chaskka · 3 months
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Indian Aalu Tikki Burger - Chaskka Oslo
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platingbypia · 1 year
Pasta med kantarellsaus
De siste dagenes ruskevær har vært et tydelig tegn på at høsten står for dør. Kortere dager. Fyr i peisen. Noe varmt i koppen. Jeg skal faktisk ikke lyve å si jeg gruer meg til det. Alle årstidene har noe magisk over seg. Personlig er jeg veldig fan av de kjølige, solrike høstdagene. Det er så koselig å være ute på sånne dager! Høsten er jo også sesong for ganske mange grønnsaker, bær og…
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vegetardk · 1 year
Arme riddere
French toast eller arme riddere er både en lækker dessert og en sød morgenmad, for du kan naturligvis spise arme riddere til morgenmad - særligt hvis brødet stegt i den krydrede æggeblanding toppes med frisk frugt, hakkede nødder eller skyr. Desuden er arme riddere en god ret at lave for at undgå madspild, eftersom daggammelt brød giver det bedste resultat. source https://www.vegetar.dk/opskrift/arme-riddere
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cruella-devegan · 3 months
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Chay Garden / Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Green curry with mixed vegetables, crispy silken tofu, crispy mushrooms, tomato/capsicum breakfast dish in an eggplant and Vietnamese coffee 😋
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silviaaquilini · 5 months
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aruharus-minitelier · 8 months
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パッケージかわいい。 It looks cute and tantalizing.
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albertsvoicechef · 1 year
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artnewsmag · 2 years
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Eggplant Rolls with Bell Pepper Sauce - Appetizers and Snacks
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724bees · 2 years
hvorfor er huslejen så dyr i kbh. kommer til at bo i et queer kollektiv om et år hvis det er sådan det er abdjfkdn
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platingbypia · 1 year
Chilli Sin Carne
Vil du ha en rask, billig og lettvint middag som virkelig slår an i hverdagen? Test ut denne gode oppskriften på Chili Sin Carne. En enkel gryterett med futt i. Den er også kjøttfri og perfekt på en meatless monday! Har du mulighet anbefaler jeg deg å doble eller triple oppskriften. Spis opp det dere orker og frys ned resten til en senere middag! Chili Sin Carne Ingredienser (3-4 pers): 1…
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vegetardk · 1 year
Sundere nutella med kikærter
Sødt smørepålæg med kikærter, dadler, kakao og chokolade a la sundere nutella kan spises som smørelse på nybagte boller, kiks, ristet surdejsbrød eller brug det som dip til sprøde æbler og søde bananer. Du kan også spise smørepålægget med en ske som et mellemmåltid direkte fra glasset, eftersom det som bonus er proteinrigt og fri for raffineret sukker. source https://www.vegetar.dk/opskrift/sundere-nutella-med-kikaerter
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ma-pi-ma · 5 months
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A nascere son buoni tutti!
Persino io sono nato!
Ma poi bisogna divenire! Divenire! Crescere, aumentare, svilupparsi ingrossare (senza gonfiare)
accettare i mutamenti
(ma non le mutazioni)
maturare (senza avvizzire)
evolvere (e valutare)
progredire (senza rimbambire)
durare (senza vegetare)
invecchiare (senza troppo ringiovanire)
e morire senza protestare, per finire...
Un programma enorme, una vigilanza continua...
Perché a ogni età l'età si ribella contro l'età, sai!
E se fosse solo questione di età... ma c'è anche il contesto!
Daniel Pennac, Signor Malaussène, 1995
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silviaaquilini · 2 years
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La fine di una relazione tossica.
Dopo un anno di relazione, dal giorno 29 agosto 2023 sono ufficialmente “libera”. In che senso? Intendo LIBERA non nel senso di “Fatevi avanti, ragazzi!”, ma nel senso che mi sento come se mi fosse stato tolto un grande peso di dosso. Come mi sono ritrovata in quella relazione? È una storia lunga. Perché l’ho definita “tossica”? Ebbene: piangevo sempre, avevo bisogno di lui ma al tempo stesso stavo male (“dipendenza affettiva”), volevo già uscirne da molto tempo prima ma non riuscivo a farlo o a dirgli di no e anche se abbiamo passato dei momenti teneri insieme non sono mai stata veramente felice. Certo, quando abbiamo ufficialmente rotto, qualche lacrima è scesa. C’erano pur sempre dei sentimenti coinvolti. Ma se avessi continuato a “vegetare” in quella situazione sarei stata molto, ma MOLTO peggio.
Scrivo tutto questo anche per aiutare chi magari è intrappolato in una relazione simile ma non sa come uscirne. Il mio consiglio è: NON abbiate paura di troncare il rapporto. FATELO E BASTA. Senza pensarci. Come uno strappo di cerotto. Ve ne sarete grati, credetemi 😊
Detto questo, passo e chiudo!
P.S. Sentitevi liberi di far girare questo messaggio a chiunque credete che possa averne bisogno, ricordando che: 1) non siete soli e 2) potete farcela!
~ Ragazza libera
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A take on veganism
While veganism can do good on the world, It's current climate is toxic and unhealthy.
There is no act an individual can to that will effect the level of harm that corporations cause
The especially white vegan view of you have to be fully vegan in everything you consume is toxic, unethical, and often in achievable.
Plastic leather (pleather or vegan leather) is horrible for the environment and your wallet. It sheds a ridiculous amount of plastic products into the environment and does not hold up with time causing you to have to buy more and more. This of course causes more plastic in the environment and more expenses to you.
Most leather is used as a byproduct from cows killed for the meat industry meaning these cows would still be killed if you did not consume leather as they are skilled for hamburger etc. and then instead of discarding their skin it is used for a durable environmentally friendly product.
In again, especially white vegans, the bid to not consume any animal products leads to more harm than good in cases.
Foods like quinoa (grain that has amino acids and protein) and agave (common substitute for honey) harm farmers and the countries who rely on them due to vegans driving up global demand.
Many vegans will boycott honey as it is derived from bees, but will still consume almond milk. This is hypocritical as bees are not harmed in the production of honey, buy are harmed in the transportation to and pollinating of almond groves.
The crazy vegan stereotype turns people away from veganism and decreased animal consumption. The over the top, angry, all or nothing type creates hatred towards the vegan community steating people away from it which creates the opposite effect that it is trying to.
Critic of concepts such as meatless Monday hurts everyone. Most people can't or aren't willing to be vegan or vegetarian but concepts such as meatless Mondays allows for less meat to be cooked when it otherwise would be.
The idea that vegan or vegetarian diets are cheaper is false. This is only true if your diet is mainly beans and rice, but that is not how almost everyone eats. Produce, and dairy and meat substitutes are more expensive than animal products. Furthermore in food deserts or countries/areas where vegan/vegetarian lifestyles aren't common it may be next to impossible to not consume animal products due to low availability and high price.
Most vegans and vegetarians will allow for medications that include animal products, but those who don't create an unsafe space for people who rely on them.
Medications is not the only reason to need to consume animal products and this is where the real danger lies. Any condition that causes a restrictive diet poses a risk in restricting more. Yes, veganism and vegetarism are restrictive diets. Some, but definitely not all, are chron's, gerd, ANY ED, needing to tube feed, IBS, colonoscopy bag users, people on a liquid diet, and much more. Talk to your healthcare provider please before attempting vegan or vegetarian lifestyles if you have any of these types of issues. The vegan movement shames people who rely on animal products to stay healthy and that is dangerous.
Racism plays into the vegan movement as well. Many, again, especially white, vegans shame cultures who use animals. Cultures and traditions who care for animals, use all their parts, farm, and take care of their land and animals are much better than traditionally western practices and the need for veganism is no longer needed. The animals and land are cared for and treated respectfully. Veganism would do more harm than good here.
There us a line between ethical and unethical veganism, however the line is blurred. Knowing when it does more harm than good is not often enough talked about and I believe it's important that unethical veganism is talked about more.
Some ways to help promote ethical living besides veganism
Freegan. A freegan is vegan with the exception to animal products that would otherwise be discarded.
Ethical consumption. Buy from local farmers. Start a community garden. Have your own chickens for eggs. Etc.
Trade and barter. This works around capitalism which is a driving factor towards unethical animal practices.
Support indigenous people. They know how to care for the land and the animals. Importantly their rights have been abused and violated and we need to support them as well.
Shop local. This keeps money out of the hands of big corporations. As well as being environmentally friendly due to less co2 emissions.
Reduce reuse recycle. Start by reducing the products use consume. Then reuse what you can as much as you can. Finally recycle everything you can. This is the order that makes the smallest imprint.
Pescitarian. The only meat pescitarians consume is fish.
Vegetarian. Vegetarians consume animal products but not animals. This can include eggs, but not chickens, milk, but not cow, honey, silk etc. Lakto-vegitarians consume dairy but not eggs and ovo-vegitarians consume eggs but not dairy.
Cutting out any type of meat or animal products.
Only consuming foods that are ethically produced in regards to the environment, animals, and/or humans
Feel free to add more
Remember your health comes first, there is no ethical consumption under capitalism, any change is better than no change.
TL;DR Veganism has problems and isn't the end all be all of ethicality. Reduce consumption in general in the ways you can. Remember your health comes first.
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abatelunare · 2 months
Di misfatti italici
Chi è appassionato di cinema horror non può non conoscere un autentico classico del genere. È australiano, risale al 1978 e s'intitola Patrick. La storia è molto semplice. Un ragazzo - di nome, appunto, Patrick - finisce in coma. E mentre se ne sta lì a vegetare, sviluppa dei terrificanti poteri extrasensoriali. Con i quali fa un culo così a tutti quanti. Voi mi chiederete (in coro): e allora? E allora nel 1980 noi italiani decidiamo di dargli un seguito: Patrick vive ancora. Non me la sento di parlarvene, perché è davvero terribile. A me piace il trash, però mi pongo anche dei limiti. Be', qui li hanno superati. E di parecchissimo. Una cosa ve la posso dire. Fra gli interpreti figura Carmen Russo. Non so se lei ricordi di aver preso parte a questa roba qui. Spero di no.
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