dedalvs · 2 years
You were one of my favourite blogs before you left to Twitter. Delighted to see you back!
Well, saying something nice like that is just going to get your Tumblr followed by me! And you know what? Already worth it. For this. Recipe for me being interested in a post: Put some sort of chicken somewhere in it. As the number of chickens increases, my level of interest also increases. Chickens are just the best. They're like little grandparents with a "well, I guess no one's interested in my opinion" look on their faces all the time. And such smart little beaks! I mean, look at this bird!
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What a smart little chap! His name is Copper. :)
Anyway, glad to be back! 🐓
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morwenna-crows · 1 year
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Some old art I made ages ago, overpainted from the gorgeous original design that @venividivictorious​ created for Nefarian Serpine’s crest.
It was intended to look like a page of vellum, taken from a larger book of medieval sorcerer heraldry and aristocratic families.
His motto, in Irish, reads is treise gliocas ná neart, or cunning is superior to strength.
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bluseum · 2 years
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we were all thinking it, @venividivictorious just proved it.
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storm-elf · 1 year
For @venividivictorious for the ask game.
G: Do you write your stories in order or do you write scenes out of order?
Out of order all the way! I usually get an opening scene and an end scene very early on, and then the rest come in all sorts of unexpected orders. I spend a lot of time feeling like I'm assembling a jigsaw. All the pieces are there and I know roughly what the final picture ought to look like, I just have to work out the order all the bits go in and have a hunt for ones I've accidentally knocked under the sofa or left by the kettle when I wandered off to make tea!
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lassieposting · 11 months
venividivictorious -> lassieposting
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shepgarrus · 1 year
10 mutuals I’d like to know better
tagged by @misseffect, doing it right away so that i actually fucking DO a tag game for once lmao
below a cut because i RAMBLED:
Last song I listened to: when i saw this it was Eye To Eye by Limelight
Favourite content to watch: oh god. i've never had to think about this let alone put it into words. i like to watch kpop stuff, mostly dance practises (for seeing the choreography) or performances, or just jamming out late at night to old favorite songs. i also watch too much MBTI stuff the eternal fruitless search to determine if i'm intp or intj. in particular this girl is an AMAZING actress so my hours spent watching her double as acting research at least, lmao. other than that i like random interesting educational documentaries or whatever. i have the algorithm so set on kpop on my main gmail account though that i rarely see them lol
Favourite games: MARIOKART. mass effect is okay too ;) i just suck at shooters rip OH I COULD TALK ABOUT NON-VIDEO GAME GAMES. bridge is my favorite card game, i loved president/janitor in school too. for board games i love monopoly (i've recently started to play against myself with various 'strategy profiles' for the 'other players' and a spreadsheet to keep track of the money)
Favourite colour: purple
Favourite animal: SNAKES. in fact i have a purple snake plushie beside me right now
Favourite food: pemmican - fully dehydrated meat (not jerky, which still has moisture and is also usually flavored with spices) that's ground up into powder or near-powder and then mixed with rendered animal fat. or what i usually do because i'm lazy, 'lazy-man's pemmican' - the dehydrated meat strips dipped in the fat manually (with salt) (and when it's with salt and the beef fat batch has some factor in its making that i have yet to discern the source of, it straight up tastes just like McDonalds french fries)
Sweet, spicy or savoury: savoury
Current obsessions: oh my god i don't currently have any all-consuming ones..................maybe that's why i feel off xD
Last book I read: The Last Man by Mary Shelley and when i tell you it was the BIGGEST slog of a book. like it was good but i have NEVER read a book so slowly holy shit, at one point i did ten pages in thirty minutes? my dude?????
Last thing I Googled: “korean surnames” because i knew the wikipedia page would have a particular chinese character i wanted to check the definition of
Relationship: single from the womb, single to the tomb B)
Fun fact: god does this even count but. i'm feeling like going unhinged (for me) and going on a trip alone to south korea for however long my money lasts or until i'm not having fun. i've never been overseas or properly travelled let alone travelled alone, i know less than 100 words of the language (i'm speedrunning rosetta stone but it's not gonna be enough if the trip happens in the less than a month my unhinged-ness is leaning towards for irl reasons), i've never even had korean food i just know their stuff is healthy (and spicy. so i may just die on day 1 who knows lol)
Tagging @venividivictorious @comp-lady @wingsy-keeper-of-songs @heat-sink uuuuuuuh i'll stop there because i haven't been around much recently and i can't think of anyone else that i know hasn't been tagged yet xD but if you want to do it consider yourself tagged! a reward for reading my rambles
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shudderue · 2 years
skulpine, ghasdug, vexrue, china/tanith for the ask game
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you have done a fantastic job of brainrotting me into this and i am a little bitch for enemies to lovers however the fact that my basis for it is 90% your interpretation makes it. worse. uni student serpine/skug? 11/10. canon serpine/skug? different vibe altogether
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cross on the platonic bc i like it both platonically and romantically. it's the tension of staying beside the man you've known since you were sixteen and who you've gotten into so much dumb shit with and still can't seem to get rid of. it's the love and the pain that comes with a lifetime forced upon you by magic that you're not sure you ever really wanted but without it you wouldn't have your best friend. it's questioning what your feelings for him really are when lying in a too-narrow bed and being able to feel his heartbeat and knowing you love him but in what way and falling for him every time you see him just because he's the only man who ever made you feel whole and made you feel normal the way you always longed for
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same thing w the cross. they fucked on that ship in seasons of war don't get me wrong but also like. idk how i feel about rue as a character at this stage. like i feel as if landy ruined it for me a wee bit just by making rue a perv and their stupid falling out but at the same time? two wartime idiots in love but casual enough in their affections that they can break up for five years to see other people and never become any more or less comfortable with their relationship because they'll always be a staple in each others lives? yeah please
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fuck yeah! although maybe not after until the end bc idk if china's knees could take it
idk there's just. something about china hating every aspect of tanith and them clashing over it and china realising slowly how much of her opinions are just her being a bit of a prick really. and her putting her classy, organised self to the side for a bit for this ex assassin who rides a motorbike and is as crude and unladylike as they come. and tanith maybe swallowing down some of her more colourful tendencies if you'd like not because she thinks china can't take it but because china just thinks it's tacky. and them being nerds in their own ways and tbh i can see tanith being massively into like sigils and ancient languages and magic types in general and like. the idea of them putting their differences aside and slowly getting to know one another and it going from a messy fuck they pretend doesn't happen to a late night talk where they open up about shitty families and realise talking about it doesn't have to hurt as much after all and they're more alike than they realised and. yeah
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bubblemoon66 · 3 years
Tanguine, vile/mevolent and chindug for ask bingo?
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Tanguine is a ship I feel like I should like more than I do. Like, it's a messy and tragic ship that blurs the lines between enemies, allies and lovers which is my jam. Their canon interactions are fun. All the fics I’ve read with them have been really emotional. When I think about it, I can’t think of any reason why I don’t like them. And yet, half and hour from now I will probably have forgotten they exist until someone reminds me again. 
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I don’t know if these to have a ship name but I’m calling them violent from now on because I can. Left to my own devices, I would never have shipped them but then you came along and somehow made it happen. I’m still somewhat conflicted. The ship in main universe canon doesn’t appeal to me. I can’t see that version of Vile being into Mevolent. He’s got too much unresolved trauma of which Mevolent is partially responsible for and not enough time to have sorted it. So I can’t really get behind this ship in that context. But uhhhhh yeah the AUs you’ve created? Beautiful. 
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I adore Skulduggery and China’s relationship in the early books and anything exploring their past relationship. I love the idea that they were each other’s first loves and never fully got over each other. I love the idea that they have feelings but can’t bring themselves to trust each other. I also love the idea that they fell in and out of love with each other over the centuries but the timing is always off. There’s so many ways you can go with these two that are just *chef’s kiss*. But do I want them as endgame? Absolutely not. That would be the final nail in the coffin for both their characters. 
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zeearts · 5 years
Came for the dope lucifer art, stayed for the d O G
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i’m going to guess you mean Hazel cause i’ve not posted dog anywhere else xD 
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casimania · 5 years
Yessss! Domestic ship meme for Chloe/Dan/Lucifer below!
who reaches out to new neighbors: Unexpectedly… Maze! She keeps tabs on who comes and goes even better than Lucifer and is even faster than him at going for a snoop, it was her job to watch his back for a long time after all, ansd she watches out for Trixie too now (does the same for Linda and Charlie). The neighbors are probably confused and concerned like “is the scary lady part of the family??”. Chloe then makes Lucifer, Dan and Trixie come with her do a normal greeting-the-neighbors thing. But because Lucifer is Lucifer it turns out in another interrogation without the neighbors noticing (Maze is good at figuring out if they’re shady but Lucifer finds all the juicy, dirty little secrets). Chloe and Dan have to steer him away.
who remembers to buy healthy food: Since Dan started working on the abs he’s been keeping an eyes on his food more carefully and trying a healthier eating pattern too, except he tends to forget a lot when it’s time to restock. Chloe is better at remembering the list they make in time and following it so Dan writes down the stuff and Chloe reminds everyone when it actually has to be bought. Lucifer just wants to order whatever they need. But they want for Trixie to grow up doing normal stuff like groceries runs. They probably regret it when Lucifer turns out to be just a very tall Trixie and they just try shoving whatever they fancy inside the cart and it’s a constant battle (but he’s also easily disarmed by like, hand holding. Chloe reaches over and grabs his hand and he just spends the whole time looking down in wonder at their hands and looking up at Chloe with a big grin. Dan pushes the cart with Trixie balances either in front of it or between it and Dan and occasionally getting him to speed down an aisle). He does win them over some times they’re all ran to the ground by a case and the idea of crawling out of the house is physically painful.
who remembers to buy junk food: Lucifer, Trixie and Dan have the biggest sweet tooth ever (Lucifer has varied tastes while Trixie inherited Dan’s more focused tastes except it’s chocolate cakes instead of puddings, they sometimes vary but those things reappear frequently) and Lucifer and Trixie like junk food in general so no one ever forgets about restocking it. This time Lucifer definitely orders it (especially the pudding, between all the stealing it runs out fast at the precinct).
who fixes the oven when it breaks: Dan is that Dad™who insists on trying to fix things himself to teach Trixie to be self-reliable except sometimes it’s stuff he doesn’t actually know how to fix so he googles it or asks around and it’s a hit or miss. He either patches it up until the next break or fuckign destroys the thing (with familiar things he’s better). Also I like to think it’s a Dan thing in general, like “I can do this myself!!” except sometimes he overestimates and it ends up with a “oh no. oh fuck” (he gets steadily better at accepting help). Chloe is like, “Baby please just call a professional, they exist for a reason, you can teach Trixie how to fix a shelf or something” and she’s got 4 numbers ready from the start. Lucifer is a “throw the whole thing away” guy because he uses it as an excuse to renovate and add something new. But he lets Dan huff around because it’s amusing (and seeing Dan get to work reminds him he’s seen a few pornos starting like that, so another thing to add to his fantasies fodder) but he’s also curious about any parent-daughter interaction. So the whole thing takes a turn for the wholesome seeing Dan trying to explain stuff to Trixie (he still fantasizes about sweaty Dan in a tanktop grunting and wiggling his ass in the air to check inside the oven later).
who waters the plants/feeds their pet(s): Their lives don’t really match up with a pet but they’ve got plants and Chloe is their lifeline. She goes away for a fun Tribe thing and tells everyone to water the plants. They all forget. The day she’s scheduled to come back they panic, “Can’t we just put a lot of water all at once??”, cue Trixie accidentally making a few vases overflows and Chloe comes back to them frantically mopping the floor (it gets funnier the smaller number of plants they have).
who wakes up earlier: Lucifer can’t not sleep but he can get by on minimal sleep, so he often wakes up and lays in bed blissed out enjoying snuggling with his loves. Wake up as in up and leaves the house, it’s Dan. He either hits the gym or the beach for surfing most mornings before work so he’s up real early. Chloe and Lucifer roll around and go back cuddling.
who makes the bed: Lucifer always neatly tucks it in before leaving the house if he’s the last one to go (very fussy devil, he likes making messes but he also likes having everything restored to tidyness after). Chloe is more of the ‘just haphazardly pull the covers up’ before leaving type (mostly to set  somewhat of a good example for Trixie). Dan barely bothers and is the one that always forgets when it’s actually time to change the covers.
who makes the coffee: Lucifer is the one cooking most times so he also makes breakfast and has always coffee ready for Dan and Chloe when they wake up. He’s neutral on it but he starts drinking it regularly because he enjoys when they’re all standing against the counter and Chloe and Dan have these sleepy expressions with half lidded eyes but they sip on the coffee and smile or hum happily against the mug (it’s small cozy moments like these that make him feel all fluttery and content inside, the Devil likes to be painfully domestic). He knows exactly how they take their coffee but he’s also real good at figuring out what else they’d like so he’s always making them trying fancy new stuff for fun and he basically always hits the mark).
who burns breakfast: Chloe and Dan try to make something extremely elaborated for Lucifer because he’s always cooking for them but they have it in over their heads (and are trying to be quick and silent) and end up burning something while. When Lucifer smells burning stuff he comes barrelling into the kitchen ready for a fight and Trixie trails after him. He’s like, very touched. But then either stirs them away so he can whip up himself the thing they botched, or they still sit him down and feed him waffles or pancakes or something else they know how to do with thier eyes closed. Lucifer loves the idea of preparing stuff for them and surprising them with new things, but also just kicking back, eating whatever they set in front of him and licking syrup off his fingers while one of them stands nearby and absentmindedly runs a hand back and forth through his hair and down his neck… is very nice. He probably falls asleep like that at least once. He doesn’t faceplant in a waffle just because he’s seeking out the hand even in his sleep and doesn’t slump forward too much. It reminds Dan and Chloe of Trixie when she was very little.
how do they let each other know they’re leaving the house: Dan bellows everyone’s names and then “I’M LEAVING! BYE!” from the door loud enough to wake the dead. Answers vary gretly depending on the hour he does it (from loving responses from around the house to threats of physical violence if he tries breaking the sound barrier one more time at the ass crack of dawn if he leves early). Chloe pokes her head in whichever room they are and “Guys I’m going!”. Lucifer forget to say anything sometimes but never leaves without a kiss or some nuzzling.
how do they greet each other when one of them gets home: Dan bellows (again) “I’M HOME” as soon as he opens the door. Chloe just says “Hi!” at a normal volume once she’s fully inside. Lucifer barges in screaming “DeeeTeEECtiIIVeeeES” until he finds some of them to kiss. It’s a Thing for him apparently, goodbye kiss and welcome home kiss.
who brings home little gifts like flowers/chocolates more often: Lucifer is always getting Dana and Chloe little trinkets and gifts. He started out with more extravagant stuff but they managed to get him to tone it down a little. They vary from sweet or funny to “I know this must be a sex toy but what the hell is it supposed to be exactly??”.
who picks the movie for movie night: They wrote down a ton of movies and put them in a bowl to avoid bicker over it for an entire hour. If Trixie partecipates they let her choose something age appropriate she likes.
their favorite kind of movie to watch: Dan and Lucifer love action flicks (the bloodier and full of ridiculous explosions, one-liners and half naked people the better). Lucifer gets into cheesy romcoms with Chloe (it becomes a shared guilty pleasure, they look for the very outrageous ones). Trixie becomes a sci-fi buff growing up.
who first suggests a pillow fort: Oh man Dan and Trxie are all over it (personal hc that is was sometimes Dan always liked but in his family he got at a certain age where they decided he was too old for it, so they didn’t make them with him and he was embarassed to do one by himself and get caught, so he’s the most enthusiastic next to Trixie and never makes her feel like it’s a thing just for little kids). And angels nesting is a thing in every fandom with angels so it reminds Lucifer a lot of a nest so he gets a little weird about it at first because it reminds him of his sibligns and the Silver City, but gets very into it after a while (which later brings him to feel a little dristessed when they bring the whole thing down, which leads to them helping him build an actual nest).
who builds the pillow fort: In the Decker-Espinoza family Trixie gives directions and Dan and Chloe are the certified builders. With Lucifer thrown in the mix he goes for the aesthetics and so the first color coordinated pillow forts are born, he adds some flair.
who tries to distract the other during the movie: Lucifer with Trixie present = constant running commentary and continuous “pet me” requests (he loves his cuddles but if they get distracted and stop he prods at them until someone starts petting hair or running their hands over his back again, like excuse me! attend to me!). Lucifer without Trixie = naughty wandering hands (he’s very good at multitasking and will try to offer commentary of a movie in the middle of giving oral).
who falls asleep first: When she has a case Chloe is always very keyed up so she drops as soon as she hit the pillow. Lucifer makes an effort to wait for Dan to also fall asleep. He likes knowing they’re all safe and comfortable dozing off near him, and likes falling asleep to the sound of that deep breathing of the dead to the world sleeping.
who is big spoon/little spoon: Lucifer absolutely craves the shit out of being in the middle, something about having someone on his back and front makes him feel incredibly safe and loved and makes sleeping so much easier. Chloe and Dan are very versatile on that front so they swap a lot between being big and little spoon when it’s comfortable to be all squished together.
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yoursummerfrost · 5 years
Douchifer + 12, 13, 18
12. What first changes when it starts getting serious?Lucifer starts calling Dan “darling” and “love” all the time. All of Dan’s clothes migrate into Luci’s closet (or vice-versa).
13. When do they realize they should get together?Like 3-6 weeks after they move in with each other on accident, apparently. (No, seriously, I’ve done this in three separate fics lmao).
18. When they fight, how do they make up?Ooh, this is a good one. I feel like it involves lots of cuddling and Lucifer playing something sappy on the piano. I see them as a couple who bickers a lot but rarely fights, though, if that makes sense. They’ll get snippy with each other or disagree about something but talk through it in one go rather than end up stewing on it (especially if they get together in a later season when Luci’s had more therapy). 
Send me ship headcanon prompts!
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dedalvs · 2 years
Spotted this in Tesco today and immediately thought "oh hey that's Trig"
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Ha, ha, yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaah! I love that stuff, btw! Got a whole Monin collection, and every time I see it, it's like it's sending me a little invitation. Hayun, Slengheda! Monin, nami? Every day is fancy beach drink day!
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morwenna-crows · 2 years
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jicklet · 5 years
5, 8 & 14!
(soft asks) 
 5. Who do you feel most you around?
A couple of my best friends who just, get me on more levels than most people. A lot of people I’m kind of “on”, like I’ll be in Funny One mode, which is fun! but being with people and realizing I feel comfortable putting that down is nice. 
8. tag someone (or multiple people) who make you feel good. 
@springagainafter @nappingfatbirds @7ingyu @actuallylorelaigilmore @breaumonts @nannycrowley
(ノ´ヮ´)ノ * :♥ ・゚
14. favorite feel-good show?
Leverage. I didn’t even have to hesitate on that. ♥
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storm-elf · 1 year
For @venividivictorious and the ask game.
F: Share one of your favourite dialogue scenes and explain why you're proud of it.
Gosh, this was hard! An Edge of Treason piece won in the end.
“I hope these excursions are useful, Nikolai.” The King looked up from pouring sour cream onto his vareniki. “It’s all very well courting favour” -- that was a warning if ever he heard one -- “and enjoying all the amusements in Os Alta” -- Are you talking to me or Vasily there? -- “but there’s business to be done here too.” When you remember it, father.
“I promise it’s not all shows and sweetmeats.” Nikolai kept his tone airy. “I’ve been meeting with your advisors, governors, and military commanders too, getting myself back up to speed with our current priorities.”
“Yes.” There was something off in the King’s tone now, something as unsubtle as Vasily’s prying. “I heard you were at the Little Palace again for much of yesterday.” Damn. “With the Darkling.” Double damn. “Rather late into the night.” Shit.
Why do I like it? I like the challenge of conversations that are saying and doing one thing in the surface and quite another in the point of view character's head. There are several agendas in play here and everyone is hiding something they know, so the interplay of spoken words and inner monolgue really builds the tension, as well as giving insights into the characters.
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hellyeahlucifer · 3 years
5B SPOILER-FREE Deckerstar Fic Recs
Just a few spoiler free fic for you to fill in your time until the end of May. AO3 rating in brackets.
Crumbs - Liannabob (E) - Chloe loves the Devil, but struggles with feelings of inadequacy.
Colder Than Hell - venividivictorious (G) - Lucifer readjusts to Los Angeles after his return trip to Hell.
A Refraction Of Light - matchstick_dolly (M) - Cain is an immortal psycho. Discuss. Honestly, a fantastic, amazingly crafted post-S3 Deckerstar fic. (Slightly AU)
For Each Ecstatic Instant - ariaadagio (E) - Lucifer returns from Hell, cursed and suffering amnensia. Post-S4. An amazing story - Aria never cease to make you feel all the feelings and then some.
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