#vc specs
birdisland · 1 year
I am looking for some fics written by a person called Wraith in the late 90′s, maybe 1999. They were called “His Hands Were Like Ice”, “His Eyes Were The Lake”, and (I think) “The Vampire Daniel”. They were posted on a message board called Rotoli Della Luna.
I think the first two were Louis/Armand, the third was Armand/Daniel and they were all absolutely beautiful.
Do you have them saved? Or better yet - are you the author? Would you like to share them? PLEASE contact me.
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forbiddenvc · 5 months
The Forbidden Archive
The Forbidden Archive began as a 1993 Usenet group called alt.books.anne-rice (ABAR, a.b.a.r., abar). This was an internet newsgroup for Anne Rice fans to gather and talk about the books, movie, characters, plots, etc. Up until 2000, it had an official fan fiction archive called the VC Spec Archive (or The A.B.A-R Spec Archive). Heather Meloche (Ash) was the keeper and Adonia updated the databases.
In April of 2000, Anne Rice released the following statement regarding the non-profit fan fiction endeavors of her fans:
"I do not allow fan fiction. The characters are copyrighted. It upsets me terribly to even think about fan fiction with my characters. I advise my readers to write your own original stories with your own characters. It is absolutely essential that you respect my wishes."
She then proceeded to send cease and desist notices to a number of fan fiction sites and individual authors via her lawyers. The VC Spec Archive was transferred into the care of Black Rose and hosted on her website, Digital Midnight. Fan fiction was shared on a private, password protected forum.
In August of 2002, the VC Spec Archive was given a new name, location and layout. The Forbidden Archive was kept in the careful hands of Mevinan until July of 2007 when she announced that she could no longer maintain it. That is when the hosts of Sublime Requiem offered to take over. The site was maintained with its original layout until November of 2009 when it was updated to a members only eFiction site. Many of the old fan fictions were uploaded to the new site and attempts were made to contact the original authors so they could return and re-claim their stories. This is still in the works today.
"Live and let live..."
In 2012, Anne Rice was interviewed for an article about fan fiction where she stated the following:
"I got upset about 20 years ago because I thought it would block me. However, it's been very easy to avoid reading any, so live and let live. If I were a young writer, I'd want to own my own ideas. But maybe fan fiction is a transitional phase: whatever gets you there, gets you there."
This caused other fan fiction related sites such as fanfiction.net and archiveofourown.org to open up submissions for Anne Rice based fics. There was no longer a need to keep them under lock and key.
2024 brings new life to the Archive with the planned addition of a fan art gallery, a forum and a social media presence.
With all this history behind it, The Forbidden Archive remains the only one of its kind; a unique and constantly evolving repository of Vampire Chronicles fan fiction.
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Art used with permission of Dany & Dany.
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peroxidebutch · 2 years
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Haven't been posting much on here lately but this is our new setup now that we've moved :) Our specimens intersperse nicely with our roommate's nicknacks
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desertfangs · 2 years
Words: 8981 Relationships: Armand/Daniel Molloy, Armand/Louis de Pointe du Lac, Lestat de Lioncourt/Louis de Pointe du Lac, Daniel Molloy/Marius de Romanus (ALL OF THEM LOL) Characters: Daniel Molloy, Armand (Vampire Chronicles), Lestat de Lioncourt, Marius de Romanus, Louis de Pointe du Lac, Rose (Vampire Chronicles) Additional Tags: sometime at court not too long after prince lestat, Blood Drinking, Mild Smut, Mild Blood Smut, Silly, Fluff and Humor, Humor, Romantic Fluff, this is just silly fluff i offer no apologies, Self-Indulgent, POV Daniel Molloy, Vampire Daniel Molloy, Post-Canon, or at least late canon while ignoring some of the last books, we don't do aliens in this house, unless it's marius getting increasingly angry at the inaccuracies and bullshit of ancient aliens, Light Angst, but very light Summary: Armand is throwing a New Years party at court at Lestat's request, and Daniel is trying to avoid being there for too long, lest he get conscripted into a job. But maybe there's a place at court for him after all.
I'm going to level with you: this is entirely silly self-indulgent fluff. It started with two ideas that I thought were hilarious and I cackled like mad the whole time I was writing this. The angst is only Daniel trying to find his place at court. Armand and Daniel are getting along, which is a thing I do believe actually happens lol. I just needed a distraction and some sweet and soft Armand/Daniel fluff for the end of the year, and this is what happened. I hope if you read it, it makes you laugh and/or smile.
And don't worry, if gratuitous humorous fluff is not your bag, I have some angsty stuff in the pipeline. ;) (Which is why I need stuff like this to remind me they did get their happy ending.)
So anyhow, silly fluff for now to close out 2022 and here's to 2023 being less of a shitshow than the past few years, hm?
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seducteurs · 2 years
open to anyone, based on this bc it’s kinda hot 
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"we’ve always been allies, you and i,” by the way her grin stretches alone, the other should know what they’re in for. either at each other’s throats, or by each others’ side, pilar had always found a way to give them hell. and this? them asking for her expertise once again? this was like christmas day to her.  “if you need my help, all you need to do is ask.” a wolf in sheeps clothing as she settles back in her seat. “go on, ask nicely.” 
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caveofwanderers · 2 months
🫂 from Maya to Matt. She probably thought he needed one. Or is it the effect of those spectacles?
Send 🫂 to just hug my muse. No reason. Hug them.
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"...!" not that he's one to shy away from a hug, even if he might be surprised it's from an unfamiliar face. "Thanks.." the best he could do would be to return the gesture with a hug of his own out of appreciation!
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emptysekai · 2 years
i consider pc building an interest but i don't have any real or detailed knowledge on pc parts and what makes certain specs better than others. i think when you build you own pc it should be 50-70% about the look. the rest is budget balancing. the actual specs will balance out one way or another
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ballcrusher74 · 6 months
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Reference image for Four's high-vis suit that was given to him by Faux, purposefully resembling Inspector's suit and a side by side comparison
Inspector and Doc moment from a small larp session, in which Doc had cornered Inspector and questioned his true position at the company ( Fun fact : This resulted in Inspector actually being fucking scared and running out of the ship. This is the only time he's gotten visibly startled and felt powerless. Fun! )
Small little Dopey design
Scene from season 2 of CC (Waltz of the Alter Ego) in which Faux punched Four, trying to silence him
Inspector's freaky ass eye
Small Four doodle that was from a scrapped mini-comic
Four and Inspector design parallels
Bnuuy Dopey. that is all
Doodle when I was in character for Inspector on VC and my friend was asking him questions ( hi wes )
Inspector and apparatus. I'm gonna be honest I forgot the context for this one
Really dumb Deacon doodle
Deacon teaching Lieutenant how to kill an eyeless dog and that going horribly
Loose doodles of Faux and others that were made when season 2 was first beginning ?? I think ?
Rookie 👍
Faux and a totally normal deck of playing cards
Inspector carrying Rookie's corpse, based off a small bit from season 1 of CC (Smoke and Mirrors)
Scene from the ending of season 1, in which Inspector has a full breakdown and murdered Dopey
Render based off the question "How would Faux react to seeing Rookie's suit being a little grey?" ( or smth along those lines )
Render based off of another scene from season 2, in which Four almost crumbles Faux's whole cover after he killed Brain ( saying "Where's Brain? You told me to go back to the ship." )
Unfinished render based off another season 2 scene, where Faux hushed Four ( I believe he was questioning Four some things and he heard people were coming back to the ship )
CREDITS FOR SOME OF THE OTHERS SEEN HERE : Rookie - @personalizationai Dopey - @blegsbag Doc & Four - @wesblr Lieutenant - @moss-244466666 Specs (even though he's only in one drawing) - my friend Kris. Idk if they want their socials out there but hi Kris
anyways ok that's my super brain blast . have fun with this all !
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auschizm · 3 months
I learned recently that I don't talk with much inflection at all, but I always perceive myself as speaking with the same inflection that I'm thinking with. I did somewhat acknowledge that I was masking blunted affect previously (I believe I said it was tiring to make myself visually appear engaged in something I was enjoying, and that's why I don't really like having the camera on in vc), but it never really clicked for me before my friends and I had one of our conversations about our autism and it was pointed out to me.
I always have some disconnect between reality and my internal perception of it, especially around emotion. I'm mostly aware of it in ways it might cause clear conflict (I blow something way out of proportion because I perceived it x way based on how it made me feel as opposed to what actually happened), so things like that tend to slip through on me. I was wondering if this was at all a common experience for autistic or schizospec folks?
Yes, struggling with flat affect and emotional regulation and expression in general is common among both autistic and schizo spec people! You're definitely not alone with this!
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alloiys · 2 months
ship? /j
tony stark vc: sure buddy i can get you some specs of some submarines i've mocked up in the past. [five hundred pages of blueprints fall from his bag]
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birdisland · 1 year
On this website you will find HUNDREDS of 90′s-early 00′s Vampire Chronicles fics:
Again thank you SO MUCH @ohnoitsmycircus for pointing me to this page.  What an absolute goldmine.
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forbiddenvc · 3 months
Fic Review
“Vampires Can’t Resist It”
by Caroline (aka Laviniaspeaks)
Caroline is a collaborative theatre artist who has had a love of the Vampire Chronicles (Lestat and Louis, especially, with occasional steps into Gabrielle and Daniel) since about age 13 or 14 and the ancient days of Moonscrolls (Rotoli della Luna). She is one of the 10 most prolific authors on The Forbidden Archive as well as the fourth most favourited author. Caroline has 10 other stories on the Archive.
Summary: Louis reflects on a certain nightly affliction.
Spoilers: None.
“Vampires Can’t Resist It” is a quote borrowed from the character Quinn Blackwood from the novel “Blackwood Farm”.
For centuries and even into modern times, other vampires have assumed that Louis de Pointe du Lac dislikes killing and that he suffers every time he is forced to take a human life, just as he did when he first stepped onto The Devil’s Road. Caroline shows us a different side of Louis – a secret side that only Lestat knows about. It is a side which is completely enthralled by the act of killing and enjoys taking innocent human lives.
In “Vampires Can’t Resist it”, we hear, in Louis own words, what it’s like for him to hunt and kill. He talks of how he lives for the hunt and how, as Quinn Blackwood once pointed out, vampires can’t resist fear.
Caroline dives into the character of Louis, weaving beautiful words together to perfectly capture this secret which he holds deep within himself and to prove to readers that these characters, no matter how polite and soft-spoken they might seem, are all truly monsters.
Anyone who enjoys delving deeply into the souls of their favorite characters and discovering their innermost thoughts and secrets would enjoy “Vampires Can’t Resist it”.
Read it at https://www.forbiddenarchive.com/
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weirdplutoprince · 9 months
Oi, Cath!
Primeiramente, eu preciso dizer o quanto eu amo os seus desenhos, principalmente as suas ace comics, eu acho que vc não só tem muito talento, como também tem ideias muito geniais :)
Agora o que eu realmente preciso dizer é: muito obrigada. De verdade, por todas as suas ace comics. Eu não consigo descrever o quanto elas me fazem bem, me fazem rir e o mais importante de tudo, me fazem me sentir vista e ouvida. Eu demorei bons 2 anos da minha adolescência pra chegar na conclusão de ser assexual, e pra ser sincera, eu ainda tenho dúvidas se sou arromântica ou demirromântica, mas também eu não penso muito nisso já que não quero pressionar eu mesma pra tomar uma decisão.
Mas as suas ace comics me ajudaram muito a ficar mais confortável e me sentir melhor sobre mim mesma na minha própria sexualidade, e saber que vc é brasileira me dá um calor no coração maior ainda, porque além da Iza (sim, a cantora) e da Giovanna Ewbank, eu nunca vi nenhuma representatividade a-spec brasileira.
Eu desejo tudo de bom pra vc e espero que as suas artes ganhem cada vez mais reconhecimento, porque elas merecem muito 🫶🫶🫶
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Fico muito feliz que minha arte tenha te ajudado assim :) Muito obrigada pelo carinho também. Espero que você continue se entendendo e ficando confortável consigo mesma! Muito obrigada :)
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sangaverage · 2 months
About Me I guess
that being said, I do post about VTM and VTR on occasion.
Please get yourself an icon and some posts behind you (not likes, though I will see if they are semi consistent) otherwise you may pass as a potential bot and get yourself blocked, thank you
(porn blogs are blocked if it's irl nudity and makes me uncomfortable, I'm all for body positivity but some things I would rather not see grace my dash!
Nsfw text and not real nudity is acceptable but I will block of I feel it makes me uncomfortable!)
I do try to keep it as light-hearted as possible over here! But Things May Happen...
I currently do not have a job due to my neurodivergence giving me issues with most if not all work environments, Therefore Also, I unfortunately am unable to donate money to any causes or charities. I am sorry about that! do know that I am generally upset about the same things going on as you are! but please please please, do not try to peer pressure me to donate money! Not only that but I don't trust alot of people I don't know on the internet with money because sometimes you honestly cannot tell what is legitimate and what's going to clone your bank information, (Again) be careful folks! It's unfortunate but it does happen and some people are more than happy to take current events as an excuse to swindle the weak or vulnerable!
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-First things first despite what you may be thinking I am an adult lol.
-I reblog More than I post usually, But You'll Know Its A post of mine as ill sign off with an Ankh (☥)
-I'm rather eclectic and into many things but this blog is just/Mostly for the Vampyre part. any non vampire, autumn or demonolatry related posts will be marked as "Not vampire related" or if from me titled "not a vampire post..."
-other things include But are not limited to: VTM, VTR, Hardstyle Music, Metal Music, Anything Gothic, Halloween (like all the time lol), Autumn/Fall (its may favourite season), Bats, Crows, Monsters (In general), Video Games, Books (bonus points if there witchy or Vampire), Animal crossing, Monster hunter.
I am a and Accept/Respect:
-Sanguinarian(s)/Psychic(s)/Tantric Feeder(s)
-Nerodivergent person(s)
(Especially anxiety and autistic spectrum)
-A-spec(s) (both Autistic and Asexual, I'm Demi Myself)
-Witchcraft practitioner/ eclectic witch(s)
(but please be mature if it's something you don't practice please That being said however:
-Demonolator(s)/ LHP Practitioner(s)
-Vulture Culture Collector(s)
I'm not but will accept/respect:
-Lifestyle Vampire(s)
-Any LGBTQ+ that I haven't mentioned yet that is legitimate (No MAPs)
-All Races (this should not have to be said but hey)
I'm not sure about this, but I still like you, You are Welcome here:
-Therian/Otherkin/Alterhumans/ Voidpunk etc
im not sure this blog is the best place for you, but you are welcome to stay if you insist:
-People who aren't into Vampires
(why are you here then lol)
-Roleplayers/Roleplay Blogs/ Kin for Fun
(you are welcome here but bare in mind this blog is serious about its topics, minus the occasional post often VTM, VTR or tagged "just for fun")
-Minors, you are welcome to stay but please be safe!
(I only say this due to some more mature discussions such as Medical Blood consumption Etc)
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NOTE 1: I personally see my vampirism as Spiritual as well as a completely normal side of myself, I didn't choose anything, I awakened and this is and always will be me. (your vampiric experience may vary)
I consider myself a "Ronin" Vampyre as I'm not a part of the larger VC (vampire community) due to too much squabbling in most Houses/Groups/Orders or just general disagreement over what that group stands for Vs what I stand for.
I'm not hurting anyone, call it escapism if you wish, don't like it, that's cool you don't have to, just don't be an ass about it.
(I also Have a YouTube, but that is a hobby and does not earn me anything right now!)
NOTE 2: As this is primarily a vampire blog, there will inevitably be some posts that contain Blood, mild gore, written (fake) violence etc! I do apply trigger warnings in the tags As "tw ______" but I shall re-warn you here!
Note 4: I Consider myself semi Antinomian, (definition here) do note that while I may not be a religion you are, I do accept you being that religion (unless its Nazi in any way sorry, I really shouldn't have to mention this) We all have different paths for different reasons, I respect that and so should you!
there may also be the occasional post that I will be unsure of the maturity of... if I feel or deem something is up with the image that certain eyes may not wish to see, I will tag it as "Nsft?"
-End Rant-
I would just like to share (again) that I also have a YouTube, It Has the same name as my blog (SangAverage) And covers stuff on Vampyres and also magick, Mostly from a Sanguinarian and slightly Spiritual Vampyre Perspective as well as somewhat Medsang.
You are welcome to come over and see if it's for you or not (Just pretty please behave yourselves either way! Comments are mostly on but moderated)
Here's your Link: https://youtube.com/@sangaverage-yt?si=1n15zrQiV1seOOJi
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Userbox and Divider credits:
-sangaverage (just for fun lol)
^ icons for my userboxes are Mintaka code and found on SAVCC so credit to them
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Don't be afraid to mutual me! I Don't Bite
(at least without Consent)
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Thanks for your time See You all Across the veil In The Realm of SangAverage!
Or not whichever!
Enter Freely And of your own Free will!
And Sanguinarians: there's some useful resources for you in a dropdown menu if you go to my actual URL here!
I am trying to make my posts and anything I Reblog more inclusive to those who have a hard time reading/ Cannot read small text/ are visually impaired by adding notes to posts I seem important enough as "Screen reader ID (example text here!)"
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blueiight · 1 year
amc iwtv/vc fans are so disingenuous, cliqued tf up, jobless (in a spiritual sense) & odd. idk how much of this fan culture is just generic fan shit or specifically the iwtv/vc fan culture being so insulary in response to the attacks on specs & reviews done by the creator or what but yall weird as fuck for real lol. seeing ppl who were vehemently opposed to the racial adjustments suddenly pretend to give af then say “ur the real racist for liking black/brown chara change” is maddening. throwing shit n hiding ur hand is the norm w these fans on all sides. i came back on tumblr to talk abt this series but i find myself more & more irritated n disenchanted by the fans, not even the source material, just the fans. how i would get hate in my inbox, have ppl running to other blogs to bitch abt their misinterpretation of sum i said its so annoying. for all the barking yall do on twitter fans being so stupid r we that much better? no. nobody is. we’re all annoying civillians with hobbies. but ive always been a jack of all trades master of none who runs a bit off spite moreso than i should so ill do w/e i want lol
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nothingplusthings · 7 months
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Voodoo Computer Series 0-1,
I accept that many of my projects go into the world undocumented, but I surely wish I had better pics of my Voodoo Computer Series 0-1. I recovered these two shabby pics of VC 0-1 removed from its vault for psychick re-bugging and depairs. VC 0-1 was empowered and set in motion twice in my presence and it worked like a charm.
Homonculus-powered electro-effigy with multi-positional energy nodes
Hydro-spectral ultrared and infrablue Lightbringer pump
Overclocked synchronicity timer
Common censer paired with ether agitator
Hexadecimal voodoo-or-don't circuitry
37 translated presets with speak-and-spell otherboard
Climax gauge with surge protection
Freequency meter with sound advice
Smote detector
Ov Power Switch
Compatible current options: Slave Master, One Long Ohm, 93, Master Slave, AC/DC/CC
Adapter chords
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