#vengeful food admin
adventuringalchemy · 1 year
💯 — share three random facts about yourself that your mutuals may not know about you. (Hello!)
@ask-wretched | ASK MEME . ( open )
i'm actually not a seasoned minecraft player. 💀 i started playing after the retexture. because i have no memories of the old nether blocks or the old way shit looked. i remember there being no bees or rabbits, i remember the old minecraft death sound. but i never played it often enough when i was younger. i always knew what minecraft was, i just never really got into it until my nephew and i started playing together. he taught me everything there is to know about it. from how to properly build farms, to enchantments, to building -- everything. he was so young back then. now that he's gone, i like to think that ivor is going to give me some closure. not only because i adore his character and what he's supposed to represent, but because ever since my nephew's passing, i want to get into minecraft as much as i can and surround myself with it since it's how he and i got close. and rping it is the best way i can, with a character i love. basically i'm probably a casual mc player. but on the low spectrum of casual. but i do know a thing or two about farms and building.
i'm a witch!! specifically an herbal one with hellenistic beliefs, ideologies, and values. i might talk about it occasionally on here in ooc posts, either by expressing some of the spells that i do, or talking about the issues i may face with one. i also sell my spells. i'm primarily a dark witch so my focus is hexing, and my hexes are a bit pricey. i have the proof in the pudding though, if you need that sorta vengeful kick of karma back at an evildoer. but my regular spells are pretty cheap! $25! i also do tarot card readings, and i do them for free! so if anyone ever wants some metaphysical guidance i am more than happy to help you with it. just know that i don't sugarcoat my shit, and i'll tell it like it is. you may hear something that you're not prepared or ready to hear. i'm... contemplating adding a touch of that to ivor, considering he is an alchemist. i wouldn't be surprised if he encountered a witch in his past that taught him some more metaphysical magic/alchemy for a price. but i'm still contemplating his backstory. i have some ideas, and i'll write a meta on it once i become more confident with him! i just wish they explored any of their backstories more in mcsm.
i LOOOOOOOOOVE music. and i mean LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE music. i love all types, except for country and dubstep, and even those have some exceptions. my absolute favorites are western, electro swing, and metal. i listen to music when i make icons, i listen to music when i play games, and eventually when i start to feel super in character, i'll listen to music when i write. i'm one of those types of rpers that make playlists for my muse, and i'm super stoked to analyze ivor and select music for him. there are some music dashboard memes on tumblr that i've seen that i'm on edge to do for the future. 👀 my favorite artists are crywank and system of a down. especially crywank. please listen. i will pay you a shiny nickel. a hefty penny. a loose string. free food. listen to them. they have such good music. it made me cry the first time i listened to them, and whenever i hear their new releases, i cry at them as well. if i could only listen to one artist ever, it would be crywank. if i could only listen to one song ever, it would be unassimilated normie, by crywank. system is really good, too! i'm actually an admin of a server on discord dedicated to system of a down.
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vengefulcooking · 3 years
I just realised, I do have a small piece of cooking-related advice for you all, and this is coming from a place of being a physical mess and disaster the second I was left to fend for myself.
We all mess up sometimes; you carry food in a carrier and just forget to take it out later and suddenly you've got a mess of a container. Sometimes, if you're like I was, it may get waay out of hand. I had a liquid container in first year, and one day I filled it with milk. I walked all over the place and forgot to have it. I got home in the evening. Completely forgot about it in my bag, discovered it a few days later. There's no way milk has lasted that long. I take it out of the bag and attempt to clean it out. This thing has been at the bottom of my bag for so long, it won't open. It's early in the semester, I'm only beginning to know my roommate. I'd have to go to the common room to wash out this mess. I'm terrified. I decide to let sleeping dogs lie instead.
It's a ticking time bomb (naturally). Eight months pass. (Eight MONTHS) It's time to leave. I've had a lovely first year, first time living on my own and everything, there are ups, there are downright failures, but it's time to go home now. Every item in my room needs to be taken out and packed away (and possibly, come to the notice of my family).
Including one really old, steel container that is tightly slammed shut.
I either embarrass myself in front a roommate I was now comfortable with, or family I hadn't seen in a year (and who thought, not without reason!, that I was a bit on the immature side).
I explain stuff to roommate. This has been shut so tight for two terms now, I can't get it to open. There WAS something in it, so be mentally prepared for that. Can you help me?
(There should be special perks for people who agree to that when they have no need to. There should be special perks for my roommate.)
We open it. It nearly knocks the both of us out. It's horrible. No amount of cleaning can seem to get the remains of it out (the milk was curdled and solid and stuck to the walls, and naturally, reeked).
I panicked, and with the end of April drawing closer and closer, I binned the entire stainless steel bottle eventually.
Now, most of us will not have such extreme experiences! However, you will still occasionally forget about food and such. I was on a train last week to see family (the same, and you'll be pleased to know they were very impressed with my progress, this hear a few years later. A happy, vengeful success story! (for explanation on that, see my URL)). I spent the Friday travelling and was with them till Sunday, and we didn't have a free moment. I carried some food for the train, but after we met we went out to eat and I didn't end up finishing my packed box.
I only found out about the tiffin boxes on Tuesday. They've been shut since Friday. Whoops.
However! I now have a few tricks to avert disaster!
Starch water! That's right, the very same, the remnants of boiling pasta or potatoes, the milky white starch water that remains once the carbs have been boiled. Starch water is a great disinfectant and cleaner, and if you regularly use a vessel to boil pasta (or potatoes), you might notice your vessel is sparkly clean and very shiny. That's the pasta water's doing! It's also a disinfectant though, so it keeps them clean looking and also germ-free (to an extent, of course).
I filled up the boxes with pasta water and left them overnight, and that was enough. They're shiny and clean, all the food smell's gone, they're ready for a rinse (and soap because.) and ready to be back in use. No binning needed this time.
So yeah, LPT: you can use leftover starch water from boiling potatoes or pasta as a disinfecting cleaner for your dishes! They'll be clean and also shiny!
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Hi I was wondering if you could do a Neon x female reader where they both like each other but they haven't admitted to one another yet so their friendship consists of stuff like teasing, tickling each other and making each other laugh. Also how at ease would Neon feel around the reader and how excited she would be to teach the reader some Filipino phrases and carrying the reader to try a lot of Filipino foods while still having that crush.
Thank you 🫂.
If you can't it's ok. Have a good day/night luv😋✨.
Aaaaaa I’m such a sucker for mutual pining omgggggg
I’m not Filipino unfortunately, but I’ll try my best! Please correct me if I’ve made any mistakes, I’ll edit the fic because unfortunately in this case, Google Translate is my best friend in literally every language except Chinese and English LMFAO. Hope you enjoy!
~Admin Hurricane
Warnings: possible inaccuracies for Filipino culture(please lmk if there’s anything I need to fix)
Word Count: 350+
Genre: fluff, friends to more
Pairing(s): Neon x F!Reader
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It’s almost painful to watch you interact with Neon, usually she’s very impatient and headstrong, rushing into things quickly without thinking about the possible consequences, but when it comes to you she’s very uh, slowww
She’s fairly blushy around you and finds it hard to formulate her words sometimes because she’s trying so damn hard to try and impress you when in reality she’s probably going to end up doing something stupid
“Y/N! Wanna see how fast I can really run?”
“Please no-”
more utc!
When she teases you, she’s hoping to get a reaction out of you, maybe like a laugh or like a smile, at least some acknowledgement that you can hear her trying because she’s so lovesick for you that she’ll do anything to try and get your attention, even if it’s just throwing a complement your way or asking you if you wanna train in the range together. Stuff like that :)
She tried teaching you some Filipino phrases and Tagalog, finding it adorable how your face scrunches up as you try not to butcher your words
“Wait did I say that right? I didn’t say it wrong?” you’re eager to try and impress her by picking up the Filipino phrases she gives you quickly.
She hopes to take you to the Philippines one day and to show you around and basically introduce you to Filipino culture and such
Neon tells you a lot about Filipino folklore, especially about monsters such as the Aswang, a creature that sucks out the innards from corpses or the Diwata, benevolent forest spirits that only turn vengeful to those that cross them, and even the Sigbin, a critter that looks similar to a small kangaroo with flapping ears and the ability to walk backwards
She’ll flirt with you in Tagalog but then immediately backtrack and panic once she gets her words out because she wants to do her best for you without embarrassing herself because literally midway through her sentences, she realizes what she’s saying after going in headfirst
Sage is totally like, on board with this whole thing because she finds it adorable and actually sets the two of you up lol, very doting of the two of you
Reminder that my requests are open! Be sure to send something my way if you’re interested! Requesting Rules are here!
Want more of my writing? Be sure to check out my masterlist. Wanna know what else I’ll write for? Here you go!
Thanks for reading and have a lovely day!
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cilly-murphy · 4 years
30 questions tag game!
I was tagged by @anakin-skywalker​ and @draconisxmalfoy​ thank you so much guys!! 🤩🤩🤩
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better.
If you’ve already done this ignore me @ughmerlin​, @merlinsprat​, @just-started-watching-merlin​, @excusemehellohi​, @stars-bean​, @gayfirebender​, @kingdowager​, @ginnyweaslays​, @tennant​, @fuckthisshitimoutyall​, @once-and-future-dawn​, @waiting4thedoctor​, @ealdorcottagecore​, @wtfisgoingonanymore​, @dancelot-du-lac​, @flyingpurplepeopleeater42​, @keirahknightley​, @dragonlord-emrys​, @junemo10​, @screenwritr​
Name/Nickname: Maria (my nicknames are weird hahaha but nothing surrounding my name)
Gender: Female
Star sign: Aquarius 
Height: 5′3, 1.61m
Time: 13:33pm
Birthday: February 12th!
Favorite Bands: Queen, System of a Down
Favorite Solo artists: Hozier
Song stuck in my head: Work Song by Hozier
Last movie: Mank (2020)
Last Show: Merlin. It’s always Merlin. But apart from that, the Mandalorian
When did I create this blog: March 2013 
What do I post: Merlin like 70%, 30% multifandom. Mostly film, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, The Witcher, Star Wars
Last thing googled: “merlin 4x09″ i was looking for a scene 
Other blogs: merlin-gifs (admin), timelordgifs, harrypotterdailly, tvandfilm
Do I get asks: Yes, all the time bless my lovely followers 
Why I chose my url: A KING (keeping your answer Hayley, for me it’s literal too lmao)
Following: 588
Followers: 50.500
Average hours of sleep: Lately 8 idk how. But mostly 5-6
Lucky number: 12
Instruments: Nothing man 
What am I wearing: I’m in my pjs
Dream job: I got it (graphic design) but honestly just gimme money
Dream trip: Always has been England 
Favorite food: Any Greek food man
Nationality: Greek
Favorite song: Aerials by System of a Down
Last book read: Vengeful by V.E. Schwab
Top three fictional universes I’d like to live in: Camelot, Hogwarts, The Doctor’s Tardis
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notringwinner · 3 years
[ ... ] — ACCOLADE.
— Any award, honor, or laudatory notice — re:   Fanmail
[ ... ] — AESTHETIC.
— Having a sense of the beautiful; characterized by a love of beauty. — re:   Aesthetic Posts
[ ... ] — BILBO BAGGINS.
— ❝ I come from under the hill, and under hills and over hills my path has led. And through the air, I am he that walks unseen... ❞ — re:   Bilbo's Thoughts
[ ... ] — BERSERKER.
— Violently or destructively frenzied; wild; crazed; deranged. — A warrior who fights with frenzied rage in battle. — re:   Bifur
[ ... ] — CHRONICLE.
— A chronological record of events. — re:   Admin's Life
[ ... ] — CLANDESTINE.
— Characterized by, done in, or executed with secrecy or concealment; private or surreptitious. — re:   Anonymous Messages
[ ... ] — CUTTHROAT.
— A person who cuts throats; murderer. — Ruthless. — re:   Dwalin, son of Fundin
[ ... ] — DISTRACTION.
— That which amuses, entertains, or diverts; amusement; entertainment. — re:   Memes
[ ... ] — ENDORSEMENT.
— Approval or sanction. — The signature, instructions, etc., placed on the reverse of a commercial document, for the purpose of assigning the interest therein to another. — re:   Promotions
[ ... ] — FEAST.
— Any rich or abundant meal. — re:   Recipes & Food
[ ... ] — FESTIVITY.
— Festive character or quality; gaiety; merriment. — re:   Christmas, 2015
[ ... ] — FINANCIER.
— A person skilled or engaged in managing large financial operations. — re:   Gloin, son of Groin
[ ... ] — FRIPPERY.
— Finery in dress, especially when showy, gaudy, or the like. — re:   Wardrobe
[ ... ] — GAME.
— An amusement or pastime. — A competitive activity involving skill, chance, or endurance — re:   Wardrobe
[ ... ] — GLOSSARY.
— A list of terms in a special subject, field, or area of usage, with accompanying definitions. — re:   Dictionary
[ ... ] — GOURMAND.
— A person who is fond of good eating, often to excess. — re:   Bombur
[ ... ] — HAWKEYE.
— One who bears keen eyesight. — re:   Bofur
[ ... ] — HEALER.
— A person or thing that heals; a medical practitioner. — re:   Oin, son of Groin
[ ... ] — HEDONIST.
— A person whose life is devoted to the pursuit of pleasure and self-gratification. — re:   Bilbo Baggins
[ ... ] — IMPULSE.
— The influence of a particular feeling, mental state, etc. — re:   Sexual Urges
[ ... ] — INDOMITABLE.
— One who cannot be subdued or overcome, as persons, will, or courage; unconquerable. — re:   Thorin II Oakenshield
[ ... ] — INGENUITY.
— The quality of being cleverly inventive or resourceful; inventiveness. — An ingenious contrivance or device. — re:   Admin's Creations
[ ... ] — INSTIGATOR.
— One who urges, provokes, or incites to some action or course. — re:   Gandalf Greyhame
[ ... ] — JUDICIOUS.
— Using or showing judgment as to action or practical expediency; discreet, prudent, or politic — re:   Elrond Earendilion
[ ... ] — KIN.
— Someone or something of the same or similar kind. — Of the same kind or nature; having affinity. — re:   The Company of Thorin Oakenshield
[ ... ] — LARCENIST.
— A person who commits larceny, i.e., the wrongful taking and carrying away of the personal goods of another from his or her possession with intent to convert them to the taker's own use. — re:   Nori
[ ... ] — LORD.
— A person who has authority, control, or power over others; a master, chief, or ruler. — re:   Sauron ( filed under 'The Lord of the Rings' )
[ ... ] — MARTINET.
— A strict disciplinarian. — Someone who stubbornly adheres to methods or rules. — re:   Bungo Baggins
[ ... ] — MELODY.
— Musical sounds in agreeable succession or arrangement. — re:   Music
[ ... ] — MEMORABLE.
— Worth remembering; notable. — re:   Good Times
[ ... ] — MINUTIAE.
— Precise details; small or trifling matters. — re:   Small Headcanons
[ ... ] — PATRICIAN.
— Befitting or characteristic of persons of very good background, education, and refinement: — re:   Dori
[ ... ] — PERSIFLAGE.
— Light, bantering talk or writing. — re:   Skype / Friend conversations
[ ... ] — PORTRAIT.
— A likeness of a person, especially of the face, as a painting, drawing, or photograph — re:   Admin Photos
[ ... ] — PRECIOUS.
— Of high price or great value; very valuable or costly — Highly esteemed for some spiritual, nonmaterial, or moral quality. — re:   The One Ring
[ ... ] — PROPOSAL.
— The suggestion of something for acceptance, adoption, or performance. — A plan or scheme proposed. — re:   Wishlist
[ ... ] — PROSE.
— The ordinary form of spoken or written language, without metrical structure, as distinguished from poetry or verse. — re:   Saved Writing
[ ... ] — RECOGNITION.
— The acknowledgment of achievement, service, merit, etc; the expression of this in the form of some token of appreciation. — re:   Bias Lists
[ ... ] — RENOVATE.
— To restore to good condition; make new or as if new again. — To reimagine; refresh. — re:   Blog Work
[ ... ] — RIDDLER.
— One who speaks in riddles. — re:   Gollum
[ ... ] — RIDDLING.
— Any enigmatic saying or speech. — re:   Admin's OOC Posts
[ ... ] — SAVANT.
— A person of profound or extensive learning; learned scholar. — re:   Ori
[ ... ] — SANCTUARY.
— A sacred place. Any place of refuge; asylum. — re:   honorwinning
[ ... ] — SCION.
— A descendant. — re:   Frodo Baggins
[ ... ] — sempiternal.
— Everlasting; eternal. — re:   Thorin II Oakenshield & Bilbo Baggins
[ ... ] — sentiment.
— An attitude toward something; regard; opinion. — re:   PSAs
[ ... ] — SLANDER.
— A malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report. — re:   Hate Mail
[ ... ] — tête à tête.
— A private conversation or interview, usually between two people. — re:   Messages
[ ... ] — usurper.
— One who seizes and holds (a position, office, power, etc.) by force or without legal right — One who uses without authority or right — re:   Smaug the Golden
[ ... ] — valorous.
— Courageous; valiant; brave. — re:   Fili, son of Vili
[ ... ] — venturous.
— Having or showing a disposition to undertake risky or dangerous activities; daring. — re:   Kili, son of Vili
[ ... ] — verdure.
— Greenness, especially of fresh, flourishing vegetation. — re:   Nature
[ ... ] — vindictive.
— Disposed or inclined to revenge; vengeful. — re:   Thranduil Oropherion
[ ... ] — wanderlust.
— A Merriweather, innate desire to rove or travel about. — re:   Places
[ ... ] — wayfarer.
— A traveler, especially on foot. — re:   Belladonna Baggins
[ ... ] — wise.
— Having the power of discerning and judging properly as to what is true or right; possessing discernment, judgment, or discretion. — Possessed of or characterized by scholarly knowledge or learning; learned; erudite. — re:   Balin, son of Fundin
ALIAS: Bilbo Baggins AGE: 51 LOCATION: Erebor
An open-ended verse in which Bilbo returns to the Shire after his journey. Whether he stays or goes is up to the thread's discretion.
ALIAS: Bilbo Baggins AGE: From 1-33 LOCATION: The Shire
The lost years, in which Bilbo serves as the local black sheep of Hobbiton. Curious, naive, and somewhat invasive, he wishes to learn all he can about the land beyond his homestead's borders.
ALIAS: Bilbo Baggins AGE: From 33-50 LOCATION: The Shire
Properly tamed, Bilbo Baggins lauds the title of one of the most respectable Hobbits in the Shire. He has little to no interest in associating himself with anything to do with adventures, thank you, and would especially rather not deal with troublesome wizards or barbarous Dwarves.
ALIAS: Bilbo Baggins AGE: 50 LOCATION: Variable
Baggins or Took? Bilbo struggles with compensating his two warring mindsets as he acquaints himself with the world outside of the Shire -- and the Dwarves who have led him straight into it.
ALIAS: BARNABAS Beckett Baggins AGE: 33 LOCATION: London // Variable
Beck is a boarding school baby and is set to inherit his father's investments. He's savvy and bears formidable intelligence -- but lacks direction in his life. He fills the void by seeking thrills and letting his imagination run wild, and co-heads Durin Corporation, a security conglomerate, with his partner Thorin Oakes.
ALIAS: Bilbo, God of Renewal AGE: Variable LOCATION: Variable
Charming, spirited and not the least bit cunning, the God of Renewal spends half the year tending to the livelihood of fields and forests. The other half, however, sees his life spiral into welcome darkness, where Bilbo is known as Consort and formidable lord of the dead.
ALIAS: BARNABAS Beckett Baggins AGE: Variable LOCATION: Often, Hogwarts
A clever Ravenclaw who tends toward Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures, but has a strange affinity for the Dark Arts in later years. He's also got a knack for Charms.
ALIAS: Beckett Baggins AGE: 33 LOCATION: Variable
Wherein Beckett holds a career in Starfleet as second in command under his captain, Thorin.
ALIAS: Beckett Baggins AGE: 33 LOCATION: Variable
Beckett seeks his cousin, Dominick Baggins, formerly under the employ of the King's Navy and now missing for several months. He will do anything, include stow away on pirate ships, in order to find him. Swords and bar fights haven't stopped him yet.
He is cunning, shrewd, and greatly enjoys his ability to run people in circles. His loyalties are hard to pinpoint and his services come at a high price. If one wants information from him, they've got to intrigue him first -- be it a solved riddle or an exceedingly lavish gift. secrets are his trade, and he is not willing to part with them easily. Often he can be found working as an informant for the highest bidder -- unless they win him over completely, that is.
ALIAS: Percival AGE: 33 LOCATION: London / Variable
❝ After the death of his father, Percival's mother takes him to the forests where she raises him ignorant to the ways of men until the age of fifteen. Eventually, however, a group of knights passes through his wood, and Percival is struck by their heroic bearing. Wanting to be a knight himself, the boy leaves home to travel to King Arthur's court. After proving his worthiness as a warrior, he is knighted and invited to join the Knights of the Round Table." ----LE CONTE DU GRAAL
In which Beckett Baggins takes up the mantle of Sir Percival, rectifying the wrongs of the world with panache and aplomb.
ALIAS: Beckett Baggins AGE: 33 LOCATION: Variable
He used to co-own the most profitable business in the world, but it's all gone to shit and they operate on a new kind of currency. Separated from the man he loves, Beck's ongoing mission is to locate Thorin Oakes. His weapon of choice? One reliable dagger and all the cunning a multi-millionaire can still afford.
ALIAS: Beckett Baggins AGE: 33 LOCATION: London
Detective Inspector Beckett Baggins isn't really surprised to be thrown off of the Eyrie Building on an investigation. What does surprise him is the winged, beclawed creature who snatches him right out of the sky -- and proceeds to offer him a story his inner novelist could never resist.
ALIAS: BARNABAS Beckett Baggins AGE: 33 LOCATION: Variable
Beckett is The Ghostwriter, who can bring ideas to life with the flourish of a pen and turn invisible at will. He uses his powers as he sees fit and tends not to be persuaded into teamwork, preferring to set forth his own sense of justice.
ALIAS: John H. Watson AGE: early 30s LOCATION: London
In which Bilbo Baggins is John Watson, and John Watson is Bilbo Baggins. ...Wait. That can't be right, can it?
Too bad he can't remember.
( Based on this plot. )
ALIAS: Bilbo Baggins AGE: Variable LOCATION: The Shire
One Bilbo Baggins is quite more than enough for Middle Earth to handle. Four is just overkill.
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mcgregor · 4 years
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better.
tagged by: @ewanmcgregors thank youuu ! I love doing those tag games ♥
tagging: @dickbaggins @saintaleksander @daniclaytvns @the-darkling @samaraweaving @cvsdean @cramseys @alienor-romanova :D
name/nickname: mélanie/nanie
gender: she/her
star sign: gemini
height: barely 160cm (I don’t know exactly tbh).
time: 21:05
birthday: june 10
favorite bands: fall out boy, florence + the machine
favorite solo artists: Sia, Stevie Wonder, Lady Gaga, Ed Sheeran, I love listening to soundtracks so Hans Zimmer & James Horner
song stuck in my head: nothing as of today
last movie: Harry Potter 1 was on tv last night
last show: just finished binge watching sw rebels this weekend, also mandalorian every friday!
when did I create thig blog: April 11, 2011 (my blog has 5480 pages !!!)
what I post: “marvel, star wars, actors/actresses, fav movies and tv shows + whatever my current hyperfixation is at the moment” quoting you @ewanmcgregors because SAME
last thing googled: garancia (french brand I love)
other blogs: admin of @fyeahthepunisher
do I get asks: sometimes, but let’s be honest, not very often
why I chose my url: my obsession with Ben Barnes and Billy Russo
following: 156
followers: 3 295 <3333333
average hours of sleep: depends, from 6 to 9 hours
lucky number:  7 (well, it’s more my favorite number really)
instruments: nothing haha
what am I wearing: black jeans and a grey t-shirt (and my pink fluffy slippers !)
dream job: ehhh trigger question
dream trip: iceland, greece, new zealand
favorite food: too many
nationality: french
favorite song: impossible to chose just one
last book read: Vengeful by VE Schwab
top three fictional universes I’d like to live in: marvel universe, some kind of fantasy universe like in LOTR, star wars
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itsarealshitshow · 5 years
Twice Reacts - Their S/O comes home with bruises on their face after getting attacked by saesangs.
Requested by @llama-jihyo-19
Pairing: Twice X Reader
Warning: physical abuse but ends on a good note
Author: Admin Emelia
A/N: Hey guys! I’m sorry if this twice reaction sucked :( It was actually really hard to come up with 9 different scenarios but I tried my best!
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When you came home from work with a purple cheek after encountering a saesang at the bus stop, you tried to hide it. You didn’t want to worry Nayeon because really, you were fine. But how can you hide it when your sweet girlfriend comes to greet you and leans in for a kiss. As soon as she noticed the bruise, she started questioning you frantically. 
“Are you ok? What happened? Who did this to you?”
She was so worried. After all the stress, all you could do was cry. You just cried and cried while you felt protective arms wrap around you. 
“Did they do this to you?”, she asked while holding in a sob, silently hoping it wasn’t what she thought. 
Unable to form words, you nodded and let out another sob. Nayeon immediately had a rush of different emotions. Anger, fear, sadness, vengeful, etc. 
Blinded by rage, she quickly settled you on the couch before making a phone call. She threatened JYP to give you full 24-hour protection with a bodyguard or she’ll resign. She also tweeted, expressing her anger towards that person who hurt you. In the end, her main priority was your safety. After she finished, she cuddled you and iced your bruise, kissing the tears away. 
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Jeongyeong knew something was off with you. Lately, you’ve been coming home looking sad. You had your head low and a fake smile. She never questioned you, thinking it was just stress and you’d get over it. Little did she know, a saesang came to your work every day to threaten you. Telling you to leave Jeonyeong or she’d hurt you. You didn’t know what to do so you ignored her, hoping she’d just stop. Unfortunately for you, Jeongyeong had tweeted about how happy she is with you. As happy and loved as you felt by it, you were also extremely scared of what that fan would do to you. As expected, the next day she showed up while you were alone cleaning up the store you worked at after it closed. Before you had time to explain or run away, she punched you in the jaw and walked out, leaving a pigmented bruise. You cried from the pain, feeling small. Once you’ve pulled yourself together, you thought about breaking up with your girlfriend, afraid of the saesang. When you got home, you looked for Jeongyeon so that you could end your relationship for your safety. You didn’t want to do this. You loved her more than anything but you can’t be with her if you were gonna get hurt every time she showed her affection. You found her in your shared bedroom reading a book. 
“We have to break up”, you said with tears running down your face and a shaky voice.
Jeongyeon didn’t know what to say. She saw the bruise, your tears, and she heard how uncertain you sounded. She somehow knew this wasn’t what you wanted. Slowly, she approached you and pulled you in a warm hug, making you feel safe.
“What happened?”, she said with a quiet tone.
You told her everything from beginning to end. After calming you down, she put you to bed and thought of a plan. She tweeted another thing about you, praising you. The next day, she went with you to work and brought the police with her. When the saesang showed up, she was immediately arrested, finally leaving you and Jeongyeon at peace. 
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Momo was protective of you. She always made sure you were more than okay and would kill anyone who dared to touch you. That’s why when you came home all beaten up, she reacted badly. She yelled and demanded you tell her what happened. After explaining it all, she locked herself in a room and went live.
She impatiently waited for enough people to join before angrily expressing her thoughts at the person who hurt you. She yelled, cried, and threatened that fan, not caring if she’ll get fired for this. Once she was done, she turned her attention to you. Hugging you, kissing you, making you some food and caring for you for the rest of the night.
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This little baby didn’t know what to do. When you came home with bruises on your cheeks, she just cried. She low key knew that the saesangs did this to you. They’ve been bullying you online for a while but she never thought they’d go far enough to physically hurt you. She was angry and sad. The only thing she thought of doing was what she does best. She held you close and comforted you, making you feel safe and loved. You guys stayed like that until you fell asleep. After that, Sana texted her members and asked them what to do. What felt like hours later of texting, Sana finally had a solution. She contacted her manager and explained the situation, hiring you a bodyguard. Once that was set up, she went back to bed and held your sleeping body, leaving sweet kisses here and there. Even though you couldn’t hear her, she promised you that no harm would come to you anymore.
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The leader jumped out. As soon as she saw you hurt, she acted. Making phone calls, caring for you, threatening whoever she needed to in order to make this right. She did everything in her power to protect you. She loved you too much to ignore this. After getting you 24-hour protection, informing the police, informing her company, tweeting about the situation, and ordering food for you, she was able to relax and care for you. Jihyo focused on giving you the love and comfort you needed. She reassured you while telling you the arrangments she made. You really appreciate and love her. She always tries her best to make sure you’re happy and comfortable which is a really easy thing to do when your girlfriend is as sweet, caring and as beautiful as Jihyo. Thanks to her, you don’t have to be scared anymore. You know that Jihyo will be there to make it better. For the rest of the night, you guys kissed and cuddled while watching movies and eating the food she ordered.
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When you came home all bruised and shaky, Mina was filled with worry and was terribly angry. You have been receiving death threats since the beginning of your relationship but lately, they’ve been piling up on your twitter. You can’t even post a selfie on Instagram without getting roasted and bullied by the saesangs. Mina hated all the mockery you’ve been getting and she never knew what to do about it besides reminding you of her love for you every day. But this was the last straw, to see the love of her life in that state because of her own fans made her incredibly depressed. If they were such big fans, why would they hurt what she loves most in the world? Crazy to think that people who claim to love her do nothing but hurt her. When you were explaining what happened, you said it was 2 of them that hurt you. Without hesitation, Mina called the police to arrest them. Once they arrived, you described them and explained the situation again. It wasn’t long before they were arrested. You loved and admired Mina, even more, when she took it even further to threaten the saesangs on twitter about hurting you or anyone else. Now, you and Mina could live peacefully and happily in each other’s embrace. 
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Blood dripped down your busted lip as you entered the house. On your way home from work, you were attacked by a saesang who punched you because you were spotted in a park with your girlfriend Dahyun last week. With your feisty personality, there’s no way you would have let that bitch treat you like that. So you obviously fought her back. You went HARD. You ripped her hair out, tugged on her face, slapped her, kicked her, you really damned her to hell and made her look destroyed. Let’s just say you were satisfied with your revenge. When Dahyun saw you, she gasped and asked what happened. After you told her everything, Dahyun couldn’t help but laugh at your savagery. She loved this side of you. The side that doesn’t take shit from anyone. She loved that you could protect yourself. She’s in love with your independence. With a heart filled with love and admiration, Dahyun congratulated you for winning the fight and cuddled with you for the rest of the night. Even though you were a cold-blooded savage, you could never resist love from Dahyun.
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She warned you. You went to a club with your friends after Chaeyoung told you not to. She knows it’s dangerous out there at night. And she knows saesangs would be there too. They’re everywhere. But you didn’t listen. Instead of easing her concern, you yelled at her for being controlling and went out anyways. What a big mistake. At around 1 in the morning, the thing Chaeyoung was worried about became a reality. While in the bathroom, a girl approached you and grabbed your hair before threatening you. She then continued to hurt you. When your friends came to check on you, they saw your situation and helped you out of her hold. With their help, they took her down and was proud of their win. But you felt guilty. So upset knowing that Chaeyoung tried to protect you and you must have made her feel useless. She knew this would happen and you still didn’t listen. Not even her begging stopped you. You felt terrible. And at that moment, you really missed your girlfriend and wanted to make things right. So, you went home and apologized to her.
“I’m sorry. I should have listened to you. I don’t know why I didn’t. I know I must have made you worried. So I promise that from now on, I’ll listen to you. I won’t ask questions, I’ll just listen. I love you”, you said as you pulled her into a hug. With her kind and forgiving heart, Chaeyoung hugged you back and told you it was okay, stroking your back softly when you started to cry. She held you until you calmed down and cared for you, promising to protect you.
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You were scared. When you turned a corner, you saw a girl walking in your direction. You didn’t pay any attention to her at first, but as she got closer, you felt her eyes on you. Your anxiety grew and grew with every step that brought you closer to her. When she was right next to you, you thought it was all in your head and that she’d just continued walking. But once she passed you, you felt her put her arm around your neck and start choking you. As a reflex, you fought back. Moving in any way possible to get her off of you. Once you finally got her off, you kicked her and ran as fast as you could, not looking back. You ran all the way home and locked the door shut. Out of breath, you were coming down from your high of adrenaline and started shaking and crying. Tzuyu heard you and ran to your side immediately. She pulled you in her embrace and waited until you calmed down before asking what happened. After collecting yourself, you told her. She felt really sad and worried for you, but at that moment, she just wanted you to feel safe. So she assured you she would do something about it and took care of you. Ordering food, running a bath, watching movies, and lots of hugs and kisses. The next day, she hired a bodyguard to protect you 24/7. There was no way Tzuyu was gonna let any more harm come to you.
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tcpdog · 7 years
😈 How would the muse react if one of their loved ones were hurt?
Personal Muse asks
ACCEPTING  //  @keep-those-memories-away​​
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I’m going to use the term ‘loved one’ loosely here, if only because Archer doesn’t have a literal loved one in his life.
Love, at least for other human beings, isn’t something he’s felt ( and the question of whether or not he’s actually capable of it is still in the air, but most likely circumstantial. ) He loves his work, he loves certain activities, animals, foods, etc., but not individuals ( yet, at least? ) Only his Boss and Houndoom would qualify as ‘almost’ loved ones, but no one should mistake the absence of love in the equation to mean Archer would react any less severely to their injury than another person would to their actual loved ones being hurt.
Giovanni is his top priority in all affairs, so if he gets even a scratch ( even due to his own recklessness or impulsive temper ), the Executive feels responsible for it. Comparisons to Archer being the ‘dog’ of the Rocket boss is not without merit, and while people may try to ridicule him for it, they won’t be laughing when he has his metaphorical jaws around their throat.
Archer is even more defensive and protective of Giovanni’s pride and well-being than of his own, because a slight against his boss is a slight against Team Rocket  —  and thus to the admin. He would be incredibly vengeful, and seek to not only repay whatever injuries were due ( after of course ensuring his Boss’ own safety, as that always takes first priority ) but to add onto them in return. Most, if not all of the time, this means DEATH; a slow, painful and agonizing one with plenty of torture first if at all possible. But the aggressor won’t be the immediate target; he would first go for their weaknesses  —  most likely whoever that person cared for, and kill them in that manner first, before the culprit would suffer their own punishment.
As for Houndoom, Archer maintains more of an emotional distance from his Pokémon, and if it were hurt in a battle, there wouldn’t be a concern for revenge. But if it were something less ‘official’ than a battle, like a human trying to take Houndoom down ( *coughs at @lookertickets* ) or even a Pokémon being used to do so in a way that wasn’t a 1v1 match, the Executive would be particularly cross. He’s more protective of his first Pokémon than he would ever like to admit or show, but unexpected attacks or dire situations are definitely capable of bringing those repressed instincts to the surface.
And if Archer were to develop feelings or attachments for someone else ( doesn’t necessarily have to be ‘love’ either ) his approach would be like a combination of both of the above: pretending not to be exceptionally concerned or invested, yet also viciously defensive of their pride and person whenever it is disrespected. He’s like a dog that tries to pretend its a wolf in these kinds of situations; outwardly cold, distant, unattached and loner-like  –  but on the inside, deeply loyal and protective.
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prorevenge · 8 years
Craigslist room for rent goes sour.
I was in the process of joining the military, simply waiting for the date to enter service. "It would take at least a month, but no more than a year." Apartment lease had expired, no month-to-month payment option. Looking for some short-term housing. I was single, worked 2 part time jobs, & had cash in savings. I'm quiet, flexible, simple needs. Just needed the simplest of accommodations. I went to Craig's List.
Met with a woman who advertised a room for rent. We'll call her "Jill". Jill was 20something, single, and came from a wealthy family who bought her this small 3 bedroom house, gave her a nice car, paid her bills. Jill didn't like to work, she just "sold her art". She made awful graphic art fan fiction on her PC, probably never sold anything but was completely obsessed with her own work and would talk about it constantly. Jill had pets. So. Many. Pets. Like 20 cats, 4 dogs, a room of birds out of their cages, and several acquariums. A bit weird/slightly skewed version of reality, but seemed nice, had a room available and price was okay. I would pay a flat rate for rent and utilities, provide my own food, and come and go as I please. Neither of us ever signed anything, just details via text and email.
She benefited from my moving in as I had transferred my cable internet connection to her house. Got the modem hooked up and used my own wireless router and let her use it for free. I also have carpentry experience so I helper her repair some door frames and some wood trim in addition to patching up some drywall. Helped her out a lot, all while requesting nothing in return. The first week was nice.
Things fell apart rapidly after that. She became manipulative, started making financial demands. The electric bill was high, I needed to pay "my part". She had bought enough groceries for both of us without informing me, but now that milk had soured and bread molded I needed to pay for "wasted groceries". Old busted up door knob on the side of the house broke off while taking out trash, so I needed to buy a new one. Etc...
Individually these didn't bother me much, but there was a pattern. After just weeks, living expenses had tripled the agreed upon amount. I told her that this couldn't happen anymore. I would pay the agreed upon amount and buy my own food. Period. This settled things...for a week.
Got back from work. In my room my guitar was gone, and in its place, a bill. A bill from a plumber who had installed a toilet. "My bathroom" needed some work done. Jill had "lost all trust" that I would fulfill "financial obligations" after I "freaked out about money before." My guitar was hostage, locked in her bedroom until I paid for her toilet upgrade. She literally added a padlock to her bedroom door.
Time to get out. I told her I was moving out the next day (a friend already offered me his guest-room). She could keep the guitar (it was a $100 pawn shop guitar). I wasn't going to pay to fix her house anymore.
Upon packing things came the modem discussion. She was taking an online class since she now had an internet connection. She would get her own connection "in a few days". I was angry with her but not yet vengeful. I agreed to let her use it until my connection got transferred.
A week later, called Jill the day before the cable transfer. She said she would drop off the equipment, oddly, only while I was at work. I texted a reminder, "please don't forget to drop off modem", and she responded, "left it in a bag outside your front door". Weird, but whatever. I get home that night. No bag. No modem. I text, "did you leave it at the right house? can't find it", she responds, "yes".
Cable got installed, still no modem. It'll cost me if I don't turn in the old one. Now I'm vengeful. She's extorted money, I've been nothing but helpful and considerate, she's stolen my things, now she's probably lying and stealing more things - which will cost even more money.
Jill took a pottery class on Thursdays, out of the house for 2 hours. Her front door had a combination keypad for entry instead of keys. She claimed she would change the combo when I left, but probably didn't know how to do that. Waited until after the time she left. Drove past. No one home. Parked a block away, walked to front door, entered the code. Still works. Straight to her bedroom. Not padlocked anymore. Look, there's my router and modem, right where they shouldn't be because they're in a bag outside my friend's place. Weird. Grab my modem & router, grab my guitar, insert a spare old burned admin copy of Win'98 into her cdrom, boot to CD, set it to work formatting her hard drive. She can complete Win'98 installation later, complained about Vista anyway. Probably won't be able to retrieve her "art" and homework.
Back in my car within 5 minutes, at my friend's place 10 minutes later. Jill's pottery class still had another hour. I texted, "finally found the modem, bag must've blown into the bushes! Thanks for dropping it off! :D" I love to imagine whatever flurry of emotions she must have experienced at that moment...
Called me in a frantic rage 30 minutes later. "YOU STOLE FROM ME!!!" "What?? Jill...What are you talking about?" "YOU BROKE INTO MY HOUSE AND STOLE FROM ME!!!" "Wait...someone broke into the house?? I'm sorry, I don't know anything about that... What did they take?" Her remarkable psychological gymnast skills. Walks right up to the ledge of almost admitting that she lied to me and stole my things (after-all, such an admission was required for her version of events to make any sense at all) and then psychologically-backflips away. She couldn't do it. Her story was not compatible with reality. All she could muster was rage and empty threats and that phone call was the last time I ever heard from her. Honestly, at that point the stuff and the money involved was worth less to me than the fact that she had so much rage but couldn't do anything about it. It brought me a little joy. The strangest part is that she never mentioned her computer at all...
(source) (story by Kuriente)
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chwrpg · 5 years
Good goin' stranger!
A NOTE FROM ADMIN R: This acceptance has been waiting for a while, for that I apologize. But welcome to CHW, Aurora !!! Thank you so much for taking on, Sloane/Stella from Desperately Seeking Susan. This application was truly incredible and I’m beyond excited to see you take on this complex character. Thank you so much for this application !!!
aurora, she/her, 25, pst.
sloane/stella tran.
Sloane was dealt a shitty hand from the start but she plays the best game she can with the cards she was given. As a girl she dreamed of a loving family and ballet classes and a pony. She got bounced around from place to place instead. She was neglected and taken advantage of until she realized she could finesse her way through life. Sloane can walk into any room and become a shadow leaving with your wallet, car keys, or heart. Her relationships (romantic and otherwise) are fleeting and meaningless — she’s a fantasy. She’ll let you project onto her until it’s time to move on. When her back’s against the wall she’s a user and a liar and a master manipulator. She’s scamming today before today scams her. It’s a lonely existence, but she does what she has to survive. The little girl who dreamed of family still lives inside of her — she doesn’t need anyone and she doesn’t have anyone but she might still want someone to see her — and she’s fighting her way to the surface. Her world has been flipped on its head as of late where she has to face the father that abandoned her while being the daughter he kept. Personality wise. Sloane is attractive, charming, a chameleon, easy to get along with, vengeful, an escapist, she runs from her problems, guarded, transient.
It was an eventful childhood growing up in the foster care system. She was born to an average mother and had never met her father (she heard whispers that he’d skipped town upon hearing the news of her arrival) who was deemed unfit to parent. She wasn’t too sure about that one. The life she had before the system came in waves sometimes though. She was four the day two police officers and a woman with a kind face arrived at her door. The manager of the motel she’d been living in with her mother had reported a small child wandering around the parking lot by herself every night without supervision. He didn’t know the last time he’d seen her mother and neither did she. “Hello, Sloane.” The woman with the kind face and slicked back bun kneeled for her. She wore brown leather shoes and a navy blue skirt and spoke to Sloane in a calm voice. “I’m Sheila. I see you like to draw.” The social worker made her comfortable while the investigation happened. The motel room was all but trashed and her mom was nowhere to be found. She was given twenty minutes to pack up her entire life — it seemed cruel. She didn’t have many toys, or much of anything, really, but she collected what she did have and the picture of her father. Sloane’s mother showed up to court once before she stopped coming all together.
Her first foster home had locks on all the doors and a grumpy old lady who sat in the front room watching court shows and yelled if the kids spoke above a whisper. Sloane sat by the door the way dogs waited, hoping and wishing someone would rescue her, the kind faced woman, or her mom (who had never been much of a protector), until she didn’t anymore. After awhile she forgot what her mother look liked. All she could remember was red rimmed eyes and dark hair and emptiness. Breakfast was served at 6 a.m sharp and if you weren’t awake you didn’t get to eat the cold porridge sat out for you. Chores were mandatory, split between the seven children who lived there — Bobby, who was the oldest, a boy from Kansas with shaggy hair and a lisp, was in charge of punishment if they misbehaved — Sloane got punished twice before she learned how to properly wash a dish. They were to be in bed by 6 o’clock and attend church every Sunday. Sloane turned five, and then six, but in her seventh year the old woman died sitting in her chair. She’d never known anyone who died, and she felt wrong for being happy about it.
She was placed with another family soon after, Ted and Nancy Barber, an odd couple with no children and a house big enough for several. A silver lining presented itself when she and one of the girls from her old house were paired together. Margaret, who was a year older, acted as if they were sisters, and Sloane returned the favor by being nice. They shared a bed covered in plastic sheets and walked to school hand in hand, telling each other secrets and playing school girl games. She started to notice that when Margaret got good grades she was rewarded with dessert and new clothes so Sloane begin to do the same. In the summer, Margaret got adopted by a family in Wisconsin with a dog and never wrote like she promised, but Sloane didn’t have time to care, the slot for favorite foster kid opened up and she took it. Nancy was nice enough and kept her neat, but Ted….Ted took to her like picasso to a canvas. He took Sloane on solo fishing trips and made her sit on his lap while he baited the line. He spent his days off buying her things and creating secret hideaways, they shared secrets and laughter. Sloane had never had a father before and took his behavior as law. One night, without Margret to keep her company, Sloane was kept awake by their arguing, it was the worst argument to date. Ted’s shouting was hushed, but Nancy’s was slurred yet somehow clear as day: “I want that little bitch gone!”
Sloane lost count of how many foster homes and group homes she lived in before she was eighteen. The caseworkers changed with the families but somehow remained the same. They took her to McDonald’s or some other cheap eatery like they were doing her a favor and flipped through the pages of her miserable life until they landed on the big red sign that said flight risk. And shortly after she was placed her with a family they believed could handle her. She became the queen of pretend and a model kid. At the Cooper’s she mastered the art of stealing food. She learned lock-picking and lying and manipulation. She learned to drive and ripped off every person she came in contact with. She kissed boys who had girlfriends and befriended people to get closer to what they had. It wasn’t all bad though. She took violin lessons for the five months she lived with a single woman who’d gotten her tubes tied just for her husband to marry and impregnate his mistress. She taught her about music and art, took her to gallery’s and fancy resturants and even tried to teach her a new language before letting her day drink and max out her credit cards. Between foster homes she drifted through towns and crashed on couches until the police caught up with her, and they usually did, it wasn’t hard to spot a wayward teen, but she wasn’t going to quit running, not until she found what she’d been looking for.
She was a long way from foster care, just shy of twenty-one, when a whim, an inkling of a clue (the worn photograph of her father), and the gull to find out for herself, led her to Rosewood. She found a cheap walk-up and slept all day to hang out all night — the night crowds were far nicer than the snooty day crowds. She let a stray cat live with her and named him binx. “We’re the same, me and you, I don’t have a family either,” she told him while they watched old movies and fell asleep on the couch together. She made fast friends with her neighbor and the old war vet who ran the store at the corner, but it was a few weeks before she finally took her neighbor up on her offer to go to Damon Winston’s club. Her money was drying up, and she needed a to replenish it, besides, her quest to find her father had hit a dead end and she was running on fumes.
“You shouldn’t be drinking alone.” Sloane pretended to be surprised by the stranger’s presence. It was an interaction that happened by chance, he saw a pretty girl and he went for it, that’s what he believed and Sloane was happy to play along. But he’d been her target the entire night. She spotted his car out front — a Benz — and sought him out in the dark club, positioned herself in his line of sight, laughed at an unfunny joke to grab his attention and took to the dance floor like a jaguar. Since her last trip she’d learned Damon’s club was a breeding ground for marks.
“Then don’t make me.” Sloane patted the bar stool with a succulent smile and he made himself at home. They talked about the club, or he bragged about knowing the owner, and didn’t let her get a word in edgewise, but she stayed attentive and interested with her wide eyes and an expressive smile. He bought her drink after drink without asking what she liked, she could feel his slime from her seat, he was the kind of guy who deserved all the bad luck he got. “If I didn’t know any better i’d think you were trying to get me drunk,” she chuckled and swept hair out of her face, playing dumb. He was too focused on her hand on his thigh to notice she’d been swapping their shot glasses back and forth the entire time; she was sober as a nun and he was drunk as a fish. He leaned in to kiss her and she brushed him off by laughing into his shoulder, slim arms wrapped around his waist and filled his mind with sinister thoughts — their embrace was short lived, but her slender fingers dipped into his back-pocket before it ended and fished out his monogrammed wallet. “I need to use the rest room,” she lied with ease. He all but begged her to stay and when she promised to return he lets her wrist go.
Sloane slipped into the thick of the crowd and looked down at the wallet in her hands. “Asshole,” she murmured, looking at his i.d before tossing it into a plant. Benjamin was a stupid name for an even stupider man. She counted out five large bills and pocketed a Starbucks gift card. Sloane was so busy assessing her earnings that she didn’t notice a tipsy blonde headed in her direction, dancing along to the music.
“Hands off!” She yelled at what she thought was the owner of the wallet, but instead found the blonde, smiling at her like she knew her or something.
“You’re drunker than I thought,” the blonde giggled now and Sloane’s face contorted. Her expression was weary but her voice was stern, “You’re the drunk one.” She looked around, hiding her nerves well, but wanting to get lost sooner than later, before Benjamin could discover what she’d done and seek revenge. “Let go of me.” She twisted out of the girl’s grip, ready to admonish her, but she was interrupted by another voice entirely.
“There you are!” When Sloane turned to see who the voice belonged to, she froze in her tracks, a total deer in headlights. In time travel you were supposed to avoid yourself at all cost or risk ruining reality as you know it, but Sloane felt as if she’d stumbled into a ripple in the space time continuum and faced herself, like she’d seen a ghost — except she wasn’t in a scifi movie, or the twilight zone, and she was very much alive. She stared at this mirrored version of herself and the mirror stared back, just as shocked as she was, confusion dancing across their eerily identical features, even their eyebrows threaded in the same fashion. She’d come to Rosewood to find her father, but she’d found a sister instead. Wait, she had a twin sister?
“I think I need some air.”
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