notmaplemable · 1 year
Ruby Likes Bunnies
Bunny Jaune: Hey Velvet.
Velvet: Hey Jaune, that carrot cake you made last night was amazing by the way.
Jaune: Oh, well thanks. I can send you the recipe if you want.
Velvet: Really?
Jaune: Yeah.
Velvet: Thank you! That's really sweet of you!
Wolf Ruby: *Watching from a distance*
Yang: Ruby?
Ruby: *Crying on her bed*
Yang: Are you okay?
Ruby: *Sniffles* Yang, I think I have a bunny fetish.
Yang: ...
Ruby: And that make me a d-dirty per-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-rvert!
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howlingday · 1 year
Belated Easter prompt: Many people think that Jaune is a rabbit faunus, when he is in fact a Hare faunus (there's a difference), thanks to his ears. Those that don't know that quickly learn the difference. Velvet of course already knew that.
"Hey, there, Bunny Boy~!"
Jaune let out a sigh as his fears of Cardin approaching from behind were well-founded. He hated he was right. Every day, since initiation, Jaune had been subject to teasing, bullying, and assault at the hands of the taller boy. It didn't help that his cronies were always close by enough to support.
"I saw you and Velvet talking in the hall this morning." Cardin grinned. "She need her bunny boyfriend to come save her?"
"It's not like that." Jaune futilely defended.
"Aw, really? Then what's it like then?"
"He's been failing his classes, so maybe he needs some help." Russel leaned in. "Probably in math."
"Why?" Dove chuckled. "Figured rabbits would be good at multiplying."
"I'm not a rabbit." Jaune corrected.
"No?" Lark asked. "Those are some long ears for a mouse, don't you think?"
"Nah, he's definitely a rabbit." Jaune grunted as his ears were tugged at. Cardin showed no mercy taking a fistful of Jaune's ear. "See?"
"Argh! S-Stop it!" Jaune groaned.
"O-Over there, Professor!" The group turned and saw Professor Port stomping in a fury. His white, burly mustache was well-defined in front of his reddened face. As he chased after Team CRDL, Velvet approached Jaune. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine." Jaune stepped away.
"Let me see." Velvet demanded, making Jaune duck down and bend over. She let out a hum. "It doesn't look like he bruised you."
"I told you I'm fine." Jaune stood up straight.
"No, you're not." She said, wagging a finger. "You were being bullied and you did nothing, so I had to get help to help you."
"I could have handled it myself."
"Maybe, but not without getting hurt." She rubbed his arm. "You could have run away."
"Yeah, I could've." Jaune agreed, not looking her in the eye. "But that wouldn't stop them."
"They'd give up eventually."
"And then you would-" Jaune shut his mouth. He then felt slender arms wrap around his torso. "Sorry for making you worry."
"You're my boyfriend. It's my job to worry about you now."
"Thank you." Jaune hugged her back.
"Anything for my honey hare~." She cooed.
He let out a chuckle. "My beautiful bunny~."
Fun Fuct! Despite their similar appearance, there are many key differences between rabbits and hares. Rabbits are born blind and hairless while hares are born with fur. Hares build their nests above ground while most rabbits prefer to live in burrows. Rabbits are social animals while hares prefer to live alone, or in pairs.
Fun Fact! Female rabbits are notably more aggressive than males, and are more likely to be dominant in their social groupings. The alpha can be identified as the rabbit who patrols the most in the territory, and causes other rabbits to move out of their way.
Fun Fact! Rabbits and hare are incapable of breeding, as the two are entirely different species of animals that don't belong to the same genus. However, it should be noted Jaune and Velvet are neither rabbits nor hares, but people.
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It's actually VERY rare for teams in RWBY to all pull from the same source material.
Sun's teammates, for example, are Neptune Vassilas (Neptune, though in-universe he's named after a famous sailor), Scarlet David (Captain Hook), and Sage Amaya (unknown).
Team CFVY has Coco Adel (Coco Channel, as a connection to the whole fashion thing, as CRWBY were NOT aware that Channel was a Nazi until WELL after Coco was introduced), Fox Allister (the Fox from the Fox and the Hound, though he actually isn't a Faunus), Velvet Scarletina (The Scarlatine Rabbit), and Yatsuhashi Datchi (I'm... actually not sure about that one).
Although Team JNPR does have a theme of "crossdressers, but genderbent": Jaune Arc (Joan of Arc), Nora Valkyrie (Thor), Pyrrha Nikos (Achilles), and Lie Ren (Mulan).
Honestly love the vibes with JNPR.
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aidendh · 11 months
RWBY! OC Ver | P1
RAU versions, so still abilities
Team: BJVS
Aiden/Cherise Blanc (CB),
Jake/Jay Winchester (JW),
Adrik/Вельвет Silverstein (VS),
Suke/Shinku Silverstein (SS)
(Jake Winchester belongs to @abel-not-gaybel )
-:Aiden Harris, CB:-
Cherise Blanc
[Cherry + Cerise, Cherry in French]
(Dead Name, Fuchsia)
White hair + Pale Red eyes
Mouse Faunus, Brown mouse ears
(Has holes in his beret)
Pru-Pru: Yo-Yo/Shield/Discs
(Discs are shot from the Yo-Yo)
[Genus Prunus]
Sometimes channels his Aura through it
The Discs can have Dust or other substances inside them
Pink Aura
Semblance: Cherry Field (Force Field/Auramancy)
[Can heal those within, strengthen their Auras and channel it to make earthquakes, mimics geomancy]
Emblem: Pink Crystal Cherry
Blanc on his Mother's side, Silverstein on his Father's
Has a surprisingly strong aura
Cherise Blanc (Casual/Uniform/Formal)
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A Heroic Faunus and Leader of Team BJVS
Semblance: Cherry Field* Force Field, Auramancy
Weapon: Pru-Pru
-:Adrik Harris, FS:-
Vel'vet (Velveteen) Silverstein
[Вельвет, Velveteen in Russian]
Often just called Velvet
(Dead Name, Violet)
Dyes his hair Purple + Silver(right) Red(left) eyes
(It rarely activates bc of his harmed soul)
Hides his black and brown streak
Karatel': Cello-Erhu-Hammer/Strings(P)
+ Bow-Pocket knife
(with fake dust he made himself, eg, poison)
[Каратель, Punisher in Russian]
He learns to channel his Aura while playing it to make a hypnotizing tune
Purple Aura
Semblance: Crime and Punishment (Astral Projection)
Emblem: Silver Rat sitting in a square border
(Side profile)
Was born with Semblance/Aura, however his Aura shatters in 1 hit
Vel'vet Silverstein (Casual, Masculine/Feminine)
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An Incarnate and member of Team BJVS
Semblance: Crime and Punishment* Astral Projection
Weapon: Karatel'
Vel'vet Silverstein (Uniform/Formal)
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An Incarnate and member of Team BJVS
Semblance: Crime and Punishment* Astral Projection
Weapon: Karatel'
[Continued in P2, bc of image limit]
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hxntresses · 1 year
Hello, RWBY fandom!
It has been a hot minute (aka years) since I was last into RWBY, but with the release of Volume 9, my love for the characters and the story of the show has resurfaced and I’m here to give the roleplay community another try!
I was once the mun of several blogs, my most popular probably being @velveteen-faunus, but I no longer have access to those emails and have decided to start fresh on a multimuse instead. I have no idea if any of my old RP partners are still around, but I’m always open to meeting new people and making new friends!
I’ll likely make a proper promo some time in the future but for now, please feel free to like and/or follow if you’re interested in interacting with me! I would also appreciate a reblog to spread this to more people as I don’t currently know who's active-
I hope to write and chat with some of you guys soon!
RULES (please read before following) // MUSE LIST
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solar-pxwered · 4 years
@velveteen-faunus​ wanted a White Fang verse starter
          Sun was used to being given orders and he usually had no problem following them...although, admittedly, he usually accomplished his missions in his own time and most certainly his own way. The big wigs never seemed to care about what methods he used as long as the job got done. And the job always got done. He was nothing if not successful at anything he put his mind to!
          So when he was told to pose as a student and seek out Faunus to recruit, he’d assumed it would be a piece of cake; he hadn’t counted on all the Faunus in Beacon Academy being so...goody-goody. 
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          “Soooooo...” he asked, his expression bored as he fell into an easy stroll next to a Rabbit Faunus he recognized from the cafeteria. “What do you guys even do for fun around here? Or is fun not part of the curriculum at Beacon?”
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ultravioletvoleur · 3 years
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@velveteen-faunus​ asked:  🔮 -----
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“I don’t get it. Why does she tolerate the hate and drivel the way she does? She’s so passive, but if you look at her, she’s got the strength to put each of them in their place in a matter of seconds. There’s a beauty and a strength in peace, sure, but some day she’ll have to fight. I’m worried that she won’t have the conviction when push comes to shove. So maybe she needs a puckish rogue to sweep in and help her shape up!”
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Jade + Kyanite
Jade: What are their opinions on luck? Do they believe in it?
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Roman has mixed opinions on Luck. On one hand, He has had absolutely horrific luck in his childhood. He lost his tail, was tortured, and ultimately scarred for life in both body and mind. But on the other hand, meeting Neo was extremely good luck. He cannot imagine a life without her now. So in a way, he believes in luck, if only because he cannot imagine how these things happen without such a thing.
Kyanite: What is their temper like?
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Roman’s temper is a bit of a mystery. He keeps himself under pretty good wraps... Unless it’s about somebody he cares about. He can handle jeers and pricks at his own reputation, but.... He will lose it if someone slanders people dear to him.
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erudite-rebel · 4 years
Continued from [X] for @velveteen-faunus!
He knew the feeling all too well, of course, and in his own time at Beacon he’d found many sleepless nights roaming the grounds when he was meant to be in bed.
“You know, when I went here I tended to try to avoid areas with teachers. If only so I wasn’t caught.” He smiled sidelong at her, eyes alight with amusement as he put his hands in his pockets. “What fills your mind, Miss Scarlatina?”
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small-red-rose · 4 years
"Ruby! Happy birthday!" Velvet beams, giving the girl a quick hug before holding out a small book, filled with pictures she had taken of her and her team in action. "I hope you like it! I thought it might serve to inspire you whenever times get tough, you know?"
"Oh Velvet, this is amazing. I love it so much. Thank you for this awesome gift" Ruby said with a smile on her face as she took a look at some of the pages.
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combat-heelys · 4 years
@velveteen-faunus​ from here
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“That’s just... how I was raised. Anyway... what do you eat? What do you usually season your food with?”
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notmaplemable · 1 year
Ruby: *Walks into a dimly lit room*
???: Why have you entered my domain, *Dramatically turns around revealing Velvet* Wolf.
Ruby: I have come to seek an armistice.
Velvet: You wish for a cease to our people's ancient battle? What for?
Ruby: I seek to parlay with you for the, um, for...
Ruby: Can we stop with the Weissy talk?
Velvet: Sure.
Ruby: Okay, so you want to sleep with Jaune.
Velvet: I want to love him and have him hold me while I sleep at night.
Ruby: Well I do too.
Velvet: So may the best faunus win?
Ruby: No, we have no reason to be enemies.
Velvet: Oh?
Ruby: We should be allies instead and share Jaune.
Velvet: You think there will be enough of him to go around?
Ruby: Nora's sent me pictures of him in the shower. So, yes. I think there will be.
Velvet: Then I agree to your proposal.
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I've not read the Velveteen Rabbit, so I don't know how closely Velvet sticks to it, but she was originally only intended to be a one-off character who's subjected to Anti-Faunus racism, and comes across as WAY more timid in Volume 1 than she does in any of her other appearances.
She ended up being popular enough that they introduced her teammates in Volume 2, and then gave her the most unique weapon in the whole series.
Okay through a glance at the wiki it seems her only allusion to the story is her name which.
On one hand is disappointing, but on the other hand I can't think of a way to make her story work without making her Penny 2.0.
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cardinneverloses · 5 years
@velveteen-faunus​ Continued.
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A couple months passed, Cardin didn’t tell Velvet who he was but just kept being a friend to her but only online. At first it was rough, his account was only filled with pictures of scenery, he disguised himself as a photographer and added no pictures of himself. Here and there he would upload another photo, which strangely he did have some sort of hobby behind it, taking it seriously for the time. But it seemed to have gotten Velvet’s attention.
Three PM was their time, after their last class he would always pull out his scroll and text her ‘How was your day? Did that bully bother you again?’ Of course he knew the answer, but he had to play the roll... But also, he wanted to know her thoughts about him. The real him.
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crdefended · 4 years
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" . . I have the strangest feeling something. . Dreadful. Did something bad happen? Or am I just going insane? "
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solar-pxwered · 3 years
continued from here with @velveteen-faunus​
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“It... Wouldn’t. Though I appreciate you wanting to stand up for me.” She smiles weakly. Out of all of her friends, he was one of the ones who understood the most what it was like to be bullied for your faunus features. “Beating them up isn’t going to change anything for the better though. They’ll just become more angry, and then they might retaliate with more than just words next time.”
          Sun ground his teeth for a second, knowing she was one hundred percent right. Violence rarely solved anything...except...
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          “Well if YOU gave them a good, solid fist in the mouth next time they start talking shit about you, maybe then they’ll think twice about it?” he pointed out, knowing all too well that she was far too timid to do such a thing. He wished she would though, because the teasing wouldn’t stop unless she stood up to them.
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