#for once fantroll related
If my eponymous homestuck OCs ended up in Gensokyo: Ventos would try to join up with the Grassroots Youkai Network. He might adapt his activities to providing a hideout for weak youkai to stay out of Reimu's way during incidents.
Mauthe would buy wholeheartedly into Biten's LARPing and get kicked off the mountain for proselytizing in her name to Moriya Shrine visitors. Dosime would keep trying to sneak into the underground to hang out with the oni. She would do this even if this version of her was a human and not some form of creature.
Min's desire to learn danmaku so she could acquire ability cards would be thwarted by her reluctance to ever actually throw something. Maybe just follow the actual combatants around and pocket expended projectiles.
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beholdtheleaves · 1 year
Homestuck Trolls in a TTRPG?!
That's right. Absorb the brain damage.
For the brave souls out there wanting to run a tabletop campaign set on Alternia or want to bring their favorite fantrolls to the game board, worry not. I came up with ttrpg ability sets to facilitate character creation for Alternian trolls.
(Just as a note, these were made using my homebrew system Bloom.)
Bracket Ability
To start, you must choose an ability based on the hemospectrum bracket your troll belongs to.
Lowblood: You belong to either the Rust, Bronze, or Gold caste. You gain +1 Heart, and can lift light objects with your mind.
Midblood: You belong to either the Lime, Olive, Jade, or Teal caste. You gain +1 Agility, and gain +1 on rolls to climb things and navigate hostile terrain.
Highblood: You belong to either the Blue, Indigo, or Purple caste. You gain +1 Might, and have a collection of priceless pieces of art related to your specific subculture.
Royalblood: You belong to either the Violent or Fuchsia caste. You gain +1 Poise, can breathe underwater, and gain +1 on athletic rolls when underwater.
Blood Ability
Speak to the Dead: You can communicate with the spirits of dead trolls in the area, and once a scene make a Heart roll to ask them for secret information helpful to your quest.
Designated Servant: You can also accomplish domestic tasks twice as fast as a regular troll, and in social settings will remain completely unnoticed unless you purposely act to stand out.
Friend to Animals: You can psychically commune with animals, making them obedient to you. For any animal larger than twice your size, you must succeed at a Heart roll to make them obey. All those you commune with will fight for you and carry out simple commands.
Farm Folk: You’re used to life in the countryside. You gain +1 on Might rolls involving manual labor such as building things or digging in the dirt.
Psionic: Once a scene, you can fire powerful twin lasers from your eyes, such that anyone hit must pass a Might roll to avoid being Burned.
Living Computer: Your caste was the basis of Alternia’s first machines; thus, you can easily interface with and hack into the various biotechnology of Alternia.
Sympathy of the Sufferer: The followers of the Sufferer made sure you were well-prepared. Once a session, you can declare that you have something on-hand to help you, given to you by one of the followers.
Persecuted: You gain +1 on rolls to remain in hiding, and have a hideout somewhere that others suffer -1 to locate.
Hunter at Heart: You have a cave or similar hideout stocked with everything you need to survive in the wilderness. You gain +1 to follow trails and find creatures in hiding.
Survivalist: You can easily identify the different flora and fauna of the Alternian landscape.
Rainbow Drinker: You gain can glow in the dark like a lamp at will, and see in pitch dark as if it were brightest day. You also gain +1 to navigate tunnels and maze-like structures.
Sun Resistant: Constantly switching between the darkness of the brooding caverns and the sunlight of the desert has made you used to the harsh Alternian sun. You can walk around the surface during daylight hours without needing to make a roll.
Scholar of the Law: You have a deep knowledge of Alternian history and law, and once a scene can make a Wits roll to recall something relevant to the current scenario.
Eloquent: You gain +1 on rolls involving logic and debate. Once a session, you can make an inspirational speech such that your allies gain +1 on all of their rolls for the rest of the scene.
Manipulate the Mind: You can probe the immediate thoughts of troll by making physical contact with them such a handshake; you can also roll Heart against their Poise to psychically manipulate them into doing anything that does not cause them direct harm.
Cahoots: You gain +1 on rolls involving cheating and stealing. Once a session you can initiate a scheme with at least two other trolls, such that for the rest of the session you gain +1 on all rolls related to fulfilling the scheme.
Hearty Constitution: You can take an additional 2 Hits, and once a session can perform an amazing feat of strength, such as breaking through a stone wall, without needing to make a roll.
Archer of Sorts: You gain +1 to operate ranged or projectile weapons such as the bow and arrow.
Wrath of the Clown: Once a scene, you can enter a state of rage such that you gain +2 Might and +2 Heart but suffer -2 Poise. This state lasts for ten minutes.
Chucklevoodoos: You can stare at another troll and inflict on them visions of their worst fear, such that they are Shaken afterwards. You also gain +1 on rolls to intimidate.
Bow Down: Other trolls are compelled to obey and flatter you. Once a scene, you can designate a willing NPC to be your servant such that they gain +1 on all rolls in service to you.
Ship Shape: You gain +1 on rolls involving sailing and sea navigation, and have a great knowledge of Alternia’s underwater landscape.
Culler of the Deep: Alternian sea creatures are automatically friendly towards you unless you harm them. Once a session, you can declare that you recently found something unusual in a shipwreck that can help with the current scenario.
Personal Army: You have your own contingent of robot drones that you can summon once a session to fight for you or carry out a task such as building a fort.
Lusus Ability
In my headcanon continuity, trolls tend to adopt the biology of their lusii to a certain extent. In line with this, your troll can get one custom ability based on the type of lusus they have. A troll with a rabbit lusus might be able to jump very high, while a troll with a monkey lusus might be able to swing from tree branches.
Interest Ability
Lastly, your troll can get one custom ability related to their specific individual interests. Maybe they’re into robotics or pottery. This can either give them +1 on related rolls, or make them able to do something unique.
Troll Weaknesses
Shade Dweller: Your eyes are sensitive to the harsh Alternian sun, and you must make a Might roll for every five minutes you’re under direct sunlight to avoid taking damage or becoming Sunburned.
Bound by Caste: You cannot hide your blood color from scanners and similar devices no matter what.
Insect: Attacks involving gasses deal an additional 1 Hit on you.
You can find more tabletop stuff on my website!
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mik-mania · 6 months
i keep forgoring to do daily fantroll facts so heres some bits i typed up:
Antemh had a rough upbringing. His lusus was a feral wolfdog mixed with probably some other animal. His lusus tough on Antemh--he could be likened to Bro Strider in how he raised Antemh to be a resilient survivor. Antemh's lusus would engage Antemh in terrible fights, and he didn't hold back. It's impressive that Antemh made it to adulthood because his lusus had a high rate of grub deaths. No fight move was too dirty to use, teaching Antemh that he couldn't trust that even his caretaker would hold back. This has led to Antemh being always somewhat on guard and hypervigilant. Antemh's final fight with his lusus was a fight to the death--his lusus would not have stopped until Antemh was dead or near-death. Antemh killed his lusus but at a high emotional cost.
Acklin grew up knowing she was loved. The Martinet was afraid to raise her by hand in close quarters, worried that he would fumble her grubhood as his mother had his, so Acklin grew up with a good amount of freedom to an extent. While she was allowed to be her own person, she also quite literally grew up in a bubble, as The Martinet was worried about anything happening to her. Acklin was quite sheltered growing up, leading to her gentle and thoughtful nature. She's never quite had any real world struggles, meaning she's had plenty of time to persue intellectual and social studies and philosophize. Despite the introduction of the young mothergrub being relatively recent, Acklin's always had a sense of what she was meant to become as an adult and never really challenged the idea. It was a comfortable thought, although she felt somewhat melancholy about the inevitability of the future, preferring the present and wishing it could stay as it was.
Safron had a normal upbringing. He had on-planet friends, a decent home, and a lusus that took care of him. Growing up, he wanted to become an astronomer or maybe even a magician. He was optimistic as a kid and benefitted greatly from having no affiliation with any clown groups. However, once he was off-planet, he found himself struggling. His upbringing had not prepared him in the slightest for adulthood.
Safron's lack of connections in religious circles left him with no real career path, most purpleblood jobs being in relation to the churches. He had no desirable traits or skills--the only thing he'd ever really been good at had been socializing and being charming. His difficulty in finding a suitable job and being too proud to take a lower class job resulted in him being on the streets. Jobless and homeless, Safron soon found that he *did* have a talent: smooth-talking.
He became self-serving. Safron began to associate with shady characters, taking on odd jobs and negotiating deals here and there. He developed into being a bit of a skeezy guy. After a few run-ins with the law, his final arrest led to his execution... and you know the rest.
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kurohaai · 1 year
What would your fantrolls favorite touhou characters be :)
Oooohhhh yessss two of my favorite things; fantrolls and Touhou 👀 Lmao now I'm just thinking them playing the game themselves + who their favorite characters later would be.
Under the cut cause it's obviously long!
Ofi I feel would be a simple player: picking Reimu because "Oh she's red like me :D" and could sympathize with her "can't believe I'm dealing with this shit for the nth time" and reminiscing to her waitress work dealing with unsavory customers sometimes.
If she made it far enough (let's say she's playing TH6~8), she probably will admire how effective Sakuya is as a maid or how loyal/protective Keine is toward Mokou.
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Though if we're talking about her type... I feel like she'll really like Yuugi 🤭❤
Das is a completionist, and as Seer of Rage? Micrododging, pattern analyzing/memorizing, and avoiding bullets is just his bread and butter. He's pretty good at keeping his cool on things like this to not ragequit as well, though he will be insufferable motor mouth if you ever ask him about the game ("<o><o> wdym you can't 1cc no bomb no death on lunatic? noob.")
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His favorite though? Koishi. Especially fighting-game Koishi. Her combo is just pure chaos and Das is just amused at how surreal it is. She fucking sneezed as a moveset like he would absolutely devour the more obscure technical trivia of the game.
Ven is very systematic, and I can see this game trigger her massive OCD. She has to complete this game flawlessly (and she will; her eidetic memory will help her memorize the pattern but her reflexes are different thing), but just for her own sake and for her peace of mind I don't think playing this will give her a nice weekend. She will appreciate how beautiful the bullet patterns are in the game, at least.
I think she will play the game once, completely finished it, and refused to play the other iterations just because she knows how time & mind consuming it is lmao. Let's say she played SA or UFO (because I know the resource gathering system on those are kinda BS) and then be done with it.
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Def. will like Sanae as playable character because it's easier (why make it harder?) Also green. Her theme song really rocks as well.
Zaojun... is pretty easy actually.
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I can say Yuyuko will be his favorite simply from her endless appetite alone 😂 As a passionate cook himself, he will appreciate people who appreciate food! He's a bit of clueless himbo as well, so I think he would love playing the Youmu/Yuyuko combo on IN without even thinking if that's the best combo to play or not; he saw who he likes and just went with it lmao
Rozaya (cuz why not)
She's my trollsona, but she's not me, so I'm thinking who her favorite character would be (if she ever had time to play at all--wait, actually, she will somehow has the time lmaooo). I can see her saying something along "I'd drink wiTh her" to Suika or Yuugi, but if she has a favorite...
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Okina cuz girl just want to go apeshit without reason sometimes y'know? Also I do think she relates with how Okina is relatively hidden most of the time (because that's her job as the secret god) but then making a very extra entrance one day just to let the whole Gensokyo knows she exists (and there's also more reason to that, consisdering her role as one of the sages...) but yeah. I think the duality of Okina is what she really likes 💃✨✨✨
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12thperigeeball · 2 years
What is the Grand Couturier? I don’t remember that from previous years but I could be mistaken.
Hello! The grand Couturier is a new role we introduced last year, to help keep things fresh and to celebrate the muns who really put their whole heart into designing a good outfit for their troll. The King and Queen vote is a popularity contest, but the Couturier vote is based off of skill.
More information about the Couturier and our nomination rules can be found on the middle tab here. If you're mobile, I put the info below.
The Grand Couturier is a new role that has been added as of the 2021 ball! This position is meant to give trolls another spot to vye for, specifically focused on their outfits.
With the the addition of the new Ball Theme that each ball will have announced each year, this will allow those who really take it to heart to have their accomplishments recognized. This is also an image heavy contest and any applicants who do not have a photo will be rejected. Unlike the King and Queen nominations, these ones MUST be formal and must be related to the current ball theme.
Winners of the Grand Couturier will not get a dance at the end of the ball, but they will get a commemorative embroidered cape to keep, and they will be given an option to donate their outfit for the ball to the host to be kept on permanent display.
General Rules
NOMINATIONS SHOULD BE SENT IN CHARACTER - Either they nominate themselves or someone else does.
To be nominated, trolls MUST be at least 8 sweeps old/16 years old.
Their photo MUST be of them in their formal ball wear.
All nominations must be sent through our submit box and must follow the form available on the page.
Masks are allowed.
This is ONLY for fantrolls.
Deadline for nominations is December 17th at 11:59PM EST.Voting will go from December 18th at 12AM EST until December 19th at 7PM EST.
The Grand Couturier will be announced December 19th once the votes are tallied.
The Grand Couturier will receive an embroidered cape to commemorate their appointment.
After the ball, the Grand Couturier will be able to keep their cape, and will be given an option to donate their outfit to be on permanent display for future balls in a class case.
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alienssstufff · 3 years
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[ 2019 ] Aaand these are some of the fankids that are related to my fantroll’s universe >:]
GWEN [she/her]= >Daughter of two very busy and absent parents. The house is often left empty leaving her to look after herself (she was taught how to at a very young age) for days on end. >She doesn’t talk much unless necessary and keeps to herself most times, inheriting that ‘Strictly business’ attitude from her parents. >Her strife weapon of choice is an expensive golf bag, an accessory her father brings on events where he’s invited to go golfing with clients for meetings etc. >Erin and Gwen are neighbours. Even before the events of the game, Erin has tried multiple times to befriend Gwen for behind each person theres “A talent, a passion inside of them just waiting to shine!” -Erin
ERIN [he/him + any pronouns by the role he takes]= >The son of the mayor. His mother is a very outgoing, and kind woman who spends most of her time devoted to the community getting to know them and doing all that she can to make everyone’s experiences in [UNNAMED TOWN] a wonderful one.  >Her traits run in the family (well her only son), who she adores very much! She’s very supportive of his interests and was actually the one who pushed forward in establishing the town’s Theatre Club.  >Erin’s a theatre kid - acting and storytelling is his passion and the love for the stage!  >A big team-player and also very good at reading people - he likes meeting people eager to string them along in his elaborate fantastical adventures. He’s practically befriended every kid in town - excused for Gwen >He rarely ever sees her, he watches out for her hoping she’d come outside  and join him on a big adventure >Strife weapon is a wooden sword. The very first stage prop he’s ever made! >HOPE PLAYER
DANI [he/they]= >The twin brother of Aria - and the brains of the operation >Dani and Aria are siblings of a very large family - many of them living in a trailer park near the sea >A quiet kid but is actually the one who suggests all the adventures he and Aria go on - Aria being Aria is more than happy to tag a long >Loves nature - he gets tired easily but enjoys the thrill of the hike it’s his special escape from the commotion of people >Has a current hyperfixation of lands folktales and cryptids - he hopes to come across one one day [his cryptid bias is the mothman] >Dani and Erin met through an online forum about cryptids while Erin was researching them for an upcoming role  >No real strife weapon - has a nature book in his sylladex where a weapon is supposed to be. Also always has a first aid kit, a whole stash of trail mix, and bandages for when Aria gets hurt (which is a lot) 
ARIA [she/him]= >Twin sister of Dani - the stamina of the operation >VERY strong despite the doctors telling that he would grow up frail due to her poor heart >Her vision is also pretty sensitive to the light - she picked up those sunglasses at a surf shop once during a roadtrip and hasnt looked back since >Her eldest brother taught her kickboxing bc she really wanted to - “To protect dani from oncoming bears!!!” she says >There are no bears there. >Talks with a Australian accent bc I think that would be funny - gets it from his mother >Likes living ON THE EDGE!!! HIGH STAKES HIGH REWARDS!!! has had many near death experiences because of this but that won’t stop her from trying everything! >Strife weapon is a pair of boxing gloves, a hand me down from her older brother >HEART PLAYER
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sn0wbat · 4 years
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did anyone want an OC AU with some glowans and fantrolls?? like, putting them in the same universe as the vampires i’m currently fixating so hard on???
well here, have some art anyway, you’re welcome
Clearly, you clicked the readmore because you wanted to know more. 
Anyway, so far:
Siini (Simo O. Nortunen) is a vampire. He’s also finnish, and the son of the local mayor, who’s a total narcissist and also insists that he’ll always be “her little girl” and spoiled him with all the latest tech he asked for (while literally having indoor windows into his room so she could spy on him). Somehow she still found a way to misgender him in a language that doesn’t have gendered pronouns.
Anyway, he’s trans. Aurin saved him when he was like 16. He actually loves being a vampire and wouldn’t have it any other way, it’s a great way to escape his mom and also society in general, and he also got a free transition while he was at it?? Perfect. He doesn’t mind the bloodlust, it’s still better than living with his mom. 
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Also, Bat tried drinking blood from his household once. He’s kinda been all over the place.
Tayda (Taija Riita Sismonen) is a werewolf here. I still haven’t drawn her human form, sorry. She currently does live in an apartment like her glowan counterpart, but she also has this huge werewolf family. When she grew up, they drove over to their cabin in the woods every full moon to go wolf. The neighbors didn’t suspect anything. Simo didn’t know about this either, until he was a vampire himself.
Aurin (Aurinko Sismonen), she’s the weird distant relative of Taija’s family. Actually a vampire, a daywalking one! People may not know her glowan self very well, but basically she’s a nocturnal glowan who kept staying up to see the sun, so this fits her very well. She’s the one who turned Simo. She also always claims to be 222 years old. She’s done that for a few decades now.
My landdweller fantrolls are what is basically my take on mythical Norwegian trolls. (I’ve literally grown up in Norway, this is fine)
These are juvenile trolls, not yet started to grow much into those horrible huge adult trolls we often see in Norwegian troll art. They’re very earth-toned and blend in well with the forest. They also tend to hibernate a lot, which is when moss and trees grows on them. 
They also don’t like the sun. While it only hardens the skin of juveniles, it is straight up fatal to adult trolls (it goes straight through them, turning them into stone) 
My seadweller fantrolls get to be kinda nøkken-based instead. Normally they’d be covered in a ton of lakeweeds for camouflage reasons, but for convenience I drew them without this stuff, so you can see them. They also have the ability to shapeshift and lure people into the small forest lakes that way. 
Basically, the existence of trolls in Norwegian folklore were warning stories for children to not wander into the woods or mountains too far, or else the trolls will getcha and eat u alive 
Anyway, trolls do exist for real in this world, and so does the fae folk. There’s also a secret fae realm that any mythical creatures can access and go hide in if they can find the secret entrance, which keeps changing location. anyway yeah
Talin (Tølir Ísshjarta Arnþóruson) still belongs to @crimson-catalyst​, but rather than being the evil half-zarein king of a whole planet, he’s the evil half-fae viking king over a good chunk of land and some households. The stakes are obviously lower in this AU, but hey. He’s also still a rich, immortal asshole, and the immortality is due to his fae heritage this time.
Avn’ra (Arnþóra in Auða Arviðardóttir) is still Talin’s mother (he clearly takes more after his fae side). Much like her glowan counterpart, she managed to claw herself all the way to the top and the people fear her for it. She’s a powerful woman. Anyway, she also fell in love with a fae boy from Scotland once (that’s D’Sora) and then he surprisingly returned to her many years later, and that’s how Tølir happened. 
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Anyway, I’m sorry Towertrapped is put on hold, I still do care about the characters, but my vampires are really the ones living in my mind right now. 
Why do I still feel the need to apologize for that?
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prince-liest · 3 years
fic writer interview!
How many works do you have on AO3?
37, though another one is going up tomorrow because haunted AO3 hours started and I don't want to post it in the middle of the night on a Monday. Also like 4 or 5 more in reserve from zines/bangs. I'm kinda impressed with myself, but also, side-eyeing y'all with fic counts in the 100s. Phenomenal. Effervescent.
What's your total AO3 word count?
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
In chronological order of first fic on AO3: Percy Jackson, Soul Eater, Steven Universe, My Hero Academia, Dragalia Lost, Avater: the Last Airbender, the Witcher, and Genshin Impact! That's 7 fandoms and I'm not counting Homestuck (I only wrote OC stuff) or D&D (same thing).
I also have works from Axis Powers: Hetalia and Katekyo Hitman Reborn! on Fanfiction dot hell that none of you will ever see. I definitely posted and deleted a Twilight OC fic once.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Dish Duty | ATLA
The Sword of Damocles is Swinging | MHA
The Ancient Art of Jerkbending | ATLA
Dishabille | MHA
Summer Break | MHA
ATLA is a powerful fandom so I'm not surprised both my ATLA fics made top five. Dishabille's popularity continues to pleasantly surprise me. Damocles is only surprising because it isn't first. I am so proud of Summer Break and that entire Shinsou series, I'm glad it made top 5 and is gonna break 1k kudos soon. <3
(Now get Dog-Tired up there, I fucking love that story. q^q)
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
To quote Mido: I do, but not consistently. Q^Q I read them all and I really want to reply to them all, but I very frequently simply to not have the energy. I have it posted on my AO3 profile, though, so hopefully it doesn't hurt anyone's feelings... I have recently been trying to at least answer all new incoming comments and not let the backlog increase! (That said, the backlog is over 100.)
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I don't tend to do angsty endings (I am a hard lover of angst with a happy ending), but I've written some questionable and bittersweet ones. I think arguably the best contendor for angstiest ending is probably Kindred Spirit. I wrote it to low key revenge myself on @thegc4life for insisting that Shinsou gets a hug (he does! technically!) and it certainly ended ominously.
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
As much as I love "Edward Elric gets transported into X universe and proceeds to kick everyone's ass" crossovers, I don't relaly write any. I do enjoy full transplant AUs, though, and the one I recently posted on AO3 is an MHA-at-Hogwards AU called the Birds and the Mares that I wrote for the HP/BNHA Zine!
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Deeeeepends on what you mean by 'hate.' :X has gotten two comments (one much politer than the other, haha) complaining about my use of the r-slur in Shinsou's internal narrative in one of the chapters, but one person backpedaled and said they understood the purpose of it while the other (more vehement) one never replied to my explanation. That's all, though!
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yeah. It's never going on my main AO3 (and the one time it did, I orphaned the fic). I have a side account I might post it on once I get over the fact that people who know me also know about the account. It's all 100% PWP of stuff I personally am into, and I have a very specific set of things I'm into, so... idk, feels a little personal! ^^"
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, but I've had people adopt general concepts I used (fabulous!) and steal my RP OCs back in ye olde fantroll days (not at all fabulous! incredibly hurtful, actually). I am vehemently opposed to plagiarism, even of concepts. It feels so gross.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Someone in the comments mentioned that they are translating Bloodied Hound into Russian and I am SO EXCITED. I desperately want to read it. Of all the languages, it happened to be the only other one I'm decently literate in! I also want to show my grandparents. I really hope the person follows through. <3
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I've roleplayed a lot, but I can't see myself ever co-writing a fic. I'm not even sure how it works, to be honest!
What’s your all time favourite ship?
Urgh. Pass. I can't pick one. Perils of a multishipper.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I was going to proudly say "I never post things I don't plan on finishing!" but in reality that is a lie, because Falling Down A Rabbit Hole exists from back in 2015 and is in fact the reason I made that rule for myself. ^^" Honestly, what's there still holds up, but the reality is that I didn't actually come up with a plot, so there's nowhere for it to go.
What are your writing strengths?
Interesting/relatable/funny dialogue, and also writing feelings in a 'show, don't tell!' kind of way that leaves strong impressions with people!
What are your writing weaknesses?
Plotting out long stories with good pacing! People thought Damocles had a plot, apparently? Joke's on you, it was a series of "I wanna see this happen" scenarios that I made Hawks suffer through and subsequently strung together like a haphazard multicolor plastic bead necklace that I told everyone was actually pearls.
That's why all my stories after Damocles are either short or split into a series. Shinsou's Bad Days is my attempt at proper pacing, hence it being so episodic.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I'll do it if I know the language well enough (so, Russian and ASL, I don't trust my casual Japanese), but I'm generally a stickler for making things come off naturally, so I otherwise will instead try to find the closest tonal equivalent in English (such as having Childe call Zhongli "professor" instead of "xiansheng"). Sometimes there just isn't one (like Kazuha calling Beidou 'big sis' but in a way that doesn't sound kiddish and overly casual for him), though, which sucks. :( Language is cool!
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
T. Twilight. QUQ I wish that fic still existed, it was like a single chapter of two multicolored hair OCs befriending Alice Cullen and being cool. I deleted it but I SHOULDN'T HAVE. IT WAS HISTORY.
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
This totally changes with each new slew of fics I post. I think currently it is Dog-Tired because despite being unsatisfied with the title, I think the story itself turned out amazing. I also am extremely happy with the entire Shinsou's Bad Days series (including upcoming installments).
Tagged by: @touchmycoat (THANK U LOVE <3)
Tagging: anyone who's read this far, LOL. seriously, though, I have a lot of writer moots and I don't have the time to tag them all but PLEASE do this and tag me so I can read it if you are so inclined! <3
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p2iimon · 4 years
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MORE fantrolls?? yes but these two arent nearly as important. the violet is finayr boleyn (she/her) and the gold is sonair maynoe (they/it). both of them are. how do i put this. related,,, to ceekay. the other two know them but like not well. anyway i dont think ill draw them often or anything and i never talk about. like. stories. but :) and it may come up in the future lol. once i get enough people hooked onto my fantrolls lmaoo
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shibiichi · 4 years
Very basic lore shit for some of the fantrolls I just posted:
~ Burgundy
Pelone Messah: a young burgundy blood troll who enjoys handing out with her Indigo Morail. She’s known as the group party girl and is naturally charismatic but will sometimes come off as rude or apathetic.
Mariot Messah: a burgundy blood who has a deep fascination with the arts, specifically photography. She wants to be the first burgundy blood to traverse the entire empire before her life expires. She is kindhearted and cheery, though can be too excited and reckless.
The Canaress (Mariot): A determined journalist who will risk anything to get the news to the public, especially among the highblood quarrels.
The Sanguine (Pelone): An optimist who travels around to help those effected by the empire, especially after attacks.
~ Bronze
Bonahn Celste: An up-incoming bronze model, Bonahn wants to change the empire’s ways with representation of the lower classes. She is determined and empathetic, never letting her lower blood stop her. However she is overly emotional and is prone to mental breakdowns when picked on.
Zharan Celste: Zharan takes an interest in the stars and constellations. She is a reserved bronze blood who just wants to do her own thing. She’s thoughtful, honest, and intelligent, but hard to get along with as she has a tough exterior and often resorts to a physical form of arguments.
The Ascended (Zharan): A bronzeblood who raised from the depths of poverty despite her status. Holds considerable power but is generally detested due to what actions she had to commit in order to ascend.
The Poignant (Bonahn): An activist for low blood rights and generally seen as a caste therapist. Unfortunately seems to focus on the small things rather than the big picture.
~ Gold
Keelah Tembll: a witty and talented programmer, Keelah fits in perfectly to the gold caste. She puts a lot of time into the work she does but doesn’t forget to let herself enjoy life’s moments. She is a quick thinker, a great leader, and has a dry sense of humor. Often though, trolls are pushed away from her as she can be impatient and cruel.
Pitika Tembll: Pitika is a gold blood with considerable clout. She enjoys using social media and rides the low blood representation trend in each post. She is creative, independent, and inspirational, but tends to be conceded and uses her follower count to intimidate others.
The Eclectic / The Vehement (Pitika): A powerful spokesperson against the highblood tyranny. Known for using their psionics to deface public structures and commit arson against imperial buildings.
The Prioress (Keelah): a devout cult priestess who sing’s the highblood’s praises and treats the fuchsia caste like gods.
~ Lime
Mellon Usilue: A soft-spoken and sweet lime blood, Mellon is seen as the troll empire’s ultimate friend. She can manage to get along with most anyone and is always there to help anyone out, no matter the blood color. She is generous, sweet, and patient, though tends to let people walk over her or use her for their gain. She is also ashamed of her body and tends to get defensive if someone brings it up.
Pirchh Usilue: a headstrong and confident lime blood, Pirchh can be hard to get along with at first glance. She’s incredibly bold and doesn’t let others push her around, especially highbloods. Getting past her spiky exterior opens up to a troll who cares a lot about her safety and the safety of those who often get picked upon. She’s incredibly resilient and all about helping trolls better their lives through tough love.
The Tӎerarii (Pirchh): a lime blood who took the highblood upset into her own hands and aims to raise a rally of other trolls, using her calming abilities to manipulate other highbloods onto her side.
The Succorer (Mellon): an ambassador to the fuchsia empress who speaks fondly of the ruling caste, working to spread a positive image and damage control.
~ Olive
Rulani Pumale: this olive blood is the definition of reclusive. Rulani doesn’t like going out much and rather would stay inside all day in bed and on social media. She’s generally optimistic and loves talking to people who share her interests, though she can also be snide and a tad selfish.
Ozzidi Pumale: Ozzidi is an olive with an objective. She is seen as ‘quirky’ but also incredibly friendly to those she meets. She often gushes about her matesprite and will talk a troll’s ears off about them. Unfortunately though, she has a strong distaste for sea dwellers and will go around with her matesprite to harass high blooded sea-folk. She strangely has a fascination for origami though.
The Eleeinos (Ozzidi): One half of a pair of greenblooded killers who seek out sea dwellers to cull. Considered the less respected of the two due to her Olive caste and is constantly put down because of it.
The Duressor (Rulani): An olive blood who takes pride in collecting bounties on troll of all castes, no mater their personal views. She’s in it for the money and infamy.
~ Jade
Vennis Arvone: Vennis is a Jade blood that acts the part. She’s loving and helpful, enjoying acting like the mother of the group. She loves to clean and make things look fancy, taking a preference to interior design. Although she is a wonderful friend, she can be a bit judgmental of those she doesn’t know that well and tends to take them by appearance only.
Kimqey Arvone: Kimqey is an interesting Jade to be sure. She comes off as incredibly sweet and optimistic, but is able to casually talk about her disdain for all things sea dweller in the middle of her perky conversation. Kimqey and Ozzidi are matesprites that both play off one another’s hatred for the higher classes, though Kimqey seems to be worse then the olive blood. Fortunately though, her rage for sea dwellers tends to be calmed when she is with her matesprite and partaking in her favorite activity, which is applying makeup.
The §urmouna (Kimqey): The second half of the green blood killers. The higher respected half of the two and a rainbow drinker to boot. She is especially know for her viciousness.
The Aigrette (Vennis): A sort of doll for the image of the empire. Acts as a representative for what the citizens of the Empire should act like.
~ Teal
Pixuhn Aridel: Pixuhn is a laid back, down to earth teal that’s just here to have a good time. She has little to no grievances with anyone and enjoys simply being with her friends and partaking in fun activities with them, from watching movies to her favorite, card games. She isn’t the best troll to go to when you need to vent though, as she can come across as insensitive and apathetic to another’s troubles.
Motaro Aridel: Motaro is a teal that definitely could cut the coffee. She’s very hyper and loves to know what’s going on at every point of the day. She’s an open book with her feelings on subjects and will take any dare given to her. Her favorite activity would have to be baking, especially with fruits like peaches. She can be blunt though and unintentionally hurtful with her words, and tends to push the blame onto others instead of taking it on herself.
Jingoist Gleefoul (Motaro): a dedicated loyalist to the fuchsia crown and fights for their empress’s title. Doesn’t know of much which is going on but dedicated to the fuchsia caste nonetheless.
Gambless Malcheck (Pixuhn): a teal blood who enjoys putting the lives of others at stake in order to feed her destructive habits. Employed by mostly highbloods to ensure a caste lower than themselves will be punished severely for any sort of crime.
~ Cerulean
Qinnly Moboke: The cerulean blood Qinnly is quite literally as chill as you could possibly get. She’s open to most ideas and goes with the flow in almost all situations. She’s a good friend to go to for your troubles and loves trying to help her friends cope by distracting them with challenges that can often lead to death. Unfortunately she can be a bit nosy and unintentionally manipulative.
Czenik Moboke: Czenik is a cerulean blood that lives up to her caste. She is generally abrasive and foul, taking an interest in expanding her collection of caste blood related memorabilia. She takes full advantage of her class’s psychic abilities when expanding her collection. Fortunately, she can be pleasant and goes on surprisingly cheerful rants about her possessions. She values their rarity and difficulty in collecting, while also showing respect to fellow subculture connoisseurs.
Chancellor Coimetro (Czenik): A cerulean who works to subjugate the lower classes and keep them ignorant. Due to this she was promoted.
Tsaritsa Duplexda (Qinnly): A blue blood cerulean who seized parts of the empire and places herself on top of those stolen areas. Surprisingly good at avoiding culling.
~ Indigo
Balton Istahg: Balton is one of the sweetest Indigo bloods you’ll ever meet. She’s got a passion for the art of hair care and loves when her friends let her do their hair. She’s also interested in tattoos and and gives herself her own ink. She’s soft spoken and agreeable, though can be distant, anxiety prone, and uncomfortable around most people.
Iaasik Istahg: Iaasik is a quick and sassy indigo who knows what she’s good at. She’s heavily into the tech and hacking scene, enjoying the thrill that comes along with code breaking other’s security. Due to her interests though, she can be abrasive and often concerns herself with other’s private problems. She often doesn’t realize when she steps over the line and into someone’s private bubble. Fortunately, she’s a quick learner and is able to catalog other’s specific qualms once she’s told.
Harborer Vaedread (Iaasik): A indigo blood with access to what is happening among the highbloods. Unable to speak of the misdeeds to the public for fear of being culled by either the sea dwellers & clown, or the cerulean chancellor.
Brandern Mokoband (Balton): works as a trader of trolls. Got her title due to her infamously painful branding procedures when trading low blood slaves.
~ Purple
Piyntl Cumber: Piyntl takes the Purple blood clown aesthetic to heart and loves rocking it. She’s bubbly and excitable, often being the loudest of the group. She especially enjoys theater and teaching her friends how to do basic gymnastics. She can come off as overbearing though, and tends to have a negative emotional reaction to blunt but honestly comment’s about her behavior.
Ophiil Cumber: Ophiil is a purple blood hatched with a deformed face. She’s incredibly kind hearted though it’s hard to get bast her tough exterior she put’s up. She can come off as masochistic, and her Lusus only seems to encourage this behavior. She’s gotten used to playing the part as that’s what trolls expect of her due to her appearance and blood color, figuring it’s easier to participate in the role given to her rather than deviate from it.
The Heiress PhobepyꙞ (Ophiil): A purple blood who takes claim to the throne in stark competition to the other highbloods. Once worked with said highbloods to eliminate the fuchsia empress but could not agree to who would be the new empress.
The Funambulist Cuspidhg (Pintyl): a purple blood who opted to run away from the empire and achieve her dreams of simply thriving in life. Surprisingly pure hearted for a purple blood.
~ Violet
Luvici Vonmet: Luvici is a violet seadweller with a penchant for beauty. She’s absolutely obsessed with the fashion of the universe and finds it her purpose to introduce it to the empire. She loves seeing others participate in what most would consider unimportant but can easily get jealous by those she perceives as threats. She can be selfish and egotistical but can also be inspiring and creative.
Gurroe Vonmet: Gurroe is a quiet violet sea dweller who enjoys putting her mark on society. And by mark I mean she wants to paint it with blood to match her aesthetic. She loves all things gory and cute, not realizing that her actions hurt those around her. Even so, she’s incredibly artistic and and gives off the “cool quiet troll” vibe.
Grandeur Bowellox (Gurroe): One of the highbloods fighting for the throne. Was responsible for raising the Ascended into infamy and now hovers over the Ascended, making sure she stays in line and lays her debts.
The Cavalier Scalchic (Luvici): A violet blood who works with the Cerulean Tsaritsa and protects her from the rein of the current fuchsia empress. Acts like her knight or bodyguard in a sense.
~ Fuchsia
Opelic Uridae: Opelic is a fuchsia heir that is prepared to take back the throne for the fuchsia caste. She is determined and extremely talented in the topic of political debate. She’s a quick thinker and is incredibly confident, though she can come off as greedy, materialistic, and narcissistic due to her caste.
Hostia Uridae: Hostia is the sweetest of fuchsia bloods. She is very quiet and reserved, preferring to keep to herself rather than a group of friends. She extremely concerned about the environment around her and advocates for it’s preservation. She does tend to try and please everyone though, leading to multiple empty promises and generally has poor planning skills.
The Pusillan (Hostia): A fuchsia who was a victim of circumstance. Proved to be too weak-hearted to lead the empire so was culled by a group of three highbloods.
The Vainglor (Opelic): A powerful fuchsia empress who does not want anyone near her throne. Uses those below her to spread propaganda about the empire and actively tries to silence any rebellions or rivals.
~ Mutant
Marett Cyclik: a fun-loving and light-hearted mutant fuchsia who tries not to take her odd hue very seriously. In fact she tries to take everything as a joke, which causes others to perceive her as uncaring. She is quite giggly and is incredibly easy to make laugh. She can be easily distracted and is often incorrectly labeled as an airhead.
Harqui Cyclik: a mutant fuchsia with a twisted sense of humor and entitlement. She finds herself to be the proper heir to the throne though prevents herself from challenging it as she’s aware of the stigma around mutants. She’s rather self conscious but tends to lash out aggressively at anyone who may point this out.
The Rhadaman (Harqui): A mutant fuchsia with yet another claim to the throne. Pairs with The Heiress PhobepyꙞ to take down the grandeur but but now fights a risky battle with the purple blood heiress, leaving the empire in a shaky state with no real leader.
The Quipster Paltryin (Marett): An (unfortunately) outspoken mutant who works to poke fun at the empire. Produces works which directly go against the empire’s values and acts as an anonymous voice for the lower castes. Lives in clown exile with The Funambulist.
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softtrolls · 4 years
Regarding rumors
Alright, enough is enough, I have seen a lot of posts and a lot of talk about me specifically , about drama that happened around 7/8 years ago which I think its kind of ridiculous but I’ll address it once and for all. The main thing I’m being accused of its about the fact that I used to have the name of my blog as ‘shotaw’ , at the time of it happening for me I thought it was harmless I wasn’t sure completely what it meant and since I was only around the fantroll community I never thought about it much , in fact I thought it meant cute looking or adorable hence the reason why most of my drawings were cute and soft (which it seems tons of ppl didn’t liked that one bit)  WHEN some of my friends finally reached out and told me what the meaning of the word actually meant I immediately changed it, my blog is still up and running but the name of what it used to be its forever gone now , never associated with the term.
NONE of my trolls were underage, NEVER did I mentioned that they were younger in any way, the only fact that everyone associated my characters to underage ppl was cuz I used to draw them cute and small (I loved drawing in chibi at the time) but thats about it?? Are you guys really going to blame my art style from 7/8 years ago? Either way, I publicly apologized at the time I addressed the fact that I didnt knew the term was that harmful, if u wanna look for the post is no longer there because when I changed the name of my blog I immediately wanted to be separated from the fantroll community, wanting to start an art blog instead and draw what I like. I genuinely apologize if my presence at the time just by having that name, caused you any discomfort , I know what it means now and I have learned to never use that term ever again.
Now thats not everything I’m being accused of apparently, you guys (cuz I know its several ppl) think I used to condone slavery because of the whole ‘petblood’ thing going on, even blaming one of my characters (Sheepi) that I used to draw a lot back in the day , of being associated with the whole thing. First of all, I was never the owner of the idea, in fact I never even started it , yes I did made a petblood cuz I thought the idea of having a troll with animal ears and animal tails sounded cute and neat so I went through it, I know it probably sounded weird and a lot of ppl were against it but that shit happened what- 8 years ago? I never did any ‘sex slave’ related topics either, in fact I barely even talked or interacted with anyone at the time because of the same thing thats happening right now, oh good artist they must be bad or w/e.
Again though,  if my behavior of 7-8 years ago caused you any discomfort I apologize, the fact that I never interacted with any of you in that way makes me wonder what’s going through your head right now, am I really personally attacking you? and if thats the case I rather talk about it in private like adults, but since you decided to already make a ‘callout’ post about me then might as well put the whole situation out in the light.
The other accusations I have been hearing about I genuinely wonder where they came from, misogynist? racist? if you highly believe this to be truth I want you to enlighten me on the subject since I am extremely confused. I also want to know if I am repeating the same mistakes I have done before and I am open to change it and learn about it. (Also my first language is not english so I apologize if any of this sounds weird or if im not using big words to express how I feel)
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part-sadist · 4 years
Didn’t plan to make this post but having some hs thoughts today so I will share some thoughts. 
In my personal opinion, everything after act 7 has been completely, utterly unnecessary and has done nothing but ruin the series for countless fans that once loved and dedicated much of their time to hs. Characterizations of characters that we once loved and enjoyed have been completely butchered under the guise of making them “adult,” the result of which being far from anything anyone could have expected to happen to their favs. I fail to understand what prompted Hussie to toss his own work and characters into the fire like this, but at this point I don’t think there’s any fucking way to save the series anymore.
I once adored hs as a series I loved longer than any other series I committed to, but now all I feel whenever I see any of it’s related content I just feel plain sadness and disgust. I cannot enjoy thinking about or even drawing a single damn doodle of homestuck anymore, not a single fucking thing about it makes me happy anymore. I refuse to support the current canon or produce any content for it, and it will be forever remembered as the series I hate more than anything, only because I once loved it so much. I used to be able to convince myself to just pretend the post-A7 stuff doesn’t exist, but the more new content that emerges, the more my fond memories of the early parts of the comic get tainted. There’s a lesson to be learned and that’s know when to end your fucking comic instead of dragging it on forever by adding more and more bullshit to the mix and make more and more of your fans hate you. Or perhaps that is his exact twisted goal right now? Who knows.
I do have fantrolls which are too dear for me to completely desert, but know that if I post any of that stuff I have no desire to do anything for hs canon. My OCs are mine which I choose to detach from hs canon.
Anyway, you will never see me reblog nor post anything related to homestuck again. I’m too tired to go back and delete previous posts. If you were here for my hs content solely, please unfollow, as you won’t see that anymore.
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waitineedaname · 4 years
(I really hope you don't mind me asking you about this; googling it would be far too mortifying an ordeal to submit to!) In the simplest possible terms, what's up with classpects? Like, what does each type of player do/represent?
I absolutely do not mind you asking omg I LOVE getting an opportunity to explain lore about random shit, it’s one of my favorite things
Classpects are basically the players role in their game of Sburb. It dictates what they can do in the game, and it’s generally related to their personality. Classpect is a portmanteau of class + aspect. There are twelve aspects, which are supposedly the basic building blocks of reality, and then the twelve (technically fourteen) classes are the ways the person uses/serves their aspect!
The Extended Zodiac test has pretty good explanations of what each of the aspects mean about a person, and the wiki does its best to explain the classes (though it’s a little less concise since we don’t get a lot of explanation on how some of them work). But if those links are too mortifying, I’m happy to sum up the aspects and classes as best I can! I fuckin,, love explaining this kind of thing lol
Putting them under a read more because there are a Lot of them
I’m going to try to put the aspects in as short of a sentence as possible. The aspects behave in both a literal sense (i.e. a Time player gets powers related to time) and in a personality typing sense (i.e. a Space player tends to be focused on the big picture)
Time: goal-oriented problem solvers; literally associated with, well... time
Space: big picture oriented, journey is more important than the destination; literally associated with physical space (both space as in where the planets are and space as in size) and with propagation
Heart: self-obsessed, but not necessarily in a bad way; associated with identity and the soul
Mind: rational; associated with choices and thought
Hope: driven by their convictions and what they feel is right and wrong; associated with creativity and imagination
Rage: driven by what they feel is true or false, truth is more important than goodness; associated with chaos
Light: intense knowledge seekers; associated with fortune and luck
Void: secretive, enjoys mystery; associated with the lack of things and the literal void
Breath: flexible, natural leaders that lead by example; associated with freedom and the breeze
Blood: "do as I say, not as I do,” stubborn, motivators as opposed to generals; associated with the bonds between people
Life: empathetic and intuitive; associated with growth and health
Doom: commiserators; associated with suffering
A player’s class can completely change how they work with their aspect. For example, a destructive class like Prince would use their aspect very differently from a healing class like a Sylph. Also, there are several classes that we don’t know a whole lot about, like Mage, so a lot of this involves theories about what the classes do. I made this list of summaries to bother my sibling and also make a bunch of fantrolls with my moirail lol but it’s all based on the wiki page
Thief: one who steals their aspect, one who steals using their aspect; steals for themselves
Rogue: one who steals their aspect, one who steals from their aspect; steals to redistribute their aspect or for the betterment of others
Heir: one that invites change in/through their aspect, one that is consumed by their aspect, one who becomes their aspect, one who is surrounded by their aspect, one who is controlled by and represents their aspect, one that manipulates their aspect, one that changes their aspect, one who inherits/receives their aspect
Maid: one who creates through their aspect for the betterment of others, one who protects their aspect, one who is protected by their aspect, one who allows others to be protected by their aspect, one who protects their aspect, one who surrounds others with their aspect, one who protects themselves with their aspect, one who gives their aspect
Page: one who equips others with their aspect, one who serves their aspect, one who serves through their aspect for others; slowburn class that starts off super weak but can end up immensely powerful
Knight: one who serves aspect, one who serves through aspect for the betterment of others, one who uses their aspect to protect others rather than advance themselves, one who protects/conceals their aspect; one who exploits their aspect as a weapon; might represent what their game session lacks
Seer: one who understands their aspect, one who understands through their aspect for others
Mage: one who knows about their aspect as it relates to themselves, one who benefits themselves with knowledge of their aspect, one who guides by setting example using knowledge of their aspect, one who forfeits their aspect to gain knowledge about it, one who gains knowledge through their aspect one who arms themselves with knowledge about their aspect, one who creates their aspect, one who is given protection from their aspect, one who uses their aspect to the benefit of others but to the detriment of themselves
Sylph: one who heals their aspect, one who heals through their aspect
Witch: one who manipulates their aspect
Bard: one who allows destruction of their aspect, one who invites destruction through their aspect, one who builds up their aspect within themselves
Prince: destroyer of their aspect, one who destroys via their aspect, one that destroys in order to make new opportunities for creation; destroy their aspect within themselves before destroying it in others
Muse: one who inspires their aspect, one who inspires through their aspect
Lord: one who instructs their aspect
So, if you want examples of how they work, I can talk about the Strilondes’ classpects because they’re all pretty straight forward. Rose is a Seer of Light, which means she can foresee the most fortunate path. Dave is a Knight of Time, which means he was able to weaponize time and use it to advance their session. Roxy is a Rogue of Void, meaning she could steal from/steal using the void and basically make Whatever The Fuck She Wanted appear once she got her powers figured out. Dirk is a Prince of Heart, which meant he destroyed his sense of self (leading to a shit ton of “splinters” aka alternate selves) and can destroy another person’s soul
Also some more tidbits because I Just Won’t Shut Up
the aspects come in pairs, denoting their opposite! I have them lined up in pairs with their opposite, so it’s Time/Space, Heart/Mind, Hope/Rage, etc.
Time and Space are probably the most important to their session’s success. A game won’t be successful if they don’t have both a Time and a Space player. Part of this is because the Space players are responsible for breeding the Universe Frog that’s basically the final objective! If the Beta kids’ and trolls’ sessions are representative of other sessions, they’re assisted in this by the Knight in their session, if they have one
I mentioned it up above, but Knights possibly represent what they’re lacking in their session! Dave (the Knight of Time) was in a session that didn’t have much time, Karkat (the Knight of Blood) was in a session where nobody knew how to work together, and Latula (the Knight of Mind) was in a session full of idiots that wasn’t logical
Both Breath and Blood players tend to be natural leaders, but in different ways! Breath players tend to inspire other people around them by just doing what they do. They lead by example! Blood players, on the other hand, are less defined leaders and tend to inspire from within the crowd as opposed to being a general leading the charge. They lead by inspiration!
Muse and Lord are the extremely rare “master classes.” They’re in sessions with only two players, and they’re really fucking powerful
this is. Such a long post, but I hope that helps lskdjfkldsjf
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raitrolling · 4 years
🐶 ☠️ ✋ 📝🔍 😊 🔪 it is time, time for the hot takes
Send  🐶 for a role play related pet peeve.
people who expect immediate replies for rp or asks. i usually try to reply to stuff within a day, unless time/motivation gets in the way and then ill make a post to say that ill get to them another time. rp isn’t my first priority since i have job and uni work and the occasional irl obligations to do, and sometimes i just feel like doing other stuff instead of my replies because this blog is just a hobby after all
but ive had people IM me asking to respond to their asks while im literally in the middle of writing them, because apparently taking 20 mins to respond to something is too much time :V (and then i felt too anxious to respond to the rp we had going around so they went and told other ppl that i hated them but thats another story)
Send ☠️ for something that will result in a instant unfollow from you
constant guilt-tripping. whether its people complaining about not getting any asks/rp replies and blaming the ‘’’popular blogs’’’ for stealing all the attention from others, or doing the whole “ugh i wish people actually cared about MY characters” because their friends are having fun or whatever. ive had to deal w. ppl like this in the past and i Do Not have the patience for it anymore
Send ✋ for a prompt/plot/concept/ anything you refuse to role play
excluding the obvious stuff like i dont rp ns/fw and id rather ppl keep their k/ink shit away from me ofc
but im not cool w. cheating plots. theres no particular reason other than im just Uncomfortable with them, especially when people dont tell me about them OOC beforehand
Send 📝 for a rule you think is important when it comes to role playing
please just. Read Peoples Rules / BYF pages. im begging you
i have certain rules bolded because i think theyre important and still i get people ignoring them. if nothing else at least read those
Send 🔍 for something you look for on other’s blogs
oc profiles! i love reading profiles, especially if they’re full of detail.
also i love relationships pages/sections cuz im a nosy bitch and im always curious about wtf all the ship tags i see are for LMAO
Send 😊 for likable quality for a role play mun to have
i guess just people who happen to click really well? and people who don’t mind doing not-so-serious rp every once in a while cuz while i love Dramatic character-building plots, dumb funny shit is my bread and butter and i love writing stuff that makes people laugh
Send 🔪 for a fandom you refuse to associate with
i mean. i dont rp outside of fantrolls cuz nothing else has rly captured my interest aside from maybe thinking about the occasional self-insert oc and not doing anything with them LMAO
but in general i dont really have any fandom i outright refuse to associate with? there’s quite a few shows or pairings or whatever i dont like, but usually i can just tune them out
mostly its just Certain Types of fans within fandoms i like that i dont wanna associate with. which mostly boils down to ‘anime fans who think people mentioning that a show has problematic elements are literally calling for all anime to be Cancelled Forever’ lol
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12thperigeeball · 5 years
Tumblr media
<(Dancing, flowing gowns and handsome suits,)>
<(glittering baubles, laughter, luxurious food and the sweetest romance…)>
<(It’s once again time for our favorite winter tradition.)>
<(I’m looking forward to host my first ball and see you there.)>
<(Best regards,)>
<(Your host... Kilran Barbas.)>
Who’s ready for (on very short notice) the winter Yule ball?!
This is the first year I’ll be fully hosting the ball, taking over from the beautiful and dutiful @taimatrolls who has been hosting it every year for seven years! It’s become a staple fantroll event and I’m honored to be the next one to bring this lovely event to everyone! This is an excellent opportunity to work together, make new connections, and roleplay our characters in beautiful gowns dancing at a ball.
Please enjoy!
Attending is easy, since the invitation is open for everyone. Just keep an eye out for the official post about the inauguration for the ball on the 21st of December. After this, how you attend is up to you! Whether you post openers under the ball’s open rp-tag, or if you rather roleplay in private, write drabbles or create art pieces.
It’s a GREAT opportunity to interact with people you’ve never interacted with before since trolls attending would naturally be in the same area, I highly recommend reaching out to people you normally don’t roleplay with these two nights!
You’ll find most you’ll need to know in the Guidelines, so make sure to read them!
That aside, you can also have your troll nominate a friend, quad, or even themselves, to be the Ball King and Queen! The winner will be crowned during the ball night, based on collected votes by everyone attending!
More information is likely to come up the incoming few weeks if needed! Please feel free to send asks if you got any questions regarding the event, just make sure to read the Guidelines first and check the Q&A-tag if anyone has already asked the same question! (Note that some asks may be from earlier years, but in most cases they still apply, ask if very unsure).
I recommend tracking and tagging everything ball-related #12th perigee ball 2019, and for rp-starters #12th perigee ball 2019 open!
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linneastarron · 5 years
Do you have any other best friends? If so, what do you think of them?
I do have some others! They’re not as close as I am with Sock (@thewitchofpixels) but I still value them a lot!
First we have my brother Leslie (@tinytilapia)! We met through a Homestuck roleplay server back in the sexy year of 2014 when we were roleplaying our fantrolls Anissa and Kuroji. Although we don’t always agree on everything he’s still someone I view close enough to the point where I call him family! He got me into astrology on the lowkey but also he’s someone who I can have a more obscure or weird sense of humour around. He’s a huge joker but we can absolutely be sincere with each other about stuff that’s bugging us and I really appreciate that balance. He’s part of my friend group with Sock and we all balance each other’s personalities out super well. I’m glad he’s a part of my life, he’s definitely helped shape me to the person I am now. I also love his Southern aesthetic, he can 100% pass as a cowboy and nobody would bat an eye. He has a really good sense of ranch fashion, so props to him for that.
Second there’s my brother Jesse (no tumblr to my knowledge)! I met Jesse in the same space I met Leslie, but Jesse came at least a year after I met Leslie. He’s definitely the more outlandish and intimidating one out of my two older brothers, like how he once just decided to bike 100 miles because he was “bored”, but he’s also super ride-or-die for the people he cares about. Although he knows a lot of the drama in my life, he’s usually someone I turn to when I need to jest about the situation. We’ve absolutely had our severe ups and downs of our relationship but in the end I’d still do anything for him and he’s always there to support me. Also he looks absolutely stunning in a dress, I wish I could pull off that kind of look.
Next there’s Philip (idk his tumblr either)! We don’t talk nearly as much as we used to, mainly because I think he took a big break from a lot of social media, but he’s in my friend group with Leslie and Sock and I always have a good time when he’s around! He lives fairly close to me and I wish I could hang out with him more often because he seems so cool and charismatic??? Like the four of us all did suburban PTA mom roleplays at one point and literally every line he delivered was an absolute banger. I wish he and I talked more because he’s so cool!!!
Then we have Lizzie (@shortlifelongart)! The absolute fandom grandma herself, I met her in May 2018 when I was getting into Viva Pinata! She was the first person in the fandom I started talking to, and I’m super happy that she was the one for that role. Ever since then, we’ve absolutely stuck together through whatever life hits us with, whether an independent issue or one that we face together. Outside of the bad, she and I also rev to each other about fandom content and our OCs! She’s been extra kind to let me use her daughter in my fic as well~ We’re Team Adult, and I’ll always have her back no matter what! We ride together, we willyemoji together.
There’s also Moodle (@moodlemcdoodle)! She was my second Viva Pinata fandom friend that I got to know better through Lizzie, and I use one of Moodle’s characters in my fanfic as well. Moodle is super peppy and always gets my engines going when it comes to content hype! We also stick together through whatever issue we face as well, although usually it’s more ADHD-related topics (we run an adults-only ADHD-related Discord server). I love listening to Moodle’s hot takes on vampire lore, Danny Phantom reworks, and Viva Pinata ships/headcanons!!! She, Lizzie, and I are all mod squad on my 2nd Viva Pinata server! B) Mod Squad Rise Up!
I also have Rosie (@roseiie)! We met through kinning when I found her kin Discord servers and she noticed we shared a lot of sources! We eventually became canonmates for certain kins and that led us to be super good friends!!!!!! She’s such a ball of pure light and is one of the sweetest people I have ever met omg... We both love each other a lot and I’d absolutely do anything for her to see her happy 😭 she’s so precious and she always brightens up my day when we talk and have loving each other hours! She gets all of my uwus and nothing less!!!!!!
Another friend I care about is an IRL so I won’t drop his name, but I view him as a younger brother (even if I haven’t exactly expressed that to him yet...)! We met through school and bonded over our love of math (and STEM topics in general) and the fact that both of us had our own stories and OCs that we were writing! He’s super smart and when I think I know it all he absolutely humbles me when he talks about the kind of stuff he’s researching into for class or as an extracurricular. I get to fixate about speedrunning with him, and I feel like I’m able to open up around him despite the fact that I rarely get to see him in person nowadays! I’m grateful to have met him when I did, tbh.
That’s my main best friends list! If I forgot anybody, feel free to DM me and I’ll reblog and add you onto it! I love you all akhfjsdhfk
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