asterkiss · 6 years
Hey! I'm glad to hear (read) about you again! If you're busy or have too many request don't bother with this, but I would love to read Bill telling Mabel the "you were right" prompt! Happy holidays and all that 😊❤️
Aw, thank you so much for the sweet ask
Due to life commitments, it takes me a little longer to find the time to write now a days but I’m hoping to get this one done by tomorrow so stay tuned! ^_^
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I don't mind you being "mean" to Dick, hell I actually like it! Because on the comics lately he kind of was oblibious (is that spelled wrong?) to Damian's love for him and your stories are about Dick figuring it out (even if its in a hard way) and then trying to amend his mistake.
haha was I really being mean to Dick that much? I mean, the recovery trilogy, I thought I was relatively nice!! but all things can be interpreted differently, I suppose~ 
but yay! i just really love exploring their relationship and what works and what doesn’t and them both LEARNING AND LOVING EACH OTHER WOO!
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skyenapped · 9 years
Nonono!! D: We (your followers) are your friends!!!! Please don't say that and smile and have a happy day because the fandom protect each other and you and your blog is inportant and well loved
Thank you very much
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continuitygains · 10 years
Merry christmas!!!! I love spideypool and your fics!! Keep writing and never forget that we readers are here even if you can't see us ;D
Merry Christmas to you, too!! And thank you so so much
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aespiss · 10 years
velvetcheshire said: your itachi post! purrrrr~ I still don't know what you're referring to?? I cannot think of anytime I posted something itachi related but I have a shit memory so.. I'm sorry
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donnastroy · 10 years
OMG I just found your blog and I love it!! Damian! And Wally! And everything! I love you!
thanks that's very sweet of you
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asterkiss · 6 years
Of you're still accepting request, could I ask for Mabel x Bill and number 61 please? ^^
I’m very much always open to requests unless I say otherwise! ^^ Also I know you were requesting some possessive/protective Bill last week so I incorporated that into this drabble!
Bill’s appearance later on in this drabble is inspired by his form in Weirdmageddon.
61) “If you go anywhere near them [her], you’ll have to deal with me!”
“Oi, Shooting Star!”
“Shooting Star!”
“Five more minutes…”
“Hey!” Mabel shot upright only to wince when it aggravated the bruises on her arm. Pushing up her right sleeve, she grimaced at the four stripes marring her skin, remnants of the large hand that had yanked her away.
“For the love of— Will you come over here, dammit!”
The brunette perked up at the voice, finally taking proper note of it. That was… Bill? Unable to stop the hope blossoming in her chest, she quickly looked around the jail cell she was currently held in and went over towards the bars.
“No, not that way you idiot!”
She paused. Turning around and looking across the small room, her eyes finally landed upon the mirror pinned to the wall above the basin. Slowly, she began making her towards it. 
When she finally stepped in front of it, Mabel could only blink in surprise. “Bill…?”
Instead of reflecting her current appearance, the mirror showed the image of Bill Cipher who sighed in relief as he rolled his eyes.
“Finally, jeez! How dumb are you?”
Mabel scowled. “Hey, be nicer! I’m literally a prisoner right now!!”
His expression sobered at that and Mabel then noticed the background behind him resembled the Mystery Shack. What? She reached out curiously but her fingers simply came up against glass.
“Yeah, sorry but this ain’t a portal, kid. Just a video call of sorts,” he explained, eyes flickering over her appearance in what was probably concern. 
Retracting her hand, she frowned. “Are you… in the Mystery Shack? Where is everyone?”
“He heh, ol’ Sixer is putting the finishes touches to a device that’ll locate you.”
Mabel blinked. “You’re… working with Grunkle Ford?” 
The demon gave a casual shrug. “Turns out that when his great-niece’s life is in jeopardy, even that guy can swallow his pride and work with a demon one last time. Who woulda thought it, huh?”
Mabel could only hope he wasn’t testing Stanford too much—the man had his limits. She wondered if he was working with Dipper and Stanley too, then. 
Just as she was opening her mouth to question this, a hand came down on her shoulder from behind. She flinched, snapping her head around to come face to face with the person holding her capture. At first appearances, he looked like a  ordinary middle-aged man with salt and pepper hair and a grey suit.
But Mabel knew otherwise, she’d seen the horrors hiding beneath his disguise first-hand.
“Well then, this is a surprise. I don’t think I authorized any personal calls unless old age is making me forget,” he said casually, flashing his teeth in a way that seemed a bit too sinister for Mabel’s liking. She took a step away from him.
The guttural tone of voice that emitted from the mirror drew both their attention and Mabel was caught off guard by the thunderous expression painted across Bill’s face. 
The demon did his best to keep his human form in check whilst in their world. Even in times where his emotions got the better of him and his appearance fluctuated, he was usually able to keep it in check.
Until now, it seems.
His eyes were pitch black, lips stretching back to display jagged teeth sharp like razors. His skin had transformed to a shade of red as if it was burning from the inside out, pieces of skin igniting and flaking off.
If Mabel wasn’t so sure he was on her side, she would have been terrified.
“Bill Cipher,” the man—Azazel—greeted, appearing unaffected by the demons change in appearance. “My, my, how long has it been since we met in person? A millennia? Two? My memory’s not quite like it used to be.”
Bill growled, and when he spoke in it was in an animalistic manner involving a language she couldn’t understand.
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“Language!” Azazel cut in, frowning in disapproval. “We have a lady present.” He gestured toward Mabel who was leaning as far away as she possibly could whilst still having view to the mirror.
Bill’s expression was murderous. “This isn’t the time to be messing about, you piece of shi—”
“I disagree,” Azazel cut in much to Bill’s clear aggravation. “You used to love playing games and causing havoc. Why such the spoil sport now? Is it because of her?” The man tilted his head in Mabel’s direction, a look of distaste crossing his face. “You made the mistake of turning me down Bill. I was being so nice with my earlier offer and you said no. This is all your fault, you should know I don’t handle rejection well.”
“In fact, why don’t we make a game of this?” Azazel tugged at the tie around his throat and loosened it somewhat, lips twitching into a cruel smile. “You always did admire a good treasure hunt, didn’t you? Why don’t I cut a few pieces off this toy of yours and leave them scattered across a few dimensions with clues?”
Mabel paled. “You can’t do that!” She very much liked having all her bits and pieces where they were, thank you very much!
The temperature in the room suddenly spiked significantly and was followed by an audible crack. When Mabel glanced at the mirror, she found a large break running down its center. There was no sign of Bill’s human form anymore, only a burning blue fire swallowing the entire screen whilst a single red eye glowed eerily within its center. Mabel could only watch wide-eyed as the blue flames came out of the mirror and into the jail cell, running trails of flame along the walls and ceiling. 
She took a few hasty steps back in alarm, and when she looked at Azazel he looked… surprised?
“….Colour me impressed,” he remarked. “We’re on different dimensional planes, I hadn’t thought you capable of reaching through into this one with your powers. You’ve improved substantially since our last time together.”
“You listen to me you slimy bastard,” Bill spat, voice deep and booming and Mabel winced at the intensity of it. “If I find one hair out of place on that kid, you’re fried. She’s mine and if you go anywhere near her, you’ll have to deal with me!” 
The heat was sweltering within the room now and Mabel could feel beads of sweat dropping down her neck. Azazel was staring at the mirror, lips pressed into a tight line and hands clenched at his sides.
“Bill…?” she asked, voice tentative. 
The solitary eye snapped in her direction and Mabel flinched at the intensity of its gaze. Then, it blinked, and some of the heat in the room seemed to dissipate.
“Watch out for yourself Shooting Star, I’m coming. And stand back.”
“What? Why—”
The mirror exploded into pieces and Mabel yelped, covering her head with her arms as shards of glass swept through the cell. When she hesitantly lowered her arms a moment later, the mirror was completely shattered. The blue flames that had made their way into the cell slowly extinguished themselves, leaving behind scorch marks.
When she looked Azazel’s way, she drew in a sharp breath. Several shards of glass had embedded their way into the skin of his face. Yikes. She would have felt sorry for him if he wasn’t an evil antagonist keeping her prisoner.
However, as Mabel regarded him, she noted he looked almost disconcerted. He’d seemed surprised by Bill’s display of power, as if he hadn’t accounted for it. 
“Well then, it seems like I’ve ruffled quite a few of his feathers. How childish. He always was easy to provoke.”
She frowned. “You’re the childish one doing all of this petty stuff because he turned you down!” Hypocrite much?
Azazel flashed her a dark smile. “I don’t like being told no, Miss Pines.”
“Oh yeah? Well you wanna know what I think?”
“No, but I’m sure you’re going to tell me anyway.”
She jabbed a finger in his direction, pinning him with a ferocious glare she’d learned from none other than Bill. 
“My demon boyfriend is going to kick your ass!”
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I those panels, I love seing Damian call Dick "Richard" instead of "Grayson", like he leveled up or something, everytime I see it it makes me smile :')
Same! I like that Damian seems to be trusting people enough now to use their first names~ 
(Frankly I think it’s all Maya’s influence, tbh...)
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fabfauna · 10 years
velvetcheshire replied to your post “Today its 4 months since we broke up”
D: you go girl!! just try to be happy, put music on the highest volume and sing and dance and be happy because I love your blog so that means that I love you too
owww!! thank you so muchhhhhhhhh<3<3 i love your blog and you toooo!
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I can't help but think that in the "Hope" fic Bruce and Clark where spying on them or making up the excuse to talk so their sons could get along or something
Originally while writing it, in my head Bruce and Clark were arguing, and they were arguing about Jon and Damian. Damian was reluctantly dragged along, and distanced himself, thus sitting in the tree. I’d originally planned to have a scene - right before Damian mentions that he thought Superman hated him - of Clark yelling at Bruce and gesturing towards the kids, and Bruce yelling back.
But your version works just as well! Basically it’s up to the reader haha. 
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Thanks to you I got to know about Jon White ♥ But now I wonder, what would be their "ship" name? (for any particular reason, just curious... 9_9) I love how you write about both of them, I love their friendship!
haha to be honest, I know nothing about Jon! I’m totally making it up, that’s why my fics about him have been tsf/very minimal speaking on his part thus yet. But as soon as super sons comes out! (or I get a chance to read that lois and clark book he’s in now)
and I’m guessing it’s gonna be jondami, for a ship name? But I don’t actually know yet. But that’s probably what I’ll use, if I ever decide to write them shippy. 
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Prompt with "I know you're his father but he's MY son!" with Bruce and Dick talking about Damian ('cause I thinks as well that dick is Dami's not-real dad but his dad nonetheless) I adore you and there's no hurry, you're so awesome!
Set when Bruce comes back from being ‘dead.’ Scenario where he split up Dick and Damian.
“So, this weekend, we’ll move him out.” Bruce concluded, pointedly ignoring the anguished look on Dick’s face. “He’ll live at the manor with me from here on out, and you may stay here. Or go back to Bludhaven or New York or wherever you want.”
“Bruce…” Dick whispered. “Wait a minute, I think you need to-”
“Thank you for what you’ve done for him, Dick. For me.” Bruce cut off, already turning away, heading towards the penthouse’s door, going back down to his office. “But I’m his father. And it’s about time I started to act like it.”
And Dick waited. Remained silent under Bruce was at the door, was almost completely out of it, before:
“I know you’re his father,” Dick called - quietly, shyly, uncertainly. “But…But Bruce, that’s my kid.”
Bruce paused, slowly turned back around, eyebrows furrowed in surprise.
“That’s my kid.” Dick breathed, face open and heartbroken. “Please don’t take him from me.”
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It was me who asked for that demon-AU and was a little afraid it might be weird and awful but I'm so glad you writed it!! and dickdami that I love so much!! I love you and your writing so mucho ohmygod ♥ Could you make a second part in wich Dick talks to the batfam about Damian being robin and defending him with the other members? idk I just want to know the other's opinion of half-demon-Damian (no hurry thankyou have a nice day)
“You’re kidding me.” Jason said for the fourth time. Tim was still silent, and his eyes were furiously wide. “Grayson, you’re really going to give Robin to that…that little monster?”
And that was it. This conversation had gone on long enough, and his brothers had been a little less understanding than he had expected. He was grateful Damian wasn’t actually here to hear this - there would definitely have been some sort of bloodshed in that case - but that didn’t mean he couldn’t be livid on the child’s behalf. 
“Yes, I am. He’s worked hard, and he deserves it. Isn’t that all that matters?” He turned then, heading out of the room, back to the cave where both Damian and Alfred were waiting for him. And it was a low blow, but he didn’t care, not right now. “Besides, Jay, he’s no more a monster than you are.”
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Could you write the continuation of the damian in dick's grave prompt? Jason offering himself as the new "big brother" to Damian so the little demon doesn't have to talk to Dick's grave and talk to him instead (oh the feels!)
Continuation of this
“I died. He died.” Jason drawled, stepping carefully across the frost-tipped grass. He paused over the sleeping boy, shivering subconsciously as he tried to cuddle against the tombstone for warmth. “And we came back.”
Jason stretched his muscles before crouching, tossing the blanket across Damian’s curled body, then slipping his arms underneath the lump. He rocked Damian against his chest before standing, hesitating to make sure the child hadn’t woken in his ascent.
“So, I’ll take care of him until you do, too.” Jason hummed against Damian’s temple, trying to convey the concern he could never show his brother if he were awake. Already, Damian’s trembles were calming as he burrowed against Jason’s neck. Jason smiled sadly as he turned away, strolling back towards the manor. “Hurry back, Grayson.”
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So many jaydami feels! Here's another prompt: Damian defending Jason from Bruce after a patrol gone bad (It wasn't all jason's fault) and Jay being secretly (or not so secretly) proud of the baby demon (as always there's no hurry you're awesome and have a nice day!)
It was a shock to everyone involved when, in the midst of Bruce's rants of everything Jason did wrong, in his catalog of all the injuries their group had suffered, Damian stepped between them. "If you blame Todd," Damian said cooly, still cradling the dislocated elbow against his chest. "Then you'll have to blame me, too."And they all knew that, at this point, Bruce never would.So he could only gape, as Damian spun on his heel, pushed Jason in the same direction he was walking, and explained that Alfred had made some post-patrol cookies for them. (And he could feel guilt gnawing at him, when he saw Jason's shoulders slump in relief, as he wrapped an arm around Damian's shoulders and the boy never tried to brush him off.)
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I'm scared to ask for this promp but I really want to read it: Damian being inmune to fear gas because his most fear was Dick dying and not being able to save him BUT DICK IS DEAD so he's not impresed with the alucinations and everything.
Bruce felt his heart stop, as Scarecrow crowded Damian into the corner and threw the fear gas straight into the boy’s eyes.
But then Damian just coughed. Just blinked and turned his bored pout up at the surprised villain. “What…why…this is a new strain, why aren’t you…?!”
“My worst fear came true long ago.” Damian responded coldly as Scarecrow began to back away. Slowly, Damian reached for the escrima stick that had been a staple on his utility belt, ever since the day he found out. “Nothing scares me anymore.”
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