#Ger is best knight
ladyramora · 2 years
Gosh that prompt about the supervillain nemesis makes me think of your villain!Haurchefant au… that was some good writing, I think I shall go reread all of it.
(Thank you so much, anon ❤️🥺 I really adore Villain Haurchefant. I hope you like this little snippet I wrote just for you and my other Villain Haurchefant lovers~ 💕)
The next time you see Greystone, you shove him against the wall and pin him there with you body, inspiring the villain to burst into delightful giggling as he gazed at you in surprise with manic, adoring blue eyes. "What ever is the meaning of this, hero?" He asks breathlessly.
"You tell me," You say, not allowing yourself to be swayed or softened by his charms or plain affection for you. "There was rumors of a new threat. Another villain on the rise that was gunning for me. All of the sudden it's as if they were wiped off the face of the planet. No one has heard a peep from them, let alone spotted them. Last I heard, they had gotten involved with you. So tell me, Greystone, what did you do?"
The villain had been flushing steadily red under the intensity of your gaze, his breath quick and heated with your forceful demand. Hahh, things had been so sweet between you for so long, he had almost forgotten what it could be like to be this close! To feel your gaze upon him as a villain, as a threat. But not to you. No, never to you. He adored holding your attention so, causing just enough chaos and discord so that you might have to deal with him.
The dynamic between you worked quite well. A song and dance just for him and for his lovely hero. Yet there were always others trying to cut in. To shove him out and claim his rightful spot as his hero's partner. It simply could not be tolerated.
"They overstepped, my dear," Greystone replies with a simpering smile. "They wanted to hurt you. To truly harm you and yours. I simply did what needed to be done to protect you. To maintain the status quo."
His hero's expression pinches and twists. What an unpleasant expression on their lovely face. Were they angry with him?
"Forgive me for intervening, my dearest," Greystone murmurs with a contrite pout, reaching out to stroke his beloved hero's face. Only to make a hurt expression as they brush his hand off.
"What did you..." His hero shakes their head and steps back from him. Looking troubled. "Did you... kill them?"
Greystone steps forward as they retreat from him, ever chasing after them. "Of course not, my heart." He had not. What his dearest, most loyal knight might have done was another story entirely. Though he no longer held such titles, he was still her lord. Her loyalty had not wavered all this time. Ger always did her best to take care of him.
His hero is tense as he grasps their shoulders, gazing at him warily.
"I did not harm them. They were quite well when last I interacted with them," Greystone reassures them, kneading gently at the tense set of their delectable muscles. His hands flit up to cup their face, cradling their cheeks in his palms as he gazes at them wide, compelling blue eyes. His thumb sweeping over the pursed line of their lovely lips. "I only issued them a warning. That to seek to harm you would make them my enemy."
His hero seems reluctant, but does not fight him as he draws them into his embrace. "You had nothing to do with their disappearance?"
Greystone smiles. "Not a thing." It was true that he had no involvement in such matters. His most capable knight took them upon herself, not wanting her lord to sully his hands. His lionheart dealt with threats so neatly that he need not lift a finger. He really should reward her more.
"Now, where is that smile I so adore?" Greystone purrs, delighting in the hesitant quirk of his hero's lips in response. "Aha, there it is! How splendid, how sweet. I simply must have a taste!"
His hero gives something of a startled sound as Greystone tugs them into a fervent, hungry kiss. The villain purring in his throat approvingly as they melt into him.
The subject of other villains who may or may not have been a threat was quickly forgotten.
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a-998h · 1 year
Back to Liyue For Answers
Venti's POV
I made it back to Mondstadt. When I got there I saw many of the knights running around and out of the city. I saw Jean and ran up to her.
"Jean,whats going on?" I asked. Jean told me that the Creator was here at that she ran off. I told her about the feeling I had in Liyue yesterday. Turning around,I made started going back to Liyue.
Creator! POV
I walk out of Liyue Harbor. Planning to return to where I woke up,wanting to know how I got here in the first place. After walking for a time I got back to where this all started. There were thinks I didn't notice before,there were shards of Cor Lapis,Amethyst,Crystal ore,and magic crystal along with petals of a Glaze Lilly,Cecila,Sacred Sakura,and Kalpalata Lotus.
"Why are these here?" I asked myself out loud. I scooped the stuff off the ground and into my pockets. I lacked any other way to carry the stuff. I walked around a little more and found nothing else. Giving up I made my way back to Liyue and was greeted by Ganyu.
"Your grace,the Tianquan requests to see you,"
I blink in surprise and ask why she said that.
"Tianquan Ningguang was informed and told us all to call you that, " She said.
I asked who told her and Ganyu said that Zhongli had told Ningguang about me. I start to panic and back away but a crowd of Liyue citizens put a quick end to that.
"Warit! Maybe Ningguang will know about the stuff I found!" I say to myself. I let Ganyu lead me to the person the player has to see in order to get into the Jade Chamber. I ask about bringing a gift and I notice Ganyu look confused.
"You do not need to bring a gift your grace,your presence is more than enough," she says.
Ganyu uses her Jade Chamber entrance code and one ride later,we are at the Jade Chamber. There is no turning back now. We both walk inside and I follow Ganyu's lead in greeting Ningguang. She tells me I don't need to do that. I tell that I didn’t want her to think I was being rude. We talk and I then tell her about the stuff I found. She asks to see it and I show her the stuff.
'This is interesting,I will have to look into it. I'll send a messenger to you if I learn anything,but for that I'll need your name," she says. I tell ger my name along with.
"Oh my god! Thank you! Thank you! You're the best Ningguang!"
I leave and get back to Liyue Harbor and back to Xiangling. But,when I went looking for her I ran into Zhongli. I greet him and ask if he's seen Xiangling. He asks why I’m looking for her and I explain me basically crashing at her place. He offers to let me stay with him and being tired,cause it took me a little bit to get back to the starting point,said yes. We walk and talk before reaching Zhongli's place. He helps me find a place to sleep before I pass out.
Narrator's POV
Unknow to the Creator,Zhongli began petting their head. He felt proud to finally meet the one who made him and the others. But,he was worried when he learned about what happened yesterday in Mondstadt. You had gotten hurt,when Venti was meant to look after you till all the preparations were finished. He looked at your hand and the bandage on it. Part of him feels bad for the part he played in you being here but another part of him says it's okay,you'll be happier here,with those who will do anything for you
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what if the rest of the lucina gang got sent to hoshido/nohr
Oh, bby girl you can't enable me like this...
Okay so, for balancing reasons you'd have to split the kids 50/50 so we need both Morgan's and some starting classes would have to be changed.
F!Morgan - Deviner/Skyknight
M!Morgan - Samurai/Sorcerer
Cynthia - Skyknight/Cavalier
Noire - Archer/Deviner
Kjelle - Spear master/Knight
Brady - Monk/Trubadour
Yarne - Apothecary/Taguel
F!Morgan gets deviner and M!Morgan gets Samurai because in their offical art M!Morgan was holding a sword and F!Morgan is holding a tome. Kjelle get's spear master because she starts with spears. I don't know why I chose Apothecary for Yarne, it just felt right. F!Morgan having Skyknight as her Heart Seal class is based on her heroes class being dark flier. Noire having deviner is in reference to her mother's class, deviner and not sorcerer because she's stated to be unskilled at dark magic. Yarne gets his base Taguel class back by heart sealing into it.
Laurent - Sorcerer/Apothecary
Lucina - Mercenary/Spear master
Gerome - Wyvern rider/Ninja
Nah - Wyvern rider/Manakete
Inigo - Mercenary/Ninja
Severa - Mercenary/Skyknight
Owain - Sorcerer/Samurai
Nah gets wyvern rider because she's a dragon and I think that woulds be funny. Also I think Laurent should be able to wear the slutty sorcerer fit, I think it would be funny. Mercenary is the only Nohrian class that starts with swords so that's what Lucina gets she ger spear master because lords get lances on promote in Awakening. I feel like Ninja fits Gerome personality wise.
I think only the original trio would be retainers to the royals everyone else would be doing something different. I think the Morgan's would be Azura's equivalent of Flora/Felicia. Twins who serve as Azura's maids/bodyguards which would also make them neutral units. Cynthia would be a Skyknight stationed at the capital. I can see her being an early recruit in Birthright, like she joins you when you first leave the capital. I think Noire and Kjelle would all also be early game recruits while Yarne and Brady would be mid game recruits.
I actually think Nah and Gerome would be Neutral units serving in Cheve. They get auto recruited in birthright/revelations but need to be recruited in conquest by having one of the Awakening kids talk to them. It would be on the same map where you get Charlotte and Benny. It would also give the Awakening units two neutral units per nation. Laurent would join you after one of Corrin's returns to Krakenburg, best time I think would be when they get sent to the rainbow sage. Lucina I can also see being recruited durring the seven fold sanctuary map, perhaps having been sent a head by Xander.
This would also give five more child units for the male characters.
M!Morgan's child would have to have their own version of "Time to tip the scales!" and "Time to even the odds!" I think their gimmick would be remembering what happened in Heir's of Fate and have the starting class of ninja.
Yarne I can see having a child unit that's the complete oppisite of him, bold and reckless who gives him no end of heart attacks. staring class of Oni Savage
Laurent's child unit would be a detective, trying to solve mysteries like Miriel but rather then being a scientist they do dective work. The best starting class for that would be outlaw with Ninja for a heart seal class.
Brady's child unit would be a 'Sukeban' a sterotypical japanese female deliquent. But one who's quite skilled at the more 'high class' activities. Basically Brady but with the Japanese aesthetic and cultural influences because she'd be a Hoshiden unit
Gerome, child unit who has a wyvern named Maria. I think they would have conflict with Gerome baced on being in the deep realm. "I'd rather see you less often as you grew up rather than be stories for you to hear." vs. "I would have been satisfied with stories of you if it meant not being alone." A follow on from "I didn't want heroes I wanted my parents."
I also think they would have a mechanic where if you fight one of the Awakening kids with another they won't defeat each other but will leave each other at 1hp/they will miss any attack that would defeat them.
Oh and Noire would defiantly be able to S support Hayato and have unique dialogue with Rahjat
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theguardianace · 6 months
ough. wait. knight mafuyu who is originally on the side of the knights of white, though not in the unit since her mother wanted her to become a great noble heir, "since it was best for her future". mafuyu, who as a kid, longed to be a knight, but her mother forbade it since it could ger her hurt. mafuyu meets prince kanade and his captain mizuki. prince kanade sees the suffering in mafuyu's eyes and vows to save her, since he couldn't save himself or his father, the king's brother. mizuki who secretly trains mafuyu on how to be a knight. mafuyu, who eventually finds the courage to run away, cut off his hair, and become the thing he's always wanted to be.
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hunks-of-junk · 7 months
List of Junkies:
The Bad Batch:
Hunter -
Wrecker - @wrecker-and-lula
Tech - @equestechnicos
Crosshair - @help-from-above-ct-9904
Echo -
Omega- @the-best-research-assistant
The Clone Wars:
Anakin - @skyguy-is-gonna-fly-by
Ahsoka -
Obi-Wan - @its-over-i-have-the-high-ground
Rex - @captainrex-of-the-501st
Cody -
Fives - @arctrooperfives-official
Riyo Chuchi - @pantoran-senator
Bo'katan Kryze - @bo-katan-the-nite-owl
Oc's -
Val - @jedi-mom
Caym - @caym-501
Currently MIA but forever with us in the force Ger - @ger-springs
Lilith - @lilith-official
The Grey Jedi Knight (Adam Smith) - @the-grey-jedi-knight
Mandalorian Trooper #985 (Captain Rosetta Martin) - @mandalorian-trooper
The Greatest Mandalorian (Anna Martin) - @the-greatest-mandalorian
Jedi General Amaya Pierce - @theres-thejediway-orthefunway
Commander Ryder of the 607th - @commander-ryder-607th
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pwrestlingxpress · 1 year
Final "Best of the Super Junior 30" A Block Standings + Official Match Card for "Best of Super Junior 30" B Block Finals
May 23, 2023: Four people (Mike Bailey, Lio Rush, Titan, and Hiromu Takahashi) all entered Osaka with a chance to be the top 2 in A Block. After 2 intense matches, here are the final standings for A Block of "Best of Super Junior 30"
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Finishing on Top is Mike Bailey with 14 points (7-2 record). Tied for second are Lio Rush, Hiromu Takahashi, and Titan with 12 points each (all 3 sported a 6-3 record). However, due to the 1-on-1 records between these 3, Titan will join Mike Bailey as the two representatives for A Block in the Final 4 of "Best of Super Junior 30". Also due to that 1-on-1 record, Lio Rush finishes third and Hiromu Takahashi finishes fourth. In Fifth is TJP with 10 points (4-4 record, 1 forfeit win), Sixth is Taiji Ishimori also with 10 points (4-4 record, withdrew final match due to injury), in Seventh is SHO with 8 points (4-5 record), in Eighth is DOUKI with 6 points (3-6 record), and in the bottom are KUSHIDA with 4 points (2-7 record) and Ryusuke Taguchi with 2 points (1-8 record).
Who will join Mike Bailey and Titan in the Final 4 of "Best of the Super Junior 30" this Friday in Yoyogi? Today (May 24, 2023) we find out as B Block finishes up competition. Here is the official match card for today's show including how those still alive can advance to the final 4 on Friday.
Opening Match: Mike Bailey (A Block #1 Seed/CAN) and Oskar Leube (GER) vs. Lio Rush (A Block #3 Seed/USA) and Yuto Nakashima (JPN)
Match #2: SHO (A Block #7 Seed/JPN), EVIL, and Yujiro Takahashi vs. DOUKI (A Block #8 Seed), Taka Michinoku, and Taichi
Match #3: Hiromu Takahashi (A Block #4 Seed/JPN) and Titan (A Block #2 Seed/MEX) vs. KUSHIDA (A Block #9 Seed/JPN) and Ryusuke Taguchi (A Block #10 Seed/JPN)
Match #4: BOSJ 30 B Block Match: Francesco Akira (4-4) vs. BUSHI (2-7)
Match #5: BOSJ 30 B Block Match: Clark Connors (4-4) vs. Dan Moloney (4-4)
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Match #7: BOSJ 30 B Block Match: Kevin Knight (3-5) vs. Master Wato (6-2)
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Semi-Main Event Match: BOSJ 30 B Block Match: Yoshinobu Kanemaru (2-6) vs. YOH (6-2)
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Main Event Match: BOSJ 30 B Block Match: Robbie Eagles (5-3) vs. El Desperado (6-2)
YOH (6-2) advances to the final 4 with a win
El Desperado (6-2) advances to the final 4 with a win and/or a YOH loss
Master Wato (6-2) advances to the final 4 with a win, a Desperado loss, and/or a YOH loss
Robbie Eagles (5-3) advances to the final 4 with a win, a YOH loss, and/or a Master Wato loss
B Block Finals of "Best of Super Junior 30" starts at 6:00 PM Local Time/5:00 AM Eastern/4:00 AM Central/2:00 AM Pacific. Go to timeanddate.com and type in the city you currently live in to find out the start time in your area.
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xiaooaixgiig · 2 years
She's bad advice; I don't think twice
Childe x GN!reader
He finds himself laughing at your silly antics instead of interrogating/scolding you for it
Walking around Liyue Harbor Childe finds his eyes wandering about to see you running away after stealing some qinxin. He doesn't let anyone away with it he chases after you then makes sure that you return it to whoever 'owned' it , at the meantime apologizing for what you had caused- normally he would let that slide but today is a good day for him!
You walk around Wangshu Inn with Lumine and his little floating companion, the emergency food , the one who probably cares for the traveler the most and the best tour guid , Paimon! Helping them complete commissions in return for them helping you complete it was a good deal, right?
You both were supposed to kill a ruin guard near mondstadt, "WAH, I've never seen dragonspine before!" You exclaim admiring the place .
Paimon nods in agreement while Lumine starts getting ready while you get your sword out its features glimmering in the sun, shining as bright as the brightest crystal could ever.
The ruin guard doesn't leave you unnoticed I quickly trudged to you and Lumine its feet stomping sending vibrations around it. You sprint to the ruin guard as Lumine gives you an anemo burst to lift you up and stab its goldenish weak spot.
After stabbing it , Lumine does ger elemental burst with whatever element she is using and then kills the ruin guard .
"Y/n, thank you for helping us." Lumine stated putting her hand near her chest to show gratitude. You smile at her giving her some reassurance.
"Don't worry almighty traveler! Thou shall help someone in need as long as the price back is as good as thee!" You say mocking a knight. Lumine and Paimon snicker.
"Sayyy , Y/n you're low on mora,right?" Lumine questions looking at you with a smug look in her face.
"I'm always low on mora silly! Anyways if has anything to do with getting customers for Hu Tao then I am out!" You exclaim while Lumien and Paimon start whispering to each other .
"Well I have a friend who uad tons of mora, her name is Ninguang go ask her for some mora say the traveler sent you." Lumine says while smiling at you.
"REALLY?! You don't have to do this ya know!" You say while crying tears of joy.
"Don't worry it'll work! Welk then we're off , bye jobless begger!" Paimon says while waving you goodbye.
Little do you know they planned it all! Those cheeky little masterminds anyways back on with the story.
Walking around the harbor you see some delicous apples and just at that time, your stomach calls for lunchtime. You quickly steal it before bumpting into something hard.
"Since when did they put a refrigerator here?" You accidentally say out loud. The ginger male chuckles at you as you're in your own world.
"I'll go ahead and pay foe that" Childe says as he puts some mora on the stand of fruit. As the shop owner thanks him.
"So what bring you here" he says while looking at you. Both walking side by side.
You explain every single, tiny detail about what had happen previously as the man burns with jealousy.
"You could've just ask me" he says while pouting like a child who coudlnt get some play doh.
You laugh it off thinking nothing of it until he puts a pile of bags filled with mora. Probbaly like 30 bags of mora.
"Woah I didn't think you meant it literally "you say before putting it in your bag and hugging him. Smiling from ear to ear.
"Thank you Childe " you say while kissing him on the cheek. Leaving with your head looking like a tomato.
Little did you know the man himself was a jueyun pepper. With his heart racing like he was fighting for his life. He puts his hand to his left cheek and smiles to the brim!
A little behind you guys were Lumine and Paimon grinning in victory. Both ready to plan as match makers for Y/n and Childe.
'Beidou now owes us 2000 mora' they both thought while stars in their eyes.
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bestsnow-white · 2 years
Emma did a small burp, but continued to cry. "I baby?" the blonde princess babbled in between sobs. "How big am I?" Emma was honestly curious how old she was. And she was definitely in need of a change.
Robin got the green baby out of the chair and took her to her royal potty. "Do let me know when you're finished" he told Zelena, having doen this with Roland. "Great! " Roland said. "And you're gonna be the best knight, Henry." he told his big brother.
Emma shook her head. "I don't know. I just woke up and was here. And apparently a baby. There's going to be a ball tonight, though" the blonde said, then she sniffed. "Um, did one of you, ...go poopy?" Emma asked, unaware of what she'd said or that she was starting to do the same.
"Shh baby everything is going to be alright mommy is here everything will be fine," Snow cooed ather daughter trying to soothe her. "Oh my that was a big burp for such a little girl," Snow replied teasingly at ger daughter "Ih what a smart little girl yes sweetie your baby your just one year old honey," Snow replied "Okay baby lets go get you changed," Snow quickly changed the blonde theb brought her out to play with the others.
"I can dos it," Zelena said stubbornly as she tried to make a break for it but failed she sugged "Okay daddy," there was that word again why was she referring to him as daddy although she gad another thought soon "Daddy I big many? I done too," She was also curious to know how old she was. " Thanks Roland and when I become a knight I'll take you as my squire to teach you how to ge an awesome super knight," Henry said encouraging his younger brother.
"Same with me I woke up here last thing I remember was rotten in that cell that you and my si... mommy put me in..ugh!" Zelena got frustrated " Why is mommy and daddy my parents ?" She asked getting annoyed that she kept referring to ger little galf sister as mommy and to Robin as daddy. "I was dead and then all if a sudden I wake up in he enchanted forest with momma bringing me here and apparently I have a brother too but it looks like am at least partially potty trained," Bae replied. " Maybe we can get answers at the ball," Zelena replied "No," both Bae and Zelena shock their heads.
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emperor-palpaminty · 3 years
41 kiss w/ Rex? Bonus for your fav arc with him
Holy shit you just requested an Umbara arc (my fav) with forbidden romance??? yes, pls don't hurt me
Kiss prompts to be found here! Submit yours if you yearn for one! I also don’t write just for clones, I’ll do any SW character except daddy palps
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Rex's fist clenched as he watched the Jedi Knight talk to Krell, her hand gestures subtle, but Rex knew her well enough. As Krell’s former padawan, she knew the General best and was the most likely to stand up to him. Currently, she was arguing about tactics involving the clones. Krell was looming over her, large, but she was sturdy, stance calm, rigid, unmovable. However, Krell outranked her, and he simply stalked away, ignoring her, barking commands as he walked back towards the observation tower.
The knight chewed on her lip and turned, running her hand through her scalp. Rex tucked his helmet neatly under his arm, exhaling softly. He was fighting off agitation, because the general knew best, but the knight was more... emotionally important. Hell, more important, period. In every way.
“What was that about?” His voice was soft. Umbra was dark, always dark, but he could see the traces of rage lingering on her face.
The jedi fought off the agitation and turned to him, anger still pressing to ger lips. "He hasn't changed." She smiled at him, the weariness only shining through her eyes. "He plans to execute Jesse and Fives himself after your mission."
"Oh." Rex paused, glancing down at his own clanched fist. The Jedi and him had this odd... unspoken relationship. It was known between the two of them- and several others, apparently- that they had a band of sorts, but neither one had made the effort to identify it. Rex knew he was frightened of it. "Did you tell him you think it would be best to come with us?"
"He says I'm needed here." She sighed, her own muscles tensing. "My men- and you-"
"We'll be fine." Rex assured, gently reaching out, laying a hand on her forearm. "We've done missions without Jedi before."
Her brow creased, but she didn't move her arm away. "I know, but this time, it's just... different." She paused. "He was a good master, Rex, but he hates... he doesn't-"
"Like Clones." Rex finished. He paused, glancing back, then smiled. "Hey, we have some time. How about we do that thing you like? Tea ritual."
The jedi paused, skimming his face, lips pressing gently in a smile. "I would like that, actually."
Rex felt a grin flit to his face as he followed her to her quarters. This whole mission had been hell, Umbara had been hell, and she was his only source of sanity.
"I don't know what to do about Fives or Jesse." Rex pressed a hand to his forehead and lowered his helmet onto the small table by the door. The lighting in her room was gentle, subtle, colorful. She hummed noncomittaly and shrugged off her robe, walking to the small pot she had sitting out. Rex grinned again, worry briefly vanishing with the sight. "You were expecting this."
"I knew you would need it." She sighed, reaching down and picking up two small cups. "And I knew I would.' She poured the steaming liquid into the cup and sat down on her bed, holding out a cup to Rex, who took a seat next to her. The jedi took a sip, the drink followed by a sigh. "Rex I'm so sorry. I didn't know this would happen-"
"It isn't your fault."
"I should have been able to do more." She turned to him, cup resting gently in her fingers. She examined the simple design, the subtle green carvings in the sides. "I need to do more for all of you."
Rex hesitated, leaning forward on his knees. "You're doing enough." The tea lingered in his mouth, and he sighed. "You're enough. Some things are just... out of control."
"He's a Jedi, Rex, and it's my job to look out for you." The Jedi glanced at him, pausing, meaning swelling in her gaze. "All of you, but... I...'
Her words were lost. She glanced back away, and Rex sat back, turning to her. "Hey, hey, it's okay." His arm moved around her, tugging her to him. The Jedi leaned into him, arms tightening, a soft sob escaping her. "Shh, shh."
"It shouldn't be this way, Rex." She mumbled, allowing him to pull her closer.
"I know." His nose pressed into her hair, and he sighed, the weariness seeping back into his bones. Rex held her tight, closing his eyes as the realization that he had wanted to hold her for a long, long time sunk in, heavy, weighing even more on this. "It shouldn't, but we'll work it out."
"I still have you, though," She mumbled, voice hoarse as she tugged away to look up at him, eyes bright as she skimmed his face.
Rex's eyes were caught in hers, his soul altogether in her hands. "You do," He murmered, voice hoarse. "And you always will."
She stared up at him, as if realizing she was ensnared too, but she didn't move. The Jedi's arms slipped down to his chest, eyes betraying her thoughts as they flickered to his lips.
Rex leaned down, eyes closing, perhaps preparing for her to move away, strike him, run- but none of those happened. Her lips softly returned pressure, exploring, her fingers softly slipping up to hold his jaw.
The captain sighed against her, slowly tugging away, throat thick with nerves. "I... I've wanted that."
"Me, too." The Jedi whispered, her face tucking into his neck. "I'm sorry, We just..."
The silence filled the room, heavy, unspoken excuses pressing them together.
"I should go," Rex mumbled, slowly letting her go. "I'll go."
"Be safe," she said, quietly, standing and watching him walk out. His cup of tea still rested on the small table, half empty.
The jedi exhaled and waited for a moment before walking towards the door, allowing Rex time to go. Krell had told her he needed to see her after the clones left.
The tower was dark, save for the faint light of the panels. "Master Krell," You said. "It's... just you."
"The other clones are out. They're doing what they were programmed to do."
You frowned, but bit your lip.
"I sense... frustration in you." Krell inhaled. "Anger. Passion."
"Yes." You paused, walking in a circle around him, and he walked with you, the opposite side of the room. "And I sense... darkness."
"Oh, my Padawan." Krell chuckled, shoulders rolling, one set of arms folding behind his back. "You're weak for them."
"I'm not your padawan anymore, Master Krell." Your voice warbled. "And this darkness-?"
"They'll return, you know." The jedi master hissed. "They'll try to kill me."
"Why would they do that?" You hissed. You knew very well why- anger, betrayal.
Pain shot through you. You felt it- Rex. Betrayal, pain, hurt, filled your soul.
Your eyes snapped to Krell, voice raising in half-panic. "You." Your words hissed in your throat. "You've organized all this. You're trying to do this-"
"Yes!" Krell laughed, nodding. "And you, my Padawan, will join me."
"Why would I do that?" You hissed, hand reaching back to the duel-bladed lightsaber on your back.
"Your passions will be your downfall," Krell spoke, moving closer to you. "Your beloved clone will die, by my hand, and you will follow me or die with him."
You snarled, hand resting on the cool metal, feet moving backwards. "I'll never join you, Krell. You'll fall today."
The master snarled, grabbing for his own sabers. "So, it's treason then."
You felt the heat of your lightsaber as it ignited, and heard the doors open as clones came sprinting in, led by Rex. "I suppose it is."
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Of Monsters and Men
Chapter 9- Rare Species
Summary: You may be about four-hundred years old, so why not finally let your eyes behold the sight of a dragon?
Warning: blood, a bit of smut, angst, tad longer then usual because it gets spicy
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You had left Jaskier down in the rocky valley with Roach, packs of supplies and valuables in her back, and two travel guides that lead the way to this dusty mountainous place as you and Geralt searched for some type of vicious lizard creature. You had already confirmed with yourself that those two guides were trouble and as usual your suspicions had been correct when your ears pricked with the sounds of scuffling and Jaskier's protests as you make your way back down the trail.
But by the time you made it round the jaggety rock formation does your crimson eyes find a shocked Jaskier, one dead guide, two beautiful warriors, and a grey bearded man with a tinge of enchantment about his aurora and peculiar scent. Honestly you kind of expected something randomly unexpected to happen at least once today, only to your small trio of course.
The fearful guide looks up wide eyed at your sudden presence, Geralt coming to a halt right behind you, a puzzled expression crossing his features as yours does about the same, "I believe those are mine." Mutters Geralt before the man quickly drops the items in the rocky dust, throwing you the small sack of coins he had stolen, then hastily turning around and booking it down the uneven path.
Jaskier looks to the two of you, pointing at the new strangers, "Ger-Geralt, Y/N...uh, This woman just killed a man with her bare hands for trying to steal your horse." The warrior stands unfazed at Jaskier's inquisition.
You snort, "Maybe she'll make a better travel companion, then." Geralt lowly chuckles at your comment, a smile upon the mystery mans face as Jaskier scoffs before turning to him.
"Uh, I'm sorry, who are you, exactly?" He wonders, something that's definitely in your mind, they seem harmless enough at the moment but you're not ready to just trust anyone.
The short greying man steps forward, a wise smile upon his face, "I am Borch Three Jackdaws. These are my companions, Téa and Véa." He reveals, tilting his head as his companions stand to either side of him protectively, "I've been looking for you two, Geralt of Rivia and Y/N of Alkatraz." You side eye Geralt, how and who the fuck is this guy?
After traveling down the mountain trail for a while, the old man has now lead you all into some bustling tavern, he takes the lead while exclaiming how meeting people of yours and Geralt's likeness is a first for him, he's rather quite excited to dine with you two as he boasts about how legendary your adventures are, thanks to Jaskier. Though with how lively his body language is, you can tell he's sought you out for something important, people like him don't just butter you up with compliments without meaning to get something out of it.
He finds a long table by the fireplace, directing the tavern barmaid to get him one of everything they have and to keep the ale coming, Geralt sits down as you go to do the same upon his left, Jaskier making himself comfortable on your immediate left. Your body sat in between them as the man, Borch, brings his own bottom onto his wooden seat as his companions seat themselves across from Jaskier.
Borch claps his hands together, "A short while ago, a green dragon landed across the border in King Niedamir's mountains." Your eyebrows raise in curiosity as Geralt's simply furrow in thought, Borch smiles knowingly, "I know what you're thinking. Impossible, dragons are so rare. But it's true." He takes a sip from his mug, the barmaid going around the table and filling each one of yours up with ease, "Locals spotted it and went after it in search of treasure. Of course, they succeeded only in wounding the creature and angering it so righteously that it swooped down from its lair and set half a hillside ablaze." Geralt scoffs, disinterested before taking a sip of his mug, "Dead sheep everywhere." Finishes the intriguing man.
You chuckle with a shake of your head, this may not quite be something that you'd like to get involved with if actual fire breathing dragons are concerned. Taking a sip from your shiny dented mug you listen as Jaskier tries to turn on his charm, "You have the most incredible neck. It's like a...a sexy goose." You snort into your ale as the faces of Téa and Véa appear to be less then impressed.
"Now, the King is in a bind." Continues Borch with his dragon story, "He's set to marry the princess of his rival kingdom, Malleore, which means it's bad timing to have a murderous pest lurking about in the mountains. He's commissioned a hunt to kill it. Four teams have signed on. The winner gets the dragons treasure hoard plus the title of lord over one of his new vassal states. That is...if he survives." Explains Borch thoroughly, it all sounds intriguing at best, but you could care less about treasure and a lordship over some needless state.
"Great overview of the details, but what does this have to do with us?" You ask, seriously you just got done with a weary monthlong hunt, you're not exactly chopping at the bit for another go around with a monster.
"I want you to join my team." Inquirers Borch with a small smile, you take another sip as Jaskier's face lights up.
"I can hear it now, a tale of two Zerrikanians and their valiant poet lover. Oh!" Chuckles the bard, "We're so doing this. We're in."
"You've wasted your breath, Borch. We don't kill dragons. Take my advice. No treasure is worth dying for." Mutters Geralt.
"Depends on the treasure." Answers Borch, "What I need is...a new adventure. One final first before I'm too old to do anything but die."
You think about his proposition, he is an odd little man with quite the wish, "You think killing a dragon will bring you that?" You wonder.
"All I know is there's one path up that mountain, and it's overrun with monsters."
"Oh in that case." You quip as he continues with his reasoning, "With you both on my team, a Witcher and dhampir princess, we'll be unstoppable." He confirms before suddenly a loud squabbling is heard behind Borch, a group of dwarves are being hassled by the other bar patrons. One of them screaming for the bartender to give his friend, and you quote "four fucking pints", apparently those imbeciles are one team. Tèa adding in another team called the Reavers, asking if you both have heard of them, of course you have. Nasty lot they are.
You turn away from those men to address Borch of your decision, telling him bluntly that the answer is no. He doesn't appear to be very fond of that reply, almost disappointed he leans in and tells that you're missing something, what could you possibly be missing?
"Sorry to interrupt this lovely moment...That's only three. Where's the...What's the fourth team?" Questions Jaskier as he leans over you to point at Borch, gently pushing him away, your ears prick at the sound of a door opening. Borch turns around in his seat to look, "Them." Comes from his lips as you look up from your mug, mouth going slightly agape, your eyes stare on in befuddlement at the titular individual standing across the tavern, a knight at her side.
Jaskier starts to laugh as you break out into an uneasy chuckle, he quickly declines the dragon hunt invitation as you suddenly feel compelled to join for some deeper unknown reason, "Thank you for the wine and such but we really can't get involved. Geralt, Y/N, shall we?" Says Jaskier with a friendly pat to your shoulder.
Your eyes never leave the infamous mage as she locks eyes with you before reverting her gaze towards the knight, "We're in."
Jaskier mumbles a swear as Geralt nods in agreement, whatever you say goes in his book. No matter the crazy witch you happen to be old friends with.
Borch smiles kindly, "The hunt begins at sunrise." He exclaims excitedly as you take another sip of your ale. Well things just got a hell of a lot more interesting with the unexpected appearance of your longtime troublesome friend, let's find a fucking green dragon!
Just as agreed you and your boys had made it to the forest grounds where the other teams are, all preparing for the journey ahead as they tie their horses down since the terrain is too dangerous for the hooved beasts, including Roach.
You walk past an angry dwarf who's mad that his pack has been stolen, without two fucks to give you continue onward and over to Geralt and Roach as Jaskier introduces himself to the small man. They have a modest conversation before the dwarf departs, his other shorter companions following him as they ask if Roach is for sale as they scamper on past, "Charming how everyone wants to get their hands on Roach these days, isn't it?" Points out the bard as he walks over near you with his lute in its case hanging from his hand.
"He means we won't make it out alive." Mutters Geralt as he pets the mare's flowy mane.
Jaskier's face contorts in surprised concern, "Wait, what? No one mentioned anything about impending death!" He worries as you pet Roach's soft nose, a small snicker leaving your nostrils in quick short bursts of air, his face looking even more troubled at your amusement.
Roach nudges her snout into the opened palm of your hand, wordlessly greeting you in her own way before you must leave the kind mare behind. Thump. Thump. Thump. You purse your lips together at the approaching heartbeat of a certain mage coming your way.
When she's close to your little group, you don't care much to turn around for the time being. "How is it that I've walked this earth for decades without coming across a Witcher, and then the first one I meet, I can't get rid of?" She presses, Geralt makes quick eye contact with you as he ignores her.
"I'd say something strange was afoot, but then again, Witcher's are bound to bump into monsters eventually, with the exception of our dear Y/N here, obviously." Jests Jaskier as Yennefer hums in fake amusement.
"The crow's feet are new." She muses with a tilt of her head.
Jaskier frowns, "Yeah, well, your jokes are...old." Scoffs the bard as he turns to walk away down the trail as more of the teams begin their trek for the mountain.
You watch as he leaves before turning around and suspiciously eyeing up your mysterious old friend, "What brings you from causing unnecessary chaos to hunting for a dragon, Yenn?"
A small smile forms onto her lips, "I'm here with my escort. Noble Sir Eyck Denesle." She nods towards the kneeling knight as he prays for safe travels, "To assist him in killing the dragon." For kingdom and glory shouts the knight as he sheaths his sword, she smiles almost adoringly at him before turning to you again, "Till we meet again, Y/N. Geralt." She turns to walk away towards her knight as Geralt says goodbye to Roach.
You can't help but feel incredibly apprehensive of her true intentions for making this tiresome hike to the lair of a dragon of all things. Deciding to abandon your wondering troubles, with a shrug do you turn around and follow the other travelers up the trail as Geralt falls into pace behind you.
For hours do you walk up the mountain path over rocks and rubble, fallen sticks and trees, and Jaskier's constant voice as he fruitlessly attempts to talk to Téa and Véa about whatever happens to pop into his head at the moment. You're honestly one more sentence away from smacking him upside the head when he suddenly expresses to the two warriors that he'll go into the brush and find them something to eat.
How chivalrous of him.
The group stands upon a flat section of the mountain as Jaskier walks off the path and into some bushes on the hunt for something edible. You're not tired in the slightest due to your inherited abilities so lack of rest and food at the moment feels like nothing. You suddenly raise your head to sniff the air as the scent of some furry malnourished creature catches your nostrils, it smells almost like that of wet dog and garlic, its got to be sick. Not a pleasant scent by any means.
A second later your observations are confirmed as Jaskier claims to be looking at something in the brush. His heartbeat suddenly spikes as he jumps back and races out off the mountainside greenery. He stumbles back onto the trail, "Y/N it's one of your friends again." He rushes before jogging over behind you, ever so slightly pushing you in front of him as he cowers back wide eyed at the lanky werewolf looking bastard growling near the edge of the trail.
"What in the name of Bloemenmagde is that?" Exclaims a fearful bald dwarf.
"It's a hitikka." Answers your Witcher as the others bare their silver, "It's probably starving. Sheath your weapons." Advises Geralt as Yennefer's knight does exactly the opposite, he pushes past a dwarf before hacking away at the hungry scared beast. His sword slicing off its arm as it screams in pain, another slice to its stomach before the sword cuts its head clean off, the knight hacking at it in a frenzy as blood spurts forth. Everyone looks on in disgust as he really lets into it, he finally stops, breathing heavily as he looks down at his work.
Snorting you fold your arms, "I think you got it." Jaskier lets out an amused huff of air as the knight ignores you, shouting "for kingdom and glory!" blood still dripping off of his face.
"Sir Eyck!" Shouts Yennefer worriedly as she races to his side, touching his face affectionately as he looks into her lavender irises, "You could have been killed." Turning your head away from the sappy interaction you pick up your pack before slinging it over your shoulder, "We should have just fed Sir Eyck to the scrawny fucker and save my nostrils the disturbed scent emitting from that heap of guts." You muse as the knight glares at you, a smirk upon your lips as you turn to continue up the trail.
Another hour is spent hiking before camp is set, a decent fire aflame as Sir Eyck cooks the hitikka over the spit, he picks off a chunk of the diseased meat and eats it with a smile, proud of his kill and the meal it produced. You watch the idiot consume the infected meat, a brow raised at his ability to feast without a single concern, "Not that I give a shit about your valiant life as a knight of whoever the fuck, but I wouldn't eat that." He keeps chewing as his irritated blue eyes find your crimson ones, you can tell your presence puts him off.
Nonetheless he answers you, "Knights never waste a kill." He coughs, "It's precisely why I'll make a great lord to Niedamir's vassal state. A great knight must lead by example. For..."
"Kingdom and glory. We know." Adds Téa with a truthful jest of annoyance for the irritable knight as you and Jaskier let out a small chuckle.
"My subjects will be the luckiest serfs in all the lands." He turns to Yennefer fondly who's seated by his side, "Especially with the beautiful Yennefer as my mage."
She smiles, her eyes never leaving his, "I cannot wait to serve you, My Lord." She speaks softly, Sir Eyck studies her face affectionately as one of the Reavers walks to the fire, undoubtedly about to disturb the peace.
"How would you like to serve me tonight...witch?" He boldly asks while reaching down to tear off a chunk of meat, if not for the fact that this dragon hunt has multiple teams working together you'd without a doubt suffocate him in his sleep.
Instead you bite the inside of your cheek at his godawful scent, "Careful, Boholt." You challenge darkly, he stands up with a piece of meat in his hand as he turns to Yennefer.
"So, the lady dhampir wants to play knight too, hmm? That is interesting, I wouldn't mind you both visiting me in my tent this night if..."
"If I was to seek you out in the dead of night, I assure you, you would not be alive at dawn." He scoffs as his eyes trail over you, you stare at him unflinching from his lustful gaze, "Besides, she's plenty able of murdering you herself, better yet...maybe I'd make a pretty necklace out of your vertebrae." The dirty man smirks, laughing lowly at your threatening presence. Just by looking at him you can you can tell he's more nervous of your existence among this group then of anyone else. Apparently old wives tales of vampires runs deep in this one no matter how bold he displays himself.
The bald dwarf insults him once again before the Reaver makes a crack at Geralt about if the Reaver will either kill the monster or monster hunter first, leaving the circle in peace as you listen to the grumbling of Sir Eyck's upset stomach, "Uh..I'm afraid I must take my leave." Says the knight as he stands, his face growing pale, "Lady Yennefer, may I escort you to your tent?"
She tugs on his hanging attire, "Will you be joining me?" A smile coating his features as he stutters, "Uh...My Lady, I would...never degrade your honor in such a way." You simply roll your scarlet eyes at his annoying chivalry, Yennefer picked this one of all people to fuck around with?
Jaskier snorts, "I hate to break it to you, but that ship has sailed, wrecked and sunk to the bottom of the ocean." He flinches back as you smack his arm, though it was indeed humorous there was a more intimate reason for her actions a while ago that goes deeper then just a friendly jest in your personal opinion.
But yes, it was quite funny.
Holding his stomach while he fumbles off towards the bushes to relieve his bowls. The rest of you laugh at his expense, the bald dwarf suddenly intervenes with his own bit of knowledge about how there will be no state to rule with the quickening approach of Nilfgaard on the rise. His words do trouble you for the close by innocents that will no doubt suffer from their forces soon enough.
War is war.
Not long after does Yennefer excuse herself from your campsite lot of unruly characters, the dwarves following after for their own rest; leaving you, Jaskier, Geralt, the two warriors, and Borch at the fire to converse about the existence of dragons and how creatures with mutations always fight the hardest to survive. Ending the conversation with a jab at Sir Eyck, who's quite literally the shittist knight of all the knights anyone has ever seen.
What. An. Idiot.
After a restful slumber wrapped up in your Witcher's strong arms, do you wake and walk outside into the fresh forest air before the scent of shit and someone's decaying body wafts into your sensitive nostrils, you grimace as Yennefer walks past you, appearing to be in search of that flashy knight. She asks around if anyone has seen Sir Eyck recently, oh shit, you turn and casually walk yourself away from her and Geralt, who's just gathered his belongings. You follow the gnarly smell until you reach the edge of a small cliff, where down below lays the dead body of Sir Eyck.
How can not a single person smell this. Oh right.
You travel down to where he lays; his pants remain around his ankles, only the length of his tunic covering his bare arse from the world. A small pile of dung rests nearby from when he was relieving himself earlier, blood noticeably seeping out from his throat. You crouch down and inspect it better, it is indeed fresh, "Yennefer! I found your knight...I don't think he'll be joining us further!" You shout as the others run over to the small cliffs edge to get a look for themselves, their faces all showing obvious variations of discontent and nervousness.
"Who slits a man's throat while he's relieving his bowls? Is nothing sacred anymore?" Worries Jaskier as he stares in revulsion, hugging his side with a look of distain.
"Fuck." Blurts out Yennefer in frustration as she abruptly turns around, walking away as you make your way back up to where everyone is standing.
The journey continues on as it has before, a couple hours going by before the bald dwarf delves into the promising fact that there is a shortcut nearby that miners would use to travel faster, your team agrees as Yennefer wanders onward, seemly disinterested in the news. Rolling your eyes at her insistent moodiness, you turn to Geralt and ask for him to keep going as you'll get her to follow. You can't help but feel compelled to have her in your company, and as far away from those untrustworthy group of Reavers who smell of ill intent, no matter how irritating she can become.
He nods and leaves you to it, not questioning your capabilities for a second as he follows the rest of the group. You turn to find Yennefer a good distance away from you walking down the gravely mountainside landscape, so to catch her before she's out of sight you race to her in a blur, stopping directly in front of her with a windy woosh of air in her face. You smirk as she frowns at you, no doubt about to say something witty, "I didn't kill Eyck if that was your question Y/N."
You chuckle as she rests a hand on her hip, "Of course you didn't, the bastard's scent was one of the Reavers, that fucker Boholt." You confirm, "And all before you could accomplish what you've actually come here for."
She scoffs, "And what could that be, hmm. I'm here for the dragon." You raise a brow at her shitty explanation as she scoffs, "God I hate you sometimes...I'm here because...there are certain healing properties it's rumored to possess." Your brows furrow in thought, thinking back to the djinn and the wishes and all that shit. And everything before that.
"I thought your transformation healed all physical problems?"
She looks down, avoiding your gaze, "At the cost of others yes." Oh right, the participant will always lose their ability to produce a child of their own. Male or Female.
Suddenly your mind clicks in realization, you tilt your head with a knowing smirk, "You've traveled all this way for made-up fertility cures using fresh dragon hearts?" You muse.
She simply glares, "They're not made up!"
"They are," You argue, "once some things are bound by deep powerful magic they cannot be undone. There is always a balance to everything we do that deals with magical properties, you of all people should know that." Her face falls as you continue, a tinge of humor in your voice now, "And honestly, call me an asshole but come on. You, a mother?"
"You think I'd make a bad one?" She challenges, half offended as you shrug.
"Well, you'd be fun. At least." She turns away from you, not content with that lackluster reply, "I don't really know what you'd want with a child..."
She snaps around, "They took my choice. I want it back. Not that I'd expect you to understand." She smirks, proud of her little jab at your more sinister origins.
You let out an annoyed huff, "I didn't choose my parents, or what unholy abomination they made of me through their lust. But listen, the ones who pieced us together, there's probably a valuable reason why they made us sterile...maybe it's a blessing. This lifestyle isn't exactly suited for a child, but if you really wanted you could fuck around with feeble idiot kings in their court in between naps and feedings..." she turns and walks away, anger in her heart as you follow.
"Do not patronize me!" She snaps as she continues to stomp in the opposite direction, "You know nothing of how I feel."
You're standing in front of her in an angry blur as she turns away from you, "You don't think I haven't thought about it either! I have Geralt, whom I love more then the very earth I walk on or the stars in the sky, but I'll never have a child with him, ever. And I'd rather feed this fucking Child Surprise to a harpy then..." She turns her head to face you, immediately stopping your protests.
"What'd you just say?" She wonders as you purse your lips, looking away from her now that you've let slip some secret information.
She chuckles, "Isn't that rich. You lecture me on made-up cures for having a child, meanwhile you cheat with destiny to steal one." Presses Yennefer as you scowl down at her.
"It's not like I wanted this! Fuck." You grumble as she studies your troubled face, "It's not even mine but like that matters, the little shit will be in my life whether I want it or not." You pause for a moment before coming back to why you actually stopped her, "Uh, listen Yenn. The others are taking a shortcut, come with us and avoid getting something rather unpleasant creeping into your tent at night. It'll be enjoyable." She rolls her eyes at your dark humored implications of the other travelers.
Your band of merry adventurers finally reache the shortcut, it's a pass on the side of the mountain that's held up by wooden planks and metal bars thrust into the rock. You look over the edge as the dwarves give the rest of your company a hard time about crossing since this path is quite literally made for just a dwarf. The small men walk out first as Jaskier gives you a wary glance, a swift breeze blowing your hair about as you smile at him, "Y/N don't you dare think of leaving us, I swear to god." He mutters as you break out into a mischievous grin.
Oh he knows you too well.
"See you on the other side my loves." You blow him a kiss before free falling backwards off the steep rocky ledge, you hear the worried shouts of the warriors, Borch, and Yennefer as they call out for you. The wind whips past your face while you watch them grow smaller and smaller until you shift yourself into a cluster of black bats that all catch on the wind current. You race up to the edge once more before screeching past them on the mountainside, a smile forming onto many of your furry faces as you hear their swears and jabs at you.
"Fookin' vamps." Grumbles one of the dwarves.
Not caring to stick around for however long it may take them to cross, you swiftly glide on the wind as you take in the mountain air and all the wild she has to offer you on this fine day. Your fun feels short lived as soon enough the dwarves make it to the end of the cliff path and onto safer ground.
You shift back into your normal self and wait for your more familiar companions to arrive, after forty-five long boring minutes do they make it round the corner. A melancholy dreariness about them, your face falls as soon as you see Geralt reach the firm rocky ground without Borch, Téa and Véa behind them like they should be.
You know they didn't make it.
Geralt, Jaskier, and Yennefer walk to the campsite without a word as the dwarves start a fire and set up their tents. You throw yours and Geralt's tent together as he walks over to a nearby rock to sit and think about whatever terrible thing must have happened to the others. Jaskier catches your eye and nods for you to follow, standing to your full height do you turn to trail behind him. Seating yourself on the left of Geralt, Jaskier on his right as the three of you look out into the great valley beyond.
"You did your best." Begins Jaskier softly, "There's nothing else you could have done. Look, why don't we leave tomorrow. That is, if you'll both give me another chance to prove myself a worthy travel companion." Solemnly laughs the bard as Geralt hums, a small smile upon your face as you listen, "We could head to the coast. Get away for awhile. Sounds like something Borch would say, doesn't it? Life is too short. Do what pleases you.....while you can." He ends with a tired sign.
"Composing your next song?" Jaskier smiles at your comment.
"No, I'm just, uh....Just trying to work out what pleases me." You smile softly at the dusky mountainside, Geralt's golden irises glance over you with the tiniest of content grins lays upon his handsome features. Jaskier says his good nights before patting Geralt on the shoulder and walking towards a half made stick tent, his prized lute by his side.
A soft cool breeze fans your face as Geralt ever so subtly opens up his palm that's placed atop his thigh, without a second thought does your own hand fall into place with his larger one. A grin on either of your faces as you scoot closer to him so that you can rest your head against his broad shoulder.
A soft joyful sigh leaves your parted lips, "We should go to the ocean. Get away from all this nonsense and danger...more so for Jaskier's sake then mine, but uh...I'd love to feel the salty breeze upon my skin once again. See the great blue waters, feel the sand on my bare feet." He hums in reply, pressing the lightest of kisses upon your head, "You ever been to the ocean, my love?"
"No." His voice is soft and gentle.
You lightly squeeze his hand, "Well, you'd love how peaceful it is...the sounds of the waves are just something else. I never feel as small as when I'm standing on the edge of the world, a vast mystery of water stretching like a grand crinkly blanket. I can't wait for you to see it." A yawn escapes as you bury your face into the crook of his neck, a smile breaking out upon his lips at your adorable actions.
"We should catch some sleep if we're to travel for the ocean tomorrow, after finding that dragon and all." Mutters Geralt, you nod before standing up, slowly unlacing your fingers as he stands to his full height as well.
"Alright, to bed it is."
You turn to walk back to your tent as he picks up his belongings to follow you there, your tent is dirty white and appears rather unsuspecting from first glance, although when you walk in, the volume of the space triples to a large comfortable room. A king sized bed pressed against the center of the right wall, a table to the left and a couple lanterns placed perfectly on a few of the wooden tables for a cozy warm feel to the billowy room, or tent in other words.
You walk in and immediately take off your dark leather armor adorning your torso, your hard leathered gauntlets next as you set everything onto the nearby table. You listen as your Witcher sets his things down next to the edge of the bed, his slow heartbeat picking up ever so slightly as he walks up behind you, a smirk creeps out over your face as he snakes his large muscular arms over your body with ease.
His head leans into the side of your neck as he places a gentle feather light kiss to your temple, you hum in content, "What do I owe this pleasure?" You muse as he kisses the side of your cheek, his left hand feeling underneath your shirt as he gently caresses your hot skin.
"The pleasure is all mine." Mumbles Geralt into your exposed neck as you fight back a moan when he begins to press butterfly kisses all over your skin. One hand resting upon your breast as the other one trails up your torso from underneath your clothing.
A low moan escapes you as he nips carefully at your jawline, his hands continuing to explore your body, a slow warmness forming from deep within you as he shows you more and more love to your heated vessel. You suddenly bite your lip as the feeling of something hard pressing against your bottom, with a smirk gracing your beautiful features do you reach an arm around to slyly palm his hardening member. Just as you'd intended does he grunt at the feeling of your hand squeezing him.
Letting him be, you break away from his grasp to turn yourself around to face him, "Will you make love to me this night?" You whisper as he kisses your soft wanting lips in reply.
Slowly pulling away he rests his head against yours, "Of course." Is all he's able to say before he's captured your lips with his once again.
You move in sync as his hands trail all over your clothed sides, you lean into his hardness as he gently squeezes your bum. Your lips keep locked onto one another as he begins to unbutton your trousers, your nimble fingers working on his own buttoned pants. Your hands become a quick tangled mess as finally your bottoms are loose enough to pull down. You both keep your tight embrace as he tugs at your pants, pulling them down to your ankles for you to step out of. He pulls away to get rid of his own ones, a lustful smile dancing across his features as he tugs off his shirt to expose his blessed muscular body.
Smiling cheekily at him, you raise your arms up for him to pull off your top, he does so a second later. The fabric long forgotten on the carpeted floor as you reach around to unlace your bra and finally rid yourself of the tight constraint with a blissful sigh. Geralt fearlessly eyes them up as you chuckle, your breasts bouncing with your heaving chest, sending Geralt wild. In an instant he's on you again, his hands exploring all over your exposed skin as you trail your nails down his bare back. He kisses you feverishly as one hand plays with your breast and the other rubs at your wet womanhood, sending you into a heated lust that's slowly overtaking your wanting body.
In a blur do you have him naked as his name day, laying dazed on the soft mattress, his white hair tousled as you shimmy out of your undergarments and give him a playful smile, your fangs showing in your joyous state as he awaits your next move. Reaching your hands out do you push his parted legs farther apart, his member bouncing deliciously as you do so. Your next action a slow and meticulous one as you crawl over him, your naked vessel hovering over his as you lean down to capture his lips with yours in a heated embrace. Just as quickly as you started do you pull back to hover your dripping entrance over his erect manhood, you hold it in place before gently placing it right in line with your folds.
He grips your exposed thighs as you lower yourself onto his hard cock, a breathy gasp leaving your lips as he slides into you, your face shifting from discomfort to pure bliss as you adjust to his largeness, he lets out a groan when you starts to rock back and forth in a quick calculated motion. He feels like a hot dream as he writhes and bucks into you while you pin his hands to the soft blankets in your lust. You can tell that he desperately wants to kiss you, but you're taking this orgasm before he gets the privilege to claim your lips. With a smile upon your sweaty face do you rock him into the bed, a swift warmness building in your womanhood as the blessed friction continues to drive the both of you to the edge.
Another blessed roll of your hips has you undoubtedly cuming all over his member as you ride out your high, Geralt releasing his load into you as his eyes close in pleasure, a moan leaving his parted lips as he tightly grips onto your bare hips for support. You ride him some more as he squirms underneath your touch, a pleased grin upon your face at how easily you're able to bend him to your will just by taking the lead and thrusting your hips against his while for the fun of it do you swirl your hips around his throbbing cock. He moans once again at the contact until suddenly he flips you onto your back in a flash, his lips connecting with yours as you gasp in surprise. Geralt taking this generous opportunity to stick his tongue into your mouth, his whole body leaning into you as he parts your legs even further.
Your hands quickly claw at his muscular back as he pumps into you vigorously over and over again, sending you into a moaning mess underneath him as he grunts into the quiet night air. The sweet sounds of skin on skin contact singing beautifully into your ears with each new thrust into your slick entrance. He pounds you into the mattress as you bite back a scream, deciding to mark up his back instead of giving him the satisfaction of hearing your pleasure. Though you're not so sure how much longer you can hold on before you let loose a loud howl from his deep strokes into your wetness.
He continues to relentlessly pound into you before a cry emits from your throat at the sheer pleasure he's handing you so freely. Another moan leaving your mouth as he shuts you up with a kiss before your body shakes in ecstasy all around him, he kisses your neck as you cum for the second time tonight like a little puddle of bliss underneath his stone body. Another kiss against your cheek as he releases himself into you with a grunt, his ending thrusts turning sloppier and sloppier as he gives what's left of himself to you before he's truly spent.
Humming in content at his last fruitful efforts to pleasure you, you pull his head down to capture his lips with yours in an act of silent appreciation for his never disappointing love making skills.
Geralt's lips leave yours as he kisses your forehead before pulling out of you completely and falling into a tired heap of Witcher by your side. You smile as he closes his eyes, the both of you breathing heavily as you feel is seed seeping out of your entrance and onto your legs and bed as you stare up at the cloth ceiling. Not caring for the mess in between your throbbing legs, you turn yourself onto your side as you nuzzle into your soft pillow, your body falling into a blissful slumber as you fall asleep to the sounds of Geralt's breathing. No words need said, everything you've both needed to say was just done and that's good enough for you.
When you wake the tent is basked in the light from the morning sunrise, illuminating the room in a dull grey hue as you open your crimson eyes to find Geralt's golden ones watching you adoringly. A shy smile pulls at the corners of your lips as you become aware of the thin sheet of fabric hiding you from the world, "Did anyone ever tell you it's rude to stare at a naked woman?" You muse with a light chuckle.
He averts his gaze as a smirk appears onto his lips, "My dear Y/N, I have seen you in a much more compromising position then laying in the nude by my side." You gasp before smacking his arm.
"I'm royalty my loyal Witcher, I could have your head for speaking like that." Instead does he reach his muscular arm over to your side, pulling you closer to him. The two of you flush against one another, your blanket leaving your bottom bare from the quick movement.
You kiss his cheek, a smile forming onto both of your lips, "Though perhaps you could show me how you're planning on making up for it." Geralt kisses you in reply, his hands trailing down your bare sides as he holds you close for a heated embrace.
After making love to your Witcher in the early morning light, not caring if anyone heard your time together, you walk out of the dirty white tent, dressed accordingly and ready to slay a dragon. Although when you step closer to where everyone should be, the dwarves have gone missing, their scent leading away down the trail. With a low growl do you begin your hunt, Yennefer and Geralt close behind as you all make haste for the unknown whereabouts of the small men.
Your hike lasts about fifteen minutes before the scent of the dwarves becomes stronger and stronger the farther down the trail that you all go. Once you turn a rocky corner do you spot all four of them, Yennefer shouts some paralyzing enchantment upon them before you're able to quite literally rip them a new one. She quickly races past you and the dwarves, you easily follow in step behind her as she makes it to the large vine covered mouth of the dragons lair.
The both of you walk in, your eyes adjusting to the darker atmosphere as Yennefer's eyes widen in bewilderment. You quickly find the source of her shock as your sights land on the huge shimmering body of a dead green dragon, a small egg near her head. You frown before both Téa and Véa make an angry appearance, they demand for the two of you to halt, their swords out and ready to defend.
Aren't they supposed to be dead?
Yennefer steps forward with her shiny dagger, ready to get what she came for before Geralt races into the cave, shouting for everyone to stop. A second later does a golden dragon screech as it comes out from its hiding spot in an opening in the rocky ceiling. The dragon greets all three of you; Téa and Véa explaining along with Borch in his dragon form why this female dragon was laying carnage against the nearby kingdom, she was protecting her egg so it would not die.
Right, of course, and this man is now a dragon.
Taking in all the hectic information with a grain of salt perhaps; a moment later your ears prick to the thumping of multiple erratic heartbeats nearing the caves entrance, you quickly turn to find the team of Reavers hastily stalking their way into view. Shit.
"Looks like we get to fuck up the whole family." States their leader, Boholt, "Slay that dragon!" He shouts before his men charge at you all.
Shifting into a defensive pose you ready yourself as the bastards ascend, "Oh fuck." Slips from your tongue as one of them lunges for your head, his spear making a swooshing noise as it whips in the air readying for its intended mark. Clearly anticipating his advances you twirl to the side, his staff missing you by inches as you rip it out of his grasp and thrust it into the neck of his friend nearby.
Snapping your attention back to the first man, his eyes widen as you roughly clamp your hand around his bicep, he groans in pain before you thrust his lanky body into the air where he cracks open his skull against a ragged stony edge. Lifting your eyes to find the state of your friends, you race to the aid of Yennefer as multiple men advance closely upon her. She finds your determined gaze before using magic to create a sort of sticky quicksand at the feet of the four men. It sucks in their legs until the ground reaches almost to their knees, they shout their protests and obscenities before you unsheathe your silver dagger and in a blur race past them.
When you reach the last one, you turn around to the fresh scent of blood as a thin waterfall of red bursts forth from each of their exposed necks as you listen to their gargled screams. You find Yennefer's eyes as she gives you a hasty nod of approval just as she turns to quickly use her magic once more, throwing about five men into the dirt with a thrust of her hand into the air, the men hit the ground with a hard thud as they struggle to get up. With a smirk do you swagger over to them in their dazed states before driving your dagger into their soft flesh before they have a chance to even register what's going on.
You hear a scream and look up to watch as Geralt slays one last man before you all notice more at the caves entrance, in a hasty blur do you race out of the mouth of darkness and into the sunlight, picking them off one by one as your two companions run to your aid.
They stop at the opening wide eyed as you break the neck of the last Reaver, he falls to the dirt as you turn towards them, blood and dust coating your face. "Nice of you two to finally show up. Gotta do everything myself." You jest, breathing heavily from the whole ordeal. Geralt smirks as Yennefer shakes her head, a small smile upon her lips.
Jaskier suddenly makes it to the top of the moutain, he stops, eyes trailing over the dead and your roughed up appearance, "What I miss?"
Once Borch gave some prized dragon teeth to the grumpy dwarves did the mountainside finally calm. They left with huge smiles pulling at their faces as the rest of you found company on some nearby rocks, the lot of you resting for the time being. All three of you somewhat worn out from the whole entirety of the trek to this place and the battle that just ensued.
Jaskier sits off on his own part of the giant flat rock as he listens to Borch speak, "This is my final first. A child. This treasure, this legacy must endure. There is no other reason to go on. Thank you for protecting it." Nods Borch as he looks to the three of you sitting next to one another, "You, Yennefer of Vengerberg, and Y/N of Alkatraz...I can tell why Geralt did not want you two separated, you are both a powerful force of nature when in each others company." He smiles knowingly, eyes squinting in the sun as your brows furrow in confusion, how strange of him to word that sentence.
How strange indeed.
Yennefer's face shifts in puzzlement, "What does that mean?" You both turn your questioning gazes to Geralt, he takes a long pause before he glances warily between the two of you, nervousness radiating from his tense body.
He sighs, "In Rinde. The djinn." Another agonizing pause as your mind turns with troubled thoughts and apprehension for what he's done, he wouldn't, certainly not.
An uneasiness practically consumes the atmosphere as you connect the dots, the djinn and the wish he must have made that you never asked him about, because certainly he would have used it for himself, on himself? But just looking at him, the way he won't meet your eyes or how his heartbeat picks up with the prick of his nerves, you know. He used magic on you.
You frown as your eyes lock with his, your voice is almost a whisper, "That's why I feel so drawn to Yennefer...why I feel almost responsible for her, so protective...." You trail off, sadness growing in your heart.
"Why I feel this way inside too." Inquires Yennefer while you turn to look at her as she continues, "I haven't seen you in decades, haven't cared about your existence for so long, then the djinn and I suddenly feel incredibly drawn to you like how I felt as a young pathetic mage in Aretuza." She scoffs as a sick feeling forms in the pit of your stomach.
Your fingers crack the rock as you grip it tight in your heated irritation, "Geralt what did you fucking do?" You growl as he slowly blinks, the knot in your stomach growing with each passing second.
He takes a cautious breath as you and Yennefer await the truth, "I wished that...for you and Yennefer to always have each other." Her face falls as you release the rock, quickly standing up as you take a step back, your pained eyes boring into Geralt's the whole time.
You shake your head, trying not to believe it, "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" You plead with sad eyes, already knowing exactly what he did, you just need to hear him say it.
"I just wanted...ah fuck....I just meant for." His eyes are sad as he studies your face, "When I die you'll live on, much longer then I ever could or ever will....and I, I love you too much to let you suffer the rest of your existence alone." Geralt pauses for a moment as he looks from you to Yennefer and back to you again, "I bound you and Yennefer together, so you'd have one another when everyone you know is long gone." Your breath catches in your throat as you turn your head away from him. Your face looking out at the vast sky ahead as your body swirls with mixed emotions, but most of all, betrayal.
"Why would you..." Whispers Yennefer as she looks to you for help with this heavy information, blinking you turn around to face them again. Your heart twists with how broken your Witcher looks.
Geralt reaches a hand out to touch your arm, instead you take another step back, anger in your voice, "You could have wished for anything Geralt, anything you fucking wanted!" His face falls as you continue, "Why couldn't you have given Yenn a chance...I thought that would have been your wish, it would only have made sense. Fuck Geralt, I can't ever have a child because of what I am! Not even a djinn would permit the offspring of a Witcher dhampir hybrid upon the continent, its an abomination even in their eyes, a demon infant." Your voice is shaking, "I was lucky to be born and not slaughtered on the spot once I came forth into this world." A frustrated lump forms in the back of your throat as you fight for your words, "It could have worked if you'd let it dammit, now we're bound to one another for eternity instead. You...you..promised me....Geralt....a long time ago to never use magic against me, to never let dark powers like that manipulate my inner feelings, or body...you know why I hate it so much!" He flinches back at your words.
"I could have had a child." Whispers Yennefer, solemn expression looking elsewhere.
Tears slowly begin forming in your eyes, "I've never truly given a shit about anyone but you, Geralt. Then I find Yennefer again and I can't help but feel compelled to help her in her search for a cure....I feel like I can fully trust her, I hate mages, I haven't even seen Yennefer for such a long time. But what you did, this is wrong!" You scream in fury, "No one gets to make decisions for me! Especially when goddamn magic is concerned!"
He flinches back, "Your story in the bathhouse, you seemed very found of one another...and I, I thought that if you were bound to one another then you'd never feel completely lost once I'm gone."
My love, this is not the way.
You shake your head with a pained laugh, "That doesn't give you the right." You look into his sad golden eyes, "I tolerated the idiot novice mages the best I could and their fucking incompetent adversaries! I had a roof over my head and comforts of a room for free, that doesn't mean I gave a shit about anyone else there! And that defiantly doesn't mean you should bind my soul to another."
Yennefer turns to you then to Geralt, her voice that of a whisper, "You had one wish, just one. It could have been anything, I could have finally had a baby."
"I didn't realize." Inquirers Geralt softly, "I didn't mean for..."
"No." Snaps Yennefer coldly, "No you didn't! And here we are, on the fucking mountainside...if I'm lucky I'll never see you again." Growls Yennefer before her harsh glare finds yours, "and if the gods give a shit, we'll never cross paths in this lifetime." Her voice heavy with emotion before whipping around and stalking off down the trail.
Another lump forms in your throat as you glare at the dirt, a few stray tears falling down the sides of your cheeks as you find his pained gaze once again, "You said...you promised...to never use magic on me...not once, not ever." He opens his mouth to say something but you cut him off, "How dare you bound me to a goddamn insane fucking witch of all people! I have always been free of any ties to anyone without my own will to keep me bound, like I have with you and Jaskier....but this...this is just..." You quickly bite your lip to keep from losing it altogether as you lock eyes with Geralt, "you've lost me. I can't....I just, I need time." Your voice a soft whisper as Geralt bolts to his feet, sheer panic in his eyes.
"Y/N no..." He pleads as Jaskier and Boholt watch soundlessly from the sidelines.
You blink a couple more tears away, your body moving a step back, ever so closer to the ledge, "You've linked me to someone...bound me to them so that even when I shouldn't care to help them or give a shit about their life....I do. Even now I want to find Yennefer and join her so she's not alone walking back to wherever the fuck she's going! I shouldn't feel that way, I never have! I shouldn't fucking care!"
"Y/N please..."
You take another step back as his golden eyes frown, "Goodbye Geralt." More tears fall down your face as this hurtful feeling of betrayal consumes you, "Don't try and stop me, I just...I need time." You turn away from him and take a step towards the ledge as he takes a cautious step closer.
"Y/N I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to go this way, I just thought..."
You don't even bother looking at him, "I understand your intentions. Truly. But right now I can't forgive what you've done....if I even dare look at you I might lose control and break your fucking jaw." You seethe through clenched teeth before taking another step forward as he hits his fist against a jutted out rock next to Borch in hopeless frustration.
"Don't look for me, I'll find you when I'm ready."
"Y/N!" Cries Geralt, as you grimace almost in pain. So much anger, hate, and deep sadness coursing through your heart.
You can hear him take more rushed steps in your direction before you leap off the cliff, tears slide down your cheeks as you free fall in dreary bliss before shifting into a wild chaotic pack of screeching bats. Your heart hurts with anger and sorrow as you force yourself to keep flying away from both Geralt and Yennefer.
Away from the mountain. Away from the pain. You are a storm.
Tagged:  @notahappytree​ @ashleyforeverareject​ @sokkasdarling​ @kmuir1​​@haleypearce @diegos-butt​ (@auds24 sorry idk why ur name won’t work)
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samdeancass · 4 years
Eichen House
Requested by: @hollandfangirl
Pairing: Stiles x reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Characters: Stiles, Y/N, Scott
T/W: mention of extreme anxiety
Description: Stiles has to find a way to rescue Y/N from Eichen House
Stiles has been pacing the floor for the past half an hour, ever since he found out you were taken to Eichen House. He sat on the edge of Scott's bed and held his head in his hands, tears springing to his eyes. "Please guys, she doesn't deserve to be in that place. God knows what they're doing to her."
Scott could feel the sadness and anxiety coming off his best friend in waves. He hated seeing Stiles like this. The only thing he could do was take control of the situation and devise a plan to get you out of Eichen House. Scott walked forward and placed a comforting hand on Stiles' shoulder. "Don't worry, Stiles. We will get her back. She's important to all of us."
Scott walked to the centre of his bedroom to address the rest of the pack. "Alright, guys. We need to come up with a foolproof plan to get Y/N out. We've only got one chance to do it, so let's do it right. Let's bring Y/N back to us."
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Screaming. That was all Stiles heard as he made his way down a hallway. At his side was Scott and Derek, helping to track down your position. Kira and Malia were standing guard at the entrance of the hallway, whilst Lydia had shut off all of the electricity as a distraction.
Stiles buckled as he heard another ear piercing scream. He covered his ears with his hands and backed up against the wall, letting out quiet sobs. "C'mon, Stiles. We're close. Really close. Don't give up, she needs you." Stiles took a big breath to steady his nerves and stood up, giving Scott a thankful glance.
Footsteps sounded at the other end of the hallway. In a panic, Scott, Stiles and Derek lumbered into the closest room in an effort to not be seen. They all let out a sigh of relief and turned around to explore the room. Scott and Derek both began to sniff loudly, indicating they could smell your scent. "Stiles, she's really close now. Her scent is stronger than ever."
Stiles searched high and low in the room but found absolutely nothing. "I don't understand, where in the hell is she? I thought you said that she was close!" Stiles grabbed Scott's shirt and pushed him against the wall. Derek cleared his throat and motioned to a hidden door behind a cabinet. Immediately, Stiles' hands fell to his sides and he made his way into the hidden room, pushing Derek aside.
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You heard footsteps outside of the room and immediately began to quake with fear. Two days. It had been two days since you were checked into Eichen House. You had heard stories about Eichen from Stiles and other people, but you never expected it to be like this.
You were suffering from hallucinations and extreme anxiety and wanted a safe place where you could recover. Sadly, as you found out, that would not be happening.
You were strapped to a gurney, unable to move whilst the 'doctors' performed experiments on you. Tears spilled out of your eyes when the doorknob began to move. You closed your eyes and began to sob. "Please, no more. I can't handle anymore. I just want to go home."
You felt two warm hands cradle your face. Opening your eyes warily, you seen Stiles, your knight in shining flannel. He unstrapped you from the gurney and pulled you into a hug. "I'm here now, I'm taking you home. Nobody's ever gonna hurt you again, trust me." Stiles cradled your face and brought you in for a passionate kiss.
Scott and Derek came running in, yelling about needing to go. Stiles scooped you up into his arms and followed the two wolves, being careful not to hurt you.
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The images of the frightening events were permanently engraved into your memories. Every time you closed your eyes, you relived every second. Tears began streaming down your face as you began to sob silently. "Y/N? What's the matter, baby?"
Stiles walked into the room and sat down beside you, pulling you into his side. You buried your face into his chest and let out almighty sobs. Everything that had happened all came out in that moment. "It's alright now, sweetheart. You're safe. I'm going to help you through this, mark my words. I love you, Y/N L/N, and nobody is ever going to harm you again."
Stiles kissed the top of your head and began to stroke your hair, an action that immediately calmed you. After a few minutes, Stiles heard little snores coming from you and smiled slightly before cradling you in his arms and falling asleep.
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nextstopparis · 4 years
9 and 16 👀
thank you for the ask!!🥺🥰
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
ok, so im just going to not explain Uther and Agravaine bc... i feel as if thats a given isnddijd. so, otherwise:
Gaius: I think gaius’ devotion to uther made me really wary of him. also his hypocrisy where merlin was concerned, and also just magic in general. I understand self preservation, but i dont think it explains all of gaius’ silence. he condemned many people to die, and then had the gull to condemn any others seeking revenge as if there’s a right and wrong and he’s the one who knows what is which??? that being said, i also think that Gaius took a lot of his own beliefs and treated them as facts. His treatment of Morgana will always turn me against him because he had no right to gaslight her the way he did. He knew the kind of stress she was under and he also saw that there was no way to repress her magic. She could see what was happening to her and he denied it with every breath - of course she fucking went insane. it wasnt his place to decide what the best thing for her was. it wasnt his place to keep something intrinsic to ger existence a secret from her. idk. i hope yhat makes sense djdndk
Kilgharrah: hes such a bitch xx there is not one doubt in my mind he was orchastrating arthurs death this whole time and i will never forgive him
Season4+!morgana: her fight was a good one up until season 3 maybe. in my opinion, after halfway through s3 though, it became more about greed of power than anything else for morgana. i think she hid a lot behind being righteous and fighting for sorcerers rights, but i really dont think that was her main priority after the first half of s3/beginning of s4. thats just the way i interpret her tho :)
16. If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
LOL!!! what WOULDNT I CHANGE. lets see:
id kill uther instead of ygraine
id make arthur tell his mom that he prefers to lead the army rather than rule, and suggest morgana take his place as heir instead
in the above universe: id make morgana and gwen queens, and arthur the first knight and merlin the court sorcerer
within canon: id make morgana actually talk to arthur first, before assuming everything and wanting to kill him.
i think she’d still turn evil, though, but at least this way its less frustrating dkdjdi
id show morgana’s struggle when she turns against arthur and especially gwen more, and also gwens struggle with morgana leaving
id also show gwen adjusting from being a servant to being a queen
id dive more into elyans backstory bc im so fucking intrigued with him and also give percival and lancelot more screen time bc i want to see their friendship
id make leon a poet and have him read poetry to the knights
id have everyone call arthur wart
id rather’ve had arthur know about merlin’s magic sooner, so that he could legalize magic, but i ALSO want arthur to have legalized magic before he accepted and fully forgave merlin
also: id make arthur die before morgana, in front of her.
and FINALLY: id make the last scene look like someone was rising from the water, just for a LITTLE hope u know? didndid😭
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vampire207343 · 4 years
Queen Raven Charming Pendragon
     What if....  Dexter Chsrming never told Raven Queen that he is madly in love with her, when they were attending Ever After High. But it wasn’t well known that Raven has a secret lover.
          Raven Queen daughter of the Evil Queen beryl doing anything except what she is required do which is poison Apple white the daughter of Diana White the new Snow White.
After poisonig Apple to the sleeping curse, ger job is done and Apple was awaken by her Prince Charming, who happen to be Dexter Charming. Raven left after the Snow White tale was finish, and Apple gotten her happily Ever After, she always wanted.
Raven left Ever after to go to Camolet to join her secret Lover Daring Charming, who happen to be the new King Arthur but he dosen’t have a destin queen so he will be able to marry the woman he loves.
Raven join Daring and Darling to defeat Morgan Le Fay and take back the Kingdoom from Morgan’s graps.
Darling Charming the younger sister of Daring Charming , she happen to be the new Lancelot . And she also happen to be the first person to know the secret relationship of Daring Charming and Raven Queen, and she gaved them her support. 
They evenutally been able to take back the Kingdom from Morgan. Daring and Raven relationship evenutally went to the the open many of their friends were shock but they gaved them their support. And Evenutally married; And become the new King and Queen of Camolet .
Even King and Queen Charming gaved their support for their eldest son marrying Raven Queen daughter of the Evil Queen, because while she is the new Evil Queen of the Snow White tale dosen’t mean she’s evil she only poison Apple White to Finish their story so they have no problem Daring marring her. She proven to Everyone  that she anything like her mother Mira Queen, she’s more like her father James Good the Good King.
      It wasn’t long before Raven gaved birth to twin children the Eldest Child was the Girl who they both named Hilda Charming Pendragon the future Evil Queen, and then their’s the son Ryan Charming Pendragon, he would most likely take after his father’s role. In appearance they take after their father more and Hilda is alot like Raven when they were kids.
             Apple White daughter of Diana White and the current Snow white. She wasn’t happy with her own happily Ever After for one thing it turn out her Prince Charming wasn’t Daring Charming but his younger Brother Dexter Charming, and he has no feelings for me what’s so ever and the only reason he even married her is because of their Fairytail.
While my two best friend Forever After Ashlynn Ella  end up divorcing her prince Charming, after their fairytail ended and marring Hunter Huntsman bescause they love one another. Then their’s Briar Beauty who’s the current sleeping Beauty but luckly she didn’t sleep for a hundred years like her mother’s version of Sleeping Beauty, she only require to sleep for 2 moths and Her Prince turn out to be Hopper Croakington II and they evenutally married since Brair did have feelings for Hopper.
In order to get her own happily ever after, Apple tried so hard to make Dexter fall in love with her. They even a little girl name Rose Red. It's clear to all Apple’s friends that she  never grew out of her idealistic view of things. And with her desperate need to have a happily ever after cause her own daughter to start resenting her own mother.
More and more people start seeing what real happily ever after look like that's what Daring Charming and Raven Queen has.
 Darling Charming end up marring Chase Redford the Red Knight.
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dwellordream · 4 years
On the other side of Sansa VI, the dream is well and truly over. This entire book Sansa has been struggling to reconcile her fantasies of court life with reality, trying her best to ignore the ugly shadows creeping across the shining walls of her dreams of romance and art and chivalry, but with Ned’s death, all of that has been plunged into darkness.
It’s been a few days and Sansa has totally lost track of time, refusing to eat, wracked by nightmares of Joffrey’s smile and how Ned’s legs jerked when Ser Ilyn decapitated him. She contemplates suicide, seeing no other way out, and gets as far as the window before she panics.
We also get a very creepy reference to Pycelle showing up and having her stripped naked so he can ‘examine’ her, before giving her sleeping drugs, which Sansa takes the entire dose of all at once, then dreaming of Ilyn Payne arriving to execute her while she is naked as she pleads “I’ll be good.”
Yet for all of Sansa’s attempts to save Ned and herself by ‘being good’, none of that mattered in the end. Despite her careful courtesies and manners and obedience, Joffrey still had him killed. Sansa’s work to get the queen and prince to like her, to approve, didn’t actually matter. This is part of the real nightmare; what does she have if her good behavior is no guarantee of safety?
When Joffrey arrives to order her to attend him at court, Sansa says as much, reminding him of how he promised to show mercy, that she did everything right, and beggging him to let her go home. Joffrey replies spitefully that she is still marrying him, which horrifies Sansa, who screams at him that he chopped off Ned’s head.
Joffrey remarks that he still gave Ned a merciful, ‘clean’ death, and the rest of the illusion totally shatters for Sansa. She sees him as she never has before, noting his ‘soft red’ lips like worms and his ‘vain and cruel’ eyes, a far cry from how she first described him. When she tells Joffrey she hates him, he has Ser Meryn hit her hard enough that she falls to the floor.
After Joffrey leaves with Meryn and Arys, Sandor warns her that she must behave as she used to with Joffret, adoring and sweet, if she wants to avoid being hurt. Sansa takes this to heart and has her maids help her bathe and cover the fresh bruise on her face, hoping Joffrey will be appeased if she looks beautiful again. When she bathes, she is shocked by how dirty the water is, unused to not having a care for how she looks.
Sansa also wears the dress she wore to the tourney of the Hand, hoping it will remind Joffrey of when he still seemed to enjoy her company.
When Meryn returns Sansa also sees him no longer as a gallant knight but as the aging man he is, and her anger rises; she demands to know if he will hit her again if she refuses to come with him, and then realizes Meryn simply does not care about her, and barely sees her as a person at all. Despite wanting to scream and hit him, she restrains her temper and goes with him, though she tells him coldly that he is no true knight.
Sansa watches court, observing Joffrey’s wanton cruelty when he does deign to judge a case. A thief’s hand is cut off in front of the court, two knights with a land dispute are forced to duel to the death on the morrow, a woman begging for her lover’s remains is thrown into the dungeons because ‘if you loved a traitor, you must be a traitor too.’
Joffrey doesn’t give a shit about the law or what’s right, he’s just a spiteful child throwing his weight around, having people killed or tortured simply because he can.
Sansa focuses on Janos Slynt, remembering how he threw Ned to the ground for Payne to execute, and wishing some hero would cut off his head. Ironically her brother Jon will do just that books later, though unaware of Slynt’s role in their father’s death.
Afterwards, Joffrey forces Sansa up onto the battlements with him, remarking on her stupidity and how Cersei also thinks she is a fool, and demanding to know when Sansa can have children. On the ramparts, Sansa knows Joffrey is taking her to see the heads, but looks beyond the castle and city instead, dreaming of the North and Winterfell.
Sansa spitefully thinks that the setting sun and the river are much prettier than the heads, refusing to truly look at them, and keeping herself calm by telling herself they are no longer the people she cared about. Ned’s head is not her father, just a severed head dipped in tar. She even calmly asks Joffrey how long she has to look; her dreams were shattered, but she can still refuse to acknowledge a painful reality to save herself more trauma in the moment.
Joffrey is upset by Sansa’s lack of reaction, and goads her by telling her all women are weak, like her and his mother, and soon he will have Robb’s head too after he kills him in battle.
Sansa snaps then, and drops perhaps one of the most iconic lines of her entire arc, “Maybe my brother will give me your head.”
Meryn Trant then strikes her repeatedly to the face while Joffrey forces her to smile, and then Sansa once again considers suicide, only this time she plans on taking Joffrey with her, realizing if she rushes him she could take them both over the edge, and urging herself to do it, sounding almost like Arya’s internal monologue.
But Sandor interrupts her plan, shocking her with his gentleness as he cleans the blood off her face, and Sansa thanks him, thinking darkly that she is still a good girl who remembers ger courtesies.
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verecunda · 4 years
TV meme
Tagged by @themalhambird. Thankee kindly. :)
Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. Tag 10 (or however many) people.
1. Endeavour 2. Father Brown 3. MST3K 4. Horrible Histories 5. Dickensian
Who is your favourite character in 2?
Aw no, that’s not fair! It’s one of those I LOVE EVERYONE IN THIS BAR kinda series. Though it’s probably a tie between Father Brown and Flambeau. The Padre’s just such a good, and Flambeau is so… him. XD
Who is your least favourite character in 1?
The Talentis. (Yeah, I’m treating them as a single unit.) I don’t care about them, they were too Obviously Evil to bother caring about, and I’m miffed that so much of series 7 was turned over to their subplot, at the expense of the characters and relationships I actually give a damn about. (like, y’know, Morse and Thursday’s much-hinted break…)
What is your favourite episode of 4?
How can I pick just one?! I’ll say the first episode of series 3, just because I still have good memories of watching it, then instantly coming onto Tumblr to join in as we all collectively lost it over Dick Turpin. That was… a day. XD
What is your favourite season of 5?
Considering there is only one… x___x
Who is your favourite couple in 3?
I kinda have a thing for Joel/Dr. Forrester. Don’t look at me like that.
Also Ben Murphy/Buffalo Bill from Riding With Death are the true otp.
Who is your favourite couple in 2?  
Actually, I got quite invested in some of the one-episode couples. I really liked the bluestocking and her landed gentry fiancé in The Labyrinth of the Minotaur. Also the bell-ringing ladies from series 7 were sweet.
What is your favourite episode of 1?      
Probably still Fugue, even now. That one is just *French chef kiss* perfection.
What is your favourite episode of 5?  
I think it might be a tie between 18 - Inspector Bucket at his best - or 12, for the shipping feels. (Also, episode 16 is superb, but I’d hesitate to call it a favourite...)
What is your favourite season of 2?
Oof! Hard to say. We’ve just finished bingeing all 8 series one after the other, so I’m not really sure where one series ends and the other begins! XD
How long have you watched 1?  
About… two years now?
How did you become interested in 3?  
I was in fandom back in the days when dinosaurs roamed the earth and MST-ing fics was a recognised form of snark. When I found out the term came from a TV series centred around making fun of terrible old movies, I had to know more!
Who is your favourite actor in 4?
Aw man, I can’t answer that!! I pretty much think of the idiots as a single madcap entity by now. :P
Maybe… maybe Jim Howick. But you’d really have to squeeze my arm to the point of agony to get me to choose a single favourite.
Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
…No, that’s too hard. They’re all such different shows.
Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3?
MST3K. I set myself the challenge year before last to finally watch the whole of the original 10 series, not just the same few I always watch. Long story short: I did it. I think my brain is permanently melted, but I did it. XD
If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
Bwahaha! Ideally nobody. The show tends to concentrate on people who had miserable times of it, after all. Might be fun being Death, though. He at least gets a ready source of entertainment!
Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
Heh, I can see it. Who would your ideal HH snark trio be? Ratttus Rattus, Death, and Bob Hale would be mine. Or the HMS Angstalot trio. Imagine the carnage. XD
Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple?
*ahem* Shipping feels aside, I’m also very much here for the idea of Strange/Joan.
Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
Dickensian. Much as I love MST3K, you can’t really beat a murder mystery mash-up of Dickens novels.
Which has better theme music, 2 or 4?
*cough* That is to say… yeah. XD
I tag: @amine-eyes, @fandom-butterfly, @bryndeavour, @rosncrntz, @vicivefallen, @geekbehindtheglasses, @sewingfrommagic, @technicallycleverdetective, @pythionice, @thebeautifulsoup
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Beginning of the End
Was this the end? Ger muses, staring up into the dying light of the sun as gentle snow drifted around her.
Was this her end?
The snow under her stains with the slow, steady spread of red, but all she can think about is Haurchefant.
Amusing as it would be, she could hear him scolding her for being so reckless. For rushing forward blindly with no concern for her health.
"Just like you." Ger whispers with copper on her tongue.
Her eyes feel heavy. Tired and weighted with tears. Gods, she missed him.
Her eyes close, tears dripping hot over her skin in the frigid air. She prays fervently, her mind's eye filled with naught but him. The warmth of his smile, the sound of his laugh. The memories they had made together. All she wanted was to see him again, to wrap her arms around him. To bask in his warmth.
The light shining down on her becomes unbearable and Ger can do naught but clench her eyes shut against it.
A shadow blessedly blocks out the light. Ger opens her eyes blearily and stares, shocked to silence at what meets her eyes.
"....Lord Haurchefant?" She manages to rasp out, tears leaking from the corners of her eyes. She knows it is wrong the moment she says it, but the resemblance is horrifyingly uncanny.
He is large. Enormous and powerful, he glows with an unnatural primordial light. Yet it is a warm glow, soft and comforting instead of a garish brightness. His hair is far too long, to his feet in length, and floating in the air around him as if caught in some strange wind. And his armor is wrong, different. The chainmail is there, aye, but her lord had never worn a cape or so much blue, though the color suited him. As he comes closer, the knight could see his eyes too are much too blue, bright and glowing. He had wings, for Halone's sake!
But still in this false Haurchefant, this false god; could she see those features that were uniquely her Lord's. The aquiline shape of his nose, his lips very much the same in the curve of his smile. The soft way he calls to her - "Ger," - fond, affectionate, like he truly cared for her. Fury, as if he could. He was a Primal. This was not what she had meant. Not what she had wanted in her foolish, heartfelt plea. She had only wanted to return to her lord. To be at his side again, even in death.
Ger cannot help the soft heartfelt sob she lets out. Nor the flooding fall off her tears. "Lord Haurchefant," she pleads, closing her eyes and turning her face away. "Forgive me," she begs in a voice that rasps, and it is the false god who reaches for her.
He picks her up, cradling her in his arms as she cries out in the agony that his moving her brings.
Forgive me, forgive me, forgive me...!
Ger whimpers and groans, struggling weakly. "Let me go, you... wretched thing! You are not my lord! How dare you, how dare you..!" She tries to strike out at him, but he is like steel and her blows do naught but glance off of him and make her bleed all the faster. Her sword is much too far to reach, lying forgotten in the snow where she, too, had fallen.
Gods, what had she done? She had not noticed the twice damned crystals... And now the Warrior of Light would be forced to...
Ger cries out, curling in on herself as the primal prods at her wounds. "Ah! Stop toying with me..! Just kill me. Or... or enslave my mind, whatever it is you blasted Primals do!" Was it not instantaneous? Why was she not yet Tempered? Would she know? Should she not feel the desire to serve him, feel her mind slipping away?
The primal has the gall to look hurt, the audacity to look at her whilst wearing His face and try to make her feel guilty.
"Ger," the Primal whines.
Ger closes her eyes to it, flushing hot with heavy tears as she whimpers and quietly begs, "Please stop. Do not call me so. Say something; anything else. End me now, or go away and let me die in peace."
The Primal stares down at her, his expression twisting, and then he scowls.
"No," he growls.
Ger blinks, lethargic from blood loss. "No?"
"No," the false god repeats, and lays his huge hand over her. Ger flinches, eyes squeezing shut in preparation for pain, or tempering, or even death. Instead there is warmth followed by the soft tinkling sound of magic. Ger cracks an eye open as the Primal's hand drops away.
Her wounds had knitted themselves together, and though her chainmail was still in rough shape, all the blood that had been covering her was gone. He had.. healed her? No. Why had he done that? She had been ready.
The Primal tugs her hand up with fingers carefully pinched around her wrist, and Ger flinches minutely back. The Primal's lips thin, be he only pauses for a moment before leading her hand towards his face.
"What are you...?" Ger asks faintly, trailing off as the Primal presses his face against her palm.
"Ger," the Primal hums with a fluttering of truly ridiculous dark eyelashes, rolling the 'r' of her shortened name like a purring growl.
Gods and Godesses, why did he have to look and sound so much like her Lord Haurchefant?
This was all her fault. She had to get in contact with the Warrior of Light. But how? Twas most important that she keep the Primal away from people. She could not rightly tell the Primal to stay put whilst she returned to Camp Dragonhead or to Ishgard.
No, she could not allow him to leave her sight. Perhaps she was a lost cause herself - for the who knew if the Primal was already working his thrall on her? - but as long as Ger kept him out in the wild and away from civilization there should be no casualties.
"Mine." The Primal says softly, bringing the knight back into focus from her frantic thoughts and then possessively adds, "My knight," and Ger's blood goes cold.
By the Fury, did the Primal think he was actually Haurchefant? Because of her? Because she dared plead with Halone to see him again? Bitterness settles on Ger's tongue, and she turns her face away for a moment, moaning low. Gods...
The Primal's hand drops away from trapping her hand to his face to tip her chin back towards him. His eyebrows furrow, eyes much too blue. "My... lion.. heart."
Ger squeezes her eyes shut, her Lord's voice ringing in her ears, all the times he had called her so affectionately, and sometimes teasingly. "My lion hearted knight."
Her lips tremble, "Lord Haurchefant."
The Primal seems pleased, perhaps assuming she was addressing him.
Ger slumps forward, resting her gloved hands against the Primal's face, her eyes wide and doe eyed pleading as she softens her expression to the best of her ability. "My lord," she murmurs, and it leaves a sour taste in her mouth to address any other so besides her actual lord, "you can understand me, yes?"
The Primal beams, and it hurts to look at him. Gods, why could she have not wished for Halone instead? It would hurt less when the Primal was inevitably destroyed.
The Primal nods happily, agreeing. "Yes!"
Ger nods solemnly, swallowing back her feelings as she says soft and soothing like speaking to a distraught child, "We must away, my.. my lord. To a place where no mere mortal can reach us. You understand?" Ger presses her hands into his face, gazing deep into those glowing eyes. "Just.. you and I. Alone. Far away." Where no other would unwittingly stumble upon them and become Tempered by proximity.
The Primal pauses, considering. And then his eyes go hooded. Ohhh. Nnoo. Ger recognized that look. She had not thought Primals had such urges. Surely he did not think...? But Ger had brought him into existence thinking of her lord Haurchefant...
Well, this was... erm...
Her lord Haurchefant had been known to be flirtatious. Rumored to be promiscuous even, though Ger had known better. As often as her lord had - jokingly or no - invited the peoples he fancied to his personal quarters, he was not lascivious. In fact, her lord had been very particular about such things. All flirtation had been harmless fun aside from a very select few.
"Alone," the Primal repeats, and turns his face just so to brush his lips across her palm and fingers, eyelashes lowered and blue eyes like liquid flame. "Yes."
He gathers her close, and Ger has only a moment to register the movement of his wings - oh, that was right, he had wings! - before the Primal bends down and pushes off, taking them up into the air and away from Natalan, far away from Camp Dragonhead and Coerthas itself.
The windchill is enough to freeze Ger to the bone and forceful enough to make her eyes water. She hides her face against the Primal, warmed despite herself in thanks to the unnatural body heat he seemed to exude effortlessly. The holes in her armor where her wounds had been provide little protection against the elements, so Ger burrows even closer in contrast to everything in her telling her she should escape.
The Primal curls his arms around her, and then seems to be even warmer if that were possible. Ger feels as if a bubble of warmth closes around her, warding off and protecting her from the chill. She looks up and finds the Primal gazing down at her with too blue eyes. Ger looks down, feeling a little too warm in her face. She feels terrible, conflicted and wretched. This was not her lord, but he wore his face and spoke with his voice.
He was beautiful, but also terrifying. A primal. An eikon. Ger knew he could easily do whatever he wished and Ger could not stop him. Why then did he seem so willing to listen to her? Because she had summoned him?
No, it made no sense. All the Primals summoned before had eventually wanted to destroy. To fight. To gorge themselves on aether. Just because he seemed ill inclined for it now did not mean he would not become so eventually.
All Ger could do was take him far away and hope that the Warrior of Light could eventually track them down.
If Ger lasted that long.
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