#ventos ooc
If my eponymous homestuck OCs ended up in Gensokyo: Ventos would try to join up with the Grassroots Youkai Network. He might adapt his activities to providing a hideout for weak youkai to stay out of Reimu's way during incidents.
Mauthe would buy wholeheartedly into Biten's LARPing and get kicked off the mountain for proselytizing in her name to Moriya Shrine visitors. Dosime would keep trying to sneak into the underground to hang out with the oni. She would do this even if this version of her was a human and not some form of creature.
Min's desire to learn danmaku so she could acquire ability cards would be thwarted by her reluctance to ever actually throw something. Maybe just follow the actual combatants around and pocket expended projectiles.
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leone-askbacchio · 3 months
Giorno and Fugo took up too much room with their massive heads so I had to improvise 😔
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Those gay ass kids… also, this is absolutely delightful. Accurate representation of Bruno’s height.
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ilikebobcuts642 · 6 months
My only defense is that it’s April 1st
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(“Last post with these two I promise” I say as I cross my fingers behind my back)
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doppiopinkman · 1 year
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ask-narancia-ghirga · 5 months
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It’s insane since quarantine I just lost my ability to draw, so I’m going to attempt drawing again on day. 😔
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enthusedbambi-jjba-au · 5 months
Monster AU - Joestar Family Lore
brought to you by unexplained moment of omnipresence!
This is about the Joestar family in general. The only Joestar that I've confirmed to "be" anything other than human is Giorno (and his half brothers I suppose). But that doesn't mean the Joestar family is full of normal, magic-dry humans.
Let's start from the beginning:
Jonathan Joestar is a human being, and yet, he appears to be distinctly ethereal.
Not holy, per se, I could perhaps use the word 'divine', but the specific religious connotation that would probably conjure is not really meant to be part of it. The way I would tend to describe it would be 'some kind of ethereal entity borne of a miracle'. I'll just refer to this concept as 'the Entity' (with capital E) for simplicity. Within the bearers, there's a sense of righteousness that may be linked to it aswell.
Essentially, it was miraculous that anyone survived the carriage incident, and because George and Jonathan both did miraculously survive, they (but more specifically Jonathan) were hashtag blessed and the Entity became a part of Jonathan and subsequently his descendants. It's pretty simply passed down like genetics are; as generations pass on, there's some muddling or dilution, but every Joestar descendant from Jonathan onwards has this [non-Stand] Entity as a part of them to some extent. Even the normal ones (Holy); basically anyone with genetic parentage tracing back to Jonathan (so unfortunately no Joestars-in-law) will have it.
The muddling is because the Entity is more or less an entirely unique thing, so others that would have that same Entity as part of their being would be rare, if not completely nonexistent. Joestars are mostly having kids with normal humans, so over the generations it gets sort of 'watered down'. The Entity, however, is an incredibly strong thing, so much so that, even generations down the line, it's still detectable or distinct in them or their auras.
Furthermore, Hamon deeply resonates with the Entity, making it more powerful and more prominent; the two things seem to be somehow linked, and this connection may be why Joestars seem to be particularly skilled Hamon Users. Unfortunately, this also means that the Entity started to become much more subtle when the practise of Hamon was no longer passed down in the Joestar family.
So Joseph, despite being Jonathan's grandson, still has a very distinct presence of the Entity which furthermore gets even stronger throughout the events of Battle Tendency when he receives Hamon training. Though you'd never guess there's anything ethereal about him with how much of a little bitch he is
Then we get to Holy, Joseph's daughter. She's three generations (since Jonathan) along and the Entity (thanks in part to Joseph's attunement with Hamon) is still fairly strong. Her good natured spirit helps to bolster it somewhat, and though we never see her using Hamon, she definitely could. The Entity was strong enough for her that, when she was unable to control her own Stand, it helped her, through her will to survive, to withstand the full extent of her Stand's power, keeping her alive (I call bullshit on her not having enough fighting spirit and would like to see Holy throw hands).
So with Jotaro being Holy's son, Joseph's grandson (4 generations in), the Entity starts to become a bit passive. Jotaro doesn't practise Hamon and he's an asshole (albeit with overall noble intention) so the Entity has more or less ceased to be particularly distinct with him (though it might have had some influence on the sheer general capability of Star Platinum). It's still fairly plainly detectable in his aura.
And then we get to resident sleepy boy Josuke Higashikata, requiring a hop back in the generational line. Josuke is Joseph's son, consequently also being Holy's half-brother; thus, he's a third-generation Joestar descendant. This means that, similarly to Holy, the Entity is once again fairly strong (even though Joseph stopped practicing Hamon), and perhaps a little stronger due to another "miraculous" event that occurred in Josuke's childhood (when he'd been deathly ill); it's an Entity borne of a miracle, so it seems only natural that another miracle would strengthen it.
Now, I'm going to skip Giorno for a moment because he's a little... complicated.
Then comes Jolyne. Jolyne is Jotaro's daughter, Joseph's great-granddaughter; she's a 5th generation Joestar (and the only one of which we really know about) and by now, the connection with the Entity is quite faint, especially since it was already pretty subdued for Jotaro. It's detectable in her aura, but it doesn't seem to really have much impact on her.
Funnily enough, Jonathan aside, the Joestar descendant with the strongest attachment to the Entity... is Giorno.
Now before I get into detail about Giorno I need to address... the DIO. The Entity is linked intrinsically to both the spirit, and also to the physical form (hence why it's genetic), its primary attachment generally depending which is 'active', to put it simply. What this essentially means is that while a person is alive, the Entity is mainly attached to their soul. But if the person dies, the Entity typically becomes inactive. However, since DIO (who is, to simplify, still a vampire) decided to steal Jonathan's body when Jonathan died, that meant that Jonathan's body became active despite the lack of his soul, so the Entity remained attached to his body.
Giorno, technically being the son of both DIO and Jonathan (because of, you know, complete bullshit that just works), would inherit both the vampirism from DIO and the Entity directly from Jonathan. And this would also technically apply to Donatello, Ungalo and Rikiel (so, yes, they are all also part-vampire), but there's more when it comes to Giorno; since Gold Experience is basically Hamon: The Stand, the Entity particularly resonates with Giorno, meaning it's pretty much just as intense as it'd been for Jonathan.
This also further bolsters just how absolutely fucked Giorno's genetics are as a presumably three-piece, maybe four-piece hybrid... his aura is a fucking terror.
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speckyposting · 5 months
[ OOC ] : These are old questions I never got around to answering on main when I first posted Specchio's sheet, so let's take a look!
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Hemispheres is a rather versatile stand, so it can be a little confusing! Most of its abilities center around reflection, and I try not to overdo it in terms of how much it can do. My main idea behind Hemispheres is that it would be a sort of jack-of-all-trades, and more of a "support" stand since a majority of Team Bucciarati is more on the offensive side in regards to their abilities. (To me, Moody Blues and Gold Experience are the more "supportive" there... but even then, GE could still pack a punch - especially with the retconned ability vs. Bucciarati!)
To help with a quick overview, let's narrow down Hemispheres abilities to these four: Reflexive, Disorientation (CQC), Reflective (Ranged), Absorption (Healing). Full explanation of each under the cut! Always happy to answer more questions, and that ask box is open! :]
Hemispheres was an untamed stand when it first manifested to Specchio. While not as dangerous as Purple Haze, it still made growing up a stand user who was unaware of their own abilities very difficult. Consider Hemispheres' reflexive ability to be like an unconscious aura surrounding Specchio - a radius that only effects non-stand users and drives them away subconsciously. It's basically the "bad vibes" circle. Hemispheres did this as a way of protecting Specchio since he was a bit of a loner and anxious around strangers, but this ended up adding on to the issue because it made it very difficult to socialize. While stand users can perceive this aura, they usually have the fortitude to pass by it completely. I suppose if a non-stand user was very bold, they could bypass it as well... but, well, Specchio was never so lucky to have that happen. As Specchio honed his talents under Bucciarati's training, he was able to deactivate this ability - like a switch... though, this may have also come with him learning to be more comfortable around people. The only times it ever really shows through is if he's especially fearful, but it no longer holds the same power it once did.
I suppose you can consider this ability defunct.
Disorientation (CQC)
Hemispheres is especially weak in close-quarters, even though that's the limit of it's physical range. It isn't a punch stand, nor is it extremely durable, being perhaps only a little more well-off than Specchio is (given it isn't, well, fleshy). However, there is one ability that Hemispheres can only activate via contact: disorientation. With a quick swipe of it's palm, Hemispheres will touch an adversary and activate this ability, which will only last within a certain range of Specchio. The adversary will have the hemispheres of their brain swap, switching lefts and rights, ups and downs... in layman's terms, consider this similar to a game mechanic that swaps your control scheme.
One who is especially in-tune to their surroundings and body may be able to overcome the effects of this disorienting swap, but it can be especially bad for those who have to worry about verticality as well, such as vs. Secco when he dives beneath the ground.
Reflective (Ranged)
This could be considered Hemispheres' main ability. While not offensive, it relies on trickery to aid Specchio or his allies in a fight. 1-2 reflective panes can be summoned within a formidable range of Specchio (basically, so long as he can see it at the time of creation). These panes have no border, and sort of blend in with its surroundings to be indiscernible as its own shape until you're right up against it. They take around 2-3 hits to break, but will crack with just one. The shape of it can also be altered, but this requires significant focus from Specchio to keep maintained, lest the illusion warp and become more easy to discover (such as in his vs. Formaggio fight with Narancia, when he turned the mirror somewhat concave in order to create a mirror-magnetizing effect to fool Formaggio).
Specchio usually uses these in order to make a getaway by concealing himself, or to buy time by making a barrier between him and the enemy. It's also worth noting that these mirrors are one-way, meaning that Specchio or an ally could see through them from the other side.
Absorption (Healing)
Now, this is an ability I actually never got to use in Filo Aureo (Specchio's AU)! I never really used it because I wondered if it would be too much, but I think it might have it's place in the right scenario, so I still keep it around. It's hinted at in Specchio's backstory with how he survived his house fire, with his burn wounds being halved and reflected across his body - which while this lead to more scar tissue, prevented him from losing his left arm entirely. In short, Specchio can reflect wounds across the median of his body, OR reflect wounds from someone else's body to his own. I believe this fits in with his self-sacrificial mentality... and could also probably lead to some angsty situations of trying to convince him not to take a wound for you.
This ability could be considered more theoretical in a sense, since he never really utilized it in his "canon".
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rotnoir · 24 days
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epitaffia · 2 months
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im not back yet, but i wanted to share doppio's unofficial age that is 15 apparently??? which is very interesting & makes sense in the context of canon ig. however, i want to share my thoughts before vanishing back into the void (I'll make a proper post at some point) : in my timeline, doppio 'appears' roughly around the age of 17/18 after they flee sardinia .... 15 years later, they'd be 33, which is how old they are come vento. doppio has existed for 15 years. of course, they aren't actually 15. often, alter ages can vary for varying reasons. sometimes doppio feels much younger than their body age, but they are still a 33 y/o adult.
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moon-lv3r · 1 year
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ask-darius-brando · 1 year
//It’s funny how out of all the options for an Older/Post-SDC Darius voice, out of all the fancast ideas that popped that has popped into my heads millions of times, Richard Epcar, Daemon Clarke, Jason Manrocha, Jameson Price, and Kirk Thornton, my mind settled on Paul St Peter on being the definitive “Older Darius” voice. Then again this is the same guy who voiced Xemnas from the KH series and did a damn great job voicing Wamuu in the Battle tendency dub.
( art by: @asknerdizzy )
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dive-into-shadows · 2 years
//Reblog for an ask from either Adam, Victor, or Zel. 
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leone-askbacchio · 3 months
Hi Abbacchio, you should look up what a hairworm is!
And definitely tell Giorno about them!
Sure, I’ll go to the images tab.
I regret everything, I regret everything, oh my god, what the fuck is that, oh my god, @ask-team-bucciarati Gio, do you like parasites? Because boy do I have the specimen for you.
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ilikebobcuts642 · 2 months
(I got nothing else but this doodle to post)
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“You’re more important to me than any hot babe out there.”
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gonna spend the next couple days making things look prettier around here to see if i wanna make a partial come back...
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demigodscurse-hq · 12 days
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Apenas mais um dia chegava ao seu fim. Os campistas de ambos os Acampamentos treinavam e faziam suas funções diárias, alguns já haviam sido selecionados para a vigia, outros cautelosamente traçavam sua rota em patrulhas, e apesar de Semideuses serem seres bastante corajosos por natureza - uns mais que outros -, a incerteza era algo em comum entre todos. Já era o fim da primeira semana desde que foram afetados pelos poderes da Titânide Mnemosine, agora foragida, ainda não localizada pelos Olimpianos, e nada havia acontecido. Nem monstros haviam surgido, nem semideuses haviam se ferido, tudo parecia tranquilo, como havia sido até então, e, na mente dos mais esperançosos, aquilo dava luz à ideia de que talvez tudo aquilo tivesse sido um grande exagero. Talvez os Deuses sozinhos pudessem dar conta daquela ameaça... Ah, a inocência da juventude...
Apesar de ser fim de tarde, o Sol ainda iluminava o Meio-Sangue, os raios alaranjados tingindo os céus e oferecendo leve calor ao que o Outono se aproximava na América do Norte. No entanto, a brisa aquecida deu lugar a ventos gélidos ao que nuvens negras cobriram o céu, como fumaça; Thomas Wentworth e Hector Reyes, que estavam responsáveis por vigiar a entrada principal do Acampamento, viram em primeira mão ao que a luz pareceu desaparecer de toda a floresta que rodeava o Acampamento, como se fosse coberta por um manto negro. O som dos animais foi silenciado, como se todas as criaturas tivessem fugido e se escondido com a presença de algo.
A névoa espessa começou a se dispersas do interior da floresta até próximo dos limites do Acampamento Grego e um a um os semideuses foram percebendo que algo acontecia. As trombetas soaram em emergência, Harpias, Ninfas e os Semideuses correndo de um lado a outro para preparar as linhas de defesa. Até mesmo Quíron e Dionísio prepararam-se para o combate, sabendo muito bem que o poder dos campistas havia diminuído a centésimos do que um dia fora. Pela primeira vez em muito tempo, Dionísio foi visto utilizando suas vestes de guerra com uma expressão séria, o que apenas contribuiu para aumentar o suspense que se alastrava entre os Semideuses.
Silêncio reinou por alguns instantes que mais pareceram horas até que passadas pesadas foram escutadas de dentro da névoa, os olhos vermelhos sendo avistados como faroletes em meio à escuridão. A figura imponente do Guardião do Mundo Inferior, Cérberus, surgiu perante os portões, fumaça exalando por entre seus dentes, e, por um instante, confusão e medo brigaram nos corações dos campistas, até que, enfim, o cão de três cabeças cambaleou, a névoa escura se juntando como se o envolvesse em um véu e, desse véu, saindo dali um rapaz machucado que prontamente caiu a seus joelhos e imediatamente perdeu a consciência. Em meio ao som de sussurros que logo quebraram o silêncio, Quíron trotou adiante.
─ Apressem-se! Levem o Protetor do Submundo para dentro! Não há tempo a perder. ─
Alguns Semideuses tomaram a frente - dentre eles, Anna Van der Veen se apressou a liderar o resgate -, trazendo consigo uma maca para transporte com o que carregaram o rapaz para a Enfermaria, onde ele está sob os cuidados da equipe de campistas responsável.
Informações OOC.
Com isso, o RP está finalmente aberto para interações!
Cérberus está atualmente acordado, mas muito frágil, e pode fornecer respostas a perguntas direcionadas a ele no Discord do RP.
Campistas do Acampamento Júpiter terão ouvido sobre o ocorrido através de um comunicado de Quíron a Lupa e têm a opção de iniciar o jogo no Júpiter ou no Meio-Sangue, tendo vindo junto com a caravana representativa para auxiliar no tratamento da criatura.
Semideuses citados: @thomaswtwt, @hectxr & @thesunnyanne
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