haledamage · 4 months
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tagged by @risualto 🧡🧡🧡 loved the excuse to play around in this picrew some more
top left: Aric Jorgan/Vesiya Hallis Jorgan (swtor)
top right: Kurt/Nadia de Sardet (Greedfall)
bottom row: Kiki and her boys! Kai/Aloth, Kai/Eder, Kai/Rekke respectively (PoE)
and bonus because A) Risu tagged the Speaker blog (Az and Yoshiko are so cuuuute 😍😍) and B) why not, have some Speaker folks!
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left is Sebastian/Li, since they're some of my actual canon characters that can get together (the Speaker is obviously the one taking this picture)
and on the right is Nellie and my test-Seer Cass 😊 because pink hair and also lesbians
open tagging for anyone who wants to do this, but also specifically I want to see Speakers :3 I might reblog this over there (or just put the last 2 in their own post), I just love seeing peoples Speakers so much
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queen-scribbles · 4 months
14, 15, 23, 51?
14. Go on, who are your BroTPs?
MALLORY AND MASONNNNNNNN (sorry, I'm playing the Patreon release of the book four demo and dear GOD I love their friendship)
Tavi & Edér // Emiri & Aloth
Vikkari & Seelah & Lann (I'd say Vikkari & Aivu, but she's like... his familiar or something, it's closer than friendship)
Ves & Sìora
Also currently dealing with a massive soft spot for Casi & Jorgan bc fic reasons
15. Is there an obscure ship which you love?
Answered(Jowan/Leliana), but ALSO Watcher/Heodan bc Adi went and bent frigging canon to make her crush a reality and then a relationship xD (and ig Watcher/Kana, even if it's just Emiri having a crush??)
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it.
Like Em, you get two okay I lied, 2.5(two fics and a prompt fill) bc I have so much trouble picking things to highlight with these questions, I love so many of my fics so much
Moorings Lost & Found. No, I don't care it got obliterated by actual Deadfire canon, it was fun to write, and Toni's art is amazing and I got to write Emiri and Aloth brotp AND Edér and Aloth brotp, AND Emiri getting to kill the bastard who enslaved her for 20 years(spoilers!) which was only fair after putting her through the trauma of watching Aloth get stabbed and being recaptured by the slavers she thought she escaped. :))
We Can But Hope. Digging out one of my Speaker fics bc I reread them all when it updated and I just really love playing with sibling relationships, particularly quieter moments of support.
and tossing in this Mallory & Mason prompt bc I'm really proud of the dialogue and how much the say without actually saying it and how well they get each other.
51. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go!
I am a huge, huge, HUGE fan of the Two(or more) Cakes! principle. Just that however many people can write the same trope or missing scene or take on an existing scene and because of different experience and writing styles it's always a little changed, they catch an aspect of it you didn't consider, they highlight a different part of a character's personality or beat from the scene or WHATEVER. It's just so cool.
Fanfic Asks
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tauntaun-rider · 7 years
I found this and thought it would be fun to fill out. If you’re reading this, consider yourself ‘tagged’ and tag me in your answers! I’m curious how my opinions differ from others in the fandom.
Your main(s) name: I know I’m supposed to have a “main”, but I don’t really know that I do. The character I play new content with first is my never-made-a-dark-decision Consular, who is also the first character with whom I finished a class story. Her name is Maralla. However, I would say I have a “main” for each class that I focus on to do post-vanilla game content. (Except Smuggler, Trooper, and Knight, which I haven’t taken through any kind of expansion. I’ll get around to it eventually. I do have characters that I would specifically use for those classes, though. Does any of my ridiculousness make sense?)
Your main(s) level: All of them are level 60+ at this point.
Your main(s) class: I’m gonna say that I have multiple “main” OC, all of whom have completed at least some post-vanilla content. So.. 2 Consulars, 2 Warriors, 1 Inquisitor, 1 Bounty Hunter, 1 Agent.
Your server: Star Forge! I do have two on Satele Shan, though. I didn’t have any character slots left, so I transferred one to Satele Shan and deleted a few unused ones.
How long have you been playing SWtOR: Since either May or June of 2016.
Why did you start: My boyfriend suggested that we play together as a bonding thing when we can’t physically be together. (It’s funny. He rarely plays anymore because he gets bored with things and has to shuffle through what he’s playing at a given time.)
Planet(s): Rishi! If you want me to pick from the base game, then definitely Voss. Honorable Mentions: Yavin 4, Dromund Kaas, Imperial Balmorra, Alderaan, and Korriban.
NPC(s): How long do you have? Jonas Balkar, Hunter, Grandpa Kallig, Darth Zash, Keeper, Watcher Two, Darth Marr, Darth Vowrawn, Aristocra Saganu, Sanju Pyne, Darmas Pollaran, Master Orgus, Tai Cordan, Tobas Grell, Attros Finn, Ardun Kothe, Sergeant Jaxo, Lokir-Ka, Tora... Okay, I need to stop.
Companion(s): Oh geez. How am I supposed to choose? The first ones to come to mind are Vector, Theron, Quinn, Light Jaesa, Vette, Zenith, Jorgan, Kira, Doc, Andronikos, Talos, Khem, and Torian.
Class: Agent! (Followed by Consular and Inquisitor.)
Discipline (madness, combat, carnage…): Infiltration for a Jedi Shadow (Consular) and Concealment for an Operative (Agent).
Moment: I have so many! The female Warrior flirting with Quinn during the Balmorran Arms Factory debriefing, the female Bounty Hunter distracting Torian with a flirt to flip him and point a gun at his face, the female Imperial OC Force choking or Force lightning-ing or punching the sexist asshole on Quesh, the Consular getting an Esh-ka name, the Agent’s final battle with Hunter, the Warrior’s final battle with Baras, the Inquisitor’s final ghostly battle with Thanaton, the Doc proposal/marriage conversation, the Moff Broysc saga with Quinn, KhemZash, the end of the Agent story... Okay, that’s way too many examples.
Planet(s): Corellia, Ord Mantell, Hutta, Belsavis (even though it’s pretty), and Taris.
NPC(s): Darth Baras, Darth Zhorrid, General var Suthra, Tarro Blood, Skavak, Falner Oeth, Duke Kendoh, Senior Agent Zane, Nomen Karr, Master Kaedan, Darth Ravage, and Thana Vesh. I guess you can include Darth Jadus, too, because he scares the shit out of me. I’m sure that I’m missing some..
Companion(s): I tag all of the companions by their actual names.. Except for “Fucking Skadge” and “That Asshole Pierce”. Tanno Vik, Sergeant Rusk, Dark Jaesa, SCORPIO, Corso, Guss, Broonmark, Koth, and Kaliyo are at the bottom of my list, also.
Class: Trooper. Without a doubt.
Discipline: I don’t really know off the top of my head. I only knew the ones I put as my favorites because I had them in my phone for some reason.
Moment: KOTET Chapter 8, Iokath/Umbara, the decision after the second boss fight on Copero, the Quinncident, the seemingly endless appearances of Draahg, the death of Master Orgus, the Jaxo thing, Falner Oeth’s bullshit, Vette’s final companion quest, the end of the Knight story (as a result of the expansions released after), etc.
Currently in guild(s): Yeah. I don’t think any two of my characters are in the same guild. Whoops. I did have a guild full of kind people that taught me about crew skills and crafting, but there was some kind of break-up that happened at some point. Now I’m a drifter.
Currently GM: Does GM stand for guildmaster? (I always associate it with the baseball acronym for general manager.) If so, no. If not, I have no idea what I’m being asked.
Have you been in a PvP, RP, Social, PvE, Conquest oriented guild: The aforementioned guild did regular raids and stuff.. But I don’t have a set guild at this point.
Are you Legendary: Yes! It makes Heroic Moment very useful.
Do you PvP: Nope.
Do you do Galactic Starfighter: I’ve never done it before. I feel like I would need to do it with an actual mouse and not the one built into my laptop, and I can’t find my old mouse. It always looked fun, though.
Completed Chapters: For the vanilla game? All.
Rise of the Hutt Cartel: Yes.
Shadow of Revan: Yes.
Knights of the Fallen Empire: Yes.
Knights of the Eternal Empire: Yes.
Have you ever tried to fight a world boss solo? Yeah. That was a complete accident. I was very new to SWTOR and gaming in general, and I knew that starred bosses gave bigger rewards, so I had a mid-teens leved character on Coruscant try to beat the world boss. Whoops.
Most hilarious/embarrassing death(s)? I have a propensity to fall off of things. Especially elevators. I have poor depth perception, apparently.
What do you miss from the old SWtOR? I don’t think I've been around long enough to know how to answer this.
What do you like from the new updates? The newest one? I guess the fact that three companions came back at all, even though I would have loved for everyone to get Andronikos as a companion, not just Inquisitors.
Most hilarious/embarrassing PvP moment? I’ve never done it.
Anything else you’d like to add? I wish the Voss were available as a playable race. I know that would never happen, but it’s nice to dream.
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berensaats · 7 years
JULIA BATISTA (mando grande mesmo :D)
jenny by walk the moon
u by majid jorgan
last dance by dua lipa
i’m a fan by pia mia
a dios le pido by juanes
bate a poeira by karol conka
auf uns by andreas bourani
that’s what i like by bruno mars
intention by kiiara
satisfied from the hamilton ost
tous les mêmes by la fouine
ave cesaria by stromae
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lordzenos · 8 years
swtor for the ask meme!
WOW thank you!! i didnt expect to get any! this got a little long lol, and i cheated on some questions because i have multiple answers :-)
The first character I first fell in love with: vector…. he was my first LI aaaaThe character I never expected to love as much as I do now: torian, because i used to think he was just some random teenage boy but he turned out to be more mature and sweeter than i thought he’d beThe character everyone else loves that I don’t: kaliyo? she’s apathetic and just….. doesnt care what happens to other people. also vette…. i mean i’m alright with her but some people loooooove her so muchThe character I love that everyone else hates: probably malavai…. i do want to smack him after that debacle in chap 3 but i’d like to think his betrayal was due to baras forcing his hand (he does wield a lot of power, a darth vs a captain). malavai is highly intelligent, so it wouldnt have made sense for him to knowingly send out just two droids to kill you, the freakin emperor’s wrath, when he knows just how formidable the wrath is, so it could have been a purposeful display of “look baras, i tried to kill the wrath” (not sure if im making sense but yeah) 
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: well i never ‘loved’ him, but maybe doc. i thought he was cool, but he’s kind of a sleaze (i;ve only played a male knight because of this lol)The character I would totally smooch: theron :-) also vector, risha, torian, malavai, lana, acina (there are too many cute people……..)The character I’d want to be like: risha i think. she’s always level-headed and practical, and despite her hardships, she remains steadfast and i love that (I LOVE HER). one of my favourite lines from her was “i’ll be fine… i’m always fine.” The character I’d slap: kaliyo….. (in that kotfe chapter where jorgan’s troops get killed and she’s just SO unfeeling)A pairing that I love: im a sucker for theron/outlander (also f!smuggler/akaavi, m!warrior/malavai, theron/jonas balkar)A pairing that I despise: hm, corso/smuggler maybe…….. she deserves better……
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badsithnocookie · 8 years
I think you can only imprison Quinn if you side with the Republic (same for Elara only you're with the Republic). Also I' ve read somewhere that there's bad blood between Theron and his Dad cus he's Dad refers to him as a traitor for abandoning the republic? I know you have problems with the Empire/Republic war being renewed but it's been happening lowkey during pretty much all of KOTFE/KOTET (I particularly remember both Lana and Aric Jorgan mentioning it) so it's not really that surprising?
oh okay! that’s good to know. my own fault for skimreading.
and yea the empire/republic conflict has always been bubbling away and lbr it’s one of the central themes of star war, never mind swtor, so it’s never gonna go completely. honestly, given the state of the gffa at the start of kotfe, it’d be unrealistic for things to revert to peace-and-love. what i take issue with is the hamfisted/whiplash-inducing way that BWA have gone about it - going straight to open warfare and waving superweapons about, instead of a far more narratively interesting cold-war type situation like we had in Prologue-C2 of vanilla
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elreinodeltiburon · 7 years
Regalo de Navidad: Tiburones eliminados antes del 24
Robinson Alvarez Viña (@RobyKing).- La onceava semana de campeonato marcó el fin del moribundo equipo de Tiburones de La Guaira que comenzó la semana dependiendo del milagro de ganar todos sus juegos y que Caribes de Anzoátegui los perdiera todos. Esto no ocurrió y los anzoatiguenses celebraron su pase en medio de una temporada atropellada que se facilitó gracias a que equipos como La Guaira y Bravos de Margarita tuvieron un peor desempeño.
Pocas veces se ve que un equipo con récord negativo asegure su pase antes del 24 de diciembre. A pesar de que tuvieron una racha de 6 victorias, juegan uno por debajo de 500. Sin embargo, Tiburones con 13 juegos por debajo de 500 y Bravos con 14 le dejaron la mesa navideña servida para su pase.
A falta de 4 juegos para concluir la temporada Tiburones es sexto en average colectivo con 279. También es sexto con 236 carreras impulsadas y 255 anotadas en el mismo lugar. Una diferencia abismal con el líder  de los departamentos ofensivos Cardenales de Lara que ha anotado 83 carreras más e impulsado 82 carreras más de las que pudo La Guaira. Igualmente los pájaros rojos lideran la liga con 321 de average. Es decir, 41 puntos más que los escualos.
Los números ofensivos reflejan que Tiburones no estuvo ni cerca de competir por un campeonato esta temporada. Todo fue tramite para esta organización. Cuando las diferencias se marcan tanto pareciera que habláramos de equipos de categorías distintas y no de conjuntos que pertenecen a la misma liga. La Guaira tuvo récord de 1-8 enfrentando a Lara en la temporada 2017-18.
Danry Vásquez, el hombre que más veces estuvo como tercer bate en la alineación de Ozzie Guillén, posee un average de 243 en la temporada. En su carrera había sido un bateador de los puesto del séptimo hacia abajo. Su slugging de 327 y apenas 12 carreras impulsadas dejaron mal parado al mánager ganador de Serie Mundial con esta decisión.
La importación tampoco ayudó, a pesar de que jugadores como Nate Orf e Isaias Tejada destacaron a la ofensiva estos sólo pudieron acompañar al equipo en 27 y 29 juegos de la primera parte respectivamente. Alonzo Harris que acompañó al equipo en 29 juegos de la segunda parte coronó un promedio ofensivo de 324, pero sus 6 carreras impulsadas demuestran que no era precisamente lo que necesitaba un equipo falto de remolque. Igualmente Orf, a quien sustituyó Harris, sólo impulsó 10 carreras. Es decir que ambos segunda base se combinaron para 16 carreras impulsadas.
Yadir Drake no fue lo esperado, 1 jonrón y 9 impulsadas en 13 juegos disputados fue una actuación modesta para un equipo que necesitaba con carácter de urgencia empezar a remolcar más carreras. El colmo de males fue que Tim Torres sólo disputó un encuentro tras lesionarse. Al final del día los bates importados se combinaron para ser terceros en average con 306, pero sextos en jonrones con 5, séptimos en impulsadas con 59 y cuartos en slugging con 414.
Por otra parte el pitcheo terminó siendo otro fracaso. El objetivo de la gerencia era reforzar el pitcheo y aunque en principio demostró mejoría, terminó siendo un fiasco dejando a Tiburones con dos agujeros en su equipo en lugar de uno solo. Un Whip de 1.56 esta temporada además de una efectividad colectiva de 4.64 deja a Tiburones séptimo en ambos departamentos del pitcheo.
De 9 abridores que utilizaron en la temporada sólo uno como Junior Guerra mantiene efectividad por debajo de 3 (2.98). Jonathan Albaladejo, el mejor abridor después de Guerra, posee 4.87 de efectividad. Sin duda un problema marcado en todo el año la rotación de abridores que estaba llamada a ser el punto fuerte del equipo.
Los abridores Junior Guerra, Alex Torres, Henderson Alvarez, Edgmer Escalona, Brad Bergensen, Jake Hale, Antonio Noguera, Tommy Collier y Jonathan Albaladejo se combinaron para 261.1 de inning, 180 carreras permitidas, 156 limpias, 86 boletos y 160 ponches. El balance fue un terrible récord de 11-28, 5.37 de efectividad y 1.64 de Whip en 59 aperturas.
En cuanto al relevo derecho, tuvo un grupo de lanzadores que cumplió y otros que no. Lanzadores como Manny Delcarmen, Rafael Cova, Dustin Antolín, Arlett Mavare, Carlos Missell, Seth Rosín, Jorgan Cavanerio, Héctor Mayora y Gregory Infante mostraron una cara pero la cara fue otra por parte de Pedro Echemendia, Adonys Cardona, Sammy Gervacio, Edgmer Escalona, Brad Bergensen y Jake Hale.
Se puede decir que la gerencia cumplió su promesa puesto que estos brazos se combinaron para 10 salvados, en 190.2 inning de labor, permitieron 207 hits, 80 carreras, de las cuales 75 fueron limpias, otorgaron 65 boletos y propinaron 141 ponches. Eso se resume en un Whip de 1.43, con 3.54 de efectividad y una relación de 2.16 boletos por cada ponche con récord de 11-6 por parte de los relevistas derechos.
Pero el relevo zurdo donde sólo Kevin Canelón brilló, tuvo a otras piezas como Helmis Rodríguez, Cruz Guevara, Chris Rearick, John Anderson, Wander Pérez, Antonio Noguera y Robert Carson que se combinaron para 52.2 inning, 64 hits permitidos, 39 carreras permitidas, de las cuales 35 fueron limpias, 27 boletos otorgados y 42 ponches propinados. Redondeando un récord de 1-2, sin salvados, 5.98 de efectividad y 1.73 de Whip. Catastrófica labor de los siniestros para un mánager que gusta de armar estrategias basadas en estadísticas de zurdos vs. zurdos.
En general el pitcheo importado fue desastroso, su récord de 10-15, con 4.90 de efectividad y Whip de 1.55 lo deja en evidencia. En 209.1 de inning, permitieron 119 carreras, de las cuales 114 fueron limpias, otorgaron 60 boletos y propinaron 147 ponches. Lo único destacable una relación de 2.45 ponches por boleto.
El fildeo fue un caos. Tiburones es líder en errores con 67, último en asistencias con 607, últimos en doble play realizados con 177, también últimos en porcentaje de retirados con 29% de los corredores que salen a robar y últimos en porcentaje de fildeo con 970. Si hubo algún intento de mejorar el pitcheo se diluyó por completo con una defensiva que fue sin lugar a dudas fue la peor de toda la temporada 2017-18. Eso sin tomar en cuenta los llamados errores mentales como lanzar a la base equivocada sin ningún chance o una mala lectura de un batazo que derivó en extra bases del contrario.
Finalmente el récord del equipo puede dividirse en partidos como home club y de visitante. Como dueños de casa tienen un 15-14 que los pudo haber ayudado en la temporada. Pero el 8-22 cuando son visitantes, ayudados por jugar en Caracas vs. Leones, los liquidó antes de abrir los regalos de Navidad. Un récord de 10-30 cuando el rival marcaba la primera carrera fue la imagen de la incapacidad de reacción de los escualos en toda la temporada.
No hay que ser experto en numerología para darnos cuenta que la de Tiburones ha sido una de las peores temporadas en la historia de la liga, donde se vio un equipo muy por debajo de sus rivales. Si la gerencia pretendía buscar un campeonato con este equipo falló en sus cálculos y por mucho. Su base de criollos fracasó y su importación no pudo compensar las fallas del conjunto.
Si en algún momento hubo quejas porque los guairistas pasaban las navidades pidiendole al Niño Jesús su clasificación, en esta ocasión la Navidad será más amarga revisando los número que dejó la actuación de su amado equipo.
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Reunion (SWTOR fic)
This is a little diddy I wrote sort of detailing Lelaan and Vesis’, well, reunion. They’re my Jedi Knight and Trooper, brothers. Go read about them in the Legacy profile I made, if you wanna know more. :)
Takes place at the end of Chaper 11: Disavowed, so, spoilers, I guess, if you haven’t played KotFE up to that point. Or at all.
Another scouting mission, another piece of routine. Some sky troopers here, some carnivorous wildlife there, a few exiled Zakuulans to add a little bit of spice; all in all, it looked like another rest period had started. That meant not needing to move camp too soon and having the opportunity to sit down and really strategize, but it also had a giant question mark over it because who knew how long it would be before the next big thing happened and events would be kicked back into motion.
The only thing Vesis cared about at this point was getting back to camp, though. He had been on this scouting mission for two weeks and he really wanted to be around other people again – other people who trusted and didn’t want to kill him, anyway.
He barely got into camp when he was hit by a wave of something. Something that pulled at the very fiber of his soul, something that felt like home. He was so focused on figuring out what it was that he didn’t even notice when he stopped his speeder on the pad. He took off his helmet and honed in on that sensation.
“What are you still sitting there for? Go!”
He turned his head towards Jorgan’s voice, not having noticed he was standing next to the speeder. At that very moment, the familiarity hit him. It felt like Lelaan. Yet, it also didn’t; it was like half of him was there and the other half was something else. Was he sick? Dying? Had Theron been right? Had they found his brother and brought him to Vesis? Was he going to see him again after five years, only to have slip away once more?
He tossed the helmet to Jorgan and started walking in the direction from which the presence was radiating. His heart pounded harder and harder in his chest with every step and thoughts of the past ran through his head: thoughts of how his parents cried when he told them Lelaan was dead, how he and Theron spent almost 2 years trying to find any trace of him on Lana’s flimsy claim that he had only been captured, how he gave up because he couldn’t take another failure at finding his brother.  
His mind was so scattered that he almost missed passing by Theron. He slowed his pace to get a good read on him and his aura only made Vesis speed up his pace.
Finally at the entrance flap to the tent, it was unmistakable – Lelaan was inside. That other part of his presence that seemed off didn’t worry him at that moment, it had simply disappeared from his mind. He opened the flap and walked in.
“Hi, Ves.”
That calm voice, that soothing aura. With shaky knees, Vesis approached his brother cautiously, as if he suddenly thought this was a dream and rushing would make everything dissipate. With each step he was beckoned by growing sensations of love, sadness, happiness, and longing. The hand on his shoulder, comforting, brought him back to the real world and he lunged at Lelaan, wrapping him in the tightest hug he could muster.
Immediately, five years worth of frustration, anger, loneliness, and grief started flowing freely, his body convulsing, breath becoming ragged, and sometimes brokenly whispering “You’re here”, “You’re alive”, “You’re here”. Lelaan’s hands rubbed his brother’s back soothingly and he softly replied with his own whispers of “Yeah”, ”I’m here”, “It’s okay”.
Morning came and Lelaan, Theron, and their allies started getting ready to leave. In a way, it would be a painful parting, since they had only one night to catch up on five years, but, it was also a hopeful parting, because they were aware of the other being in good health and they would work together as allies against Arcann.
As Vesis and Lelaan were talking while packing up the remainder of their supplies, Jorgan approached them. His aura indicated he was about to say something serious, so Vesis instantly became attentive.
“Commander, with respect, I think it’s best for Havoc to remain here. We have a position we need to keep and, besides, someone has to teach these civilians how to handle military hardware. Don’t want them shooting their feet off.”
“You know how to sell your position, Major.”, Lelaan nodded.
“I do my best to be an exemplary XO.” He then addressed Vesis. “But I think you should go, sir. You know our capabilities and how we work. Couple that with the intel you can get from the Alliance and you can make the best strategies for our future operations.”
Vesis’ reply was a reflex he developed after spending so much time with Jorgan in cold, miserable swamps. If they wanted to keep their sanity, they had to start talking to each other like they were friends and not superior and subordinate. “Want me out of here so you can be king of the hill, Jorgan?”
“Wouldn’t think of incriminating myself with so many witnesses around, sir.”
That got a chuckle from Vesis. “You make a fair point, though.” He turned to Lelaan and Theron but, before getting the chance to say anything, turned back to Jorgan. “Your aura just doubled in size from your smugness. Tone it down, cat man.”
“Only if you promise to leave this swamp before your skin becomes completely transparent again.”
The display they were putting on wasn’t the most dignified, Force only knew what Lelaan and Theron were thinking this point, so Vesis decided against smacking Jorgan upside the head right then. He just raised his index finger to signal they weren’t done and turned back to his brother.
After regaining his composure, Lelaan reiterated his invitation to Odessen. Whether Vesis would come alone or with the entirety of Havoc, the invitation remained open. Of course, it remained open to the rest of the squad, when they were done on Zakuul or needed some time away for their health’s sake.
Vesis nodded and, together with Jorgan, went back into camp to gather his equipment and get ready to leave. When he felt they were far enough away, he smacked Jorgan upside the head and, in return, he got a punch in the shoulder.
“Thank you.”, Vesis said after they shared a laugh.
“You’re welcome. Don’t forget to let your parents know, too.”, Jorgan replied and gave him a pat on the back. 
A/N: Not perfect science following, don’t throw rotten tomatoes my way, please. :)
My personal headcanon is that Miraluka don’t have melanin in their hair and skin because of their sun not giving off UV light. But they are adaptive, so Miraluka that leave Alpheridies eventually adapt to environments with UV light, their skin and hair starting to become darker based on how much UV light they’re exposed to on a constant basis. Vesis has spent a pretty long time in the constant bleakness of the Zakuulan swamps so, Jorgan’s joking about his skin going back to its natural Miraluka paleness.
End imperfect science.
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izmirvergicom-blog · 7 years
Bornova Gökyüzünden Bir Kare
Bin dolar bahse girerim, dedi kaptan kendine,babanın Escort Bornova dürüst bir adam olduğunu!Şimdi evli olabilir misin? Kaptan, yeni tanıdığıyla biraz konuştıktan sonra sordu.Henüz değil.Olacak? Kaptan dedi.Umarım.Kaptanın keskin bakışları, karanlık gözün en İzmir ufak bir dönüşünü ve Sou'wester şapkasının mümkün olan en ufak eğimini izledi.İzmir Escort Kaptan daha sonra iki bacağını tokatladı ve kendi kendine şöyle dedi:Hayatım boyunca böyle iyi bir şey bilmiyordum! Onun sevgilisi duvara bakıyor!Küçük bir yazlık, asma ve fuşizm platformundan duvara bakan çok güzel bir kız vardı; Ve manzara bu genç balıkçının varlığı onun için daha az Escort Bornova evde güneşli ve umutlu bir şey yapmış gibi gözükmüyordu kesinlikle.Kaptan Jorgan, başkalarının masum mutluluğunda oldukça heyecanlı olan doyurucu güzel doğası ile güldüğünde kendini iki katına çıkarmıştı, kuşkusuz taş alt merdivenlerine indiğinde kendini yeni bir konuyla başlayacaktı.İzmir ,Tom Pettifer,Escort Bornova Ho! Diye selamladı. Tom Pettifer Ho, kararlılıkla yanıt verdi ve hızlı bir şekilde iskeleye indi.Kasım ayında İngiltere'de güneş çarptığından korkan Tom, tropikal şapkan taktığınızı, dışarıda çok para kazandığınızı ve içinde kağıt astarlığı yaptığınızı mı düşünüyorsun? Yüzbaşı, dikkatle baktı.Güvenli tarafta olmak da efendim diye yanıtladı Tom.Güvenli Taraf! Kaptanı tekrarladı, gülerek.
Escort Bornova evde
Güneş çarpmalarına, o eski şapkayla buz paketinde beklerdin Wa'al! Post-office'de ne yaptın?Postane, efendim.Postane nedir? Kaptan dedi.Adı, efendim, adı Postanesi tutar.Bir tesadüf! Kaptan dedi.Şanslı bir bit! İzmir Bana nerede olduğunu gösterin Hoşçakal,Escort Bornova gemi arkadaşları, şu an için, bu aktam ben ayrylmadan önce size bir göz atacadym.Bu, oradaki İzmir Escort herkese, özellikle genç balıkçıya yönelikti; Bu yüzden hepsi bunu kabul etti, ama özellikle genç balıkçı.Escort Bornova evde O bir denizci! Yüzbaşı hareket ettikten sonra, birbirlerine seslendi. O oldu; Onun renginin tek bir istisnası olan elbisesinin denizcilik konusunda hiçbir şey taşımasa da, kıyıya yönelen İzmir bir biçim ve formda giyinmişti, kollarında çok uzun ve çok kısa idi. Bacaklar ve her yerde rahatsiz edici, bir çift Wellington çizmesiyle Escort Bornova yeryüzüne son veriyordu ve cennetin altındaki hiçbir rüzgarta hiçbir insanın denizde kullanamayacağı uzun boylu, şişkin bir şapka taktı; İzmir Escort Bununla birlikte, baş döndürücü, hava dayak yüzünün, ya da güçlü, kahverengi elinin bir belirti kaptanın çağrısını yapmıştı. İzmir Oysa Bay.İkisi, köyün tepesine tırmandı - en keyfi dönüşler ve burun burunlarına sahipti, böylece meclisin evinin merdivenden ölüp gidebildiğini ve makul bir yol tuttuğunu düşünüyorsanız,Escort Bornova evinin içinden geçmeliydiniz. Click to Post
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cncizmirescort-blog · 7 years
Başkalarının Dikkatle Baktığıdır
Başkalarının Dikkatle Baktığıdır
Bin dolar bahse girerim, dedi kaptan kendine,babanın Escort Çeşme dürüst bir adam olduğunu!Şimdi evli olabilir misin? Kaptan, yeni tanıdığıyla biraz konuştıktan sonra sordu.Henüz değil.Olacak? Kaptan dedi.Umarım.Kaptanın keskin bakışları, karanlık gözün en İzmir ufak bir dönüşünü ve Sou’wester şapkasının mümkün olan en ufak eğimini izledi.İzmir Escort Kaptan daha sonra iki bacağını tokatladı ve kendi kendine şöyle dedi:Hayatım boyunca böyle iyi bir şey bilmiyordum! Onun sevgilisi duvara bakıyor!Küçük bir yazlık, asma ve fuşizm platformundan duvara bakan çok güzel bir kız vardı; Ve manzara bu genç balıkçının varlığı onun için daha az Escort Çeşme evde güneşli ve umutlu bir şey yapmış gibi gözükmüyordu kesinlikle.Kaptan Jorgan, başkalarının masum mutluluğunda oldukça heyecanlı olan doyurucu güzel doğası ile güldüğünde kendini iki katına çıkarmıştı, kuşkusuz taş alt merdivenlerine indiğinde kendini yeni bir konuyla başlayacaktı.İzmir ,Tom Pettifer,Escort Çeşme Ho! Diye selamladı. Tom Pettifer Ho, kararlılıkla yanıt verdi ve hızlı bir şekilde iskeleye indi.Kasım ayında İngiltere’de güneş çarptığından korkan Tom, tropikal şapkan taktığınızı, dışarıda çok para kazandığınızı ve içinde kağıt astarlığı yaptığınızı mı düşünüyorsun? Yüzbaşı, dikkatle baktı.Güvenli tarafta olmak da efendim diye yanıtladı Tom.Güvenli Taraf! Kaptanı tekrarladı, gülerek.
Escort Çeşme evde
Güneş çarpmalarına, o eski şapkayla buz paketinde beklerdin Wa’al! Post-office’de ne yaptın?Postane, efendim.Postane nedir? Kaptan dedi.Adı, efendim, adı Postanesi tutar.Bir tesadüf! Kaptan dedi.Şanslı bir bit! İzmir Bana nerede olduğunu gösterin Hoşçakal,Escort Çeşme gemi arkadaşları, şu an için, bu aktam ben ayrylmadan önce size bir göz atacadym.Bu, oradaki İzmir Escort herkese, özellikle genç balıkçıya yönelikti; Bu yüzden hepsi bunu kabul etti, ama özellikle genç balıkçı.Escort Çeşme evde O bir denizci! Yüzbaşı hareket ettikten sonra, birbirlerine seslendi. O oldu; Onun renginin tek bir istisnası olan elbisesinin denizcilik konusunda hiçbir şey taşımasa da, kıyıya yönelen İzmir bir biçim ve formda giyinmişti, kollarında çok uzun ve çok kısa idi. Bacaklar ve her yerde rahatsiz edici, bir çift Wellington çizmesiyle Escort Çeşme yeryüzüne son veriyordu ve cennetin altındaki hiçbir rüzgarta hiçbir insanın denizde kullanamayacağı uzun boylu, şişkin bir şapka taktı; İzmir Escort Bununla birlikte, baş döndürücü, hava dayak yüzünün, ya da güçlü, kahverengi elinin bir belirti kaptanın çağrısını yapmıştı. İzmir Oysa Bay.İkisi, köyün tepesine tırmandı – en keyfi dönüşler ve burun burunlarına sahipti, böylece meclisin evinin merdivenden ölüp gidebildiğini ve makul bir yol tuttuğunu düşünüyorsanız,Escort Çeşme evinin içinden geçmeliydiniz.
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haledamage · 4 months
remade Ves for the Trooper quest weekly, decided to slightly tweak her design and finally made her the Body 3 big buff avocado she was always meant to be 💚
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queen-scribbles · 7 months
— 10 Characters
I was tagged by @valkblue to play this game. Thank you for the tag, and sorry it took me so long to answer 😅(what I have learned from this is I gave my Pillars of Eternity girls lots of EXCELLENT dialogue) Also a lot are two characters to give context for the line or bc I'm proud of the back and forth(have I mentioned I love writing banter?)
Rules: pick up to 10 characters and share one of your favorite lines of dialogue you have ever written for them!
Tavi(Pillars of Eternity) in Deep Roots
Her eyes narrowed at the presence of kith, then flew wide when her gaze landed on Heodan. She physically recoiled, looking like she’d seen a ghost. “Aren’t you fuckin’ dead?” Apparently, in her mind, she had.
2. Cam/Liam (ME:A) in The Answer
Cam grinned and sat back on her heels. “Oh, so there was a plan that didn’t involve springing it out of the blue and almost givin’ me a heart attack?” she asked playfully. “I don’t think you wanna go there,” [Liam] shot back just as playfully, arching a brow at her. “Giving the love of my life a heart attack isn’t really a category where you have a leg to stand on, Camille.”
3. Jaaide (SWtOR) in Cracks 
 “If I’d opted for directness over subtlety and still failed to sway her, would my hands be clean enough for you?!”
4. Adi/Heodan(Pillars of Eternity) in a handholding prompt:
His fingers played along with hers, tracing soft lines across her knuckles and down her wrist. “I like listening to you talk.” A beat. “Especially about the things you love.” Warmth bloomed in her chest and sent a ripple through her fur. “Well, then.[...]Prepare to hear a lot about yourself.[...] Because there are few things I love more.”
5. Keme/Jorgan (SWtOR) in Got Your Back
“Thought-ah!-Thought I was the boss,” she joked, even as pain tightened her jaw[...] “Only when you’re not bleeding to death,” Jorgan growled. 
6. Janine(Wayhaven) in Jinx!
Adam had a very skeptical eyebrow arched by the time she finished. “Jinxes are mere superstition, Detective. They cannot cause you harm because they are not real.” “Says the vampire,” Janine shot back immediately with a grin and arched brow of her own.
7. Kayris/Atton(KotOR2) in Gamble
Kayris smirked teasingly at Atton. “We let him loose in a cantina, it’ll be anything but short.” “Hey, now,” he protested with a smirk of his own. “It’s not my fault a lot of people are worse at pazaak than alcohol makes them think they are.”
8. Endrali(SWtOR) in a kiss prompt
“Arcann. Aside from me getting to decide who ‘deserves’ me and I picked you, I fell in love with you, maybe it’s not about  deserve as much as what we have, and you” –she leaned in and kissed him– “have me.”
9. Ves/Kurt(Greedfall) in Wonder
“Someday I’ll figure what I did to deserve you,” he managed. “And I’ll happily reel off my list until it sinks in,” she returned quietly, sliding both hands forward to cup his jaw. “You are enough, Kurt. Just you.”
10. Bao-Dur in Old Habits
[Evony:] “Would you like some help?” “If you want, I know you like to tinker,” he said with a quiet laugh.  “But don’t feel obligated; I built it one-handed, I can fix it that way, too.”
(No Trinne or Harvey just bc there's SO MUCH I've written for them it would take forever to narrow it down, but I am v proud of their exchange at the Gnawed Noble in the most recent OWaP chapter and Harvey's "I love you more than always having [quiet moments] to myself" line in the Sunrise OC Kiss fill)
uhhhhhh just open tagging for anyone who wants to show off some writing stuff
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
Tagged by @shynmighty, slow about answering 😅
Three Ships: Pff, this always changes bc I have so many OCs, and the canon ones never do >.> this time around we’ll go with
Harvey/Trinne(bc I’m still extra in my Feelings about them after writing Alex’s present)
 Ves/Kurt(bc they’re trying very very hard to drag me into yet another run through her game)
Keme/Jorgan(bc Shania hit the first flirt last night and it dragged back up how much I adore his romance.😍 “Are you trying to impress me with your legendary sniping skills?”//”Maybe. Is it working?” aklsdha;fajdfjs I love him so much)
First Ever Ship: Ronon/Teyla from SG:A (not including obvious things, like Disney romantic leads, bc then I’ve been shipping Belle/Beast since I was about 3 xD)
Last Song: Compass//Oh Honey (listening to the Etain/Vikkari playlist :3)
Currently Reading: Celtic Empire by Clive & Dirk Cussler(as someone who’s been reading Clive Cussler books since I was about 13, you can TELL his son did like 75%+ of the writing)
Currently Watching: Critical Role(as in right this moment) and Castle(nights before bed. I hit The Wild Rover last night and GOD I love Kevin Ryan so much)
Currently Consuming: coffee
Currently Craving: Fuddruckers elk burger. UNFORTUNATELY there are no locations left within (easy)driving distance of me, so I shall have to distract myself from this craving bc I can’t have it.
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
God, I wanna write for Ardrali and Keme/Jorgan, and Vikkari with both Arue and Etain, and Harvey/Trinne and Ves/Kurt and basically all my other muses/pairings at the same time
But first I have to finish one more exchange fic and my sister’s present aaaaaaaugh
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haledamage · 3 years
“You awake?” for Ves/Jorgan?
I am so happy to be writing them again 😊 early Chapter 2 in that “we’re definitely flirting but haven’t acted on it yet” area because yearning prompts
It was sometime in the very late hours - not that you could tell by looking out the window, just endless stars blurring by as the Thunderclap passed through hyperspace - when Jorgan knocked on the door to Ves’s quarters. “Hallis, you awake?” he asked through the door, voice low so he wouldn’t wake Elara or Forex.
Ves reached across the desk to her datapad to open the door for him. He immediately stepped inside, just far enough to let the door slide shut behind him again, then leaned on the wall next to it. “Hey.”
“Hey.” She set down the chestplate and hydrospanner she’d been wielding, and turned her chair around to face him. “Couldn’t sleep either?”
“Seemed like a good time to catch up on some paperwork,” he said casually, as if he was always up at a quarter til 0400. “I saw your light was on. What’re you doing?”
She indicated the disassembled suit of armor neatly stacked next to her desk, minus the chestplate that still sat on the desktop. “Double-checking the repairs on our armor before we hit Balmorra. If the fighting’s as bad as they say, I want us to be ready.”
"We are ready, sir," he assured her.
She nodded. He was right, she knew he was, she just hated going into a literal warzone with so little intel.
“I think I'm gonna watch a holovid. Just until I feel tired again.” He gestured vaguely in the direction of the ship’s common room. “Want to join me?”
“Maybe.” She was grateful, both for the change in subject and the distraction it provided, but tried to act like she still needed to consider the offer. “Depends. What kind of vids do you like?”
“Hmm.” She tapped her chin, pretending to think about it. “Romcoms. Definitely.”
Jorgan shrugged, answering her playful tone with one of his own. “I can be a romantic guy when the mood strikes, sure.” He tilted his head, studying her like he was trying to figure out how much she intended to make fun of him. She tried to look as sincere as possible. “Mysteries,” he admitted. “I like how dependable they are. No matter how convoluted things are or how bad it gets, the hero always solves the crime and catches the bad guy.”
“You’re right. That is romantic.” It was also really endearing, but Ves kept that part to herself.
“Cute,” he deadpanned. “What about you?”
“Huh.” He looked like he was struggling to figure out where to fit that piece of information in the puzzle that was Vesiya Hallis. “Good to know.” He hit the panel to open the door, stepping backwards through it so he could keep his eyes on her. “So you coming or what?”
There was no way she could tell him no and they both knew it.
She let him pick the movie, trusting that he knew what she liked, and settled into the sofa, tucking her feet against the arm rest. Jorgan draped his arm over the back of the couch, not quite touching her but enough to make Ves very aware of how close he was. It eased the last of the tension from her shoulders, and as she relaxed so did he.
Comfortable silence fell over them, the only sound the creaking of the bulkhead and the soft drone of the actors’ voices.
“So what if I hadn’t been awake when you knocked?” she asked quietly, during a particularly slow moment of the holovid.
“I guess I’d be watching this by myself.” His smirk fell away as soon as it appeared, and the expression left in its place was full of sympathy. “I would’ve checked to make sure you weren’t sleeping at your desk. It’s a bad habit to get into.”
Spoken like a man who knew all too well. She remembered how things had been on Ord Mantell; she would bet a hundred credits Jorgan’s office had a cot in it. “So instead you brought me here to fall asleep on the couch?”
“At least it’s soft,” he said lightly. “Well, softer.” His smile was warm in the blue light of the holo, though he wasn’t paying it any attention anymore, eyes only for her. “I thought the company would do you good.”
"It does," she assured him. She wanted to say more, but didn't know where to start. She settled on simply, "Thanks, Jorgan."
Somewhere halfway through the movie, Ves let her head fall back to rest on his arm, eyes growing heavy. She was asleep before Jorgan could tell her to go to bed.
She woke up the next morning in her bed, fully dressed except for her boots. The armor she'd been working on the night before was conspicuously absent, and on her desk in its place was a steaming cup of caf. 
Ves ran a hand through her hair - out of its regulation bun, another thing she could thank her XO for - and made a mental note to buy Jorgan a beer next time they had some shore leave. And maybe dinner too.
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haledamage · 3 years
Qora: 3, 4, 13, 34, 40 Rika: 2, 12, 33, 39 then 24 and 46 for both of them and also Ves bc I'm *really* curious :3
3. What would be their favorite physical trait about themselves?
She likes her eyes. They’re dark gray (or they would be, if the CC permitted it) and very expressive. Arcann compares them to storm clouds and she loves that
Also, her arms. Her right arm is cybernetic below the elbow (due to a childhood accident), but the rest of them--her biceps and left forearm and hand--are sexy, and she knows it.
4. What are their favorite traits about their lover? (one psychological and one physical)
Oh, she could write you a book about all the things she loves about Arcann. But if she had to pick:
Physically, her favorite thing is the size of him. Arcann’s the same height as her, but he’s broad and muscular and strong and she just adores it. She’s very vocal in her appreciation.
Psychologically, her favorite parts of him are the parts that persisted despite Valkorion’s attempts to destroy them. Most of all, his sense of humor. It’s quiet and subtle and manages to sneak up on her every time.
13. What are your character’s sleeping habits? Heavy or light sleeper? Blanket stealer? One that always rolls onto the floor? Pushes their lover onto the floor? Sleep talker or walker?
Qora is a very light sleeper - she wasn’t always, but the Sith Academy is a dangerous place and a sleeping acolyte is an easy target. Besides that, she probably has the healthiest sleep habits of any of my OCs 😅 she goes to bed at a reasonable hour and wakes up easily and well-rested, unless she has a nightmare.
She has a lot of nightmares. Some of them are hers and some are Arcann’s and some of them are shared by both of them.
24. In their own words, how would your character describe what their lover is like?
Arcann is… I think I was taken with him from the moment we met. Despite the circumstances. (she laughs quietly to herself) There’s just something… magnetic about him. Something impossible to ignore that draws me to him. He’s changed a lot since then, but that part hasn’t changed. He’s a very deliberate man, I think that would be the best way to describe him. He acts with purpose, and with conviction, and with sincerity, in everything he does. Be that conquering a galaxy or saving it. I don’t believe in fate, but… he makes me second-guess that. What else could this be?
34. Does your character have favorite foods? (breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, snacks, etc)
Mushrooms! She’ll eat pretty much anything with mushrooms. Especially stuffed portabellas. Also raspberries and very dark chocolate - together, separately, prepared any which way.
40. Does your OC have any guilty pleasures they enjoy? Hobbies, past times, music, etc that they wouldn’t want known by others?
She feels guilty about how much she loves to fight. She is never more comfortable than when she has a weapon in her hand and a challenging opponent. She doesn’t like killing, but the thrill of looking someone in the eye and knowing they’re going to try to kill her… (she should probably find a healthier way to be an adrenaline junkie, but I think we’re well past that)
That’s really the only thing she finds pleasure in that she’s guilty about, but one thing she enjoys that she doesn’t want others to know is that she loves being lazy. She could lounge in bed all day. Not sleeping, not even reading or watching a vid, just existing with no expectations of her. Nothing like it in the galaxy.
46. What is some random affectionate thing that your character always does to their lover?
She can’t keep her hands off of him. Even before they’re romantically involved, even when they’re enemies, she’s very physical with him. Specifically, she likes to touch his face, one hand on each cheek. She uses it as a greeting, as a goodbye, as a way to comfort him, whenever she kisses him, all the time. She also only ever does it with him, and starts it long before any feelings are admitted, so some of the more observant folks in the Alliance are like 👀👀
2. What is one of your character’s biggest insecurities? Are they able to hide it easily or can others easily exploit this weakness?
She’s very insecure about her skill as a leader. She’s very young to be a Jedi Master (not Qora-child-soldier-young, but still barely in her 20s when she’s given the rank), and then with the Rift Alliance and later the Alliance… she worries she’s too inexperienced and naïve to make the right decisions. That someone more worldly should have been put in charge.
She hides it well from most of her enemies, but she definitely expressed some of her doubts to her beloved mentor, Master Syo, and the First Son was quick to exploit them.
12. Is there some particular talent, skill, or attribute that they simply could not give up?
The most obvious answer is her connection to the Force. Besides the fact that she uses it to see, it’s such an automatic reflex to reach for it that if it were gone, she’d have to relearn how to do pretty much everything.
24. In their own words, how would your character describe what their lover is like?
Jedi aren’t supposed to love, but... Zenith has a talent for getting places he isn’t supposed to be. He’s not always a nice man, but he’s a good man. In a roundabout way. He cares about his people and will do anything for them. He believes in me completely and helps me believe in myself. I cannot imagine my life without him in it, and what we have now… it’s more than I ever could have imagined.
33. If your character wanted to be alone, where would they go?
Usually, she just goes to her room. She spends very little time there, all things considered, and her people leave her alone unless it's an emergency or she's specifically invited them
39. When people look at your character, is there some assumption they might make about them just by appearance? Is that assumption correct?
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So. Many. People. Assume that just because she prefers a peaceful solution that means she won’t destroy them if it comes down to it. She looks very gentle and unassuming (and she is, very much so, most of the time) but if you push her, she will bring your whole world down around you and not lose any sleep over it.
46. What is some random affectionate thing that your character always does to their lover?
She heals him. She heals everyone, granted, but with the others, a hand on the shoulder and a few moments of concentration are all she needs to do unless it’s an emergency. With Zenith, it’s almost a ritual. I’ve written a fic about how that started, but it becomes a Thing with them, after missions or whenever they have downtime to get some privacy. There’s an intimacy in allowing yourself to be that vulnerable with someone, one that neither of them have ever had with anyone else. The rest of the crew probably thinks they’re sleeping together lmao
24. In their own words, how would your character describe what their lover is like?
What is there to say? The only good thing Harron Tavus ever did for me was introduce me to Aric Jorgan. He’s my partner. He’s loyal, but not blindly, and honest, but not brutally so, both compassionate and uncompromising. He owns up to his mistakes and recognizes his strengths, and he is damn good at what he does. He brings out the best in me and makes me want to do better. He’s the only thing that makes sense in this messed up galaxy.
46. What is some random affectionate thing that your character always does to their lover?
Forehead touch! It started as a way to show affection when one/both of them are wearing helmets or when they’re in too dangerous of a place to let their guard down enough for a hug or kiss, but now they do it all the time.
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