#venus lovelace
steelcorridor · 1 month
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Warning: Unauthorized users of TrinityNet will be tracked down and eaten by Double.
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ninebaalart · 1 year
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Venus Lovelace
I always really wanted her and Aegis to win the character poll since they seemed like really interesting characters, but alas they weren't in the DLC either.
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sidfox · 2 years
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Venus and Filia in random outfits cuz why not. :^P
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burningvelvet · 1 year
Here are two of the most hilariously scalding letters from the 1800s that I have ever read. One is by the famous writer Lord Byron, and the other is by his daughter Ada Lovelace, the famous mathematician. Both are written to their respective business partners: Byron to his publisher John Murray, and Lovelace to her colleague Charles Babbage. It’s interesting to note how strikingly similar these letters are despite the fact that Ada and her father never knew each other, as her parents separated shortly after her birth and he died abroad when she was eight. Both were rebellious, fond of gambling, prone to tumultuous affairs, and both hated Lady Byron. These similarities may help to explain why her final wish was to be buried next to him instead of her family.
Lord Byron in a Letter to his publisher John Murray about the printing of his magnum opus, the poem Don Juan:
“Ra. August 31st. 1821.
Dear Sir
I have received the Juans – which are printed so carelessly especially the 5th. Canto – as to be disgraceful to me — & not creditable to you.
It really must be gone over again with the Manuscript – the errors are so gross – words added – changed – so as to make cacophony & nonsense. — You have been careless of this poem because some of your Synod don’t approve of it – but I tell you – it will be long before you see any thing half so good as poetry or writing. — Upon what principle have you omitted the note on Bacon & Voltaire? and one of the concluding stanzas sent as an addition? because it ended I suppose – with –
‘And do not link two virtuous souls for life Into that moral Centaur man & wife?’
Now I must say once for all – that I will not permit any human being to take such liberties with my writings – because I am absent. —
I desire the omissions to be replaced (except the stanza on Semiramis) particularly the stanza upon the Turkish marriages – and I request that the whole be carefully gone over with the M.S.S. –
I never saw such stuff as is printed – Gulleyaz – instead of Gulbeyaz &c. Are you aware that Gulbeyaz is a real name – and the other nonsense? – I copied the Cantos out carefully – so that there is no excuse – as the Printer reads or at least prints the M.S.S. of the plays without error. —
If you have no feeling for your own reputation pray have some little for mine. — I have read over the poem carefully – and I tell you it is poetry – Your little envious knot of parson-poets may say what they please — time will show that I am not in this instance mistaken. — Desire my friend Hobhouse to correct the press especially of the last Canto from the Manuscript – as it is – it is enough to drive one out of one’s senses – to see the infernal torture of words from the original. – For instance the line
‘And pair their rhymes as Venus yokes her doves’
Is printed
‘and praise their rhymes &c. –
also ‘precarious’ for ‘precocious’ – and this line. stanza 133.
‘And this strong extreme effect – to tire no longer’
Now do turn to the Manuscript – & see – if I ever made such a line – it is not verse. —
No wonder the poem should fail – (which however it wont you will see) with such things allowed to creep about it. – – Replace what is omitted – – & correct what is so shamefully misprinted, – and let the poem have fair play – – and I fear nothing. — I see in the last two Numbers of the Quarterly – a strong itching to assail me (see the review of the “Etonian”) let it – and see if they shan’t have enough of it. – – I don’t allude to Gifford – who has always been my friend – & whom I do not consider as responsible for the articles written by others. – But if I do not give Mr. Milman – Mr. Southey – & others of the crew something that shall occupy their dream! I am not what I was – that is all
I have not begun with the Quarterers – but let them look to it. – As for Milman (you well know I have not been unfair to his poetry ever) but I have lately had some information of his critical proceedings in the Quarterly which may bring that on him which he will be sorry for. – I happen to know that of him – Which would annihilate him – when he pretends to preach morality – not that he is immoral – because he isn’t – having in early life been once too much so. – And dares he set up for a preacher? let him go and be priest to Cybele. – why let
You will publish the plays – when ready — I am in such a humour about this printing of D.J. so inaccurately – that I must close this.
yrs. [scrawl]
P.S. I presume that you have not lost the stanza to which I allude? it was sent afterwards look over my letters – & find it. The Notes you can’t have lost – you acknowledged them – they included eight or little corrections of Bacon’s mistakes in the apothegms. – And now I ask once more if such liberties taken in a man’s absence – are fair or praise-worthy? – As for you you have no opinions of your own – & never had – but are blown about by the last thing said to you no matter by whom.”
[Separate page]
“Dear Sir
The enclosed letter is written in bad humour – but not without provocation. -
However – let it (that is the bad humour) go for little – but I must request your serious attention to the abuses of the printer which ought never to have been permitted. – You forget that all the fools in London (the chief purchasers of your publications) will condemn in me the stupidity of your printer. — For instance in the Notes to Canto fifth – ‘the Adriatic shore of the Bosphorus – instead of the Asiatic!! – All this may seem little to you – so fine a gentleman with your ministerial connections – but it is serious to me – who am thousands of miles off & have no opportunity of not proving myself the fool yr. printer makes me – except your pleasure & leisure forsooth.
The Gods prosper you — & forgive you, for I wont.
Ada Lovelace in a letter to her work partner Charles Babbage, who she helped invent the computer with:
“Tuesday Afternoon [1 August 1843] Ockham
. . . Note B has plagued me to death; altho' I have made but little alteration in it. Such alterations as there are however, happen to have been very tiresome & to have demanded minute consideration & very nice adjustments.
It is a very excellent Note.
I wish you were as accurate, & as much to be relied on, as I am myself. You might often save me much trouble, if you were; whereas you in reality add to my trouble not infrequently; and there is at any rate always the anxiety of doubting if you will not get me into a scrape; even when you don't.
By the way, I hope you do not take upon yourself to alter any of my corrections.
I must beg you not. They all have some very sufficient reason. And you have made a pretty mess & confusion in one or two places (which I will show you sometime), where you have ventured in my M.S's, to insert or alter a phrase or word; & have utterly muddled the sense.
I could not conceive at first in one or two places what had happened to my sentences; tho' I soon saw they were patchwork & not my own; and found it so, on referring to the M.S. I fear you will think this a very cross letter. Never mind. I am a good little thing, after all. Yours ever
A. A. L.
Later. P. S. It is impossible to send you anything but Notes B and C; (& this partly owing to some wrong references & blunderations of your own). — Do not be afraid, for I will work like the Devil early tomorrow morning. —“
[Separate Page]
“Wednesday, 4 o'clock [2 August 1843] Ockham
After working almost incessantly, since 7 o'clock this morning, until I am forced to give in from sheer inability to apply longer, I find only the sheet I enclose is quite completed. I shall however send a servant up tomorrow morning by a ten o' clock train, to take you all the rest; so that you will have it almost as soon as this letter.
You cannot conceive the trouble I have had with the trigonometrical Note E. — In fact no one but me, I really believe, would have doggedly stuck to it, as I have been doing, in all wearing minutiae.
I am very uneasy at not hearing from you, as I have expected to do both yesterday & today; & fear some disaster or other. I hope all of Note G is forthcoming; & I also hope you have received all my communications safely.
I think you had better do the second revise of the translation for me. If you will compare it carefully with my first revise, it can hardly be necessary I think for me to go over it again.
I suppose I ought to take it for granted that no news is good news; but I am in a sad fidget. — Yours ever
A. L.”
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companion-showdown · 1 year
Hottest Companion Nominations are Now Open!
You can nominate any character in the Whoniverse, human, alien, robot, it does not matter, the only rule is that they should pass the Harkness test (human intelligence or greater, able to communicate using language, sexually mature for their species)
Current Nominations:
Roberts!Master from MASTER!
Classic Who Characters:
Erato (The Creature from the Pit)
Allison Williams (Remembrance of the Daleks)
Rachel Jensen (Remembrance of the Daleks)
Sara Kingdom
Alternate Universe!Liz
Ramón Salamander
Osgood (no this isn't the new who one)
The Rani
Queen Thalira (The Curse of Pleadon)
Carol (the Sensorites)
Penley (the Ice Warriors)
Isobel (the Invasion)
Kelly (Seeds of Death)
New Who Characters:
Dalek Sec
Tasha Lem
2000s Sarah-Jane (70s Sarah-Jane will be the automatically qualifying Sarah)
Kate Stewart
Jenny Flint
Shakespeare (this is the most recognisable place he appears in Doctor Who)
Danny Pink
Jake (Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel)
Jenny (The Doctor's Daughter)
Jethro (Midnight)
Lady Christina de Souza (Planet of the Dead)
Gwen Cooper
Tallulah (Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks)
Lynda (Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways)
Liz 10 (The Beast Below)
Frank (Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks)
Heather (The Pilot)
Sally Sparrow (Blink)
Madam de Pompadour
Miss Evangelista (Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead)
Ada Lovelace
Billy Shipton (Blink)
Lorna Bucket
Stacy Campbell (Partners in Crime)
Anita (Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead)
Girl who was the sex gas
Frobisher (Torchwood)
EU Characters:
Fey Truscott-Sade
Hebe Harrison
Tom Campbell (Dalek Invasion of Earth 2150AD)
Valarie Lockwood
Irving Braxiatel
War Queen!Romana
Sibling Different
Chris Cwej (first incarnation)
Father Kreiner
Chris Cwej (second incarnation)
Chris Cwej (third incarnation)
Chris Cwej (V Cwej)
Dalek Prime Strategist (Time Lord Victorious)
The Graak (Destiny of the Doctors)
Sheila (Señor 105's companion)
Carmen Yeh (Companion of the Sixth Doctor in a charity anthology and latter companion of Compassion in Book of the War. Also implied to be a companion of the Eighth Doctor as well)
Scarlette (eight doctors wife)
Nivet (Compassions first companion)
Cousin Eliza (Cousin Justine's companion aka the Grandfather Paradox (who has a slim chance of being the Doctor so that backs it up)
Sally Armstrong (the Master’s companion (the master might also part of the Doctor depending on the source, or at the very least a reincarnation of the same person)
Patience (the Others wife or the first doctors wife or the infinity doctors wife, depends on source)
Daisy Weston the companion of the Robert Banks Stewart Doctor
Alison Cheney
The City of the Saved
Laura Tobin
The War King
Penelope Gate
Captain Scarlet
Doctor Fawn
The Mysterons
Colonel White
Steve Zodiac
Venus (Fireball XL5)
Captain Black
Jane Fonda!Iris Wildthyme
Claudia Marwood
Lauren Anderson
Other polls about the running of this tournament:
splitting up men and women for as long as numbers allow
including or excluding companions it is very difficult or impossible to read as adults (all their actors are adults)
Nominations will be open for 24 hours, closing around 13:30 BST (UTC + 1), 03/09
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Designs and headcanons for those mfs. Cupid Valentine and archangel meep: Cupid Valentine's actual name is archangel Valerie, cupid Valerie or the second angel of love after archangel name Venus Lovelace who is like the ancestor of very much every cupid angels. She's the young Seraphic archangel while archangel meep whose name is actually Ezekiel is the oldest as he has exist before her. Though both brother and sister are a polar opposite. Valerie is friendly, kind, thoughtful caring, supportive loving, bit shy and careful with her words tho she could be Sarcastic and mocking when being push to her buttons while Ezekiel is strict, judgemental. pessimistic, stern, authoritarian, level-head no-nonsense however He's not emotionless as he's actually capable of being caring and loving Especially towards his sister. (Also little crack ship. archangel meep (Ezekiel) x Dirk strider)
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Succubus Lilith: To mask her pain and the stigma of being a succubus, Lilith adopts a confident, flirtatious demeanor. She uses humor and charm as shields against her own vulnerabilities, trying to convince herself that she enjoys this lifestyle, Beneath her cocky exterior, she yearns for genuine connections and long-lasting relationships. The flirty attitude is often a mask, and she secretly hopes someone will see through it and reach out to her true self. Her flirty nature also serves as a defense mechanism, making it hard for others to truly understand her. Deep down, she fears rejection and abandonment, so her over-the-top cockiness is a way to keep people at arm's length while still enjoying their company.
Nekohime: While she adopts the playful "Neko" persona to entertain others, deep down, Nekohime feels detached from this side. She uses it as a defense mechanism to hide her insecurities and fears about her responsibilities as a princess. She struggles with Self-Doubt: Each time she acts overly cute or playful, she worries that people will never see her as a capable leader. She constantly questions whether she can fulfill her duties or live up to the expectations of those in her kingdom. When she’s not in the spotlight, Nekohime dedicates herself to rigorous training She practices combat and magic in private, hoping to prove to herself that she can be a strong and dependable ruler despite her outward appearance. Also Beneath her playful demeanor, Nekohime harbors intense fear of failure. Past experiences where she perceived herself as falling short of expectations haunt her. This fear drives her to work harder, often at the expense of her own happiness.
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Aoi and kuku: Kuku grew up in a turbulent household, where her alcoholic mother was often absent or neglectful, this environment has made her crave companionship and also it force her to be mature at early age. Aoi is always there for Kuku, willing to listen to her thoughts and feelings. She encourages Kuku to express herself and never judges her for her past, making Kuku feel seen and understood. Kuku struggles with intense emotions due to her trauma. While she sometimes displays yandere tendencies, her love for Aoi is rooted in a deep fear of abandonment and a desperate need for connection. Aoi also has a bright and optimistic disposition. Her cheerful nature often serves as a ray of light that helps Kuku feel safe and loved, something she deeply craves after her traumatic upbringing. Despite her cheerful disposition, Aoi has a fierce protective streak. She’s quick to defend Kuku from any hurtful comments or situations at school, wanting to shield her from the pain she has experienced.
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the-phoenix-heart · 2 months
Hunger Games Victor OCs
Sunrise on the Reaping also known as The Destroyer of Victor Headcanons is coming out next March which means I have a limited amount of time to get all my victor headcanons out before then. So for now here are all of my victor ocs, more information on them will be coming out at some point. If y'all are interested in hearing about any of them send me an ask, I am always looking for an excuse to bring them up.
1st Hunger Games: (2) Julius Paxton - 18
2nd Hunger Games: (11) Cob Granger - 18
3rd Hunger Games: (2) Clayton Foster - 18
4th Hunger Games: (2) Helen Payne - 17
5th Hunger Games: (1) Aurelius Morningstar - 18
6th Hunger Games: (7) Joseph Burl - 17
7th Hunger Games: (3) Deci Golding - 17
8th Hunger Games: (10) Farrier Santos - 18
9th Hunger Games: (1) Ophelia Kelley - 17
10th Hunger Games: (12) Lucy Gray Baird - 16
11th Hunger Games: (4) Mags Flanagan - 16
12th Hunger Games: (5) Newton Turbine - 16
13th Hunger Games: (7) Timber Holtzman - 17
14th Hunger Games: (11) Magnolia Tian - 16
15th Hunger Games: (8) Woof Fabrizio - 18
16th Hunger Games: (4) Brennan Murtaugh - 18
17th Hunger Games: (3) Hypatia Lovelace - 18
18th Hunger Games: (1) Sheen Allman - 18
19th Hunger Games: (6) Hafsa Mecca - 16
20th Hunger Games: (2) Bellona Flint - 17
21st Hunger Games: (4) Kaiona Minamoto - 18
22nd Hunger Games: (1) Euphoria Brightman - 18
23rd Hunger Games: (9) Meriweather Wheatley - 18
24th Hunger Games: (11) Ivy Touchet - 17
25th Hunger Games: (2) Valentino Altamura - 18
26th Hunger Games: (10) Raphael Armenta-Moreno - 18
27th Hunger Games: (4) Pearl Cascadia Wake - 16
28th Hunger Games: (7) Florence Bitterroot - 18
29th Hunger Games: (2) Mesa Ambrosius Barros - 18
30th Hunger Games: (11) Seeder Hayes - 18
31st Hunger Games: (1) Venus Ardent - 16
32nd Hunger Games: (8) Paisley Nainsook - 17
33rd Hunger Games: (5) Asterope Martinez - 16
34th Hunger Games: (4) Carrick Manannán - 19
35th Hunger Games: (10) Filipa Oeste - 15
36th Hunger Games: (4) Plover Monroe - 16
37th Hunger Games: (6) Devante Ford - 18
38th Hunger Games: (5) Porter Millicent Tripp - 17
39th Hunger Games: (11) Reese Arrowroot - 17
40th Hunger Games: (2) Artemisia Lyme - 18
41st Hunger Games: (3) Beetee Latier - 18
42nd Hunger Games: (10) Taurus Seleno - 17
43rd Hunger Games: (8) Ariadne Bolt - 17
44th Hunger Games: (1) Acrylic Smith - 18
45th Hunger Games: (11) Chaff Bushel - 15
46th Hunger Games: (3) Wiress Bissette - 18
47th Hunger Games: (2) Brutus Grossolano - 18
48th Hunger Games: (4) Dylan Burbank - 17
49th Hunger Games: (6) Poppy Rustweed - 15
50th Hunger Games: (12) Haymitch Abernathy - 16
51st Hunger Games: (2) Minerva Slate - 18
52nd Hunger Games: (3) Pyro Hoshino - 18
53rd Hunger Games: (9) Sif Fahlgren - 15
54th Hunger Games: (2) Hector Stark - 18
55th Hunger Games: (1) Agate Lux - 18
56th Hunger Games: (9) Grainier Bale - 18
57th Hunger Games: (4) Mariana Acosta-Foley - 17
58th Hunger Games: (1) Passion Diamante - 16
59th Hunger Games: (8) Cecelia Wooley - 18
60th Hunger Games: (7) Blight Whittle - 18
61st Hunger Games: (6) Christopher Mercury - 15
62nd Hunger Games: (2) Enobaria Arsenault  - 18
63rd Hunger Games: (1) Gloss Harding - 17
64th Hunger Games: (1) Cashmere Harding - 18
65th Hunger Games: (4) Finnick Odair - 14
66th Hunger Games: (10) Capri Butcher - 16
67th Hunger Games: (1) Augustus Braun -17
68th Hunger Games: (2) Paris Doré - 15
69th Hunger Games: (5) Celcie Ray - 15
70th Hunger Games: (4) Annie Cresta - 18
71st Hunger Games: (7) Johanna Mason - 17
72nd Hunger Games: (1) Dulce Caballero-Viñedo - 15
73rd Hunger Games: (2) Aeneus Bryce - 16
The Victor of the 39th Game, Reese Arrowroot, was assigned male at birth and when they were reaped they were reaped as such. After winning their games they came out as genderfluid, but in terms of Hunger Games situations they fill the function of a male victor still.
Carrick Manannán turned 19 during his games making him the oldest victor to win.
In total there are 37 male victors (or filling the function of male) and 36 female victors. By the time of the Third Quarter Quell there are 30 female victors and 28 male victors left alive.
The first ten victors (with Lucy Gray presumed dead), Florence Bitterroot, Devante Ford, Kaiona Minamoto, Magnolia Tian, Valentino Altamura, and Paris Doré are dead by the time of the Third Quarter Quell.
Poppy Rustweed is the Female Morphling and Christopher Mercury is the Male Morphling.
Kaiona Minamoto is descended from Native Hawaiians who fled to the west coast before the fall of America, as well as being Japanese on her father's side. Hafsa Mecca is Arabic and part of small group in District 6 that still practice Islam. Paisley Nainsook is of Indian descent. Pyro Hoshino is of Japanese descent. Magnolia Tian is of Delta Chinese descent. Obviously there are more poc victors but I thought these names would stick out immediately and I wanted to give explanations.
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divinatorydoll · 1 year
rahu and technology: 💻
earlier this month, my friend levi (@LeviathanAstro1) made a tweet about rahu’s potential connection to robotics, artificial life, and the uncanny valley
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the three nakshatras ruled by rahu are ardra, swati, and shatabhisha. after doing more research, i found a ton of a prominent figures in the technology world who have rahuvian placements !!
katherine johnson - swati mars, ardra jupiter
bill gates - swati sun
valerie thomas - sba. venus
steve jobs - sba. sun
kimberly bryant - sba. moon
radia perlman - swati venus
grace hopper - ardra jupiter, sba. saturn
marsha rhea williams - ardra venus
ada lovelace - swati venus + jupiter
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i also received several responses from my followers with rahu-ruled planets, talking about their interest in different technological activities or media:
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rahu-ruled nakshatras: (sidereal degrees)
ardra: 6°40’ - 20°0’ gemini
swati: 6°40’ - 20°0’ libra
shatabhisha: 6°40’ - 20°0’ aquarius
rahu-ruled nakshatras: (tropical degrees)
ardra: 0°31’ - 13°51’ cancer
swati: 0°31’ - 13°51’ scorpio
shatabhisha: 0°31’ - 13°51’ pisces
are you a rahuvian placement who really enjoys technology, robotics, sci-fi, or coding ? tell me in the replies :)
book a reading !!
my linktree
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daydadahlias · 4 months
hi hii 🌸 weird questions for writers: 12, 17, 28 and 35 pls? ily
hii adi !! thank u for asking !! ily
12.  If a genie offered you three writing wishes, what would they be? Btw if you wish for more wishes the genie turns all your current WIPs into Lorem Ipsum, I don’t make the rules
Wow, this is like the most interesting and fun question ever. I definitely wouldn’t wish for more wishes because that’s cheating duh. I’m trying to think of what I really struggle with while writing. I think my first wish would be to always remember those super fantastic 2 a.m. ideas I have but never write down. It’s literally the worst thing ever to go to bed having a super great idea and then waking up going “wait, shit, what was that idea again?” I think my second wish would be to always know how to end a scene! There are so many scenes I have that I think fall a little flat in their transition to the next one because I’m just going “oh shit I need to cut this off so I can get to the next.” So I would wish that I always knew the perfect transition line to end a scene. And my final wish… hmm. OOO it would to never have any continuity errors in my writing lol!! I’m not great at math so figuring out timing for fics and the timeline is always really confusing for me and I’m TOTALLY sure about half my fics have some type of plot hole related to the timeline. So, my third wish would be to always have an understandable and cohesive timeline in a fic that has no inconsistencies or continuity errors <3
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
I SHOULDNT! I shouldn’t get into it, Adi, you’ll be here for DAYS. I am having literally the time of my life writing up all the little background details for this fic right now (this is my lil chaptered groupie fic im working on) and I think Most of them will make their way into the text somehow so I won't give, like, too many spoilers But there’s also plenty of stuff that won’t make it in there! Like, I had to make up this fake band for the fic (Lovelace) and to do that, I had to plan their albums/setlist for their tour (so I knew what tf i was talking about when writing). And to do that, I had to write a little bit of every single song they have!! So for the last week or so, I made a masterdoc and wrote a verse or two from every single one of their songs (which is 24 songs so I'm kind of giving 5sos a run for their money). Obviously, a few of these lyrics will find their way into the fic (like I've already included some in the first chapter) but definitely not all of them (because a couple songs are written really badly lmao) so it’s just a pretty cool little secret thing to have to help me write !!! and then there’s also a lot of backstory/history about the forming of the band (and some band dynamic stuff) that me and Ashley have talked about but I don’t know how much of that will or won’t appear in the fic yet <3 there's also the whole planning all the venues and the shows dates and what hotels they're staying at aaaa. I could never work in the industry it's way too much planning. but i think the coolest part of the process so far has been designing and writing the albums <3  
28. Who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? Why?
Aw this is a cute one. Hmm i think the answer is Take Notes Calum tbh!! He was so much fun to write and, honestly, I’ve really struggled trying to write any characters like him moving forward. Like he’s just kind of Weird. He’s very manic pixie dream boyfriend coded. I had the most fun writing Take Notes because it was so silly while also kind of serious and in most of my other work I struggle to really reattain that balance. Like I feel as though I tip either one way or the other and TN was really the only fic that rode the line super well. And I think that was in large part due to the way I wrote Calum in that fic so!! I really enjoyed him and wish I could write him again!!
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens?
Great question because there are a lot of writing “rules” i DO follow pretty closely so it’s hard to know exactly which ones I break. I’ve heard writers say to “avoid prologues” but I really love a prologue so that’s something. OO I will say !! a big rule of advice I got in high school creative writing was “don’t write a hobo in space story” (this is from a really good short story that talked about all the short stories you shouldn’t write lol) which is basically a story where two characters just hang out and talk and nothing really Happens except for them talking. And, honestly, i fucking love a hobo in space story. I love a scene where it’s just two dudes Talking. So i definitely do that sort of thing a lot even though i was told not to lol <3
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waterlilylullabies · 1 year
𝓑𝓲𝓷𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓼: 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓣𝔀𝓸
A Ballad from The Venus Lounge
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Warnings: Violence against women, swearing
The Dreaming
He finds her first in the dreams of her mother. Thalia, the joyous one. He remembers her laughter, suspects he will never forget it. But her dreams grew sombre with the birth of the child, the colour slipped from them, the silence,
In these dreams the child is an infant, red faced, squalling. Then a little older, dark haired, toddling. He delved deeper and deeper, searching for a name, but even in sleep Thalia is careful not to speak it, calls the child; her baby, her pet, her beauty.
There is one nightmare however, a sky on fire, unspeakable horror. She whispers the child’s name over and over, then the skein of Thalia’s life is cut.
But he has found her.
The Waking World
Cassie drops into the bar stool beside Belle with a contented sigh, she fishes in her clutch bag, pulls out her lipstick and begins to touch it up using the back of a spoon as a mirror. Evelyn, who had been drying off the cutlery strewn across the counter with a towel snatches it back.
Cassie gives her a sweet, reproachful look, but knows to pick her battles, so she turns to Belle, “Sweetie you’ll never guess what I saw outside.” Cassie is beautiful and her enthusiasm is infectious, Belle can’t help but smile “Go on, tell me.” Even Evelyn is dawdling in her work, just to catch the story.
“A pervert bird!” Cassie laughs. Belle wants to ask what she means, but they hear Venus’ car pulling up outside so they each endeavour to look busy.
Venus had been christened Mary Patricia Bernadette O’ Malley and this had been her greatest misery in life. The day she turned eighteen she had the name expunged from all public records and had it replaced with Venus Lovelace, which was equally ridiculous, but far more evocative. She affected a French accent at all times and was immaculately groomed. She was as out of place in shabby little Pleasance as it was possible to be and that was exactly how she liked it. A single candle shines all the brighter in a darkened room.
She bought the local dive bar on a whim, with money from her most recent (and most successful) divorce and transformed it into The Venus Lounge. The clientele were still the same old tired faces and there was nothing to be done for the dank stench of loneliness that lingered in every room but Venus worked hard to give the place a rarefied air. She liked her girls (her staff, all female, all pretty) to be talented, she wanted writers, dancers, singers, artists. Venus felt that their wide eyed hopefulness might brighten the place up a little.
“Bonjour mes enfants!” She trills, her heels play a rapid staccato across the tiles. The women mumble their hellos. Venus is plotting something. She scans the room.
Evelyn, Cassie, Belle.
Mais oui.
Venus click-clacks towards the table Belle is wiping. “Ma chérie, I would speak with you. In private.” Evelyn and Cassie toss her a look.
Venus’ office is decorated with pictures of herself. There is a plate of macarons on the desk, either fake or very ancient, Belle cannot be certain which, but refuses them immediately when they’re offered.
“Ah ma chérie, I am going to ask you a favour” Belle begins a mental audition of viable excuses.
“You will of course refuse, but that is why I will give you this now.” Venus slides a sizeable stack of cash towards her “and this after.” She waves a larger stack in her left hand, just out of Belle’s reach.
Belle wonders how illegal this favour is likely to be.
“What do I have to do?” She asks, she cannot keep the suspicion from her voice. Venus sighs. “Jane, she has left. I have no singer.”
Jane had been threatening to leave for weeks, she wanted to marry her boyfriend Donny a former patron of The Venus Lounge, but he wouldn’t agree to it as long as other men leered at her. It didn’t seem to bother him that not six months earlier, he had been one of the men leering.
“Venus, I don’t sing.” Venus waves her hand as if she is swatting flies “Nonsense, everyone sings and besides, I don’t even really need you to sing, I only ask that you hold the microphone and look pretty.”
It is a lot of money, enough to leave Pleasance, which has been proving more difficult than Belle had initially thought.
“Why not ask Cassie or Evelyn?”
Venus makes a vague noise, her gaze trained on a portrait of herself done in oils, hanging above the door of the office.
“So they said no?”
Venus bristles “Yes, but I wasn’t going to pay them half as much as I’m paying you!”
Belle picks up the money, feels the heft of it.
“One week Belle and then I’ll find a replacement for Jane, unless you like it of course…” Venus is smiling now, she knows Belle will agree.
“One week” says Belle and pockets her escape route.
The Dreaming
Dream’s Raven shifts uneasily from foot to foot, glancing up at The Dream King with a look, that had he been human, would have expressed extreme discomfort.
“So… This is a kidnap mission?”
Dream of the Endless is affronted “Matthew we are retrieving the Siren from The Waking World and bringing her to safety in The Dreaming”
“But you’re not going to explain any of this to her? You’re just going to do your sand thing and bring her here?”
“I doubt an explanation will make the situation any less… Unexpected”
That may be true Matthew thinks, but Dream of the Endless’ threshold for the unexpected is likely to be a hell of a lot more expansive than the average human’s.
“Sir, maybe just try? Talk to her first? I mean it can’t hurt.”
Dream sighs. “Fine.” He is pouring out his sand and then they are moving, falling, twisting through worlds.
The Waking World
“There’s the bird!” Cassie shrieks, gesticulating wildly to the high window of the ladies toilet. The bird in question is a raven, who to his credit and the women’s delight, has the decency to look almost mortified at being caught spying on them and takes flight immediately. “Stop squirming” Evelyn chastises, slapping Cassie’s head gently with the back of the hairbrush. She is working Cassie’s hair into a bouffant that on any other person would look comical, but on Cassie looks like a golden halo.
Venus peeks her head around the door.
“Vite, vite, mes enfants! It is busy tonight.”
Evelyn and Cassie hurry towards the door, not bothering to clear away the mess behind them. Women don’t come to The Venus Lounge, the ladies toilet is their impromptu personal dressing room.
Belle, stands for a moment, surveying herself in the mirror, gathering her nerve. She would have sung for a lot less, but Venus doesn’t need to know that.
She doesn’t hear him come in, but she sees his reflection in the mirror. Their eyes meet in the glass and she turns, heart pounding.
The most important thing, the thing you must remember in these situations is not to be afraid, fear is blood in the water. Whatever happens, do not give them your fear.
She puts her hands on her hips, hopes he doesn’t see them shake. There is a weight to his gaze that makes it hard to meet his eyes but she does it anyway. “You’re not supposed to be here” she smiles, in a voice she hopes is casual, sweet, mollifying. He doesn’t move, he opens his mouth as if to speak but closes it again
Venus’ head pops back around the door. “Belle they are waiting!” Belle, still shaking, hurries to the door, “Sorry Venus I was just talking to-“ she turns to gesture to the dark haired stranger, but, he’s not there.
In the alley beside the bar Dream of the Endless is giving his raven a dressing down. “Your plan is too difficult.”
Matthew squawks. “I never said that you should approach her in the ladies room! What did she say when you told her? Did she freak out?”
Dream is silent and in a small voice he murmurs “I did not tell her. I felt.. Uncertain”
“You’re not sure it’s her?” Matthew flaps his wings anxiously, Dreams lack of confidence perturbs him.
“It is her, there is no doubt. But, it suddenly seemed like a terrible burden, this knowledge, and I-“
Dream sighs heavily “At any rate she has not used her powers.” Dreams coat flaps in a breeze that tumbles old newspaper down the alley. “How can you tell?” Matthew asks.
“All magic leaves a mark, it lingers on the user like a scent, if she had used her powers she could not stand in that bar without risking being torn apart.”
“Fuck.” Matthew sighs “So how would she use them, her powers I mean?” Dream casts his eyes over the flashing neon sign of The Venus Lounge. “Through song”.
From the bar comes the screech of microphone feedback. “Uhh, boss, maybe you should go back inside.”
Cassie and Evelyn have planted themselves behind the bar but Belle, thinking of the money in her duffel bag, moves further towards the makeshift stage in the centre of the lounge.
Venus is standing under the flickering spotlight, microphone in hand, the patrons look up wearily. Belle wonders why Venus bothers, all they want to do in here is drink and forget. But now she’s introducing Belle as The Venus Lounge’s very own Nightingale and folding herself elegantly in front of the piano.
Belle ascends the stage to half hearted claps and a giddy whoop from Cassie.
Venus whispers to her “Sing something sweet dear, I’ll follow along!”
Belle clears her throat, trying to think of ‘something sweet’. Mimi had been sweet. Mimi sang a song about a rodeo and a rock and roll band and a kiss. The song made Chester cry.
Remembering them feels like choking. She wants to climb down off the stage and hand back the money, but she has to get out of Pleasance by Summertime or she never will.
So she sings.
Had singing always felt like this? She doesn’t know, she hasn’t sung since she was a child when she would sit in the bath with the woman called Mother and their voices would bounce against the tiled walls.
Singing feels like… Like nothing else, it feels warm and good and right. It feels like jumping from a pier, like the first drag of a cigarette, it feels like being held and loved. It feels like standing exposed on a hilltop, it feels like everything.
Belle does not notice that Venus is not accompanying her, that the woman is simply staring, not quite at her, but through her almost, as if she is trying to see inside Belle to where the music was coming from.
Cassie and Evelyn are holding each other, having dispensed entirely with the charade of being anything other than madly in love.
The patrons are staring too. Some of them are weeping, some of them are on their knees but all of them have their eyes fixed on Belle.
Dream of the Endless watches too, tries to think through the song but the music is quicksand.
The song ends.
Everything happens all at once.
Venus leaps up from her stool, her hands reaching for Belle’s throat, the men rush the stage en masse, their hands open and grabbing and Evelyn and Cassie are twining their fingers and leaving through the front door. The man from the bathroom is moving towards the stage and he has something in his hand.
Silence falls, the men’s eyes have rolled back in their heads but before Belle has time to scream the man has grabbed her wrist and she is spinning, falling and rising in a whirl of sand.
Authors Note: Thank you for reading, feedback welcome!
PS. For anyone who’s interested, the song referenced in this chapter is Papa Was a Rodeo by The Magnetic Fields, I do have a playlist for this fic, which I’m happy to share if people would be interested!
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ripleymcskater · 1 year
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these r the voices that make up my internal monologue
(depicted left to right starting with the top row: Ana Lovelace, Queen Elizabeth I, Jane Austen, Joan of Arc, me 👍🏻, the Virgin Mary, Marie Antoinette, Venus, Catherine the Great)
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clonerightsagenda · 2 years
HNY to the duo unfailingly responsible for me seeing the same post on my dash twice in a row on the regular! @ Both of you, thoughts on Minlace, platonic or romantic? (If thoughts are any other than "hate it," maybe an interaction you wish they had in canon or a favorite fanwork trope?)
Sorry for trapping you in an echo chamber of podcast posts. It will happen again.
I have two funny stories about Minlace. The first is that I am responsible for Gill shipping it even though I myself am neutral about it because I rarely have strong feelings about ships unless they’re such a trainwreck I love watching it (Jane and Sophie, wishing you the best, kiddos). Minkowski is the crewmember Lovelace has the least fraught relationship which makes it a perfectly reasonable ship opportunity but means I have fewer cracks to dig my teeth into.
The second funny story is one time I was thinking actually no there is something I want to dig my teeth into there, they must have so much to talk about over [detail] and then remembered that detail was something I made up. Back when I was writing Door Number Three I sat down and came up with a detailed backstory for Lovelace in that fic (I rarely do this unless it comes up, but it came up). I imagined her as having a Black dad whose family had come to New York during the Great Migration and an Afro-Puerto Rican mom who ended up staying on the mainland after her time in the Marines. Lovelace’s dad is a federal judge and presumably was a lawyer before that, so she probably had some level of economic privilege growing up, but that doesn’t change the fact that she would have been one of the few Black women in her West Point class. I also figured her dad doesn’t speak Spanish so she’d be constantly be code switching between multiple languages, cultures, and venues. And this is something she and Minkowski have in common - immigrant* background, not being seen as an ‘American’ American, having to fight harder to be taken as seriously as WASP men in the military... so I was getting really excited about ‘man why didn’t they get into this in canon’ and then went. Ah. Yes. Because I invented it. This is why you have to re-experience source material every once in a while to renew your license.
*Puerto Ricans are American citizens but often aren’t viewed that way.
All that aside if I ever did write a thing focusing on the two of them I would be bringing this half made up backstory to bear. Tragically their blossoming connection is destroyed by the fact that Minkowski speaks French.
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traumawife · 3 days
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Name: 愛吏 (Airi), Lamina, Deareste, Moe, Lovelace, Belladonna, Ambrosia, Devoure, Amore, Ophelia, Cherubim, Dovesong, Carnamor, Cupid, Freya, Vivienne, Claudia, Juliet, Heartlove, Desiree, Puppylove, Bonnie, Gentle, Lovyre, Luvysia, Rosemary, Persephone, Aphrodite, Catherine, Heartsick, Sena, Numine, Vurity, Asylum Pronouns: Shi/Hir, Ki/Kiss, Gore/Gores, Cut/Cuts, Blood/Bloods, Slit/Slits, He/Heart, Sin/Sins, Sweet/Sweets, Ve/Ven/Venus, Bite/Bites, Lo/Love, Che/Cher/Cherish, Blae/Blade, Brui/Bruise, Si/Sick, Kni/Knife, Sh♡/H♡r, H♡/H♡m, 🎀/🎀s, Cor/Corpse/Corpses, Cu/Cure, Muse/Muses, Ro/Rot, Chu/Chus, XOXO/XOXOs, Val/Valentine, Luv/Luvs, De/Dear, De/Devote, Ro/Romance/Romantic, Pi/Pink, Darl/Darling, Melan/Melancholic, Sh🎀/H🎀r, Sav/Saviour, Horror/Horrors, Sie/Sier Age: Chronofuck, Permateen Gender: Transfeminine, Girlthing, Jiraikeic, Cariadore, Seruadoric, Slaughtergirlf, Deaddovegender, Bodyhorroric, Cosmeldriem, Hyfem, G?rlfreak, Genderheart, Arranchere, Gorture, Cannifreak, SweetBFGirlic, NPDAngel, Sunguardian, Prettycorpse, Cannibitch Orientation: Aspec, Lesbian Species: Human Typing Quirk: N/A, Sometimes Third Person Other: Hypersexual
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CisIDs: Japanese, Black Hair, Brown Eyes, ASPD, NPD, BPD, PPD, Obsessive, Controlling TransIDs: TransHarmful, TransKidnapper, TransRapist, TransForcedPet, PermaSH, TransBeansSH, PermaDating, TransMarried, Suicidalflux, TransHeartPupil, TransFangs, TransSHScars, TransHyperromantic, TrisYandere, TrisLandmine, PermaInLove, TransNoEmpathy, TransConsang, TransBigSister, TrisLovesick, PermaBandaged, TransPsychiatricHold, TransSexAddict, TransPiercing, TransMAP, TransManipuLover, TransCultLeader Paraphilias: Hebephile, Biastophile, Somnophile, Emetophile, Omorashi, Erotophonophile, Dacryphilia Other: Sadist (Sadomasochist in denial)
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Role: Sexual Alter, Paraphilia Holder Source: Airi Sezaki (Kitanai Kimi ga Ichiban Kawaii) Likes: Hina-Chan, Gore, Making Hina-Chan Humiliated Dislikes: Being Humiliated, Having Hir Image Ruined Other: Dyke Faggot Appearance: Canon
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tagg-magazine · 13 days
Young Henrys and Volcom Australia announce RIP IN Weekender with DJ sets from Dune Rats, The Buoys, Haiku Hands, Fangz and more!
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luvrsoath · 4 months
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✰ indicates that pairing is a side ship/au ship !!
✄ indicates that the pairing has broken up !!
✘ indicates that the pairing is not canon !!
electro-lit dreams / tomai — mikoshi mai & tomo
✄ ; flambé — asato akio & thoma
✄ ; frostflake rebellion — asato akio & kamisato ayaka
demptio furem — arataki ki & kuki shinobu
?? — arataki ki & kuki shinobu & naganohara yoimiya
?? — arataki ki & naganohara yoimiya
✰ / ✘ ; suki — arataki ki & kuki shinobu & kujou sara
✰ / ✘ ; flabellum furem — arataki ki & kujou sara
✄ ; dr. & detective — arataki ki & shikanoin heizou
✄ / ✘ ; angel’s turmoil — arataki ki & vanserra malykai
✄ / ✘ ; rewind — ngô yến thi xuân & arlecchino
heel to heal — papillion veillantif & lucrezia
✰ ; in the frosted sea — papillion veillantif & wriothesley
✰ ; dernière danse — veillantif, lucrezia & navia, clorinde
?? — nine & firefly
fluorescent dreams — nine & firefly & sparkle
?? — nine & sparkle
geniuses’ reprise — khôi & ruan mei
golden ratio — khôi & veritas ratio
✄ ; ode to the sea — khôi & tien
✘ ; water lilies’ grove — shūfēn & khôi
✘ ; venus flytrap — shūfēn & dreamweaver
✘ ; the veiled god’s hand — shūfēn & ambrose
✘ ; garden of rotting roses — shūfēn & argenti
✘ ; water lilies’ grove — shūfēn & khôi
a whisker away — hàoyú & jing yuan
✰ ; ?? — hónghuā & huāfēn
✰ ; ?? — hónghuā & feixiao
?? — rhodolite & topaz
✘ ; ?? — rhodolite & moonstone
within arms reach — remora & lomi
?? — sauvignon cabernet & d’acqui brachetto
✰ ; ?? — hibi & falsym hollie
?? — odette & korix
tanghulu — rafael & dra tart
?? — kumikuma & velvet
✄ ; ode to the sea — tien & khôi
?? — yàoxīng & jiyan
?? — orion & aalto
✰ ; ?? — orion & reene
imperial gold — vương kim-ly & li zhao yu
✰ ; golden gears — vương kim-ly & iselin
✰ ; ?? — vương kim-ly & nectaria silviu
✄ ; snake’s dance — vương kim-ly & callas sabine
fungi — nguyễn hanh & nectaria silviu
?? — kwon ha-min & lim yu-mi
?? — huy orpheus & lum latimeria
?? — huy orpheus & hong hyeonwoo
?? — lum latimeria & huy orpheus
?? — hong hyeonwoo & huy orpheus
encore before sunrise — hoang vien & solis morix
lost to time — yán xiāo jìng & angel devil & hayakawa aki
?? — lovelace winnie sephren & gogol nikolai
?? — l. winnie sephren & g. nikolai & dostoyevsky fyodor
?? — lovelace winnie sephren & d. fyodor
?? — aiuchi toki & tokito muichiro
0 notes
ink-tank · 2 years
The Prospero Praxis
All eyes are on me as I hit the catwalk. That's not an exaggeration; it's a fact, as recorded by the optical implants of everyone in the nightclub, and displayed in graphical format in my peripheral vision.
The music's a steady 126bpm. My form-hugging minidress pulses from steel-grey to burnished gold, more vivid with every electronic beat. I'm half way down the runway when the chorus starts and the synthsoprano soars to a note that no unenhanced Earthling could ever achieve. My dress unfolds like impossible origami into a floor-length gown, horizontal bands of every colour spiralling upward from the hem to the halterneck.
Category is: wired straight into your optic nerve. Digitally-enhanced extravaganza. Final round of judging. Head to head.
On the parallel runway is Shader Lovelace. Her name's a carcrash of puns that probably doesn't mean much to the crowd of mostly young, mostly gay, mostly basic Earthlings and Uranians. She's wearing a silver kimono. Pretty simple, but the fabric moves uncannily, like she's submerged in water or dancing in zero-gravity. It's a nice little effect, and the pie chart in my heads-up display registers that she's stealing the attention of the audience. The eyes of the people filling the space between us are turning towards her. Away from me.
But when I reach the end of the runway my transformation is complete, and I'm a living pride flag. One thing I've learned from walking in countless competitions like this: stick a rainbow on it, and they eat it up. Pandering, moi?
I glance down, expecting to see two thumbs-up in front of a darling bowtie and a corporate-slick haircut, but Felix isn't where he promised to be. He's not at the bar either, making sure that there's a bottle of something fizzy ready to celebrate my win. He's not even in the section cordoned off for the digital phantoms of sick and housebound people who couldn't make it to the club in person.
The beat drops and the brassy bass roars, but I'm searching the room and miss the moment.
Shader Lovelace doesn't. She dips right on cue. Leaps high and lands flat on her back. Her kimono shatters like glass. She's on the ground, writhing erotically in her underwear. Shards of pseudo-mirror bounce up then hang in the air like someone pressed pause.
No, not pseudo-mirror: a realtime mirror effect. I catch a glimpse of my own astonished face reflected back across the room. The amount of processing power it must be taking is nothing short of opulent.
She hits a perfect one-hundred percent on the graph.
I activate my own showstopper moment, reaching out my arms and spinning on the spot. The rainbow bands unfurl like tentacles, which pixelate at their extremities and become beams of concentrated prismatic light. But I've blown the spot. I'm too late, and off the beat, and the graph doesn't lie when it says that nobody's watching.
Her mirrors twinkle in my reflected rainbow lights.
She kips up onto stiletto heels, which isn't even a digital effect. The bass thunders as the song reaches its climax. My rainbow weaves and plaits itself into my pouf, but I know when I'm defeated. I'm supposed to be the best digital couturier in the House of Aphrodite, and I'm being laced at our own pageant in our own nightclub. It wasn't meant to go like this.
The music stops. The club echoes with applause, but it feels like it's all directed at Shader.
Mother, sitting at the centre of the row of judges at the back of the stage, holds up her hand. The crowd falls obediently silent. She's Venus Aphrodite, mother of the House of Aphrodite, and in this club she is the undisputed monocrat in a fuchsia gown and ruff collar. She shoots me a benign, disappointed glance, but it's entirely too much like a look my actual mother might give, and I instinctively lower my eyes. Under the oppressive heat of the spotlights, a bead of sweat works its way from my wigline down my forehead.
“Shader Lovelace of the House of Hack,” says Mother, “as the visiting queen you are judged first. Your kimono shattered just like the mirror I made the mistake of glancing in before putting on my makeup this morning. That's seven years of bad luck for me, but for you it only brought good fortune. You get a ten.”
One of the other judges follows suit, and Shader pantomimes being all humble and surprised. The third judge awards her an eight-point-five, and Shader gives a cute little shrug, like what are you gonna do?  It's not much, but that 8.5 is a narrow window. If I could score a couple of perfect tens, I could still be in the game. It's a faint sparkle of hope.
“Hero of the House of Aphrodite,” Mother continues. “Your rainbow display made us all feel proud, but, even though you're a friend of Dorothy, the dreams that you dream of aren't coming true tonight. Seven point five.”
The point-five's a charity half.
I don't wait for the other judges to lay down their scores. I burn off the gown in a shower of embers, leaving behind only the charcoal-grey cocktail dress that was under the effects, and hop down from the far end of the runway. As I leave through the front door, so many people suck air through their teeth at once that it sounds like an airlock cycling.
Sure, everyone will think I'm a diva, but being a gracious loser is the quickest way to becoming some jobbing nobody, or, gods forbid, what's euphemistically called the enhancement talent. Honestly, I'm better off a bitch.
(The Prospero Praxis)
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