thatadhdfeel · 6 years
Class started and guess who hasn't gotten tested (I swear I'll do it at some point).
we all know "i swear I'll do it at some point” is adhd speak for “ive already forgotten” smh 😔
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fumblebeefae · 6 years
Imagine people telling you orcas are dolphins, not whales because dolphins being in the same order as whales means they're the same thing, right? Imagine that NOT being the worst science related thing someone has said
The best part is when the people have literally zero education or experience in animal science compared to you but still think they somehow know more about the literal thing you are studying / have studied.
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Are poppet dolls exclusive to hoodoo? I see some hoodoo posts, but I have no idea if OP is black or not.
No dolls have been made in many different practices for years. Hoodoo practitioners aren’t the only ones to use them. 
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lovelysuggestions · 7 years
When I came in the room, my crush smiled at me and sort of checked me out lol
For some reason I read this was “smelled me” and I got really concerned but YESSS that’s great go you :)
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justaddthings · 7 years
I'm questioning if I have adhd/add because a lot of things in the adhd tag are getting relatable. Also my crush once mentioned his adhd and talked about his obsession with chess lol. He was like, "I'm such a dork. Once I learn about something, I get obsessed over it" and I was like "I'm the same way"
 I would do research instead of using the tags on tumblr because while it can have helpful information its not really useful to use as self diagnosis material. Which a quick google search I found some things for you to use:
Symptom Checklist
Basic Information
 I would also talk to a professional about diagnosis if you have that option and professional diagnosis, or even discussing it with a professional, can help clear so much up and be very beneficial.
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orriculum · 7 years
When did you start drafting and publishing your book? Did you look at your grimmoire like "I could share this" or was it a process?
well the first one i realized i had enough mini essays written on beginning witchcraft, and worked to make some more to flesh things out, but mostly gathered things i had already written together
the spellbook, i was having trouble cataloguing all my spells, and a couple people suggested i put them all in a book so i put them in a word file and that was that. 
the potion recipe book, which isnt done yet, is a lot of potions i havent posted however, though it’s going a lot slower than the other two. it still needs a lot of work, and i’m still trying to figure out if i want to organize it by type of drink (tea, milkshake, coffee, hot chocolate, etc) or by spell intent.
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Date a witch who secretly does study and calming spells for you and you somehow wake up well rested with your homework done
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fuckyeahasexual · 7 years
(demi) I've had a crush on this guy since September (officially, but it might have been longer and I was in denial). We started talking more. We're not dating or anything, but now when I sexually fantasize about him, I'm not weirded out? I don't think I'm fully sexually attracted to him though because when I see him in person, regardless of how good he looks, I still don't get aroused. Maybe it's a process, Idk. It's weird
It’s definitely confusing! But it’s always up to the individual to know where to draw the line of identity. You do you!
- Fae
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I'm not Jewish, so I'm wondering if people have ever used the equivalent for "I don't see color" for Jewish people or what the equivalent might be.
I mean, there's not really an "I don't see religion", but there is a lot of Judaism and Christianity are the same! Jews aren't oppressed because I've never seen it! Religious persecution isn't real! Anti-semitism started and ended with the Holocaust! Those I feel all kinda fall into that category.
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Power move: wear the subtle "I'm demi"/"I'm ace"/"I'm gray a" T-shirt on first dates
YES! I was also considering just having a tank top made with 
written down the middle, either in caps or lowercase, to wear on a first date lol. 
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heatherwitch · 7 years
Me as a witch: *curses abuser, watches him fuck himself over and people start to hate him, yet acts as though he doesn't exist. Pretty good at casting and making spells* Also me: *stumbles and makes mistakes in front of my crush like a complete idiot*
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thatadhdfeel · 6 years
Also guess who sat in this class I realized I didn't have today, but I was too embarrassed to leave in the middle of the teacher talking 😂😂😭
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fumblebeefae · 7 years
How is the ethology field because that's what I'm going for, too (with some Ecology and neurology, too)
Great question because I’m doing both! (more a focus on neurobiology though). Ethology is a very popular field of science! Majority of the facility staff in the biological sciences department at my uni research animal behaviour. With only my supervisor really focusing on neruology.
I’d say animal behaviour and ecology are some of the biggest fields within zoology so I’m sure you’ll find some opportunities in the future as long as you start making connections with scientists.
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synnie-battles · 7 years
Alt-J songs are (mostly) purple. The HTBAMB album from Glass Animals has a lot of orange, blue, and yellow. 7 is a little stuck up, or is at least rich and is perceived to be so
You’re actually..... entirely right? That’s incredible.
7 is more slimy than he is pretentious though, but he’s definitely stuck up.
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Isn't "futa" derived from a fictional anime concept? And people actually refer to real trans people as that? Holy hell.
yup well its initially a genre that fetishizes trans women basically but yeah people suck sometimes
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justaddthings · 7 years
*decides to take an adhd test, doesn't even finish the test because there is something on YouTube I wanted to check out* I've tried taking this test multiple time with the same results- I end up getting bored of it and something else is more interesting
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