#very very silly
sephioux · 1 year
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funny little guy!!
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karmacomesaround · 9 months
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@manga-toons HEYY I DID THESE :3
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pouringsprrkzezgutzz · 6 months
I am very interested in your au now.
If you wish to share more, I will be very happy :)
No pressure though! Lol
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I’ll def be posting more of them!!! My motivation’s been all over the place, so I haven’t had the chance to finish any refs besides Mikey’s aaahhh. I’m glad you like what I’ve got so far, :] + Donnie doodle, because freeze your brain from heathers has been stuck in my head all week ^^
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chinateacup · 1 year
Taka will order Mondo’s vanilla bean frappe with extra cream for him while he orders his black coffee with five shots of caffeine.
Mondo wants his yummy pretty drink but he is wayyy too masculine and scared to order it himself. So yes, Taka will loudly request a large blended iced hazelnut mocha with extra whipped cream and caramel syrup, regular not salted, with chocolate shavings. Plus a plain black coffee. Thank you.
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hexporpora · 2 years
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She’s too cute, it’s not my fault. (previous) <--- . ---> (next) (Pls, reblog and leave a comment if you like, I would really appreciate it   c: )  
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mooodyblue · 2 months
girl ..
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trouble-warning · 5 months
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please forgive the wonky chibi I didn't have the energy to draw a full body properly :']
Also ignore that he doesn't have shoes rn, he just has plain black sandals and those would make the reference readability difficult.
This is just a reference for my version of Error's design because I wanted to make it easier and more fun for me to draw, for future projects maybe idk. Also the expressions here are not reflective of this man-child's personality, I just needed blank-ish expressions to clearly show his mismatched eyes XD
When I draw da skellies, Imma try make them look as non-dead-human as possible without making them too different lol (this also means I will be giving them all skeletal tails bc yes)
His head is supposed to be very rectangular/square, and I'm literally just gonna draw squares for his head when I do shittposts lmao
This is supposed to make him stand out from other sans-alternates because the base shape for Classic will be circular as possible :3
Imma also give them different body types but too damn tired for that rn, plus I needta do schoolwork pff-
peace ✌️
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This most definitely will be the strangest Earth 3 question you will ever hear, but have you thought of any other media in that world? I ended up going down a rabbit hole myself after seeing the three racketeers on a movie kiosk in JLA Earth 2. Basically any random piece of Media you'd like to see flipped on its head?
just riffing:
a version of the Ultra series called the Super series where Ultraman (the Japanese toku hero) is Superman, an alien criminal hunted by heroic monsters from beyond the stars after possessing a dark hearted soldier. There's also Super Q, Superseven, Superace, Super Jack, Shin Superman (alongside Shin Satanzilla and Shin Unmasked Rider)
Alternating, a version of Major Comics called Minor Publications about the heroic Radicals (led by Lord Harmony) hopelessly fighting the evil Instigators and their leader, Amerikan Krusader, as in-universe propaganda for Earth-3's Amerikan Empire. Red Jay, Metal Machine Man, and Leviathan are other classic Instigators, though they used the second Red Jay when they finally made the movies, and cast the guy who played the killer in Rare Instinct.
Or a version of Downton Abbey called like, Upton Outpost, where the family are basically the same except they hunt the townsfolk, servants, and eventually each other for sport. Like if the Boltons from GoT had a sitcom. (I never actually watched Downton Abbey, so this might already be the plot of the show)
Oh and of course rousing historical dramas about George the First's ascension to Imperator Presiding of the Amerikas and the Amerikan-European Commonwealth or the assassination of Imperial President Boothe by the actor John Abraham Lincoln.
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askblueandviolet · 7 months
This is a passive rant that I think needed to be said, haha.
DF (Admin): I think the most silly thing about writing Blue and Violet is the fact that I am barely keeping track of anything I have written.
I cannot, for the life of me, remember what and what I have not actually written so far in the series in terms of character exploration with Macaque and Mayor (what they have done, what they think, what they feel, and actual full out sentences on what they think about each other and other characters- the literal development of the Shadowpuppet relationship. Have I actually written enough scenes to develop the relationship for it to actually move onto this point in the story or is it not enough? Or is it too much actually?). Like have I actually mentioned or elaborated on these things and actually wrote it into the series? Or was it all on my head, or in my notes app, or a rant in the comment section? I don't know.
So I sit here staring at the next chapter, the current draft, and I contemplate if I have actually written everything I needed to write to build up to this chapter. And I do this with every single chapter. But especially this one, because this one is... Is something. There's stuff in here I want to keep in here but... I don't know if... It makes sense to write it, because, have... Have I actually written enough context to lead up to that point? Because all of that context is already in my head but I don't know-
I want to blame this on my poor memory, but I also think it's a little bit because of my poor dedication as the literal writer to keep track of everything that's been going on in the series so far, and everything that is supposed to happen in the future of it. How silly of me.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is: if any of you have spotted any inconsistencies, or if the pacing is off, or if some things seemed to have come out of the blue with no actual build up or prior elaboration... It's because of this. My silly brain, forgetting what has been mentioned in the fic series and what hasn't.
If any of you read this, thanks I guess XDDD. Enjoy this warning/apology.
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zero-is-nebulous · 8 months
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copiawife · 5 days
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crying at my boss of all people sending me a ghost meme on my birthday
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transmasc-rose · 3 months
In unrelated news, me and Curtis were joking about how canon would look if the EU had been considered primary canon instead of the TV show.
We made up the lore for it. Big Finish audios are primary canon, comics not as canon, but the articles in magazines are canon, and novels are secondary canon except the EDAs, which are primary canon.
This results in a world where you have to gather a character's backstory and personally through just the bits the audios included--Rory exists almost exclusively as a plastic soldier, with only references to his wife as something that exists outside the box.
Jackie Tyler is a main character.
Rose Tyler is rarely seen outside of Pete's World, and mostly as a former companion.
Extremely sparse Ninth Doctor lore, mostly in comic form of novels from before the authors figured out if Nine was supposed to be Rose's father figure or boyfriend.
The Doctor's regenerations are almost exclusively off screen and referenced only in passing.
Twelve and Thirteen barely exist.
Just about the entire world revolves around Eight.
Torchwood is... almost unchanged.
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stinkman007 · 1 year
black n white again
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housseao3 · 1 year
Firefighter AU: Chapter 14 let the fire burn
Last week of the KP anniversary challenge and we are officially done with this thing!
Let's get everyone together for the annual Heroes Barbeque. Pat continues to be the best, Nampheung wants a drink, Vegas has a bit of a problem, Tem is good at one thing dammit, Kan has locust and no-one knows who Tawan is. Still.
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batrogers · 3 months
Not My Problem
Written for my list of Feral Prompts ages ago, "Not My Problem Award" for @recalled11 AU Legend.
Rated G, mostly a fluffy/silly embarrassment humour fic, with linkshipping and Link/Ravio.
Also on AO3!
Link wandered past the derelict temple and up the hill nearby, uninterested in joining the others either in setting up camp or following Wild to deal with another of the damn gloom spawn not far away. Let the man clean up his own mess; Link had done that plenty of times himself.
And with plenty of hands like that, for all Wallmasters never did quite that kind of damage. Watching creepy shit come out of flat ground – or walls – when handling Yuga had been enough. Give him a broken relic or cave over that any day.
However, the broken temple hadn’t been anything interesting, and the statue made it less so. The walkway – overgrown as it was – up the hill was interesting though. He didn’t think it led anywhere, and, at first, he thought that was true until he checked the overgrowth.
There was a passage into the rock. Link ducked inside, immediately curious, but the walls were rough even if the ground was well-packed and smooth. A ledge partway down ended in a shallow pool, which he crossed carefully to avoid alerting anything deeper inside. It carried on down, to a small antechamber with newer crates inside: it was still in recent use, it seemed. He idled around the boxes until he suddenly heard water move in the other room.
He froze; he didn’t hear anything again for several seconds, then... breathing, a long sigh and more water noises.
People? There were Yiga around, and in caves sometimes: Wild had warned them that was a risk on this plateau in the past, too. This cave was warm, like he might expect of the healing springs Wild had said were around the place. He flexed his hands, ensuring his sword and shield rings were in easy reach, and edged up to the corner and looked.
Not visible from this angle, not really. He stepped out further and abruptly realized what was going on, just as Captain looked up from where he’d been leaning heaviy on Twilight’s chest.
At this feet to his left, was a pile of clothes and gear.
“Legend,” Captain said, his voice more of a yelp than his usual tone at all.
Twilight, in turn tightned one arm protectively around Captain’s waist and turned to look, more wary and measured than the blank panic on Captain’s face.
Link groaned and rolled his eyes. “Well, I guess this cave’s already explored then. Excuse me.”
“Legend, wait—It’s not—”
He simply waved one hand and went right back out the way he’d come in. If they were in the cave, he had no reason to be and clearly they’d determined it was safe enough for that – which meant it was safe enough to not be worth his time.
He made it back to the ruins they’d used for camp in time to find the others preparing lunch and Wild and Colors back from dealing with the Gloom Spawn already. Ravio stood as he came over and touched his arms.
“You’re alright?” he worried, looking him over. “What did you find?”
“Nothing interesting,” Link shrugged and hugged him. “Just a small cave up the hill by the old temple.”
“Which cave?” Flower asked. “The one with the spring?”
“You know it?”
Flower looked reluctant to answer; Wild made a small agreeable noise, but Ravio wasn’t having it and neither, it seemed, was Wind.
“The last time you said a cave had ‘nothing interesting ‘ in it, you’d been bit by a snake and almost died,” the boy retorted. “What spring is this?”
“It wasn’t worth the time,” Link groaned, but Ravio huffed and pulled him closer.
“Really now?” he murmured.
Link turned his mouth to his ear. “Captain and Twilight were in the spring,” he whispered, and to his amusement Ravio quickly went red in the face and pulled him down to sit by the fire with him.
“What kind of spring?” Colors asked.
Flower didn’t answer; she shook her head, in fact, eyes low, but Wild wasn’t as reticent. He looked up, smiled, and signed, “The Shrine of Resurrection. I died there.”
“What, in the spring?” Ravio yelped, looking at Link in horror.
Wild simply nodded.
“Is there something off about the water?” Link asked, but Flower immediately shook her head.
“The water’s not what – I mean I don’t think the water had anything to do with the shrine’s powers, but we haven’t really ruled it out yet. That’s the only spring without a lava flow in the Depths to heat the water, but the actual structure that was in use to...” She audibly swallowed. “We dissambled it after the Calamity, to prevent any further problems with the weaknesses in the Sheikah Technology at the time.”
“So it’s... just neutral now?” Ravio repeated, and Link caught the look Flower gave them and fourth not to roll his eyes. The idea to take Ravio back there to make out himself... Well, it hadn’t previously crossed his mind, that wasn’t Ravio’s thing although the privacy and warmth was tempting.
It wouldn’t be that hard to set up a perimeter if they did it. One look at Ravio’s face, however, and he knew that was out of the question: his lover was a bit more sensitive about those things than he was.
The whole matter would’ve entirely fled his mind, if not for Captain and Twilight’s return a half hour later. The two men seemed in good spirits, right up until Captain stopped and caught his eye.
“Legend, may I have a moment?”
He debated saying no, but something in the other man’s face made it clear he wasn’t going to take no for an answer. Link got up instead and followed him off to one side of the camp, arms crossed over his chest.
“I just wanted to apologize—” Captain began.
“For what?” Link asked, determined not to entertain this nonsense. “There’s nothing to apologize for.”
“We embarrassed you—”
“You’re the only one embarrassed,” Link retorted. He could see, plain as day, Twilight shooting them tired looks of his own. “Don’t waste your time and mine.”
“You didn’t need to see that—”
Whatever. He hadn’t meant to tell them, but if Captain wanted to play out this nonsense, he might as well have the rest of it all at once. Then he could get the rest of out of the way instead of bothering him. “It was neat to see the place where Wild died.”
Whatever else Captain had meant to say vanished as his face went white with horror.
Link, very sweetly, smiled. “The hot spring’s all that’s left of it. Maybe I’ll Ravio to see it later.” He clapped one hand on Captain’s shoulder as he walked back to the fire, more than done with this shit.
The rest of the whole business calming Captain down was Twilight’s problem now.
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ciagent8 · 1 year
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its, A guy. a silly silly guy...go listen to the podcast..
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