#vanilla chocolate swirl with sprinkles
jaylleoo14 · 9 months
If you dont hear from me by the time the next csm/jjk chapter comes out just know I took some days off to book a flight to Japan and have a little private talk with Fujimoto and Gege <3
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menelaus-blue · 11 months
i’m just a lactose intolerant girl at a school that puts soft serve in the dining hall
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22reena · 2 years
my first and favorite job was working at a local ice cream shop. i had so much fun working there, but sometimes it was so slow. the worst part is that whenever i go to other ice cream shops i want to make the swirl myself. i think that is my greatest skill probs. swirling ice cream cones. also sugar cones are so yummy i cant believe i didn't know what they were until i started working at the shop. what a time to be alive
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mayghosts · 2 months
High Infidelity: Wound Open (1)
Summary: and the cycle repeats!
(Previous) (TOC) (Next)
Warnings: toxic relationships
AN: READ PILOT FIRST IT MAKES MORE SENSE guys I'm really trying to release more routinely, I promise there will be more coming ❤️
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You walked to the counter slowly, your feet sticking to the floor as you tried to avoid looking at Kate. Part of drowning your losses in fro-yo, was staring at the multitude of flavors, and then picking the same cherry and vanilla tart swirl every time. All of it is part of a routine to you, argue with Cait, ‘agree’ to go on a break, get your fro-yo, wallow in self hatred and isolation, let her appologize, get back together and then it just happens again.
Kate being here was never supposed to be a part of the routine. You sluggishly dragged your feet over to the toppings, mini marshmallows, cherry sauce, chocolate sprinkles and cool whip. Same as last time. It will be the exact same toppings next time.
As you reached for the cool whip spoon, you found yourself grabbing Kates hand from across the counter. “…Sorry” you pulled your hand back, looking up to watch Kate scoop a big lump of cool whip ontop of what looked like a big cup chocolate peanut butter swirl. She hummed back at you before reaching for the chocolate chip spoon. Awkwardly, you finished up your toppings and headed over to the register.
The flourencents hummed and the sound of the slamming register drawer broke you from your trance. The bored college student behind the register handed you your change, which you dropped in the tip jar before heading outside to sit in your car.
Patting your pockets and digging through your wallet, you came to the realization that you had locked your keys in your car. Slumping against the side of the building, you let the tears fall again. Sometimes, you couldn't help but feel that everything is absolutely pointless without Caitlin.
You snapped your head around as you heard the bell jingle to the shop door. Once again you found yourself making eye contact with Kate. She stalled for a minute in the doorway, seemingly trying to find the words to say before she gave up and just sat against the wall with you.
While you weren't exactly opposed to her company, this was very different from your typical routine. By now in the cycle you were supposed to be back in your dorm, wallowing in sadness and reliving the argument over and over again.
“I locked my keys in my car.” You turned your head to look at the side of her face as you spoke. Her face was illuminated by the yellow light pouring from the window above her head. She was silent for a second before she let out a quiet giggle that she attempted to hide with a cough. You gently smiled at her actions, before looking back at your fro-yo. It was silent for a moment before Kate looked at you again, “Want to go for a drive?”
Your hair whipped in the wind as Kate floored it, driving down the long straight road. Passing mile marker after mile marker, the remains of your fro-yo sat rejected in her cupholder. Resting your head in the open window you watched as the trees zoomed by in a blur of green and orange. You tilted your head to watch Kate as she drove. Two hands on the wheel, long blonde hair flapping around in the wind, she seemed so soft. You had always wondered how Kate and Caitlin got along so well. They had always seemed so different to you, but then again you knew Caitlin in a different way than you knew Kate.
You savoured the silence that remained between the two of you while it lasted. You knew that whatever peace you had with Kate now would be gone as soon as Caitlin called her and broke the news.
Caitlin had always been such a controlling factor in your life. Your friends were Caits friends, your closest family figures were Caitlins parents, your favorite movie was also Caitlins favorite. The list goes on. Without Caitlin being a present figure in your life, you found yourself without parents, friends or a favorite movie.
Frank ocean played quietly over her car speakers as Kate pulled into your dorm parking lot. “Thanks for driving me back.” you grabbed your melted cup of fro-yo and started to get out of the car. “Thanks for letting me drive you.” A small smile graced her face and in that moment you couldn't help but think how dreamy this whole night was. The rising sun cast oranges and pinks over the parking lot as you hummed back in response. “And don’t forget to call Triple AAA tomorrow morning, okay?” “goodnight Kate,” you smiled to yourself as you walked through the lobby.
The misery and self loathing didn't hit you until next morning, and you have Kate to thank for pushing back the misery time line.
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romanshomeonwattpad · 4 months
Girl in New York | 5
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pairings - art donaldson/reader | challengers au! |
“_ _" = Y/N
masterslist | next chapter | last chapter
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sypnosis - you have lunch with Art’s girlfriend and your parents….
warnings - messy blowjobs, dirty talk, slut shaming, cheating, voyuerism
word count - 2k
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© elliotsblunt 2024. do not repost, modify, or translate.
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You and Art….came to an understanding.
It was odd. Although it was winter—the sun was shining today. White shorts hugged your hips, showing off the curve of your ass. A black tank top let your breasts spill out just enough without flashing the entire tennis club. Birds chirped at the sudden heat, spreading their wings and able to fly away from their problems.
Sweat had gathered at the top of Art’s lip as he drank from his hydro. You two had agreed to meet on Fridays instead. He hadn’t mentioned what occurred Sunday night, diving right into your usual routine. The both of you had just finished an hour long practice—but Art didn’t seem it was long enough. “Let’s go again.”
You groaned, throwing your head back before plopping down onto one of the chairs. There were a ton of tables since there was a food court nearby and people liked to judge the players while stuffing themselves. “My legs are killing me. Can’t we just wait until tomorrow?” You kicked your legs onto another chair, looking up at him. “Matter of fact, let’s get ice cream. I’m craving it.”
“You should lay off the carbs,” Art placed his hands onto his hips, raising a brow at you. Something glinted in his eyes. “It could mess with your cardio.”
You sleep with a guy once and he thinks he could tell you what to eat.
“Whatever. I’ll get it myself.”
Art lit a cigarette, “Least you’ll be getting off your ass.”
You pushed yourself off the chair and hit his shoulder whilst passing him. As if you hadn’t just spent the last hour aggressively dodges Art’s stroke’s. You were pretty sure there were three bruises on your knee from falling to strike back. And on top of that, the concealer you applied on your neck to cover his hickeys was melting off. It was fucking December—why was it ninety degrees?
Bees buzzed around lavender colored flowers. You spotted around the corner the food truck. A familiar pair of pretty brown eyes and a charming smile popped into view. Humming to yourself, excitement flourished within you, approaching him. “Oh hey—it’s you again,” his brown orbs not so swiftly racked up and down your figure. “I was gonna text you but my phone broke. It like won’t turn on…it’s a piece of shit.”
You raised your brows, “Can’t even trust your own phones these days to not cockblock you.”
He laughed, “Literally. What can I get you? On the house.”
“A chocolate ice cream on a cone, please.”
A wink was thrown your way—shooting right down into your core. But his eyes didn’t swirl with the same hungerness as Art. This was more like desire…curiosity. It didn’t feel as exhilarating as tossing flirty banger with the gorgeous blonde. This guy was younger, and seemed like he tried too hard to impress you. Whereas Art didn’t give a fuck what you thought, he still said it regardless.
It didn’t irritate you that he wasn’t acknowledging the situation. All you knew was that it surely wasn’t a one time thing. Whether he expects it or not, he’ll eventually give in. And if he didn’t—you wished to savor his taste on your tongue for as long as possible.
“Here ya go, gorgeous.”
You snapped out your daze. There was a cutie in front of you—and were off thinking about Art. Get it together _ _.
He handed you the vanilla cone. There were sprinkles on top of the perfectly scooped ice cream. But before you could thank him, Art grabbed your arm, pulling you away from the guy. You knitted your brows, “Art what the f—thanks uh, Chase! Or Chad!”
“It’s Chris. How do you flirt with guys you don’t even know,” Art eyed you from the corner of his eye, not fully turning his head. Once you two got far enough, you tugged from his grip.
Your eyes narrowed into daggers. “Says the guy who cheated on his girlfriend.”
That shut him up. Ignoring the non-staggering death stare he was burning into the you—you licked at your ice cream. His eyes focused on the way the tip of your tongue twirled around the cream. “Perhaps I should’ve went with vanilla,” you tasted, locking eyes with his. They were hooded and cloudy, drinking in every movement you made with your mouth. No longer thinned into knives penetrating your skull.
And then it flew out your hand. You’re ice cream.
“What the fuck, Art—“
“Get behind that wall,” he sneered, shoving you anyways. You almost tripped before his hands pushed your shoulders downwards—guiding you to your knees. When you got the message, your eyes rounded up at him. “Art—we’re at the club. Your girlfriend—“
His fingers gripped your chin in a bruising hold. Taking out his cock with the other hand by pulling his sports shorts down, he then tapped the pink top onto your bottom lip. “Don’t mention her before I’m about to throat fuck you,” he smirked, before watching his head vanish between your lips. A salty undertone filled your taste buds, his thick head pulsing on your slippery tongue. Your eyes don’t leave his as you hummed, savoring the taste of his pre-cum. Sucking and swirling with your mouth, and jerking the rest with your hand, you put yourself to work.
His hips harshly snapped into your mouth. Art’s eyes were barely open, bliss taking over his features.
You couldn’t get enough of him. You wanted to see him break above you. Moaning around his dick, you felt it twitch in the warm walls of your mouth— before more of his salty liquid dribbled out. Signaling he was getting close already, your wrists began to twist the base of his cock. A patch of blonde hairs resided above it. He held his shirt up with one hand, holding the back of your head with another.
“Fuck, that’s it. Take it all like a good fucking girl.”
Sticking out your tongue, you continued to jerk off his huge cock. “I’m gonna—fuck—“
His cock twitched, blue eyes boring into your wicked ones—taking everything he had to offer. The liquid shot out all over your tongue, and on the ground.
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“We would like to meet your instructor.”
You almost dropped your spoon, choked on your mashed potatoes, and screamed at the top of your lungs. Perhaps your mother had gone crazy. She took a sip of wine, shrugging her shoulders at your father. “She seems passionate about Tennis. It seems as if he inspired this newfound hobby.”
Oh…you have no idea.
“We’ll come watch you play next week. It’s set,” your father nodded, taking a bite of steak. A know it all look crossed his features. “You know—I used to dabble in the sport back in high school…”
You tuned out your father out.
Your parents were going to meet Art?
This could not fucking happen.
“How ya doing? I’m Bradford Smith, and this is my wife—Fiona Smith. _ _’s mother.”
Art’s eyes flew over to you. The sun shined without mercy, the tight long-sleeve that covered your tits due to your parent’s presence making you itchy. And to make matters worse, a high pitched hello sounded from behind. A pair of blonde pigtails came into view, and as soon as she spotted you, her arms clung to Art. “_ _! What a surprise! Speaking of those—I was planning on surprising Art. I didn’t know you were bringing your family as well.”
You laughed in disbelief that this was all happening. “Well isn’t that just strawberries and confetti throw up fun.”
Art sent you a behave look, earning an eye roll from yourself. Your mother chuckled, probably just as confused as everyone else, “_ _ wants to show us what the two of you have been working so hard doing.”
“I love watching you play, baby. Let’s do it!” La-la loopsie cheers, clapping her hands excitedly. You refrain from rolling your eyes again, grabbing your racket from the table and heading to the court. You overhead your mom tell your dad that Art’s girlfriend was cute—leading you to make a disgusted sound and warm up.
Art bounces his ball of the ground before hitting it with the racket. Just how you liked it. He started out aggressive, but you expected that, hitting it with yours quickly. The both of you dove into your skills, hearing your current audience clap every once in a while.
After about thirty minutes, you began to grow winded, and called for a break. Your father ended up talking to Art about his old tennis team. Surprisingly, the two got along—sharing a few chuckles here and there. Tiffany kept kissing your mother’s ass, asking her about the mug’s she liked to design. Just from listening to the conversation, you began to grow nauseous.
“I’m getting slushie,” you muttered, walking away from the scene. But before you could get too far, Art overheard you—his head whipping away from your still speaking father.
“I’m actually thinking about getting something too. I’ll go instead,” he offers, Tiffany noticing his sudden interest. You knit your brows together.
“I got it.”
“No seriously. I’m good friends with the dude anyway.”
“Chad?” You raise your brows, causing him to send you a glare before walking away. Tiffany followed him—wearing a painted smile. You thought the encounter was weird, but before you could think too deep into it, your mother pulled you aside.
“You should wear longer skirts, _ _.”
“Mom—I’m an adult. Please.”
Your father kissed the side of your head, “Why don’t the five of us have some lunch. There’s a cafe right there. Go let your friends know and we’ll grab a table.”
Before you could reply, they walked away to find a spot. Tiffany and Art returned back, him handing you a cherry slushie. “It was all they had.”
“That cashier guy asked about you. Is he like, your boyfriend?” Tiffany asks, sipping your Diet Coke. You didn’t see the point in diet anything if there was no sugar. It made everything taste a million times better.
Art pressed his lips together. You shrugged, sipping your slushie. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” your tone was uninterested. Being in the same vicinity made your blood boil. She had the ability to kiss him in broad daylight—and didn’t even take advantage of it. No wonder Art came to you for his sexual needs. It seemed like she was plain and simple. If a boy likes you, date him. If he doesn’t, run away.
She doesn’t know how to take care of someone like Art. Someone like you.
“Anyways,” you look at your nails, tension in the air. “My parents what us to have lunch together. I can tell them you guys are busy.”
“No that sounds fun!” Tiffany chimes in, holding onto Art’s arm again. His eyes slightly widen, face paling into a white sheet. He ground his jaw.
“I’m actually really tire—“
Tiffany tugged on his arm, whining in a tone that made you want to pierce your ears. “Please babe…”
“Yeah,” you smirk, thinking of a fun idea. Art’s eyes instantly met yours, a worried look crossing his features. While his girlfriend was looking at him, your tongue poked out and swirled around the straw—his teeth gritting at the sight. You noticed his fists ball at his sides. Tiffany looks at you, beaming excitedly. You send her a fake smile,
“You should taste this slushie I had last week. It was super creamy.”
“Alright let’s go.” Art grabs Tiffany, dragging her over to find your parents. You giggle to yourself, enjoying seeing him flustered.
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“My mother is a Stanford graduate. That’s actually where Art and I met.”
Tiffany wouldn’t stop rambling about the history of her and Art. It was driving you literally insane. Your father helped himself to his club sandwich, barely listening to what she was even saying. Your mother on the other hand was absolutely ecstatic for the couple, sharing her own experiences about meeting your father.
You picked at your salad, glancing at the fair haired boy. He had been sipping his coffee—clearly uncomfortable with this entire situation. You decided to tease him a bit, taking advantage of the fact that you were seated beside him. Brushing your heel against his calf, he suddenly jerked, catching the attention of everyone at the table.
He cleared his throat, “Uh—a bee. It flew away.”
“Right. You remember that time we went to Cuba for that tournament, sweetie.”
He hummed, pulling out a cigarette from his back pocket. Tiffany made a face, “If you’re going smoke, at least go to the parking lot. Everyone’s eating.”
Jesus. What a bitch.
“I don’t mind,” your mother placed her hand on Tiffany’s. She smiled warmly at Art afterwards. “Bradford used to chain smoke those things until I eased him off then. Looks like we’ll have to do the same thing to you.”
Art returned her smile, ignoring Tiffany’s eye roll, sparking the cigarette. “_ _. Tell them about how you used to dance in the bathroom with my old tennis racket. It was the cutest thing. She’d be naked—“
“Actually, I’m gonna spark one up too. I’ll go to the parking lot though so no one complains.”
“I’ll come with you,” Art shot up, offering a nervous smile to everyone. “I just—feel so guilty.”
“Okay kids. We’ll be here.”
“What the fuck, _ _?”
You never thought it would be so hilarious to see someone smoking a cigarette whilst looking immensely frazzled. As soon as the two of you reached the back parking lot, out of sight of people, Art let you know how he truly felt. Fortunately, you weren’t in much of a talkative mood, so you listened patiently whilst finishing your cigarette.
“Not only are your parents here—but your mom loves my girlfriend. This fucked situation just got entirely more fucked.” He ran a hand through his light strands, pacing back and forth.
“I hate when she does shit like this.”
“Who?” You mumbled, leaning your back against the wall.
“Tiff!” His hands flew in the air, shaking his head. “She always pops up unannounced. I hate that kind of shit. She has no respect for my time nor schedule. I mean—what makes her think she can crash my lesson? “
“Why are you even with her?”
Art looked at you with a sudden calmness. It was as if your words urged him to think.
“I….don’t know.”
That made you pause. The cigarette burnt as the both of you stared at one another. For the first time, he was expressing his feelings. It was different than usual. “She doesn’t let you breathe. You’re a free soul, and she wants to keep it caged. You won’t stay with her for long. It’s only a matter of time.”
“I guess I like her company. She’s always there for me when I need it,” he shrugged, standing beside you. He looked away from you, “But if it came to actually being in love with her—I couldn’t tell you. She doesn’t accept me for me.”
“Then she’s a fucking idiot,” you smirk, “—because you’re like…kinda cool I guess.”
His eyes twinkled, your gaze meeting once again. You smirk was met by a sheepish smile from him.
“You’re pretty aggressive, you know that?”
“You love it.”
His eyes fell to your lips. “We should stop sneaking around, _ _. This is going too far.”
You laughed, throwing the cigarettes off the ground before crushing it with your heel. “C’mon, lover boy.”
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seonghwaddict · 1 year
comfortable? — jung wooyoung PART ONE OF LILO'S 600 FOLLOWER EVENT
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requested by @jaehunnyy. “aaaaaaa lilo darling, congrats on your milestone!! i am so proud of you, and i would like to request some floofy floof with Wooyoung, with the prompts [ see below ]. take your time and know that im so proud of you 🤍” lilo’s notes. chippy, thank you so much~!! i hope i made your wooyo delusions come true 🫶
prompts. “you wouldn’t, uh, maybe, want to stay the night, would you? i just really don’t want today to end.” ; wearing each other’s clothes for the first time. pairing. jung wooyoung x fem!reader
warnings. none. wc. 714
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dating wooyoung has been a dream so far. despite how playful he was and how much he loved to tease you, he was incredibly caring in ways that he showed through lingering touches and glittering eyes.
you’d known each other for years but only began dating a few months earlier after a confession that left you giggling every time you thought about it. “would you punch me if i confessed my love for you and asked you out?” “yeah, probably.” “cool… so, i really like you, let’s go on a date?” you did indeed punch after that, but he wasn’t one to complain about such things.
earlier today you showed up at his house after he told you to come over, which led to a spontaneous baking competition. a few hours later, the kitchen was covered in flour and other baking ingredients but the two of you finally put together pastries that (somewhat) resembled cupcakes. his batch looked pretty good, four vanilla cupcakes, each with a piped red icing heart on top. yours looked passable, four chocolate cupcakes topped with a swirl of white icing and sprinkles.
wooyoung took a long moment to stare at your creation before doubling over and laughing like his life depended on it. “what the hell is that?”
“they’re cupcakes and probably taste better than yours.” you pouted at him and took one of them from the plate. you eyed it for a moment before taking a small bite. you hummed appreciatively, it was pretty moist. so you took another bite bigger than the last. it was then that you noticed the cupcake was very much underbaked, the raw batter spilling out and dropping against your shirt. this only made wooyoung laugh even more as he observed you, tears nearly welling up in his eyes.
“it’s not even baked properly!”
you hastily grabbed some napkins and began wiping at the shirt. while the batter came off, it left behind a rather large brown stain on it that had you frowning. as soon as your boyfriend saw his expression, his laughter died down to amused giggles as he patted your cheek gently.
“don’t worry, jagi, you can borrow one of my hoodies.”
“are you sure?”
he nodded, leading you up to his bedroom. a few minutes later you walked out to meet him back in the living room, this time wearing one of his black hoodies over your leggings. it was too large for him and a bit larger for you, reaching the middle of your thighs if you didn’t move your arms.
the mischievous glint you usually saw in his eyes faded completely as he looked at you so lovingly when you walked in and flopped down on top of him on the couch. his fingers threaded themselves through your hair as he pressed a kiss to your cheek.
“comfortable?” he muttered against the soft skin of your cheek, making you giggle since it tickled a bit.
“very much so,” you nodded enthusiastically and cuddled into him further, “i might have to start stealing your hoodies.”
he hummed and wrapped his arms around your waist, turning you over so you were both laying on your sides, face to face and cramped together to fit on the couch. a few minutes of peaceful silence washed over you as you enjoyed each other’s presence. it was a rare occasion for him to be silent for this long and you looked up at him with some curiosity.
“what are you thinking about, woo?”
“you…,” you haven’t seen him looking so unsure since your first date when he spilled coffee all over your white rug. you slipped your hand into his and gave him an encouraging squeeze. “you wouldn’t, uh, maybe, want to stay the night would you? i just really don’t want this day to end.”
your heart fluttered at his question and before you knew it you were smiling like an idiot and nodding. “i would want nothing more than that.”
he laughed giddily and pulled you closer. “have i told you how much i love you today?”
“yes but i wouldn’t mind hearing it again.”
“i love you.” he said again and again and again between tender pecks against your lips, cheek, jawline, anywhere he could reach. “i love you.”
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[ networks . . . ] @cromernet @blankjournal
[ perm taglist . . . ] @ad0rechuu @sankatchu
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Cake recipe for you! I hope you have a good day today
✧ 4 tbsp of any kind of flour (or 2 of flour and 2 of cocoa powder/hot choco mix/prote powder)
✧ 2 tbsp of sugar
✧ ½ tsp of baking powder
✧ 4 tbsp of liquid (milk, water, anything goes
✧ 1 ½ tbsp of oil (or melted butter/coconut oil)
✧ Some vanilla if you have it, maybe a pinch of salt if that’s your thing, food coloring if thats more your style!
mix everything together in a mug (or a small bowl that has kind of tall straight up sides). Once it’s mixed you can add things like choco chips, swirl in some peanut butter, jam, sprinkles, handful of pretzels maybe, idk its mug cake. (If you go for peanut butter tho I'd add a little more liquid bc it always makes it kinda dry on me.) You can put some more sprinkles on top too if u want it to be pretty.Microwave it for 1.5 minutes. I usually open the door and let it sink down if it looks like it’s gonna overflow. And there you have cake! If you got some frosting and didn’t already eat it all straight out the jar you can put some on top too.
😭😭😭😭 see I planned on surprising you by making the mug cake and posting it so you could see that it made me happy. But I just realized that it says "baking powder" and not "baking soda" 😭 I don't have baking powder. I appreciate you looking out for me though. I'll make me this second chocolate cake this weekend 😤🙏🏾
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kinley-cafe · 1 month
Kinley Café Current Menu
The menu may change based on the season or special holiday. Text version with full menu and item descriptions can be found below the cut
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🔥 "You Still Owe Me that Beer" Float  A deliciously tart and creamy root beer float made with quality craft beer and decadent French vanilla ice cream. This delightful treat comes with one turnout straw and one flight suit straw.
🔥 Fake Mouth Static Sparkling Tea  Extra fizzy kshhh butterfly tea ksshhh with honey, berries ksshhh and a helicopter ice cube
🔥 Like That Tommy’s preferred coffee order (Iced almond milk flat white in a clear tumblr with a flaming heart sticker on the cup).
🔥 Cat 5 hurricane Cappuccino A rich and creamy cappuccino in a (possibly stolen) LAFD Helicopter themed mug. 
🔥 Crosstown Cafe Noir Smooth and rich dark roast coffee, with an unexpected kiss of sugar in a cup that shares a pattern with Buck’s shirt from the night of his and Tommy’s first kiss.
🔥 Muay Thai Lessons A refreshing Mai Tai mocktail tea with Muai Thai glove shaped ice cubes, garnished with delicious fruits and a keepsake hook ladder.
🔥 “I took a guess” Mystery Coffee  Not like that. It’s definitely not what you want, but Buck tried his best and that’s all that matters. It's a random coffee with undisclosed, completely random ingredients, served in a green to-go coffee cup wrapped in a cardboard coffee cup sleeve, decorated all over with brown hearts and flames.
🔥“That Fire Was A Beast” thirst quencher  Hydrating strawberry dragon fruit, topped with whipped cream and soot colored chocolate drizzle. Served in a fire hydrant cup.
🔥The “Confident and Interesting” A rich chocolate milkshake served in a beast of a beer pitcher, topped with a mountain of whipped cream, flame cherries, blazing sprinkles, a chocolate propeller and 118 helmet. Made for two.
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🔥 118 Cream Donuts Bavarian Cream Donuts with fire engine red strawberry frosting and ember sprinkles.
🔥 Fire and Ice Cream  A flaming scoop of Orange Strawberry Lemon Swirl Soft Serve in a keepsake turnouts cup.
🔥 Clipboard Buck’s Croissants A flaky and delicious croissant baked to absolute perfection with a precisely measured dollop of fresh whipped cream and exactly 4 strategically placed, flame-shaped strawberries on top.
🔥 Flying Lessons Fudge Bon Bons Delicious fudge-filled bon bons molded with a headset and wrapped in a pilot jumpsuit colored wrapper.
🔥 Bachelor Party S’mores Sliders Dark chocolate and gooey marshmallow sandwiched between  cinnamon Sweet Rolls. Don’t take too many, or you might pull back a bloody stump!
🔥 Are We Still Talking About Cake? Layered Vanilla cake with Strawberries, buttercream icing and a candy LAFD logo. Go ahead and take it to your table. So you can eat it.
🔥“I’m An Ally” Cookie Bars Delicious copycat Italian cookie bars with bisexual flag layers. Made for any ally, or...more than an ally.
🔥 Daddy Issues Devil’s Food Cake Bites   Red wine chocolate cake bites with a wine ganache drizzle and some flaming hot cayenne whipped topping. Perfect for an intimate evening at home.
🔥 Open Channel Chocolate Muffins Chocolate muffins topped with cream cheese frosting and chocie talkies (chocolate walkie talkie shaped chips)
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Buck’s Happy Hour
🔥“I am free” This eye opener cocktail is a refreshing and invigorating beverage that features rich coffee with deep, malty notes of stout that lingers in your mouth, much like the sweet taste of a first kiss. It combines vodka, cold-brew coffee, coffee liqueur, stout beer, and a sweet brown-sugar syrup. Garnished with heart shaped mint.
🔥The 24 Hour Shift A highly caffeinated, creamy cocktail with sweet and smooth flavors, made to keep you going for hours. This cocktail is blended with nitro brew, bourbon, brown sugar, and half and half, topped with whipped cream and a cinnamon stick. 🔥Intermittent Showers This cocktail is excitement in a glass. A rush of sweet, smooth and fizz, made with cold-brew coffee, club soda, berry infused rum, simple syrup, topped with silver storm cloud whipped topping and a mini chocolate helicopter.
🔥The “Tommy, Actually” Made with craft beer and espresso to combine strong, bold coffee with the rich flavors of beer, featuring the unexpected sweetness of the heavy cream, coffee liqueur, and whipped topping. Topped with whipped cream and Edible gold Air Ops Pilot Wings.
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Anytime Menu
🔥 The Q Word Have you been jinxed? Order one of these special to-go combos to help you get through the chaos ahead.
🔥 “Badass Coffee Mug” Ready to go up? Order this combo whenever you’re in the mood  for a Harbor Station tour from a hot pilot to put a smile on your face.
🔥 “I Need Mo Joe” Looking for a little comfort? Maybe a certain adorable  firefighter can whip up a firehouse family combo for you
Call Dispatch (send an ask) anytime you’re looking for a little pick-me-up and put in an order for one of these combos. 
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frozenfries · 4 months
Cozy Café : A VALORANT Headcanon
It’s been a hot minute since I’ve written for this game, but inspiration struck at a random time. This totally hasn’t been sitting in my drafts since last January
Prompt: If the agents worked at a café, what would their roles and/or signature drink be?
Amidst the chaos of battle, a quaint café stands as a sanctuary for the weary agents. Here, they can take refuge from their high-stakes duels, and trade their weapons for aprons to pursue a different kind of mission: the art of brewing the perfect cup of coffee.
Phoenix: with his vibrant personality and quick reflexes, he’s the charismatic face of the café. Entertaining customers with his barista skills comes naturally as he conjures up dazzling coffee concoctions with a flair of his hand, a burst of flame and a confident grin. His signature drink, The Ignition Latte, is a fiery blend that invigorates even the most exhausted of patrons. Jett: agile on and off the battlefield, she brings her lightning-fast speed and precision to the café. With a swift motion of her finger, she effortlessly crafts delicate latte art, transforming each cup into its own masterpiece. Her Cloud Burst Cappuccino is a smooth delight, creating a moment of feather-light happiness for those who drink it. Viper: the formidable chemist brings her scientific expertise to the world of coffee. With a touch of her gloved hand, she infuses her creations with unique flavors and aromas, leaving customers in awe. Her Venomous Mocha is a mysterious blend that tantalizes the taste buds and leaves a lingering, addictive aftertaste. Sage: with her nurturing personality and herbal knowledge, she adds a touch of serenity to the café and its menu. Her Rejuvenation Tea is a calming infusion that restores both body and mind, providing a moment of tranquility amidst the chaos of everyday. Omen: ever the enigma, he brings an air of mystery to the café. With a flick of his wrist, he conjures up ethereal and smoky concoctions, leaving people wondering how he manages to capture such unique flavors. His Shadowy Cold Brew is a chilling experience that takes customers on a journey through darkness and light. KAY/O: the robotic agent assists in the day-to-day operations of the café, precisely measuring ingredients, ensuring efficiency, and maintaining the coffee shop's cutting-edge technology. KAY/O's presence adds a futuristic touch to the atmosphere, making customers feel like they've stepped into a realm where man and machine coexist harmoniously. Sova: a master archer, you can find him behind the counter carefully crafting his signature drink, The Tracker's Shot: a potent blend of espresso and a hint of blueberry syrup, topped with a delicate foam art of a wolf's paw print. Sova takes great pride in his creation, often using it as a conversation starter with customers, enthralling them with tales of his adventures in the wilderness. Cypher: the watchful surveillance expert provides security for the establishment. He has a keen eye for detail, which translates seamlessly into his signature drink, The Watchful Eye Latte: a meticulous combination of steamed milk, a shot of espresso, and a dash of vanilla spice syrup, served with a meticulous swirl of latte art depicting an intricate camera lens.
Chamber: the polished agent with a mysterious past has a taste for the unconventional, which is reflected in his signature creation, The Trademark Mocha: a rich concoction of dark chocolate, a double shot of espresso, and a hint of cinnamon, sprinkled with a dash of edible gold glitter that gives it an otherworldly shimmer.
Astra: with the ability to infuse her cosmic energy into any environment, she can elevate even a simple drink into an otherworldly experience. The Celestial Brew starts with a base of rich, smooth espresso, followed by a fusion of steamed milk and vanilla syrup, creating a swirling galaxy effect. To top it off is a dollop of homemade lavender-infused whipped cream, a touch of stardust and a sprinkle of edible glitter.
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lecsainz · 1 year
Hi i absolutely love your stories.
And i dont know if you are also writing for dennis hauger but when yes could you then please do an dennis hauger x female reader where the reader has like a panick attack and he helps her.
parings: dennis hauger x girlfriend!reader
summary: that one where you have an anxiety attack and your boyfriend - dennis - helps you.
authors note: maybe it didn't turn out quite how you wanted because i don't feel very comfortable writing about anxiety right now, but i hope you like it.
☆. . . masterlist !
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The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as Dennis prepared for a crucial race. In the midst of the bustling paddock, Y/N, his girlfriend, tried to keep her nerves in check. The pressure of the event weighed on her, and suddenly, the world seemed to spin out of control.
Y/N's breath quickened, her heart pounding in her chest as the panic attack began to take hold. She couldn't breathe, and her vision blurred as the world around her became a chaotic whirlwind. In that moment of vulnerability, Dennis noticed her distress.
"Dennis... I can't... breathe," Y/N stammered, her voice trembling as she reached out for him, her hands shaking.
Without hesitation, Dennis pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her in a protective embrace. "Shh, it's okay, love." he whispered soothingly, his voice a calming presence amidst the chaos of the race. "Just focus on me. Breathe with me."
Dennis guided Y/N through deep breaths, their chests rising and falling in unison. Slowly, her racing heart began to steady, and the panic began to subside. The world regained its clarity as Y/N clung to Dennis, finding solace in his reassuring presence.
"I've got you," Dennis murmured, his hand gently rubbing her back. "You're safe with me."
As Y/N's breathing returned to normal, she felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for Dennis. In the midst of the high-stakes race, he had been there for her, a steady anchor in her storm of anxiety.
"Thank you," Y/N whispered, her eyes filled with appreciation as she looked up at him.
Dennis smiled warmly, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "Always," he replied, his eyes filled with care and concern.
Seeing that Y/N had regained her composure, Dennis had an idea. He gently took her hand and said, "You know what would make us both feel better? Let's take a stroll through the paddock and grab some ice cream."
Y/N's eyes lit up with a hint of excitement at the suggestion. "Ice cream sounds perfect right now," she said, a small smile playing on her lips.
They left the bustling pit area behind and ventured into the paddock, the heart of the race where teams prepared for the competition. Despite the chaos of the event, Dennis and Y/N found a sense of peace in each other's company. Their fingers intertwined, they walked hand in hand.
As they approached an ice cream stand, Y/N's mood visibly lifted. She scanned the various flavors, her eyes sparkling with delight. "What flavor are you getting?" she asked Dennis.
Dennis chuckled. "I think I'll go with classic vanilla," he replied. "What about you?"
Y/N grinned mischievously. "I'm feeling adventurous today. I'll have the triple chocolate fudge swirl with extra sprinkles!"
They enjoyed their ice creams, savoring each sweet bite as they strolled through the paddock. The sounds of the race faded into the background. It was a moment of respite, a chance to savor the simple pleasures of life amidst the adrenaline-fueled world of motorsport.
As they continued their leisurely stroll through the paddock, something unexpected happened – raindrops began to fall from the sky, gently at first, and then more steadily. 
Y/N's heart skipped a beat as she felt the first drops hit her skin. Panic welled up within her again. She knew what the rain meant in this context; Dennis would have to race in wet conditions, which added an extra layer of stress to the already intense competition.
Y/N's expression shifted from one of serene enjoyment to one of unease. She glanced up at the sky, raindrops lightly splattering her face, and a sense of worry crept over her. Dennis immediately noticed the change in her demeanor.
"Hey," Dennis said, his voice filled with concern as he noticed Y/N's anxious expression. "What's wrong?"
Y/N bit her lower lip, her fingers subconsciously reaching for Dennis's hand. "It's just... the rain," she admitted hesitantly. "I'm scared for you out there on the track."
Dennis squeezed her hand reassuringly. "You know I can handle the rain, Y/N/N. Besides, I've got a great team behind me."
Despite his comforting words, Y/N's anxiety lingered, and her grip on Dennis's hand tightened. The thought of him racing in unpredictable weather conditions had triggered her panic attack earlier.
Dennis gently tilted her chin up to meet his gaze. "Look," he said, a soft smile on his face, "I promise I'll be extra careful out there, okay? And when I cross that finish line, we'll celebrate together, rain or shine."
Y/N managed a small, grateful smile. She knew Dennis had a passion for racing that couldn't be swayed by a little rain. "I don’t know why but you always know how to calm me down." she admitted.
Dennis chuckled, his eyes sparkling with affection. "That's what I'm here for, sweetheart." he replied.
As the rain continued to fall, they headed back toward the race area. Y/N knew that no matter the conditions, she would be there, cheering for Dennis every step of the way, just as he had been there for her when she needed him the most.
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totothewolff · 1 month
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Visit our boba house at The Wolff Pack Discord Server! 🧋AND ENJOY A DELICIOUS REFRESHER🧋 TotoCafé is a place where every sip is a mini celebration! Dive into our whimsical world of colorful drinks and chewy tapioca pearls inspired by Formula 1 that’ll race on your taste buds! Whether you're a classic milk tea lover or an adventurous fruit fusion fan, we have a flavor for every palette! Pick your favorite blend, and let’s make today a boba-licious day! Cheers to bubbles and good vibes! 🥳🧋✨
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BOBA MENU 🟣 44nilla Inspired by the legendary Lewis Hamilton! This invigorating creation starts with a base of rich Earl Grey tea, reflecting his classic style and elegance, and is blended with creamy vanilla milk for a smooth finish. A splash of refreshing taro adds a vibrant twist, symbolizing his adventurous spirit on and off the track. Topped with a rich layer of coconut whipped cream for that extra kick, each sip is complemented by chewy black tapioca pearls. 🏁🧋✨ 🟠 Orangetappen Inspired by Max, a vibrant and energetic boba that mirrors his thrilling racing style. This refreshing concoction features a base of zesty orange tea, symbolizing his bold and fearless approach on the track. It's layered with a swirl of tropical mango puree, representing his fans' sunny disposition and enthusiasm. Topped with chewy black tapioca pearls for that playful texture, the drink is finished with a hint of passionfruit for a refreshing kick, capturing the essence of speed and excitement. 🍊🧋✨ 🔴 LeFresh Boba This blend showcases a smooth hibiscus tea base, symbolizing Charles's passion and determination, with a swirl of creamy coconut milk to reflect his smooth-driving style. It’s infused with sweet pomegranate syrup for a burst of flavor and topped off with chewy peach-flavored tapioca pearls that add a fruity twist. This drink is both refreshing and sophisticated, as Leclerc himself. 🌺🧋✨ 🟢Matchanoda This boba's vibrant green matcha base symbolizes Yuki's dynamic energy and flair on the racetrack. Topped with creamy almond milk for a smooth finish, the drink also includes a dash of yuzu syrup to reflect his Japanese heritage, adding a citrusy kick. The signature boba pearls provide a satisfying chewy texture, while a sprinkle of matcha powder on top finishes the drink with a sleek and stylish touch, embodying both his racing spirit and cultural roots. 🍵✨ 🟡Aussie Sunset This drink starts with a base of zingy pineapple juice blended with white tea, reminiscent of the Australian sun. To give it a unique twist, it's topped with whipped coconut cream for a smooth texture. It's a celebration of speed and tropical flair like Oscar's. Perfect for enjoying trackside or on a sunny day. 🍍🧋✨ 🔵People's Princess This refreshing beverage starts with a luscious blueberry puree, celebrating the juicy sweetness and deep color that mirror Russell’s tenacity on the track. Infused with blue butterfly pea tea, it adds an invigorating twist reminiscent of his competitive edge, and berries blended in for a smooth finish, representing the elegance he brings to his craft. It is topped off with chewy blueberry boba pearls for bursts of flavor and texture. 🫐🧋✨ ⚪️ Nectar Norris A vibrant boba drink inspired by Lando's playful spirit and zest for life. This refreshing concoction features a base of sweet lychee puree, capturing the racer’s cheerful demeanor and love for adventure. Infused with peach tea for a flavor that reflects his infectious energy, this drink is topped with chewy lychee-flavored boba pearls, each bite offering a delightful flavor. 🧋✨ 🟤 Checolatte A rich and indulgent boba drink inspired by the lively spirit and resilience of Sergio "Checo" Pérez. This decadent beverage features a smooth cacao base made from high-quality chocolate, symbolizing Checo's passion and depth in racing. Complemented by a hint of spicy cinnamon, it reflects his fiery personality and ability to stand out in the competitive world of Formula 1. Creamy oat milk is added for a velvety texture, embodying the warmth and comfort that Checo brings to his fans. Topped with chewy chocolate boba pearls for an added layer of richness, 🍫🧋✨ ⚫️Austrian Brew A sleek and sophisticated boba drink that embodies the strategic prowess of Toto Wolff. This unique beverage features a base of activated charcoal-infused coconut milk, giving it a striking black hue that symbolizes power and determination. Infused with a hint of vanilla and a splash of espresso for a caffeine kick, this drink is balanced by the sweetness of honey and a touch of sea salt to enhance the flavors. 💪🧋✨
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CHOOSE YOUR DRINK 👇 When you feel ready, tap the button that matches the drink's color on the menu, and I will prepare it for you! -Toto Barista
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Order your drink at TotoCafé inside our discord server 👉https://discord.com/invite/tpgArxqbfd
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If you haven't yet, join us on The Wolff Pack Discord Server 🐺 Let’s chat, live talk races, share fics and prompts, thirst together, post gifs, and photos, enjoy our events, games and more.
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rogueddie · 10 months
The apparently "accurate" scoops ahoy menu;
Ice Cream:
One Scoop Cone ... $1.25
Two Scoops Cone ... $1.75
One Scoop Cup ... $1.15
Two Scoops Cup ... $1.55
Ocean of Flavors
Mango Sorbet
Cookies & Cream
Chocolate Chip
Peppermint Stick
Mint Choc. Chip
Rainbow Sherbet
French Vanilla
Rocky Road
Salted Caramel
Butter Pecan
Cherries Jubilee
Chocolate-Vanilla Swirl
Black Walnut
Toffee Fudge
Toppings * Extra Topping + $0.50
Whipped Cream
Chocolate Chips
Chocolate Syrup
Color Chips
Handmade Shakes - $2.75
Ice Cream Floats
Chocolate ... $1.50
Strawberry ... $1.50
Snow White ... $1.50
Coke ... $1.65
Root Beer ... $1.75
Boston Cooler ... $1.85
Special Banana Boat - $2.90
Bakery Cruise
Choose Your Favorite Ice Cream Scoops (Two Scoops)
Angel Food Cake ... $2.00
Cheesecake ... $2.30
Chocolate Brownie ... $2.50
Apple Pie ... $2.50
Choco-Peanut Butter Brownie ... $2.50
Red Velvet Cake ... 2.50
Ice Cream Sundae
Single ... $2.50
Double ... $3.00
Triple ... $3.50
Premium - $3.95
Banana Royale
Hot Brownie
Banana Split
Coke ... $1.25
Iced Coffee ... $1.75
Iced Tea ... $1.15
Hot Chocolate ... $1.55
Milk ... $1.75
Juice ... $1.15
Lemonade ... $1.55
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dearmura · 1 year
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☆ cw. reader uses she/her pronouns + is referred to as girlfriend, a teensy weensy bit of cursing, the reader is hit on by some creep at one point, not proofread
☆ pairings. non-idol! riki × fem! reader
☆ genre. fluff, strangers to lovers
☆ synopsis. summer would've proven to be monotonous, the greatest thrill being the audacity of the ice parlor's customers. that is until a new face walks in, leaving you daydreamin'
☆ a.n. enhypen exists in this au but let's pretend that riki isn't an idol for story purposes
"one scoop of mint chocolate ice cream, one of cookies and cream, one of rasberry, and one of chocolate in a sugar cone with rainbow sprinkles, chocolate drizzles and Oreos on top. and get it right, it's for my kid" they end with a forced smile, not even bothering to say please or thank you, not that you weren't used to it. sadly, you wish you could say that was the weirdest order you've gotten but, one thing this job has taught you is that kids, and parents alike, are weirdos. nevertheless you make the salty parent's order with a feigned smile and don't bother when they snatch it from your hands, throwing you the cash and not even bothering with the change
one would think that working in an ice cream shop in the hot summer heat would be ideal
if they didn't have the job, that is
but you were in no place to complain. while scooping questionable orders for ipad kids and karen parents all summer wasn't your passion project per se, it did help bring money in, money you desperately needed to afford tickets to enhypen's tour. with your unfortunate luck last year, you couldn't afford to not see them again this year. therefore, you were left to deal with a customer service job you hated where you feigned smile all day, motivated by the motto 'enhypen's worth it'
you wish you could say you at least made a friend in the process, though, your co-workers consisted of retired old folk who were too much of overachievers to at stay home and bask in their retirement money and kids around your age who you can only assume were too popular to be in your league
mentally cursing as the rude woman walked away, you compose yourself before serving the next customer who only makes you double take. a boy around your age with a height no one other than a k-idol could bear. he spoke in a low voice you'd be lying if you said wasn't attractive
"wow, that woman seemed really rude umm...y/n" he eyed your name tag before meeting your gaze, making you furrow your brows and shake your head on instinct
"no no no it's alright, I'm used to it" you reassure him. though, your answer doesn't seem very convincing to him. he frowns
"no, no it's not, no one should be used to that, I'm sorry" he apologizes, albeit, you don't know what for but, nevertheless, you nod
"thank you, babe. I'm sorry, what can I get for you?" you mentally curse at yourself for the term of endearment that slips past your lips. though, he doesn't seem to mind
"it's alright. actually, that woman speaking to you like that rubbed me the wrong way. what would you recommend, y/n?" he asked, looking at you with expectant eyes, which only make you blush
"um, I usually like to order a chocolate and vanilla swirl with rainbow sprinkles" you giggle a little
"it's the best of both worlds I guess, no need to choose a flavor when you have both" you reason, looking up at the boy whose eyes crinkle in joy. a warm laugh comes from the boy that only warms your heart
"valid. I'll take that then, please" he ends with a smile, which you return
"coming right up!" you say too giddily, as you turn around to make his ice cream you mentally curse at yourself for being so excited for no reason. though, you don't stop yourself from swirling the ice cream a little slower than usual to ensure his cone was perfect and a little higher than you're supposed to serve them
smuthering his cone in sprinkles, you hope he actually enjoys it considering you gave him extra of everything, not that he needed to know
"here ya go. that'll be $2.50, sir" you say, carefully handing him the cone, your fingers grazing his. your ignore the quickening of your pulse at the contact
"thank you so much" he hesitates a little before he continues
"and you can call me riki by the way, sir makes me sound way too old" he jokes, handing you a $5 bill as he laughes. nodding, you take the bill, your fingers failing to touch much to your dismay. upon handing him back his two bills and quarters, he doesn't even look before immediately placing them in the tip jar. thanking you again, he turns to leave, beginning to lick a stripe off his ice cream. though, you couldn't quite catch his reaction
as the door closed behind him, you catch your smile lingering a little too long for your liking. clearing your throat, you attempt to compose yourself, eying the clock until the very last minute. wiping down the tables and cleaning the ice cream machine kept you busy until closing. you wish you could say the thought of the sweet boy didn't entertain you through those last few hours but you'd be lying. in the back of your mind, you secretly hoped he would return soon
to let you know if he liked your recommendation of course...
the next sale will begin in:
34 days 9 hours 0 minutes and 5 seconds
as if checking every hour would suddenly make them appear, you couldn't help but stalk the ticketmaster page, desperately waiting for seating charts, vip packages, or just prices in general to drop. with your entire happiness this summer being determined by whether or not you were going to enhypen's concert, you couldn't help but be utterly paranoid
with a heavy sigh, you peel your eyes away from your phone, dragging your feet slightly as you add the ingredients into the ice cream machine. as if the stress of ticketing and insensitive customers had not been enough, you'd been assigned the opening shift, a time you thought was ungodly to buy ice cream, but, you couldn't complain. overtime did mean more money in your pocket, so you opted to keep your complaints to yourself
as the day continued, you couldn't deny that the boy was on your mind again. even amongst tamer regulars, he was the one person you genuinely wanted to see
"um excuse me. I don't know why it's so hard for you to get it through your thick skull, but I ordered my ice cream in a waffle cone, not sugar cone" a woman spat out, shoving the cone in your hands before you could begin to unpack that statement
"I'm sorry ma'am but you ordered your ice cream on a sugar cone so I made it that way" you tried to reason, knowing damn well that she specified sugar, not waffle
"well the customer is always right! so quit the sass and do your j-"
"ma'am, I know this is none of my business but this young woman said she made your order to the 't,' so would you please have some human decency, admit your sorry, and leave her alone, please" the voice you'd been waiting yearning for all day rang out, interrupting the bitter words that came from the woman's mouth. looking up, your eyes meet his, which only give you a look of reassurance. completely stunned by his actions, the woman finds herself at a loss of words, grumbling as she stormed out of the parlor like a child throwing a tantrum
giggling as the door jingled behind her, he stepped forward, now directly parallel to you across the counter
"you never seem to catch a break, now do you?" he almost laughs, still amused at the woman's childlike nature. trying to keep your composure, you only shrug with a smile
"thank you, again. for caring I mean. you didn't have to do that" you insist, unable to meet his eyes, a little nervous being around someone you deemed way too out of your league. he only frowns
"y/n, this is only my second time meeting you but I swear if someone tries to disrespect you again, I will defend you towards the ends of the earth. who else is gonna recommend me ice cream flavors?" he ends with a teasing smile, which you only scoff at, ignoring the butterflies in your stomach at the implications of the beginning of his statement
his smile grows, a contagious expression which only reflects back to you
"speaking of ice cream recommendations, that was quite possibly the best ice cream I've ever had. when I got home, I couldn't stop thinking about coming back here. please share some more of your ice cream secrets, oh wise one" he teases, making you giggle. you ignore how your heart skipped a beat at the thought of him thinking about you like you had him
it wasn't like that
you tap your chin comically as you think. the whole time, he bears an expectant look on his face, giving you his full, undivided attention, making you a little nervous if you do say so yourself
"you fancy me as a cookie dough kind of guy" you joke, playing along, making him smirk
"is that so?" he gives you an amused look. you don't miss the way his eyes rake you before returning to yours
"I'll take your word. I'll have that then, please" he smiles, sitting down on a stool in front of the counter, still parallel to you, watching as you make the treat
"so, if you don't mind me asking, what brought you here? there must be a reason why you wanna stay here even after all these fussy customers" he asks curiously, eyes never leaving you. as you scoop a few spoons of the cookie dough, you smile to yourself
"just trying to save up for a concert that's all" you tell the truth, opting to not elaborate, guessing he wouldn't care to ask anyways. your answer seems to pique his interest as he rests his chin in his hand, eyeing you with a curious look
"ooo what artist?" he questions, much to your surprise. you decide to tease the boy a bit, feeling oddly comfortable with him already though you just met him the previous day
"you sure do ask a lot of questions don't you? definitely cookie dough" you don't miss how he smiles to himself at your comment. he lifts his arms in defense with a warm smile
"got me there. now who are you seeing?" he continues. at this point you hand him his ice cream, making sure to add rainbow sprinkles on top. though he didn't ask for them, you did so nonetheless considering how he seemed to enjoy them the previous day. your guess seemed to be correct as his eyes lit up immediately
"oh thank you" *gasp* "how'd you know I love sprinkles" he takes a spoonful of the treat, humming in delight as his eyes shut, his head thrown back dramatically
"you're a genius, y/n, I swear" he says through mouthfuls of ice cream, making you laugh
"thank you, and, to answer your question, I'm seeing enhypen. have you h-" he immediately lets out a gasp, almost choking on his spoonful. bracing his chest, he swallows his bite before looking at you with wide eyes
"you like enhypen?" he speaks in a hoarse voice which you only guess is from the coldness he quickly swallowed. you nod questionably, still confused as to why he had such a visceral reaction. he throws his head back in disbelief before craning his neck back to face you, leaning forward over the counter, resting his chin in his hand once more
"I literally religiously listen to their music it's not even funny" he jokes, taking another spoonful of ice cream
"what can I say? only hot people love enha" you state, not even processing your words until they come out of your mouth. eyes widening, you immediately regret it after seeing him look up from his ice cream with a teasing smile
"so are you implying I'm hot?" he teases, cocking his head to the side as he raises his eyebrows, making you freeze, scrambling to come up with some witty response to save yourself
"well I was implying I was hot actually but I guess you're included in there too" you state, masking your nervousness with feigned confidence. he bursts into a fit of laughter, throwing his head back and clapping his hands, a habit you found way too cute for your liking. calming down, he wipes away the tears that formed in his eyes, giving you an approving nod
"touche, touche"
high from your sudden boost of confidence, you continue playing along, matching his energy
"so then you're implying I'm hot. touche, am I right?" you say with a look way too innocent for your intentions. giving him your best does eyes in an attempt to amuse the boy. you could see his act falter a bit as he scoffs taken aback by your words, low-key finding it really attractive
"if the shoe fits" he states simply, as if his words weren't going to replay in your mind the rest of the day and keep you up at night pondering their intentions. taking one last spoonful of his ice cream, he walks toward the counter to pay, immediately putting his change in the tip jar just as he did the previous day. before leaving, he didn't forget to bid you a goodbye, promising to come by the next day to see you
a jake stan you presume
the next sale will begin in:
12 days 6 hours 0 minutes and 2 seconds
though the shop had it's flaws, one thing about it you adored was the days off. with every employee being part time, the manager decided to just give everyone a day off every week to meet the hour requirements for part timers. having a day to yourself to escape the antarctic temperatures and even colder people was essential
normally, you would have stayed home and basked in your ability to sleep in. though, you ultimately decided against it when finding out the local pool was open. now you weren't a fan of public pools, infested with children who fail to control their bladders. but, with your oddly good luck, you arrive at a time earlier than most head for a swim, ensuring the pool all to yourself
slipping your towel off your skin, you gently make your way into the water, hissing at the cold temperature. sighing in relief as your muscles seemed to relax, you bask in the sunlight. bracing yourself with your arms off the edge of the pool, you sway your feet up and down, almost like a mermaid. you laugh to yourself. suddenly getting an idea, you slide yourself into the water fully, gripping onto the edge of the pool with just your hands. dipping your hair in the water, you wip back singing "part of your world~" as water splashes all around you dramatically
as you look up, your smile slowly drops as a heavy blush takes over your face
"hey, princess" that same voice you found yourself replaying in your mind rang out just above you. he gives you a smile but you only widen your eyes at the name, making him suddenly go into a frenzy
"no no no, I didn't mean it in like a player, f-boy way. like princess as in princess ariel. and you were just ariel so I-" you only giggle at his panicked stage, finding him increasingly adorable by the minute
"are you gonna keep rambling or are you gonna join me?" you tease, suddenly getting confidence boost. you immediately pat yourself on the back when you see a blush take over his face. you pretend not to notice. he shyly slips his way into the pool beside you, albeit a few feet adjacent to you, only amusing you more
"don't worry, riki. I don't bite on fridays" you slip your sunglasses down your nose, giving him a teasing look which he only returns with a shy smile. for a few minutes, you two sat in silence like that. it was then when it finally occurred to you that your conversations never went beyond the shop. desperately trying to think up a conversation, he thankfully starts
"I really like ariel" he finally speaks up, meeting your gaze with an unsure look. you smile warmly at his comment. he continues
"my older sister, konon, had this bright red hair when we were little. I always told her she looked like ariel" he laughs at the memory, almost making you feel like you were there too
"I guess she kind of became my favorite Disney princess 'cause she reminded me of her. you know how younger siblings kinda idolize their big sisters at that age. and my little sister, sola." he smiles to himself "gosh she's a character"
"you and your sisters must be close" you say, orienting yourself to face him, giving him your full, undivided attention. he pretends not to be flustered by the sudden attention, nodding with a smile
"what brings you here by the way? I WAS planning on having the pool all to myself so you at least owe me an explanation" you joke. he hesitates a little before responding, refusing to meet your gaze
"well, I was gonna get ice cream butsawyouweren'tthere so I decided to come here to cool off" he mutters his words in the middle but you understand nevertheless. with a smile, you lightly push his side a little. you don't miss the way he tenses at the contact
"it's not like scooping ice cream is a skill. you could've gone in even if I wasn't there" you tease, seeing him smile to himself a little at your words
"I dunno, it's not the same without you there" he finally meets your gaze as he speaks. you panic a little at his confession
"ya! you ruined ice cream for me. now I can't have it without you" he complains dramatically, making you giggle. you don't notice his smile forming at your happy state
"well I'm sorry I let you down today. how about we have some now, my treat" you offer, seeing the glimmer in his eyes at your invitation. you can practically see the cogs turning in his head as he contemplates the right response. deciding to tease him further, you gradually climb the steps to get out of the water
"I'm not getting any younger~" he is immediately snapped out of his thoughts at your words. without thinking, he gently grabs your wrist, stopping you in your tracks
"it's a date" he gives you an unsure look, biting his lip a little in anticipation. you try to keep your composure but the look on his face was too priceless. giggling like a teenage girl, you shake his hand away playfully
"don't get ahead of yourself now" you tease, flashing him a smile as you run off playfully. searching for you things, you rummage through your bag in search of your towel. mentally cursing at yourself, you realize you had forgotten it at home. pouting at the implications of you walking around town all wet, you sigh
emerging from the water himself, riki quickly takes notice of your frustrated state. searching for his towel, he wordlessly approaches your wet figure
"may I?" holding the towel just before it made contact with your back, he gives you a warm smile. giving him a shy nod, you quietly thank him, not missing the way he tries not to touch you out of respect as he helps drape it around you
"let's go, yeah?" waiting for you, you stop dead in your tracks at his actions. inhaling, you didn't miss the boy's scent hitting your nose, soothing you. in a weird way, you felt a gravitation towards the boy you couldn't quite explain. felt so safe with him though you'd only met him not long ago. shaking your thoughts, you hold the towel around yourself, nodding a shy thank you before following him
upon reaching the ice cream parlor, he insisted you choose for him, requesting you "surprise" him. with a playful roll of your eyes, you order for the both of you, reaching for your wallet to pay only for him to hand his own bill to the woman behind the counter, much to your surprise. with a smile, he insists its his treat as an apology for interrupting your pool day
making sure to hand you your ice cream first, you thank him before you begin to walk. about to leave himself, the employee stops him before you notice
"your girlfriend is beautiful by the way, you're a very lucky guy" the old woman gives him a smile as she hands over the soft serve. blushing to himself a little, he returns her smile
"I know"
"riki!" you call after him after noticing he wasn't next to you. beckoning him over, he takes one last glance at the woman before running to catch up to you. smiling as he slowly reached you, your eyes catch an arcade down the street. both giving each other a challenging look, you wordlessly agree to head there
"but you already bought me ice cream. that's not fair" you complain with a pout, refusing to let riki pay for your tokens. trying to stop him from inserting his bill only proved to be fruitless, using your height against you. raising it above his head, he smirks as he sees you struggle. fingers gripping onto his shirt as leverage, you use the other to futility reach for the bill. he masks his blush with a smile, pretending as if he wasn't internally screaming at your touch
"come on! you're holding up the line! just let your boyfriend pay already" a bystander stresses, causing a blush to come over both of you. suddenly aware of your proximity, you let go of the boy, stepping away as you let him slip the money into the machine. collecting the tokens, you two walk away together, trying desperately to hold your laughter but mutually breaking after only a few steps of silence
with a gasp, he immediately pulls you to two basketball machines adjacent to each other off to the right of the arcade. giddily inserting the tokens into their respect slots, you shoot him a smirk
"watch and learn pretty boy" you tease, knowing VERY well you were all bark and no bite. you can see his tongue poking at the side of his cheek, amused
"we'll see about that, babe" he challenges, his voice dropping an octave in a tone too attractive than you'd like to admit
as if on cue, the clock starts and basketballs roll down the ramp. your eyes widen at the boys lightening reflexes, immediately grabbing a ball. taking a gulp, you swiftly pick up a ball yourself, shooting and (thankfully) succeeding much to your surprise
with new found motivation to beat the boy, you keeping shooting, glancing over at his score every so often as you waited for balls to roll down. as if feeling your eyes on him, the boy turns his head, throwing you a wink
"this one's for you, y/n" he says in a voice you assume was supposed to sound flirty. rolling your eyes, you watch as he dramatically dribbles the ball, flicking his wrist as he throws it only to completely miss the net. a wide-eyed look comes over his face, absolutely crushing his ego. you can't help but burst out laughing, doubling over as you brace yourself against the boy
soon enough, the buzzer goes off with you two only making a couple of shots, not that you cared. eyeing the scoreboards, you smirk. turning to the boy, you bat your eyelashes mockingly at him, rubbing your win in his face. with a smile, he accepts defeat, satisfied enough by seeing you have a good time. with a giggle, he watches you flaunt the tickets you won
with a gasp, you tap the boy excitedly, pointing toward a claw machine just a few games down. you (of course) take the opportunity to tease him
"if you get me something from there, maybe we can all forget about that excuse for a shot back there" you cock your head, giving him a challenging look. he hates the way your attitude worked wonders on his mind. how it makes it much harder to resist looking at your lips. how it turns his mind into putty and makes him eager enough for your attention to instantly take you up on the offer. though he would've done it anyway if it meant your happiness
"which one do you want?" he asks, scanning the plushies for himself, mentally playing a guessing game of which you would choose. as soon as you laid eyes on the machine, you knew exactly which one you wanted. with a smile, you happily pointed to a little duck plushie. he gives you a questioning look but inserts the tokens nonetheless
being places in be middle of two games, the claw machine had only the facet facing you visible. combined with his tall frame, you found it hard to watch. with a pout, you searched for a way to observe him play, eyes lighting up when you see an opening just in front of the boy
slipping just under the boy's arms, you feel him freeze a little before resting his chin on your forehead, continuing to jut the switch "strategically." the same feeling took over yourself. you were nothing to him but why did it feel right to be this close to him? why did you feel so safe at this proximity and crave more than just the contact of his chin on your head?
your thoughts are interrupted by him pulling away, much to your dismay, shouting in celebration at his win as he happily danced around like a child. swiftly grabbing the duck plushie from the slot, he handed it to you with a smile, which you only returned
"okay, okay, I'll forget about that lame shot. thank you riki" you smile, eyes lingering a little too long as they meet his. giving you a playful nudge, you giggle as you watch him feign annoyance. hugging your duck plushie, you hold it up next to his face, using your other hand to caress your chin in a pondering manner
"hmm there's definitely a resemblance" you tease, looking up at the boy who only gives you an unamused look. you giggle as he pouts a bit, further proving your point
"you're too cute" you say with a laugh, only further annoying him
"not cute" he mumbles under his breath, crossing his arms like a child, earning a chuckle from you
"if you insist my little duckie" your voice raises in a teasing manner toward the end, already sensing his annoyance growing
he was too easy
"oh you're gonna get it" he threatens with a scoff too attractive for the situation
"not if you can't catch me~" you tease, running off before he could realize it, searching for a hiding spot amongst the neon lights and laughing crowds, face lighting up at a perfect spot just behind the basketball machines. being on a slant, you'd be under the upper portion of the game, giving you enough space to hide without being too claustrophobic
you almost laugh at how childish you were being but he didn't seem to care, eagerly searching for you through the crowds. with the spot in sight, you try to slip your way through the many people huddled around the arcade machines, running as fast as you could. your tunnel vision didn't seem to take notice of a quite everything in front of you, though. you immediately stop in your tracks at a figure in front of you just before you ram into them
"hey hey what's the rush pretty girl?" a boy around your age stood before you, a smug look on his face. your breath quickened a bit. for some odd reason, you couldn't help but feel disgusted at his words. like they were wrong to hear. like you were betraying riki in a way but letting the boy very obviously flirt with you. flashing him a fake smile, you try to slip through the crowds to lose him but he persists, taking hold of your arm with a vice grip
"let me go!" tears start to well in your eyes in fear, no one seeming to notice. scanning the crowds of people for the boy seemed futile
"relax, babe. we can talk this over somewhere else, yeah?" he smirks, starting to drag you toward the door. hot tears roll down your eyes as you try shaking his grip away
"hey! she told you to let her go" a familiar voice appears. with a hopeful look, you lock eyes with riki whose face bares a petrified expression. you can see the pain in his eyes as he feigns a confident look
"and who are you?" the stranger asks bitterly. you see him hesitate before he speaks, giving you a look beforehand, almost an 'im sorry'
"she's my girlfriend, so if she told you to let her go, then let her the fuck go" his voice shakes, his anger not masking his fear entirely, but you suppose the boy doesn't notice, immediately letting go of your arm, lifting his arms defensively before walking out the door
as your eyes finally meets riki's, his gaze softens, enveloping you into a tight hug. hit with the gravity of the situation if he weren't there, you cling to him, letting your tears dampen his shirt as he holds your head, massaging your scalp
"I'm so sorry I let you out of my sight, angel. I promise it'll never happen again" his voice was soft, his breath tickling the shell of your ear as his arms never left your side. you ignore the butterflies in your stomach at the name, too focused on his warm hold seemingly washing your worries away. cupping your cheek, he looks into your eyes with a soft smile as he rubs soothing circles onto your skin as he gently wipes a tear away
"how about I take you home" he whispers, looking down into your eyes as he towered over your figure. nodding wordlessly, you let him lead you towards the door, hand still around your waist, too afraid to let you go. you knew by now he was a man of boundaries, one of respect. but he couldn't bring himself to leave your side. placing a hand over his on your waist gave him the reassurance he needed that he had your consent
in that moment, you realize he never corrected himself when he addressed you as his girlfriend
you didn't seem to mind
walking through the streets as he led you home, you couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. the fact that a bystander would probably mistaken you two for a couple and you wouldn't correct them. you couldn't help but shake the thought that you could get used to it
upon reaching your door, you could see the hesitation in his movements, slowly dropping his hand from your waist. he scans you before speaking, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear
"are you sure you're okay, y/n" his voice softens as he searches into your eyes for any sign of discomfort
"never been better" you smile, slipping your hands around his neck, embracing him as an expression of your gratitude "thank you." you close your eyes as you squeeze him tighter, knowing he would never truly know how grateful you were for him through words alone
"my pleasure" he watches intently as you pull away, pulling your keys out to unlock your door. as your back faces him, he can't shake the one thought he had on his mind, couldn't let you slip away from him once more. with a gentle grip on your wrist, he pulls you back into his arms. hands coming up to cup your cheeks, he tilts his head, lips colliding with yours
for a second, the world stopped, the only thing running through your mind being the sweet taste of vanilla on the boy's lips. as the reality hits you, you follow his movements, tangling your fingers through the boy's soft locks. you feel a hot tear roll down your cheek, feeling utterly complete at the contact you've been craving for too long. as if this very moment answered all of the burdening questions and doubts that previously ran through your mind
and just like that, it got stripped away from you
he pulls away abruptly, eyes shifting frantically as his hands came up to his hair, pulling at the strands you once touched. you can hear his breath quicken as he speaks
"fuck, fuck, fuck, I didn't mean to do that. I didn't even ask for your consent. you were just hit on by some creep and this is what I do. God, I'm such a horrible person" you hear his voice shake as he paces back and forth
"please don't hate me" he locks eyes with you. only then do you see the streaks of tears rolling down his cheeks and the bloodshot nature of his eyes
"oh, ki, I could never hate you" tears begin to well in your own eyes. you attempt to approach the boy, cupping his cheeks in reassurance. he only feels disgusted with himself at your actions, feeling as if he manipulated you to feel that way. knowing you would never feel the same as he did you, he mutters an 'im sorry' before leaving
in that moment, it was as if every foot away from the boy was another one you'd never get back. you wish you could blame someone, something, but you couldn't shake the feeling that you were part to blame. like sand, you let the boy slip right through your hold. only the remnants of what used to be remained, leaving you completely empty
the next sale will begin in:
8 days 18 hours 9 minutes and 26 seconds
"one scoop of mint chocolate ice cream, one of cookies and cream, one of rasberry, and one of chocolate in a sugar cone with rainbow sprinkles, chocolate drizzles and Oreos on top. and get it right, it's for my kid" they end with a forced smile, not even bothering to say please or thank you, not that you cared. every day felt like an endless loop, a time without meaning ever since the boy left you that day. how much you wished to see his puma eyes and tall figure walk through those glass doors. how you wish you could've hugged him tighter that day, then maybe he would still be here with you
forcing a smile became increasingly difficult. anybody could see you were at your breaking point. as the days passed and the voicemails accumulated, it felt as if you deserved to be ghosted, deserved the rude treatment, only pulling yourself through the day by pure muscle memory
eyes flickering to the clock, you began to lose hope that the boy would ever walk through those doors again. taking your last order, you greet the family goodbye with a feigned smile before you heave the heavy mop onto the tile floor emotionlessly. hearing the bell at the door ringing, you take in a sharp breath
"sorry we're closed" you force out, not even feeling like feigning a peppy voice. hearing a pair of shoes shuffling closer, you clench your jaw, ready to break at any point. looking up, your eyes meet the ones that have kept you up on sleepless nights, haunted your thoughts
wordlessly, you run to the boy, not even bothering to stop the tears from streaming down your cheeks. immediately doing what you dreamt of doing these past nights, you tiptoe to reach the boy, cupping his cheeks softly and letting his lips meet yours. your breath hitches and you taste the saltiness of your tears as you feel the boy's soft lips you missed dangerously. letting his forehead meet yours, you whisper painfully
"please don't leave again. please, ki" you breath out, interlocking your fingers in his hair as you did that day
"I promise, angel. I promise. I'm so sorry for being such a coward" you only shush the boy, relishing in the warmth you missed oh so much. you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding when his hands find purchase on your waist. you can't help but think the fit was too perfect for it not mean to be
"angel" he whispers sweetly into your ear, making your breath hitch. you only hum in response, not wanting release your hold on him just yet
"will you be mine?" he caressed your cheek softly as he whispers. you only giggle through tears
"only if you come see enha with me" you smile, leaning into the touch. wiping the tears from his cheeks, he chuckles
"you got yourself a deal"
author's note: I hope you can tell I love angst but only to a certain extent cuz this one lasted a grand total of 5 seconds😍
also this is my first longer fic so pls let me know what you think!!! I would really appreciate it<3
@hachimarii 🤭🤭
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shopcat · 1 year
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hi i wanted to gather all the minute details and things i've always wanted to know about scoops mostly for reference for myself but also fun <3
the ocean of canonical flavours: ☆ chocolate, strawberry, rainbow sherbet, coffee, vanilla, rocky road, pistachio, black walnut, chocolate chip, mint chocolate chip, french vanilla, chocolate - vanilla swirl, peppermint stick, butter pecan, cherries jubilee, mocha nut + the flavour of the month is salted caramel ☆ divided into 8 flavours per case ☆ additionally: erica asks for a sample of a peanut butter - chocolate swirl flavour, there's a couple different examples shown of an orange-coloured sherbet (probably mango...?) and the uss butterscotch assumedly uses a butterscotch ice cream
pricing: ☆ ice cream floats: $2.50 ☆ handmade shakes: $2.75 ☆ ice cream sundae: $2.60 ☆ banana boat: $2.90 ☆ one scoop cone: $1.25, + 50c for two ☆ one scoop cup: $1.15, + 40c for two
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cones & cups available: ☆ cake cones ☆ sugar cones ☆ waffle cones ☆ waffle cups ☆ regular and large cups
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they also sell ice cream cake in slices (that looks like a choc mint flavour...?)
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the uss butterscotch: ☆ a single scoop each of strawberry, chocolate and butterscotch ice cream topped with the corresponding syrups, served with a split banana, topped with whipped cream, 3 wafers, 3 maraschino cherries and cookies
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clown sundae: ☆ a single vanilla scoop topped with an icing rimmed sugar cone hat, a m&m smiley face and a mini marshmallow ruffle (so cute...) ☆ a steve special...?
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sodas: coke, fanta, sprite and diet coke
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toppings: ☆ on counter -> chocolate sprinkles, rainbow sprinkles (x 2), rainbow nonpareils/hundreds and thousands ☆ behind counter -> chopped nuts, butterscotch chips + what looks like another kind of chopped nut and fudge/cookie pieces ☆ also: mini marshmallows, chocolate wafer sticks, sugar cone wafers and chocolate wafers, cookies, maraschino cherries ☆ whipped cream, (hershey's) chocolate and strawberry syrup in dispensers + butterscotch syrup ☆ iirc the stranger things experience included gummy bears too
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also on the counter is a hand made tip jar and a cup for used sample sticks. and various jars of straws.. also the 4 billion bananas
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additionally: ☆ the store sits between lovelace lingerie and the gap. next to lovelace is a sam goody (a music store!!!)
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☆ OTHER stores canonically within starcourt that i feel are significant... -> tape world, radioshack, the game player, time-out arcade. and claire's <3 the camera repair store also sells film and the gap advertises levi's + the shoe store upstairs advertises nike's (steve bait) ☆ the candy crane and plush toy crane machine next to the carousels just outside the store all cost 25c :) ☆ the employee's breakroom is called the captain's quarters...
and last my various layout refs <3
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amazing-spiderling · 5 months
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We had to get together yesterday so my friends could watch all of the episodes of X-Men 97 that are currently out (seven at time of writing). Combining my love of comics with my love of brunch meant that I had to rise to the occasion with some thematically appropriate treats. I made:
Scott Pockets: You know them you love them, pepperoni inside, cool shades outside
Marvel Swirls: Rolled omelette made with spinach, cheese and imitation crab
Ororeos: Classic cookies with added razzle dazzle
Jube-berries: Sweet and tart with optional whipped cream and extremely 90's sprinkles
Wolvergreens: I'm the best at what I do, and what I do is high in vitamins and soluble fiber
S'morphs: Extra gooey rice crispy treats with chocolate and teddy grahams for additional .. personality
Southern Sweet Pie-Rouge-is: Filled with peach and mango, topped with vanilla "Sugah'"
Hambits: Flavorful mixed potato hash with onions, peppers, and crispy pancetta
The B.A.M.F: Bacon, arugula, and mushroom flatbread. The obvious favorite
We also had the CUTEST donuts from a local shop that will genuinely put whatever you want in icing, which was good, because by the time we got into hour three, we all needed a boost.
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h2uji · 2 years
#pairing. Osamu, Hinata.
#genre. F!reader, Fluff, (d/n daughter's name), (s/n son's name).
#warning.. ‑
cute moments with the HQ boys kids
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OSAMU squints his eyes, carefully applying the melted chocolate on top of the cake with a swirl focusing on writing his daughter's name under the 'happy birthday' neatly on her first birthday mini vanilla cake that him and his wife made it by themselves
"PAPA" hearing her tiny voice made him frown his eyebrows In confusion, didn't he tell his wife that it has to be a 'surprise' by keeping d/n distracted, well she think that's stupid she's only 1 doesn't even know that, just a toddler.
turning his head toward her his face softened when he noticed her cute pink puffy dress and the white colored bow band around her head, the wobbly steps walking toward her father with a smile
placing the swirl on the counter he lift her up kissing her forehead, "will hello princess, Don't you look nice on that tiny dress?" she start giggling placing her tiny hands on her fathers cheeks, "since you're here why don't you help me, your mother ruined the surprise anyways" he frowned as he pulled her chair closer to the cake and placing her
connected the seat belt he sighed "Alright baby look" opening the high cabinet he toke the rainbow sprinkles out slightly shaking it then twisting the lid open "now look carefully princess, I'll show you how its done" he carefully applied it on top of the cake slightly sticking his tongue out while d/n mouth was open her sparkly eyes are on the colorful sprinkles craving on eating them alone instead
"your turn" handing it to her he watched her is her tiny arms reached to taking it away "alright just like ho-" he got interrupted by his daughter who raised her head and opened her mouth shaking the sprinkles in her mouth "NO" quickly taking the sprinkles away from her
"mmm" a few sprinkles went down her tongue sucking the flavors, but she pouted it wasn't enough to satisfy her, "its for the cake baby" he continued on adding more while his daughter was still tasting the flavor on her tongue sucking and biting on her lower lip
she looked so cute her feet dangling on her high chair, her big eyes that look exactly like him staring at the cake, those chubby cheeks and the smile that look exactly like her mothers probably his Favorite thing about both of them.
HINATA "I can go my fever isn't that bad shoyo" your eyes were half lidded with a runny nose and dirty used tissues were all over the bed and floor, it was obviously a lie "NO darling rest how is 39.2 C fever isn't bad, me and s/n will go buy groceries real quick, right little man?" looking down at his 6yrs old who looked up at him with a smile and raised his arms "YES" walking to his mom who was laying on bed with cool wet towel placed on her forehead, "don't worry mommy"he ran his little fingers on her sweaty hair.
putting s/n inside the kart he took the grocery list out of his back pocket "alright bud, here is the list mommy gave us" he handed the paper to him relying on him to read it, "you read and I'll push the kart ok?" s/n took it with excitement on his eyes as he nodded his head aggressively
Hinata pushed the cart to the dairy section “Read the first grocery”, the 6yrs old squints his eyes as he opened his mouth “eggs” looking around the fridges he smiled when he found the eggs “EGGS RIGHT THERE” he pointed with his index finger
his father smiled at him as he petted his head "good job little man" pushing the kart he grabbed the egg trey placing it on the kart "alright what's next?", s/n slid his index finger on the paper as he start to get sweaty at the long word he was trying to read "t-to-ma" rising his head to look at his father waiting for his help but he only nodded at him
"I know you can read it bud, just divide them remember?" giving him a closed eye smile and pulling the stroller to the side, "u-uhm" s/n gulped once again squints his eyes trying his best to read the 8 words, "See the first 4 words you can read that right?", the orange haired kid nodded his head "alright read it nice and slow"
taking a deep breath he started "toma" Hinata patted his head praising him "good job!, now the other 4 words" s/n hummed giggling at the word "toes" looking at his dad he connected the words "tomatoes!" rising his hand for a high-five, s/n slaped his palm on his "you did great baby, now to the vegetable section!"
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©h2uji ⋅ Please do not repost my work ⋅ or translating it in any other platform
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