maxbarthelemy · 23 days
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Third Mates
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hellsitegenetics · 3 months
My dad and my nibling died a yearish ago, and I miss them a lot. I'm wondering what kind of organism they would get. My dad loved trees and my nibling hated corn. (They were studying environmental science or something like that, and they did an internship researching corn, and at the end they hated corn so much that they got a badass corn demon tattoo.) Anyway, I think they would enjoy sharing an organism, as long as it's not corn. I love your blog, thank you.
String identified: a a g a a ag, a t a t. ' g at ga t gt. a t a g at c. (T tg ta cc tg tat, a t a t acg c, a at t t at c c tat t gt a aa c tatt.) Aa, t t ag a ga, a g a t' t c. g, ta .
Closest match: Verbena officinalis genome assembly, chromosome: 7 Common name: Common vervain
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turquoisemagpie · 3 months
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The Third Mates
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beesorcery · 8 months
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silver and sulphur
[ID: a drawing of Zirk Vervain from NADDPOD in profile, visible from the chest up. He looks in front of him with a neutral expression and holds a glass flask of colourful liquid in each hand. Zirk is a young humanoid man with dark brown skin, droopy elf ears, and blonde hair with rainbow dipdyed ends. He has messy, curly bangs and a pair of round glasses, and wears a white shirt with puffed sleeves, thick black protective gloves, and a black apron. Behind him, the wall is covered in pipes, glass vials, and other alchemical equipment. Decorative writing on the wall reads "Vervain's Potions & Salves / Thornkirk". end ID] (id via transguyhawkeye)
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nosnexus · 7 months
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Naddpod continues to kill me emotionally.
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vervainium · 9 months
theodore nott headcanons pt 2
(bc u guys are sl*ts and wouldn’t stop asking me [i had one person request LOL])
a/n these are more like… romantic maybe? maybe even emotional? i like them tho i like them and now they’re all canon because i said so and the harry potter community basically created him out of thin air so 😁💁🏼‍♀️
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firstly i believe in curly haired theo
it’s common knowledge in my community that i believe theo is smart
i think he is articulated and he knows how to process his words
he could be a REALLY (hot) good english professor
my point; hozier type words
i think that he is a naturally deep lover
he is so emotionally raw and i think he writes it all down in this cute little note book that he keeps under his mattress
perhaps he even lets you read it or gives it to you, we will never know
i think that hes secretive with his love though
anyways um
i think he loves eye contact
it allows him to connect better with people
i think it would be his thing to talk with his eyes
his eyes can be very expressive i believe like super expressive
like you make eye contact with him and suddenly you know his every thought
i honestly love the whole selective mute thing
he values his voice and his pride and it’s almost like a sacred thing because he isn’t talkative at home with yk… the big ol man
oh this might be short okay speed round
a great baker
specifically pastries
loves a good fantasy novel
he would love game of thrones and the house of the dragon
secretly super passionate about muggle life me thinks
loves to sit alone with himself
i actually think he’s stable in his self image!!!!!
i know this is controversial but hear me out he has such an example of what he doesn’t want to be (his dad) and he also has good examples (his trusted teachers)
i think he has a very good idea of who he is and who he wants to be
as you read these again bc they’re so good, i know you will, listen to angel of small death and the codeine scene by hozier
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filibusterfrog · 9 months
Correct me if I'm wrong but I've noticed you sometimes draw John Hazel as a Hare, any particular reason? Does he shapeshift? Or is it just because you feel like it?
different guy, the hare is vervain whom i have only ever drawn as a hare but would look like this if he were a human, i only ever draw hazel as a rabbit
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but to answer the shapeshifting question, they dont shapeshift i just like to draw anthros
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rooolt · 9 months
big fan of characters who when they stand still could be almost statuesque in their elegance and beauty and then they open their mouths and are the most insufferable annoying cringefail loser on the planet
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snakes-are-kinda-cool · 6 months
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💝 kiss kiss 💝
I want to get better at drawing kissing. The genius solution I’ve come up with: live vicariously through vervaine.
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NADDPOD is crazy cause one moment it’s the most ridiculous unhinged shit you’ve ever heard and the next I’m crying over the beautiful, scary, and compassionate world that Murph has created.
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ambermaitrejean · 1 year
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Texas vervain. Photos by Amber Maitrejean
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retrokinetics · 1 month
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A commission for @alexilulu of her OC Vervain cosplaying Elphelt in her beautiful clean normal room
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meteortrails · 2 months
on the topic of eldermourne. never recovering from the absolute ease with which zirk slips back into his dynamic with his mom. and more than that, the simultaneous shame of his friends not really seeing what’s so bad about his mom at first and then later them seeing the full ugly truth of zirk’s roots - either it wasn’t all that bad and he’s ashamed of how deeply she’s affected him or it was entirely that bad and he’s ashamed he was a part of it for so long. there’s never any winning when it comes to Stella vervain, bc she’d never play a game that wasn’t rigged.
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whamber · 9 months
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The changing weather is really putting me in the spooky season mood so I had to draw our third mates doing some halloween activities!
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doxiedreg · 6 months
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So I read the watership down graphic novel a few days ago (it was very good, great adaptation of the original book though some things were missing/lacking) and it gave me the itch to draw bunnies again. So instead of, idk, cooking or eating dinner I drew a bunch of watership down bunny rabbits :) Its almost 12 am and im starving but I just needed to get it done today, i wanted to share the watership down love. Who knows, maybe if I had stopped, it would have ended up in wip limbo/hell and i didnt want that to happen Anyhow, I sadly wasnt able to fit everyone but I tried to include most of the main bunnies. I was gonna squeeze blackavar in there but i was all out of brain juice and also canvas space. I used photo references of wild rabbits to try and get the shapes right but the ears were very challenging. Im afraid some might have turned out looking more like hares instead but I really tried my best! (this took me like over 4 hours rip) I also tried really hard to make their coat colors and patterns varied but still believable/natural-ish. Vervain is a lil random because honestly i didnt know what to do for him so i just let the vibes guide me. To fill the empty space beneath pipkin i included tiny El-ahrairah, the black rabbit of Inlé and frith because i despise having empty space on sketch pages. Anyhow im gonna try to figure out what to eat now, hope you guys enjoy!
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rolybug · 10 months
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ah so geen 🟩
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