#vigilante izucrew
I have vigilante Shouto brainrot, so here are some vigilante Izucrew headcanons:
The izucrew (consisting of izuku, Uraraka, Iida, tsuyu, momo, Tokoyami, monoma, shinsou, mei, Aoyama, and Shouto), all sort of grew close after the ua sports festival
Uraraka, tsu, Iida, and izuku were already relatively close before the sports festival, but after that, their group both grew, and became even closer
Tokoyami grew closer with Uraraka and izuku after the cavalry battle, and was added to the izucrew group chat (the first word suggestion that come up when I type “izucrew” is “army” and honestly? Yeah)
Hatsume became close with Iida and izuku after their respective rounds. Iida came up to compliment her on her tech, and she told him more about her babies.
During this time, izuku walked over to ask her some questions about them and she now had two people to talk to! They exchanged numbers and put her into izucrew group chat
Izuku and shinsou became close after their fight. Izuku came up to shinsou and decided that he wanted to tell him about how he was quirkless until the entrance exam. Shinsou yelled at him that he didn’t understand and that he was lying. So, izuku told him everything. About bakugou, about one for all, about all might, etc.
And so, another number was added to group chat
Shouto was next: He trauma dumps on izuku, and so, izuku tells him his backstory. They bond over similar traumas and thus, another number was added
Shouto is still just as awkward and doesn’t understand people just with the added pros of vengeance as a motive
Shinsou and Shouto get on like a house on fire. Shinsou likes to exploit the fact that Shouto doesn’t know what’s happening every, at any time. Not in the mean way, just. Well. In that way of, like,
“Shouto is too literal, metaphors go right over his head.”
“Nothing goes over my head; my reflexes are too fast, I would catch it”
Shinsou instigates these instances :)
Anyway, Monoma is next. He stumbled into the izucrew quite by accident. He was mocking them when Uraraka said “you know, not everyone in class A is like Bakugou :/“ and it got him thinking… so, he watches them. One day, he walks up to them at lunch, Draco malfoy style, and goes, “WeLL iF It iSn’T tHe InFaMouS nErDs!1!1!?2!1 oFf tO Do sOmE nErD ThInGs?!”
So tsu asks him why he’s so interested. Do you care? Do you want to join, Monoma? 👁👁
And he does.
Next up, momo and aoyama, who get absorbed into the izucrew via izuku’s analysis!
Aoyama was first, he left a message for izuku in cheese and they took off from there. He explained the problems with his quirk and izuku asked if he wanted to train together.
He did
For momo, it started with Hitoshi telling her that she needed to be more confident in her abilities, and Shouto saying that he trusted her plans. Then, Uraraka made an offhanded comment about izuku’s analysis; so, she asks him if he would be willing to help her out. His main criticism is,,,, her motherfucking hero costume. What is that shit????? That’s some real bullshit is what it is.
So, hatsume helps! :DDD
Now, as we know, Aoyama is the forced villain/ua traitor. The crew tries to reason with the heroes, get them to try and help aoyama, but they don’t listen
So, the izucrew takes matters into their own hands. They’re not above breaking a few measly laws to protect their friends-their family.
So, they break Aoyama out of his cell and go on the lam.
They lay low for a while, planning too take down the league and get Aoyama’s parents to safety
They use izuku’s analysis, momo, Shouto, and Iida’s money and social status, Aoyama’s insider information, shinsou’s quirk, etc. to infiltrate the league and destroy them from the inside.
They even got toga to help them! They told her about their tragic backstories; Shouto being dabi’s brother, how he was “trained,” how his mother permanently scarred him
They told her about shinsou and Monoma being ostracized for their quirks, how people always said they would never be heroes
How hatsume was treated for her quirk and her eccentric behavior
How Tokoyami is scared of his quirk
How aoyama and izuku were quirkless, how bakugou treated izuku, and how aoyama was forced to be a traitor to his friends
How the heroes didn’t want to help him
How all he had left were his friends
She caved. She helped them destroy afo and shiggy. The crew-including toga-disbanded the league of villains
They saved Aoyama’s parents
Now, their real worry is staying hidden from the heroes, and dabi. He still wants revenge
The crew and toga find an abandoned house a ways away from UA and the bar
They decide that they need to go after the endeavor first, exposing corrupt heroes, but not take down hero society
A joke that my brother started for our au that we may or may not be writing a fic for 👀 : endeavor? More like endeadwhore
So yeah, endeavor’s death? Well. Gravity is a natural cause, right?
So now, the izucrew has added toga to their rankings
They patrol the streets in shifts, one night Present Mic finds them and they work together. He loves his kids, you can’t stop me >:(
He wanted to help aoyama, but he was overruled
So, they start working together. He helps them stay out of the spotlight and away from the other heroes
Let me know if y’all want villain izucrew headcanons where izuku doesn’t have ofa 👀
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pocketramblr · 4 years
This is really spoilery but: I know Bakugou won't die he's too popular and obviously Hori wants him fully involved in Izuku's story but I think it would be super interesting if he was somehow grabbed by the LoV and turned into a Nomu and then they had to try and re-convert him to the good side/heal if. I just think if BK has to be forced so much into Izuku's story at least it could be done in a more interesting way Plus then it can also be paralleled off the Aizawa&Mic and Kurojiri story.
I mean valid take
But I don't umm want that to happen bc I would umm find that more boring. I didn't like the Kurogiri twist and this would just... Be more of the same. Plus actually healing him from being nomu'd would either require some probably inhumane expiramentation and 'reprograming' to even give him a window to break himself out, or Eri, and that's only if he didn't actually die during the process
(plug to remind that it works on living things. If Eri rewound Kurogiri, he would revert to Oboro's corpse but then there's nothing more she can do)
And I mean that can change or grow I just... Wouldn't want it to. Limits make things more interesting and also I'm kiiiiinda sick of relying on a seven year old girl to save everyone like she's traumatized enough as is
I'd just be wayyyyy more interested if Izuku were taken and there were lots of questions about why. Bakugo can deal with trying to hide secrets and the Izucrew can band together to break some laws and rescue him, to parallel Kamino
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 3 years
Troupe: Found family
I mean, 1A in general, IzuCrew and so on? Normandy Crew, the Companions in DA2, there's a lot of fandoms and characters for this trope.
I kinda like the idea of Iida, Uraraka, Shinsou, Izuku, Tsu and Todoroki though. They meet online and slowly become best friends, later on becoming a vigilante team. Just shenanigans, saving Eri, killing AFO, kidnapping Shigaraki and Kurogiri to be part of their team, the basics.
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demi-quirk · 3 years
ideas list
some of these may never be written as full fics but i want to talk about them nonetheless so: list of ideas! (some titled, some not) pls send me asks about them i love them all so much. (pls dont write anything based on them though unless u ask for specific permission SAFJSDF)
(under the cut, bc it is long.)
dabi and shouto’s arrest-evading adventure: exactly what it sounds like idk what to tell you HKDSF crack treated seriously
rage, spite, and all might: ofa!bakugou, previously quirkless- originally a canon rewrite but i have some Ideas now (namely bkg getting into ua quirkless and getting ofa later on)
someone else in the mirror: bodyswap fic :D
the way i was raised: bakugou gets therapy (at the hands of todoroki and aizawa, post-that One Comment during the provisional license class arc)
from the ashes: pre-290 dabi-centric theoretical backstory exploration
goodnight, love: in which krbk are kidnapped, and only kirishima gets back to ua-- where no one remembers bakugou.
twin users: canondivergent from heroes rising, bakugou keeps ofa but deku doesnt lose it
the risk i took was calculated, but man, am i bad at math: exploration of what would have happened if deku had gotten hit with the quirk erasing bullets (after all, it’s several generations ahead of other quirks-- it wouldn’t quite erase it, right?
touya todoroki’s guide (has a longer name but i am not sharing it): dabi takes a college class (pre-stain). with natsuo, unintentionally, and gets paired with him for a partner project. trying his best. kind of crack treated seriously but not quite? 
the todoroki family’s guide (same as above): sequel to the above! in which the todorokis have a family tv show
side by side, against all odds: quirkless deku and bakugou hero duo! (platonic bkdk)
you will be made new again: dabi get hit with an age regressing quirk, and 12 year old touya todoroki deals with the consequences
what a quirk is worth: in which quirks are spiritual-based-- earned, gifted, received for a price, or inherited, but not easy to find-- and what that means for midoriya and the people he knows.
quirkloss: in which bakugou lost his quirk at kamino, and the consequences he faces as he continues in the hero course.
blood was our inheritance: villain todoroki siblings
what makes a vigilante: vigilante touya/dabi, multiple endings, shigadabi with dabihawks in some endings and shigadabihawks in one ending
brotherswap au: in which the main three villains are shouto, izuku, and tenya, while touya, tenko, and tensei fight to bring them home.
royalty au: royal todoroki siblings, following enji’s death. including the lov causing small amounts of chaos, a possible scheme within the izucrew, and maybe a cameo from bakugou and his dragon.
you want a garden (but you got a balcony): hero student!tenko and kind of canon!dabi. their meeting, friendship, and eventually something more, including tenko forcing dabi to take care of himself
fall in love twice (with me): fantasy au shigadabi. criminal duo. stopped by a group of spellcasters, caught separately and forced to forget the other. they meet again in their search to recover their memories, and go forward from there.
game over. continue?: in which tenko lived and died pre-quirk era, jokingly put in his will that he wanted “game over, continue” written on his grave with a coin slot, and dabi is the first to go along with it out of sheer boredom, accidentally dragging tenko back to life in the process.
rewinded lov trio: in which an attempt to get information from eraserhead’s apartment ends in dabi, toga, and shigaraki getting rewinded to their childhood selves with no way to press the fast-forward button. 
mermaid shigadabi: part-mermaid dabi, mermaid-prince shigaraki. dabi runs away after enji finds out, running into shigaraki and ending up as a royal guest.
lessons unlearned: in which pro hero deku forgets what it’s like to be a quirkless kid wanting desperately to be a hero, just needing that final push of reassurance, at the cost of breaking a quirkless kid’s heart-- not unlike what he experienced at their age.
ofa!touya: in which all might was injured a decade earlier, met touya in the hospital, gained custody, and believed ofa may help touya handle his quirk. (there are consequences.)
recipe for a hero: in which shigaraki, twice, and dabi are forced into a villain-to-hero rehabilitation program hosted by the hpsc.
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Normally I would be working on my headcanons, but I can’t focus right now, SO JUST SEND IN SOME ASKS TO GET TO KNOW ME BETTER!!!!
👊 - If you learned how to shift, who would you fight on sight?
🥰 - Who do you simp for?
✌️ - Who do you think is more OP then is shown?
😡 - Who pisses you off for no apprent reason?
🥺 - Who is your favorite?
👑 - If you had a quirk, what would it be? And why?
⚡ - Would you be apart of the Izucrew, Bakusquad, or just in the backround?
🙌 - Who would be your best friends?
🙏 - Why did you get in trouble with Dadzawa?
🐱‍👤 - Underground or above hero?
🔪 - Hero, villian, or vigilante?
👀 - Are you in the Department of Heroes, Department of General Education, Department of Support, or Department of Management?
😨 - Who would you pull up to fight, then sit your behind right back down b/c they would beat your ass?
🎩 - If you could design your hero costume, what would it look like?
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ursie · 4 years
For the character ask... Todoroki and Iida
Also, Nico (even tho we know what your answers will be... I love him, you love him... We all love hearing u talk abt him)
Also, unrelated, Ms. Joke being a problematic fav b/c she's not dating you... Valid💕(also yes, big lesbian energy. I saw her and within 2 second went *pointing meme* lesbian. Coding at its finest)
😭💕 ily
Todoroki :
1: sexuality headcanon : aspec gay
2: otp : him and Iida and Deku!!
3: brotp : I like his friendship w Momo and I think him and Momo and Iida need to be embraced as the trio we know they are
4: notp : women hes gay
5: first headcanon that pops into my head : nerve damage in his face hence his little to no facial movements. Blind in one eye. Chronic pain. Arthritis.
6: favorite line from this character : every time he oppresses his dad..king
7: one way in which I relate to this character : childhood trauma unite! Also I too have been in love with my best friend
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character : nothing he’s perfect he’s just Autistic and no one clarifies anything for him
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? Cinnamon roll
Iida :
1: sexuality headcanon : Bi!
2: otp : Deku and Todoroki!! Also Gravity gal
3: brotp : Izucrew!!
4: notp : none save for the obvious! Ship him more cowards
5: first headcanon that pops into my head : par time wheelchair user.
6: favorite line from this character : when he had to leave his class behind so he could get help and how he would be ashamed to do so but it was his duty and all his friends are putting themselves in danger just so he could get out the door..I felt that entire scene
7: one way in which I relate to this character : I too would interact vigilante justice if someone hurt my family
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character : he’s perfect I think this question is rigged actually
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? Cinnamon roll Iida was right vigilantes are good actually and yknow what? His brother agrees sgdgggdfgg.
1: sexuality headcanon : aspec Gay
2: otp : Jason, Leo, Clovis, oc, Will is fine ig but he is on the bottom of this list
3: brotp : Hazel!! Reyna!! Rachel!! Piper!! Percy!! Jason!! Nico with friends!! Literally all I care about!!
4: notp : women. Percy.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head : he wears his moms pearls to formal events. He prays with his moms rosary beads. He and Hazel go to church together. He tries to talk to his dad about his complicated relationship with it all and shockingly enough his dad is actually a very good listener on this subject and really does help him come to terms with a lot on it
6: favorite line from this character : I don’t remember it verbatim but it was like “not thinking about others-that’s a dangerous occupation” like..empathetic king
7: one way in which I relate to this character : disabled solidarity baby!
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character : not a thing everything he ever did was right
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? Problematic cinnamon roll
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 4 years
Dekusquad/Izucrew Headcanons
Dekusquad/Izucrew Headcanons by 1quirkypansloth1
My headcanons for the Izucrew.
Words: 734, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Uraraka Ochako, Iida Tenya, Todoroki Shouto, Asui Tsuyu, Shinsou Hitoshi, Aoyama Yuuga, Mineta Minoru, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Hatsume Mei
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Iida Tenya & Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto & Uraraka Ochako, Asui Tsuyu & Midoriya Izuku, Aoyama Yuuga & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Mineta Minoru, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Hatsume Mei & Midoriya Izuku
Additional Tags: Trans Asui Tsuyu, Depressed Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Has an Eating Disorder, Uraraka Ochako Has an Eating Disorder, Genderfluid Aoyama Yuuga, Pansexual Uraraka Ochako, Bisexual Disaster Midoriya Izuku, Gay Todoroki Shouto, Aromantic Heterosexual Mineta Minoru, Lesbian Asui Tsuyu, Bisexual Iida Tenya, Dekusquad, Shinsou Hitoshi is in the Dekusquad, Mineta Minoru is a Little Shit, Mineta Minoru is in the Dekusquad, Aoyama Yuuga is in the Dekusquad, Supportive Dekusquad, Protective Dekusquad, Dekusquad Shenanigans, Chaotic Dekusquad, Chaotic Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku is a Little Shit, Good Mineta Minoru, Depressed Dekusquad, Gay Aoyama Yuuga, headcanons, Aoyama Yuuga Has An Eating Disorder, Cuddling, Nonbinary Todoroki Shouto, Agender Hatsume Mei, Hatsume Mei Has ADHD, Midoriya Izuku Has ADHD, Midoriya Izuku Disassociates, Hatsume Mei is in the Dekusquad, Trans Mineta Minoru, Multilingual Midoriya Izuku, Vigilante Midoriya Izuku, vigilante dekusquad, Female Mineta Minoru
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29844240
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mx-bright-sky · 6 years
My fics, for people who havent read them
My Neighbor Midoriya
[ Hitoshi isn’t sure how he feels about moving. But he hopes that maybe, just maybe, people won’t talk about how he has a “villain’s” quirk. At the very least, it seems like he’s making friends with the odd boy who lives right next door to him now. (Or, AU where the Shinsous move next door to the Midoriyas) ]
This one has been around the longest and so it has the most chapters, super valid, lots of Izucrew shenanigans and fluff, Bakugou gets actual development, and I dont follow canon at all. YAY!
Green Lightning
[ After the emergence of quirks, the official definition of 'vigilante' changed to match it. "Vigilante: Someone who illegally uses their quirk to fight villains without a hero license." ...So, then, wouldn’t it technically not be illegal if you didn’t have a quirk? ]
Vigilante Izuku AU! I would have a very hard time picking favorites between this one and MNM because I love them both to pieces, but I will say that this one is more plot driven and fast paced, which is pretty evident when you realize they're on the same arc despite the fact that MNM has ten more chapters than this one. Shinsou makes an appearance as a main character yet again, as well as Hatsume, and various other Support Course student OCs. ALSO. Izuku has a pet ferret named Garby and EVERYONE loves the chaotic long boy.
A Shadow In An Empty Room
[ At first, Izuku thought he was quirkless. Maybe it would have been easier if he was. Instead, he sees things other people can’t, and no one believes him when he tells them so. (Or, in other words, an au where Izuku has a quirk that lets him see ghosts) ]
The baby fic; newest, fewest chapters, and the smallest fan base. I think I would like it more if people got as invested in it as the other two, and I really think more people should give it a shot! Theres Ghost Nana Shimura(TM) and a bunch of ghosts and Tokoyami in the Izucrew! Eyy, are you tempted yet?
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Everyone tries to paint the izucrew as innocent uwu babies when, yes, they are children, however, they are not innocent. Proof:
Let’s start off tame with Iida, who tried to commit premeditated murder :)
Then, we have Uraraka, who is only in it for the money and literally rained gravel down on bakugou with 0 remorse (as she should, but still absolutely savage) iconic of her, my daughter
Tsu, she is done with everyone’s shit. Hurt her friends and she’ll smack you. Case and point: mineta
Shouto, who has no respect for authority and enough fuck it attitude to, when seeing his new friends in a fight to the death, just been like “alright, if they’re fighting him, he can’t be good” and joined in
Shinsou: similar to Shouto, seemingly no respect for authority. A bit more tame e to his past, but would likely protect his friends with all that he has despite the law
Aoyama, has broken in to leave secret message I’m cheese. Need I say more?
Tokoyami,,, guys, come on. This boy uses dark magic on his enemies.
Momo, I am fully convinced that this girl uses her money and high social standing to help people, but also to completely ruin those who hurt her friends.
Hatsume: I mean, come on, this girl is scary. My child, whom I love dearly, but she is not a law abiding citizen (she’s in the izucrew and my mind will not be changed)
Monoma: alright-it is my personal headcanon that he is in the crew, so I will be including him-J will be honest, this boy and shinsou have the most strict moral compass’ of all those in the crew due to their past and everyone thinking that they had “villainous quirks.” HOWEVER, if someone messes with their friends, they will not take it lying down, not that the kiricrew will, but they’ll get back at you in perfectly legal way-the izucrew is more lenient on the law
And lastly, but certainly not least, izuku fucking midoriya: has genuinely wanted to kill people before (overhaul, as he should). He sees his friend trying to kill someone and he’s just like, “well, my friend isn’t going to die >:|” better yet, he has a feeling his friend is going to do something, and he tries to protect him and is willing to commit murder for him. Scary smart, knows at least twenty ways to hide a body. Has thought of the perfect way to get rid of/permanently disable his @bu$er (bakugou) and had it written down in his analysis notebook, likely the only thing stopping him is because he’s nice and wants to see him grow. Went on a vigilante spree to try and protect those he loved. Let me rephrase that: went on an illegal vigilante phase yo protect his friends. And these are just a few reasons
TLDR: the izucrew would commit murder to protect their friends, and they would get away with it. Have a good day
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Monodeku headcannons because #1: I can, #2: I’m sad, and #3: I am ignoring my problems:
Okay man,,, just,,,,, imagine them being together and fighting villains, like, “love, where do you want to go for dinner?” “Oh, maybe that- *explosion* EXCUSE ME, I AM TRYING TK HAVE A CONVERSATION WITH MY BOYFRIEND! Maybe that new place around the corner; you said you wanted to try their katsudon”
Monoma joins the izucrew and is very bitter about it. He just sauntered up one day like, “well if it isn’t the class A bastards, what trouble have you gotten into this week? I bet you’re doing some lame training later” and Izuku just invites him along. It took off from there
He would call izuku his “favorite class A bastard”
One time, he said that they weren’t friends as a joke. Izuku cried. Monoma made sure to reassure him though, and now regularly makes jokes like that to which izuku messes back with him
(SPOILERS FOR RECENT CHAPTERS): When izuku went on his little vigilante trip, Monoma wouldn’t admit it, but he was very worried. He asked several times if he was okay, and class B couldn’t even make fun of him for that (SPOILERS OVER)
They’re both very protective over those they love and whenever bakugou bullies izuku, Monoma is sure to be as much of a hindrance as humanly possible
Mina, Uraraka, and izuku all make sure to call Monoma’s bluff as often as possible. “Well, if it isn’t the class A bastards; what problems have you caused today?!” “Why? Do you care?” “Yeah, are you worried about us?”
If he could, Monoma would make sure to copy izuku’s quirk as often as possible and he’d just start floating over people. Looking down on them. He is better than them. He wants them to know this
Monoma is a dramatic bastard who will come into izuku’s room, plop down on his bed, and declair his untimely demise due to a minor inconvenience
Izuku always gushes about monoma’s quirk, which always makes Monoma blush
Monoma likes flirting with izuku. At first izuku did not notice he was flirting with him, which was rather frustrating, so then he explicitly told izuku “I’m flirting with you, you bastard” and since then, izuku has imitated a strawberry whenever Monoma decides to be a sly bastard
They call each other “love.” For Monoma, it started out as sarcasm. He’d mock class A to izuku’s face and then call him love. Izuku was confused, but accepting of it. Then, one time he said it back, and Monoma short circuited. Izuku took this to heart and did it as often as possible after that
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