#verse arc
ask-spider-lore · 2 years
Your name is Gwen Stacy, and you have been waiting under a tree in Central Park for the past two hours.
You have sufficiently gotten to the point where your boredom has reached heights you once never thought possible, and your pastime of trying to appear as though you're meant to be here alone (doing nothing, no less) was starting to get old.
Your thoughts turn to the person you were meant to be meeting here. Peter Parker was... a multifaceted beast. Kind. Considerate. Most importantly, he was your best friend. You feel as though you know him inside and out, and you take care of him as much as you can. But as of late, he has become increasingly distant with you. He has shirked your usual hang-outs after school more and more often, citing "circumstances" and nothing more. You chalk it up to him having found real hobbies that he can engage with outside of you, and attempt to shove the thoughts to the side.
It's not as though what he's doing is making him happy, you think. It's been ages since you've seen him truly smile.
This is not something you want to think about.
It is at this moment, standing alone under a tree in Central Park, holding a blue hand-knitted scarf in your hands, that you start to feel remarkably silly. You have become a blubbering fool, caught up in your own sentimentality to see the reality that was staring you in the face. That even the friendships you held dearest to your heart were not meant to last.
You take a deep breath, willing the tears burning behind your eyes to stay where they fucking are, and turn to leave.
And there he is. Despite yourself, you giggle as you see Lore stumbling up the hill, sweating and panting, clearly having raced to get there as quickly as he could. Just before he reaches you, he trips and tumbles to the ground, landing flat on his back with a tragic thud. For a long moment he just lies there, staring up at you, his cheeks red with embarrassment.
"...Hi," he says.
"Hi," you say back, sitting down next to him.
He sits up, brushing the autumn leaves out of his bright red hair. "So... what did you need me here for?"
You balk. "...It's your birthday?"
He blinks, and remains silent for a very long time. Normally, you would laugh this off, but, despite yourself, a growl emerges from your throat.
"Ugh, what is with you?!"
Lore blinks. "Pardon?
And just like that, a switch in your brain is flipped, and all of your frustrations and fears about the past few weeks come spilling out, because, goddammit you have been trying so fucking hard to keep what little friendships you have together-
-and every single day it feels like Lore, the one person who has kept you grounded throughout your entire life, is drifting away - does he have any idea how terrifying that is?!
You don't even know what the hell he's doing with his time - not that you need to know his every move, but it sure would help if he, you don't know, TALKED TO YOU FOR ONCE IN HIS FUCKING LIFE-
Lore doesn't say anything at first, and for a fleeting moment, that just pisses you off even more. His mouth opens and closes at random as he fumbles to find the words to say. You're about to tell him to not even bother when he finally speaks.
"I'm sorry."
The wind rustles the leaves in the trees around you. The sounds of people's passing conversations dance through your ears, but in this moment, none of it matters. All that you can think about is the expression you see on his face.
He looks... ashamed.
"I-I know I haven't been talking to you as much as I should have been..." he stutters. "I just... life has been. A lot, lately. And I feel like I haven't been able to keep up."
"Well, that's what I'm here for. I can help, y'know."
Lore shakes his head sadly. "Not with this."
He doesn't elaborate, and you know him well enough not to pry. Instead, you fiddle with the scarf still in your hands and wrap it around his neck, leaning your head on his shoulder. Through his tears, Lore laughs.
"W-what is this?"
"It's your birthday gift, dumbass. And you better appreciate it, it took way too long to make."
He lets out something between a sob and a laugh, and you wrap an arm around his waist. This level of physical affection was, frankly, new to both of you, but you figured it felt appropriate.
"You're my best friend, you know that?" you say.
Lore smiles. And that's all you need.
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Funny thought:
Noir is from 1933. The electric guitar/bass is from 1931. But in the comics he can still play BASS!!!!!!!!!
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That’s Hobie written all over!!
Could you imagine Noir going up to Hobie and being like ‘what’s that contraption’ and Hobie likes ‘??? My guitar m8 have u never seen one’
And noir is like ‘can i try?’ And he picks up Hobies guitar and just starts SHREDDING. Like outta nowhere he’s totally going off on it and Hobie is just watching him like
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‘Hold up’
But Noir just shrugs it off and is like ‘pretty nifty but not my speed’
And immediately Hobie is like ‘FUCK I NEED TO GET YOU A BASS RIGHT NOW’ knowing Noir will love a bass better than a guitar
And they start playing together and the combat boots come later, a thrifted gift from Hobie
And Hobie and Noir start a band and they start wearing purple laces for gay pride ahhhhhAAAHHHHHHHHHHH
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agrebel18 · 1 year
Nimona 🤝 Gwen Stacy: being Very Transgender/Not Cis to the point where you can’t separate it because it’s literally woven into their character arcs and even having trans flags surrounding them in some scenes yet some people only call it “coding” and “theories” purely because neither of them said “oh btw I’m transgender” on screen
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solargeist · 1 year
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Like savage dogs, without control
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crimeronan · 2 months
the silt verses season 3 + dying words.
brother philly:
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adjudicator cross:
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.....and finally, a bonus.
our final girl.
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iwasbored777 · 4 months
I don't understand people who say that Gwen and Miles don't have to end up together just because they're a girl and a boy and how a girl and a boy can be just friends but at the same time those people claim that Gwen and Hobie most likely slept together when she stayed over just because they're...you know...a girl and boy, and that a girl and a boy can't be just friends...
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nicolloyd · 2 months
everytime someone calls nico a cinnamon roll or something of the like an angel loses its wings
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fumifooms · 3 months
Holy mother of Chilchuck and Marcille and marchil-
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I don't wanna think about my father dyin' I don't wanna hear my mother cryin' I don't wanna look into the mirror tryin' not to lose my shit Flowin' like lava down the side of a mountain Man in the jungle lookin' for a fountain of youth But he knows that fountain won't appear... fear If it all ends tomorrow I had a blast It looked so beautiful And it hurt so bad What a real good time What a heartfelt world What a fucked up place Searchin' for knowledge Walkin' through fire Man in a garden filled with desire I know my name ain't written in your book... look If it all ends tomorrow I had a blast It looked so beautiful And it hurt so bad What a real good time What a heartfelt world What a fucked up place What a real good time What a heartfelt world What a fucked up place
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It’s literally got everything it’s just marchil at the end my god. Death, fear of death & aging, resignation, cheery "whatever, as long as I had a good time!", looking at the world both with romantic glasses and harsh realistic cynicism.……….. The way the first verse can apply to both of them… I am deceased
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Official "Croatia is declaring war on Greece" post (/mj)
Greece has sent me to Serbia, shot me with olives, and insulted my parents
Extra notes:
Croatia is now having a villain arc.
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seriousturd · 3 months
Silly little doodle of Ro
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Close-ups under the cut hehe:
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graylinesspam · 2 months
Having a teen girl in military camps was somewhat of a balancing act. Your average encampment, at least those for the 501st had around 300 men, and you couldn't expect to keep that many men on their best behavior, in a war zone, for extended periods of time.
There were some stress relieving behaviors that the men needed to stay balanced. Drinking, roughhousing, and generally acting unsavory to name a few.
In the early days they'd just tried to herd Ahsoka to certain parts of the camps and stay vigilant to catch her coming. It was a precarious game that Rex in particular had no intention of losing.
They tried having the boys on watch whistle signal her location, which had only irritated her. Curse her insanely quiet little stride, he blamed Vere and genetics for that one. They lost track of her once she started dodging them on purpose.
Then there was that comment on Felucia. "Maybe we should reconsider General Kenobi's suggestion of a bell," Rex had smarted off as Ahsoka ghosted silently into the upper branches of a tree.
Well Hardcase was injured on that deploy. His leg was broken, not an easy fix planet side and med evac wouldn't be for a few days. He was stuck in a cot. All that chaotic energy contained within the four edges of canvas. He needed something to keep himself busy. That's where Ahsoka's first present came from.
Six muzzle seals roughly the circumference of a thumb, cut and re-bent around each other until it roughly resembled a crude flower shape. It didn't hold it's shape well unless laid out flat on a surface, but he strung it with a crude chain made from braided wire pulled out of a fried HUD.
Ahsoka, the poor thing, was in and out of medical the whole time for medication, snot rubbing her face permanently raw. When the medication knocked her out she chose Hardcase to curl up on. He had presented her with the gift curled up in the center of his palm, a sheepish look on his red feverish face.
Rex couldn't have organized it better if he had tried. A bell they couldn't attach to her without some serious protest and her going even farther to evade their tracking tactics. But a handmade gift from a sick and pitiful vod? It was the perfect excuse.
Ahsoka hooked the dangly little charm onto her belt clip. It tapped musically against the hilt of her saber. The tinkling of little bells that could be disarmed quickly in combat by simply holding her sabers or hooking on of the rings around the clip.
Everyone came to memorize the sound of her stride, the little tapping highlighting every step. Just loud enough that you could here her before she turned a corner or caught you doing something you shouldn't be.
The first charm lasted for almost half a year. It's crude design and salvaged parts eventually becoming a casualty of combat. The second charm came from Fives, ever competitive to be everyone's favorite vod, He'd been working on it since she'd received the first one. Three little scraps of plastoid he'd cut to shapes. One rectangular chunk painted to resemble a domino, one flat piece painted with a five on one side and a tiny crude recreation of a hand print on the other side. And a third painted with 212th yellow unsuccessfully mixed with a hint of medic red to create a streaky red orange color, the paint carefully carved away in the shape of Ahsoka's markings. It had a woodier sound as it collided with her lightsaber.
Cody was next with a series of little plastoid stars strung on real chains. They tinkled like rain on music stones when they knock against plastoid.
And General Plo-koon, as her founder, showed them all up with a metal medallion wolf charm.
Getting bells on Ahsoka was easier than any of them expected it to be. Their only miscalculation was believing she didn't know exactly what they were doing the whole time.
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ask-spider-lore · 2 years
Wait-what happened?!
Okay, so, like... how do I put this...
I haven't exactly been updating this blog as of late, partly because of This, partly because of Depression, so like. sorry
but apparently Verse actually was an alternate version of me? but not from an alternate universe like the rest of The Cluster. apparently my world has essentially been rebooted, like the DC Universe does every couple years. so. that's troubling.
anyways, Verse met with this guy. Tony Stark, I think his name is. and they built this device that allowed him to contact... someone. I'm not sure, the memories are still a little fuzzy. if i recall correctly, he was trying to ask this Someone to bring his world back.
he didn't get the answer he wanted.
after that, he kinda broke down. we talked things out, but the machine they had built was tearing reality apart at the seams, so we had to destroy it. when the dust settled, it was alone. Verse was gone.
maybe i'm just trying to assuage my own guilt, but... i think he might be a part of me now. i certainly feel a bit more "whole" than i have been feeling for a long time.
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cookiesandcantarella · 5 months
You know the silt verses is great because we get to see Hayward trade in his job as a cop to become co-leader of the government-toppling murder-suicide cult and this is a huge sign of positive character development for him. Where else would you get this????
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spottedsnake · 2 months
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what if you lost everything that you thought you were, had every role that you played ripped away from you, and at one of your darkest moments the criminal you were chasing showed you kindness and forgiveness and offered you another way. a new purpose, a new role, to carry her when she couldn’t carry herself, a role you embraced even when she resented you for it. and to save her and her vision of a new world you had to leave her. and to save her you had to tell her to keep walking, keep walking away from you.
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woodlouseonastring · 2 months
i just realised val really did get the last word. her soldier ended the first narrator of this story, and ended the narrative of the lives of the people in the old gods world with it
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ssaraexposs · 4 months
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I need him carnally
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