arunkachuthan · 2 years
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Peace❤ #tripwithfriends #travelclicks #tripdiaries #manali #himachalpradesh #travelmode #throwback #incredibleindia #vasista #temple #travelpartner #peacevibes #peaceful #hotwater #insidetemple (at Vasishta Temple, Manali) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp59Nr3SFrl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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I have just learned that the word 'vasistas' exists in languages other than French and I 🤯
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tunaliyapi · 1 year
Elvankent Pimapen Tamiri
Elvankent Pimapen Tamiri, 0312 282 2 282 Ankara’nın en kaliteli ve güvenilir pimapen tamir hizmetlerinden biridir. Pimapen pencere ve kapılarınızın tamir, bakım ve onarım işlemlerinde uzmanlaşmış olan Elvankent Pimapen Tamiri, yılların verdiği tecrübe ve uzman kadrosuyla müşterilerine en iyi hizmeti sunmaktadır. Elvankent Pimapen Tamiri, müşteri memnuniyetini her zaman ön planda tutarak, kaliteli…
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ajithvasista · 1 year
PoV : A third person is always a sing of disaster in a healthy relationship
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londonlingo · 1 year
Did you know?
Did you know that in French a high up window is sometimes referred to as “un vasistas”.
Wikipeadia uses the definition: “Un vasistas est une petite ouverture aménagée dans une fenêtre ou dans une porte, constituée d'un vantail pivotant indépendamment”. This comes from German visitors in France who would point to the windows and ask “Was ist das?” or “What is this?” From there the phrase entered the French language.
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coralloid · 5 months
i'm always thinking about how a french word for tiny windows is vasistas and comes from the german was ist das bc apparently during ww2 they kept coming into people's homes and asking people wtf ks that while pointing at their velux, and i know that's probably a fiction anyways but what were they pointing at?? was it really the window itself or what they were seeing beyond it? j'ai beaucoup de questions vous voyez
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alexar60 · 1 year
Avis de tempête
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La météo avait prédit qu’il y aurait des orages localisés. En effet, je voyais le ciel se noircir brusquement. Cette noirceur assombrit rapidement la rue. Il faisait affreusement chaud. Je restai sur le seuil de la porte à observer cet orage qui, logiquement, devait refroidir l’atmosphère.
Mais l’horreur arriva très vite. Une forme sombre se propagea dans la rue provoquant un vacarme strident. Des centaines, des milliers de rats abandonnaient les égouts et couraient dans la même direction. Je fermais la porte pour les empêcher d’entrer. Puis, j’observais cette horde de rongeurs envahir la route. Certains passaient sous les portiques afin de fuir par les jardins. En face, mes voisins regardaient la scène avec des regards ébahis remplis de terreur.
Le calme revint jusqu’au premier grondement. Je compris qu’ils voulaient échapper à l’orage. Ils sentaient certainement qu’il se changeait en tempête ou en tornade. Le silence régnait entre deux éclairs. Le ciel devint tout-à-coup noir. La pluie commença de tomber en averse avant de se transformer en grêle.
Des grêlons de la taille d’une boule de pétanque fracassaient les pare-brise ainsi que les toits des voitures garées dans la rue. Un orage ? Non, je n’avais jamais vu une pareille pluie ! J’entendais les vitres exploser, les tuiles des toits éclater au choc des boules de glace. Moi qui me plaignais de cette chaleur, j’eus subitement froid. Je montais prendre un pull tout en vérifiant les dégâts sur le vasistas de la salle de bain. Il n’était que fêlé en plusieurs endroits. La grêle ne dura que cinq longues minutes. Cinq longues et terrifiantes minutes. Je pensais que cela se finirait bientôt.
L’orage grondait de plus en plus. Les éclairs allumaient un ciel si noir qu’on crut être en pleine nuit. Il n’était pas encore dix-sept heures quand soudain, des flocons tombèrent à profusion. La poudre blanche recouvrit rapidement la rue, les toitures ainsi que les carcasses de voitures sur les trottoirs. Nous étions le vingt août et il neigeait. L’orage tonnait encore et il neigeait en même temps. Je n’en croyais pas les yeux, pas plus que certains voisins qui sortirent regarder cette étrange tempête de neige. De plus, un froid glacial apparut rapidement, envahissant la rue. Je pouvais voir la buée sortir de leur bouche et de leurs narines avant qu’ils ne rentrent.
L’orage grondait toujours. On avait l’impression d’être au milieu d’un concert de déchainement de la nature. La poudreuse tombait tellement que je ne voyais plus les maisons en face. Je commençais à greloter alors que j’étais protégé chez moi. Je fus heureux que ma femme et les enfants soient en vacances chez mes beaux-parents.  Je pris mon portable pour les prévenir du temps dérèglé dont j’étais témoin. Seulement, le réseau était coupé. Alors, je me contentais de quelques photos.
La neige arrêta de tomber comme elle était arrivée. Par contre, le tonnerre continuait de hurler dans le ciel. Il était de plus en plus fort, de plus en plus proche. Je regardais les éclairs continuer d’illuminer le ciel. Et c’est là que j’ai vu ce que je n’aurais jamais cru voir. J’avais lu des articles à son sujet. J’ai écouté des podcasts. Je me suis intéressé à son histoire, à sa légende. Mais jamais, je pensais la voir en personne.
Cela commença par des silhouettes lointaines encore plus noires que la nuit. Elles avançaient à un rythme effréné. Grâce aux éclairs, j’aperçus d’abord la forme des chevaux, puis celle des cavaliers. Mais c’était bien elle, la chasse sauvage ! Elle fendait l’air déjà abimé par l’orage qui persistait. Elle passa au-dessus des premières maisons de la rue. Je compris que les sabots des chevaux noirs provoquaient ce bruit de tonnerre. Je vis les yeux des cavaliers sans percevoir leur visage. Ils étaient jaunes tels des étoiles dans le ciel. La forme de leur corps ne ressemblait à rien de comparable. C’était une fumée scintillante et opaque. Elle laissait une trainée de poudre derrière le passage des chevaliers.
Je fus saisi de terreur en entendant le hennissement des montures. Ils me glacèrent le sang. Mais ce n’était rien à côté du haro crié par chef de la horde. La chasse passait et je n’avais pas vu le gibier. Ce ne pouvait être les rats ! Non, cette troupe macabre chasse le maudit ou le criminel mais pas un animal si méprisable qu’un rongeur. Je regardais passer cette chasse volante, me demandant si je risquais ma vie en sortant pour la contempler. L’orage passa aussi vite que le groupe de chasseurs. Déjà, il s’éloignait, me laissant abasourdi. Un voisin ouvrit sa porte. Il marcha dans la neige qui commençait à fondre. Il regarda l’état de sa voiture. J’allais le rejoindre lorsqu’un bruit de neige écrasé résonna dans la rue.
Un homme courait d’un pas fatigué. Il gardait la bouche ouverte cherchant à reprendre son souffle. Comme vêtements, il portait des haillons. Il courait au milieu de la route cherchant à fuir. Ses yeux contenaient énormément de tristesse, et on ressentait l’épuisement sur ses épaules. Il courait pieds nus sans s’arrêter, sans parler. Tout-à-coup, le tonnerre revint.
La chasse était derrière ce pauvre homme. Elle le traquait sans merci, sans se reposer. C’était son calvaire, sa punition. Et d’après les légendes, cela ne s’arrêtera jamais. L’orage résonna en même temps que le galop des chevaux. Je remarquai leur aspect squelettique. J’espérais qu’ils n’aperçoivent pas mon voisin. Ce dernier leva la tête pour les regarder passer au-dessus de lui. Mais un chasseur descendit et le transperça d’un coup de lance le thorax. Il s’effondra net. La chasse s’éloigna, le grondement aussi. Puis, le silence arriva en même temps que le soleil.
Nous sortîmes en même temps, sans comprendre ce qui venait d’arriver. Nous nous précipitâmes pour aider notre voisin. Mais c’était trop tard. Il n’avait aucune trace de perforation, seulement des marques noires sur les vêtements. Plus tard, nous apprenions qu’il avait officiellement été touché par la foudre.
Personne n’oublia cette tempête extraordinaire. Toutefois, personne n’en parla par peur des superstitions....par peur que la chasse réapparaisse et nous traque en représailles…jusqu’à la nuit des temps.
Alex@r60 – août 2023
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borathae · 1 year
IM REALLY SORRY FOR THE LONG ASS ASK JDKDKDKDKKSJSJSKSKDKDKDKKS I normally write them in my notes app because tumblr hates me and the app closes randomly sometimes so I didn’t even notice it was THAT long jskskskkskls AND I had so much to catch up with! Again I’m sorry jskskskksks
But now I come to scream about the new chapter! Oh Sibi I knew that I would come back here to eat my words regarding Tae and Jimin at some point but I didn’t know it would be so soon for Tae, he went from being past the red line to being on the yellow one with me cause I’m still a little wary about the fact that he can still fuck up again, but I really hope it doesn’t happen, for real all I want for him is to be happy with the people he loves and care about, he deserves happiness after everything 😔 and I love seeing him interact with Yoongi in a non violent? or cold way 😭 like yes please talk about things, like Tae said, they are in love with the same woman they should at least try to get along for her now that he’s trying to be better 🥺 I get Yoongi too tho he almost killed the love of his life so I would be wary too, BUT we are going in the right direction now at least with Tae 🥳 I do have a question, will Jimin get a redemption arc too to the point that we get to like his annoying ass? Or he will only get to be tolerable? Hope it’s the first one tho 😂
Also I cried when they were talking about Yoongi wanting to be mortal again, (please wrap this tiny man in lots of warm blankets and give him kisses he deserves all the love in the world 😭😭😭😭) I kid you not I was as affected by it as Tae, I’m on his side, I understand our prince but please not, I can’t bare the though of him dying from grief or the though of him dying of old age with OC because what about the others? What about Kookie? Maybe it’s selfish on my part but I truly want them all to be happy together for eternity 🥺 but I guess that choice will fall on our OC when the time comes…
Oh and I think that using the blade to turn Namjoon mortal would be the biggest fuck you to him and the biggest punishment considering how lowly he thinks of humans, what better punishment than turn him into what he despises and thinks is the lowest form of life 😎
And I had an idea, maybe it’s very dumb but here it goes… the gang can grab the “Magnus Vasistas” book, change the cover (without opening the book of course, maybe even with magic?) for one that relates to something that Namjoon would find interesting, since he loves reading, somehow leave it were he could find it, so he opens the book, gets sucked into the void and problem solved! jskskkskskhsjs
And the lore??!!!!! What do you mean Yoongi Boongi was a warlock?! Sibi that’s so hot of him jsjajajksksk I had the same reaction to that piece of lore that I had to you hinting that Jin was Jack the Ripper in SA sjakksksksksksksksksk can you tell us something regarding vampire lore that you really want us to know but it’s not in the story please? I would love to know more but don’t know what to ask!
Anyways I LOVED this chapter and how wholesome it was for our both boys I’m glad they are getting on better terms with each other, and that there’s hope for a much better relationship and understanding between them 🥺 and I hope our oc is ok, I’m worried about her 🥺
That’s for now Sibi, I can’t wait for the next chapter!
-Shy anon
Don't apologise for long asks! I love every asks you guys send me no matter how long or short it is heheheh 😔💜
for real all I want for him is to be happy with the people he loves and care about, he deserves happiness after everything 😔 and I love seeing him interact with Yoongi in a non violent? or cold way 😭
YES GOSH me too :( istfg he deserves all the happiness and friendship heheeh
I do have a question, will Jimin get a redemption arc too to the point that we get to like his annoying ass? Or he will only get to be tolerable? Hope it’s the first one tho 😂
Yes Jimin will get a redemption arc fajdsjf I am attempting to make you guys like him with it afjasdjf like I do want this lil bitch to be liked at the end HAHHAHAH
I kid you not I was as affected by it as Tae, I’m on his side, I understand our prince but please not, I can’t bare the though of him dying from grief or the though of him dying of old age with OC because what about the others? What about Kookie? Maybe it’s selfish on my part but I truly want them all to be happy together for eternity 🥺
same same same :( istfg just thinking that Yoongus Boongus could die one day rips me apart 😭😭😭
Oh and I think that using the blade to turn Namjoon mortal would be the biggest fuck you to him and the biggest punishment considering how lowly he thinks of humans, what better punishment than turn him into what he despises and thinks is the lowest form of life 😎
RIGHT?? I think so too fadjfaj that would honestly be such a fuck you to him fandfda
And I had an idea, maybe it’s very dumb but here it goes… the gang can grab the “Magnus Vasistas” book, change the cover (without opening the book of course, maybe even with magic?) for one that relates to something that Namjoon would find interesting, since he loves reading, somehow leave it were he could find it, so he opens the book, gets sucked into the void and problem solved! jskskkskskhsjs
Right??? That's what I was thinking too 👀 the problem with this book though is that the spell is reversible. You just gotta know the right spell and then you can drag whoever is captured in it back out again. So if Joon has some evil witches on his side, all they have to do is do their lil magic and he is free again 😩 Time does pass differently in it though. One second in the real world feels like one month of agony in the book. So yeah honestly? It would still be a punishment in the end fajdfj
And the lore??!!!!! What do you mean Yoongi Boongi was a warlock?! Sibi that’s so hot of him jsjajajksksk I had the same reaction to that piece of lore that I had to you hinting that Jin was Jack the Ripper in SA sjakksksksksksksksksk can you tell us something regarding vampire lore that you really want us to know but it’s not in the story please? I would love to know more but don’t know what to ask!
THANK YOU OMFMGMG I LOVE THAT YOU LOVE IT SO MUCH EHHEHEH I honestly love working on lore mgmgmmgmg there will also be more regarding Jinnie coming very soon *cough* today *cough* ohoohoho
As far as lore is concerned mhhm I don't really know because I tried to include everything that was lore related mhhm 🤔 maybe the fact that Namjoon was the best in anything that had to do with thinking whilst Yoongi was best in manual classes. Joon was always found copying spells out of books in the most beautiful handwriting and sometimes you even found him trying to think of new spells. While Yoongi was always best in putting the magic into action. Imagine it like this, Joon is going all like "I thought of something. What if you tried to mix this herb with this herb and then chant these words?" while Yoongi was all like "yes, I will try" and together they tried out the new spell. Many times it ended up with them failing and getting dirtied by a failed spell, but sometimes they were succesfull which resulted in them reporting to their teacher and getting praise.
Ah yes and then magic education would have taken ten years to finish. They started it when Yoongi was seventeen and Joon was still sixteen, but ended it just a few months after Yoongi hit his twenty fifth year. By that I mean that is when they went too far and their teacher cursed them rip to them ahfadhf
OMGMG THAT LORE JUST MADE ME SO EXCITED OMGMGM I hope lots of people read it because it's really important hehehehhe
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robespapier · 2 years
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dodger-chan · 1 year
Thoughts on Le collier de la Reine (both parts at once, since I got behind and read them that way)
I think this is the most adapted, or at least most referenced of the Lupin stories. There isn't much narrative trick to it, and I remembered the plot from the title.
dépeça - butchered? dismembered?
I know from context it means taking the stones out of their settings, but I couldn't find a definition didn't sound like something done to meat.
dispersaient aux quatre vents - scattered to the four winds, what a pretty way to say they sold the stones separately
sa bonne - her maid? It seems an odd thing to call a servant simply "good"
elle est condamnée (referring to a window) - doomed? Condemned? Out of use? Boarded up/blocked (from later context)
C’est pourquoi nous avons si peu de jour. - that is why we have so little daylight. Day as short form of daylight was a bit confusing. Also, the story notes several times how dark the room is. I suppose to make us think of windows? Or to mislead us about disguises?
Elle me rend quelques services. Elle est très adroite de ses mains. Is she now? (Lesbian thoughts)
(To get the rest of the sexy thoughts out of the way, while I assume "collier en esclavage" means something like choker from the context, it reads as "slave collar" in my head. Who knew Marie Antoinette was into that?)
aliéner - to give up
un vasistas - a fanlight (arched window above a door or window - I thought fanlights didn't open)
Pour voir il faut regarder, et l’on n’a pas regardé - to see one must look, and you didn't look at it. Fair point, Lupin (he was using another name, but really, who else could he be?)
Really it sounds like a quote from a Sherlock Holmes story. Herlock Sholmès doesn't show up in this book, right?
une parcelle de la vérité - a plot (grain?)of truth
Sonner - to shock, stun (not ring)
pudeur - modesty, but I don't think it quite fits. I think properness, perhaps. Justice, but not in a legal sense.
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vakyaa · 5 months
CAS No: 676-58-4 Manufacturers
CAS No: 676-58-4  Manufacturers 
Vasista Life Sciences, a company driven by a simple yet profound mission: to provide quality drugs in significant quantities. Since 2010, we've been dedicated to this cause, making a mark in the industry by consistently delivering on our promises. 
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Our focus on quality management and adherence to GxP standards ensures reliability in every aspect of our work. What sets us apart is our blend of capabilities, innovations, and, most importantly, our unwavering commitment to our stakeholders.
CAS No: 676-58-4  Properties
CAS No. 676-58-4 corresponds to a chemical compound called 1,3-Cyclopentadiene. It's a cyclic diene molecule with a distinctive aromatic character due to its conjugated double bonds. Here's a description of its properties:
Physical Properties:
Appearance: 1,3-Cyclopentadiene typically appears as a colorless to light yellow liquid at room temperature.
Odor: It may have a characteristic odor.
Melting Point: Around -40°C.
Boiling Point: Approximately 41-43°C.
Density: Its density is around 0.83 g/cm³.
Chemical Properties:
Reactivity: 1,3-Cyclopentadiene is highly reactive due to its conjugated pi system. It readily undergoes Diels-Alder reactions and polymerization.
Acidity: It's acidic in nature, owing to the presence of the conjugated double bonds, which can easily donate protons.
Stability: Despite its reactivity, it can be stored under an inert atmosphere or at low temperatures to prevent polymerization.
Solvent Compatibility: It is soluble in non-polar solvents such as benzene, toluene, and diethyl ether.
Water Solubility: Its solubility in water is limited due to its nonpolar nature.
Safety and Handling:
Hazardous Properties: It is flammable and should be handled with caution.
Toxicity: It may have toxic effects if ingested or inhaled in large quantities.
Storage: It should be stored in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated area away from heat, sparks, and flames.
Cas No: 676-58-4 Applications:
1,3-Cyclopentadiene is primarily used as a precursor in the synthesis of various organic compounds, including cyclopentadienyl derivatives used in organometallic chemistry.
It is also employed in the production of specialty resins, plastics, and pharmaceutical intermediates.
When you need the best from Cas No: 676-58-4 manufacturers, Vasista Life Sciences is here for you. Our dedication to excellence and customer satisfaction is unmatched. Get in touch with us today for top-notch service and products that you can rely on.
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martesanacase · 6 months
Milano, due locali con terrazzo in vendita
La soluzione che vi proponiamo in vendita e un recentissimo bilocale su due livelli oltre ad un terrazzo, a due passi dalla splendida cornice del Naviglio della Martesana, in una signorile e piccola palazzina di soli due piani, edificata nel 2018 in classe energetica B. L’appartamento e composto da; ingresso su soggiorno con angolo cottura, comoda scala a vista che conduce al piano superiore dove troviamo la camera da letto matrimoniale con cabina armadio e ripostiglio, oltre ad un ampio bagno con box doccia. Al comodo terrazzo si accede tramite scaletta interna situata nel disimpegno. La proprieta e completata da una cantina di pertinenza al piano seminterrato. L’immobile viene venduto parzialmente arredato ed in perfette condizioni. I punti di forza di questo appartamento sono sicuramente la luminosita, la razionalita degli spazi e la collocazione in una tranquilla via residenziale, a pochi passi dalla fermata della metropolitana MM2 Cimiano e da tutti i servizi e dalle comodita quali supermercati, farmacie, poste, asili nido e scuole. Finiture: riscaldamento autonomo, serramenti in triplo vetro/pvc con veneziane interne ed apertura a vasistas, pannelli solari per la gestione dell’acqua calda, pavimentazione in gres porcellanato effetto parquet ovunque, impianto di aria condizionata con pompa di calore, porta blindata e videocitofono. Ideale sia per un single o una giovane coppia o anche come investimento. Nelle vicinanze ampi spazi verdi, Ospedale San Raffaele e le sedi di importanti aziende come Rizzoli, Corriere della Sera, RCS, Sony Europe. Prezzo richiesto: € 228.000. Classe ''B'' 32,30 kWh/mq.a Per informazioni o per fissare un appuntamento contattateci al nr. 02. 92.35.365 o scrivere a [email protected] Per la vostra tutela pubblichiamo solo annunci con incarichi in esclusiva.
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begottaum · 7 months
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Ganga Fresh @ vasista gufa.
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coralloid · 5 months
i'm always thinking about how a french word for tiny windows is vasistas and comes from the german was ist das bc apparently during ww2 they kept coming into people's homes and asking people wtf ks that while pointing at their velux, and i know that's probably a fiction anyways but what were they pointing at?? was it really the window itself or what they were seeing beyond it? j'ai beaucoup de questions vous voyez
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bigtvmojify · 8 months
Chiranjeevi Latest Gym Workout Video | 'విశ్వంభర' కోసం మెగాస్టార్ కసరత్తులు.. | BIG TV Entertainment
Chiranjeevi Latest Gym Workout Video | ‘విశ్వంభర’ కోసం మెగాస్టార్ కసరత్తులు.. | BIG TV Entertainment #chiranjeevi #viswambhara #vasista #tollywoodupdates #bigtventertainment BigTV Telugu Entertainment is a YouTube channel that provides Telugu-speaking viewers with the latest news, reviews, and interviews related to movies and celebrities from Tollywood, Bollywood, OTT, and social media…
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borathae · 1 year
Tae redemption arc BEGINS! He’s suddenly got a lot of remorse, insight and empathy for everyone other than Jimin and himself when it comes to him, but at least he seems to be getting there?
😭😭😭 Poor sweet Yoongi!!! I want to put him in a cozy warm room in comfy clothes (and since those videos) RUB HIS TUMMY until he purrs.
I’ve been thinking for the last couple weeks about the future after MV trying to figure out where everyone would live. Idk why but their living arrangements are important to me lol. So as a distraction, can you tell us what magnus vasistas is?? Those witchy trinkets and books were 🫣
IT FINALLY BEGINS AAAAH!!! Besties, yall are gonna love our Tete again very soon I promise 🥺
😭😭😭 Poor sweet Yoongi!!! I want to put him in a cozy warm room in comfy clothes (and since those videos) RUB HIS TUMMY until he purrs.
*chants* TUMMY RUBS TUMMY RUBS TUMMY RUBS GIVE THIS MAN TUMMY RUBS!! Also serious, lifesaving question. Do you think he'll giggle when you blow raspberries on his tummy? BECAUSE OMFG
I’ve been thinking for the last couple weeks about the future after MV trying to figure out where everyone would live. Idk why but their living arrangements are important to me lol.
I think their end goal is to return to their castle and then live their all together in each of their wings 👀
So as a distraction, can you tell us what magnus vasistas is?? Those witchy trinkets and books were 🫣
Magnis Vasistas means "great nothingness" in Latin and basically of Tae opened that book he would have been sucked into it. So the booked contained the Great Nothingness which will capture whoever is dumb enough to open the pages FJADJFJ ALSO OMGMG THANK YOU ISTFG WRITING ALL THE WITCH AND VAMPIRE LORE IN THIS CHAPTER FUELED MEE
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