#verse. xiv.
twinkle-art · 1 year
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going🚗💨eden raids
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mesherew · 5 months
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I've had this sketch sitting in my wip folder for months now so i slapped on some colors real quick
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nabaath-areng · 1 month
Without taking new screenshots, post photos of your OCs as...
Romanceable NPC
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Irritable Healer: I—I can manage on my own! I'm simply not used to these shoes yet— <gasp> Hey, put me down! ( He clings around you for support, it doesn't take long before the complaints die down, and his embrace around you squeeze just a little bit tighter than is necessary, hiding his face against you to avoid eye contact. Upon closer examination, you can clearly see that his ears are getting a little red... )
Quest-giver NPC
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Short Scholar: I wish I did not have to do this. Under normal circumstances, I'd actually rather die than ask a complete stranger for this manner of help... but I have no other choice. This library did not stop to consider accommodating anyone who is smaller than a damn dhalmel. So I was wondering if... could you— <groan> Urgh, could you just grab the books on the upper shelves for me?! And don't make it obvious to the other visitors that you're helping me out!
Final Boss
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The Mourning Mage: Many bodies have I buried in my endless pursuit to try and save lives... Yours will be but droplets in the colossal sea of death I have weathered. I will find the means to end this needless suffering once and for all!
(Stole this from @fourfoldfires cause wanted to do it too <3)
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vqrtualheartss · 1 year
CCan you do one where miles find out reader is literally obsessed with art and has a room alone for her drawings and paintings one of them being him
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ᴅ☆ᴇ'ꜱ ꜱᴀʏ|
9:12 pm This is my first request and I love you for it. Anyways, I'm trying to keep this one short and cute because I just realized I cannot make a story short for my life so yea lol.
The like, plot about the senior partner programme is taken from a book I read on wattpad called 'His Tesoro' by sjpwell and I heavily recommend you read it. heavily.
For fem readers, no specific race disclosed
Warnings — idk, bad grammar
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In all honesty, deadass, I would've been asleep by now if not risking my hands to ink poisoning or that our teacher was picking the pairs for the annual senior partner programme. You'd basically share classes, be expected to hang out and by the end of the year write a report based on what you learnt about them. There wasn't anyone I was against being paired with but there wasn't anyone I was looking to either, all of them were the same people just different fonts, nothing interesting.
"And lastly we have Miss Valentine and Mr. Morales. Until your new schedules are emailed to you, you are expected to interchange the order of classes starting with the male's in the pair. Happy bonding"
Before I could get up, someone tilted down my phone screen, shifting my attention from it to them, the Mr. Morales— Miles. My nose slowly twitched, as I tried to fight the tug on my lips.
"Hi angel" I sighed, smiling at the nickname. Apparently my last name reminded him of Cupid and because Cupid's somewhat an angel, it makes me one
"Good morning Miles" pushing out my phone gesturing for him to hold it, I gathered my stuff preparing to head to his class. "Formal as always" he shook his head looking down at me with my bag on one shoulder, the other strap swaying freely. I shrugged at his comment, bringing out my hand to retrieve my phone, instead of handing it over, he held onto my hand, intertwining them as he examined the free-styled drawings.
"Talent much? Cool if you could put some on me?" He smiled widely, dangling my phone in his other hand as some type of persuasion. The smile grew evident in my voice, "Alright". I mean, why not, for his half of classes I didn't have to do anything in them so might as well.
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"These dopee. Y'know low-key we should get matching ones sometime" . I smiled, "Maybe"
Annoyed at my frequent one word responses he turned around to face me as I slipped from underneath his arm " I hope you're not gonna be like this when I come by later."
Standing infront him with my mouth slightly agape, I questioned, my arms mirroring his crossed ones. "When you do what?"
"How else are we supposed to get to know eachother? And I'm guessing you're eager to kick me out and wrap this up" Narrowing my eyes, I pinched and rubbed my nose bridge.
There weren't many reasons why he couldn't stay over but they held alot of weight, one being my art room and two I'd probably make a fool of myself.
Looking up at him to protest, he swiftly transferred his initialized chain from his neck to mine before walking off and shouting, "Text me the directions and I'll be there" .
I dragged a hand down my face, I was going to send him them but that bitch.
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knock knock, the door creaked open as a faint light faltered to the floor
"Miles? If that's you come in" "Woww, now imagine if I was a serial killer" Taking off his jacket, he continued "You would've been dead by now"
I shrugged , eyes never leaving the sketchbook propped on my right knee. He turned around, a dead expression on his face as he dragged the book from my lap "Nah, you gave your word" I most definitely did not
"Okay, fine, my attention's yours and yours only. Happy?" I gave him a tight-lipped smile as he sat on my bed, flipping through the pages "very" .
I remained a neutral expression as if my heart wasn't waiting to jump outside my chest.
Recently he's been the center of attention of my art and obviously I don't need him to see that. My heart rate calmed, his eyebrows furrowing, the pages seemingly went blank "I thought you drew more than this?" "I recently started that sketchbook,"
My expression softened, smiling internally as relief took over my body. However, my mind went as blank as the pages. Where the hell are those drawings then ?.
He hummed, moving from the bed to the office chair. He slid it over beside me before holding onto the chain with a finger of his, bringing me even closer to him.
"This makes it look like you belong to me in some way".
I copied his 'hm' in response despite my stomach flipping on end. He tugged on the chain releasing it. "I swear to god I'm going to make you talk. One way or another" leaning back into the chair manspreading, I smiled while maintaining a scowl. "Ew, you look like a man"
"Oh so now you speak?" He scoffed before continuing "Where's your bathroom" "Straight down, first door on your..." I paused a bit unsure of the direction to tell him ".. right, first door on your right"
He leaned on the door frame, crossing his arms "Don't know your directions by now?" "Get out"
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Glancing at the time on my phone a few times, it took me a while to register that Miles was gone for more than 20 minutes "That's weird". Heading outside, I shuffled to the bathroom that he would've went to find it empty. I stood with my hands wrapped around my torso trying to figure his whereabouts. Shit. I went to the one place I hope he wasn't, my art room.
Approaching said room I saw the door slightly ajar, his shadow lingering on the walls. Without a plan I went inside, harshly biting down on my lip to brace myself for future embarrassment.
"You really weren't going to show me this?" I nervously laughed, eyes darting around the room inspecting for any sketches, drawings or paintings with him as the centerpiece. My eyes lingered on a drawing of Miles a little longer than I should've, he sent himself in the direction of my gaze. I shut my eyes, squeezing my fists tighter with each passing second. He took up the sketchbook situated on the desk, twirling through the recent pages before turning.
"Is this me?" His eyebrows drawing nearer as he grinned. I bit harder onto my lip before attempting to diffuse the awkwardness of the situation, even if it was just on my side. "No?"
"Looks an awful lot like me" Placing the book into its original position he folded his arms, sitting infront the desk
"I do not have the mental capacity for this" I sighed, shaking my head. A bead of blood formed on my lips.
Looking up and down my frustration filled body, he replied "Got me on your mind a lot, huh?" Laughing at his own teasing, I used the base off my hands to rub my eyes viciously, an honest attempt to push in my eyeballs.
Morphing into a ball of embarrassment, a smug expression splashed on his face. Hissing my teeth, the colours of his eyes went onyx as he stared. I returned his challenging gaze before he stood up, walking over and standing dangerously close.
Towering over my height, he smirked holding my chin between two fingers. What the fuckk. In that second I felt.. wierd, warm and fuzzy on the inside.
©vqrtualheartss 2023 ©dae 2023
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phoebe-of-ivalice · 1 year
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“𝕀𝕥 𝕒𝕝𝕨𝕒𝕪𝕤 𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕤 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤.”
I love the Nier raids in FFXIV. It was a good time of friends and FC members doing content together during Shb. Finally was able to run them again during the last moogle tomes event and catch this gpose at the end of Tower at Paradigm Breach.
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windupaymeric · 1 month
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"Tell me, have you been to the ruins beneath the waters of the Bounty? Or the treasure islands beyond the frozen waters of Blindfrost, in Othard's north? The fabled golden cities of the New World..."
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pcndaemonium · 4 months
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Hades & Athena.
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ooeygooeyghoul · 1 year
I feel like I don't portray or talk about Shiun's dickhead gremlin side as much as I should. He's an antagonistic asshole that really only grins when he's being mean or beating someone/something up. He loves to be a cocky jerk to others, he loves getting into fights, he loves to cause problems for people that annoy him (and for people he likes as well, none are exempt).
Like, he absolutely hated Thancred when they first met cos he didnt like his attitude. He bullied him as much as he could through ARR, they bickered constantly. Shiun turned everything they did into a competition, always chased off the ladies Thancred was trying to woo, always had the last word in every argument. Sure that changes eventually, but the fact that he's a nuisance just as much as he's a loving bf has not changed.
He teams up with Alisaie to be the absolute worst menaces to society. The two bring out the worst in each other, build on each other, and he is her favorite partner in crime against anyone unfortunate enough to fall into their sights. Poor Alphinaud has fallen victim to many of their conniving plots.
He's overly fond of ale, and spends many a night loudly boasting about his heroic feats in local taverns. When he's drunk, his annoying and obnoxious traits are amplified by ten and he's often the instigator of barfights. The Scions have a tally board for how many times each of them has to go fetch him from one of his escapades.
Shiun is not as cool and stoic and pure-of-heart as I tend to show him being. Sorry for false advertising. He's awful, idk how anyone likes him.
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akirakirxaa · 6 months
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[ Home Decor ]
Persephone found something new to decorate the trio's home with.
“Hades!” Persephone sang, dragging a huge, mostly flat rectangle covered in cloth through the door behind her before she kicked the door closed. She yelped in alarm as it nearly fell into a nearby table, stepping in the way with a wince as the table dug into her hip instead of her purchase. Her husbands wandered into the foyer. Hades’ face was guarded and cautious, though Hythlodaeus made no secret of his own eager curiosity.
“Do I dare ask what’s under that?” Hades took a single step closer but no more, eyeing the thing with the apprehension usually reserved for wild animals or unbroken chocobos. Persephone leaned it against the wall and, with a dramatic flourish, whipped the cloth away to reveal a very large painting. A very large painting of a Garlean man with familiar golden eyes.
“We are not hanging that in the house,” Hades growled, lip curled in distaste as Persephone grinned widely at him.
“Oh, come now, you look so charming!” she teased, angling the painting at him as if he just needed the right lighting to like it. He scoffed, rolling his eyes, as Hythlodaeus stepped close, leaning to look the portrait in the eye.
“He is quite handsome, isn’t he?” Hythlodaeus’ voice was even, but his eyes sparkled with mirth as they met Persephone’s, Hades fuming in the background.
“It’s not me. Besides, did you not say you preferred my real face?” Hades folded his arms and glared at Persephone, and her gaze softened.
“Of course I do, my love,” she entrusted the painting to Hythlodaeus to keep from falling into any furniture, crossing over to her more grumpy lover. “But I would love you whatever face you wore.” She wrapped her arms around him, resting her chin on his crossed arms, and, after a long moment, he unfolded to wrap his arms around her, dropping a somewhat rueful kiss to the top of her head.
“I suppose you may keep it, if you put it in the attic or some such,” he grumbled.
“I think it would look lovely in the dining room,” Hythlodaeus quipped, and Persephone grinned as Hades heaved a heavy sigh into her hair.
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alackofghosts · 11 months
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i'm armed to the teeth / like a fucking animal
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devilatelier · 4 months
i think viera naraku is funny because he has all of the rancid vibes of a voidsent diabolical creature but he's just some random rabbit guy
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autumnslance · 1 year
FFXIV Write 2023 Day 11: Once Bitten, Twice Shy
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“We’re almost to the test site Mikoto’s marked,” Dark Autumn said, checking the map.
Iyna peeked around the corner of the ruins, scanning for hostiles. “Good. It’s too damn quiet out here, it’s making my ears twitch.”
“They do that anyway,” C’oretta pointed out.
“You know what I mean.”
“Quiet,” Dark admonished, taking point, bow in hand. The trio crept across the wartorn fields of the Bozjan southern front. Dark wondered once again what it might have looked like before the disaster and more recent rebellions, her forestborn sensibilities mourning for the land and its creatures as much as for the people. This was one of those times she was glad to not be able to hear the elements of the world and how they must feel in places like this.
They reached the location the archon had indicated, C’oretta deploying the device and checking back with Lilja and Mikoto via linkpearl, the trio’s excited scientific babble far too much for Dark to follow. That was an unexpected trio of overly intelligent energy that left her and Iyna, not to mention the Bozjan leadership, utterly exhausted, but they certainly got their results.
It could be worse, she supposed. They could add Aeryn to the mix. But the Warrior of Light was off trying to rescue the Scions from whatever was happening, and Twelve only knew when she’d return.
“OK we’re good to go,” C’oretta said. “They’re getting the readings now and should have some data for us when we get back.”
“If you say so,” Dark said. “Let’s…where’s Iyna?”
C’oretta’s ears went flat and her tail stiffened as she looked around. The viera was nowhere in sight. “She can’t have gone far but I don’t know why she would have wandered off that isn’t like her.”
They exchanged a look, the betrayal still fresh in their minds. It was hard to believe that of Iyna, given her time in Lente’s Tears, but they honestly knew so little of her—and like Misija she had been raised by Garleans.
Dark caught Iyna’s track and they crept along, though they didn’t have to go far. Around another ruined building corner only a few yalms away, Iyna stood very still, staring at something they couldn’t see.
“Iyna?” Dark kept her voice very quiet.
“Go back,” Iyna replied in a nearly voiceless whisper. “I saw movement coming our way, went to check, realized too late what it was, and now I am just waiting for it to get bored. Or at least realize I’m not a threat as I think this ruin might unfortunately be its nest.”
C’oretta frowned, took out a mirror, and held it out to where she could see around the corner and past Iyna. The little miqo’te paled. “Oh we should do what she says very carefully quietly and quickly let’s go Dark,” she whispered.
Dark began backing up, keeping an eye out in case whatever it was came around the building the other way, or had friends. Or for anything else that was out there.
C’oretta’s mirror must have caught the light when she pulled it away, as there came from around the wall a too familiar slow, throaty warning wark.
“Fuck,” Iyna said. “Run!”
C’oretta used her Scholarly skills to speed them along to outrun the red chocobo’s meteor strikes.
Dark would take this mad dash from an angry avian over going through that particular heartbreak again.
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jlinebeck · 6 months
FFXIV Eden's Verse: Furor (Savage) E6S Synced MiNE Clear: Dark Knight (DRK) PoV (Game Audio Only)
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nabaath-areng · 3 months
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Refuse to accept what was meant to be
Then the body memory kicks in
And I trust the unknown
Unfathomable imagination
Surrender to future
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astralshadow · 1 year
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[1] [2] [3] Answers
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iiroiiros · 3 months
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.......emanator of the hunt boothill though
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