#villain Haurchefant x reader
ladyramora Β· 2 years
Gosh that prompt about the supervillain nemesis makes me think of your villain!Haurchefant au… that was some good writing, I think I shall go reread all of it.
(Thank you so much, anon ❀️πŸ₯Ί I really adore Villain Haurchefant. I hope you like this little snippet I wrote just for you and my other Villain Haurchefant lovers~ πŸ’•)
The next time you see Greystone, you shove him against the wall and pin him there with you body, inspiring the villain to burst into delightful giggling as he gazed at you in surprise with manic, adoring blue eyes. "What ever is the meaning of this, hero?" He asks breathlessly.
"You tell me," You say, not allowing yourself to be swayed or softened by his charms or plain affection for you. "There was rumors of a new threat. Another villain on the rise that was gunning for me. All of the sudden it's as if they were wiped off the face of the planet. No one has heard a peep from them, let alone spotted them. Last I heard, they had gotten involved with you. So tell me, Greystone, what did you do?"
The villain had been flushing steadily red under the intensity of your gaze, his breath quick and heated with your forceful demand. Hahh, things had been so sweet between you for so long, he had almost forgotten what it could be like to be this close! To feel your gaze upon him as a villain, as a threat. But not to you. No, never to you. He adored holding your attention so, causing just enough chaos and discord so that you might have to deal with him.
The dynamic between you worked quite well. A song and dance just for him and for his lovely hero. Yet there were always others trying to cut in. To shove him out and claim his rightful spot as his hero's partner. It simply could not be tolerated.
"They overstepped, my dear," Greystone replies with a simpering smile. "They wanted to hurt you. To truly harm you and yours. I simply did what needed to be done to protect you. To maintain the status quo."
His hero's expression pinches and twists. What an unpleasant expression on their lovely face. Were they angry with him?
"Forgive me for intervening, my dearest," Greystone murmurs with a contrite pout, reaching out to stroke his beloved hero's face. Only to make a hurt expression as they brush his hand off.
"What did you..." His hero shakes their head and steps back from him. Looking troubled. "Did you... kill them?"
Greystone steps forward as they retreat from him, ever chasing after them. "Of course not, my heart." He had not. What his dearest, most loyal knight might have done was another story entirely. Though he no longer held such titles, he was still her lord. Her loyalty had not wavered all this time. Ger always did her best to take care of him.
His hero is tense as he grasps their shoulders, gazing at him warily.
"I did not harm them. They were quite well when last I interacted with them," Greystone reassures them, kneading gently at the tense set of their delectable muscles. His hands flit up to cup their face, cradling their cheeks in his palms as he gazes at them wide, compelling blue eyes. His thumb sweeping over the pursed line of their lovely lips. "I only issued them a warning. That to seek to harm you would make them my enemy."
His hero seems reluctant, but does not fight him as he draws them into his embrace. "You had nothing to do with their disappearance?"
Greystone smiles. "Not a thing." It was true that he had no involvement in such matters. His most capable knight took them upon herself, not wanting her lord to sully his hands. His lionheart dealt with threats so neatly that he need not lift a finger. He really should reward her more.
"Now, where is that smile I so adore?" Greystone purrs, delighting in the hesitant quirk of his hero's lips in response. "Aha, there it is! How splendid, how sweet. I simply must have a taste!"
His hero gives something of a startled sound as Greystone tugs them into a fervent, hungry kiss. The villain purring in his throat approvingly as they melt into him.
The subject of other villains who may or may not have been a threat was quickly forgotten.
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watanabes-cum-dump Β· 3 months
Kou's AO3 ffxiv fic rec list
I am so insane and I literally have only been reading FFXIV fanfics for like the past four or so months so here r some of my favorites
I will split it up into three categories: reader inserts, WoL OCs, and then yk fics with only the characters.
WARNING: I read lots of unsavory shit so please heed the tags in the links as I will not be going over those in this list.
*length of fics will be rounded to nearest thousand
Reader insert's
The Rise of Emperor Solus zos Galvus by amandaterasu
(Emet Selch x reader) Length: 25k Status: Complete (one shot) Review: You don't understand I think about this fic at least once a day oh my fucking LORD. 25k words just GONE in an instant I read this in like under an hour. Actually gigging and kicking my feet this shit bro liiiiiike the way this author writes Emet Selch... ouuuuughhh. I love it when a man is just so insane for his woman that he finds her in another life and immediately starts courting her. Honestly, this shit is just so good it reads almost like a historical drama in the best ways possible. Yeah it's romance (and smut) but it's also politics (kinda) and idk about you but those are my two favorite things. I now need a full length novel about Emet Selch's rise to emperor of Garlemald but yk what this shit is just as good. Bonus points for this author for introducing me to fanfic reading extensions to replace certain terms I will be using this from now on.
Tremble, Duck, & Weave by OwlEspresso
(Estinien, Aymeric, Haurchefant, Urianger x reader) Length: 31k Status: Incomplete Review: This inspired my current big project, Hellbound and yeah idk something about Ishgardian politics man. I'm gonna warn you right now a lot of these reader insert recs WILL be yandere/yandere-adjacent with a lot of unhealthy themes, general debauchery, and doves ranging from beaten to dead so uh... yeah. That aside, this is just a really fun time. Seeing everyone interact with the reader insert and all the different ways they show (or think about) their twisted affections... hnnnng it makes me a little insane okay. Also, shout out to pervert Haurchefant you will always be near and dear to my heart. We were ROBBED in the English translation
Captivate by samsaur
(Aymeric and Estinien x reader) Length: 41k Status: Incomplete Review: Remember what I said about doves ranging from being beaten up to dead? Well, the dove is definitely dead here, but it's rlly juicy because this shit really does feel like a horror story. I am not qualified to speak on it, but I think this is a great portrayal of Stockholm syndrome and the way it's written really puts you into the shoes of the reader insert and you kind of feel that hot and silent shame of being held captive like this. Also, one of my favorite niches of FFXIV fanfics is apparently villain Aymeric. Idk why but he is so good as a villain probably because he had every single reason to turn out one, and he would be a far more terrifying villain than Thordan. If Aymeric wasn't our ally during Heavensward, he would undoubtedly be a huge threat to us and this fic kinda takes that and dangles it over your head. Because, yes, Aymeric is holding the reader captive but he is also helping Alphinaud and Tataru out. It's this balancing act where we know Aymeric is capable of really fucked up things but he is still playing at the perfect image of our noble ally. You find yourself yelling at everyone else not to trust him because you, the reader and his captive, know that he is a piece of shit in this AU and I think it's glorious. Uhhh Estinien is there too ig. It's no fault on the author's part but I just don't really vibe with Estinien as a love interest. Though, his dynamic with Aymeric and the reader is extremely interesting to me. I can't say too much without spoiling all the fun, but I think in a way Aymeric has him trapped under this thumb too.
I'd Ask For Your Soul, But It's Already Mine by Dotharl
(Zenos x reader) Length: 29k Status: Incomplete Review: Guys it's fucking Zenos PLEASE read the tags on this one. Anyways I love my porn kjakjfjkjakhshjfjhk. Okay but genuinely I always say this, but Zenos is surprisingly genuine as a love interest because he doesn't put WoL up on a pedestal and just loves them for all of their worst bits and THAT is the appeal of enemies to lovers. This fic plays with that, especially with the reader insert being a Dark Knight WoL where Fray talks some sense into them and helps them recognize their self worth. I won't lie to you, this fic starts out with VERY fucked up Yandere fuckboy Zenos energy with all of the dubcon included, but I kinda don't care + it's just genuinely well written at times. The dynamic between WoL and Zenos is very nice here, bc yeah it starts out... like that and then it evolves into mutual respect when the reader realizes that Zenos would treat them well and not yk use them as a weapon. Albeit, it does go kind of quick but eh, it's like 4 chapters so I can't fault the author THAT much. Besides, not to diminish the fic, but it IS pretty clearly just kind of a pornfest and that is A-Okay with me! This shit was also last updated in like 2022 so I'm pretty sure it's abandoned.
Not a Champion, Just a Knight by Kei_Cordelle
(Haurchefant x reader)
Length: 23k Status: Incomplete Review: This one is in kind of a weird position because this is an AU where WoL dies at the Vault instead of Haurchefant, so there isn't exactly any HaurcheWoL action to speak of. But, WoL definitely haunts the characters' actions. Bro, when I tell you, the worst part of this fic is actually Alphinaud being very NOT OKAY bc WoL is dead. He is just a baby what the fuck do you mean he watched his friend, confidant, and hero die in front of him???? Yeah sorry I love Alphinaud a normal amount. (that is my SON) Anyways, this is written in first person which is weirdly a turn off for some people? I don't get the hate tbh, because first person just opens up so many fun opportunities! You can break the fourth wall much easier and directly address the reader, and you can also have the vibe that this is a retrospective of what the character saw. The later is definitely the vibe this fic gives. It's like, if the Heavensward memoir was written from Haurche's perspective in this AU. To me, I like to think that this fic is Haurchefant telling the tale of his greatest love and regret in writing. I feel like the action scenes could use some work but they're not terrible. It's just that they're literally one to one recounting of the Heavensward trials and it's just not the best. I think there's also the issue of the cast becoming slightly bloated so it is a bit rough to account for everyone's actions during fight sequences. I really do love this fic though because I think it's really interesting to see how everyone is unraveling. Obviously, we as the WoL take on a lot of things that are almost impossible for everyone else so to see them take on the monumental burden of the hero is very interesting. How would our companions react to certain things? Since during most trials in canon we take it on alone, how does everyone else fit in? Are they all doing the mechanics correctly? All in all, solid fic and I am holding out hope for that fated final fifth chapter since the last time it was updated was back in January and it was started back in 2022 so one day I hope that this will be complete and I get to see the final mental breakdown as the squad completes Heavensward with the legacy of WoL looming over them ✨
WoL OC Inserts
Coerthan Traitor by Cascanora (@cascanora here on Tumblr)
(Zenos x OC, a bit of typical Emet Selch and Azem reincarnation messiness) Length: 190k (GOD DAMN-) Status: Ongoing Review: The author of this fic is highkey like a celebrity to me bc I gobble up their art like it's fucking Christmas morning. Imagine being God's favorite and being blessed with the ability to draw AND WRITE??? Fucking insanity bro. Also, their OC, Crow is fine as hell like one chance ma'am pleeeeeeaaaaaseeee goddddddd- Anyways onto the actual fic, I am admittedly only on the first arc which is kind of like the childhood arc ig. But I really love it so far because I've just never seen anyone really write Zenos being kind of young and vulnerable and playful? That's a lie, I think I've read like one Zenos fluff that I'll have to dig through my AO3 history to find again (bc you'd best believe none of my bookmarks are fluffly...) so I just really like the change of pace. Zenos is obviously always put in more enemies to lovers type scenarios so I kinda like this different angle because yeah maybe he was something resembling normal at one point. Obviously he's very fucked up for a reason, but he was a kid too. He didn't always go off about biting jugulars and drinking blood or something, he got fucked up. I am so far absolutely living for a lot of the political stuff bc as I've said before, romance with a side of politics (or vice versa) is my cup of tea and nobody pulls this shit off better than fanfic authors. I'm really interested to see where the political stuff goes but it's like 2am (sheesh) as I'm writing this so I will have to delve further into this fic later. Anyways can I take a moment to talk about Crow and Zenos? Because they're so fucking cute I love themmmmm. I feel like I'm coming at this as someone who has seen a lot of Cascanora's art so I see when Crow and Zenos' relationship develop into when they're adults, so seeing the early stages of it is really cool to me. I don't quite know how to explain it? But anyways I am raving about this fic bc I think it just builds them both up so well and again, I don't see Zenos written to be playful and yk act his age the way he does around Crow. They just work together so well and while at the point of the story I'm at they're definitely just friends, I think that's the beautiful thing about friends to lovers. Regardless if it's romantic or platonic love, Zenos and Crow are a package deal. Also, Emet Selch/Solus in this fic is perfect. I LOVE my geriatric old man telling stories about his past. I would go off about how I am very captivated by the whole Galvus family dynamic but I will save that for the other fics bc this review section is already super fucking long and you had BEST BELIEVE I'm scouring the internet for Galvus family fics. I lied I will talk about this a little more because this strikes an odd chord with me as someone who wrote a lot of my own longform OC x Canon growing up. I kinda shamed myself off doing that kinda stuff as I got older, but diving into FFXIV where everyone becomes fucking Shakespear with their WoLs has made me let go of my fears of being a cringefailure and embrace the OC x Canon. To see really well written and thought out OC insert stuff is very comforting to me bc I often worry abt my own OCs being shitty and not really fitting in but fics like this assure me that hey, maybe I can make cool shit and that really is the most beautiful part of fanfiction and fandom in general. Fandom is this incredible loop of finding amazing shit and thinking "wow, I wanna do that too" and it's just really rewarding.
Save the Last Dance For Me by lalahganaja
(Alphinaud x WoL OC) Length: 11k Status: Complete (yatta!!!!) Review: ALPHINAUD MY BEAUTIFUL SONNNNN AAAAAAAARRRGGHHHSJGFKJGSGKHJHJF. This fic is so delightful bc it feels like I'm cheering on my children to kiss. A'tahja is so fucking precious and her and Alphinaud just bounce off each other so well. This fic also has the other Scions making an appearance and I fucking love it so much. Found family will never NOT make me absolutely batshit insane. Like yes, Y'shtola mamma cat <3 anyways *chews on Alphinaud and A'tahja* This is just so insanely fluffy and it made me slam my desk every few minutes bc cute teenage love story!!!! How can I not!!!! Alphinaud just acts like an adult a lot of the time and gets put in a lot of adult situations, but in this fic he just gets to be a little guy. A'tahja too, obviously as the WoL she's often off doing insane shit that no teenager should ever have to do and bearing burdens that are too much for a little skrunkly such as herself. But here they just get to be silly little kiddies who are very down bad for each other and it's adorable. I think another thing I really liked was A'tahja getting more in touch with her femininity? Idk how to put. But basically she had really short hair for most of her life bc she pretended to be a boy while in poverty, so to see her be A) pampered and B) learn to take care of herself and be more girly was super cute to see. Also, I am just always really surprised whenever I remember that Alphinaud can drink lmao. Like no, you are a baby (I was the same age as Alphinaud when I started playing this game) put the beer down and go sip on a capri sun or smth. God. Kids these days...
Canon character fics (?)
and i'm your clone, your strange creation by egg(strwpup)
(Fortemps familial angst from Artoirel's pov) Length: 6k Status: Complete (oneshot) Listen to me, I love this fic beyond words, but for the sake of my mental health I will NEVER read this shit again. My daddy issues go fucking DEEP like this is utter insanity. Don't get me wrong it is beautifully written and I love complicated family dynamics- but by god this fucked me up so bad. See, I like to personally believe that Edmont was a good, albeit flawed father but his sons know that he loves them and they love him in turn. But I know deep down in my heart of hearts that it is so much more complicated than that because you know, we can't have nice things here at Square Enix. It just personally fucks me up because I too, like Artoirel in this fic, am a momma's boy at heart and I... kinda hate my dad lmao. Basically, I kin Artoirel in this fic. Oldest child who has it out for my father + hates that I'm kinda like him. He loves his mother but holds contempt for his father, perhaps unfairly but can you blame him? (yeah I'm not only describing Artoirel here...) Edmont is a less than stellar father in this fic but you can tell he loves his kids and aaaaaaaaa I'm tearing up again. The complicated family dynamics + the drama of what happened in Heavensward is just so fucking delicious bro. 10/10 this fic destroyed me in every sense of the word and I do not want to go through that emotional reckoning again. However, I will be writing Edmont as a shitty dad in my fics now. Sorry but I am always just so insane for that sweet sweet eldest child and father dynamic because it's always so disastrous. Having parents is just so strange.
mon corps, le mien; mon coeur, le tien by steelthighsvoideyes
(Aymeric x Haurchefant x Estinien with a side of angst + Haurchefant survives the Vault AU) Length: 43k Status: Incomplete Review: I also started tearing up while writing this review because Haurchefant just does that to me okay? I feel like with a lot of Ishgard trio ship fics Haurche is always kind of left out? Or, he feels a bit tacked on to the Estimeric dynamic. That, or he's just sitting there with unrequited love bc clearly this man has not suffered enough. With this fic however, it definitely feels a lot more balanced. Like yeah a majority of the fic is just Haurchefant and Estinien bonding in the hospital, but Aymeric still feels present because of their shared past and how it's constantly being brought up. (in a good way) All three of them get the spotlight so you don't really lean towards one pairing. Romance aside, I really like the Ishgard trio's established dynamic in this fic because they're just guys being dudes. Besties who were in the military together. Like, Aymeric balances the trio out, Haurchefant is the sort of boisterous youngest member and Estinien is gruff and sarcastic and the banter between the three of them just flows so naturally. It's an actual friendship dynamic that serves as a solid foundation for what will hopefully be a romantic dynamic later on. Once again, friends to lovers is so good for this reason because the foundation is already there. You appreciate them as a person and you are aware of their flaws from the get-go, so when it turns romantic you skip a lot of the awkward exploration phase and can just be comfortable with each other. Anyways as for the crying part- the Fortemps familial drama follows Haurche throughout this fic and it does make me a little, tiny bit crazy. Not gonna spoil it, but the way Haurchefant feels about his family in this fic is just so real and visceral because of course it's super complicated. Once again, I like Edmont being a good dad, but realistically, it's shades of gray. Another thing about Haurchefant that not only this fic does but a lot of other people also head canon, is that his selflessness and willing to give can be self destructive at times. Once again, not gonna spoil, but it's just super heartbreaking to read Haurchefant be almost hypocritical, telling his friends to take care of themselves only for him to almost completely disregard himself. That's kind of what he does at the Vault in the first place, like that man died knowing that he did the right thing and protected his friend and oh god I'm gonna cry again I should stop talking... (I am not even kidding when I say that I will eventually write a Haurchefant character essay...)
Unicorn's Favor by Neyasochi
(Aymeric x Haurchefant x Estinien, yet another Haurche survives the Vault AU) Length: 34k Status: Complete Review: So, this is one of those fics where I feel Haurchefant is kinda just taped onto the Estimeric dynamic, and that's fine, it's whatever, I'm here for the porn and the banter. The premise of this fic is that Haurche helps get Estinien and Aymeric together and then smutty gay things happen. And that's all well and good BUT I NEED TO TALK ABOUT THE FORTEMPS BROTHERS IN THIS FIC!!! *holds them gentle* For me, the best part of this fic was Haurchefant's relationship with his family which for a change, is NOT super angsty and complicated. It's all very heartwarming to see how in this fic the brothers get along very well (contrary to canon where unfortunately we know they were never very close) and to see Haurchefant really appreciate that he's still alive and gets to be around the people he loves more. It's just super cute and fluffy and now I just need fics like this in general. Yeah whatever it's not canon that the Fortemps bros actually like each other this much BUT IDC!!!! YOU NEVER SEPERATE TRIOS!!!! Speaking of trios, the Ishgard trio dynamic in this is yk it's fine it's whatever. In this particular fic, I find it quite cute that Haurche had a crush on Aymeric as a kid, so even if they aren't all buddy buddy in this fic there's still that lingering admiration and it's cute. I also completely swear by pansexual Haurchefant bc that man does NOT discriminate. Okay enough abt the French I will talk about the Italians (Romans) now.
Far colder on the earth than in the heavens by Altimas_Bane
(Galvus family things) Length: 7k Status: Complete Review: I told you I love my familial angst. No, I'm NOT okay. It DOES make me absolutely rabid that Emet Selch as Solus couldn't help but have some hope for the sundered because of Lucius because can you fucking imagine that??? Your son who gave you a little bit of hope for the broken, shattered people who replaced your brethren dies and that is the nail in the coffin. That is what makes you fully believe that they are unworthy. It was briefly mentioned in the short story "Through his Eyes", but Emet Selch had a little bit of hope for Lucius, and he was probably distraught when his son died. This fic goes over that agonizing feeling of watching someone slowly waste away from sickness. It is slow, it is painful, and it is gut wrenching. Idk man, just read it.
Son, Father, Emperor by January Blue
(Varis reflecting on his life and especially his relationship with Zenos)
Length: 12k Status: Complete Review: Heyyyyyy do you bitches remember when I said that Varis probably loved Zenos when he was younger but eventually held contempt for the monster he created? You all probably thought I was crazy for reading them like this BUT I'M NOT!!!!! Anyways fatherly angst strikes again (I am in shambles and this fic goes onto the list of fics that I will never read again for the sake of my mental health) LISTEN TO ME AND LISTEN WELL; Varis and Zenos' relationship isn't so black and white. No I'm not defending Varis- but come on the entire Galvus family is fucking crazy man. Anyways, to quote the comment I left on this fic because I do not want to repeat and retype it myself: "Varis, in a lineage of men that are strong, born into the arena that is politics, is WEAK because he is EMOTIONAL. Solus/Emet Selch calls him emotional in the cutscene he was introduced in (unless I'm hallucinating) and that SENT me because I was forced to rethink all of the information we had been shown of Varis until then. I wrote him off as a shallow villain but I did some digging and Varis is surprisingly the most empathetic in the Galvus household and it SHOWS whenever Solus berated him in cutscenes." Varis had emotions, he had morals he had a line that he would not cross. He has been shown to be merciful (when we parlayed with him in the Ghimlyt Dark) and it's known that he at least cared for his late wife, Zenos' mother. Obviously, he would extend that to his son at one point, right? Perhaps when he was still young and unmarked by the world- right???? See, I really like this fic because it frames Varis' absence from Zenos' life as unintentional, but at the same time, it does not absolve him of the fact that he is a terrible father. I don't want to say too much because I would very much like it if YOU, my dearest reader, took as much emotional damage reading this as I did- but I digress. Varis and Zenos' relationship is not as simple as "Varis hates Zenos" there's obviously some shades of gray here. I personally believed that there's no way Varis hated Zenos because Zenos' mother died in childbirth, and clearly, other people think the same. Listen, you don't just hate your own flesh and blood, at least, not from the very beginning. It's a slow process, and I know it in my heart of hearts that Varis regretted what he let happen to Zenos This fic is just so wonderfully written and I was actually kinda bouncing around my room reading this. Once again, major daddy issues, so maybe that's why I like believing that Varis loved Zenos once upon a time. Something, something, father's love their kids until they grow a mind of their own.
And that's my list! In the future as I make my way through fanfics I have marked for later due to spoilers, I might make another one of these because I think people need to read this shit!!!!
If one of your fics is on here please send me an ask so that I might go back and edit this to tag you!
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cinnabun-faerie Β· 3 years
Crossovers Masterlist
A/N: I've finally made a masterlist for it! I really hope no one is bothered by my many masterlists. I like to keep things separate and sorted.
Note: I'm open to doing any crossover as long as it's something I currently write about! I will add more crossovers if people request them/wanna see them.
I will not be doing character x character! All character interactions will be purely platonic! Character x Reader can be anything from platonic to romantic!
You can find all of the individual masterlists here:
β‡’ Danganronpa Masterlist β‡’ FFXIV Masterlist β‡’ Obey Me Masterlist β‡’ My Hero Academia Masterlist
FFXIV x Obey Me!
WoL is summoned to the Devildom
G'raha accidently summons the Obey Me! boys to Eorzea with WoL
Obey Me! Levi reacts to WoL solo tanking Leviathan EX
G'raha Tia x WoL x Mammon : Crushes
WoL takes Meteion to RAD Part 1 | Part 2 |
Belphie's reaction to Venat (Part 2)
Obey Me! Brothers react to Healer!WoL
FFXIV Ancients react to Obey Me! Brothers
Mammon bringing the WoL hot chocolate (ft. Haurchefant)
Brothers + Diavolo react to the WoL!MC telling them about fighting Hydaelyn & Zodiark
The Brothers react to Ryne
MC takes a page out of Y'shtola's book and gives the Brothers (+ Dia and Barbi) the Burn (Savage) treatment
The brothers + MC in a static together
What the brothers would play in FFXIV
Obey Me Reaction: MC goes off on a β€œfriend” who says something rude when the the static wipes during a raid in FFXIV
Obey Me! x My Hero Academia
Reaction to Villain!MC with a Regeneration Quirk (Lucifer, Diavolo, Mammon, Beel & Belphie)
FFXIV x My Hero Academia
What the Scions quirks would be (Alphi, Estinien, G'raha, Y'shtola)
Obey Me x Supernatural
You’re summoned to the Devildom but Winchesters are your brothers
They see a '67 Chevy Impala parked out front of a cafΓ© while they're in the human world with you
FFXIV x Bridgerton
G'raha Tia meets Anthony Bridgerton
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ladyramora Β· 4 years
The "Is that a threat or are you flirting with me?" for villain Haurchefant and hero reader? ngl a lot of the prompts give me angst feels but I have too much horny energy for this man (and your writing) for that >.>
He is much more manic today, more than a little unhinged. The sweat you had worked up from your gruelling fight to stay even loosening the product in his hair, strands of it falling forward into his face. Drawing your attention to the wide blue of his eyes, glittering with danger and lined today with kohl. As if he needed any more help driving you to distraction.
Β β€œYou’re tiring, hero,” Haurchefant coos, fluttering those wicked eyes at you as he forces you steadily back. Your feet struggle for purchase on the dusty ground.Β 
He is right, you were tired. But it would be foolish to admit so to your enemy, so you say nothing.Β 
Greystone only laughs.β€œStill, you sought me out. Have you missed me, my dear?” He leans in, his tongue flicking out, dragging over his painted lips. Your eyes follow the motion. His smile is beguiling, his teeth as sharp as his smile, β€œYou crave it, do you not? To be at my mercy.” 
Β You stare at him, wide eyed. He make a sudden move, and you are ill prepared in your exhaustion. Your weapon goes flying.Β 
You swallow hard as his blade comes to rest against your throat.Β 
β€œWorried, dear heart?” He purrs, his gaze intense; compelling. β€œYou needn’t be,” his gloved hand cups your cheek, stroking at your flushed skin. His thumb dragging over your bottom lip. You feel loopy with how good he smells as he cups your chin and presses close enough for you to share his breath. β€œI can be generous. I can give you the relief you so yearn for...” 
Your voice croaks, β€œIs that a threat or are you flirting with me?”
Greystone pauses, blinks. Draws back to look at you like you had wounded him.Β 
He looks at you, eyebrows furrowing. Then he laughs abruptly, dragging his gloved hand over his face, his blade lowered. Guard down.
You lunge forward, tackling him to the ground. His cape billowing around you as you both fall. You land hard on top of him, straddling him as you snatch his blade from his lax fingers. Your positions reversed now. You’re on top! He’s at your mercy! With his face flushed, his hair wild, his glossy painted lips ever so slightly parted, blue eyes wide in surprise...Β 
You clear your throat, β€œYield.”
That manic grin makes a reappearance as he purrs,Β β€œI think not,” and you flinch as his hand grabs for you, his blade drawing a thin line of blood where you pressed it against his throat. He yanks you down and you make a very eloquent sound as his lips crush to yours in a hungry, fervent kiss.
You are lost in it for a moment. Your heart pounding, your blood rushing. A low, hungry sound spilling from your lips. You’ve a palm to his chest, feeling the way his heart races along with yours. How much he wants this as he groans low in his throat. How much he wants you.Β 
You shove him back, panting and wide eyed. The gloss on his lips is smeared, his eyes ablaze with heat.Β 
β€œWhat will you do now, hero? Kill me?”
Had his threats been flirting this whole time? Or both?
β€œI could have cut your throat, you fool,” you snap, and toss his blade away to join yours, out of reach.Β 
He grins with all his teeth, giggling madly as you grab fistfuls of his cape and yank him forward.Β β€œIs it not more exciting?”
What a weirdo.Β 
β€œShut up,” you say, tired.Β 
He flutters his eyelashes.Β β€œMake me.”
You hate how smug his smile feels pressed against your lips.Β 
β€œThis is a draw,” you growl, biting his bottom lip and then soothing the sting with your tongue.
He groans, his eyes like blue flame under the fan of his eyelashes.Β 
β€œWhatever you say, hero. You have me at your mercy.” 
Β You liked the sound of that.
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cinnabun-faerie Β· 2 years
Things I hope I end up writing/want to write at some point (This may be a wishlist to myself since I haven't been feeling 100% in the writing mood):
{hello btw! It's 5am. holy chicken nuggets. Anyways, yeah I'm very sleep deprived. Whoever is reading, I think you're awesome and I hope you have a great day/night. I'm sorry if this post is annoying}
General Stuff
Character birthdays by zodiac signs πŸ₯°
does anyone else like celebrating fictional characters' birthdays?
Fun fact two of my favorite characters are also Libras like me! (Kirishima & Satan). Tannie's birthday is only a day after mine too
top 10s ! I like seeing how things evolve over time
Hot takes/People sending in asks about what I think about a particular character or game
like idk "Why do you friendzone Thancred, Grey?" Because my friend is in love with him and I will never take her man. But Estinien we have agreed to share.
or similar, "What characters do I feel is off limits cause my friends like them?" I have a list.
Or "Would you trade your best friend(s) for a fictional character? If so, which character(s)?"
go ahead, someone please ask me this.
I feel like I would be curious of what people would ask me πŸ€” I'd be down to answer what I can
like it could even be about characters. Like who I think would friends in crossover situations. There's one that is my absolute headcanon between ffxiv x obey me
please chat with me sometimes, i get lonely and its nice to interact with you
i'd love to talk about my d&d game that is MHA themed!
I'm tempted to make content for Blush Blush 😭 but I've already too many characters to write
There's not a lot of content for it on here
30 Day writing challenge for certain holidays. Like last year I did one for BTS/ViXX on Halloween
This year maybe I can do like a romantic month with a mix of ffxiv, obey me, mha and danganronpa
or OR πŸ₯° a Hogwarts themed challenge that include the series' I write for
that way I'd have a reason to write it
I'm open to ideas
I'm going to do Halloween again this time (but with the current series') so that will be fun
πŸ€” there was something else that I wanted to say but I can't remember is
More Fandaniel x reader stuff
why do i love him
he's so attractive and for what 😩
honestly idk I've wrote so much
πŸ’• Haurchefant πŸ’•
writing more about my ocs
they make me really happy
Obey Me!
Lucifer x Reader Arcade Date HCs (i got the idea playing Levi's birthday event. The crane game moment πŸ₯°)
short reader x all of the boys
mostly cause i wanna use the "short people are closer to hell" phrase cause I say it all the time
but honestly why do characters gotta be so tall 😭 I'm 5 foot and y'all gonna run me over
honestly anything chaotic as this point, I will live for it
Literally anything at this point
Stop being afraid to write anything, Grey
My Hero Academia
πŸ’• Kirishima πŸ’•
okay but faerie Kiri
i want to do mha characters as myth stuff
like Demon Bakugou or Vampire Deku
for some reason I really like the idea of villain deku
idk I'm open to mostly anything
Crossover Stuff
i really really wanna sort characters into their hogwarts houses
just Hogwarts being my fictional comfort place is why I'd wanna see all these characters there
im cool with doing crossovers with anything as long as I know it
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