scogito · 22 days
Dal deserto la pioggia metallica.
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klimt7 · 2 months
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L'Ungheria neo-nazista di Orban va cacciata immediatamente dalla comunità europea UE.
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polopsicodinamiche · 2 years
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ps1 · 9 months
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la famiglia dei veleni
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dottssapatrizia · 5 months
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C'è chi lascia veleni, chi rimedi.
Decifrarli è difficile.
Bisogna assaggiare.
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altri-menti · 6 months
L'abitudine è la più infame delle malattie perchè ci fa accettare qualsiasi disgrazia, qualsiasi dolore, qualsiasi morte. Per abitudine si vive accanto a persone odiose, si impara a portare le catene a subire ingiustizie, a soffrire, ci si rassegna al dolore, alla solitudine, a tutto. L'abitudine è il più spietato dei veleni perchè entra in noi lentamente, silenziosamente e cresce a poco a poco nutrendosi della nostra inconsapevolezza, e quando scopriamo d'averla addosso ogni gesto s'è condizionato, non esiste più medicina che possa guarirci.
Oriana Fallaci, Un uomo
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crazy-so-na-sega · 7 days
21 maggio 2013
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Il mio feretro è pronto. È a casa mia. È una pelle di cervo cacciato nella foresta di Lyons. Un tempo vi avvolgevano i corpi dei re. La "nappa" del cervo è considerata immarcescibile. E si suonerà "J'avais un camarade" in tedesco.
Mi do la morte per risvegliare le coscienze addormentate. Insorgo contro la fatalità. Insorgo contro i veleni dell’anima e contro gli invasivi desideri individuali che distruggono i nostri ancoraggi identitari e in particolare la famiglia, nucleo intimo della nostra civiltà. Così come difendo l’identità di tutti i popoli presso di loro, mi ribello al contempo contro il crimine che mira al rimpiazzo delle nostre popolazioni.
-Dominique Venner
accadde oggi.
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fiorenellanotte · 1 month
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"Non tutti i veleni hanno un antidoto. Alcuni si infilano nella tua anima, ti stordiscono con il loro odore e hanno gli occhi più belli che tu abbia mai visto. E a loro non esiste cura. Nessuna".
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l-incantatrice · 2 months
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Non tutti i veleni hanno un antidoto. Alcuni si infilano nella tua anima, ti stordiscono con il loro odore e hanno gli occhi più belli che tu abbia mai visto.
E a loro non esiste cura.
Erin Doom
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scogito · 21 days
"AstraZeneca giustifica il ritiro con la mancanza di domanda e l’eccedenza di vaccini attualmente disponibili sul mercato."
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thelastdinner · 3 months
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Ombre si allungano
Sull’orizzonte infuocato
Attendo che la notte porti consiglio
Ho appena vomitato la mia follia
Scegliendo lettere marchiate a sangue
Liberando scaglie di rabbia inaudita
Gettate nell’incedere presente
Cercando di capire se la mia vita abbia un senso così come è…
Voglio specchiarmi
Vedere il mio viso rigato
da lacrime di filo spinato
vedere il mio petto trapassato
da una daga che nell’elsa porta
il mio nome
dannato e sporco
rinnegato da veleni virtuali
sintetici simulacri di crescenti gelosie.
Rimango appoggiato
Su schegge di vetro infranto
Sentendo solo il calore
Delle tue parole
Aprendo gli occhi
vedendo i tuoi
l’alba di questo nostro amore.
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vividiste · 6 months
Se trovi un riccio "morto" nei mesi più freddi, non seppellirlo, non buttarlo nel cestino...
Nessuno vuole vedere un animale morto nel proprio cortile o sulla strada, ma può essere un riccio in letargo da novembre a marzo.
Di solito scavano buche per stare al sicuro, ma abbiamo sempre meno vegetazione verde, cespugli o foreste, ed è sempre più difficile trovare un posto sicuro dove passare la notte d'inverno.
Alcuni possono venire nel tuo cortile in cerca di sicurezza e calore per andare in letargo, altri sono così stanchi della ricerca che finiscono per dormire in posti strani come strade o marciapiedi.
🦔Durante il letargo, il battito cardiaco e il lavoro generale del corpo rallentano leggermente per risparmiare energia, che può confondere una persona che il riccio è morto.
In ogni caso, se vedete un riccio fermo, assicuratevi che sia in un posto sicuro e caldo e che possa rimanere per 5 mesi.
🦔 Se trovi un riccio nel tuo cortile o da qualche parte per strada, fai un buco in una scatola di cartone e in un posto asciutto, sicuro e tranquillo così che possa trascorrere i mesi freddi lì.
🦔I ricci sono una specie in via di estinzione, completamente innocua e molto importante nel nostro ecosistema.
Mangiano insetti, lumache, rane, lucertole, serpenti, compresi quelli velenosi.
Distruggono anche i nidi di topi.
Non hanno paura delle api o delle vespe. Il riccio può facilmente distruggere un nido di vespa e mangiare i suoi abitanti senza prestare attenzione ai loro morsi.
. Gli scienziati hanno notato da tempo l'immunità dei ricci ai veleni forti, compresi i morsi di vipera.
Questo fenomeno antidoto è ancora sconosciuto agli scienziati.
,State attenti quando vedete i ricci nei mesi freddi. Aiutare un animale così fragile non costa nulla.
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amateurduhhh · 1 year
Fight or Flight
Revali x Lurelin! Reader
Part 1
Summary: You are competing for the role of champion of the Hylians and consult Link's rival for some guidance to overcome him.
Content warnings: none
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You cupped your hands over your cheeks and huffed into your palms to try and warm your face. Frost nipped at the tip of your nose and the tips of your ears and your body ached from the long journey, but it was completely worth it.
You had worn typical clothes of your home village; Linen pants and a blue fitted silk top. You had some woven shoes that were good for the beaches but thin for the trek of northern Hyrule. The weather was like nothing you had ever experienced and your attire had done little to shield from it. Being unprepared for this journey was not what you expected. The wool peacoat you spent a good sum on was hardly enough to block the breezes.
Your home in Lurelin was warm and perpetually pleasant. Rito Village, while seemed to be serene, soft breezes blowing your hair gently out of your face, it was much cooler than what you normally lived with. The lower temperature felt almost liberating, though.
As soon as you stepped foot within the village, you dropped to your knees at the goddess statue, clasping your hands and praying for strength.
"How long was your journey, little Hylian?" a voice had interrupted you. "My name is Veleni, I run the Rito village Inn."
You opened your eyes and stood before the Rito. He had dull red feathers and friendly dark eyes. Before you could reply, a second Rito approached from behind Veleni with a disapproving glare upon their face. "Leave the girl alone, Veleni, she just got here." The Rito had a similar look to them; red feathers and dark eyes. Their expression softened as it turned to you. "I'm so sorry, my name is Miche and my brother here doesn't know when to be subtle."
You smiled at them and shook your head. "No, it's quite alright. My name is (Y/N). I came from Lurelin Village."
Miche's eyes widened. "Lurelin?" She exclaimed. "Where is your horse? Surely you didn't come all the way here by foot?"
You bit down on your lip and shook your head. "My horse... she is too old to travel this far. I walked here," you told them.
"Please, come. We can get you a splendid Rito down bed. The most comfortable bed in Hyrule. After one night, you'll–"
"Thank you," you interrupted. "It's means a lot, but I cannot accept."
Miche waved her hands as if it was not a big deal. "Don't be silly, little hylian. It is complimentary. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if you had not been well taken care of."
Your face flushed as Miche and Veleni urged you towards the inn. The hospitality warmed your heart, but a part of your chest pinched with guilt when faced with such generosity. "I appreciate your offer, but I'd much rather sit by a warm fire tonight instead."
Veleni raised a brow. "Really? I wouldn't want to deny you, but–"
You nodded.
"There is space for a camp on Revali's Landing if you insist. But please do not forget, the offer stands." Miche assured you.
You confirmed your decision. Opting out of potentially indebting yourself, as your father had once said; Everything has a price, some people just have more to pay with. You had absolutely nothing to pay with. Before leaving, you had prepared well, so that you would have no need to rely on anyone but yourself.
"Help yourself to the cooking pot, it's a few flights up, but completely free for anyone to use," Veleni said.
The sun was dimming in the distance. The sunset was much more visible than in your home village because the village's foundation was in the sky. It seemed everything in Rito village could be seen with a bird's eye view. Time included. There would be enough time to make a small meal and maybe enough daylight left to visit the Rito elder.
You found the cooking pot that Veleni had told you about. There, some young Rito children had been finishing their meals. For dinner, you warm yourself up with spicy meat and seafood fry. While you ate, the group of fledglings sparked some conversations with you. They were just as amazed you had come from so far.
"Aren't you cold?" one of the Rito boys squawked.
"She's a warrior, Filo," a Rito girl gestured to your bow and sword. "She can handle a little cold."
You were silent as the children made up their theories about you. A soft smile formed on your lips when they began asking you about the monsters you fought on your way to Rito Village. You scooped the last of your food into your mouth and washed out the bowl. Once all of your belongings were packed together you asked the young Ritos where the Rito elder is.
"The elder? He's at the very top, you can't miss him."
"Thank you." You left the children with some sweets from Lurelin that you brought. It seemed only right as young and as helpful as they were.
The number of stairs this village had began to frustrate you. Had you not traveled enough? Eventually you reached the top. There was no time for rest. Often when you felt the urge to rest, the thought of the other hylian swordsman, Link, clouded the temptation.
You and Link were the only two contenders for the spot of the champion of the Hylians. You both were highly skilled fighters, trained in both swordsmanship and archery. You are also quite skilled in hand to hand combat, unlike Link, but even so, you were still at a major disadvantage.
Link was the son of a knight and possessed a gift to slow time in battle. He can hyperfocus midair and zero in on a target suspended in air. He was born in the royal guard, hailing from a bloodline of warriors. It seemed like it would only be natural for him.
It seemed the cards were stacked against you, but you couldn't give up.
The Elder was a large green parrot-like Rito. They stood well above another Rito who they conversed with, who was an elderly peach colored Rito. You felt awkward approaching them, especially at this hour.
"Excuse me, sir," you cleared your throat. "Elder Myla?"
The elderly Rito turned to see you. She looked surprised to see a Hylian, but face was bitter. She sized you up and took a step backwards. The Elder on the other hand had a neutral expression, but still remained pleasant.
"You are dismissed, Jeyll." Myla told the elderly Rito. He looked back at you and rose a brow. "What can I help you with, young Hylian?" He shifted his neck, seemingly to get a better look at you. "Where are you coming from?"
"My name is (Y/N) and I come from Lurelin Village," you said. "I am seeking out the Rito Champion, Revali. If you could tell me how I can contact him, I offer a golden rupee and three ruby gems." The price was steep, but you had to pay whatever needed to see him.
Myla seemed amused by your firmness. He could tell you were honorable and strong. You had a fisherman's shield, a golden bow and a Soldier's broadsword. Your weapons came from all over the world.
"Young (Y/N), you look like a warrior." Myla noticed. "Tell me about your training?"
"I am self taught mostly. I am the first line of defense for my village."
"I trust you know your way around a bow. I sense you mean business and do not intend to waste any time. For that reason, your offer is not necessary. Master Revali spends most of his time training at the flight range, should you not be able to reach him, let me know."
Your eyes lit up like electricity.
"Well, what do we have here?" A voice as timber as the Great Hyrule Forest sang behind you. "Giving out my precious time, are we, Myla?" It belonged to the Rito you were looking for. "I am a busy man, you know?"
You furrowed a brow. This... is the Rito Champion? you thought to yourself. He was shorter than other Rito. Not to mention his attitude seemed a little cold. The more you thought on it, it was fitting.
"Revali, this hylian girl comes from Lurelin," Myla reported.
"Lurel–" Even Revali, try as he might, couldn't hide his amazement. He crossed his wings and widened his eyes at you. After a second, his eyes narrowed. He laughed. "Oh, I see. It's obvious, just looking at the way you're dressed, you must be freezing."
"I am the only warrior from my village, Master Revali. I need to speak with you, warrior to warrior."
He skeptically sized you up, his eyes surveying you from head to toe. "Well then, nobody travels all the way from Lurelin if it isn't important, suppose. Meet me on the landing at the entrance of the village first thing tomorrow morning. Us Rito are early birds, so don't oversleep."
An enormous weight lifted from your shoulders. For a split second, you had thought to drop to your knees and thank him, but refrained. "Thank you, Master Revali. I will not disappoint you."
Next part here (when available)
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psiqotic · 5 months
Quand’ero giovane sentivo che queste cose erano sciocche, semplici. Avevo sangue gramo, una mente contorta e un’educazione precaria. Ero duro come granito. Avevo guardato il sole. Non mi fidavo di alcun uomo, e in special modo delle donne. Vivevo in un inferno di piccole stanze. Ho rotto cose, schiantato cose, sfondato vetri, maledetto. Ho sfidato tutto; ero continuamente sfrattato, imprigionato. Una lotta continua, dentro e fuori la mia mente. Le donne erano qualcosa da fottere e scartare. Non avevo amici maschi. Cambiavo lavoro e citta’. Odiavo le vacanze, i bambini, la storia, i giornali, i musei, le nonne, matrimoni, film, ragni, netturbini, gli accenti inglesi, la Spagna, la Francia, l’Italia… le noci e l’arancione. L’algebra mi faceva incazzare. L’opera mi faceva vomitare. Charlie Chaplin era falso. E i fiori per gli smidollati. Per me, pace e felicita’ erano segni di inferiorita’, precipui di deboli e menti fragili. Ma con il susseguirsi delle mie risse da vicoli, i miei anni suicidi, le mie innumerevoli donne, gradualmente capii che non ero diverso dagli altri. Che ero uguale. Rifulgevano di odio, glissavano meschine rimostranze. Gli uomini con cui mi battevo nei vicoli avevano cuori di pietra. Tutti sgomitavano, spintonavano, baravano per vantaggi risibili. L’arma era la menzogna, e il progetto era vuoto. L’oscurita’ il despota. Cautamente, a volte mi concedevo di sentirmi bene. Scoprivo momenti di pace in stanze da poco prezzo osservando i pomoli di qualche como’ o ascoltando la pioggia nel buio. Meno necessitavo, meglio mi sentivo. Forse l’altra vita mi aveva logorato. Non provavo piu’ il fascino di coinvolgere qualcuno in una conversazione, o montare una qualche povera femmina ubriaca, la cui vita era scivolata nel dolore. Non riuscivo ad accettare la vita com’era. Non avrei mai potuto trangugiare tutti i suoi veleni. Ma c’erano parti, piccole e tenui, che suggerivano domande. Riformulai. Non so quando… giorno, tempo, tutto quanto… ma il cambiamento avvenne. In me si rilasso’ qualcosa, scivolo’ via. Diedi il benvenuto a barlumi di pace, brandelli di gioia. Abbracciai quella roba come fosse quanto di meglio, come tacchi alti, seni, canti, opere. Non fraintendetemi, c’e’ una cosa come l’ottimismo ostinato che trascura tutti i problemi fondamentali per il suo stesso bene. E’ uno scudo e una malattia. Mi sono guardato allo specchio, una volta mi consideravo… brutto. Ora mi piaceva cio’ che vedevo. Quasi bello. Si’, un po’ strappato e lacero. Cicatrici, grumi, strani avallamenti. Ma alla fin fine, non troppo male.
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veritanascoste · 11 months
Zurigo 19/06/2023
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angela-miccioli · 10 months
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Mi piacciono i veleni più lenti,
le bibite più amare,
le droghe più potenti, le idee più insane, i pensieri più complessi, i sentimenti più forti.
Ho un appetito vorace e i deliri più pazzi.
Tu puoi anche buttarmi da una rupe e io ti dirò:
E allora?
Io adoro volare!
(Clarice Lispector)
Innocenti Evasioni
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