#villanos mention
bowser14456 · 1 year
Also I need more villainous art on my dash
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magicalgrimm · 6 months
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Trying to improve on drawing with my finger by drawing my favorite pig.
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Cricket: This Man Needs To Get Laid
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Fellow hero: You are in more dire need of a blow job than any man in history.
(Seriously, Agent Kimura is more than happy to help you in that department, Cricket.)
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goldammerchen · 1 month
(scatterbrained as hell)
have talked about this before but hey i'm a broken record. i imagine gil's ostaIgie mainly coming from disappointments (feeling things could have been done different) and feeling belittled, but not actually wanting to undo the reuni/fication, no; the dude was behind the unifica/tion he wanted this done for a last time. unlike before and despite the d.dr being gone, he's still camp #la culpa de todo es del KapitaIismus, though, maybe only becomes anar/chist[ist] around "here" in the 90s--also i still think his actual views are hidden by him liking to argue with anyone.
//meanwhile cold boot au not-gilbert, actual ta/nkie ("this was a mistake!"), at least for a while.
back to feeling belittled (and well the frustrations too)... more than the ostaIgie in itself, one of gil's main issues during the 90s--that isn't shitty health nor the existential crisis that he totally doesn't have haha no--is having argument after argument with lud, not always related to poIitics, but now they are more different than the last time they lived together, more different than ever, and there is also lingering old grudges...
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ask-black-hat-org · 1 year
Welcome to America, Black Hat, Flug, 5.0.5, and Lizard Waifu
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thebuttsmcgee · 2 years
CN USA: We're proud to be celebrating 30 years of Cartoon Network's history, everyone is here and it's a party!
Meanwhile Villainous, which fans have been advocating to even be acknowledged by the american network for over 5 years with nothing to show other than other shows (shows that cn has treated preeeetty not great either) referencing it:
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unlimitedlust · 4 months
Good Girl Gone Bad (Javier Peña x Reader)
A/N: Heyyy, another Javier Peña thristy fanfiction for you!!! Now heads up for initial details I noted people appreciate:
Word count: 4.3K
Disclaimers: it’s a female Reader x Javier story, +18 (very explicit scenes ahead guys) 🌶️🔥👄💦, unprotected p in v, tinges of sub Javi and breeding kink!!!
When you see this “-0-”, I recommend you to put “Ride or Die, Pt. 2” by Sevdaliza, Villano Antillano and Tokischa for ambiance purpose!!!
Please let me know if you enjoyed it, likes and reblogs are very much appreciated and also encourage me to keep writing (if you like my writing ofc 😅)
Enough said: Enjoy your reading!!!
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Javier seized the burning sensation from the freshly brewed coffee down his throat as he took a big gulp from his mug, as if the bitter liquid was going to turn off his mind from all the work he had to do for at least a few seconds. His eyes scanned the big piles of files around him, the full ashtray almost falling off the front border of his table and next to the telephone he’d left off the receiver on purpose.
DEA staff ran up and down their office talking on the phone, receiving and printing new information from loud fax machines, typewriters keys clicking annoyingly loud, both English and Spanish being spoken all the time. For an ordinary person who wasn’t used to such a busy dynamic it was a maddening environment itself, not to mention the main part of their job, which was chasing after narcos.
Javier knew all their faces and names, but he was under such stress he just didn’t care to engage in any kind of small talk conversations with his coworkers anymore, and day after day he understood the wallflower that sat in the farthest corner of the office, just doing her job like a horse on a winker.
He knew she worked there for a while now, but all the knowledge he had about her was her name and that she was a great investigator. She was so quiet the only times he’d heard her voice was when someone greeted her and she greeted them back. At first Javier thought she was a weirdo, but now not only he admired her invisibility and discretion, but also understood why she wanted to be left in peace in a corner just doing her job.
The fact that she was a beautiful woman didn’t go unnoticed by him of course, even without ever seeing her smile, but she kept herself shut to any contact with anyone in that place he just didn’t dare to bother the peace she seemed to hold and he envied so much.
Sadly his position in the DEA didn’t allow him to have that luxury, after all, he was The Javier Peña.
Hours flew by and by the time Javier broke his attention away from the files in front of him, he realized it was dark outside and he was alone in the building again.
He knew he still had endless work to do for the day, but he’d had enough, his head would explode if he spent another night in that office, he needed to leave and blow off some steam.
“Fuck this shit”
Grabbing his car keys, Javier left the empty DEA office and drove mindlessly around the city looking for the first place that would grab his attention enough to drag him inside.
Tonight he wasn’t looking for a hooker to spend a few hours by his side, if he wanted that he’d just head home and call one of his contacts and get it over with.
He wanted something different, something cheerful and with heavy drinks, he desperately needed to forget his job and all the shit he had to deal with everyday just for a few hours.
A club with big pink neon lights adorning its name caught his attention as he parked his vehicle on the side of the street, the loud reggaeton beats coming from the inside drawing him in as he made his way to the entrance.
Just as he stepped inside he was swallowed by a sea of sweaty and drunken people dancing, twerking, grinding on each other, hands all over the place, allowing the sensual and captivating beat to take over their bodies and desires.
It was perfect for what Javier needed at that moment.
He made his way through the crowd to one of the bars, checking out a few asses on his way there, feeling more comfortable and confident as he received some flirtatious glances in his direction.
With an ice cold beer in hand he checked out the dance floor in front of him once again, but this time a woman in a dark pink skin tight dress caught his attention. He hadn’t seen her face yet as she had her back turned in his direction, but the way she swayed her hips and how that tantalizingly short dress hugged her body in all the right places made his mouth water at the sight. He couldn’t help but wonder how she would look like moving like that on his dick, riding him in a reverse cowgirl position with that juicy ass and bouncy hips. The thought alone made his jeans feel tighter on himself.
Javier took a larger gulp of his beer as he got ready to approach her, ready to use all of his charm and unfailing game with women in hopes to be the one to take her home tonight.
But as soon as she turned in his direction, his jaw dropped when he realized the woman he was lusting on was the wallflower from the DEA, the one that no one knew nothing about other than her name and the info on her files, held a naughty smile on her face as she danced in the most provocative way possible, dragging not only Javier’s but many other men’s attention, and she knew it, she meant it.
Every now and then men tried to approach her to dance with her and maybe get a little taste, but she ditched them all gracefully. She didn’t want them. She wanted to feel desired and lusted on, but for her the real fun was in taking the candy out of their mouths, which was drawing them in like a mermaid, to then ditch them off like nothing.
The new discovery only encouraged Javier to take his shot with her. He was well aware that working with her could be both a leverage or a weakness, and there was only way he could find out.
She hadn’t seen him yet, the dim and colorful flickering lights over her didn’t allow her to see faces clearly from a certain distance, so he used that to watch her, waiting for the perfect window to go after her.
And just as she left the dance floor to the bar at the other side of the club the window was open.
“Good girl only during business hours?” Javier purred in her right ear just as she rested her forearms on the counter.
He didn’t miss the way his low voice caused goosebumps on her skin, the thin hairs on her arms standing immediately as he got by her side on the counter, waiting for her answer as she displayed a sly smirk on her plush lips.
“What makes you think I’m not a good girl full time?” She batted her eyelashes, a challenging glimmer in her orbs as her eyes traveled from his brown ones to his mouth, watching him lick his lips for a second as he seemed to get lost in his sinful thoughts for a moment.
Taking him off guard, she rested her right hand on his chest and slid her index finger over the first sets of buttons of his cream shirt, opening the them skillfully in a swift motion, revelaving part of his tanned and smooth chest, the light touch of her fingertip being enough to make his heart race.
“I like you better that way” The playful smirk never leaving her lips “Charming”
“Charming enough to buy you a drink?”
“I like shots better”
Javier was now by her side, right elbow propped on the counter as he signaled the bartender for two shots of tequila. He put two shot glasses in front of them along with a salt cellar and served them a small plate with pieces of lime, producing the bottle containing the golden liquid for last.
“Leave the bottle” He demanded just as the bartender finished filling the glasses.
They put salt on their hands, licked it and downed their first shot, the section of lime coming right after to soothe the bitter oaky punch, the alcohol instantly warming up their bodies.
“How did you find me here?” She asked, running her thumb in the corner of her lips to clean off the excess of lime juice.
“Are you upset about that, cariño?”
He faked a pout.
“Well…” She paused, pretending to be thinking deeply about the answer “I’m actually glad you found me”
“Is that so? Mind telling me why?”
“If you play my cards right, might as well show you” She teased him, pouring them another round of tequila.
“Then teach me how to play them”
They took their second round of tequila, but this time their eyes never broke their contact, a silent dispute of power between them, hunters hunting one another, testing each other to see how far their teasing would go, who would lose the battle and give in first.
Javier was both amused and tempted.
Amused because he still couldn’t believe that in front of him, challenging him, was the shy reserved woman from the DEA, claws out and ready to attack.
Tempted because she was the temptation herself. But Javier was a competitive man and he wasn’t going down without a fight.
“Do you dance, Mr. Peña?”
“Javi” He corrected “You’ll have to find out by yourself”
“I’ll take my chances”
She winked and handed him another shot, both of them sinking it fast, the spicy-woody liquid didn’t even burn their throats anymore as their bodies already felt like in flames, not only from the alcohol, but also from the heated exchange between them as every second, every word, every glance felt like electric shocks, like adding fuel to the fire.
Javier waited for her to give the next move as she sized him up, the smug look on her face making clear she had nothing but bad intentions in her mind, and oh boy how he wanted to get into her trouble.
“Come on”
She hooked her index finger in one of his pant’s belt loops and pulled him, the sudden move making Javier jolt forward, his body halting less than an inch away from hers, a dangerously short distance separating them as she watched amused his surprised reaction over her small stunt.
Colorful lights beamed over them as they were now in the middle of the dance floor, a loud song with heavily provocative beats and lyrics guiding their bodies, her arms resting loosely around his neck and one of his hands keeping her close by the end of her back as they danced together, their hips moving in sync, up close, almost intimate, but never brushing against each other, one of his legs strategically positioned between hers as they swayed sensually.
She slid one of her hands down his chest seductively, but this time, he was the one in control.
The hand on her back slid to her waist and spun her around, his hands now keeping her in place and practically locked against his body by her lower belly and waist, her ass now rolling irresistibly close to his crotch.
Javier loved how her skin reacted to the way he manhandled her, goosebumps all over as she bit her bottom lip and threw her head back, leaning against his shoulder as she let herself get lost in her own lustful thoughts for a moment, the suggestive lyrics only adding to her imagination.
Taking advantage of her exposed neck, Javier got intoxicated by her smell, the jasmine and warm notes of cocoa overpowered his senses as his lips traced the sensitive skin towards her ear, the light touch of his lips along with his mustache intensifying the goosebumps she still hadn’t recovered from yet.
“Am I up to your expectations?” He whispered in her ear, his lips moving just above her lobe. His teasing affected her more than she’d like to admit.
They lost track of the time they spent dancing together, teasingly of course, but also having a great time singing, laughing and smiling at each other.
Javier, who'd never seen her smile before that night, couldn’t take his eyes off her lips every time they curved upwards, revealing not only her beautiful lined teeth, but also the dimples on her glowing cheeks, lighting up her already cheerful face.
And again he caught himself admiring her, as they were now outside of the club. Javier stood leaning his back on his truck’s passenger door while she stood on his opposite side, leaning herself on the wall behind her.
A comfortable silence hung between them as he lit up a cigarette and she drank the last bottle of beer she got on their way out. Javier inhaled the smoke, enjoying the feel of the nicotine kicking in his system as he watched her take a gulp from the bottle, her lips wrapping around it softly as she reciprocated his gaze.
He wondered what her lips felt like, not only against his lips, but all over his body, plump and soft kissing him, caressing him, marking him, sucking him, the thought alone making his pants feel tight once again.
The sound of her heels clicking on the pavement took him out of his reverie as he now realized she was coming to him, slow and steady steps. She left the half empty bottle on his truck’s roof behind his head and then took the cigarette from his hands, bringing it to her own lips as she held it between her manicured nails.
And just as she leant on his vehicle by his side, he took his cue to leave his position and imprison her between his body and the truck, his arms hovering on each side of her head, the smug smile indicating she had him right where she wanted him to be: his body inches away from hers, the muscles on his arms twitching with the force he held onto the truck’s roof ledge, trying not to lose the last bit of restraint he still had.
She puffed the smoke out of her lips towards his, the simple yet enticing gesture making him snap and take the cigarette off her hands in a swift motion, throwing it away just as he crashed his lips against hers.
Their tongues met right away initiating an erotic dance, devouring each other, euphoria rushing through their veins as their teasing had finally reached its goal.
Javier cupped her jaw and pressed his body against hers urgently, the jolt against the truck making the beer bottle fall and shatter on the ground, the loud noise and green glass on the pavement not bothering them at all as she pulled the soft curls on his nape and grazed her teeth against his lower lip.
His big hands slid down her waist behind her and grabbed her ass cheeks, pulling her up and making her wrap her legs around him for support, her short dress rolling up to her hips leaving her almost half naked on the street.
Using the leverage he had with the position, Javier ground his raging erection trapped inside his jeans against her core, covered only by already drenched black lace panties, earning a strangled whimper from her.
Part of him wanted to just pull her panties aside and take her right there on the street against his truck, raw and rough. But the other part wanted to take his time with her, after all it would be a shame to just resume the last few hours of teasing in just a few minutes. And also, he didn’t know if he’d had another shot with her after they got back to their professional facades.
“Are we getting inside your truck or you want to give our audience explicit content?” She tilted her head, indicating the group of people next to the club’s door, a few curious eyes lingering, waiting for their next step “Either way I’m in”
“You’re mine only, at least for tonight” His teeth dug on the soft flesh of her neck as he fished the car keys in his back pocket “But as long as I can fuck you I’m into anything you want, bonita”
Javier put her down and opened the truck’s back door, revealing the brown leather cushion dimly illuminated by the street lights.
He let her in first and watched with hungry eyes the way she crawled inside the vehicle and then rolled her body upwards, resting her back on the other door only to then slide her panties down and off her legs, spreading them open in a seductive way, offering herself to Javier, who hurriedly got inside the truck and closed the door behind him.
He pulled her by her ankle and hovered over her, his gaze connecting deeply to hers as he fished the panties she’d dropped on the car floor and put them in his back pocket, the simple yet unexpected action arousing her even more.
Javier’s hand made its way to her nape, bringing her head up for a breathtaking and passionate kiss, their hungry tongues invading and exploring each other's mouth as her fingers slid down the buttons of his shirt, undoing them without breaking their kiss.
As they devoured each other frantically, her hands explored his broad chest and abs, enjoying the feeling of his soft golden skin under her digits and the way his muscles flexed with the thrusting movements he made every now and then, purposely grinding his clothed erection against her exposed core.
Their kiss got sloppy as Javier’s hand found its way down her body, feeling her soft breasts, the curve of her hips then down the smooth skin of her thigh and leg, hooking it on his back before his hand slid up her body again but this time, skipping no beat towards her intimacy.
Javier growled when he finally felt how wet she really was for him, her arousal coating his fingers sliding up and down her pussy in feather-like touches just to tease her.
Whimpering, she rolled her eyes and clawed his back under his shirt when he increased the pressure with his digits and traced tight circles against her needy clit, her whole body melting under him as it got overpowered by shameless waves of pleasure.
Drinking in her sexed expression, Javier slid a finger inside her wanting a bigger dose of satisfaction out of the intoxicating woman under him. The unexpected invasion of his thick
finger made her moan louder and arch her back against his body, which only encouraged him to add another one right after, stretching her further, her slick pussy clenching around his fingers in response.
She bit his shoulder as he finger fucked her, his fingers massaging the magic spongy spot inside her as his thumb roled lazy circles on her clit, making her nails drag angry scratch marks down his back while her other hand pressed hard on the leather backrest, nails desperately digging in it.
Javier trailed small nips and kisses along her collarbone and neck while his fingers kepting working on her, all of it adding to the building pleasure in her lower stomach, getting her closer and closer to bursting at each expert rub of his rough digits against her clit and g-spot.
But she didn’t want to come yet, much less in that submissive condition.
Fighting against her own urges, she pulled his hand out of her, bringing it to her lips to lick her own juices off his fingers, her dark orbs drawing him in as she sucked his fingers suggestively, swirling her tongue around them.
“Now sit” She commanded, cheeks still red and heart racing from his finger fucking “And take of your shirt”
She didn’t need to ask Javier twice for him to comply, he knew she was close on his fingers, and now he wanted to see and feel what she had in mind.
Just as he took his shirt off and straightened his back against the seat, she straddled him and pulled down the top half of her dress, exposing her breasts, hard perky nipples at his mouth’s level and he couldn’t help but to dive in.
Javier fondled and squeezed them hard with both hands before he took a mouthful of one of them, teeth grazing the hard bundle of nerves, then rolling and sucking in with his flat tongue, and then repeated the same stimulation on the other one, feasting on the soft mounds before him as she unfastened his belt and unbuttoned his jeans.
Catching up with her intentions, Javier lifted his hips from the seat, enough to take both pieces of clothes off, allowing her to undress him completely, all while he still delved into her breasts.
With his thick and hard manhood free, she spread his leaking precum over his tip with her thumb, tantalizing him before she finally took it and held it against her clit, rocking her hips back and forth, arching her back towards the front seat behind her and getting herself off against his shaft, her slick blending with his precum.
Javier broke apart from her chest to gaze down between them, his cock sliding easy against her drenched folds, teasing him shamelessly.
“Condom?” He asked, but only out of politeness.
“No” She leaned in, foreheads touching as she whispered against his lips “I wanna feel all of you”
Her answer got his cock impossibly harder and dying to feel her, and for his luck, she was also getting impatient.
Javier held his breath the moment she stopped her motions right when his tip was lined to her entrance, the thrill of anticipation of finally having her making his heart race faster as his hands flattened on her thighs.
“Tell me what you want” She demanded seductively, teasing his tip pressed against her opening, torturing him with slow rolls of her hips, threatening to slide down on him at any second.
“I want you, cariño” He gasped, chest heaving up and down.
“Yeah? And what do you want me to do with you?” One of her hands cupped his jaw and brought his lips close to hers, close enough to feel his ragged breath against hers.
“Ride me, bonita, I’m yours”
She placed a soft kiss against his lips before she leaned back between the front seats and placed her hand over her mound, fingers spreading her folds apart allowing him to have a full view of where his tip met her pussy, until she finally sank on his cock, her opening slowly welcoming and swallowing him in, his thickness stretching her walls each inch as his name came out of her lips in the sexiest moan he’d ever heard, and he swore that that scene alone was enough to make him cum.
But he needed to last, he needed to feel more of her, see her, have her, every detail in front of and on him, getting him terribly pussy drunk on her at each second as he felt their bodies merging and watched his cock disappear inside of her, her walls tightening around him in a slippery and warm embrace.
He threw his head back and rolled his eyes as she started to ride him at a deeply addictive pace, his fingertips digging in the flesh of her hips, pulling her harder down on him at each thrust forward.
“Eyes on me, Javi” Her command came out as a needy whine as her hand slid down his neck towards his shoulder, the skin slapping sounds getting louder as her bounces got harder.
Javier moved one of his hands to the back of her head, fingers tangling in the roots of her hair as he now thrusted his hips up to meet hers, the new and unexpected angle made her cry out his name again and dig her nails onto his shoulders, looking for an extra leverage.
He hooked his other arm on her lower back keeping her body against his, and the way she melted in his arms only made him keep on, thrusting harder and faster against her while she held onto him for her dear life.
Without disconnecting their bodies, Javier laid her on the backseat, eager to be the one fully in charge, especially because holding his release back was being a lot harder than usual.
One of his hands took support in the car’s windows, which was completely humid and foggy and entrentched with sex as he fucked her hard, her back arching and her walls tightening around him with her climax right around the corner.
She closed her eyes and moaned even louder as he put one of her legs over his shoulder, the new angle allowing him to go even further, deeper and drive her into oblivion in record speed.
“Look at me when I’m fucking you” He demanded, bossy as the Javier Peña she was used to watch on duty, and that was the line for her to feel the knot on her lower belly snap hard, strong waves of white hot pleasure through her veins, making her cum hard and milk his cock looking deeply in his dark eyes.
The mesmerizing scene together with the clenching from her climax on his shaft also made him cum seconds after her, exploding inside her, his hot seed filling her in long spurts, the feeling of his dick throbbing inside her riding her high for a few extra seconds before they collapsed, the hand on the car window leaving a wet trail as it lazily slid down.
She moaned when he finally pulled out, instantly missing him inside her as he carefully took her in his arms and laid next to her, nestling her body against his, both their breathings and heart beats still racing fast.
“We have a problem now” He muttered looking at the car’s ceiling.
“What?” Her answer was low and unconcerned, too fucked out to care about anything at that moment.
“Office hours are gonna be challenging from now on.”
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paper-gold-theories · 2 months
Now that You mention flug showing skin, did you saw the picture from the new book of flug cosplaying Jane Fonda?
*spoilers for those who have not read the Manual Para Villanos (Villain's Manual)*
(continuing from this)
GoldHeart: In order to defeat Black Hat Organization I will need to watch all their orientation videos to learn how they think and operate. I'll start with this one...
For no particular reason whatsoever...
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(GoldHeart is simping for Flug like he's an idol 😂)
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nightfurmoon · 1 year
Analyzed a bit a photo from Alan's twitter account. Thought could find something interesting.
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The exact backpack from the old photo which confirms that this is definitely her things and not some props.
The book in the upper left corner which says 'Evolutionary(?) science'. Probably from the curriculum or perhaps she was deeply interested in biology.
A journal which mentions Goldheart as a hero of the month. This is obvious, because she had a crush and definitely kept track on him.
Black Hat Institute book which probably covers all the tips and tricks that every villain should know (don't tell your evil plan before you implement it, etc.)
And the most interesting one, the Flug's book that she stole. We can see a flower and the chemical formula of a component which can be extracted from it. C10H12N20, serotonin, which is a hormone of happiness. And a mathematical formula below, which results in love. Don't know why Flug needed it. Maybe it was required by project, or he wanted to make somebody love him (either family or Cecilia). Well, we all know how it ended up.
Oh that book is about the Foul flower, from the short. He needs that love formula to make the flower extract it from the host.
Here's the video with English subtitles in case you haven't seen it. And the rest of the shorts are also linked in the Villainous Masterpost I made!
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aimasup · 1 year
Hello! I love your art its so amazing and creative!!<3 About the Villanos Dictators au, if Lord black hat and General slys would be stuck into a room how would they react?? I mean theyr both working as bosses and both hate people probably, would they imiedatly try to kill eacother or talk normally?
Stuck in a room you say? If they had to be next to each other for a while then it wouldn't be very interesting. Captain Flug just wouldn't say anything besides one-word responses because he doesn't want to disturb this very obvious threat
Black Hat suspected there was another universe like this and he doesn't like it, but insults only go so far when the other isn't really taking damage and he can't get mad at him for 'ignoring him' because, well, he's responding isn't he?
They sit it out and maybe nod in agreement about war crime strategies sometimes. The space they share feels like aspic
Morally they agree but they still don't like anything about each other; technology vs magic, clashing egos ('I can definitely kill him if I wanted but I'm sooo mature it's not worth it')
not to mention they both usually know the other as someone very much beneath them so even they're just plain weirded out
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anthonyandbrandon · 22 days
I most definitely agree with your point. I've been following his music journey for a while and it seems that he had an album ready back when he released "villano" and "se fue". Later he mentioned that album is in the works. Then he said it's done (in the clip you posted) and later in an interview said he was still working on it. Kind of a bummer that his music has taken a hit given the circumstances. I do hope we get something this year, he is still getting attention from the Twisters crowd, it would be disasterous to not act on it. But then again, the label has all the say, so I guess we'll see.
Oh wow, I didn't know that it may be the same album from (2ish?) years ago!? This furthers my suspicion that his label is giving him the jerk around. 😔
You are so right about capitalizing on the Twisters success, I feel his team is finally trying (after sleeping throughout most of the promo tour😤), but they aren't going about it the right way.
I LOVE all the new photo shoots and magazine covers, and his silly social media content (although I side-eyed the random one with him drinking pool water and the little dog looking at him crazy, lol) - but, this does nothing to get people interested in his music.
He plays guitar, why not an IG reel or Tiktok of him covering a John Mayer song or a famous country music song? Heck, he could have done a song with Luke Combs, he was right there (instead of chugging beer on stage 😒).
As you can probably tell, I have an unreasonable amount of disdain for his team, as they have dropped the ball on everything this year...
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firsttarotreader · 9 months
Is there a specific interview where he talks about using drugs? I’ve never heard anything other than him using edibles
Yes, there is. If someone remembers which interviews he mentioned it, please remind us!
ETA: Found one. But there’s more.
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This is the original:
And the translation by Dornish Queen:
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I’m Spanish and this has been horrible, it was so cringe. But the fact is that the interview is always so random I’ve seen other Spanish people here mentioning that it wasn’t the typical talk show because the host never prepares anything and just improvise and all that. But it was horrible because it was in Spanglish so the jokes weren’t funny and also Broncano (the host) accent is so Spanish that there was some misunderstandings. Like the interview would have been funnier if it had been in Spanish and they would have had a translator.
And the tits milk thing it’s because in a program, a woman who went as part of the crowd brought a 🍼 with her own milk so Broncano and the other guys could taste it and he was telling Louis that.
But yeah, in general it’s having horrible, the worst and I would understand if Louis doesn’t want to come back to Spain lol
But Broncano is a cool guy, like the show is mostly for white men cis but there are also guests who are also trans like Villano and are part of queer he’s vision about politics aren’t fascist as other host in Spain who are homophobic and fascist so at least
Hi dear,
Hmmm yeah the host seemed to be a good guy...the interview was just awkward as hell LMAO...Louis barely said anything, he just awkwardly sat there..
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goldammerchen · 3 months
basically my gil: when he has bottomed willingly, it was usually hate sex, and the majority of the rest was less willing... [my] gil: "good-loving sex if i'm receiving? and is not oral? what the fuck is that?" *dissociates* *has not idea how to stop dissociating during it*
this is actually an excuse to put all the links one after the other in order
dom? bad idea (just keep him as a sub he likes it)
long post hc
a freak lmao
dykes and faggots love him (he is both)
berIiner man
jokes aside probs down to either sub or dom (still more a sub!)
not afraid of sex in canon actually often a creep
haunted, having to relearn and know himself again
top leaning, he would like to stick and grind his dick into things
ships where i actually like him bottoming sometimes
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ceeyuin666 · 1 year
¡Hola! Quería preguntar, ¿cómo se llevan los reclutas con los otros subordinados de sus villanos? por ejemplo Malfie con Diablo, Farja e Iago o Ms Hades con Pain and Panic.
Hello, I'm sorry I missed this previously!
I've used an internet translator to reply, I hope that's okay! (English below)
Hola, siento haberme perdido esto anteriormente.
He utilizado un traductor de Internet para responder, ¡espero que esté bien! (Inglés abajo)
Ask: Hello! I wanted to ask, how do the recruits get along with the other minions of their villains, for example Malfie with Diablo, Farja and Iago or Ms Hades with Pain and Panic.
Nunca he visto nada de Malfie mencionando a Diavel de las películas de Maléfica, pero he visto fanart de ellos actuando como hermanos, ¡que es mi favorito personal! No he visto a Joe hablar realmente de Jetsam y Floatsam, pero parece que los trata como compañeros de trabajo, mientras que Jack Heart sí que trata a las otras cartas de triunfo como compañeros de trabajo. En el caso de los personajes con más personalidad, como Iago, creo que los Reclutadores los ven como rivales molestos o fastidiosos. Creo que al final depende del personaje Disney jaja.
I've never seen anything with Malfie mentioning Diavel from the Maleficent movies but I have seen fanart of them acting like brothers which is my personal favourite! I haven't seen Joe really talk about Jetsam and Floatsam but he seems to just treat them like workmates while Jack Heart definitely treats the other trump cards as workmates. For characters with more personality such as Iago, I find that the Recruiters see them as pesky rivals or nuisances. I think it ultimately depends on the Disney character haha.
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daddyiluvhim · 1 year
nice interview! of course the news that hes going back on broadway and then lots of talk about his early career and auditioning out of college for the most part. he did a little bit about villano, acc mentioned her when talking about ham. and then basically the rest is him and marc dying laughing
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