terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
16, 20, 24?
16. What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag? first runner up to dilf!dan is probably.... oh well, I just peeked at my works page and the filtering tool says that it's "Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot" .... yeah that tracks.
20. Which work of yours have you reread the most? I think the whole web of it. it's just so comfy-cozy, and I when I go back to my own stuff the comfort read is usually what I'm after. I'm a sucker for a kidfic. why lie?
24. Did you write any gifts this year? I did! I wouldn't say that I sat down and was like "okay I am going to write a gift now," but these were all born out of an idea shared with another fandom friend and then: boom, fic, and gifting it to said friend just felt Correct. this year, I wrote 4 gifted fics, and here they are in reverse order:
can't believe you notice me for cherry aka @blairwaldcrf because they shared the song it was titled after in the date discord and I thought "this is so coat check but make it dan/nate coded" that I just had to write a fic about it, and cherry has been such a kind friend and captain of the date ship that I wanted to gift them a fic when given the opportunity, and voila!
twin flame bruise for @strideofpride my fellow theatre kid. I just thought that derena and their dynamic would translate so well into the musical the last five years and I said that to S and she said "fic where?" and well...I had to do it. <3
(everything you say sounds like) sweet talk also for S, an au of the most daircoded scenes in the show Superstore, a show I only watched at S's recommendation, which has greatly enriched my life so I had to express my appreciation somehow!
all the things you are (are mine) for nads aka @mysteriesofloves because I had this valentines fic idea, and because valentines is nads' ao3versary, and because she is a cherished friend and fellow champion of all our nsfw gg headcanon agendas
ao3 wrapped asks!
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strideofpride · 2 years
This is vanderwoodlings, btw, just dealing with the fun of asks via sideblog—anyway, for the make me choose: Blair and Eric’s dynamic or Nate and Raina’s?
Here you go!
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yourgoldennotebook · 5 days
i think a lot about what serena was doing when eric was going through his attempt. she so specifically apologises for being a bad sister; i'm envisioning calls going answered and feeding into eric's loneliness. i'm so upset about my vanderwoodlings 😭
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fritextramole · 1 year
it's late but something something Jenny's drive to keep her family together in times of stress (getting her mom from Hudson, late s3) vs Eric's trauma of never having a consistent family. and like, her needing to separate the VDWs from The UES and redefine who her family is
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vanderwoodlings · 1 year
Dan wakes up with his head in a pretty girl’s lap. Things get worse (and better) from there.
(derena, 1039 words, ghosts!au)
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blairwaldcrf · 6 months
🎄 come help decorate my tree 🎄
tagged by @kiwiana-writes
this is literally the cutest thing?! ❤ ty!
tagging: @takaraphoenix @terrainofheartfelt @strideofpride @mrs-nate-humphrey @laufire @purgeshubble @freddieslater @legendsofentity @tuseranita @hydesjackiespuddinpop @hood-ex @rachelblairy @breadandblankets @vanderwoodlings @wishingprince @missbrunettebarbie @a-lil-bi-furious @himbobisexual @insistonyourcupofstars @lvcygraybaird @kmze @ssmtskw @welldressedllama @dylanobrienisbatman @furiousfinnstan @chasecordelias @besosquecreanadiccion @khalidaaaaa @feralcherry
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faesspace · 10 months
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ff: tell me what is left ‘round here by 2ndtolastrow on ao3
this is my fan-collage and playlist for this masterpiece
@secondtolastrow @vanderwoodlings
sorry for tagging both ur accs i didn’t know which one to use 😭😭
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heyifinallyhaveablog · 6 months
Okay, super late post, on this tag by @vanderwoodlings . Sorry my love, I was visiting my family back in my hometown, and well, between my maternal home and my 'actual' marital home, I had my hands, and my brain super full.
So this is kind of an OC idea that I had off the top of my head. Note that this is just an idea that I have for a story, which isn't for a fandom per se. Kind of smutty (reminds me of the times I managed to write smut).
Also tagging: @chaanv , @vidhurvrika and @bleedinknight for sharing their WIPs.
'Ouch!' she giggled, wriggling in his arms, as he began kissing her neck, all the while holding her tightly to himself in that lone corner, amidst the wedding festivities.
She kept chortling uncontrollably as he continued flooding her with kisses, tightening his arms around her with every breath he took. Between his endless ground reports and fighting with the current administration, he had absolutely no time with his beloved, in what seemed like an eternity.
He stopped, all of a sudden.
'Ruku' he breathed, pressing himself hard against her.
'Let's get the fuck out of here.' he whispered.
He vigourously tugged at her hand.
'Not like this,' she resisted.
Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!, his heart leapt.
This certainly was getting better. Heaven knew, how he loved those little games she had a penchant for throwing in, everytime they got hot and heavy. It kept the tension going, elevated the stakes, and, oh! -
There was no telling what it did to the pleasure it brought them later when they -
'You want to let them know, don't you?'
They ran into the garden, still buzzing with a sizeable portion of the city's elite.
'Your father shall have my head for this,' he huffed.
She pressed herself closer to him, daring him to take the bait. Whatever their parents could do, would have to wait until, next afternoon, in the very least.
Or maybe the day after.
Sameer gladly obliged. There were a few shrieks here and there from the older people when they saw a pink-lehenga clad female being voraciously ravaged in the callous arms of the groom's best friend, in a tuxedo. A few younger people cheered when he threw his suit on the supremely primed, and mowed lawn.
The kisses and the heavy breathing continued as the guests watched them upping the ante. It was only when the strings of her blouse came loose, that she stopped him.
'Now!' her eyes twinkled as she heard the bouncers.
He swiftly lifted her off the ground, and broke into a run. He had outrun tens of reporters, while fighting off armed security personnel for his award winning ground reports, hence, this was pure cakewalk for him.
The winning smile on her lips told him that their night had just begun.
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mrs-nate-humphrey · 2 years
Do u have any hcs about Vanessa and her older sister? (Ruby?)
thank u sm for your ask! <3 sorry for the late response, i've been unwell & burnt out *sobs*
i think i've mentioned my headcanons here & there but never made one specific post to put them together, so i'll do that now :) more under the cut, ahaha.
i think we can already tell from canon - from how when vanessa & nate are getting together in s1 she takes him out or suggests taking him out (i don't remember which?) to a lesbian punk concert & then to a mexican food place right after. the vibe i got was that despite not being a lesbian, vanessa's always been very involved in local wlw events because of ruby, and would probably be totally on top of like. queer film festivals and whatnot, because ruby would've taken her there always.
they canonically lived together for a bit. i kind of imagine their dynamic to be similar to serena & eric, but maybe with a little more space, as vanessa strikes me as someone who would want to be independent and not have her big sister in the picture all the time. the abrams parents are canonically stated to have very idealised & firm expectations of vanessa (and probably of ruby too) as we can see during s1 when v & nate are comparing their overbearing parents (imagine being able to compare your parental pressure to that placed on nate by the archibalds, the abrams were definitely making vanessa feel the weight of their expectations & she likely couldn't have spoken to someone like dan about it, because the humphrey-abrams family dynamics are such that he's likely very close to her parents, just how dan can't complain about rufus to vanessa because the rufus v sees and the rufus dan sees are two different rufuses. rufii? lol sorry).
we also see during s3 & that whole nonsense with vanessa wanting that speech so bad to impress gabriella and her whole "i wish the humphreys were MY parents i wish they were PROUD of me!" as well as. the fact that vanessa even went to college? was because nate dragged her off to the sats, just so that she would have the choice if it came down to that. nate wasn't ever like "you gotta go to college", he was like "if you one day decide that you DO wanna go, you should have the ability to decide that for yourself & be in a position to make that decision" which i really like.
anyway, all that is just to say that the abrams parents seem very overbearing, and im sure ruby felt the weight of those expectations as well. which is why i think of v & ruby to have a dynamic closer to serena & eric's, a sort of "you are the only other person who knows what it's like to have our biological parents be this unreliable and intense so i will be there for you and you will be there for me and we will mutually support each other."
i think ruby would be the sort of person to ensure that whoever she's dating is good to her sister, or else she drops them, and i see ruby and whoever is her gf at the time (or hell, girlfriends plural,she could be polyam) being very cognisant of including vanessa in stuff. like. if they go for dinner out they bring back a dessert for her, the 2 of them ask her questions about what's up with her and how she's doing, stuff like that. id imagine ruby's gfs to be a lot like serena was to jenny in early s1, very big sisterly because 'my romantic partner's little sister is my little sister now.'
i also think vanessa is bisexual (if i remember right, @vanderwoodlings once said "vanessa is the closest thing to a canon bisexual that we got" and... they're right. canon vanlivia kiss and all those yearning glances at serena in s1/s2 and at olivia in s3.... anyway) - and i think unlike ruby, who always knew she was lesbian, it takes vanessa a while to truly acknowledge and accept her sexuality. the fact that she has ruby, though, and the fact that ruby has taken her along for so many lgbtq+ events, would mean that vanessa knows that she has that support net, and that would make navigating her sexuality easier. not necessarily easy, but easier. i wrote a fic about this... well, kind of about this, but it's directly connected & uses this headcanon. here it is, if you want to read it.
i feel like i have more headcanons that im not remembering rn, but hopefully this is solid enough to answer your Q?
oh, bonus headcanon. im sure that at some point, ruby's lesbian band makes one of those hour-long documentary/behind the scene videos. who better to direct it, shoot it, and put it together, than aspiring filmmaker vanessa abrams?? (i have a lot of thoughts about this headcanon specifically. i might fic it up.)
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mysteriesofloves · 3 years
5, 9, 14, and 24?
5. most popular fic this year
plum season! (which makes sense, since it was posted on the first of january lol) but sweet comic valentine is a close second, with less hits but the same amount of kudos
9. longest wip of the year
write this down, which is currently at 18.3k
14. a fic you didn’t expect to write
all the portraits in the world! i have no idea how the idea even came to me, but i wrote it in two sittings with lykke li blasting, and it made her my third top artist of the year, lol
24. favorite fic you read this year
god, i feel like i read a lot of fic this year that i loved but is now slipping my mind. for gossip girl, a few that were posted this year and that i’ve reread multiple times since: an utter lack of self-preservation instincts by @nevertothethird, truth be told by @vanderwoodlings, and a heart in port by @mymindseessongs
year in review asks
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yourgoldennotebook · 21 days
crying over the vanderwoodlings today. thinking about how serena comes home to all her demons for eric, knowing she's braving scrutiny and everything she ran away from in the first place. thinking of it re: miss americana and taylor saying, ‘do you care if the internet doesn’t like you today if you mom is sick from her chemo?’ 😭
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fritextramole · 2 years
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David | Noah Gundersen
27/99 songs that remind me of Jenny Humphrey—in (vaguely) chronological order
playlist | outtakes
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strideofpride · 4 months
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"Head Over Feet" - Alanis Morissette // Dan & Blair - Gossip Girl (shout out to @vanderwoodlings who already did this first lol)
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blairwaldcrf · 7 months
Sneak Peak Sunday
because i can't seem to keep to six or seven sentences today
more from the firstprince! kanthony bridgerton au (with a Roaring 20s Hollywood spin)
So maybe Alex takes the maddeningly long line of suitors as nothing more than an obstacle he shouldn't have to endure, but it's not his fault that he knows that where he belongs is in the room. He's rocking on his heels when he catches sight of blonde hair and that's all it takes for him to eschew decorum and ignore indignant shouts all to barrel ahead. 
Barely sparing him more emotion than to fill a cold stare, Henry flatly states. “You’re not welcome here.”
Ignoring the way Alex very much wants to see if hitting his jaw will make the man who yelled at him in the garden reappear, he controls himself with nothing more than a smile. It's a miraculous feat, really. Someone should dedicate poetry to his restraint. “Do you really think you’re the first white man to tell me I’m not welcome somewhere?”
“Hopefully not the first to tell you that it’s due to your accursed personality and not your looks,” Henry strikes back with such precision that Alex is almost impressed. “But I meant that you are not welcome at the front of the line when there are others waiting prior.”
“I'll wait if you tell me more about my looks.” Maybe he’s smirking a bit to drive home the point-- which there isn’t really a point other than he had noticed how irritated Henry had gotten the last time he’d gone down this route of antagonism last night. You think my smile is pleasing?
Angered enough Henry’s cheeks actually turn a bit pink at the comment, Alex feels momentarily victorious, even if it precludes another insult. Narrowing the ridiculous blue eyes of his, he drops his voice low enough to reply as derisively as possible and not show the entire hall what an ass he is. “I think I said enough about them the other night.”
“Henry, is that who I think it is?” Beatrice Fox’s voice carries behind him. The brother closes his eyes tight in what seems to be a curse at whichever God he believes in before even attempting a reply, exhaling rather dramatically before he calls back, “Cutting the line, yes.” As if for good measure, he opens his eyes to glare at Alex and spitefully add, “Rudely.” as if that wasn’t apparent enough by his tone.
Alex is too busy grinning to mind.
“Let him in, H.”
Henry doesn’t move. “Bea--,”
“Oh, don’t become Pip now that we’re in the States, please,” she says, and suddenly Henry is capable of showing genuine emotion, because the lack of pretense in his outraged gasp is almost as hilarious as the fact he immediately steps aside. 
Beatrice looks as though she’s trying to hide a smirk for her brother’s pride once Alex steps into the same room, but he’s grown up with June too closely not to know the cat-ate-the-canary grin of an older sister having gotten her way. “Hello Mr. Claremont-Diaz.”
He catches the unamused look Henry gives and tries not to be too apparent with his vindication, but he's performed better at too many other endeavors to say he's successful. “Good morning, Ms. Fox.”
The playfulness behind her smile doesn’t leave, but he's aware that she's watching her brother much more than him. He might be offended if it wasn't so amusing to watch someone else put him in his place. 
tagging @ssmtskw @terrainofheartfelt @vanderwoodlings @strideofpride @laufire @hydesjackiespuddinpop @kiwiana-writes
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blairwaldcrf · 7 months
Seven Sentence Sunday
(post the last seven sentences of your wip)
from chapter 4 of parallel lines & intricate rituals
"Christ," Henry swears. "I thought you were out and the laundry wasn't finished."
The front of Henry's dress shirt only hangs low enough to cover the most necessary part of the navy boxers, teasingly leaving perfectly carved thigh muscles attached to long legs. Alex's brain immediately stops working. Pure 404 error, blue screen of death, cell phone dropped in a bathtub lack of functioning. He's barely aware that he's still standing, toothbrush paused in mouth, and deliriously wonders how he ever thought he was straight. "Uh, nope," he finds himself mindlessly replying. 
tagging @ssmtskw @terrainofheartfelt @vanderwoodlings @strideofpride @laufire @hydesjackiespuddinpop + anyone else!
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strideofpride · 5 months
Hey, since it's an older fandom, I was wondering if you have still active dair fic writers you might recommend following on here? I've recently gotten back into this pairing and am overwhelmed by all the talent and good fanfic I'm still seeing. This ship will always bring me so much comfort, and I'm so happy people are still writing for it.
Yes! “Active” is kind of a loose term here tbh but here are some blogs that have written dair in the past few years you should follow:
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