horseimagebarn · 2 months
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horse engaged in what seems to be a shouting match with a young bandana wearing child the two adversaries though they likely differ in opinion are alike in the rage they express at one another by opening their mouths in a yell to experience the catharsis of letting another know what they did to rile such stereotypically innocent creatures like ponies and children yet do they realize that it does nothing but make both their opponent and themself feel worse one on one arguments between two who will never agree is but an ouroboros around the heart that tightens and tightens and i hope one day this child and this horse will escape it yet i know solemnly every mortal creature is plagued by such a parasite as long as they remain in this mortal coil
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shinelikethunder · 10 months
they called. the episode. SLASH FICTION. those leviathan doppelgängers were out mugging for the camera on a mallory-n-mickey bonnie-n-clyde pumpkin-n-honeybunny crime spree... for the express purpose, not only of painting a target on the winchesters' backs, but of vilifying & embarrassing them to the world. and the show didn't even have the INTEGRITY to end that cold open of "sam" and "dean" shooting up a bank with a nice lingering shot of them tongue-kissing for the news cameras?!
commit to your own fucking BIT, spn. you gift-wrapped yourself an excuse to one-up the outrageousness of your previous wincest bait and then you walked away and blueballed us? do you just NOT FUCK now. is that it. is this the exact episode that clinched your terminal diagnosis of Does Not Fuck Disease.
you called it SLASH FICTION and i'm suing for breach of contract, because what is that title if not a threat/promise to show us your plausibly-deniable plot-device simulacra of the brothers winchester rounding third base just out of frame. kripke era would've done it, and called us slurs the whole time, and none of us to this day would be able to decide what kind of hate crime it was. but s7 apparently is full of COWARDS.
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fishcemetery · 6 days
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It's not that Isaac is really into this stuff, but he loves figuring out schematics and has some insane hand coordination for a guy of zero body skill.
It looks like things have died down on the PSP gay battlefront once again, but let's just have one more shot for good measure, before I'm off to do whatever I do when I'm off.
For something that I've whipped up largely out of ancestral contrariness, these two click together in quite an intriguing way. Maybe I'll think about them a bit more in the future. Maybe not.
(me and you, and you and me, just us, and your friend Steve the Watcher)
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thecorvidrotation · 8 months
main thing i miss about actively reading the raven cycle is how the intensity of the gangsey's care for each other makes me want to chew my own arm off
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koshercosplay · 2 years
tolkien: writes essays on his disdain for allegory in fiction, specifically mentions his hatred for using allegory in fiction in multiple letters, expressly tells anyone who asks (and many who don't, he wasn't picky) that lotr was not written to be allegorical in any way, and to please not read it as such
everyone, immediately upon the publishing of lotr in 1955: omg 🥺 you wrote the lord of the rings as a way to process your experiences in the war 🥺 the scouring of the shire directly correlates to your post-war trauma 🥺 wow you're so brave thank you for your service sir 🫡
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neuxue · 1 year
Xiao Jingyan: 你一定要把自己做的事都说得如此狠绝吗?// Must you speak so ruthlessly of everything you do? Mei Changsu: 我本来就是一个狠绝之人。人素来只会被朋友出卖,敌人是永远没有出卖和背叛的机会的。// I am a ruthless person. One can only be sold out by a friend; an enemy will never have the opportunity to sell or betray you. Xiao Jingyan: 这个我信。但你可知,你若如此待人,人必如此待你。先生如此聪慧,这个道理不会不懂吧。// That, I believe. But you must know that if you treat people this way, that is how they will treat you. With your intelligence, surely you must understand this. Mei Changsu: 我明白……可是我不在乎。殿下尽可以用任何的手段来试探我、考验我,我都无所谓。因为我知道自己心里忠于的是什么。我从来都没有想过要背叛。// I understand… but I don’t care. Your Highness may use any method you like to test me, examine me; it doesn’t matter. Because I know where my own heart's loyalties lie. And I have never held thoughts of betrayal.
anyway let's just add this to the 'conversations that are going to fucking haunt Xiao Jingyan once he realises who he was having them with' list
(it's like the langya list but with more knives)
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thekegelelf · 11 months
I keep seeing posts about "oh idk why people still ship radiodust it's definitely not going to be canon Alastor is ace and Angel is definitely going to end up with xyz" as if that's at all the point of shipping. Do you think I care about canon beyond using it as building blocks for my silly little fandom fun time? Absolutely not
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justlikeazzy · 3 months
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Did some more figure drawing! This time featuring Vehemence. Your epic principle/teacher lol-
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ofweave · 13 days
periodic disclaimer that any mystra bashing on this blog is a joke and as far as forgotten realms lore goes i find her an interesting and enjoyable character. i would go as far as classify myself as a mystra enjoyer (although i do find her portrayal and presence in bg3 weak but thats not here nor there).
she is, still, the villain of gale's (back)story very specifically. i find it annoying that people who view it that way or who are critical of the relationship between her and gale (in a 'it was not a healthy good relationship' sense not in the sense that it shouldnt exist in the text because what) are labelled as hysterical and jealous mystra-hating fangirls ??? i mean ????? huh ????? whuh ????
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horseimagebarn · 8 months
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horses engaged in combat one horse has leaned forward in order to use its back legs to deliver a strong kick to the opposition which is another horse of a similar but not identical color to it we know the kick is strong because of the way the other horses head has been snapped back by the force of it giving the viewer a good look at its mouth which is frozen in a grimace of pain what has caused these beautiful animals to become locked in such vicious combat such is the way of nature for the world will always have good and bad and those forces shall always oppose one another even if these horses are not only good or only bad we see here a representation of the constant war of true morality
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rainc0at · 9 months
Goes wildly insane over Catherine depicting her love for Heathcliff.
"I cannot express it; but surely you and every body else have a notion that there is, or should be, an existence of yours beyond you. What were the use of my creation if I were entirely contained here? My great miseries in this world have been Heathcliff's miseries, and I watched and felt each from the beginning; my great thought in living is himself. If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and, if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the Universe would turn to a mighty stranger. I should not seem a part of it. My love for Linton is like the foliage in the woods. Time will change it, I'm well aware, as winter changes the trees - my love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath - a source of little visual delight, but necessary. Nelly, I am Heathcliff - he's always, always in my mind - not as a pleasure, any more than I am always a pleasure to myself - but, as my own being - so, don't talk of our separation again - it is impracticable; and-"
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isfjmel-phleg · 1 year
The pastor, using an analogy of his children to make a point about being found doing God's work when He returns: And what happens when your mom gets home and finds you playing video games instead of cleaning the kitchen?
A child in the congregation: SUFFERING!
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saisons-en-enfer · 11 months
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new item suffix: Volition
items of Volition bestow their bonus to STR, WIS, and will saves. typically these will be headband, waist, or neck slot items.
new item suffix: Vehemence
items of Vehemence bestow their bonus to DEX, INT, and reflex saves. typically these will be bracer, wrist, or ring slot items.
new item suffix: Vitality
items of Vitality bestow their bonus to CON, CHA, and fortitude saves. typically these will be chest, shoulder, or leg slot items.
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iatrophilosophos · 2 months
I'm going mask off as a wingnut medicine defender. Drink mercury it's good for you. Don't get me started on homeopathy.
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lateseptemberdawn · 3 months
Anyone who is unkind to kids should just disappear vanish evaporate
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