#very glad i did not let that sit while we try and move house hahahaha
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Golden Hour Photoshoot with The Boy!!!
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travesty-majesty · 4 years
Postwickshipping fic bc I’m in the mood
(I’ve never written a pkmn fic before so hopefully I get the characters ok! This is basically a comfort ship for me)
(Set five years after main game! Assuming the characters were around 16 in main game, around 20-21 now)
This was it, the fifth year Gloria was taking on someone to defend her title as Champion. Hop couldn’t make it to the stadium as he was holed up in the lab to keep an eye on some Pokemon, but he was watching it from his phone, cheering for his girlfriend.
They had started dating maybe a year or two after Gloria became champion. Despite Gloria often being busy with her Champion work, she always made sure to stay over in Hop’s house once a week. Any day one of them had off they spent with the other in their workplace, and if they both had the day off, date night!
It was going great so far. Gloria often complained of all the work being the Champion took, and how she’d love to be able to settle down with someone (preferably Hop). Hop just laughed and told her it’d calm down at some point. He’d never admit he wanted the same thing. He’d love to be able to have normal meals with her, go out exploring together... He just wants to be with her as much as he can be.
One day Gloria joked that if she ever lost her title she wasn’t entirely sure what she’d do. Hop threw out there that Sonia could always use another assistant, to which they both laughed. Hop didn’t think much of it.
He turned his focus to the match. Both Gloria and her opponent were on their last Pokemon, down to very low health. Hop liked to predict what her next move would be, and this one was obvious.
“Well, if she uses Quick Attack now, she’ll definitely win! She outspeeds Cinderace, so even if they both use it, she’ll go first! She’s got this in the bag.” He described to himself, punching the air before she had even won. The Rockruff that had been bounding around stopped and looked up at him, barking once.
“See? It’s easy! Oh, wait! It’s her turn.” He turned up the volume. “C’mon, mate...”
‘Mate’ always slipped out, even though they’re dating.
Gloria didn’t act for a moment, all cameras turned to her. She looked like she was planning something. Then she looked right into one of the cameras, looking directly at Hop. He almost felt like he was there. Then, she sighed and smiled.
“Inteleon, use Double Team!” She commanded with the confidence of someone who’d thought they’d won.
But everyone knew, even Gloria.
She’d doomed herself.
Hop gasped, dropping the phone.
“WHAT?! No, they’re gonna attack! You’d gonna lose! Gloriaaaaa..!”
Rockruff barked again.
“Oh, shush and let me be emotional!”
Inteleon used the move as told, and as Hop had imagined, the opposing trainer had gone for an attack, knocking Inteleon out.
That was it.
Gloria was no longer Champion.
Hop was speechless as the award ceremony was carried out. She lost? How? She was amazing at these battles, how did she just lose? While he wondered, the host asked “Anything you wanna say to the people at home?”
“One specific person, actually.” She said, taking the microphone.
He looked at the screen again.
“Keep the door unlocked, ok?”
- - -
It had only been two hours since the championship ended. As soon as it did, Hop had unlocked the door like she said, then promptly collapsed into the couch. He knew he wouldn’t be getting any work done, so he absent-mindedly stroked a Pyukumuku as he thought. Gloria didn’t seem upset at all, which was odd; many losses at Monopoly on her part had showed him she always gets at least a little bit frustrated.
So why did she just take it?  
It’s not like he was angry, or disappointed or something. He was just... confused.
As he wondered, he heard a bit of a commotion outside. Sighing, he stood up and popped his head out the door. People were crowded around the train station.
‘May as well go check that out. Get my mind off that.’ He thought. He stood up, bringing the pokemon back into their pokeballs before he left.
He made his way down to the station, hearing people chatter about the match. It’s not like he was the only one watching; everyone in Galar was watching.
When he got there, he had to push his way through a crowd, but when he got to the front, he saw...
Gloria, who had been talking to an excited fan, spun around when she heard his voice.
“Hop! You’re here!”
She made her way over, immediately hugging him. Yes, she was on her tippy toes. No, nobody mentioned it.
“I was gonna surprise you at the lab, you know.” She said. Hop laughed, hugging back tightly.
“Well, I’m here now, mate. We could still go, though, if you’d wanna?” He asked. She nodded, glancing around.
“Sure. Gotta tell you something in private, anyway.” She said.
Ominous much?
Either way, Gloria gave one or two more statements before taking Hop’s hand, leading them both back to the lab. Her hand was pretty warm, he noticed. Why, he couldn’t tell you. I suppose you just notice those small things when you’ve been with someone for so long.
- - -
Gloria collapsed onto the couch, sighing. “I sure missed this. You’re lucky, getting to sit here each day!”
“What are you, a couch expert?” Hop asked, both of them laughing. Eventually though, when both had calmed down, Hop spoke up again.
“So mate, about your match...”
“Oh, that? Nothing much.” She said nonchalantly.
“Wha- you lost! You lost your Champion status! Doesn’t that bother you?!” He asked. Gloria laughed, putting her hand over his.
“I thought you woulda realised. I lost on purpose.”
Hop didn’t react for a moment. When the words sunk in though, his eyes widened.
“What?! On purpose?! Why?!” He exclaimed.
“Well, a few things.” She started. “You know how I’ve been talking about how hectic becoming champion gets. I just... wanted to get away from it, I suppose. Besides, having ‘past Champion’ on my record is gonna be great for the ol’ resume.” She explained.
“I mean... Wow. So you’re just, ok with this? You’re not mad or anything?” He asked, still kinda surprised.
“Yep. I figured five years was good enough. Besides...”
She squeezed his hand, sighing.
“I wanted to be with you. Only seeing you on my days off just wasn’t enough for me.”
“Pfft- Well, same here! In a weird way, I’m sorta glad. Now I get to see your face whenever I want! And not just in your battles.”
“Do you watch all of them?”
“Every single one.”
Gloria laughed again. Hop smiled, just happy to be seeing her in front of him. It felt... almost surreal. He was happy, though. 
“But, uhh... there’s a second reason I decided to give it up. I wanted to settle down. Like, get a house, job... you know.”
“Oh, really..?”
“Mhm! But... obviously, I’m not just gonna move in somewhere on my own. So, I have two questions for you. One... would you be interested in... well, living with me- ah!”
Gloria was cut off by Hop suddenly throwing his arms around her. “Yeah! Yes, definitely! I- this is awesome!”
“Hahahaha! Glad you’re so enthusiastic.”
“Of course I am, mate! Do you think I’d say no?”
“Not really.”
They laughed again, pulling away. 
“And... ok, ready for question number two?” She asked.
“Not sure how it’s gonna get any more intense than the first question, but sure!”
“Ok, well... here, stand up.” 
Gloria stood up, pulling Hop to his feet. She was surprisingly strong, considering her height and build. When they were both standing, still giggling slightly, Gloria took a deep breath.
“Ok, ok, I- stop looking at me like that!”
“Can’t. You’re just too cute.”
“Dork.” Hop laughed at Gloria’s pout. She took a deep breath, then began speaking again.
“Ok, Hop. We’ve been together for years, and despite the long distance, we’ve been really happy together, right?”
“Ok, good. So, I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and I’ve finally decided to ask. Hop- gah, screw this gammy knee-”
Gloria stretched her leg, then dropped down onto one knee, pulling a box out of her back pocket. Hop covered his mouth, eyes wide. He was pretty sure he knew where this was going.
She flicked open the box.
“Hop, will you marry me?”
Hop instantly pulled her to her feet, kissing her. After a moment, Gloria smiled into the kiss, returning it. They stayed like that for a moment, just being happy. Eventually though, when their need for air tore them away from each other, Hop smiled.
“Yes. Definitely yes.”
~ ~ ~
Ik it’s probably bad but I really wanted to try my hand at postwickshipping so it probably isn’t perfect but it’s fluffy marriage proposal so :>>
(Sorry to all my non-pokemon followers lol) (which is probably a lot of you bc I’ve never posted pokemon content before)
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krreader · 5 years
seven sins | chapter three.
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pairing: bts x reader (kim seokjin x reader ; park jimin x reader) fandom: bts warnings: non idol!au ; historical!au ; princes!bts ; concubine!reader ; sex ; impregnation!kink genre: smut ; angst previous: 1 ; 2 
summary: even in times such as yours, you still led a privileged life with nothing to ask for. that is until first your father, then your mother died and you were left to care for your two younger sisters. the position for royal physician seemed to be open and with your father having been a general and your mother having been a maid for the queen, you thought you might be able to get it.. little did you know that your visit to the palace would put a completely different offer on the table.
a/n: okay a little bit of story in this one lol. I DO actually have plans.. plot wise. I know that’s kind of hard to believe but really hahahaha
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The two girls that took care of you were very nice, but also very quiet. They didn't say much other than that they were here to make sure you were alright after the encounter with a prince.
You assumed that it had something to do with you being very important if you indeed turn out to be pregnant.. but you couldn't exactly tell them: I won't be, I'm taking herbs for that, right? They'd throw you straight out of the palace.
You had a nice hot bath, which was very pleasant after that session with Hoseok and then returned to your room to rest.
And that really was what you needed.
But just when you had closed your eyes, you could hear music coming from outside.
At first you thought about ignoring it, the exhaustion was quite hard to push away, but eventually you did manage to sit up, rub your eyes and then slowly get out of bed again.
It sounded like there was a party going on, to be honest. People were laughing, cheering and the music was happy. It seemed like they were celebrating.
But what were they celebrating?
“Oh, you're here!” Eun was the first to spot you.. well, or maybe the first who spotted you who wanted to talk to you.
“What's going on? Why is everyone celebrating?”
“There's a few new girls here for Prince Seokjin. He's.. very decisive when it comes to his future wife, because he knows she will be the future queen. So we usually do something like this to impress the girls. And..-” she pointed at another Prince.. dancing?
“Oh.. he's.. good!”
“Prince Jimin usually ends up sleeping with the girls because they're so impressed with his dancing,” she whispered into your ear with a giggle, “But don't tell that to his older brother, or they might fight.”
She gently pulled you along with her, noticing your tired eyes, “How are you feeling, by the way? Was it.. alright?”
She must think it was your first time too, “Yes. It was quite alright.”
“When we're alone later, you have to tell me everything.”
“I will.. if you tell me who your secret prince is.”
“I will,” she winked, “I'll get you something to drink, wait here and enjoy the performance.”
Oh, that you could do.
Prince Jimin was a natural. All eyes were on him, he was moving his body to the rhythm and everyone was cheering for him. Everyone here had a great time.. except for Prince Seokjin.
He seemed to be the only one who wanted to leave.. despite all of this being for him.
You narrowed your eyes at him, observed him for a while and then let your eyes follow him when he got up and left.
And.. nobody seemed to notice.
Weren't the girls here for him? Why was he acting so indifferent?
You waited until Eun's eyes were on you, then you pointed at the house that Seokjin had just walked into to signalize her you would be gone for a moment. You waited for her nod before following him.
To your surprise, no guards were at his side.
He was completely alone as he sat down on an empty bench, sighing deeply as he pressed his hands against his face.
You kept your distance, didn't think it was right to talk to him in a moment like this, especially because you didn't even know him. The last time you had seen him was years ago and both of you were chasing each other for fun as kids.. oh, and that time in his father’s chambers, of course, but there wasn’t exactly time for introductions.
There was something troubling him.. and it didn't seem as if he had anyone he could talk to about it.
“Are you going to continue standing there and observing me or are you going to offer to help me release my tension?” he hadn't turned around, yet he still knew that you were here.
You thought about running away, but that would probably be even worse, so you approached him and then bowed.
“Forgive me, your majesty.”
“Ah, it's you.. the newly appointed concubine for all seven princes. How lucky you must feel,” why did he sound so spiteful?
You thought about your words very carefully, but then just settled for, “It is an honor to..-”
“Don't lie to me. You aren't like the other girls here and every single one us knows. That's why my brothers wanted you.”
“But.. not you,” you stated.
“It never matters what I want,” he said full of self-pity, “I'm the heir to the crown. I never get to decide what I really want.”
Ah.. so that's what this was about. He was forced to find a partner, he was forced to marry and forced to bring an heir into this world.
“May I speak freely, your majesty?” Jin looked you up and down, but then just shrugged, so you took that as a yes, “I'm the oldest of three, too. And while I may not know the burden of the crown, I know the burden of always trying to protect your family. I can see that you're angry at the world for putting you in this position, yet you are also angry at yourself for not doing more to help the cause, the cause being finding a wife. And this is not for your sake, but for the sake of your brothers. You know that if you fulfill that burdensome task, your brothers will be able to live in peace for the rest of their lives, without having to worry much about anything anymore.”
Seokjin seemed to be surprised, because everything you had just said was true.. despite you not knowing him.
“How did you..- Who are you?”
“I'm the oldest sister. I know what you're feeling in some sense, because I've been feeling it for a long time too.”
Actually.. maybe now was a good time. True, he was not the king, but he seemed to understand your struggles. Maybe he could help you! Maybe he could talk to the king and put in a good word for you!
“Your majesty, I was wondering if..-”
“There you are, you're expected,” Prince Namjoon and Prince Hoseok approached the two of you, you immediately bowing and blushing a little when you saw Hoseok smirk.
“How are you, (Y/N)?” he wiggled his eyebrows.
“I'm very good, your majesty.”
“Not today.. this is hyung's day. So come on, let's get back to the party,” both brothers tried to cheer the visibly upset Seokjin up and he did smile a little when he walked back.. but you just sighed in disappointment.
This could have been your chance.
But knowing now that Seokjin understood your struggles was valuable information. This might help you in the future.
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Last night had ended relatively uneventful thankfully. You had been scared that one of the princes might have the glorious idea to invite you over, which would have been alright by you in general, but not yesterday. After that tumble with Hoseok, you had been so glad to just lay down and then sleep through the entire night.
At least today, you were fully ready to face whatever you had to.
And what you 'had to' face was Prince Jimin, apparently.
In his room.
Which was.. massive, first of all, and incredibly beautiful.
He wasn't wearing much when you entered, just a very, very thin white blouse and some pants that weren't even closed properly.
“I was quite disappointed when you left early last night,” he said with a small pout as he casually strolled towards you, “I thought I might impress you with my dancing skills.”
“You have, your majesty.”
“No, no, no, Jimin is fine,” he sat down on his bed and licked his lips as he cocked his head to the side, “Did you really like it?”
“I've.. never seen anything quite like it. You are incredibly talented.”
“So are you, from what I heard,” he grinned, “My brother spoke quite fondly about you.”
“I didn't do much, your..- Jimin.”
Jimin chuckled and nodded, “Well.. maybe that can change today,” he extended his hand and waited until you were standing right in front of him, before he looked up at you, “May I undress you?”
May he..-? Wasn't that why you were here? Quite kind of him to ask, actually.
You smiled and nodded, letting him do whatever he wanted to do.
But it wasn't much.
Because once your dress and your undergarments were on the floor and you were completely naked in front of him, he just admired your body for a very long time. His fingers were caressing every part of your body, smiling each and every time he found a detail as if he wanted to ingrain it into his memory.
This was.. very romantic and not like you had imagined this to go at all.
“You are very beautiful, (Y/N).”
You weren't sure what was allowed here and what wasn't, nobody ever went over the rules with you, but Jimin didn't seem to mind when you were cupping his cheeks. He looked a little surprised, but he didn't push you away.
You leaned down to kiss him ever so softly, but at the same time, with a lot of passion. Only for a moment, then you leaned back and looked directly into his eyes, “Thank you.”
Jimin smiled, then he pulled the shirt over his head and got up to pull down his trousers.
And then it was you admiring him.
You hadn't seen much of Hoseok unfortunately, but Jimin let you take it all in. He let you caress his muscles with your fingertips and when they reached his hard dick, he let out a soft, high-pitched moan that made you smile.
Whereas Hoseok was clearly the one who wanted to have power, Jimin seemed to be someone who liked to be intimidating at first, but ultimately didn't mind if you took over control.
And so he let you gently push him back onto the bed until he had slid all the way to the back and waited for you to crawl after him, grinning from ear to ear when you sat down on top of him.
“This is a first for me, you know? The others would never do that..” he watched you position yourself.
“Do you want me to stop?” you gently bit down on his lower lip and pulled slightly on it with your teeth, your wet folds rubbing over his hard penis.
“No,” his hands gently ran over your curves, “I never want this to stop.”
Especially not when you finally slid down and he was all the way inside of you.
While your head fell back in pure pleasure, Jimin could not keep his eyes off you. Not even for a second. He wanted to see just what exactly it was that you were feeling.
Yes, he knew he was a good lover and he knew the pleasure his girls were experiencing wasn't fake, but sometimes.. they exaggerated a little.
But you.. this.. this was the best sex he's ever had and it just began. And from the way you were moaning and the way you kept telling him how good he felt inside of you.. you were having a good time too.
“Look at me,” Jimin demanded, waiting until you did so, before gently kissing you, his hand wandering up to one of your breasts to softly massage it, “Your skin is so beautiful.. soft.. warm.”
Your pace was slow, you forced yourself not to speed things up.
This wasn't the time for rough sex like yesterday, you enjoyed this a lot more with its softness and the romance it held.
The way that Jimin smiled and moaned, the way he continued to give you compliments and the way this felt so intimate.. you cherished it all. Every little moment.
Your forehead leaned against his, your hips now doing circular motions, “Can I be honest with you?” he whispered, his fingertips running up and down your spine, making goosebumps form on your skin.
“Please always be,” you moaned lowly.
“My father said the only one who is supposed to spill himself inside of you is my oldest brother.. because if anyone should get you pregnant,” he stopped you, so that he could tell you this important piece of information, “It's him.”
Well.. Hoseok didn't tell you that. Not that you were pregnant, but..-
“But I really want to come inside of you,” he said in desperation, now him being the one who pushed you back and forth with his hands on your hips, but not roughly. “Fill you up with my seed.. I want to see you carry my child.. know that I am the one who put it inside your belly.”
“Do you want it to be our little secret, then?” you giggled, kissing him once, twice and continuing to fasten your pace, until all Jimin could do is moan out: “Yes!” and come inside of you like he wanted, completely spill himself inside of you until there was nothing left.
You hadn't reached your orgasm with Hoseok yesterday, but you did with Jimin, at the same time as him, actually.
You fell forward against his chest, assumed that he'd push away and not let you stay because of the whole thing with Hoseok yesterday, but Jimin wasn't Hoseok.
He held you in his arms and gently caressed your back, kissed your temple and stopped you when you wanted to pull his penis out of you.
“No.. I want to be like this for a little longer. Feel you like this,” he whispered, “May I?”
“Yes,” you smiled.
And so you stayed.. until you fell asleep in his arms.
And that's probably not what concubines were supposed to do.
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dnarez · 4 years
Chapter 8 - Beautiful
After cooking and eating together Keigo went home with a full stomach and a big smile in his face, he never had someone act so natural around him, it was refreshing it felt like home.
They exchanged numbers this time, he was pretty clear that he was seeing her like a little sister, so she wouldn't feel creeped out.
Both were in the same page about their friendship, which only made Keigo happier since normally people would only want something from him, but she was so nice and friendly, she sounded like she really saw him as her big brother, which again was very refreshing.
He totally would take her in if he could.
Y/n walked to school the next day, Keigo had explained that flying was technically using her quirk so it was illegal since she didn't have a license.
She thought it was unfair having wings that now knew how to fly and not be allowed to.
On her way to U.A. someone poked her shoulder, when she turned around she saw a boy with half white hair and half red hair, he had mesmerizing bi colored eyes and a scar that brought a mysterious look to him, his clothing looking too basic for someone that handsome, before she could stop it her mouth and brain said the same thing at the same time.
The handsome guy was stunned, he had gotten a lot of compliments all his life given who his father is, but never had someone called him that, he was fascinated by this girl's wings and wanted to ask a few questions, but now? Now he had lost his words.
They were like that for a few seconds until she realized what she had said what made her face go bright red and her wings from gray to pure pink.
"I'm so sorry! I-i.... BYE!!!!" She ran to school after that not stopping for nothing, even if she had already escaped the handsome boy, she was so embarrassed that almost ran over her best friend but fate was kind to her purple haired friend, and she realized that it was him just in time, being able to stop just in time.
"Woah! Calm down! What the fuck happened?? You almost killed me there!"
They were a few centimeters from each other, being able to smell each other's breath.
She was breathing heavily trying to make her it evens out, she smells like the fresh mint and cherry tea.
He sighed letting her being able to smell the coffee on his breath.
'Too close' Hitoshi blushed heavily and took a step back.
"S-sorry! I was running from a pretty boy and-"
"Pretty boy?"
"Well... more like handsome boy like... REALLY handsome" she got back to walking to school and Hitoshi was following behind her.
"Oh... yeah but... how did he look?"
"Oh! He had this beautiful hair that was half red and half white, he also had one gray eye and one blue eye, he truly was breathtaking!"
"Uhum" Shinso was feeling annoyed that she though so much of a random boy. "Was his voice also sweet like honey?" He smirked at his sarcastic remark.
"I don't know... I ran from him before he could say anything..." she looked at the ground ashamed
Hitoshi burst out laughing "why- hahahaha! Why would you do that???"
"I... Before he could tell me why he poked my shoulder I called him gorgeous... we both got embarrassed and I ran away" her face was bright red and her wings pure pink
Hitoshi keep laughing at her reaction thinking it was the cutest thing he ever saw.
She covered her face with her wings, he stopped laughing and put his hand on top of her  wing petting it.
"Damn! Why did you stay that?"
"I don't know! My mouth just did it without me noticing!" She puffed her cheeks and opened her wings a little to see him "and stop laughing! Or I won't lunch with you!"
"Ok ok sorry, now come out of ur shell and let's go"
In the lunch line Y/n looked around looking for her other friends from 1-a.
"Hey bird brain, they won't come to school until next Monday remember?" Hitoshi got his food and walked to their usual table with her following him with a bento box on her hands.
"Oh yeah! I forgot about that" they sat down next to each other and started to eat "do you want some? I made takoyaki this time, today diner will be homemade ramen!" She told him cheerfully
"Yeah, sure..."
She poked the takoyaki and turn to him "now open up!" She got the food in front of his mouth
He blushed heavily "w-what are y-" before he could finish she forcefully feed him
"What did you think?" She asked worriedly.
He finished eating it "it's awful, so awful that you shouldn't eat it" he takes another takoyaki "I will make this sacrifice for you" she laughs and put all her takoyaki in his plate.
"I'm glad you liked it" she goes back to eating.
By the end of the day they were leaving the school being accompanied by Haru.
"She's starting to get old... I think she won't be able to pick me up...." she petted the husky's head
"How old is she anyway?" He kicked a pebble that was in his way
"She's 8, I love her with all my heart, I also love Void with all my heart." She combed her hair with her fingers
"So... how is flying?" He rubbed his neck with his right hand, the silence wasn't uncomfortable, but he wanted to hear her talking more.
"I can fly now but it's illegal to use my quirk without supervision of a pro or a license" she sighed and looked up at him "I'm lucky that my big brother have the day off, He can help me practice".
"Big brother? Since when do you have a brother?" He stopped at a vending machine and put the cash on it
She stopped by his side "we... we aren't blood related, but He does help me a lot, so I'm thinking of calling him 'onichan' what do you think?" He got a cherry coke and some coffee, giving her the coke.
"I think it's weird but... he is a pro hero isn't he?" He opened the cool coffee and drank it.
She did the same and got back to walking slowly since Haru was getting tired. "Yeah he is..."
"What's his hero name?" He asked, while also slowing down to walk side by side.
He saw her lips moving but didn't understand "sorry, what"
"I said...." she was looking at the floor, her (h/c) hair making a curtain to hide her face.
"Can you speak louder? I still can't understand"
"Hawks.... it's Hawks...." she didn't see the surprised face he made
"Like... number three hero Hawks, or....?"
"Yeah... that one, I understand  if you don't trust me so... I have a picture to prove it" she got her cellphone from her pocket and looked in her gallery "here!"
She showed him a picture of her and Haws sitting on the couch, he had his gear off and was with his head on her shoulder smiling at the camera, she was with a big smile on her face and her head on his, their wings on the background both showing, his  red ones and her yellow ones.
"Damn... you will have a lot of help with your quirk won't you?" He petted Haru's head when they stop in front of her apartment
"Yeah! Do you want help with your body?" Her wings got lightly yellow
"Nope" he said popping the p "Don't need that kind of help when you got a quirk like mine"
She sighed "okay but if you change your mind please don't even think about going to someone else" she waved at him and got inside the gate with Haru "bye 'toshi, see you tomorrow!" She got inside, and he made his way to his house.
She unlocked the door and was surprised by the tasty smell of chicken and ramen. Making her way to the kitchen she was surprised by the scene.
Keigo cooking with casual clothing (picture on this chapter is his clothing), his feather all over the kitchen helping him cook and Void on top of his head looking what he was doing.
Keigo looked at the door and smiled seeing his little sister "hope you don't mind, I got in by the balcony window and since you still were at school I decided to make some food for us while waiting"
"I am home onii-chan!" Her wings full yellow and her smile super bright.
He looked at her surprised and gave her a bigger smile "welcome back one-chan" she got close to him right by his side, and he petted her head.
They truly had a place to call home now. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................................................
So... since it had 1 vote for Bakugo and 1 vote for Shoto I had to make the decision and I choose Shoto(as you could see in this chapter).
Also... happy birthday to me!!!!🎉🎉❤  (04/09)
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toothedsmile · 5 years
The puppeteer : Chapter three
Chapter three – First day at school
A/N: I have no idea how exactly the schools in Japan are so I’ll just base the school where reader is in of my own school here in Belgium. I apologize to anyone who might find this annoying or confusing but I hope you’ll enjoy nonetheless. Reader will most likely transfer to UA at some point  but I won’t tell when so…
Skippable :  But here is a quick explanation of how schools work here (at least where I went) : Pre-school, this is pretty much like day care, these are usually located around primary schools to make going over to formal education easier. Primary school, this begins at the age of 6 but I began at 5 as I was just born late in the year but in the same year as my classmates. You stay in primary school for six years, so until you are 10-11. Then begins secondary school which I think is like an equivalent to high school but still different. This begins at the age of 10-11 or 12 depending on date of birth, you also stay here for 6 years until you are 17-18 (18 is the legal age here and in case you were curious you’re allowed to drink at 16 but no hard beverages, that’s 18) then you start university or higher education. Also, just like in japan you have one class you stay with for an entire year in primary and secondary school. Midoriya and the others would here in Belgium be in their fourth year of secondary school. (further details can be found in the addition explanation chapter)
A little while had passed since the letter arrived and you were still a little salty about it but you were able to live with it. Your parents had decided to let you go to another school that wasn’t UA as they thought it might’ve brought some bad feelings to you. Sadly as they didn’t want to move or have you travel far distances by yourself to go to school they chose a school that was close by your house but also close to UA, so that you could look upon your dream school with disappointment and regret.
Today was the first day of your new school It normally started at 8:40 AM but because you were in a higher year you could arrive at 9:30 so you had enough time to go so you could wake up at 8 AM so you had enough time to do whatever you needed to do in the morning. The school you went to was very different than the others around as it was based on schools in Europe (I think, idk). You were in class  4HC1, fourth year hero course class 1. While it might not be an actual hero course where it is deemed as the main part of the course it was an additional class you could take along with rescue classes. You arrived at the Multipurpose Hall, which was also used as the mess hall, it was a big room that could keep around 250 students inside. It had tables, chairs and windows that looked out to some trees where you could do recreational things during the pause. In the Hall was a small podium where the principal stood waiting for the time the bell rang to give a speech and have everyone be with their classroom teacher.
It took some time and there were some students who were late when the principal had already begun calling of the classes and the names of who ere in those classes. After 5 minutes she arrived at your class and called your name along with 20 others. You all followed your teacher to the classroom and had to introduce yourself, luckily you could do this from your seat.
Surprisingly your friend for two years ago was also in this class, they had moved to this school two years ago but seemed to remember you seeing as they waved at you with a huge smile and mouthed to you that you should ‘Come to me when we have to go to the other lesson’
Your first hour, which was actually 50 minutes long, existed of introducing yourself and other information that was given about the school and classes you had to go to, you were happy that it happened in this hour because it was supposed to be math. The teacher said that they were your English teacher but they were the person who would look after your class the most, like a homeroom teacher.
When the bell finally rang your friend had stood up quickly and went outside, sighing to yourself you thought ‘Of course, it probably wasn’t even to me they said that.’ You walked out the door and were immediately greeted by an arm that slung itself around your shoulder and a happy yell of “Y/N!!” right into your eardrums.
Shocked you turned your head and saw your friend looking extremely happy with a gigantic smile that could rival the sun.
“Y/N! I’m so happy to see someone I know! I didn’t know you transferred to this school. There’s so much that I have to tell you like OMG, I don’t have many friends as I somehow haven’t managed to bond with anyone like I have with you but that’s fine because now you’re here and I’m so happy that I see you again even though we saw each other during the vacation and other times because you’re the only one out of our friend group who actually kept in contact with me for those years but never mind them because who cares, not me hahahaha.”
You blinked, kept silent and blinked again. There was so much information, you forgot they were like this. After recollecting yourself you smiled back at your friend, who was still smiling mind you, happy that there was a familiar face among the 19 others you don’t know and forgot their names of.
Swinging your arm around their shoulders you finally spoke to them. “F/N!! I’m so glad to see you, I forgot you went to this school to be honest but I’m sooooo happy that you’re here.”
You let each other go as the position wasn’t so handy to maintain while walking nor was it that comfortable unless you were sitting down. They lead you to your classroom and explained everything that had happened to them during their time here that they hadn’t already said to you in messages or small meetings during vacations.
You were very happy to learn that because this was the first day of school everybody was allowed to leave at 3 PM, thus skipping any lessons that might’ve happened after that hour. You both decided to hang out a bit more after school in a small café like place where they served delicious ice cream and other desserts with a variety of drinks, there you explained what had happened to make you not go to UA as your friend knew you really wanted to go there.
They seemed sympathetic but didn’t seem pitiful like your other friends and said that “Things happen, I know you would be a great hero that would save everyone whether it was from a villain or from themselves. Just keep trying so you can go to UA.”
It made you feel a lot better about yourself.
“You know, you could be a vigilante. “They said as they wiggled their eyebrows and smirked at you. “You’d be a hero before anyone else, you could save people and heck! I can be that person in the chair with a headset to tell you where you have to go with screens all around me!”
You Furrowed your brows confused. “W-wha? First of all that seems dangerous but a very nice idea and anyway, I don’t need a person in a chair. But if I do I’ll tell you.”
The both of you exchanged such glances that you weirded some people who saw it happen out but you didn’t pay attention to them as you had started thinking about the idea your friend gave you. While yes it was seen as a bad idea that unlicensed heroes actually do hero work under a disguise and most of those who did were either seen as reckless or straight up as villains no matter the motives of the person in question.
You thought back about a vigilante who previously called himself Stendhal but afterwards turned into the now called villain Hero killer: Stain.
While you thought his motives made a bit of sense you didn’t like the execution. (pun totally intended with 0 shame)
You also thought about your own motives which included both egoistical ones but also selfless ones such as wanting to genuinely help people and bring a smile upon their face but also wanting to make yourself seem better and to prove yourself that you weren’t as useless as you showed during the entrance exam for the hero course in UA.
“Hey Y/N, you still on planet earth or have you gone to introvert land?” you snapped out of your little daze and looked back to your friend who seemed a bit worried about you.
“You were either forcing your two braincells to think or you just straight out rebooted out of nowhere. Anyway, what do think huh? About my idea.”
Pursing you lips you looked a bit to the side not really wanting to admit that you actually thought about their suggestion but caved in after they gave you the you-better-tell-me-or-I’ll-annoy-you-so-hard-like-you-don’t-even-know look. “To be honest I was actually thinking about it and like, it doesn’t even seem like a horrible idea but it also sounds straight up stupid and dangerous but like that’s what a hero has to do right? But I’m going to think about it.”
They smiled at you, happy that you thought about their suggestion seriously. They didn’t mind you dreams and even though it was kind of illegal to do vigilante work they wanted to support you trough and trough in any way they possibly could.
Taking your hands they smiled proudly at you. “You know, whatever you want to do, I’ll support you the best I can possibly can.” They squeezed your hands for good measure before letting go and proposing to ask the check and go home as it was getting rather late.
You both said your goodbyes and walked home, they had to take the train but you didn’t want them to go to the train station alone so you went with them and looked so that they went inside the building safely.
You both waved and you started walking home a bit faster than normal because you didn’t want to be out while it was dark.
After a short walk you got home safely where your mother greeted you and said that they had waited for you with dinner.
An hour after dinner you went to bed, stomach happy, feeling alright and light.
You were ready to continue your goal of becoming a hero to rely on.
 I Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
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nikanndros · 6 years
YOOOOOOO. SURPRISE! I’m not here about your fabulous new update (even though I could wax poetic on that in another ask) I’m here to inquire about that BOMB ASS INFIDELITY FIC YOU WROTE. look. I would write you ANYTHING In exchange for more of that fic/anymore infidelity. That shit is great to explore. Anyway. Marry me, have my babies and don’t cheat on me but I LOVE YOU YOUNG G
Hahahaha There is a special place in my heart for that fic tbh, so I’m glad you liked it. For further reading, I did post here a Laurent POV version of that AU that you can read HERE.
I actually started a sequel to that story a while ago, which I never got around to finishing because I didn’t really know where it was going, hahaha. But there’s no point in letting it gather dust in my google docs, so here is the first two thousand plus words of what would have been the adultery sequel.
“Do you want to come inside?” Laurent asks.
He wonders if his eyes are still red. If Damen will turn around and see that he’s been crying and - what? Recoil? - Laurent doesn’t know. He just knows that this moment feels penultimate. This could decide the course of the rest of his life, the rest of their relationship together. He’s never cared much for people’s opinion of him, but he is desperately afraid of Damen’s rejection.
Damen curls his hand in his pocket - the pocket he keeps his car keys in, Laurent has undressed him enough times to know - and Laurent wonders if he’s considering it. Just getting in the car and driving away. Maybe back to his home, where Jokaste will be. She’d forgive him eventually. Laurent knows because he thinks he could forgive Damen any slight just for the opportunity to hold and be held by him.
Slowly, Damen takes his hand - empty - out of his pocket and turns around. He looks lost. He looks beautiful, he always does. Damen rubs his fingertips against his forehead, warding off a headache, and sighs.
Laurent doesn’t know what to say. The moment is heavy with pressure. There’s a fork in the road, which path will they take?
Eventually, Damen nods. “Let’s go inside,” he says.
They’re barely in the front entryway when Damen puts a hand on his shoulder.
Ask me to stay with you, Laurent thinks. “Yes?” he says, heart in his throat.
Damen isn’t quite looking at him. “I have to talk to my parents,” he says. ��They had that look about them.”
Concerned, was the look. Probably worried that their polyamory has set a bad example for their son. “Okay,” Laurent says.
“You should talk to Nicaise.”
Laurent frowns.
“Laurent,” Damen says. “He’s just a boy. It’s not fair for you to be upset with him. And you know how much your opinion means to him.”
It hurts right now, to be reminded of the way Damen is. He can be an oblivious idiot sometimes, but he also has a kindness in him. Laurent has never seen him hold a grudge in his entire lifetime of knowing him.
“I know,” Laurent says.
“Okay,” Damen replies, and then, finally, he looks directly at Laurent. “I’m sorry.”
Laurent closes his eyes. He doesn’t want to cry again, he doesn’t want to cry at all - but he knows he won’t be able to control himself if Damen dumps him here and now. Not that it counts as dumping, when they weren’t even in a real relationship. Just illicit sex and intimacy that has changed the fundamentals of who Laurent is as a person.
He cups Laurent’s chin and Laurent hates himself a little for leaning into it. Then Damen continues. “I’m sorry,” he says again. “I should have told you that Auguste knew. Well I should have done a lot of things differently. But I’m sorry it all came out like this. You don’t deserve it.”
I do, Laurent thinks. Because he’s the catalyst for all of it, the reason it happened in the first place. He had known he shouldn’t have kissed Damen. He shouldn’t have even let him through the door.
“I’m going to talk to my parents,” Damen says, like he’s making a mental checklist. “I’m going to stay here tonight. And tomorrow -” he hesitates, “- tomorrow, can we talk?”
What does that even mean? Laurent just nods, eyes still closed. He doesn’t know how to speak. But he feels-
He feels Damen press a gentle kiss to the centre of his forehead, and then the source of warmth disappears entirely. When Laurent opens his eyes again, he is standing in the hallway, alone.
Auguste parked at their parent’s house, and so the whole family has to ride back in the same car together.
It is a very silent trip.
Laurent sits between his brothers in the backseat and feels the crippling awkwardness that comes with knowing that not only does his entire family know he’s been fucking someone - but that he’s been fucking their family friend who was in a relationship. He knows his mother will try to understand, but his father is probably furious. Auguste, supportively, has one hand resting on his knee. Nicaise, to his other side, is squirming uncomfortably. He looks guilty, which Laurent wants to be happy about, but he remembers Damen’s words and ends up just feeling bad.
“Laurent,” his mother says, finally breaking the silence. Her voice is soft. “Will you stay at the house tonight please, baby?”
It’s actually a question. He knows he can refuse and avoid another terrible conversation tonight, and his mum will let him. “Okay,” Laurent says. He keeps saying that. He doesn’t know when he became so agreeable.
When they get out of the car, Auguste directs their father into his office with him, and Nicaise immediately runs up the stairs. His mother links arms with him and pulls him into the sitting room and onto a couch.
The couch is covered in colourful pillows, his mother is fond of over-decorating everything in the house. They sit together for a long moment and then she seems to deflate and she pulls Laurent into her arms like he’s a child. Laurent lets it happen.
He misses this kind of maternal comfort, but since moving on campus he’s felt too old to ask for it. His mother is always soft and she radiates love. “I’m sorry,” Laurent says, quietly. It seems to be a night for apologies.
“Oh my baby,” Hennike says. “My sweet boy. What a mess.”
“I love him,” Laurent tells her, because it’s been on the tip of his tongue for years and he’s never let himself vocalise it before.
“I know,” she says, soothingly. “I know you weren’t being malicious. You’re just in love. Life can be so complicated sometimes.”
He’s glad that he was right about his mother being sympathetic; he thinks that he needs this unwavering love and understanding that he can be certain in.
“I don’t know what to do,” Laurent admits.
“Do you remember how your father and I got together?”
“Yes,” Laurent says. He knows. Now doesn’t feel like the appropriate time to talk about his parent’s perfect love story.
“Tell me,” his mother prompts.
“You were friends in university,” Laurent says. “And then you realised you were in love with each other and eloped a week later. Happily ever after.”
“Yes,” his mother agrees. “I never told you this, but on the day that your father finally told me he loved me, I was seeing someone else.”
“What?” Laurent sits up. This isn’t part of the story.
“I was dating a boy from my highschool, who my parents loved and I felt okay about. But I was wildly in love with your father, and when he told me he felt the same I couldn’t refuse. We had to run away because my parents were so mad when they heard I’d broken up with my boyfriend. We got married so that they couldn’t try and pressure me to go back to him.”
“But you broke up with the guy,” Laurent says. “You didn’t have an -” affair. He shouldn’t feel squeamish about the word.
“No,” his mother says. “But what I want you to understand is that love is complicated. It’s a series of choices that you have to make, with no way of knowing which is the right decision… You boys shouldn’t have done that, not while Damen was still with Jokaste. But it’s happened now, and it’s time for you to make a choice of what you want to do next.”
“I don’t really think it’s up to me,” Laurent admits, quietly. “Damen told me he wants us to talk tomorrow. It sounded ominous.”
“Oh honey.” His mother pulls him back into her arms. “No matter what happens - one day it’s going to all be okay. I promise.”
Nicaise is sitting at the top of the stairs, when Laurent ascends them, his skinny legs sticking out between the balustrades.
“Do you hate me?” Nicaise asks in a small voice.
Laurent stops on the step that he’s on and looks up at his little brother. “No,” he says, finally. “Of course I love you. I’m just upset right now.”
“Do you want to sleep in my room?” Nic asks. “We can pulls out the air matress and then you won’t have to be upset by yourself.”
He has his odd moments of sweetness. Laurent opens his mouth to reply, but that’s when Auguste makes his presence known, stepping into view. Laurent briefly wonders whether he was waiting out of sight just in case he had to stop his siblings from fighting.
“Nope,” Auguste says. “We’re having a sleepover in my old room tonight. Go brush your teeth, Nic, and we’ll let you come too.”
Nicaise runs off.
“You’re staying too then?” Laurent asks. He tries to sound like he doesn’t care, but his acting skills aren’t up to scratch tonight apparently.
“Of course,” Auguste says. “I can’t risk missing any more drama.”
He holds a hand out and Laurent takes it.
“There are a lot of people who love you, Laurent,” Auguste whispers, later that night when Nicaise is asleep between them.  “I really hope that you and whatever you’re doing with Damen works out but-- either way, I want you to know that I love you very much, and I’m on your side for everything.”
“I know,” Laurent replies, just as quiet. At least he has Auguste.
Laurent ends up getting to the cafe he’s meeting Damen at twenty minutes early. He orders a pot of tea, finishes it, goes to the bathroom, and then orders another tea - take away this time, just in case - all before Damen arrives.
He’s in the middle of anxiously wondering whether he should get Damen his usual coffee order or if that’s going to look too desperately sad, when he finally walks in. All dark olive skin and wearing a faded tank top that looks like it belonged to him before his last growth spurt. It clings tightly to his chest. At least that means he hasn’t gone back to his apartment, where Jokaste will be, for a change of clothing.
“Hey,” Damen says, and he puts a hand on Laurent’s shoulder. “I need coffee.” He disappears off to the counter.
Laurent is pretty sure his heart is going way too fast just from that brief moment. He is suddenly passionately glad he opted for chamomile tea rather than coffee. No need to add excessive caffeine to this hot mess.
A moment later, Damen is pulling out a chair and sitting at the table, opposite him rather than adjacent. It is very hard not to read that as a rejection of sorts.
“How are you?” Damen says.
“We should just get to the point,” Laurent replies.
Damen sits back in his chair a little. “Oh,” he says.
Laurent purses his lips, and then he forces himself to relax a little - or just appear to be more relaxed anyway. “I’m okay,” he says. “I talked to Auguste and my mum last night, and I told Nicaise I didn’t blame him. I’m going to take him to the beach tomorrow, like I promised.”
“That’s good,” Damen says. He leans forward again. “My parents all teamed up on me. And then dad called Kastor and told him everything, and Kastor called me just to call me an idiot. Oh, and to tell me that Vanessa is pregnant again and I can only go to the shower if I promise not to bring any dramatic revelations.”
Laurent gives him a half-hearted smile. “Brotherly love,” he says. Kastor is so much older than them and further in his life that he’s always felt more like extended family than anything else.
“I know, he’s terribly sentimental,” Damen replies.
They take a moment to regard each other, before Damen speaks again, this time in an almost pleading voice. “Laurent, what are we doing?”
“I don’t know,” Laurent replies quietly. This is it, then.
“You’re going back to university in a couple of days,” Damen says. “And everything is a mess. I don’t know what we’re doing, or even what we should be doing.”
“Me either,” Laurent agrees. He isn’t willing to say much more than that. He wants to drag this out - this ambiguous stretch of time where things aren’t yet officially over between them - for as long as he can.
“I love you,” Damen says, in a rush. “I’m in love with you.”
Oh. Oh. That’s - not what he expected. “I…” Laurent has to force himself to talk. Even when Damen has already cut out his own heart and laid it on the table before them, Laurent feels resistance in letting himself be vulnerable. “I also feel like that. About you,” he manages, weakly.
“Okay,” Damen says. He looks flustered. “Okay, good.”
“Good,” Laurent repeats. His shoulders drop, and he runs his fingers through his hair. “I thought you were going to” - break up is the wrong term, they weren’t dating - “...tell me to leave you alone.” He winces at the awkward phrasing.
“No, I don’t want that,” Damen replies. “I know we’ve done everything wrong, but I really do want to try with you. It’s just that…”
Oh no. “What.”
“Everything is a mess right now,” Damen says. “I have to find a new apartment and you’re going back to uni, and I think we should get all of that sorted before we try to make what we have work.”
It’s so logical it makes Laurent want to scream. “So you are telling me to leave you alone?”
“No,” Damen says. “Just maybe we should give it a couple of weeks for things to settle and then talk about what we want.”
This is hardly the let’s elope immediately reaction that Laurent had maybe wanted.
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aliceellablog · 7 years
Sorry I haven’t posted for so long... ironic when you’re not well enough to write your blog about your illness aint it!?! 
Anyway, I’m gonna cut right to the chase. Instagram vs real life is such an issue for me. One I probably need to get over…. It’s so hard I don’t know wether I should try and only post positive fun photos and make it look like I’m having a right old great fucking time or to keep it more ‘real’? But then no-one wants to see pics of an ill sad girl and it’ll probably just look like I’m trying to get attention.
I guess this blog is my outlet for now…
I have people who are close to me who tell me that if I post about being ill all the time I’ll never get booked for work or gigs, but then when it comes to my (failing) career as an artist I want to be real. I want to be honest and build a genuine following of people who care enough to join me on the real journey??Answers on a postcard please thanks.
So if you’ve seen the recent Insta posts you will have seen that I managed to go on holiday with my besets friends - genuine yay!I’ve never been away with friends before and could not wait to get ma body in the sun!! Oh that sweet sweet vitamin D!
But maybe I underestimated how tiring travelling was and how hard it would be…
Don’t get me wrong I don’t regret going and there were some really genuinely lovely times - that and I feel so much closer to my friends, but I’ve been back home now for three weeks and I’m just about making it to the supermarket or doing small tasks around the house each day. BIG FAT MEH.
I know I say it a lot but M.E. is so fucking frustrating!!! Because the more you push through and try and go for it the worse you get, so you physically can’t just get on with things- and the pay back is hell.
So on the way there we had the biggest nightmare…. I met Katie, Grace, Tilly, and Nicki at the airport and all was chill- I was feeling pretty shit but not too terrible. We had a bit of food at the Wetherspoons - keeping it classy - and then all went off to get out bits and bobs from Boots, WHSmiths etc - classic airport essentials!! - now… I’ll spare you the details… but I also have Crohns disease, and was not tooooo well!! It seemed that all of a sudden our gate was called… and I was… erm… busy…
I was as quick as I could be (awks), but there is no rushing somethings man!!! We were all panicking on the WhatsApp group and I told the gals I would meet them at the gate… Grace (bless her heart) said she would wait for me - she went to the information desk and told them my situation and asked if we could get a wheelchair or one of those buggy things to assist us to the gate - which of course was the furthest one away!!!
Do you know what they said to her??
‘You have four minutes until the gate closes and you won’t get there in time. You have to go now and leave your friend’ Grace being Grace said no, and waited for me. She tried to explain but they said to her ‘If she’s ill she shouldn’t be travelling’ - THANKS GATWICK - REAL BIG HELP THERE!!
Anyway… I came out of the toilets (why oh why am I selling you all this hahahaha) and found Grace - we had less than 4 minutes to do like a good 10 minute walk.
I don’t think I’ve moved so fast in a long time!! We were proper power walking through the airport and Grace would break into a jog at some points. I was fast trailing behind her shouting ‘just go!’ ‘Go on without me!’ Which of course she didn’t….
Stress levels were ridiculous, and I almost collapsed on an escalator - I sat and G rubbed my back…. After what seemed like a marathon we got to the gate… where everyone was sat chilling and they hadn’t even stared boarding yet. cool. whatever… Then Tilly comes walking up behind us as my body is shaking and I start to cry from all the adrenaline- ‘oh hey guys! you got here quick!’ - yea Tilly… real quick….LOL
By that time my legs were utter jelly and I thought I was going to pass out - very pleasant- but we all got on the plane and were laughing so hard at the messages of sheer panic in the WhatsApp group! We were all SO RELIEVED that we had made it!! I literally thought I had ruined everyone’s holiday!! - oops!! Never eating before a flight again! ;)
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So we got to Spain and yet again the airport staff were assholes - I was as you can imagine feeling awful and there was a huge queue to get through passport control- I had my disabled parking badge with me as way of proof (people look at me and just don’t get it) and so Kaite and I asked if there was any where I could sit to wait for the queue to go down or any way we could go to the front. After they’d asked ‘where is the disabled girl?’ looking straight past me, and told me no, we’d had enough and just walked straight through while they shouted ‘Policia’ at us etc…. Luckily the police did not come and we went straight through!
What is it with these people?? Like even if I was a healthy girl who became ill on the plane they should WANT to help someone who is asking for assistance??
They can all get in the bin. End of.
So next was the drive (thank you Nicki for driving on the other side of the road for us all!!) to the villa and then we were there! Bloody exhausting.
The gals all then went out for dinner and I went to bed and ate a gluten free pot noodle I had packed in ma suitcase. Living the dream I tell ya!
The next day I was feeling pretty awful and chilled all day by the pool - now of course I am not complaining as I am so lucky to have been able to go on holiday at all, but that day, and most of the time actually, it was just a massive head fuck.
How was I was sat by the pool, surrounded by palm trees in the gorgeous sun, yet all I felt like doing was crying. I couldn’t shake it.
I didn’t want to be with my friends and I didn’t have the energy to make conversation, but kept trying and didn’t want to ruin everyone else’s holiday or be a downer.
Some of the time it just felt I was like having salt rubbed in my wounds right in my face. I was surrounded by four other healthy girls doing what I wished I could be.
I guess at home where I can escape to my room, and the fact that they are all at work everyday, it’s a little easier to cope.
But watching them all have fun and go out without me, and drink wine every night etc. was just a bit rubbish I guess.
I’m sure I sound ridiculous but you can’t help what you feel, and that’s what I felt.
The second night I went for dinner with them all but got so unwell I was in tears at the dinner table and got a cab home and left them to it. Fuck sake. (Sorry for all the swearing… just feel strongly lol)
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I did improve a bit as the holiday went on, and my god they were all SO helpful and caring - always carrying the sun lounger out to the pool for me, and making me food when I was super tired (great omelette’s Nix!!), taking my suitcase for me at the airport, all that kinda stuff - and for that I thank them all, I must have been such a burden always having to be ‘looked after’ and I hated that. But they were beyond wonderful. Love you all SO MUCH!!
Then Emily arrived for the last few days which was awesome as we don’t get to see her as much now she’s moved out- so that was cool and we had a really lovely day at the beach which I genuinely enjoyed and did feel a little better - oh and I got duck pancakes that day too… nuff said!! :)
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On the Saturday we had decided to have our one ‘night out’ -it was really nice to all get dolled up and as most of us are single now there was a lot of banter with the bar staff etc!
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But again I was there drinking a Diet Coke and they were there making bloody boomerangs of them cheersing with their champagne glasses and getting drunk. God I am bitter!! hahaha
How do I always end up writing about my long to get drunk on this blog haha…. I just really miss it I guess… It’s hard cos my personality is so full of get up and go and lets go get drunk and dance!!! But instead I get to a club, can’t drink and all I think about is where can I sit down and what time shall I get a cab home on my own.
Wow… I really can complain huh!!!
On a positive note- I did have a dance that night!! Ok it was for maybe like 2 songs and it was more of a side step LOL but it felt really good! … and again…. Bar staff were on fleeek - for a laugh Nicki and I went up and she dared me to ask for his number… which I did…he was like the most gorgeous man I had ever seen!! But he had to get a woman over to translate as he didn’t understand a word I was saying and then when he did give me his number he asked if I spoke Spanish… to which I said no…. Most pointless exchange ever but Nicki and I were dying laughing and then just kinda ran away! I felt 13 again!
Then Grace did a high kick on the dance floor and fell flat on her face - and got glass in her hand. Doh! Oh Grace- your dance moves make me so happy- man I wish I could do crying laughing emojis on here!!!
-Don’t worry, Grace got looked after! After being told she would need stitches by the bar staff, she ended up in A&E but came home a mere plaster
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Anyway I am rambling now -
After that night again I felt terrible and didn’t make it out to dinner with the gals but was glad I had made it out in the first place. I sat and ate chocolate watching the sunset instead. All good ;)
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Then the journey home of course was pretty rubbish - British Airways you suck balls. - We pre booked assistance on the way home after our first ordeal! But this then meant waiting on the (very cold) plane for another half an hour, then being wheeled to a dark hallway and being left sat there alone (no staff anywhere) for about 45 minutes. We got so fed up that Katie found a few wheelchairs and stole one- I mean if they’re not gonna help we will help ourselves… it was at that moment that the buggy arrived and faffed about for a long time and then took us through passport control etc. LONG. Would have probably been less tiring to walk but then you never know how far it is!
After hitting my head at the train station I arrived home to Sussex where my mum picked me up.
Then HOME!! Oh the joy!! Bed with my cat! YAAAASSSS!!!
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Unfortunately the next day I had hospital in the morning but it was to see a consultant I’ve been waiting forever to see who is giving me a trail of some new medication.
I don’t want to get my hopes up so am trying not to think about it but my god I am PRAYING that it might just help! - I’ll let ya know ;)
So now that I am back in London I am back to trying to do small realistic tasks each day and build back up from there. It’s depressing. It’s frustrating. It’s lonely. But it has to be done.
Much love for anyone who has actually read that!!! Means so much and am just trying to turn a negative into a positive - I enjoy writing this and hope that someone in a similar situation might be able to relate, and that someone who has never heard of M.E. might gain a little understanding.
Please get in touch if you wanna chat :)
My website: www.aliceella.com
Insta: @aliceellagram
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