#vincent h. dupin
roseoftrafalgar · 2 years
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Random whim to draw Vincent as the Brooklyn 99 meme referencing to when he took my s/i in
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scalpelandrose · 10 months
Childhood Memories: A New Friend for the Holidays
🌹: Takes place 14-15 years ago during the Christmas season, when (8 y/o) Michelle’s adoptive father took her to get her first toy: Vladislav the Bat. The plush is an important piece of a few good childhood memories she had & she eventually passes it down to her children, often bringing it to life in the dream realm for them to play with.
[on the charming cobblestone streets of Vestaria, lined by gaslit lamps adorned with festive wreaths, an investigator and his ward are window-shopping. They notice an eclectic toy emporium and stop outside of it.]
Vincent: If you see something you like, feel free to run up to it or tug me along, ok?
Michelle (8 y/o): ….
Vincent: Is something the matter?
Michelle: ….
Vincent: (kneels down to her height and pats her head) Listen little one, I want you to know that I won’t punish you for expressing your feelings. I know that you’ve been poring over the children’s catalogue these past few months and I’ve got the beris to get you a toy. Regardless what you’ve been told, you have every right to feel emotions and enjoy as much of your childhood as you can.
Michelle: (quietly whispers)…Is it really ok for me to have something, though?
Vincent: (his heart feels like it dropped into his stomach out of pity, but his tone remains gentle and mellow) Of course. It’s only appropriate for you to have something special for Christmas. Well, traditionally, I’d surprise you as your guardian, but I thought your first gift should be something you chose—something that you can call your own.
Michelle: (ponders over the idea & the obvious thought Vincent put in before taking her on this outing) That’s very nice of you to let me decide for myself.
Vincent: Heh, that’s just basic decency, little one. If someone ever tries to make you feel like you don’t have a choice, bop them in the gut. (he mimics a right hook & tries to contain himself from gushing from seeing her stare at him intently with a comical sparkle beside her unbothered eyes) If you want to thank me, you can make me some gardenia blossom tea when we get home. But come, Vestaria has the best toymakers in the North Blue and I know you’ll find something. You always had a knack for finding things, after all.
[they enter the toy emporium. The shopkeeper greets them and explains the shop layout and their wares, before letting the two explore.]
Michelle: (after browsing, she notices something in a last chance bin sitting in the back of the shop. She lets go of Vincent’s hand and walks towards it. A little black bat plush with a light blue tummy and inner ears stares back at her good-naturedly. A bit of stuffing peeks out of it’s chest with it’s little toy heart hanging out pitifully. Plus, the thread holding one of its wings seems to be fraying, but for some reason, it’s whimsical smile despite being in its’ current state piqued her fancy. It was like it was asking for someone to give it a chance at friendship and she felt an odd desire to know what it would say to her if she brought it into her Dreamscape.)
Vincent: (notices how she carefully takes the bat out of the bin and tenderly strokes it’s head. When she comes back to him, he doesn’t question why she chose it. If it makes her happy, he was fine with that) Found what you were looking for?
Michelle: Mmhm.
[they head to the clerk station in the front]
Shopkeeper: Are you sure you want that one? It’s a little torn at the chest. We were actually thinking of sending it…(euphemizing & looks to Vincent) to the land of broken toys later today.
Michelle: (shyly) No thank you. He’s perfect. (looks at shopkeeper with a little shimmer in her round brown eyes with the bat plush already dearly held to her chest) I can learn how to stitch Vladislav up and then he can join Vincent and me for tea.
Vincent: Precisely so. Nothing like a little sewing or embroidery lesson can’t fix. If I am right…I deduce Vladislav would enjoy saguaro blossom and berry tea. (finds it cute that she already decided on a name for the bat based on a vampire book she read. He makes note to find his grandmother’s sewing kit he has somewhere in his office.)
Michelle: (giggles a bit and nods)
Vincent: Right. That smile there tells me we’re all set then! (he comically slides the shopkeeper the money, as if doing a discreetly serious spy trade-off.) Keep the change.
[the shopkeeper thanks them & found that within the payment, there was a note and advance deposit to reserve a certain rare music box from their shop under Vincent’s name. They wonder at the eccentricities of the local investigator and the child that accompanies him, but they shake their head to pry no further. It’s going to be Christmas, after all.]
Michelle: (crossing the street with Vincent, while still holding her new bat plush protectively) Do you think it’ll help if Erebus was with him during his heart and wing treatment?
Vincent: (smiles at her) I don’t see why not. I’m sure they’ll both find a lot in common being darkly winged creatures that are adored by you.
🌹Tagging: @jazminetoad
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simpforroses · 2 years
Wanted Poster
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🌹Michelle is secretly a D. Ironically, despite her resentment for the government, her middle name “Hong” + “D” sounds like “Huang Di” = Emperor
🌹Growing up with Vincent H.(Hercule) Dupin, an infamous private investigator, she gained her high bounty for delivering her own justice/retribution as an independent investigator.in place of the Marines or Navy—especially to victims who were silenced, framed, or ignored. She has been known to infiltrate bases in order to purloin classified information or evidence for her cases, usually leaving sleeping or paralyzed guards in her wake on her quest to unveil truths whether big or small (such as the truth behind the sudden civil war and lockdown of Old Hairong, her hometown, before it was rebuilt to what it was presently, though she will not revisit it until after joining the Heart Pirates). At times, if a guilty criminal had been acquitted for a grievous crime without punishment, they are found punished with a wound related to their crime by her own hands and plagued by unending nightmares. Her devil fruit, the Yume-Yume no Mi is also fabled to have crippling abilities of bending the fabric of reality & influencing minds and willpowers if fully mastered. Given her range of skills and documented personality, the World Government is on high alert. With adding piracy to her repertoire alongside the Heart Pirates, her bounty only grew. However, she doesn’t always work against the Marines—she only acts upon where her moral compass and intuition guides her.
🌹Attach caught this photo of her summoning dream fragments before throwing them down, when Law & Michelle revisited Vestaria in the North Blue, (where she grew up) after taking care of some corrupt officials and associates of the World Govt. at the Hippodrome in the Gaslight District, while digging for some secrets related to their lineage & the truth of their world. With this photo, people solidified their image of the “Dream Reaver/Demon Detective” if they hadn’t already with her previous posters
I will try to bounce back on main with general fanart—hopefully by fall/winter on this platform, but we’ll see what happens (originally posted on my IG)
Tagging: @jazminetoad, @friendly-kaiju, @starrybrujita, @the-witch-of-one-piece, @undercoverweeeb, @gabrielasalazar18
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pangeanews · 4 years
L’inossidabile successo di Sherlock Holmes (ovvero: è tornato il Dr. House e Conan Doyle pensava che la vita dopo la morte fosse più salutare di questa)
Capita sempre così ai talenti secondari: diventano celebri per ciò che ritengono futile. Scrittore sagace dal piglio ironico e lo sguardo volto verso le fate, Arthur Conad Doyle nasce alla letteratura nel 1879, ventenne, con un racconto, The Mistery of the Sasassa Valley, pubblicato sul “Chamber’s Journal”. Il racconto fu edito anonimo, la mistica “Sasassa Valley”, abitata dal fatidico demone, era situata in Sud Africa – lo scrittore, a quell’epoca, studiava medicina alla University of Edinburgh. Il primo romanzo di ACD fu Uno studio in rosso: pubblico nel 1887, vede in scena Sherlock Holmes; da allora il creatore passerà il tempo ad architettare la morte della sua creatura. Il crescente successo di Holmes soggiogò ACD, gli svariati tentativi di ammazzarlo furono osteggiati dal pubblico sovrano. Conan Doyle svariò lungo altri romanzi. Tantissimi. Diversamente brutti.
Col senno di poi, è la formula narrativa adottata da Conan Doyle – lo spiritista che fa del suo eroe il paladino del ‘metodo deduttivo’ – a essere vincente. Osservare Sherlock Holmes dagli occhi del gemello rovesciato, John H. Watson; sfatare il precedente (l’Auguste Dupin di Poe); alternare i documenti (nel Mastino dei Baskerville, ad esempio, sono riprodotte pagine dal diario di Watson); sfottere il procedimento narrativo (Holmes considera sensazionalistiche idiozie i libri di Watson). Insomma, la narrazione è sempre mediata, Holmes è un prototipo da fiction – agisce in soli quattro romanzo e in una cinquantina di racconti – al lettore è concesso spazio e non c’è uno che non aneli a essere Sherlock.
Del personaggio sappiamo tutto. Non sa nulla se non quello che gli serve – “Dite che giriamo intorno al sole. Se girassimo intorno alla luna non farebbe la minima differenza per me e per il mio lavoro” –, non gli importa sapere ma conoscere, è concentrato totalmente sulla risoluzione di un problema, il resto gli pare artificioso, una scocciatura. “Era alto qualcosa di più di un metro e ottanta, ma era così esageratamente sottile che pareva molto più lungo. I suoi occhi erano vivaci e penetranti… Il naso aquilino e scarno conferiva alla sua fisionomia un’espressione vigile e risoluta. Il metro quadrato e sporgente confermava in lui l’uomo volitivo. Le sue mani erano eternamente chiazzate d’inchiostro e maculate da sostanze chimiche”. La brutale facilità di Conan Doyle, in questo contesto, è felice: Holmes fonde il genio romantico alla speculazione scientifica, è Don Chisciotte – vede ciò che nessuno vede – e Galileo – idem. Non è un investigatore privato ma uno che concede il proprio aiuto a chi non sa far procedere oltre la palude del noto l’investigazione. Holmes deve essere pregato per accudire un enigma, è una creatura mentale: non gli importa salvare vite o assicurare alla giustizia dei criminali. Gl’importa elevare il mistero a gioco – e sconfiggerlo. Cioè, rassicurare la propria facoltà intellettiva. Holmes azzarda speculazioni da un particolare, propone una soluzione come si definisce una fuga, in ambito musicale; vuole dimostrare che tutti sono sudditi del suo cervello. Se la noia lo attanaglia, si fa di coca – la vita è una grigia parentesi tra un caso inebriante e l’altro. La chincaglieria farraginosa di fatti, episodi, omicidi, ha per scopo esaltare lui, Sherlock. Si leggono le avventure di Sherlock Holmes per il gusto di avventurarsi in Sherlock Holmes – della fine della storia non ci interessa, c’importa, piuttosto, la finezza del ragionamento di Holmes.
Quasi tutti i tentativi di tradurre in video l’evanescente sapienza di Holmes mi paiono ridicolizzarlo. La serie televisiva Sherlock, varata dieci anni fa, ha il merito di aver azzeccato gli attori (Benedict Cumberbatch e Martin Freeman); resta tra le bestie imbalsamate della mia giovinezza Piramide di paura, l’avventura di uno Young Sherlock Holmes (così il titolo originale, del 1985) girata da Barry Levinson. Se la rivedessi oggi rabbrividirei, all’epoca mi sfidava alla strafottente genialità (dote non da poco). Mi è piaciuto, invece, Mr. Holmes. Il mistero del caso irrisolto (2015), con un immenso Ian McKellen, che inizia dove finisce la carriera di Holmes, nel Sussex, a maneggiare api – come a dire che solo ciò che è letale può fabbricare dolcezza. Ammetto che divorai, anni fa, la serie incentrata sul “Dr. House”, ora tornata in auge su Sky. Hugh Laurie mi pareva perfetto – malato, geniale, in ego delirante – per uno Sherlock Holmes in corsia; la scenografia ospedaliera sarebbe piaciuta a Conan Doyle, chirurgo mancato. Dopo un po’ – ne ero ingordo –, la serialità mi sfinì: le puntate del “Dr. House” sono affascinanti finché svisceravano lui, Gregory House; gli altri personaggi – anche il bravo Robert Sean Leonard, indimenticabile Neil in L’attimo fuggente di Peter Weir – restano parziali, secondari, opachi.
Conan Doyle muore nel 1930; e muore scrivendo: l’ultimo libro, edito nel 1929, s’intitola The Maracot Deep e gira intorno alla leggenda di Atlantide. L’ultimo racconto è pubblicato su “The Strand Magazine” nell’agosto del 1930, l’autore è sotto terra da un mese. S’intitola The Parish Magazine e comincia così: “Erano le sei di una sera d’inverno. Mr. Pomeroy, il tipografo, stava per lasciare il suo ufficio, nel retro, per la casa, la stanza principale, quando il giovane Murphy fece irruzione. Murphy era un giovane imperturbabile, con la faccia grassa e gli occhi assonnati, che aveva la rara qualità di fare ciò che gli veniva chiesto senza porre questioni. Di solito questa è una grande virtù – a volte accadono eccezioni”. Fa quasi tenerezza il coriaceo talento di Conan Doyle: tinteggia il contesto, descrive quello che si vede, crea dei vicoli narrativi (la parola eccezioni).
Tra i più funambolici redattori di apocrifi di Sherlock Holmes c’è Roberto Barbolini. Ne ha scritti una manciata; anni fa, era il 2015, incappai in uno di questi, Un walser per Sherlock Holmes, in un libro edito da Guaraldi, Sade in drogheria. Il racconto è sfizioso perché nel Comune di Ornavasso – in Val d’Ossola, Piemonte – l’investigatore creato da Conan Doyle si scontra con “uno svizzero lungo e magro sulla quarantina, dall’aria svagata”: il magnetico Robert Walser. Leggere un apocrifo mi procura – se fatto bene – una certa gioia: la certezza del dono è chiara, più del sacrilegio.
Quando è in punto di morte, il “Daily Herald” spedisce un giornalista, W.R. Titterton, a casa di Conan Doyle. “Pareva enorme seduto al mio fianco, con le sopracciglia brizzolate, gli occhi vasti del viaggiatore, la testa massiccia, la mascella quadrata, i baffi vichinghi. In effetti, sembrava più un antico guerriero che un vecchio scrittore di storie”. L’intervista esce come Conan Doyle’s Last Words. “La morte, per l’uomo, è l’inizio della vita vera e felice, in cui non viene tradotto in un inferno terrificante o in un paradiso un poco meno terrificante. Trova la vita naturale, un ambiente familiare, la possibilità di esplorare i propri poteri”, diceva il veggente Conan Doyle in punto di morte. Lungi dall’essere un superuomo o un supereroe, Sherlock Holmes non concepisce altra eccellenza che l’estasi della sfida con se stesso. Le ossessioni – l’uomo ispirato, spiritato per una sola cosa – affascinano sempre. (d.b.)
*In copertina: Hugh Laurie interpreta il “Dr. House” nella serie realizzata tra 2004 e 2012 
  L'articolo L’inossidabile successo di Sherlock Holmes (ovvero: è tornato il Dr. House e Conan Doyle pensava che la vita dopo la morte fosse più salutare di questa) proviene da Pangea.
from pangea.news https://ift.tt/2SjFNXV
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roseoftrafalgar · 1 year
OC Home Origins Template
Hello 👋 It’s been awhile, but I had a spur of motivation to draw & thought to make a visual depiction of my One Piece s/i OC’s home of origin. Feel free to use the blank template w/credit or link back if you post it as your own post. (Michelle’s info below the cut)
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- Flora: Tree-blooming yellow apricot blossoms that are abundant during New Year’s, lotus (national flower), and highland roses
- The clothing my s/i wears is inspired by ‘ao vien linh’ worn during Vietnam’s mid-late 18th century and early 19th century.
- Hairong sits atop a waterfall (etymology ‘Hai’ = sea and ‘rong’ = dragon) & possesses both tropical and temperate climates depending on the region. It is situated to the southeast of Kano Kuni in the West Blue.
- My s/i lived in Hairong as a turner’s daughter (made essential parts for furniture, weapons, tools, etc.), until a civil war masterminded by the WG broke out. She was only 6 yrs old, when her family escaped on refugee boats and found themselves in the North Blue. Her eventual foster father, a detective named Vincent H. Dupin, who lives in the town of Vestaria in the North Blue, is a quarter Hairongese from his maternal line.
- When she returned (still playing around with where that fits in), there was a difference between geographical sections defined as “New Hairong” and “Old Hairong,” despite the country being ‘united.’
(I’ll attach the dragon myth explanation as a picture, so the text doesn’t get too long 😂)
Significance of Dragons:
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scalpelandrose · 2 years
OC Templates Batch 1
(Hopefully nothing goes wrong this time, 2nd attempt at posting, I am so sorry)
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Thank you @the-witch-of-one-piece for sharing the “My OC as…” template with me for anyone who’d like to do it, the template is HERE & you can use programs like Procreate, Clip Studio, Photoshop, or Photopea (which is free) to do it!
In order are Michelle, the Trafalgar kids (as adults: Ross, Lamia, Lukas), and Vincent’s. Finding songs was hard, as I was debating whether to put the kids’ favorite Vietnamese lullaby Michelle would sing them as infants or the songs they currently have, & I went with the latter. Song links below:
Killing My Dreams - Elysion
Souretsu - breakin’ holiday
Ngay Mua Tuyet - Anh Minh
Waiting On the Sky to Change - Starset ft. Breaking Benjamin
Point of No Return - ARIA
Tagging: @jazminetoad, @conchasweetheart, @kerokerogecko
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scalpelandrose · 2 years
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🌹 Rosinante & Vincent in a “Best Dads” Encounter in a modern AU ft. little Law & Michelle trading items they got for the day out. (Read Left to Right)
I’m happy to have this finally finished, bc it was an interaction I had in my drafts, inspired by talking with @jazminetoad about what if they worked in a similar field with Belle-mere in a modern AU and they crossed paths from time to time. Also in this spin-off, Mama Donquixote is alive to spoil babysit Law and Michelle when the dads are on-duty ✨ Law & Michelle would grow to be childhood friends in this AU
Tagging: @friendly-kaiju, @starrybrujita, @the-witch-of-one-piece, @gabrielasalazar18, @undercoverweeeb, @fireflykaizoku, @kerokerogecko
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simpforroses · 2 years
For the Soft oc asks
I am rather curious 👀
Hello Jaz! Thanks for the ample ask 😂❤️🌹 More under cut, because this got very detailed & long
👉Ask Game Here
🌸 Favorite things
Roses (particularly blue): She always had an affinity for them, with her middle name meaning rose and they bring her a feeling of understanding; an entity who keeps their treasures for those who can see beyond and handle the thorns. Blues are her favorite hues and blue roses symbolize dreams, mystery, imagination, the unknown, and love in its truest form that have yet to be realized.
Corvids: She adores her pet raven, Erebus and any ravens, crows, or jays she encounters, as she finds them precious and intelligent. Plus, corvids represent transformation, insight, and the boundaries of the tangible/intangible.
Sketchbook/journal: As an artistic soul, she has to create and in these she finds a freedom of expression for things that were, things that are wished, and things that can't be perceived by the naked eye.
A cool night/moonlight: She finds comfort in the moonlight, being a constant in a life that keeps on taking, and a cool night makes her feel alive and free. In moments alone in the cool outdoors, Law can sometimes find her singing to the ocean or even prancing around to an invisible melody. It's during the night where her powers truly come alive.
Dragons: Her birth zodiac from her culture (she is a Metal Dragon) and she keeps a charm with her in her personal journal to remember where she came from.
Heart locket from Law & silver cross necklace from biological father: Mementos from 2 important people to her. Whenever she feels shaken or distraught, she puts a hand to them & focuses her thoughts to calm herself. When Law has their matching lockets made, he merges the silver-diamond cross into hers, so she can have a part of him and her family always with her.
🌺Calming down after nightmare/feeling scared?
Despite possessing the Yume-Yume no Mi, she cannot personally give herself good dreams, so sometimes the occasional nightmares of seeing her hometown aflame, sailing away as refugees to the North Blue on a tiny boat where many starved, the enslavement/murder of her family, and then Vincent (her foster father's death/disappearance) catches up to her. In these times, she touches her cross necklace and tries to take a deep breath to ground herself. If that doesn't work, she calls a Dreamscape & creates a peaceful scene for herself to contemplate in such as back to her old winter house or these:
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🥀How they decorate a journal/notebook?
Very elegantly, sometimes with her drawings & a preliminary page stating 'Hello & Welcome Reader' or "Snooping Aren't We?' (she likes being a little saucy). Her investigation journal would be extremely organized with all attachments in the right place. Her personal journal would have prose, quotes, poetry, musings, maybe some doodles of her fancy or Law & the Heart Pirates, along with a couple of works where her emotions for her captain pour out.
An entry example from prose she wrote for a Beri Dreadful to earn some side-cash for the Heart Pirates:
"Now take it away.../This agonizing dream where falsehoods dance a masquerade of good/Where the crows never cry/I'll walk to a place where this torment can be put to rest/As a single feather on these wings remain white/I'll search for the intangible/If I fall, shrouded in ashen feathers, will I still be able to see your world?/Of that place where this filth in beauty can be forgiven?"
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🌼Found friends/family
Vincent H. Dupin (private investigator; foster father): Vincent is Michelle’s father as much he is a best friend to her. He found her as a 7 year old right after her family had been killed/enslaved, bawling her eyes out. He didn't know where she came from at 1st, appearing out of thin air, but after calming the child down, she told him what happened and about her devil fruit. Taking pity on the young girl, who had nowhere to go, he took her in as his daughter and protegee. He went through many lengths to help her talk & smile again, along with helping her control her powers, telling her stories about her hometown at Hairong he learned from his grandmother, and made sure she was thoroughly learned in multiple subjects and disciplines, so in the case he was absent, she could care for herself.
Trafalgar Law: (captain; lover, later husband): Law & Michelle 1st met when he was still making a name for himself in the North Blue and stopped by the port-town of Vestaria. While the crew was restocking or exploring, he decided to take a stroll in the historic Gaslight District, where a large coin museum was located. Suddenly, a man jumps out a window running from who-knows-what, before he sees Michelle in hot pursuit with her raven, named Erebus, trailing the man. She briefly runs past Law for a moment, dropping her journal & when he picks it up and opens it, he knew that she was infamous The Dream Reaver/Demon Detective he's heard so much about. Intrigued, he follows her raven to locate her, bumps into the criminal and activates his abilities around the same time she does at the opposite corner & an amazing phenomenon occurs when their ROOM & Dreamscape fields merge and creates a space where her summons could have a physically lethal effect & he could manipulate intangible objects that are not part of physical reality. After the entire ordeal, he returns her journal & there is some banter, before she offers to show him to the coin museum he was headed to. But that isn't the last of their meetings, as they sometimes cross paths when he is on the seas and she is on a case, and they usually end up helping each other; although unexpectedly at times. It wasn't until Vincent's disappearance/death by the hands of the World Govt. that she officially joins the Heart Pirates, as an investigator, strategist, researcher, and occasional headache/night terror remedy for Law and the crew. Law is special from the start in that he consistently tries to make her feel welcome to his found family with the Heart Pirates in his own subtle way & engages with her on topics and interests that others wouldn’t or didn’t care to. He’s seen her at her highest and lowest, from single-handedly liberating an entire city, to unraveling at Mary Geoise—crushing everything in her wake with her briars and bloody hands—yet he never abandoned her and still held her without flinching, making a deep impression on Michelle about how much she could trust him and the depth of his own feelings for her, though he might seem cold to others. Over time, they help each other find closure with their pasts and inner demons & learn to accept that they deserve to be loved and experience love just as anyone else.
Heart Pirates:
Bepo was enthusiastic of her joining, knowing how often Law talks about her or gets subtly excited whenever they cross paths. He brings out an innate gentleness in her when it comes to animals and they love discussing different types of maps together. When Michelle feels off or needs someone to physically lean on, if Law isn't around (or if it's involving something about Law that she can't talk to him about), Bepo is always happy to lend an ear. He also shows Michelle some of his martial arts too and sometimes they have friendly spar. Eventually, they meet a female polar bear mink named Isla, and Michelle acts as his biggest wingwoman.
Shachi & Penguin are like her mischievous brothers who she could (unexpectedly) joke, karaoke, and watch some scripted sports entertainment with. Although she was aloof at first, they show her that she is allowed to have fun from time to time. They like to call her 'Nee-san' and lowkey get a kick of seeing how Law & Michelle react to their antics, even though it ends in their own expense at times. However, they are also are protective of her and are her biggest hypemen.
Ikkaku is like Michelle's sister on the ship & they share a cabin before the latter moves into the captain's quarters. They usually can be seen shopping and getting groceries together when stopping at an island, sometimes (secretly) playing dress-up with clothes they have/bought, and engaging in girl-time at night. Ikkaku is the 1st who Michelle tells that she was developing feelings for Law & the former encourages her to embrace those emotions, as it makes her human, reassuring that “It's alright to let yourself feel and fall in love for once. I know the captain is just as scared as you are, and trust me, I think you two lovestruck nerds have a good chance with each other, because no one else here understands a word when you two go off.”
Jean-Bart: Jean-Bart is like Michelle's uncle who she can rely on for good advice when she feels troubled and is the 2nd of whom she shares her story with, given that he was previously enslaved, himself. She respects the giant a lot given that he is a man who knows honor, patience, and great willpower & she offers that when the occasion happens where she can try to locate her missing younger brother, who was most likely enslaved, she will try to find Jean-Bart's own family and allow him to serve any retribution he sees fit. Being an competent helmsmen, Michelle can feel safe knowing Jean-Bart is navigating the ship, she and Law can direct the others on what to do in a precarious situation.
🌠From 1-10 How Baby is your OC?
A low 1 or 2. She is very self-sufficient and has a tendency to shoulder things alone or attempt to solve things herself instead of asking for help, due to having to get by in life through her own merits that she finds it hard to trust or rely on anyone (at 1st). When she cries, she makes sure it's where no one can see her, because she doesn't like appearing weak, but she is pure in a sense that she feels deeply about things and doesn't trade her values for anything.
💦Erase 1 Traumatic Event from OC's Life
There are very many, but I would say being ditched by her group on a class trip when she was 6 as a cruel joke (since she's a minority kid from the West Blue at that time, who didn't speak much). No child should have to go that sort of bullying or abandonment & it was at this point Michelle told herself she needed no friends in life, if they treat her that way. It was also this event that led to finding the Yume-Yume no Mi, them finding her and having the blame put on her for getting lost, and her being unable to handle it anymore, where her powers go awry & her dream briars manifest to impale the teacher, counselor, and her group involved in a deep sleep (she initially thought she killed them, which was very traumatizing for her young mind).
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