrich won’t brook that nonsense.
They’ve also been dealing with a strange rash of disappearances that have taken all their members and tangentially related characters until all they were left with was Thor, Iron Man, the Wasp, and Hawkeye. With the Guardians’ help, they tracked the disappearances to a non-TARDIS orbiting Earth where they discovered... THE COLLECTOR!
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And now... the rest of the story.
The Collector gloats that actually the Avengers finding his secret hiding spot is a good thing because now his collection is complete and he’s not at all worried that now they’re in punching range.
When Iron Man and Hawkeye point out that they’ve been through this song and dance before, the Collector menaces them with a shake weight.
Or apparently a Vandarian Power Wand.
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Which apparently only has one charge because when Iron Man deflects the Vandarian power blast with his iron abs, Collector just doesn’t use it again.
In fact, when Thor comes at him (the Vandarian Power Wand having been explicitly stated to be able to harm even Thor), the Collector (or Acquisitor as Thor calls him) summons... THE ENERGY CREATURES OF ERDILE!
They look like lightning peeps with kirby krackle but they are in fact, probably not lightning.
When Thor hits one in the krackle with Mjolnir, Mjolnir becomes stuck and Thor becomes unable to release his grip on it.
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According to the Collector, hitting the ENERGY CREATURE OF ERDILE in the tum caused Mjolnir to pass into another dimension where it is held fast by the dimensional interface. And if Thor manages to pull it free, IT WILL DESTROY THAT ANOTHER DIMENSION! DOOMING BILLIONS!
The Collector is fun, provided you have a tolerance for villains whose whole thing is pulling new powers out of their ass. Like a kid in a sandbox who keeps making up new powers so they never lose make believe. Or like Gilgamesh from Fate.
The Collector is more fun than Gilgamesh though. Get rekt, Archer.
Speaking of archers, Hawkeye hangs back to help Thor... with morale support? while Iron Man tries to tackle the Collector.... ‘s hologram.
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Such a troll.
He then attacks Iron Man with “a simple child’s toy” he acquired on the planet Dergos, where the children MOVE FASTER THAN THOUGHT ITSELF. Which is good because this simple child’s toy shoots dozens of missiles which burst open to release gas on impact.
Iron Man seals off his armor from the gas but it wasn’t a poison gas or sleep gas. It was a gas that locks up metal joints, imprisoning Iron Man in his own iron, man!
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The Wasp tries to distract the Collector by giving him a chance to exposit. Its the best thing for distracting villains, usually.
The Wasp: “Why are you doing this? What do you want from us??”
The Collector: “Why, a complete set! A perfect collection -- of Earth’s mightiest heroes! The only such collection of its kind -- that will survive the time soon to come!”
And then - not distracted at all - he shoots Thor and Hawkeye with a positron cannon. Because by this point, Mjolnir had absorbed enough negative energy from the ENERGY CREATURE OF ERDILE that the sudden positive energy knocks him the hell out.
And the Collector was lying about the other dimension.
The Wasp has had just about enough at this point so she shoots the Collector in his wrinkly mug.
So he unleashes a flying roomba that catches her in an electrified net.
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And now that just leaves Hawkeye.
The Collector: “Now, archer -- you are the last Avenger... and the least!”
Hawkeye: “That depends on whether you’re judging by raw power or skill, Collector! I may not be much in the first category! On the other hand -- in the second... Hawkeye is the best there is!”
Disarmed with a clamp-arrow (because of course Hawkeye has a clamp-arrow. He has a bouquet arrow and an antigravity arrow, a clamp-arrow is baby stuff), the Collector flees deeper into his not-TARDIS and unleashes a not-pterodactyl at Hawkeye.
Hawkeye manages to dodge its SKAW swoop and then uses a bola to ground the lethal flying lizard.
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Oh how the table is on the other foot now. Before, it was the Collector who was pulling out new toys to triumph over every challenge but now Hawkeye is doing the same with arrows.
I guess the third best superpower (after squirrels and ants) is just having an indeterminate amount of stuff on your person.
Or, I guess. Versatility? Fear not the man who can punch really well, fear the man that carries arrows for esoteric purposes.
The Collector is starting to warm up to Hawkeye. In his own way.
The Collector: “You are resourceful! Perhaps you are even worth collecting for yourself -- and not just for your membership in the Avengers!”
But he continues fleeing and Hawkeye continues chasing. And the Collector is like hey rude, I’m going to prepare something horrible for you so stop follow.
And he drops some incendiary capsules which burst into flame.
So Hawkeye grappling hook arrows over the fires.
The Collector is apparently really spry because he’s already way ahead of Hawkeye but on a lower platform.
So Hawkeye gets a wonderful idea and summons his inner Flynn.
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He uses his sharpened croissant arrow to cut a cable so he can swing down in front of the Collector. And now he has him cornered on a catwalk. Not able to grab any new collectibles. And if he had something on his person that was better, he would have used it by now.
So I guess Hawkeye wins. Although this is only page 12. Weird.
The Collector gives Hawkeye one last chance to surrender. Which. I mean, he must have something up his sleeve, right? Perhaps some last collectible that he didn’t want to use because it was mint in box.
Hawkeye: “Sorry, pal, I don’t buy it! I figure our surprise entrance caught you more off-guard than you’ll admit! You lucked out against the others, with gadgets you had lying around... but if you had anything to throw at me now, you wouldn’t be standing there flapping your lips!”
The Collector: “Bah! One needs no gadgetry -- who commands POWER COSMIC! I am old beyond your ken, insect -- and it has been eons since I wielded the energies I possess! It is a chore at my age! I resent being forced into this!”
And he or she who possesses the power cosmic can do all kinds of things like breath in space, talk to squirrels or apparently cause the catwalk to warp and wrap around Hawkeye to crush him.
Hawkeye: (*Uhh* What an idiot I am! Why didn’t I try to free the others? Why did I try to take him alone? Now we’ve all had it! Why did I have to be... the last?)
But he fires off one last hail mary arrow on one last physics baffling bank shot.
Except I was lying. It wasn’t a hail mary arrow. It was a taser arrow. And it hits the Collector right in the shoulder, causing him to collapse in pain.
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Victory: Hawkeye!
He goes to revive the other Avengers and free them from their comfortable tubes.
And now it looks like the Collector has some ‘splainin to do.
The Collector: “I -- ? Explain to such as you? Absurd!”
He then proceeds to explain his entire backstory and motivation.
Because. Villains CANNOT resist. Exposition.
He explains that he is one of the Elders of the Universe. Extremely old people that have obsession based immortality. Basically, as long as they’re obsessed over their one thing, they’ll stay alive to do that one thing. Like the Grandmaster and his games. Or the Collector and his collecting.
Although much of the nuance of the Extremely Old People of the Universe is something we learn later.
The Collector explains that although his brother roamed in search of games, he only wanted to study the simple creatures of the universe. I guess he started off as more of a the Zookeeper or the Botanist than a hoarding the Collector.
But the Collector also had the gift of prophecy and he foresaw the rise of Thanos, a power that would rival the Elders and threaten universal death.
Concerned over the fates of the primitive creatures he loved so much but afraid of challenging Thanos, the Collector set out to preserve them. Gathering samples. Collecting, basically.
But to his surprise, Thanos was destroyed. Turned into stone by Adam Warlock.
The Collector might have stopped collecting then (which would have killed him, as losing your obsession can make an Elder just drop dead) but he foresaw the coming of another, even more dangerous power.
And this time, he chose to interfere.
Annnnnnnnnnnnd that brings us back to Forest Hills where Carina is confessing to Korvac that she was to betray him but couldn’t bring herself to.
She confesses that her father sent her to spy on him and that he is a prophet who foresaw that Korvac would be cruising for a date at a fashion show.
Korvac is peeved.
Not that Carina was sent to spy on him, it doesn’t seem.
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Korvac: “If he is a prophet, can he not see that this troubled planet is destined to find peace only under my proprietorship! Nothing... no one can be allowed to interfere!”
And even as Carina begs him not to, Korvac finds the Collector’s hidden not-TARDIS in orbit and reaches towards it crackling with energies.
Back on the Not-TARDIS, the Avengers are still quizzing the Collector.
Iron Man: “-- So you were playing a sort of galactic Noah, huh? Preserving us helpless ‘lower lifeforms’ from a horrible fate!”
Indeed. But the Collector feared that just preserving the creatures he’s so fascinated by won’t be enough.
This newest enemy might cause a war among the great powers of the cosmos (your Odins, your Zeuses, your Mephistos, your Eternitys. Those guys) in his attempt to achieve universal sovereignty. And such a war could obliterate all reality.
Which is why this time, he interfered. He sent his daughter to spy on the enemy in hopes of finding a weakness.
Iron Man: “You sacrificed your daughter?”
The Collector: “Perhaps... and it seems she now returns the favor!”
But before the Collector can reveal the name of the enemy (Korvac), a bolt of energy strikes him from out of the blue, disintegrating the Avengers’ old foe.
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RIP the Collector. You were one of the greats.
The Avengers are horrified that the unnamed enemy (Korvac) so easily struck down the Collector, just when he was about to reveal the enemy’s identity.
Iron Man: “And right before our eyes -- as if to show us how insignificant we are! Fleas compared to a being -- who can kill a god!”
And the issue ends back in Forest Hills, with Korvac telling a crying Carina that she is now an orphan.
Because he just killed her dad.
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So here we are on issue #174 of the Korvac Saga which started in issue #167. For the first time, the Avengers are actually aware of the nature of the threat. They heard from the Guardians that Korvac was up to something but his machinations are so subtle and so above the Avengers, they likely never would have found out until it was too late if it hadn’t been for the Collector.
Although Korvac is the big overarching threat of this saga, the plot has been driven by the Collector reacting to it, rather than Korvac himself.
And that’s interesting to me.
The Collector goes back to issue #28 of the Avengers so he’s about as classic an Avengers foe as you can get. And this saga is kind of his story too.
Its backloaded into this issue because mystery. But we learn so much about the Collector here. A little about his origin, about his secret powers, that he has a daughter, and his motivation.
And considering what a nerd he’s been, ranting about his perfect collection of Avengers (was collecting complete runs as much of a thing back then?), he has a surprisingly sympathetic motivation.
Its even a little bit of a retcon given how he’s acted before. But as of this story, all he wanted was to preserve the things he loved. And that included the Avengers with all their daring and adventure and melodrama.
Although, its kind of hard to ignore how much the Collector was just worfed. He was never a powerhouse but as I said, he is a classic Avengers villain from their third year in print.
And he got new, never mentioned powers in this issue. THE POWER COSMIC. The same juice that makes Silver Surfer and Galactus so peppy.
With little effort, Korvac killed him from afar. How scary he must be to manage that. Even when the Collector saw it coming literal miles away.
Oh, speaking of retcons. It is interesting to me to trace the Collector going back and forth from fantasy to sci-fi.
In his first appearance, he used flying carpets, giant summoning beans, potions, and a catapult. At the end of that appearance, he used a time machine though.
In his second appearance in Avengers #51, he has a spaceship and he uses aliens and robots to fight the Avengers.
In Avengers #119, he strikes during Halloween and uses the legendary coats of Hercules, the birthstones of the half-mythical Vultures of Nepenthe, and two rocks that summon infinite bats.
And now in this issue, he has a not-TARDIS that hides in another dimension and uses power wands, energy beings, a child’s missile launcher, and a positron cannon. Plus he reveals his sci-fi origin as one of the oldest beings in the universe.
I don’t think this means anything but its interesting. I think the Collector is more solidly on the sci-fi side of things going forward but its interesting to see his inspiration sine wave like this.
Next time: the Korvac Saga starts to wind to a close. The Avengers now know there’s a mysterious enemy who threatens all of reality. What do?
There might be a delay in new posts. I’m taking a trip to the cold lands this week and I don’t think I’ll be able to get two more posts done before I have to leave.
Use that time to not google ahead for spoilers. Also, maybe follow @essential-avengers. That would be cool of you.
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rottenunicornz4 · 5 years
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For van n' nov..Cuz I finished it a bit ago (For @/Enttesi and @/come-back-vandarian on dA)
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70sscifiart · 8 years
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A couple entries in the “spaceship flies majestically over a tank” genre. (L: Martin Springett; R: Uncredited)
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entesi · 6 months
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A big thank you to our friends @fatepek for doing such a gorgeous commission of Van and I ❤️
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enttesi · 6 months
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Our friends @aquarius-system gave us an art program and I tried it out by drawing @come-back-vandarian ! I love the linework style so much and the shading options were so awesome! I haven’t posted to my art blog in a while so here it is, if you wanna check out my main it’s @entesi ! If you want you can suggest things for me to draw! I won’t do super in depth stuff until my commissions are open again but I’m happy for small ideas
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The Favor
[Currently Accepting Book Recommendations]
I’ve been thinking about strong female heroines recently.  This thought was triggered by reading a short piece on the internet about how characters who are strong female heroines typically reject all aspects of the traditionally feminine in favor of the traditionally masculine.  I don’t necessarily object to this, as I think women can and should occupy traditionally masculine spaces, but I thought that the author made an excellent point that this occupation takes place as a part of a rejection of the traditionally feminine.  
Consider Sarah Connor from the Terminator franchise—she’s absolutely a strong female heroine, and one of my favorites, but she sits in a very masculine space usually occupied by male action heroes.  As a result, we never see her engage in stereotypically feminine activities: she doesn’t cook, she doesn’t clean, she doesn’t sew, and she is not a love interest.  [An interesting examination could be made of Sarah Connor and the role of motherhood in the action/sci fi genre, cf. Cordelia Naismith in the Vorkosigan Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold, but this is not that paper.]
Still, it got me thinking.  A lot of my favorite heroines reject the stereotypical feminine aspects in favor of the masculine—cf. any Tamora Pierce novel, particularly the Lioness quartet.  In all fairness to Alanna, Tamora Pierce does a really great job of trying to balance this duality in Alanna’s position as the first female knight of Tortall who is really good with a sword, but also likes pretty dresses and earrings.  Later Pierce novels do more of this, but have a distinct tendency towards the rejection of traditionally feminine works.  
I am now really interested in undeniably strong female heroines who engage in masculine spaces without abandoning or rejecting feminine spaces.  I don’t want to get so caught up in binaries that I can’t see the forest for the trees.  [Another really fascinating paper could be written about gender roles/the absence thereof in the latest Transformers comics, especially in regards to conjunx endurae, pronoun usage, and Functionalism, but this is not that paper either.]
But I wanted to think about how a lady heroine might inhabit a spectrum where she could both be a military prodigy and a ‘well-behaved’ lady in a society with strict gender roles.  How could such a heroine inhabit her own narrative?  Could she be passive and active?  How would other women in her world react?  How would men?  What about that love interest thing?  Cordelia Naismith and Alanna of Trebond both have complex relationships in their stories, but the relationships are not the totality of the character.  What if the heroine and her society encountered another culture that took a much more egalitarian view of gender roles (or just didn’t have them)?  
I took a classic feminine-masculine scenario—the chivalric gifting of favors—and plopped it in my current NaNoWriMo story idea.
She came to see them off.  She arrived late and alone, standing separately from Lady Fiara and Lady Corianna’s entourages.  While the cut of her dress was fashionable, she was a long lean line in somber black, a sharp contrast to the bright clothing favored by the other Danarian ladies.  
Lady Fiara stepped forward to tie a yellow ribbon around Emperor Gregory’s right arm.  She pressed a quick kiss to the Emperor’s hand.   “By the Light and by the Four, I grant you my favor in battle to come,” she said in florid formal Danarian.  
The Emperor inclined his head.  “You honor me with your favor, Lady,” he declared the room, touching the back of his hand to his lips.  The gathered entourage giggled and twittered like a flock of brightly colored birds.  The Ankarrë portion of the war party shifted uncomfortably.  
Kantare stood silently at the rear while Lady Corianna tied a long pink ribbon around Lord Vandarian’s arm and pressed a kiss against his lips.  More giggling and fluttering.
Silvergun would not have even noticed her, had he not been looking.  Even if he hadn’t, Admiral Shrike elbowed him subtly in the side, and gestured with her eyebrows at the solemn figure.  
“I didn’t think she’d come,” Shrike muttered, curling her lip at the spectacle Lord Vandarian and Lady Corianna were making.  
“She does like to confound expectations,” he murmured back.  From the sideways look she gave him, his tone might have been warmer than the situation warranted.  He pretended not to notice.  
His command staff fidgeted restlessly, unused to the Danarian-style formality and ritual, which seemed to be finally coming to a close.  Impatient with the necessities of politics, Silvergun turned to go, his admirals falling into step around him.  
“Warlord Silvergun,” a clear voice rang out, over the High Court’s farewells.  He turned to see that Kantare had stepped forward, a strange little smile on her lips.  
“Lady Admiral?” he replied.  
There was some muttering from the Danarians at this, and he could hear Shrike hiss, “She’s not an admiral any more, my lord!”  
Kantare bowed slightly, her hair falling forward to cover her eyes, one of which was still blackened and bruised from the Helix Offensive.  From somewhere on her person she produced a single scrap of black cloth.  Silvergun caught only the slightest glitter of gold, as she tied it around his left arm.  
“Luck’s blessing upon you,” she told him.  Before the warlord could respond, she popped up on her toes and pressed a lightning fast kiss to his cheek.  
Slivergun blinked and it was over.  The Danarian crowd had gone dead silent.  Kantare winked one glittering golden eye at him, and strode back to the rest of the High Court.  
“My thanks, Lady Admiral,” he called after her, because he did not know what else to say.  From Shrike’s slight huff of breath, he suspected that his cheeks had gone faintly red.  Something weird and particularly Danarian was afoot here, and while he did not appreciate being used to play whatever political game she was engaged in, the lady admiral had proved herself to be worth following before.  If nothing else, it was worth it to see Lord Vandarian looking like he had eaten something rotten.  Emperor Gregory, on the other hand, looked puzzled and ever so slightly approving.  
“Can I see it, my lord?” Lorien asked, practically breathless.  The redhead had cornered them as soon as Silvergun and Shrike had made the bridge on the Conqueror.  Cassian hovered over his shoulder, looking somewhere between intrigued and peeved.  
“See what?” Silvergun tried to dodge the commander, but Lorien was quicker.   “The favor!  The Admiral’s favor!” Lorien dodged Silvergun’s elbow with impressive finesse. 
“I can’t possibly imagine why she’d give one to you,” Cassian snarled half-heartedly.  
“Back off, the lot of you,” Shrike ordered, using her bulk to physically displace the instant Danarians.  Silvergun gave her a sour look.  She ignored him.  “Now what’s this about a favor?” she wanted to know.  
“What do you mean, ‘what’s this’?” Lorien yelped.  “She gave it to you—I want to see it!”  
“Explain this ‘favor’ thing,” Silvergun ordered, his tone leaving no room for protest.  
“Guess it’s a Danarian thing, then,” Lorien and Cassian exchanged significant looks.  
“Favors are an old tradition on Danar,” Cassian explained, snapping to attention.  “When a lord went off to war, a lady might give him a token of her favor—popular opinion disagrees on whether having a favor is supposed to make you lucky or to warn your opponents off since you’ve got someone at waiting home.  It’s a pretty important tradition—”
“As you might expect with the High Court,” Lorien interrupted.  “There are all sorts of rules and rituals involved.”
“Naturally,” Silvergun grumbled.  Leave it to the Danarian High Court to make anything difficult.
Cassian sniffed and continued, “Any lady of the High Court who is courting, engaged, or married is expected to make a favor for her lord.  It’s also perfectly acceptable for a lady to indicate her willingness to engage in a flirtation with a favor.”  
“What does that mean?” Shrike asked.  Both Danarians shrugged at her.  
“You got me,” Lorien said.  “The Admiral isn’t really a…flirtation sort of lady.  Even if she is High Court.”  
Shrike laughed, “This is the woman who told the Ferrulian ambassador that she would, and I quote, ‘Shove a thermonuclear device up your ass so far that your grandchildren will be radioactive,’ if he didn’t cooperate.”
“Be respectful,” Cassian hissed, and then shook himself.  “True, her ladyship has recently been more of that sort of lady then what Danarian ladies usually are, but her current position in the High Court is…well,” he shrugged.  
Silvergun carefully slipped the strip of black from his arm.  Shrike, Lorien, and Cassian all crowded forward to stare at it.  It was not a simple black ribbon as he’d originally supposed, golden embroidery spilled across the inner surface. The stitches were neat and almost invisible. 
Cassian leaned forward to examine the favor closely.  He was careful not to touch it.  “Fabric is good quality steelsilk,” he hummed, thoughtfully.  “The stitching is the sort of decorative thing High Court ladies learn so they can make things like this.  She must have embroidered it herself—did you see if Lord Vandarian or the Emperor’s favors had embroidery?”  
“Didn’t look like it,” Shrike told him.  “But I wasn’t really looking.”  
“What does it mean?” Silvergun asked, perhaps more sharply than he meant to. 
“Well, usually favors are just a nice ribbon in the lady’s chosen color, but her ladyship chose steelsilk in black—so she chose something to last, in a color that blends well with your uniform.  On your left arm too—your dominant hand—she was paying attention.  The embroidery took time; she had to have planned this and worked on it—steelsilk is very difficult to work with.  The design…,” he trailed off.  “Actually, I have no idea what the design is—looks like some sort of circuitry, perhaps?”  
Lorien and Shrike peered over Cassian’s shoulders.  
“It’s a diagram of the master circuit for the dreadnoughts,” a smarmy new voice interrupted.  Vexx had wedged his way in next to Lorien.  “What’s going on?  What is that?” 
Silvergun scowled enormously, furious that he’d missed the traitor’s entrance, and closed his hand over the favor.  “Nothing, traitor,” he growled.  Vexx absolutely did not need to be involved in any discussion relating to Kantare.  
Shrike burst out laughing, startling them all.  “How fantastically Kantare-like,” she cackled.  “She gave you the Danarian High Court equivalent of a thermonuclear device!”  
Lorien’s grin was bright and fierce.  “That’s our Admiral!” he cheered.  “Won’t let the bastards keep her down!”  
Even Cassian was smiling.  “That is a good favor—traditionally, embroidery on a favor is supposed to be of something that will protect the lord in battle.”  
“A dreadnought will certainly do that,” Shrike snickered.  
“I fail to understand what, exactly, is going on here,” Vexx sniped.  “What does a scrap of fabric with the master circuit stitched onto it have to do with Kantare?”  
“The Admiral gave Lord Silvergun her favor to protect him in battle,” Lorien explained.  “It’s a really good favor, too!” 
Vexx made a face.  “I’d rather she came herself.  That would be much more useful.  Much more so than a scrap of fabric.” 
Silvergun studied the little scrap of fabric, sourly thinking that he actually agreed with the traitor for once.  A sudden silence on the bridge suggested that the rest of them thought the same.  
“And why’d she give it to you?” Vexx added, squinting at Silvergun.  The warlord bared his teeth in a savage grin that had the weapons engineer subsiding.  
“It’s a reminder, you know,” Cassian said, suddenly.  “A reminder that even if she isn’t here, she’s fighting with us too.  As a High Court lady, it’s all she’s allowed to do, really.”  
Shrike scoffed angrily, “Sometimes your Danarian sensibilities about what a lady can or cannot do are really stupid.”  
“Indeed, but, the lady has spoken clearly,” Silvergun said, raising his voice to be heard across the bridge.  He slipped the favor back onto his arm, embroidered side out.  “She has commanded us to win the war, and so we shall.  Admiral Shrike, your battle plans!”  
“Yes, my lord,” Shrike snapped to attention, leading them to the holodeck in the middle of the bridge.  
As Silvergun listened to his Shrike brief them on her strategy, he could still feel the soft press of Kantare’s lips against his cheek.  
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entesi-selfship · 4 years
Poor Razer’s been going through a lot lately and I wish I could help him but my magic has been really fussy lately
Even Van my spouse is dealing with a lot and I can’t help with that either
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entesi · 4 months
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Look at this awesome commission I got from DemetersDesign on Etsy! I love it so much and Van and I look awesome!
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entesi · 6 months
A Proper Introduction
Self ship blog: entesi-selfship
Art blog: enttesi
Antis DNI
Hey there everyone! I was inspired by some friends to finally make a new introduction post, this one for me and my system. I am an endogenic soulbond system named the Dragon Soulbond System. I am married to my in-system spouse Vandarian, and we plan on sharing more of us and our system together!
About Our Relationship
Vandarian and I have been together since the 29th of December 2015 and married in May 8th 2018 (this is a guess since we were going through trauma at the time and don’t remember our exact marriage date) and we have three beautiful soulbond children! I’ve been host to a soulbond system since I was very young but didn’t know until recently that I was part of a system or what it was called, I just called things my own words until I learnt of the term soulbond and endogenic systems. I feel so much happier being able to connect to my soulbonds in a better way which is awesome! We thought we’d make a proper post for everyone to know about us :)
Stay tuned for our Carrd page that describes our experiences on being a soulbond system and how we met! This post will be edited with the link when it’s finished
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Art by Physis Phyo on Facebook!
More about us is below!
About Me
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Noven Hethreku | 24 | He/they
I am Noven Hethreku, but you can also call me Dragon or Entesi. I am a disabled, queer, autistic dragonkin boy from Australia who is a digital artist and character designer. I am obsessed with dragons and cats, and I love drawing characters based off of them and also other creatures that I like. I am a practitioning psychic and medium and I often practice my magical abilities with my soulbonds. I am in the process of making things such as a webcomic and a video game and I want to make content for people to feel happy about and see what I like to make. I try to draw where I can and when I want to I often commission others for art of me and my soulbonds. I treasure my soulbonds very deeply and I’m so happy to be able to share them with you guys!
If you want to see some of my other soulbonds, you can check my F/O and soulbonds page here!
I am always happy to talk about soulbonds! Feel free to send me messages or asks about them
About Van
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Vandarian Rintzu Bluuven | 26 | They/them or fae/faer, occasionally he/him
I apologise for the old art, this is the only full reference I have of them that I’ve drawn, but I plan on redrawing them!
Vandarian is my spouse. They are from a species of alien called Bluuven (they don’t like being called alien by most people though as it has bad memories tied to it) and they are two years older than me. They are incredibly intelligent and can build almost any sort of technology, and can also grow sweet plants with their magic. They’re very sassy and have a lot of energy, and they’re very protective of me and my soulbonds. Van has DID, schizophrenia, autism, PTSD, anxiety and depression, and we help each other through the things that are upsetting us. They are very talented at many things such as dancing and singing, and they love showing off for others by looking good and showing that they’re very talented in the stuff they can do. They have tentacles in their back and they have mind reading abilities which are both from their species but they also have some unique abilities other members of their species don’t have. They are an absolute sweetheart and make me so happy
We are always happy to talk about our soulbond experiences so long as you’re being friendly so please feel free to ask us about stuff or share your own soulbond stuff! We always love meeting other soulbonds systems and we would love to see you guys if you want to chat! We give a big thank you to @liya-system for inspiring us to make this post for you guys so you guys can see what we’re like! Please let us know if you need anything
We hope you guys are happy!
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