#thank you so much for this glyph!
outmaww · 1 year
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one day left.
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small-plants · 2 months
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piereoglyphics · 8 months
You, my dear piereoglyphics, have been nominated to share an OC beginning with E‼️
ITS OKAY!! I was out too lol.
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There is also Dr Elmer. Efani isnt a ninjago oc, but Elmer is :3
Only had two, haha.
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wingsyliveblogs · 2 years
A neat detail is that you can see the moment Lilith slips the power glyph onto Amity's neck just prior to the duel when she appears to give her a comforting pat on the back.
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Oooh, these are interesting!
1. Oh, that's very neat indeed! I went back and checked, and although Lilith isn't shown holding the glyph here, and she does briefly touch Amity's shoulder in this shot:
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in the next shot, she's touching Amity's neck, even though she already moved her hand away in the previous shot:
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and her hand is at a slightly different angle in this one as well. So there we have it!
Notably, the glyph itself is not visible on Amity's neck prior to the reveal.
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looks as if the characters aren't the only ones who're cheating here
2. I can't believe I didn't pick up on this one! Ahh, that's a great little bit of symbolism. I remember pondering to myself what the implications of the Bog of Immediate Regret were for Good Witch Azura lore, but by the time the regret started to set in for Luz, I'd forgotten all about it. Thanks for pointing it out!
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caramel-ribbons · 1 year
I love how the Titan isn’t a God; he’s a father who has used his power to try and communicate with the girl who has shown nothing but love and compassion towards his son. She wears the Bad girl coven shirt. There’s a Hooty piece where he’s missing an eye. Her last words to her son are “I loaf you” because she knows he likes bread puns. The Titan has more in common with witches and humans than he does with the immortalized version Belos created.
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I love how Belos intentionally turned the Titan into this Godlike figure because he’s a colonizer. White colonizers thrusted their religious beliefs onto the people they deemed lesser. They actively took over entire continents and actively stole from and killed people because of their perceived superiority. Belos thinks he’s better than the witches, and so he stole the magic from the Titan, appointed himself its ruler, and attempted genocide against the witches of the Boiling Isles.
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And I love how Luz saves the day, not because she was a chosen one with some innate power, but because she’d proven to the Titan that she deserved power.
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“Almost as if the world wanted to hide them from me.”
“Almost like the Titan himself didn’t want me to have that knowledge.”
Because he didn’t. Because the Titan knew Belos didn’t have good intentions. But she showed the glyphs to Luz. He chose to show his power to her because he knew she would use it for good, and she did. Unlike Belos, Luz appreciated the culture of the Demon Realm and she learned to love the people of the Boiling Isles, including King, in a matter of months. Belos was there for centuries and yet he never bothered to treat the Boiling Isles with any respect. Why should he earn the Titan’s power when he can’t even respect her or any of the beings she shelters?
I’ve seen a few people (mainly on Twitter), reducing all of this to a “deus ex machina” or, “another cult metaphor”, but it’s so much more than that. It’s about respect. Respect of land and the people who occupy it. It’s about respecting people enough to understand them and their culture without forcing your own beliefs onto them. More than simply being an obvious criticism of the witch trials and the Catholics responsible for them, it’s also a criticism of people who use religion as an excuse to hurt people. Belos used the Titan as a substitute for his own God and then weaponized her against her own people, while Luz treated her offspring with nothing but love and respect.
Luz won because she loved and looked after the Titan’s son and thus, loved her. Belos lost because he didn’t even bother to learn anything about King, his Dad, or the people he protected.
Edit: A really nice commenter reminded me it was the Puritains and not the Catholics who were responsible for the witch trials. Thank you for that. Message still stands but just keep that in mind.
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danurso · 7 months
NWN Challenge
*At a nice bar in Atlas*
Ruby: You’re still dealing with the fallout of that mess?
Blake: Of course. As the head of the white fang I can't just clean up a mess and ignore what caused it and who was affected by it…..*sigh* The last thing I want is people thinking we’re slipping back into what we used to be years back.
Yang: Good thing your pops is really good at de-escalating, well that and Weiss’ PR team.
Blake: Yeah. Where is her by the way? I wanted to thank her personally for all the help.
Ruby: She said she was coming, something came up during work.
Yang: Or someone. If Jaune went to visit she might be an hour or so late.
Blake: That. . . . . . probably isn't the case.
Yang: Why?
Blake: *nods* Because she doesn't look like she just had a good time.
The trio then turned to see a familiar heiress coming in, looking like she was about to murder someone.
Weiss: *sits down on the table*
Bartender: What will it be mi-
Weiss: Vodka. Pure. And make it a triple.
Yang: Yeesh. Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed today.
Ruby: What happened?
Blake: Who did you kill?
Weiss: He's not dead, the doctors said just broke a few bones.
R_BY: . . . . . . . .
Weiss: . . . .what?
Blake: . . . . .i was joking.
Weiss: Oh. . . .right. . . . .
Ruby: Wait, wait, you tried to kill someone!?
Weiss: I didn't! I just exaggerated a bit while dealing with a jerk.
Yang: What happened?
Weiss: . . . . .*sigh* I was venting to Winter about some private things about Jaune, as soon as she left an associate came in, he must've heard something about what we're talking, because as soon as we were done talking business he tried asking me out.
Yang: Doesn't everyone at the company know you just married?
Weiss: They do and he knew about it. But he insisted saying we could do something “fun” and that he could “Give me what i needed” since my husband wasn't doing so.
Ruby: Oh gods. . . . . .
Yang: Hah!
Blake: Like, I understand why that made you angry, but did you have to send the guy to the hospital?
Weiss: Not really, but i’ve been having a really stressful week and even after i said no multiple times, he kept pushing, and the moment he got too close i catapulted him out of the room with a glyph, though because of everything i miscalculated and sent him through a wall instead of the door.
Yang: *laughs* Please send me the video whenever you can! I wanna see that.
Ruby: Well, jerk aside, is everything okay? You sound like there's been stress even before that.
Bartender: Here miss. *Puts down her drink*
Weiss: Thanks.
Blake: Is everything okay at home? You said you were venting about Jaune, is everything okay between you two?
Weiss: No! The last three weeks been awful! HE has been awful!
Blake: Wait what?
Yang: Wow, That's a surprise.
Ruby: But why? What's wrong with Jaune?
Weiss: He’s been the worst! I keep having to deal with issues at the company! Cleaning the mess my father made! And then, after an awful day of work, what am I greeted with!?
Yang: A blown up house?
Blake: Another woman?
Ruby: Jaune wouldn't do that blake! Geez. . . . .Oh! Was it maybe a dead body?
Weiss: No! As soon as I come in he greets me with that stupid! Bright! And warm smile! He hugs me tight goes on about missing me soooo much! He covers me in kisses! Takes me in to show the warm bath he prepared for me! The house which is basically spotless and the dinner which was my favorite! Aaaarggh! Just thinking about it makes my blood boil! *Chugs the drink*
Ruby: . . . . . . . .
Yang: . . . . . . . .
Blake: . . . . . . . . . .that's it?
Weiss: Oh no. No no no, it gets worse. After dinner he brings me a whole cheesecake! Freshly made! And after we ate he took me to the living room and massaged every corner of my stressed body! I felt like I was melting! Oh gods the nerve of that man!!!
Yang: Wow, sounds like a nightmare.
Weiss: I know! Because it is!
Blake: *deadpan* Is it though?
Ruby: Err, Weiss? Are you sure there's a problem there? Because you make it sound like he's doing something bad but apparently he's been really sweet to you.
Weiss: I know! And it's unbearable!
Ruby: But why?
R_BY: Ohhhh. . . . .
Blake: He’s doing that dumb challenge too? I thought it was just Sun.
Ruby: *sigh* Nah, Oscar was doing it too.
Yang: Sounds like a headache. Lucky me and Arslan don't struggle with that stuff.
Blake: Yes, because she's not a guy, they tend to be incredibly stubborn about the stupidest things. Well, as stubborn as you can be with someone who knows all your weaknesses.
Ruby: Got him to give up?
Blake: Around a week in, would’ve been sooner if i wasn't busy with the fang. Oscar giving you trouble?
Ruby: Nope. He went for ten days straight, then he walked in on me coming out of the shower and he snapped. *Chuckles* I wasn't even trying to make him lose.
Weiss: *eyebrow twitching* Good to know I'm the only one suffering here.
Yang: Come on ice cream. You know that guy is basically addicted to you, if you give him a push in the right direction I'm pretty sure he’ll just crumble.
Weiss: And you think I haven't tried!? Skimpy swimsuits, Lingeries, Nudes throughout the day, dirty comments, cosplaying his favorite characters, offering to do the most questionable things! I used every last trick in the book and he STILL didn't cave in!
Yang: Oh, wow.
Blake: I knew he had a strong will but this is still surprising to hear.
Weiss: It's so frustrating! I get to come back home every day to the most wonderful husband in the world, who pampers and looks after me, doing everything I wish and making me the happiest woman in Remnant! And you tell me I can't ride him to oblivion after all that!? It's unfair!!! Utter Injustice!!! I wished I knew who came up with this challenge so I could strangle them until they're blue!!!
Yang: *chuckles* I can't tell if you're angrier at not getting laid for three weeks now or at him for not falling for your charms.
Weiss: BOTH!!!
Ruby: I mean, you said you tried everything but it doesn't sound like it.
Weiss: I did Ruby. I most certainly did! And wore basically anything you could imagine, I went as far as to wear things that, if images were leaked online, my life would be ruined and Blake would never talk to me again.
Yang: . . . . . . .you wore a-
Blake: *covers her mouth* Please don't, I’d rather our friendship still exist by the end of the night. For once in my life i do NOT wanna know.
Yang: *pushes her out* Wow. You really pulled all the stops.
Weiss: And it did nothing to him!!! *Depressed sigh*
Ruby: I mean, so far it sounds like all you did was dress up and act sexy to try and make him cave in.
Weiss: What else was I supposed to do!?
Ruby: Did you forget who you're married to? It's pretty easy to get him to bend and do what you want once you pin his weakness down.
Weiss: . . . . . .that sounded very wrong, especially being about my husband.
Ruby: What? I never abused that weakness mind you! He's my best friend, I could never!
Yang: Unless he has your favorite cookies.
Ruby: *pink* That's different!
Weiss: Spit it out already!
Ruby: *sigh* . . . . .fine. but he ever asks, you didn't learn this from me.
Weiss: *walks in* I’m home.
Jaune: *wearing pajamas* Hey, how was your night? *Hugs her* Everyone doing well?
Weiss: Yeah. *Kisses him* Everyone is doing well.
Jaune: I left some food for you in the microwave, wasn’t sure if you would eat out so i made something.
Weiss: It's fine, we got something to eat on the way back.
Jaune: I’ll pack it up for tomorrow then. *Walking to the kitchen* By the way, Whitley called. He said something about a guy you sent to the hospital. Is everything okay at work?
Weiss: Yeah, someone tried hitting on me earlier, and I accidentally used too much force to push him off when he tried to get too close.
Jaune: *storing the food* Ouch. Almost makes me feel bad for him. . . . .almost. *feels a pair of arms wrapping around his torso from behind.* . . . . . .Weiss?
Weiss: *inhale* . . . . . .*deep exhale*
Jaune: *serious* Weiss. . . . .that guy didn't hurt you, did he?
Weiss: *chuckles* Good to know my knight is still there to protect me if I ever need, I thought he ended up buried under my cute husband.
Jaune: Weiss-
Weiss: He did nothing, just a few sweet words which I already forgot. I just wanted to hug you.
Jaune: If you say so, then I believe you. What do you wanna do now?
Weiss: Bed. I’m tired, could you come with me though?
Jaune didn't answer, he only turned around and picked her up in his arms, making her chuckle in response, he took her to the bedroom and helped her out of her clothes and into her nightgown, and soon enough, they were both in bed cuddling.
Weiss: *Chuckling*
Jaune: What’s so funny?
Weiss: Nothing. I’m just happy.
Jaune: That's good to hear. You seemed a little stressed these last few days.
Weiss: Yeah. . . .but I'm fine now. In fact, I couldn't be happier.
Jaune: Really?
Weiss: Of course. *Hugs him closer* I’ve got a nice house, a good job, great friends and above all else *Looks up to him* the most wonderful husband in the world.
Jaune: *pink, scratching his cheek* Hehehe, I’m just doing what I can. It's not a big deal.
Weiss: It is for me. . . .for someone who grew up in a cold house, surrounded by people I couldn't trust, having someone that I can trust and love this much is everything.
Jaune: Weiss. . . . .
Weiss: You never ignore me, you always know when I'm not okay, you look after my every need, you go above and beyond to make me happy, and you know me even better than I do myself. I must've been a saint in a past life to be blessed with someone so wonderful as you are. I wanna stay like this and hold on to you for the rest of my life. *Angelic smile* Thank you for marrying me, my love.
Jaune: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jaune: *naked on the bed and spooning her* God damnit. . . . .
Weiss: *sweaty and giggling*
Jaune: I can't believe I fell for that.
Weiss: Fell for what~? I was being honest, you know?
Jaune: I know! And that makes it even more of a dirty move!
Weiss: My heart bleeds for you.
Jaune: *groan* I was just a week away. I resisted everything you threw at me and this is how I lost?
Weiss: Yep. I thought there was no way out until a certain someone reminded me how weak you are to someone being genuinely emotional with you.
Jaune: It was Ruby wasn't it? Every time i have her favorite cookies she'll go on this emotional speech about how much it matters to her that i’m her best friend and all we went through, and when i realize i already gave her the cookies.
Weiss: I won't confirm nor deny anything.
Jaune: Ugh, figures.
Weiss: *turns to him* Oh please, you say it as if you didn't like it.
Jaune: Of course I did, I've been craving you for weeks.
Weiss: Good to hear, I felt the same.
Jaune: Just don't do that next year or I'm telling Blake about your secret costumes.
Weiss: You’re doing that again next year!?
Jaune: *chuckles* That's your main concern?
Weiss: Of course I am! These last three weeks have been hell!
Jaune: If that's the case. . . .*on top of her* Then let me take you to paradise.
Weiss: *pink* That wasn't enough for you?
Jaune: Nowhere near enough to make up for these three weeks. You gotta work Tomorrow?
Weiss: Not really, they have to fix the wall in my office so. . . . .
Jaune: Good. You won't have to make up an excuse then. Might need one for after tomorrow though.
Weiss: *red* . . . . . . .I’m in danger aren't i?
Jaune: The plan was to win the challenge and slowly ease back into routine. You tricked me into losing so now I’m giving you what you want, all of it.
Weiss: *redder* C-can we talk about this for a mome-AAHHHH~!?!?
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living-dead-guyy · 2 months
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I started this a while ago, but entirely forgot this existed so it was never finished or posted unfortunately :/
It’s one of the “snailiens” painting details on a temple. The artwork above him depicts a snailien below a glyph of the sun.
Anywho, thank you all so much for all the love on my previous posts. I truely appreciate every interaction with my art :))
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stevesbestgirl · 1 year
Phases of the Moon - Part 1
Steven Grant x f!Reader, eventual Marc Spector x f!Reader
2796 words
Warnings: poor imitations of British speaking habits, not much else in part one, maybe a few curses but I’m not sure
A/N: This was my attempt to write a slow-burn. It’s long, self-indulgent, and obscenely fluffy. Reader is specified as American, but mostly so I can avoid pretending I know anything about living in the UK. Steven and Marc are aware of each other and trying to find balance in their relationship in this fic, but keep in mind that I am not a system and am not an expert. All of my information about their relationship comes from the Moon Knight show and I use that as my reference point. 
*Bold type is spoken by Marc when Steven is fronting.*
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“Go talk to her.”
“Well I can’t, can I?” Steven sent a furtive glance at you, toying absently with your phone while you examined the glyphs inside a display.
“Why can’t you?”
“She’s got earphones in.”
Marc scoffed in the glass of one of the display cases, “Always an excuse.”
“I can’t just interrupt her, that’d be rude!”
“Not if she’s interested.”
Steven’s reply was cut short as a pair of boys came rushing around the corner, laughing and shoving each other- Steven wouldn’t have placed them at older than twelve. He watched helplessly as one firm push sent the smaller of the two reeling into your backside. Completely oblivious to their noise, you went sprawling, headphones disconnecting as your phone hit the ground and was sent skittering across the polished floor, coming to rest at Steven’s feet.
Inhibitions gone, Steven scooped your phone up and rushed over, offering a hand to help you up, “Are you okay?” You nodded, feeling a little embarrassed. “You lot,” he called out, locating the pair sidling off behind a diorama, “C’mere.” 
They looked like they were considering bolting, but the smaller of them located Steven’s badge and took a reluctant step forward. By the time they stood in front of you, they were looking rather cowed, like puppies who’d been caught gnawing a slipper. 
“Shape up, you hear? You could’ve really hurt someone.”
“Yeah, sorry.”
“Now listen, down that corridor there, there’s a bunch of old weapons; spears, cudgels, daggers, the like. How about you go give it a look?” You watched him speak to the two boys; his enthusiasm seemed very genuine, not the fake kind adults often used with children.
The taller boy hesitated before leaving, “What’s a cudgel?”
Steven smiled a little, “Why don’t you go on and find out?” Then the two rushed in the direction he’d indicated and he called after them, “Slowly, hm?”
Once they were out of sight, you finally spoke, “Are you sure that was a good idea? Sending them in there with a bunch of weapons?” You couldn’t help but smile as he unconsciously smoothed his dark, nearly sleep-tousled curls back from his face.
His intent had been to chuckle, but it came out as more of an empty puff of air, “They’re all under glass- should be alright.” He added, “Maybe I’ll pop in to check on them, just in case.” Nervous now, he looked down at his hands, still holding your phone, “Oh, there you are.” Your expression fell and only then did he notice the spiderweb of cracks in the bottom corner where it had hit the floor, “Oh no.”
You shook your head, accepting the phone and dropping it to your side, like putting it out of sight would make him forget, “It’s alright. Just a screen protector. I’ll get a new one eventually.”
“Sorry about that, love,” he insisted, his earnest gaze finally meeting yours just in time for your face to go warm. You’d thought you’d been ready to hear the term of endearment used so casually when you came to England, but apparently not.
“It’s alright,” you rushed to speak. “Definitely not your fault. Thanks for helping me-” you glanced at his name tag, “-Steven.”
“No problem- it is my job after all,” he cracked a halfhearted smile.
“You were great with those kids too.”
Rosy warmth tinged his cheeks and his gaze shifted away, “Thanks.” A small pause, “Your accent- you’re American?”
You nodded, “Needed a change of scenery, so I’m staying with some family for a while. Just got in yesterday, actually.”
His gaze eagerly lifted to yours again, but flicked away over your shoulder and he went slightly pale. Glancing back, you saw a stocky woman with dirty blonde hair gesturing impatiently at him.
Returning his gaze to you, he looked a bit panicked, “I’m sorry, I’ve gotta go. I- ah-” He tripped over his words and almost tripped almost his feet as well, veering around you and backing away toward the woman beckoning him over. 
You raised your hand in an uncertain farewell as he stammered his way backwards, gesturing faintly over his shoulder with his thumb in a faint attempt at an explanation. Once he was within range, the woman seemed to be lighting into him a bit, though his gaze hadn’t yet left you. It wasn’t until she snapped her fingers that he looked at her. 
Not wanting to spy, you turned away, checking your phone for the time. When Steven glanced your way again, he only caught your retreating form disappearing out the entrance. For once, Donna’s criticisms didn’t affect him since he was already kicking himself for not asking you out. Or getting your phone number. Or even your name. He’d blown it. 
The following day, you had a bit more time to explore the museum, so you returned. And you noted with dismay, when the cabbie called you “love”, you didn’t so much as blink, let alone blush. Maybe it had been a one-off thing. Now you would be immune. 
Walking in and spotting the woman from before at the front desk, you plucked up a bit of courage and approached. Her name tag read “Donna” and she prompted with visible disinterest, as though she were reading off a script, “Welcome. Is there something I can direct you to?”
Deciding to push forward, you said, “Actually, I was just in here yesterday. I ran into a bit of trouble with a couple of young boys and one of your tour guides helped me. I wanted to let you know that Steven was very polite and just lovely with those kids-”
“Stevie? He isn’t a tour guide,” Donna interrupted, wrinkling her nose. “In his dreams, maybe.”
“But he does work here?”
“Yeah, he’s the gift shoppist.” She was still being very flippant; it was clear that she’d barely had interest in this conversation to begin with and now that it was about Steven, it had dwindled to none. 
“Right. Thank you.” You forced a smile and nodded before heading off in the direction of the gift shop.
The counter was empty when you first walked into the room, sending a tiny shoot of disappointment into your chest. You wanted to thank him, since it didn’t appear that you could score him any points with his boss.
You wondered for a moment if you should come back later, but then a shaggy, brown mop of hair sprung up from behind the counter, triumphantly brandishing what appeared to be a large, amber-colored marble with a bone inside it, “Got ya, you little bugger.”
His gaze fell on you and he tucked the marble behind his back, like it was something to hide, “You- you came back.”
You reached into your bag, pulling out the brochure you’d picked up yesterday, “I was only passing through yesterday.” You unfolded the brochure and showed him the notes you’d taken on the map, detailing where you wanted to go first and which exhibits had caught your eye, “I like to plan a little bit.”
He followed the line you traced with your finger intently, raising his gaze to your face when you pulled away, “That’s a good way to go about it. The tour is pretty good too.” Steven’s heart skipped as your lips pulled into a slight frown; had he said something wrong? 
“Speaking of the tour, I tried to put in a good word for you with your boss- as thanks, for yesterday- she doesn’t seem to like you very much.”
“Oh, yes. Donna and I have got a bit of a rocky history.” He added quickly, “Not a history, mind you. More like a boss/employee history. I’ve got a bit of a bad track record with my punctuality, actually,” he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Well, I think you’d make a lovely tour guide, for what it’s worth.”  
There was another one of those long pauses; you were about to offer a meek “Thanks again,” and cut your losses when he spoke up, “If you like, I’m on a break in ten minutes. I could show you around.”
You’d insisted to yourself that this wasn’t why you came back here, but you found yourself nodding, a faint smile on your lips, “I’d like that.”
Steven seemed even more surprised than you were, nodding quickly, “Great- that’s- great.” He nodded again, “I can meet you in the ‘King’s Tomb’ exhibit.” He pointed, “Right over there-” He checked his watch, “-in nine minutes.”
Your smile widened, “See you in nine minutes then.” You moved off in the direction he’d indicated, the temptation to look back gnawing at you. 
“Wait!” he called after you. You turned back, “I haven’t got your name.”
“You haven’t needed it, have you?” 
Now you were teasing and you knew it. But you could feel his eyes on you as you disappeared around the corner and you smiled to yourself. So much for doing your own thing. The whole reason for coming to London was to get away from men- although you supposed it was more one man than men in general. But something about Steven just caught your eye.
So you waited out the impossibly long eight minutes remaining until Steven walked in, looking in a bit of a rush. You watched him scan the exhibit, almost like he’d expected you to have left by now.
You raised a hand, “Steven.” He positively lit up at the sight of you, relief visible in the heavy exhale he released- like he'd been holding his breath. 
You met him in the center of the room, clasping your hands behind your back in anticipation. Steven still had the remnants of a grin on his face, though he mirrored your posture, a bit of enthusiasm escaping as he bounced on the balls of his feet, just once, “What do you want to see?”
“You’re my tour guide, you tell me,” you teased. 
Almost instantly, his face flushed, “Well, I wasn’t sure if there were specific displays you wanted to look at or certain subjects you were interested in, you know? Since I've only got fifteen minutes on my break.” 
“Well, I’m interested in everything, but since we only have fifteen minutes; how about you show me the way you’d start your tour if you were a guide?” His cheeks darkened further and you had to bite the inside of your cheek not to smile again. But he surprised you, recovering quickly and placing his hand on your arm. He steered you over to one of the displays and you glanced at him, “The Ennead?”
The Ennead,” he corrected your pronunciation. “The Egyptian Gods.” He wheeled around so his back was to the exhibit, his gaze meeting yours with ease. “Everything about Egypt comes back to the gods one way or another, so to understand Egypt, you have to understand them.”
He walked you through the exhibit, one god or goddess at a time, his hands moving animatedly as he talked. And he was good at it, in a different way than you’d expect. He had such a wealth of knowledge- you felt comfortable asking questions because you expected him to have the answers. And he answered many of your questions before you could even ask them; his explanations were pretty comprehensive. 
It was all strangely charming, actually. His enthusiasm was so genuine, it was as though he invited you inside it with him. It was a nice place to be- like sharing a secret. It was also putting you in dangerous territory; a magnetic field that would be hard to pull yourself from.
Once you were about halfway through the eleven, you tentatively raised your hand. Steven faltered slightly, giving you the chance to speak up, “Two things- I just want to check the time, I’d hate for you to be-”
“Late-” he checked his watch faster than you could pull out your phone.
You grabbed his hand, pulling him back toward the gift shop, “Well, come on then, I don’t want you getting into trouble!”
Steven’s long strides quickly outpaced you; you had to hurry to keep up, a laugh at the ridiculousness of it slipping out. Steven glanced back- nearly shouldering a display case. Right before impact, his back straightened a bit, like he sensed it coming, and he just twisted out of the way. It was so smooth you wouldn’t have noticed the deft movement if you hadn’t been anticipating the collision.
By the time you skidded to a halt in front of the gift shop counter, you were full-on giggling; you couldn’t remember the last time you’d laughed so hard over almost nothing. “Sorry about that,” Steven offered meekly.
You took a breath and collected yourself a bit, though you still felt the warmth of the laughter in your cheeks, “Don’t be- it was fun.”
“What was the other thing?” he asked, shuffling back behind the counter.
“You said there were two things, the time and what else?”
“Oh! Well that exhibit was called the ‘King’s Tomb,’ right? Why are the gods in that one?”
He leaned on the counter, some of his timid demeanor vanishing, “Well, the pharaohs were considered to be gods by their people. So they put them in a room together. And since the mummies are what brings in the crowds, they get the-” he clicked his tongue, framing a little marquee with his fingers, “-title spot.”
“I suppose you know quite a lot about those too?”
He gave a chagrined smile, “Did I go on a bit much then?”
You shook your head, “Not at all- I wasn’t teasing. I wish we’d had time to do the whole exhibit.”
“I’d wager with me giving it, that tour would take all week,” he joked, feeling like he’d done too much talking during your time together.
You shrugged, “I’m on vacation.” Smiling, you added, “Or holiday, you’d probably call it.”
He smiled weakly at the joke, seeming to be working out what you’d meant. He scanned your face, as though nervous he was misreading you, but you just smiled at him. “I’m scheduled again on Thursday, I could- if you like, I mean- I could show you some more. Of the exhibit. Obviously. If you want.” 
You were here for freedom. You’d come all the way to another country so you could do what you wanted, when you wanted, no strings attached. But, you reasoned, this wasn’t dating. This was an exclusive tour, on Steven’s break. It wasn’t like he was taking you out to dinner.
You were bargaining; whittling away your rules to nothing because they no longer suited your purposes. You knew that. And you also knew that you only did so because Steven was, very clearly, a large string. A large string with lovely, brown, puppy eyes and enough passion for Egypt to make a pharaoh blush. But you nodded anyway, “I’d love to come back. Same time?”
He seemed stunned by your acceptance, but he nodded rapidly to overcompensate for the moment of hesitation, “Yeah. My break is at three.”
You smirked, “How many minutes from now?”
He stared at you for a moment- you almost wondered if he was trying to do the math, but then he flushed and gave a weak chuckle, “Right, I’ll work on that one.”
You pulled out the brochure you’d picked up yesterday and a pen from your bag, “Since I won’t be needing this anymore-” You scribbled down your name and number and slid the brochure across the table, “Text me when you figure it out.” No strings, you reminded yourself.
He gave another hurried nod, “Okay, I will, I-” 
You got a sense of deja vu as Steven glanced over your shoulder and paled in nearly the exact same way he had yesterday. “Is it Donna?” You quickly scanned the counter, grabbing a stuffed hippopotamus, “Because I’d like to purchase this.” You deliberately moved it across the counter where Donna would be able to see and pulled out your wallet.
Now Steven looked back to you, “You don’t have to do that. Most of this stuff if junk-”
“I want to. This one is kind of cute.” You held out the money, “And you’ll tell me all about it next time?”
He nodded, a small smile returning to his face, “Yeah, I will.” He handed back your change and the plush, speaking up so Donna could hear, “Enjoy the rest of your afternoon.”
You smiled, “Same to you.”
You left the other way so Donna wouldn’t see your face, hoping she wasn’t descending on Steven for being late from his break. You held the little hippo plushie to your chest and thought ahead to Thursday.
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imasinnerimsorry · 1 year
The Girl Worth Fighting For
Well-known boxer Harry Styles has been a regular at his trainer Antonio Montez’s gym, and he couldn’t imagine being anywhere else. But, Antonio’s daughter Lola also comes around, and Harry wants her all to himself. Is she a girl worth fighting for?
SMUT / ANGST; Kinks include: deep penetration, face-fucking, deepthroating, riding, age gap (7 years), creampie
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“Keep goin’, Styles,” Antonio yelled, encouraging Harry to hit the punching bag harder and with more vigor. With that, Harry used all of his power to hit the bag with enough impact to send the bag flying backwards each time.
It was a normal training day for Harry at Antonio’s, a gym he’s been going to since he had moved to New York and began his boxing career at 19. The owner of the place, Antonio Montez, built this place from the ground up (both literally and physically), and ever since Harry’s been there, he had treated him like he was his own son. He’d make him home cooked meals and carry them to the gym, take Harry out to sports games with him, and even give him advice in his personal life. The two men were very close.
Antonio also had a daughter, Lola, who had been helping around with errands and supplies for the gym whenever he needed them. Although Harry had been going to that gym for 6 years now, he had never seen her until recently when she started working part-time. He recalls Antonio being a divorced man, so he could put together that Lola probably lived with her mom during those 6 years. From previous conversations with her, Harry learned that she was a 20 year old student at FIT working on her degree for Fashion & Design, and was currently in her second year. She was quite a good girl: smart, obedient, a great sense of style, and a true Daddy’s girl.
But that’s not all Harry noticed about her. Lola had long beautiful brown hair with a red ombre that got brighter as her hair trailed down to her beautiful collarbones, the left one being engraved with a tattoo of a zodiac glyph (the sign of Scorpio maybe? Harry wasn’t too apt when it came to astrology). She wore glasses sometimes, but Harry assumed that she had contacts on the days she didn’t. Her body was full and beautiful; her bust spilled out of every top she wore, her thighs and ass were thick and the jiggles they made as she walked always captivated him, and her love handles accentuated her God-given curves. He noticed the stretch marks and freckles that adorned her skin. She was just perfect.
Lola walked inside of the building, carrying bags of supplies that her father asked her to buy for the gym. She placed them into the storage room and walked back out, running up to her dad and giving him a tight squeeze. “Hi, daddy!,” she said as he held her tight.
Antonio let go and smiled down at his daughter. “Mija, que paso?” He asked her, curious with how her day went.
Lola smiled. “It went well, daddy. I finished up the errands for the house this morning and took Bubba (their dog) out for a walk! I also got the supplies you said you wanted from the warehouse! See?” She pointed at the supplies settled in the storage room, a huge smile on her face as she looked up at her dad.
Her father smiled proudly, “That’s my girl! Thanks so much for the help, mija. This gym wouldn’t be what it is today without your support.”
From the corner of his eye, Harry noticed the glimmer of Lola’s teeth as she smiled at the praise  her father just gave her. He loved to see Lola’s beautiful smile form that arched shape on her lips, but didn’t let it distract him too much from his training. Besides, her father was right there, and Harry didn’t want him to notice how captivated he was by his daughter.
Antonio continued speaking to his daughter, until a question popped up that caught Harry by surprise. “And how was the date?”
Harry’s stomach dropped. Date? She went on a date? Or did she eat dates? What was happening? His thoughts ran wild as he continued punching the bag, his hits getting harder with every word they spoke as they continued their conversation.
Lola smiled and let out a small giggle. “I enjoyed it. He was really nice. We went to that Korean restaurant and I got some bibimbap!”
“Did he treat my baby girl well?” Antonio questioned, nudging his daughter’s shoulder in a playful way.
“Yeah, I’m planning on meeting up with him again this weekend!”
Harry punched the bag with the hardest punch he could throw, his rage fueling his fire. The bag seemed to fly all the way back because of the force of Harry’s blow. Both Antonio and Lola looked at him in shock and confusion.
Harry noticed the two’s stares, and he cleared his throat. “Sorry ‘bout that. I got immersed. Thought I was in a real fight.” He let out a fake snicker towards the end of his statement, and Antonio chuckled as well.
“That’s alright, Styles. It happens,” he reassured Harry, patting the boxer’s shoulder with his hand. “Continue doing what you’re doing, bud.”
The night came and it was finally closing time. All of the patrons left, and it was only Harry, Antonio, and Lola left in the building. Harry usually stayed until closing on some days when he really wanted to train. He genuinely enjoyed being at that gym- it was like his sanctuary or safe space where he could let off steam and be around people he cared about. Antonio and Lola being those people.
Harry sat on a bench, taking off his boxing gloves and removing his mouth guard as he noticed Antonio packing up. Lola was getting the last bit of cleaning done, and Harry watched as she bent down to sanitize one of the metal bars of the equipment. She was wearing yoga pants, and her ass looked absolutely delectable to Harry. But of course, he quickly turned away before anyone would notice, especially her father. He heard the jingling of keys come from the corner of the room as he turned around.
“Alright, honey, I’m gonna let you finish up and then close up shop,” he said Lola.
Lola got up from her position to look at her father. “Okay, Dad, I’ll do that. I’m gonna miss you.” She ran up to her dad to give him a tight embrace and a kiss on his cheek.
Antonio let out a belly-laugh. “Honey, we’re literally going to see each other at the house later. Don’t miss me too much.” He looked over to Harry. “G’night, champ! See ya next week! Make sure she does her job.”
Harry smiled at Antonio. “Same time, same place! And don’t worry; she’s in very safe hands, Tony!” He looked towards Lola, still with a huge smile on his face, and she looked right back at him, cracking a smile.
“Alright, kids! Goodnight!” Antonio pushed through the glass doors and disappeared through the night. A slight breeze came through the doors, and Lola shivered a bit.
“It’s a bit chilly tonight, huh?” She questioned Harry, who was busy packing his duffel bag. “You should put on a sweater or something before you head out.”
“Yeah,” he answered a bit plainly. “Thanks.”
Lola noticed his monotone voice. He wasn’t normally like that. Whenever they would strike up a conversation, his voice was always so expressive and colorful. He’d always look into her eyes whenever they spoke, and they would always seem to sparkle as if he were intrigued with whatever she was saying to him. It was different tonight, though.
“Harry, you alright?” She asked.
Harry quickly glanced at her, but resumed packing his bag and keeping himself busy. “Yep. I’m alright.”
“No, no, you’re not. Harry, please, tell me what’s wrong.” She was genuinely concerned about him. That was her father’s best customer. He’d always been nice to him and her. So, what was the matter?
Of course, he was irritated. He literally overheard her and her dad discussing a date she went on. A date that happened today! Why wouldn’t he be pissed?
“Just having a bad day is all,” he answered, his voice still monotone. “You sure had fun today, though,” he said, hinting at the date, which Lola noticed. His voice was laced with fire and rage, something very different and obvious to his normal speaking voice.
Lola stood in thought for a moment, looking up as if she were trying to deliberate what he was saying with her brain. A lightbulb went off all of a sudden. “A-Are you talking about my date? Well, yeah, I had fun.” She was confused. “Why?” She noticed Harry clench his fist as he grabbed his gym towel. The veins of his tattooed hand and arm popped out, showing that his anger was absolutely seeping through him. Then she realized. “Are you jealous?”
Harry furrowed his eyebrows, his expression looking more upset than ever. He just jumped straight to the point, asking “Did you have sex with him, Lola?”
His straightforwardness caught Lola by surprise. “What?!”
“Did you and your date sleep with each other?” He started to walk over to her.
Lola was stunned by this question. It was too invasive. And why did he want to know? “You’re not my father, my brother, my man, or anyone of importance for me to tell you. You don’t own me, so why should I tell you?” She looked up directly into Harry’s eyes, only a feet inches away from her as if they were having a standoff. She furrowed her eyebrows at him angrily, wanting to try to intimidate him.
But, Harry scoffed. She looked cute when she was trying to put her foot down. He decided to stir the pot to stand his own ground. “You’re right, I don’t own you,” he paused for a second. “But I can make you mine.” He raised his eyebrow and grinned.
The woman gasped at his statement. “What do you mean by that?”
Harry took a step closer. “I can make you mine. But, only if you’ll let me.” He grabbed her by her jawline, stroking her cheek with his thumb as he looked into her eyes.
“Will you let me, Lola?”
Lola nodded slowly. She didn’t even really know what she was agreeing to, but something in here told her to. So, she did. Might as well.
“Open your mouth, sweetheart,” he whispered into her lips. “Open ‘em- there you go.”
Lola opened her mouth at his command, not really expecting what could happen next. Her mind was dazed, and honestly she would do anything he told her too if he wanted.
Harry bent his neck a bit, so that his mouth could be over hers. Just then, he dropped some of his saliva into her mouth. It was warm and the texture was different to say the least, and Lola kept it onto her tongue with her mouth still open, awaiting for his next move.
Harry smiled and let out a small chuckle from under his breath. “You just gonna let it sit there or..?” He joked with her as he looked up and down at her current state.
Lola quickly swallowed his spit down, feeling it slide down her throat alongside her own. It was a strange yet appealing feeling. And she wanted more.
Harry grabbed her by the back of her neck and kissed her. It was something sloppy, wet, raw, and disgusting, the type that made a couple swallow each other’s tongues and taste each other’s souls. As he released her from the kiss, his lips bit into hers. “Good girl,” the man complimented her, noticing her flushed cheeks as he grinned. “Now,” he began to take off his sweatpants, removing one leg at a time, and Lola’s jaw dropped again as she looked at the package this man was hiding this whole time underneath, “I want you to take off your clothes, get on your knees, and prove to me why you should be mine.”
Lola couldn’t say she was prepared for this. It’s not like she hasn’t sucked dick before, but this was Harry Styles, one of the most infamous boxers in the boxing world. He was just so big… and experienced. He was 7 years older than her, and much richer than her, so how could he not have had girls in the same position as she is right now. But she had to forget about that right now, like her brain kept repeating since this whole altercation started. Just live in the moment. So, she quickly stripped herself down and got on her knees. Luckily, there was a gym mat underneath her that cushioned her joints and made this a bit more comfortable.
The man looked down upon Lola and his grin went away as he wanted to assert his dominance over her in this position. He grabbed the back of her head, taking her hair into his hands as he positioned his cock to her mouth. She pouted her lips and kissed his tip, causing Harry to let out a small gasp. “Eager little thing,” he said with a tsk. Not wanting to waste any more time, he pushed himself into her mouth. “Now, suck.”
Lola immediately started to take him, getting used to the feeling of his girth stretching out her mouth. But, as soon as she was familiar with him, she brought his tip to the back of her throat, causing her to gag. Harry was amazed at what he was seeing; the girl was trying to take him all in one go! “You’re gonna take all of me?” She nodded, her mouth taking him in deeper. “Oh, good girl,” Harry responded, drawing out the word “girl” as his nerves on the tip of his cock reacted to the back of her throat constantly hitting them.
“You’re sucking me off like a big girl, Lola,” he murmured as she continued deepthroating him, his hand caressing the back of her head. “Don’t even need me to teach you anything, love.” He removed his hands from her and put them up in a way to hint that she could take the reins as she continued to take him deep into her.
Discovering how daring this girl was, Harry wanted to try out something a bit different than the normal positions. “Alright, darling, get up off the ground f’me,”he said, pulling back her hair so that her mouth could pop off of his cock. “C’mon, we don’t have all night, princess.”
Lola managed to stand up and before she could even look at him, he grabbed her hips and lifted her up, flipping her upside-down. Lola let out a little squeak, making Harry laugh and slap her ass. “That scared you?,” he laughed again. Lola rolled her eyes, although he couldn’t see her reaction, and slapped his thigh, “Yes, you fucking dick,” she responded.
Harry stopped laughing as he noticed his view. “Look at this perfect fuckin’ cunt,” he said in awe as he looked at the sight before him. She looked like a pretty flower, in bloom and ready to be picked. Her puffy labia had a glossy sheen to them as they shone in the bright lights of the room, looking like dewy petals after it had rained. Her little clit stuck out a bit from its hood, and it was the centerpiece. He couldn’t wait to try her.
“You alright down there?” he asked as he remembered that she was literally upside down and relied on only his strength to stay in this position. He knew the blood was rushing to her head; the feeling was familiar to him as he did handstands as a part of his training.
Lola gave him a nod, but quickly realized he couldn’t see anything so she forced out a “yes”. The blood rushed to her head, but she didn’t care as all she wanted to do right now was to please the man lifting her up. Her life was in his hands so to speak because if he dropped her, she would land right on her skull, and that wouldn’t look pretty. But, Harry was built for this. His grip was tight around her lower body as he held her up, her pussy to his face as he was about to provide Lola some relief.
Harry managed to shift his pelvis towards her head, trying to find her lips with the tip of dick. Once he felt them, he shifted himself inside of her, causing her to let out a garbled moan as he managed to hit the back of her throat. He started to thrust into her mouth, while his mouth began its movements, his tongue gliding around her labia. Lola’s moans, although garbled, vibrated onto Harry’s shaft and even his balls as they slapped onto her cupid’s bow, and he could swear he was transported to heaven.
Harry’s tongue slid itself into her little hole, and he could feel every ripple of her walls as they clenched around his membrane. His chin found some way to rub against her clit, and Lola could feel the hairs of his stubble flick every nerve. The friction caused her to tap onto Harry’s thigh. Harry knew what this meant, and quickly moved himself from her mouth. “Y’alright?” he asked her, pausing his motions of his tongue to get some sort of coherent response from her. Once he heard her take a deep breath and respond with a “yes”, he thrusted his cock right back into her, immediately finding his way back to her epiglottis, and Lola started to gag. Harry could feel the drool drip down his thighs and took a quick glance to the ground, noticing her saliva make a pool by his feet. But, it was all a glorious, euphoric feeling, and Harry took that as encouragement to suck onto her clit and dip the tip of his nose into her hole. The way she smelled was just as enticing as what was taking place, and Lola was just as pleased as she could taste the man inside and all around her own mouth.
Harry removed his mouth from her lower region, using his tongue to lick up the residue that stained his lips and chin. “Alright, honey, I’m putting you down now,” he told her as he used his strength to flip the girl rightside up. He laid Lola onto the floor, rubbing his hands down her skin to make sure that she was alright. She blushed as she felt his calloused hands move down her body, not really expecting how gentle he would be with her, especially with him being a boxer and all.
Harry held onto his shaft as he shuffled his body between Lola’s legs. He opened her legs a bit more with a gentle touch, and aligned himself with the opening to her cunt, mentally preparing himself for what was about to happen. “You ready, love?” Lola nodded and looked down to see what happened next.
Both Harry and Lola let out a gasp as he pushed inside.
“Oh, darling, you fit like a fuckin’ glove,” he said, a groan escaping his lips as he managed to put himself as deep as he could inside of her warm core. Lola let out little moans which pleased Harry’s ears as he knew the girl was loving this moment too.
“Ohhhh,” he drawled out in realization as he felt her cunt pulse a bit tighter after his statement. “You like being praised, huh? Being told you’re doing a good job by an older man? I noticed that with you and your daddy’s conversation earlier.” He smirked while stroking into her deeper. “A real praise slut you are. And you deserve every word.”
His thrusts were slow, yet deep, as he really wanted to really revel in the moment. He was finally fucking the beautful girl he’d always pictured himself with. And she felt like everything he wanted. Luckiest man in the world, he was.
Lola was in paradise. Her moans were guttural and low as she felt him inside of her. With every thrust, she let out a little curse or mumble underneath her breath, which were words of encouragement to Harry to keep going. She didn’t want this to end.
He started to angle his strokes upward, wanting to experiment with her and see if he could find the imprint of his cock through her lower stomach. As soon as he saw it, he rubbed in the area, and Lola cried out even louder. “You feel me right there, honey? In your tummy?” She moaned in confirmation, and her head tried to go up and down to nod along.
A couple more strokes went on and more moans were released as Harry fucking her. It was an erotic scene, almost as if they were shooting a porno. His balls consistently slapped against her perineum with every thrust and his thumb circled her little aching clit as, causing moans that Lola never experienced before with previous partners. Her walls started to clench around Harry, and he was quick to notice when a girl was about to orgasm. So he did what any man would do.
He pulled out, leaving Lola confused as she started to whimper. She almost looked like she was on the brink of tears. Harry chuckled under his breath. He didn’t want to pull out (and judging by her reaction, he could tell she didn’t want him to either) but Harry wanted to switch positions.
He decided to lay onto the mat, spreading his legs a bit, but leaving his head up to look at the girl, still whimpering because of her stalled release. “Alright, get on top of me, sweet girl,” he said, slapping his hands on his thighs for emphasis.
Lola nodded, a sweet and simple “okay”, escaping her lips as she found her way down. She swung one of her legs over him, putting herself into position above him. Harry stroked her jaw with his thumb yet again as he soothed the trembling and needy girl on top of him. He smiled, saying, “You were such a good girl taking my cock like that, sweetheart. Now, I want you to rub your pussy on my cock, okay? Just want you to get used to this position with me, yeah? Show me how you’re gonna take me. Prove to me you’re worthy of being my big girl.” His words were laced with lust, but his eyes were filled with desperation and need. As much as he wanted to feel Lola wrapped around him, he still  wanted to get her worked up a bit.
Although she really wanted him inside of her again, she obliged and placed her aching cunt onto the shaft of his cock and started her movements. His shaft started to glisten with the coating from her warmth as her labia rubbed against him; what a delicious sight for him to see. His veins were prominent and Lola swore she could count the amount he had just by feeling him underneath her. She glided on him back and forth repeatedly, which emitted moans from her mouth of pleasure, yet also yearning. She wanted to feel herself do that with his cock inside of her, wanted to feel his shaft touch every part of her from the inside.
Suddenly, Harry grabbed Lola by her hips and steadied her movements, holding her tightly in his grasp. He positioned himself a bit more comfortably, aiming his cock to her ready entrance, and started to move his lower half upwards to fuck up into her.
Lola couldn’t help but moan and throw her head back. Harry was hitting the deepest, most delicious spots inside of her more than any man had ever tried in the past. Her pussy clenched around him, causing the wetness that was already seeping through her hole to slide down his length. It created a beautiful sight for the two of them to see.
Harry kept fucking his hips up, and lowered Lola’s body a bit lower so that he could feel her as deep as he could. He managed to find an angle where the base of his shaft could glide against her G-spot while the tip of him could poke out an indentation through her lower belly, and Harry let out a moan as if he were touched by an angel. A small “yes” drew from under his breath as he continued his movements.
“Lookin’ like a pretty princess up there, riding my cock like that,” he said absent-mindedly. “You just need a tiara.” His words just sped through his mouth without censorship, his brain too focused on making sure both him and Lola were receiving pleasure. He reached his hand down to her ass and spanked one of her cheeks, and his balls felt the skin jiggle on him, making him moan. He decided to use both hands to spank each cheek interchangeably, which vibrated against his sack, another loud moan escaping his lips. And it obviously was just as pleasurable for Lola as he noticed how she squealed at every force of impact and how her cunt pulsed with every stroke of his cock.
“Look at those fuckin tits, too, fuckin’ hell,” He said, his eyes in a trance as he stared at them.  “Look at ‘em fucking bounce. Your daddy’s making you walk in a gym filled with all these gross old men havin’ a look at these? Irresponsible,” he joked, making himself laugh a bit in the process. But, the feeling of Lola’s pussy clenching around him at the praise lured him back into moaning again. “Shit- you’re somethin’ special, love.” Harry felt like he was in nirvana. He had a beautiful girl hopping on his cock like a little bunny, her tits bouncing along in circles, and her ass pounding on his balls with each thrust. Her beautiful skin was glowing with a bit of sweat, and her cunt enveloped around his cock in a way that nothing else could. It was amazing.
Lola couldn’t take it anymore. All of this pleasure circulated throughout her body- from her toes, to her pussy, to her ass, her stomach, her breasts, her neck, her head, and all throughout her spine. She just couldn’t handle it, and it caused her to fall forward onto Harry’s chest. She dug her head in the spot between his shoulder and neck, giving that spot on his skin a little kiss before shifting her head so she would be able to moan and breathe without difficulty. She repeatedly called out his name as she felt her abdomen starting to heat up, indicating that she was nearing her peak.
Harry held onto her, wrapping his arms around her back and putting them in a cradling position as he continued to thrust his cock inside of her. “I’m right here, pretty girl. Look at me,” he instructed her with a gentle tone, and the girl somehow managed to tilt her head and look into his eyes. “Yeah, look at me, princess. You’re just a beauty, aren’t you?” Harry shifted one of his hands to the back of her head, allowing him to make sure that they stayed face-to-face. “My gorgeous girl. Mine. No one else’s. This is my pussy, my breasts…” He kissed the tip of her nose. “My nose”. He kissed her left cheek. “My cheek”. He finally kissed her lips, this time with more passion than the first. His tongue explored the inside of her mouth once more, her body allowing him to do so as she was still focused on her own orgasm. “My fuckin’ lips, yeah? My fuckin’ mouth.”
All of his sweet nothings traveled from Lola’s ear to her abdomen, and it helped egg on her orgasm. She finally reached her climax, and Harry was amazed at the sight he saw and the physical reactions she had. Her whole body shook and pelvis bucked repeatedly as she came, and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Harry stroked the hand cradling her head through her hair as a soothing gesture, hoping that it could help ease the intensity of her orgasm. “I’m right here, darling. Right here. You’re alright,” he whispered in her ear, adding extra words to help pacify the situation.
Just as Lola was calming down, Harry could feel his orgasm nearing, and picked up his pace just a bit, but not too much to make Leila cry out. His grip on her tightened, and Lola kissed all over his face- his cheeks, his lips, his chin- to help him through his climax. Then, she could feel the little spurts of his cum fill her up from the inside.
“Take my fucking cum, Lola,” Harry grumbled into her ear as he came so deep inside of her. “Let me own you, spread my seed inside so you know you’re mine.” He let out a deep groan as he continued before saying these four words, “I love you, Lola.”
Lola’s eyes widened as she heard this sentence, but she didn’t want to make her shock obvious. She allowed Harry to finish his orgasm, and as he did, he pulled out of her and helped her come off of him. She rolled to his side and then faced him, wanting to confront him about his confession.
“You… you love me?” She asked, and Harry picked up on the genuine confusion in her voice. To be honest, it almost sounded like she was… offended?
“Yes, Lola, I’ve loved you for all this time,” the man finally admitted, tears staining his eyes. “When I noticed that date you went on,” he sniffled for a moment before continuing, “with that- that dickhead.”
Lola sat up in protest. “Harry, don’t call him a dickhead! You don’t even know h-”
Harry cut her off. “I don’t need to know him! And I don’t want to get to know him; I want to get to know you!” He took a couple breaths, his chest rising and faltering as the air went in and out of his body to calm down. He didn’t want to be too harsh with the girl.
“What I need to hear from you right now is,” he paused, wanting to stop himself from saying something he might regret and something she might be afraid of.
But, Lola wanted to know what he had to say. “Is what, Harry?”
Harry sighed and finally looked into her eyes. He noticed her crying, probably even more than he was. They were both a mess. He didn’t want her to cry, but he had to ask her one last thing. “I need to know… Do you love me, Lola?”
She didn’t know what to think honestly. Yeah, the sex was good, and Harry was pouring his heart out to her. But… something was missing.
“Harry, I appreciate you. You’ve been there for my father at the hardest parts of his life. He told me how much you meant to him. How you’ve been… like a son to him. I mean he’s known you since you were my age! You’re 27 now!” And it was all true. After every workday, her father would talk about Harry in the car and at the house. He would bring up Harry’s little awkward shuffle that he did whenever he was waiting for the restroom. He talked about how Harry went through a rough patch with a best friend, and how he was able to help him through that time. He would ramble on and on about this “Harry Styles” whenever she was at the house. She knew of him, but she didn’t know him personally.
“And then there’s you and I.  I’m so much younger than you! I mean, you’re pushing 30, and I’m barely in my 20s. We’ve only had a true conversation with each other like twice,” She showed him her index and middle finger for reference. “I told you about my student life and the hobbies I had. The only time I ever spoke to you outside of the gym was when my car broke down and Daddy said I should call you to pick me up. Even that car ride wasn’t anything meaningful to build our bond.”
Harry was enraged. “Then why would you have sex with me? Why would you make me cum inside you? That didn’t mean shit to you?”
Lola brought her head down in embarrassment, not even realizing what had just occurred before this argument until now. “I just wanted to have some fun. I don’t even really know why. Just listen, Harry, if we were to get together, it’d be weird for everyone.”
Harry sat there in silence. He didn’t really know how to respond to what she said. His mind started racing. Oh fuck, I just fucked my trainer’s daughter, he thought. I just had sex… with the daughter of the man who took care of me for so many years. Just cuz I thought she was hot? What the fuck is wrong with me? He started to hyperventilate, his heart seemingly bursting out of his chest.
All of a sudden, he stood up. Lola noticed how his skin was pale, his eyes were blank, and how his chest rose up and down at a fast pace as he hyperventilated. She reached out to grab his forearm, but Harry just nudged her off. “I have to go,” he stated so simply, his voice laced in distraught. “I just-” he sighed. “Make sure to lock up properly before you leave.” He grabbed the duffel bag with his clothes and equipment, said his goodnights and goodbyes, and pushed through the exit of the gym, leaving Lola there all alone. Tears flooded her eyes. What… just happened?
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endermanalbino · 3 months
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Clem Floof - Warframe Glyph !!! 11 year anniversary !! time for a BIG PARTY!!! 🥳🎉
I am so happy and and surprised Thank you very much @ PlayWarframe for commish me!!
the mini-game is here https://warframe.com/anniversary
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sepublic · 1 year
Luz’s Influence
         Warning: This post was SEVEN pages long, given the... range of subject matter to cover. It’s purely self-indulgent as a retrospective over the series, how far we’ve come; A victory lap of all the good Luz did and the people she helped, who came together over this commonality for her birthday.
            It would be impossible to truly capture the enormity of Luz’s influence on the Boiling Isles, the positive influence she’s brought to this world as a vessel of change and guidance… So I’ll attempt a relatively brief summary. RELATIVELY brief… And yeah, I’ll be taking into account a bit of butterfly effect here;
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         Luz made Eda and King so, so happy! With Eda especially, she got her to come to terms with her curse, accept her disability, and forgive herself for what she’s done with it. It allowed Eda to make amends with her father Dell, and work with him to cultivate a new generation of Palismen… Similarly, Eda made amends with her former principal Bump, with Hexside no longer being as much a source of trauma; Eda was invited to chaperone, and she became less lonely as she became a mentor to other kids.
         Eda always wanted to learn as much as she could, just like Luz, but never got the chance. But now she can help people learn in the university, taking education to a level beyond what Hexside got, even as Hexside allowed the multi-track learning she desired as a kid! Luz gave Eda the chance to really enact the social change she wanted to as a kid and even as an adult, her life not wasted, and gave Eda a newfound purpose.
         Luz allowed Eda to open up, make amends with her sister Lilith, and get her back. Eda reconnected with Raine, finally being honest about the curse with them, healing their heartache. Eda vocalized her struggles with Gwen, who stopped wasting her life on a pyramid scheme, and accepted her daughter’s disabilities.
         Eda stepped up as a mentor and parent; Learned to let kids make their own choices and draw their own conclusions, instead of merely telling them to think a certain way, because she said so. Thus, Eda avoided the authoritarianism of the covens, encouraging critical thinking in Luz. And she began to truly adopt and embrace King as her son and vice-versa, learning to be more honest with her kids and not have to always hide the truth; Her found family and what Eda chose for her life was just as valid as the blood family she was given.
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         King found a friend to truly confide in, and not just a parent; But he truly got a mother out of Eda thanks to Luz. Thanks to Luz, King felt valued, like his interests and people like him truly mattered, and he came to terms with the truth of his past and let go of delusions of grandeur, reassured he still mattered. King became less selfish and a better friend, more mature and mindful of others, even as he got to pursue art. King made friends with others who felt overlooked, such as Gus and Edric. He really grew up with Luz, learning to share and connect with people, seeking to find his dad, and getting just that with an “I loaf you” from the Titan.
         King realized he didn’t want to be a god or a titan, he didn’t want power; He just wanted simple happiness and friendship, embraced his identity as a person and not a symbol. He became humble, and really wizened with his age, adopting a lot of compassion as well. He eventually became an older sibling to the Collector, as Luz was to him, passing on the cycle of kindness and ending the cycle of hatred between the Collectors and Titans. He brought a new era of glyph magic to succeed his father’s especially, no doubt assisting many other witches for ages. And King got a friend who could stay with him forever, even when he outlived the rest.
         Hooty was lonely, a weirdo even among weirdoes; But thanks to Luz, the crew began to value and appreciate him more, expressing it more openly. Because of Luz, Hooty really felt like he did good with his friends as his self-esteem and loneliness ebbed, especially in meeting Lilith, who fulfilled an emptiness in his life that Hooty suffered from.
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         Lilith came to terms with her guilt over the curse, accepting the consequences of her actions while at the same time forgiving herself. She escaped an abusive coven and learned to individualize, express herself and her vulnerabilities, and ask for help. Lilith was finally recognized not as an inferior sister to Eda, but as a legitimate witch in her own right, helping Luz discover glyph combos. She rekindled her relationship with her mother, making up for a neglected childhood as she healed.
         Lilith learned to be herself, to not apologize for her interests, no matter how niche, and not need the approval of others. Lilith became more wary of emotional abuse tactics thanks to Luz opening her eyes, something she used to return the favor, and let go of SO much bitterness; As a result, she stopped projecting her jealousy and worship onto King, treating him like a nephew. She became kinder, stopped treating Amity as a pawn and eventually became a friend to her, too. Lilith got to live her dream and hyperfixation, and revel in being a nerd.
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         Willow learned to truly express and speak up for herself, not hide who she was, pursue the magic she actually wanted to do, instead of being locked into another one fit for her. Willow was able to rise up and fight back against people who hurt her, and be appreciated and recognized as legitimately good in a lot of things, no longer a meek wallflower, but a beloved and respected leader in her own right.
         Willow got closure with Amity, finally rekindling their friendship and learning why they split apart, even as she got to vent her frustrations and have them acknowledged. She developed a sense of confidence and self-esteem, and was recognized by her dads. Willow even managed to defy bullies like Boscha, getting them to finally stop, and befriended another in Skara. She got to indulge in sports and found another friend in Hunter…
         Willow came to terms with her past thanks to Luz; She accepted that she was once weak and still was sometimes, realizing her vulnerability was also okay and not worthy of punishment, either. She didn’t have to struggle with the burden and pressure of stepping up as a caretaker and only that, these two sides of her weren’t contradictory, and as a result Willow avoided becoming like Boscha. She found people who recognized her power, who’d change for her, and were willing to take care of Willow in return.
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         Gus became more confident, more mature and more of a mentor in his own right, after Luz acted as an older sister to him. He got to explore the human realm, his passion, and become an ambassador as he always dreamed, introducing other kids to his interest. Speaking of, Gus may have lost the HAS, but he still managed to help others feel like they belonged, including Willow, Mattholomule, and Hunter.
         Gus realized his illusions weren’t cheap party tricks, they were legitimate and valid magic in their own right, and he didn’t have to express strength in conventionally masculine ways. Gus wizened up, becoming less naïve, but also learning to trust in his own abilities, in his perception and efficacy as a person, and forgive himself for any mistakes.
         He learned to believe in himself, and especially not be paranoid from having his trust taken advantage of, made a fool; Gus was not a fool. His kindness was not a mistake, maybe he needed to be more careful, but the fact that other people took advantage was not his fault, it was theirs. His compassion was a generally great thing for the world, and by continuing to believe in it and people, he made friends with Mattholomule and Hunter, and helped a forgotten old Illusionist find a new generation of kids to teach and appreciate their magic.
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         Amity became less toxic, less of a perfectionist who believed in rules and constantly achieved to be the best. Amity learned she could just be herself, not constantly strive to outperform others, because life wasn’t a competition. She learned to open up, rediscover and forge her own identity in the wake of Odalia’s abuse, and finally stand up to and cut her out of her life as well. Amity’s relationship with her family improved, her siblings becoming more supportive and understanding, her father realizing his mistakes and changing for Amity.
         Amity believed she was only good for what she could do for others, constantly felt the need to justify her existence. With Luz, she could finally relax and be at peace with herself, find love, and indulge in being a nerd. She got to do Abominations her way, and set healthy boundaries for herself, knowing she deserved better and demanding as such in her relationships. And Amity learned to respect people’s privacy, reconnected with Willow and made up for her guilt.
         She was inspired to carry on the kindness that Luz started, contributing to Hunter’s rehabilitation. Amity figured out what she wanted to do with her own life, and became happy, accepting her flaws and supposed shortcomings. Amity developed an open mind, more mindful of how she treated others and especially herself, and how people needed to do things differently and that was okay. She became free.
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         Hunter escaped the fate of so many Grimwalkers before him; He got to live. He got to escape Belos’ abuse, and find his own path in life. Hunter was so scared of dying, so scared of being hurt, but he learned to relax and be at ease, and found his first friend in Flapjack. He could connect with wild magic, the things he was actually interested in, and even with his own biological family in the Clawthornes.
         He found a mentor in Darius, came to terms with the fact that he wasn’t special, because Hunter could choose his own destiny, and always wanted to anyway. Hunter came to terms with his trauma, with the physical and emotional scars; He learned to let that motivate kindness and accept others, and he learned what real friendship looked like. Hunter found his own friends, didn’t need to put up a mask to create a façade of strength, and learned to communicate his love for the people who mattered to him, and fight for something he wanted.
         Hunter could move on from the past; His own, that of Caleb’s, the one associated with Philip. And he got to spread the joy of palismen that he got from Flapjack to other witches, so that they may also find their first friend and be guided. Hunter found people who could unconditionally support him, and accepted his disability, no longer ashamed of his lack of bile magic. Even if he didn’t achieve full magic, with Flapjack, Hunter could move and fly on his own now too. He learned to be an actual kid for once, and accept his status as a clone.
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         Luz’s own mother Camila managed to heal from the loss of her husband Manny, and she came to terms with her own weirdness. Camila was spared the grief of watching her child suffer alone, and rekindled their relationship to be closer to each other, not having to worry. Camila accepted what happened to her was wrong, and that she did not save herself, nor was she saving Luz; By defying conformity, Camila loved her daughter and herself, forgiving both. She found Vee and with both daughters, Camila found it easier to open her mind, but especially to defend that which she already loved and respected for existing.
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         Speaking of Vee, she found a family and home, a mother who accepted her for who she was. Vee no longer had to hide herself, and she found fellow misfit friends in the human world, as well as a sister in Luz. Vee came to terms with her trauma, allowed to handle it at her own pace, and eventually returned to the isles. Similarly, Vee’s siblings also found happiness, and none of them would have to worry about being hunted; They were safe and could live simple lives. Vee understood herself through Luz and vice-versa.
         Flapjack managed to fill the empty hole of his grief and regret over losing Caleb, failing to protect his witch; He managed to save a ‘son’ of Caleb’s, Hunter, and found someone after all this time. In a way, Flapjack made up for Caleb’s death by giving Hunter a full life as a witch who could enjoy magic, away from Philip; And even if Flapjack died, he was finally reunited with Caleb and Evelyn, whom he missed after all these centuries.
         Emira took her sister more seriously, stepping up as an older sibling to Amity and encouraging her to be happy; And in her selflessness, Emira became less concerned about looking perfect, and fine with her imperfections, not needing to hide them. Luz became a friend for her, and Emira got to discover her own paths and interests in life through the Healing track. At the same time, Emira didn’t need to worry about having no identity around Edric, nor did she have to compensate by leaving him behind. Emira reconnected with Alador, and made new friends in her profession, forging her own relationship with her father.
         Edric felt like a misfit and a failure, the loser of the family, the un-favorite child. But he was allowed to try different things, finding a proper mentor in Eda and someone who could relate to him in King. He went from a bully to Amity, to someone who’d injure himself just to express love and appreciation for her, venturing into the unknown at one point to find his little sister. Edric got to find something he was good at, a beloved pet in Batric, and not hide his own imperfections either; He became a teacher to kids, passing on the kindness Eda gave him, and reconnecting with his father to look just like him. Edric made other friends, and no longer had to fear being alone, dependent on Emira for companionship, forming a healthier relationship with her.
         Alador escaped a toxic marriage, realized how much he was overworking himself, and reconnected with an old childhood friend who might become more… His and Darius’ rift was healed. Alador realized how unhappy he was, how unhappy and neglected his kids were, and made a decision both for them and himself, finally able to reconnect and spend time. His inventions were no longer used for harm, Blight Industries was destroyed by his own hand, as Alador worked to undo Belos’ coven sigils and free magic itself. He could do what he wanted with his life, and pursue whatever things caught his interest.
         Bump got to give his students the learning opportunities they actually wanted, and really step up as a Principal. His failures in kids like Eda were made up for, as Eda found happiness with Hexside again, and he finally got to be brave against the coven that mandated single-track learning, opting to give that to his students. Bump became beloved by the kids, proving Faust wrong, and encouraging a constructive approach to learning. He could retire happily, knowing his school was in good hands, and pass magic to other generations as part of the cycle.
         The Bat Queen got over her trauma over being abandoned; She allowed other palismen to make their own choices, to make up for their own hurt pasts. Her children were taken care of, got to grow up, even as abandoned Palismen found new owners to fulfill the loneliness they felt. She and the palismen were no longer rejects, they could be loved, and thanks to Luz, a new generation of Palismen were being cultivated; No longer devoured by Belos, with Dell and Hunter helping bring back the population and tradition. Palismen like her would no longer be cast out.
         Mattholomule became less obsessed with power and status, standing up to his bullies Bria, Gavin, and Angmar, and unlearned the toxicity of Glandus. He made friends with Gus, finally accepting his kindness, and became more secure in himself, learning to appreciate illusions and not be seen as a loser anymore. Mattholomule became kind, working to direct people under the Collector’s rule, and he reconnected with Steve, who no longer enslaved himself to the Emperor’s Coven. Mattholomule self-actualized as a builder, creating new things and expanding the library alongside Lilith.
         Boscha no longer had to project power to feel in charge, to feel safe; She could simply let others exist, and not worry about life as a competition. She backed down from bullying Willow, and after losing Amity and Skara, realized how much she needed her friends and appreciated them, reconnecting with Amelia and Cat. Boscha saw herself in someone she once hurt, and stood up to Kikimora, allowing herself to be vulnerable in order to accept help. She didn’t have to rely on a codependent relationship with Amity, who helped give her the bravery to move on and stop holding onto people.
         Skara stopped being a bully, cutting herself off from Boscha; Instead, she found new friends in the Emerald Entrails, and in other misfits as well. Viney, Jerbo, and Barcus got to practice the magic they wanted, as the multi-track learning they fought for became widely accepted; They were no longer losers and changed society thanks to Luz. Barcus became a teacher, and Viney and Jerbo helped to undo the damage of the coven sigils that divided their lives. Amelia and Cat no doubt had a better friendship with Boscha, who learned to be less possessive.
         In general, the kids and everyone at Hexside were freed; Teachers mourning the loss of their opportunities could give it to the students, who weren’t as constrained by rules and the decision to pick a coven. They could choose for themselves, and even found palismen thanks to the Bat Queen and Eda forming a friendship. This opened up other sports besides Grudgby, such as Flyer Derby.
         Gwen made up for her mistakes as a parent, accepting both daughters’ curses, realizing how much pain she’d put them through, so they didn’t have to go through anymore. She reconnected with Eda and Lilith, who she saw become happy, and stopped wasting her life to a pyramid scheme. Her husband Dell was put at ease to see Eda forgive herself for the loss of his eye, and became a grandfather to King; And with the Bat Queen and Hunter, compensated for the loss of his carving skills by allowing Palismen to still come to life.
         Steve realized how unhappy he was, the wrongness of what he was doing as a covenscout, and what was done to him by the coven. He reflected and ultimately learned to change, finding freedom in rebellion, and could hang out with his brother Mattholomule more. Steve went on a journey of self-discovery, finding a therapist and helping his mentor Lilith, even as he helped King come to terms with not wanting to be a monster anymore. Once a fanatical servant, Steve got to think for himself and question the beliefs he was taught, having a humbler outlook on life and people.
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         Raine got to see the woman they loved finally let them in, and no longer had to despair over a lost relationship, as they could help. Likewise, they healed from the trauma of their breakup, with Raine no longer feeling the need to lie to Eda when defying Belos. They found other people to fight with in Darius and Eberwolf, met Katya. Raine dedicated their entire life to undoing Belos and his coven system and finally did so, helping deal a personal final blow to Philip’s face as vengeance for all they’d been forced to do. Raine was freed, no longer having to pretend or be controlled, and found another palisman as well.
         Darius also worked to undo the covens and succeeded. He and Eberwolf saved the isles, and Darius overcame his grief over losing his mentor. He stopped projecting his pain onto Hunter, and broke the cycle, doing the previous Golden Guard proud by saving Hunter’s life. He reconnected with old friends Raine and Eda, as well as Lilith, and especially Alador. Darius came to terms with a loved one’s death, and made the most of it.
         As a whole, the coven heads had their lives saved and were free. Sure, some of them didn’t appreciate the effort, or saw it as an opportunity to take power for themselves. But things weren’t totally over for them, after all, nor were they for Kikimora.
         The Titan saw her child find happiness, saw that a new future for the Titans was guaranteed and they wouldn’t go extinct. He no longer had to worry about Philip bastardizing his name to limit the magic he wanted to teach, and found witches to converse with in Luz, Eda, and Lilith. He may have died, but he freed his name and no longer had to despair over King’s loneliness and sense of abandonment by his father, expressing one precious statement of love. The Titan Trappers who contributed to his species’ demise were defeated by the Collector…
         Speaking of, the Collector found happiness and freedom, after the Titan regretted imprisoning them. They learned about real friendship and grew up, not needing to control people, and no longer feeling lied to, with those who were honest. For once, people chose and reached a hand out to them, such as King with Francois, or Luz herself. After millennia totally alone, and then centuries manipulated and lied to by Belos, the Collector was free, and while some innocence was lost, they gained a better understanding of life. People who once feared him gathered to marvel in wonder at the Collector’s magic. They found justice for their lost Titan friends, and facilitated travel between worlds, allowing people to find happiness in the Boiling Isles as they once did.
         Katya and Tinella Nosa found freedom; Tinella got to become a famous author, and Katya found other rebels in the BATTs, inspired by Luz’s teachings, and succeeded in undoing the system that hurt her. Now nobody else would have to suffer. Salty got over his own biases and accepted Luz and King as members of his crew. Perry got to see his old friend Eda live, and helped stand up to Belos with his son; Gilbert and Harvey saw their daughter find true happiness, and no longer had to worry about people like Terra Snapdragon hurting kids, as they once were hurt by her.
         Severine, Tom, and other Covenscouts were freed from their trauma and allowed to pursue their own paths. Wrath got to be with his son Braxas, who grew up. Jean-Luc reunited with King and succeeded in their purpose of having him nurtured. Demon Hunters and other wild witches like Prim were no longer oppressed.
         Endangered species like the Basilisks, the Slitherbeast, and the Selkidomus were saved thanks to Luz’s arrival. The writers imprisoned by Piniet managed to escape and/or enact some revenge, people were spared the deceptions of liars like Adegast, Tibbles, and especially Belos.
         Luz brought magic to the human world; Brought Vee and gave Masha and other human misfits a friend. She re-introduced glyphs and palismen, helping people with disabilities, even as the isles unlearned Belos’ puritan mentality, becoming less retributive, and more restorative. Prisons were abolished in favor of hospitals and rehabilitation. People became free to explore magic as they saw fit, not having to fit themselves into categories.
         The oppression of the covens was over, everyone could be a wild witch and/or a general weirdo. Nature and endangered species began to replenish, as things were allowed to be wild and no longer harvested or controlled. Blight Industries stopped selling harmful weapons, Palismen returned, and other forms of magic were appreciated as it became less about power, and more learning for its own sake. New opportunities for people, as trauma healed and compassion was spread instead of hurt; Luz helped the isles recover from Belos, and begin returning to what it once was. People were freed of sigils, learned more about the Titans, and so forth.
         It wasn’t just that they were allowed to keep living, and weren’t all murdered; People became genuinely happy and self-actualized because of Luz, improving on their previous lives. She undid Belos’ harm, so even if scars lingered, Luz allowed a broken world to be restored and move on from their trauma. Luz ushered in a new era…
        But perhaps most importantly? Luz helped herself. She helped herself find other weirdos to be accepted by. She learned to love herself and what she could do, not apologize. Luz became more mindful, kinder around people, even as she grew wiser. Luz gained a powerful agency over her life that allowed her to become a Good Witch like her dreams, while still embracing her own identity. She came to terms with her father’s death, was no longer forced to choose, and was finally understood and loved by many.
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cosmerelists · 1 year
Top 10 Ways Shallan & Adolin might ask Kaladin out
[Previously--Shallan/Kaladin, Kaladin/Adolin, Shallan/Jasnah]
Sanderson has said that Shallan & Adolin would probably both be up for adding Kaladin to their relationship. So let’s say that Shallan & Adolin talked it over and decided that they wanted to jointly date Kaladin. Let’s rank the ways they might approach asking Kaladin out!
#10: Write a very persuasive letter 
This one was Shallan’s idea!
Shallan: This worked when I needed to convince Jasnah to take me on as a ward!
Shallan: We can point out how well the three of us would get on, how happy we’d all be, etc, etc.
Shallan: Logic! And Romance!
Adolin: Shallan...my love...he can’t read.
Adolin: Who’s going to read him that letter??
Shallan: We could...have Renarin scrawl vaguely foreboding glyphs on the wall? About, uh, dating us?
Adolin: Let’s keep brainstorming!
#9: Put the idea in his head right before he leaves for Shinovar
After all, Kaladin often needs time to mull things over for an entire book before he can make a decision. So why not ask at a time when he’ll be guaranteed to have the time and space to decide for himself?
Kaladin: Hey, Szeth, do you think it’s possible to love multiple people at once and by loved by them in turn?
Kaladin: It just feels like that’s too much good, you know?
Kaladin: Things that are too good haven’t lasted in my life.
Kaladin: But maybe it will be different, this time?
Szeth: I hear nothing but screams when I close my eyes.
Kaladin: Does your, uh, sword have any ideas?
#8: Nonstop flirting
This is how Adolin got all of his relationships before Shallan. It’s kinda a solid standby for him. But would it work on Kaladin...?
Shallan: Nice boots. Love to see them on my floor.
Kaladin: D-Don’t steal my boots again!
Adolin: Hey Kaladin, maybe you’d like to use your power to stick me somewhere. Like the bed?
Kaladin: That’s really more Lopen’s thing, but he likes walls.
Kaladin: ...
Kaladin: Wait, are you guys flirting with me?
Adolin: Have been for months, thanks for noticing.
#7: Go through Syl
Perhaps they could try talking to Syl first, to get her on their side. A nice, friendly entity to subtly introduce the idea of a throuple to Kaladin.
Syl: So you know how I’m articulate, beautiful, and perfect, right?
Kaladin: Uh, sure, Syl.
Syl: Well *I* just learned something that will blow your mind! Did you know that you can date two people AT ONCE?!
Kaladin: I can barely date one person at a time.
Syl: Yes, but what if they were both WAY better at dating than you?
Syl: And what if you already liked them both?
Syl: And if they allied with me, proving that they are also super smart?
Shallan (quietly, from a distance): We asked her to be subtle, right?
Adolin: Wait, wait, I want to see where this is going!
#6: Let him overhear
Sometimes Kaladin has trouble processing new & unexpected ideas, like retiring from a job that has left him barely functional or the idea that his men might one day get married. So perhaps Shallan and Adolin could “accidentally” let him overhear their plans, allowing him to learn the information in a nonthreatening manner!
Shallan: I am so happy with you, Adolin. But I do wonder if our relationship could become even richer, if it could evolve in a way that only makes us both even happier.
Adolin (immediately forgetting his lines) Y-Yes! We SHOULD date Kaladin!
Shallan: ...
Shallan: Well I suppose that works.
#5: More subtly introduce him to the idea first 
Or perhaps even the "let him ‘accidentally’ overhear” plan would be too much for Kaladin’s nerves. Perhaps it would be even better to let Kaladin get used to the idea of throuples in general first, and THEN suggest the specifics. And maybe Bridge 4 could help!
Sigzil: You know, there are cultures in which romantic relationships involve three people rather than two.
Kaladin: Huh!
Sigzil: Interesting, right?
Kaladin: Yeah, I guess so.
Sigzil (quietly): Mission accomplished. 
Kaladin: What was that?
Sigzil: N-Nothing!
#4: Just go on dates with him until he figures it out
Kaladin is a man of action. Perhaps Shallan & Adolin can just keep asking him to join them for dinner until he figures it out.
Adolin: Hey, dinner with me and Shallan tonight? My treat!
Kaladin: A-Again?! Aren’t you two tired of me being the third wheel?
Shallan: You know, three wheels are actually way more stable than two.
Kaladin: Yeah, fine, but we’re talking about dating, not, like, carts or whatever.
Shallan: ...
Adolin: ...
Kaladin: So...aren’t you two tired of me interrupting your dates?
Adolin: We were so close!
Kaladin: What?
Adolin: What?
#3: Something Dramatic
As we know, Kaladin is a Dramatic Lad. So what better way to ask him out than to do so in the most dramatic fashion possible? 
Adolin: So first we get him to fly up in the air, right? And he’ll look down to see Gallant marching at the head of a column of fully armored soldiers who will move around to spell out the glyphs for “Romance” and “Love.”
Shallan: Yes! And that’s when the chorus of women will start to sing the love song I had commissioned!
Adolin: It can’t possibly fail!
Shallan: He’s kinda afraid of horses, though.
Adolin: Yeah, maybe we’ll leave Gallant at home.
#2: Wait for a near-death experience
After all, Kaladin bonded with Shallan (and developed a bit of a crush) when they were trapped in the caverns during a highstorm. He bonded with Adolin when the two of them barely survived a fight against four shardbearers. So perhaps near-death experiences are just the most romantic time!
Adolin: Soooo Kaladin, are you bisexual?
Shallan: And/or biromantic?
Kaladin: [screaming]
Shallan (muttering): I knew we should have gone with the ominous glyphs. 
#1: Just ask
Or, well, I suppose they could simply try asking him out directly. 
Adolin: You know, Kaladin, Shallan and I both love you deeply.
Shallan: Would you like to go out--with both of us?
Adolin: Like on a romantic, three-person date?
Shallan: Perhaps multiple times over the long-term until we all see if we like it?
Kaladin: ...
Kaladin: Well...I guess we could...try it?
Shallan & Adolin: [openly weeping and cheering]
Kaladin: ...Has this been weighing on you for a while, then?
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mdhwrites · 4 months
Do you think the show rewards Luz’s Selfishness too much?
So I normally frame Luz's decision to self martyr herself and stay in her own world as not wanting to bother with the effort to fix her mistake. Let's shift that a bit so we can talk about why the show couldn't have Luz tell ANYONE this deeply selfish choice. A choice that by all means, Camila seems to think is just a bad choice for Luz and for no one else.
But... Luz chooses that her pain and angst is so bad that she doesn't want to help Amity reunite with her siblings. Or to make sure they can live in a world where they're safe. Gus' dad, Willow's parents, Darius, etc. All of them can rot as far as Luz is concerned. She even explicitly states this in For the Future. "Once Eda and King are safe, I'm going home."
No one else matters. LITERALLY no one else matters to her but the people she has chosen to care about and there aren't many of those. This is framed even worse by the fact that by the end of this episode, Camila will effectively say that Luz has NEVER done anything wrong. That trying to critique her at all, to try and give her life skills and friends with the camp after she put people's lives potentially in danger (snakes and fireworks are not meant for school for a reason), was wrong. That Luz just needs to be 'understood'. Part of understanding Luz, especially in S3, means that unless someone attacks her about it, like the dream sequence, WHICH ISN'T HER OWN MIND BUT A FABRICATION AND LIE, she isn't going to think about others. Just her adopted family and herself. And even then, maybe not even her adopted family since they sure as shit didn't matter in Thanks to Them.
BUT. we are supposed to sympathize with her and believe she did nothing wrong, just like Camila. Do not question her motivations, or her efforts, just believe her words.
This is emblematic of the show as well. The first two episodes talk a big game about fantasy vs reality and like Luz's selfish motivations, warped way of looking at things and her learning to be a human being, not a walking, wanna be protagonist will be interrogated. But... Not really. She repeatedly does things that are mirrored in her favorite series. Her final battle line will be a reference to that series and her delusions with that series. People might get briefly upset about her actions but most of the time she either doesn't have to do anything, like Reaching Out or Adventure in the Elements (where she gets a glyph BEFORE making up the fuck up she did) or show how special she is like in Lost in Language and Covention. I can only really think of like one episode after the first two where Luz fucks up and genuinely has to take the brunt of punishment for it, Winging it Like Witches, and even in that one, she is saved before anything bad happens to her before winning with the same trick that hurt her friends, just... Now it's okay because they're all on the same page about it I guess. Couldn't have had Willow come up with something herself because Luz actually was willing to listen to Willow and not force something onto her. That'd be too much work.
It's part of why the more you interrogate Luz's intentions and motivations, it gets BAD. So much of what she does could be easily grafted onto a kid trying to play hero or not learning anything from past mistakes. Don't ever forget that Teenage Abomination says "Listen to your mentor about their specialty," then The Intruder says "Don't take shortcuts to magic" before then in Adventure in the Elements, Luz takes a shortcut for magic while also not listening to Eda and almost gets people killed for it. GREAT JOB LUZ! Much development, such depth.
And yes, lots of shows will have characters yoyo and the like but these are within HALF A SEASON of each other. It usually takes a little longer for most animated shows to straight up start repeating lessons. Hell, yes, it is theoretically a problem for Amphibia too with stuff like Bessie and the hibernation episode both featuring Anne's impatience but also S1 is genuinely about how Anne is fighting between the lessons she's learning and her growing empathy versus how she used to be with her selfishness and laziness. Also, both episodes might be about her impatience but they genuinely tackle it in different ways, with one being about disregarding the rules because of overconfidence and the other one is out of boredom. For TOH... It's just that Luz wants the magic she thinks she should have, as easily and as fun as she thinks it should be instead of weird and actually taking work, and fucks it up because of that same motivation.
That same motivation that doesn't treat reality like reality. According to the show though, that's just the best way to be. Follow your own version, fuck everything else. That's what Luz gets to do in the end after all and she's the one literally blessed by God to be correct.
So yeah, I think her selfishness might be a touch rewarded.
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chromaticflare · 5 months
Thank you for attending today’s Spell Seminar. This will be the first of many lessons explaining the spells and magic of WHA, ranging from the simplest of wall breakers to the wildest of windowways.
Today, we will be discussing one of my personal favorite spells, wall bend.
Spell Seminar Lesson One: The Wall Bend Spell
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First seen on pg 27 of chap 14, wall bend is a spell capable of bending and pulling solid walls as if they were cloth. Remarkably, after the spell was first revealed in chapter 14, we wouldn’t see the glyph until chapter 65.
Experienced spell makers may recognize the earth sigil this glyph’s center, as well as the pull signs (the funky arrows) along the glyph’s sides. However, the signs at the top and bottom of thus glyph (highlighted in gold and purple) are unusual. They will be the focus of today’s lesson.
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To understand the sign at the top of the spell (furthest away from Qifrey, highlighted in purple), you must first understand the one at the bottom (highlighted in gold)
Compound Signs
The sign drawn in gold is what we call a compound sign. Compound signs are signs composed of several other signs mixed together.
This one consists of three parts: a ribbon sign as the core, a bend sign on each end of the ribbon, and part of an inverted radial sign (strengthen).
Whereas a ribbon sign on it’s own just stretches things into long, soft ribbons, by combining it with bend (and inverted radial to boost its power), it is able to do one of two things; make a single portion of a wall bendable like a sheet of fabric, or allow the portion of wall near the spell to be bent and stretched.
Both of these interpretations are equally valid, but each has different implications as to the function of the bind (purple) sign. I only mentioned one of these interpretations in the twitter version of this lesson, but today, I’ll be going over both of them.
Interpretation One: Unify
Assuming the partial bending interpretation of the compound sign, bind has an important role in holding the wall together.
In this interpretation, bind functions to “bind” the entire wall together into a single cohesive object. This makes it so that, instead of stretching out just a single portion of wall, the spell instead stretches the wall in its entirety as a single cohesive unit.
In this version of the spell, the pull signs function to keep the wall connected to the spell, making use of the wall’s elasticity and stretchiness to do so. Imagine it like a magnet pulling the wall along rather than a direct connection between the spell and the wall.
Bind Interpretation Two: Glue
Assuming that the compound sign already effects the entire wall, then it makes much more sense for the bind sign to function like a glue between the wall and the spell.
In this interpretation, bind physically connects the part of the wall the spell is touching to the spell itself, allowing it to be dragged along with the spell to stretch the wall.
In this version, the pull signs serve simply as aids, helping to make it easier to drag the wall into the desired position and shape rather than just pulling it along as was the case in the other interpretation.
Regardless of which interpretation of bind one day proves to be the right one, this spell is unique for the lessons it can teach us about spell design and for the insights it can give us into magic as a whole. I’ve already designed 2 spells with bind, so it’s safe to say that it has a lot of uses both in universe and for us spell makers. I hope you enjoyed this lesson, and I’ll see you in the next one.
-Chromatic Flare
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howlingday · 6 months
White Knight Marital Bliss
Setting - Jaune and Weiss have been married for decades and their chemistry is pretty much Mung Daal and Truffles from Chowder.
Jaune: She wants to go out with me?! Well, come on, out with it! Who is she? Is she cute?
Adrian: No, she's icky!
Jaune: Icky, huh? Well, it's a good thing I'm a married man.
Adrian: What if you weren't married?
Jaune: If I wasn't married? (Starry-eyed, Giggles)
Weiss: (Summons glyph)
Jaune: (Whacked in the head) I LOVE YOU, BABY~!
Jaune: Weiss, mind the home and hearth! I'm heading into town. We need more spice!
Weiss: ...Well, I'm glad at least one of us is willing to admit it.
Weiss: What's with all the yelling?!
Jaune: Not to worry, my beautiful snow angel, your knight in shining armor is on the case!
Weiss: Ugh! I don't have time to wait for him! You do it instead!
Jaune: Providing support is Weiss, better known as "The Mouth".
Weiss: "The Mouth"?! What is that supposed to mean?! YOU SAYING I'M LOUD?! I'M NOT LOUD, YOU'RE LOUD! (Barking)
Jaune: I'll do whatever it takes for you to stop ruining Griffball!
Weiss: We'll see about that! You're going down, old man!
Jaune: No! You're going down, older woman!
Weiss: No, you are!
Jaune: No, you are!
Weiss: NO, YOU!
Jaune: NO, YOU!
The two then proceed to furiously make-out in the middle of the playing field. They then shove each other off, simultaneously shouting "Get off me!"
Weiss: Is everything ready for my elegant Atlesian lady debutante association luncheon, my big, strong, cuddly-wuddly, poopsy-woopsy yummy boo-boo bear~?
Jaune: Ready and able, my lovely snow angel~! No need to worry because everything will be perfect!
Weiss: (Sobs into his chest) Oh, thank you~! You have no idea what it's like to be surrounded by ugly men all day, every day!
Ren: (Stops, Stares at Weiss)
Adrian: (Stops, Stares at Weiss)
Weiss: (Pulls away) So, my wonderful knight, just for today, don't make me come into this kitchen for any reason at all. OR I'LL RIP YOUR HEAD OFF.
Jaune: ...Uh, I love you, too?
Weiss: (Kisses him, Skips away giggling)
Jaune: ...Oh god, they're here. REN, RUN OVER THERE! ADRIAN, PUT YOUR CLOTHES BACK ON!
Jaune: Remember, if Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy! (Points at you) NOT EVEN YOU!
Weiss: Oh, and one other thing. If I hear any of you say anything bad about my husband or his hard work, so help me, I will hunt you all down, rip your arms off and poke you with them until you cry for mercy! NOW GET OUT!
Jaune: Oh! Oh! You did not just give me the hand! Ooh! Ooh! It's on now, GIRL-FRIEND! (Picks up rock, Tosses a feet)
Cinder: Ha! You throw like an old woman!
Weiss: That is not true! I throw MUCH better than he can! (Uses glyph to lift boulder, Bullseye)
Weiss: Jaune?! WHY YOU...
Jaune: Um! Uh! This is a dream!
Weiss: No... You're NEVER in my dreams!
Jaune: Great... She's using fireworks.
Weiss: I completely forgot what fireworks are.
Weiss: In my marriage!
Jaune: No.
Weiss: Yes!
Jaune: No!
Weiss: Yes!
Adrian: Fight! Fight!
Jaune: (Limbers up in one corner)
Weiss: (Barking in the other)
Jaune: (Pinned by Weiss)
Weiss: (Spider-Man kicks him)
Jaune: (Broken over her knee)
Ren: (Holding Weiss' hand high)
Weiss: We will do the mission!
Adrian: Uncle Jaune, are women always this emotionally draining?
Jaune: No! Of course not!
Weiss: (Opens faucet in Jaune's chest, Fills cup with emotions) Ah~!
Adrian: (Watches in horror)
Adrian: I'm back! Here's the white-haired melon you needed!
Jaune: But we already put in the white-haired- Uh-oh... (Opens oven)
Weiss: (Inside the oven, Growling)
Jaune: (Slams shut) Not done yet! Adrian, we need to talk about your shot attention span-
Ren: Mhm.
Weiss: (Inside the oven) OH, DARLING~!
Jaune: RUN, MAN! RUN!
Jaune: Oh hiya, Weiss! Did you have a good trip to the store?
Weiss: Mhm. Yup. No problems at all.
Jaune: Your what did who know?
Weiss: Jaune, be honest with me. Have I become a little... PLUMP IN THE RUMP?!
Jaune: ...Adrian, cover your ears. Um... No?
Weiss: Was that a question?
Jaune: N-No.
Weiss: So I put on weight?
Jaune: I didn't say that.
Weiss: So I need to go on a diet?
Jaune: I didn't say that!
Weiss: Come on, out with it! Have I become
Weiss: FFFFAAAAA...?
Adrian: Fat? Yeah!
Jaune: (Covers Adrian's mouth)
Weiss: S-So it's true! (Runs off crying)
Jaune: Adrian, life lesson number one; never tell a woman she's fat.
Jaune: Well... I give up. If anybody needs me, I'll be spending quality time with Weiss.
Adrian: It's that bad, huh?
Jaune: Yup. That bad.
Weiss: And here I thought I married a huntsman, not a crybaby!
Ren: Ooh~!
Weiss: I love you, darling~.
Jaune: I love you, too, pumpkin~.
Weiss: What do you mean pumpkin? You sayin' I'm orange and round? Is that how you see me?
Jaune: No! Of course not, dumpling!
Weiss: Oh, so now I'm a dumpling?! I'm puffy and stuffed with meat and cheese! Is that it?!
Jaune: No, honey, that's not-!
Weiss: (Readies glyph) HONEY?! OH, SO NOW I'M ALL STICKY AND GOOEY?!
Jaune: No! You're, uh, my dilly-dally-daloo!
Weiss: ...Aw~! You're lucky I have no idea what that is.
Jaune: I've got the blueprints right here! (Opens scroll, Shows off lewd Weiss)
Adrian: My eyes! (Screaming in pain)
Ren: Jaune!
Jaune: Oh, right! Heh heh! Wrong picture! (Taps) Here we go! (Shows off lewd Ren)
Adrian: MY EYES ARE BLEEDING! (Screaming louder)
Ren: JAUNE-!
Jaune: I know, I know! I said I'd deleted it.
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luimagines · 5 months
It is Wednesday, my dudes-
It was dark inside the sand filled temple, the walls old with age and worn down by time. Any carved glyphs or texts barely ledgeable by now. Colors that were no doubt once vibrant, now dull and chipping away, turning to dust and sand. Time held a flaming torch in his hand, the burning item held up high so light could illuminate the room properly, Twilight and Warriors by his side, prepared for any attack. Within the middle of the group stood Wild, Four, and Legend, all more focused on looking at any potential hints of an exit than any potential monsters, Legend holding up their mini teams torch while looking mighty displeased at this fact. BUt when he turned, his annoyed tone rung out in the hall, catching the leading three's attention. "Hey!" he exclaimed, Glaring at the rear team's distance away from them, and Warriors groaned seeing the reason why the last team was held up. Sky, Wind, and Hyrule were watching their fourth party member intently, as they sketched out runes on the wall, the happiest look on their face as they did so, rambling about whatever history fact they might have known. Legend spoke up again, this time, throwing a pebble at the group. "Hey! Don't hold us up! We have to keep moving!" Time let out a sigh. He should have known better than to let the mysterious grey historian join the last group, as they were easily distracted by them (but at least they werent with Wild, it was like trying to keep an eye on toddlers in a bakery). They were an enigma to the group, knowing so much about specific periods of time and eras of hyrule yet they knew so little about them. "Legend is right. We must keep moving, Goddess know what is down here..." "Yea, I'd rather not be down here much longer." Warriors stated. "I feel like I'm being watched and not in a good way." Twilight looked around. The air was. . . familiar. Like he had been there before. . . Reader put their sketch pad away and let Wind grab their hand and catch them up to the rest of the group, Hyrule holding the torch walking along side sky. Reader spoke "I'm trying to figure out where we are!" they exclaimed "More specifically, what landmark we are at. Seeing that there are deep red coloring in the walls with golden accent- albeit they are basically sand now- I believe that this is perhaps a Gerudo building? Maybe a colosseum of types? But it wouldn't make sense as-" Legend slapped a hand over their mouth. "Shut up! We don't need one of your freakish history lessons right now- EW!" he took his hand back as Reader grinned. "IT licked my hand! Disgusting!" "I'm not an 'it'" They huffed. "As I was saying- The reason I'm looking is because I have a sneaking suspicion that this is also a prison hold. So I apologize for the delay, but I just wanted to see how I could help." Time hummed and turned "Well, if it is a mix of a battle ground and prison, there may be powerful skeleton monsters ahead. Thank you for the heads up. Let move forward." The silence stretched on forever and a half, only the sounds of boots stepping on sand and worn tile heard in the echoing halls for quite some time when finally, they hit a large room. It was large and spacious, filled with sand and old texts and glyphs unreadable and forgotten. A row of statues of women lined a path to a set of steps with unlit And burnt out stands ment for light and above that what looked like old platforms. Reader jogged to one of the statues to take a better look, Wild following them and Hyrule close behind. Legend watched and scoffed as the group made a small place to rest. "I know what you're thinking." Time said, eyes closed as Legend turned to him "The answer is still no." "It would be better to leave them at a village." he stated, Four looking worried at Legend. "They can't fight and constantly hold us up! And they just keep harming themselves and get in the way."
Four sent Legend a look "They do us a lot of good other than fighting. The ability to know where we are geographicly and timewise is very crucial for us at this moment. The shadow is trying to confuse us- for what reasons I do not know- so having Reader with us give us a heafty advantage." Warriors added in his thoughts following Four's "Plus, Our times all have monsters that have changed or new ones that have appeared entirely. If we have a way to determine what monsters we would be facing would help us to prepare for battles we may have to fight." "And we cannot just leave them here." Time spoke up "It is clear for things they've have said and done that we have nor encountered their Era yet, so it isn't safe for them to be left somewhere so unknown to them. Besides, there must be a good reason they were brought here." "I think that Reader is hiding something." Legend spoke up "They aren't telling us something. And If it's something related to the shadow, then they are our enemy." "I have to agree with Legend on this one." Twilight spoke up suddenly, making Sky turned to him, taken aback by this statement. "They have been acting weird from the start, saying things that they shouldn't know then claiming to be 'a historian' and how it's in books? Too much of a coincidence to me." It was Sky's turn to speak. "I think if They are hiding somthing, it must be for a good reason, right? I don't think they'd keep something hidden from us out of malicious intent, right?" None of them got to answer, as Reader's voice called to them "Arbiter's Grounds!" Twilight stiffened at the words. They ran to the group "We're in the Arbiter's Grounds! This place was built to house evil criminals, as a prison. Until the worse one came and slaughtered a sage that protected and guarded this place, before executing him! This man's name was Ganondorf!" Most of the men reacted to this news. Reader continued "From what I know, we maybe be in some time between Twilight's Era and Wild's Era. By the time the calamity happens, the Grounds are covered and buried in thousands of pounds of sand!" "So are you saying we can still find an exit?" Sky asked hopefully, and Reader nodded. But Twilight stood up. "Great job, Historian." he said, voice suddenly cold, along with his gaze. "Great deduction, only here's one issue. The Arbiter's Grounds were never written about In history books or even royal records. So how would you know that this was significant in MY time?!" All eyes fell on Reader, who had turned visibly pale, and Twilight put a hand on his bland hilt. 'Oh no.' they thought, wide eyes glued to his sword.
Reader's in for it now. XD
I think that if they really wanted to, they could try to wiggle their way out of a confrontation since there's so much time and space between Wild and Twilight as a whole, but that would depend on if Reader is able to word it fast enough and clever enough to not get cornered.
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