tenderdevils · 18 days
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Saw a cute reference - wanted to draw it in Vinlu form. ♥️
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evil-robot-cat · 4 months
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The worst Valentine's Day ever so far. 😉
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shadowsageingempress · 3 months
Things I want to see in Rebirth and its follow-up:
Vincent talking about Lucrecia
Lucrecia Crescent
Lucrecia talking about Vincent
Lucrecia talking about Sephiroth
Vincent and Lucrecia together
Vincent and Lucrecia slowly learning how to trust, feel safe and love again
VinLu being confirmed (again, because people didn’t believe it in Dirge)
Lucrecia as a party member and playable character
Lucrecia using magic and Jenova genes to fight
Vincent helping her to learn how to use magic and Jenova genes to fight
Vincent (and also probably Lucrecia) getting revenge on H*jo
Lucrecia reuniting with Sephiroth (bonus points if it leads him to a redemption arc)
Also, not in the game, but I think that if Square were to make plushies of Vincent and Lucrecia, that would be adorable
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mango-fizz · 2 years
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some vinlus i scrounged up. i even put them in chronological order for you :)
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altocat · 10 days
Vinlu and a very cursed one, Hojo/Jenova
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hiddentrails7 · 5 months
Evan talks about why Work Song by Hozier is a very Vincent Valentine coded song: A rant/overanalysis
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Boys, workin' on empty
(Vincent worked as a Turk, a real fucked job)
Is that the kinda way to face the burning heat?
I just think about my baby
I'm so full of love I could barely eat
There's nothing sweeter than my baby
I'd never want once from the cherry tree
'Cause my baby's sweet as can be
She give me toothaches just from kissin' me
(No matter who you pair him with or anything along those lines, you can't deny Lucrecia was incredibly important to Vincent. She was probably a really big source of support in his life when he was a Turk– Though this can also be applied to Veld, who was actively “facing the burning heat” with him.)
When my time comes around
Lay me gently in the cold, dark earth
No grave can hold my body down
I'll crawl home to her
(While he was content with staying in the coffin to “repent” at first, when he learned about Sephiroth he changed his mind and came out of the mansion basement. That grave Hojo made for him no longer holds him. Apart of this is also him likely wanting to see Lucrecia [or Veld] again now that he's out.)
Boys, when my baby found me
I was three days on a drunken sin
I woke with her walls around me
Nothin' in her room but an empty crib
And I was burnin' up a fever
I didn't care much how long I lived
But I swear I thought I dreamed her
She never asked me once about the wrong I did
(More of a stretch but Vincent dreaming about Lucrecia and Veld definitely is likely. Vincent also shows off his self esteem issues!)
[Chorus again]
My babe would never fret none
About what my hands and my body done
If the Lord don't forgive me
I'd still have my baby and my babe would have me
When I was kissing on my baby
And she put her love down soft and sweet
In the low lamplight I was free
Heaven and hell were words to me
(In Vincent’s mind, if Lucrecia/Veld loves him, nothing else matters. He'd have them and his party, and he'd be freed from some of his burdens. It's all positive influence, imo. Guy needs it.)
[Chrous again, then the song ends]
I feel like this song just fits Vincent extremely well– especially when it's describing the more somber parts of his story. It's just… very him. I see a lot of people joking about how his song should be by like, Breaking Benjamin or MCR, which is fine, he is an angsty mf, it's just that that's not all he is. Hell, this song could be described as angsty too, though it's not JUST angst.
Also, yeah, this could probably work for other Vincent pairings too such as Valenwind, just not as well as Vinveld or Vinlu.
Anywho, thanks for coming to my TEDtalk /j
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yinza · 2 years
FF7 Ship Compilation
Because we were talking about rare pairs on Discord yesterday and while I know I haven’t achieved everything, I wanted to see exactly how many ships I had.
Here we go, the ultimate guide to “Has Yinza drawn/written this?”
This list is updated every time I create for a new ship.
Aeris/Barret (barrith)
Aeris/Cloud (clerith)
Aeris/Reno - AO3 link, predates Tumblr
Aeris/Rufus - ancient, not available online
Aeris/Sephiroth (aeriseph) - old fic available on AO3
Aeris/Tifa (aerti)
Aeris/Tseng (tserith)
Aeris/Vincent (aerivin) - ancient, not available online
Aeris/Zack (zerith) - ancient, not available online
Barret/Cloud (clarret)
Barret/Elmyra (balmyra)
Barret/Jessie (rasbarret)
Barret/Myrna (myrret)
Barret/Reeve (bareeve)
Barret/Rude (barrude)
Barret/Sephiroth (sephrret)
Barret/Tifa (barrifa)
Barret/Vincent (barrentine)
Biggs/Wedge (wedgggs)
Cid/Shera - ancient, not available online
Cloud/Genesis (strifesodos)
Cloud/Reno (cleno)
Cloud/Tifa (cloti) - mostly predates Tumblr
Cloud/Vincent (strifentine)
Cloud/Wedge (woud)
Cloud/Zack (clack)
Elena/Jessie (jesselena)
Elena/Tseng (tselena) - ancient, not available online
Elena/Yuffie (yulena)
Hojo/Lucrecia - ancient, not available online
Ifalna/Lucrecia (lufalna)
Jenova/Lucrecia (jenocrecia)
Jessie/Tifa (jessifa)
Lucrecia/Scarlet (scarcrecia)
Lucrecia/Shera (shercrecia)
Lucrecia/Vincent (vinlu) - AO3 link, mostly predates Tumblr
Nanaki/Yuffie - AO3 link, predates Tumblr
Reeve/Tifa (reeti)
Reno/Tifa (reti) - ancient, not available online
Reno/Yuffie - mostly predates Tumblr
Rude/Tifa (ruti) - ancient, not available online
Sephiroth/Zack (sephzack)
Tifa/Vincent (vinti)
Tseng/Vincent (vintseng)
Vincent/Yuffie (yuffentine) - mostly predates Tumblr
Poly Ships
Aeris/Cloud/Tifa (clerifa)
Aeris/Cloud/Tifa/Zack (clerifack)
Barret/Cloud/Tifa (clarrifa)
Barret/Jessie/Tifa (rasbarrifa)
Cloud/Tifa/Vincent (clotivin)
Sephiroth/Loki (lokiroth)
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serinigalini · 4 years
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You're in my seat.
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tifas-hero · 5 years
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Poll has 200 votes for FF7 (wow)
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bolina · 6 years
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I’m so sorry.
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*two people walk away from each other in real life*
“See you tomorrow, mate.”
*two people walk away from each other in fiction*
anti-shippers: “This scene symbolizes the total and irrevocable severance of their relationship, as we see clear as day in the minute subtleties of their movements that they have not only realized that they were always ill-suited to each other from the beginning, but that they have now finally made peace with closing this chapter of their life forever.”
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tenderdevils · 1 month
Lucrecia leans back on her chair, her eyes locked onto the suited stranger currently walking alongside Hojo.
Their route passes the window pane, her view stops short and her chair topples backwards with a crash just as the door to her lab opens.
Hojo: “And this is my assistant’s lab. Doctor Crescent, meet our newest member of security, Mr Vincent Val- … Wha.. what are you doing?”
Lucrecia: Brushes herself off, fusses with her hair.
Lucrecia: “Dropped a pen,” she says breathlessly, her brown eyes locking with the crimson ones in front of her. “Vincent…” she says simply, her gaze flicking to the Shinra badge pinned to his chest. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Her lashes graze her brows as she looks up at him and means it.
A small grin tugs at Vincent’s lips as he takes a short step forward and opens his mouth like he’s about to say something. But for a moment, no one speaks, and Hojo watches his two employees awkwardly.
Vincent: …
Lucrecia: …
Hojo: *clears his throat*
Vincent: “The pleasure is all mine,” he says gently, finally reaching for her hand, his head tilting slightly as he analyses her face.
His voice is a rumble that sends shivers down her spine. Lucrecia takes his hand instantly and the electricity that passes through their palms is palpable.
She lets out a small, pointless laugh, their hands locked in a soft embrace.
Hojo: “Yes, well. It’s time we got to work. I’m not paying you two to stand around and share pleasantries. With me, Turk.” And he turns away toward the direction of his office, but not before shooting his assistant a look of annoyance.
Vincent and Lucrecia share a final smile before he turns away to follow the senior scientist.
Begrudgingly, she turns back to her papers, the information in front of her suddenly nothing more than a mess of complicated numbers and nonsense.
Worked up, she steals a look over her shoulder through the lab door as it closes behind the two men, only to find that Vincent had stolen one of his own. A nervous laugh escapes her throat as her eyes flick straight back to her work, her cheeks growing hot from the embarrassment of being caught.
She wears her smile until she falls asleep that night, and all through the next morning as well.
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evil-robot-cat · 1 month
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Chapter Nine - Reunion
Home was likely not the word Reeve would use to describe the Shinra labs, or the hotel the unconventional family currently resided in. Nevertheless, Lucrecia’s faith didn’t waver. She couldn’t afford it to. Reeve was her one and only subject, her first and last chance at the career of her dreams and a happy family.
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shadowsageingempress · 3 months
Lucrecia: So it turns out that a squirrel would need to fall about 4,800 miles in order to die because that would give it time to starve to death because they can survive terminal velocity.
Vincent: Luci, I am begging you, it is two-thirty in the morning.
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mango-fizz · 2 years
im just gonna dump all my ff7 together
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s-ephiroth · 7 years
But can we talk about this bit of the FFVII script
Vincent         "That isn't completely wrong, but just a theory."         "He was born from a beautiful lady."         "That lady was Lucrecia."         "She was an assistant to Professor Gast of the Jenova Project. Beautiful... Lucrecia."
and how Vincent calls her “beautiful” like, twice in such a short time and how I kinda want to hear that in the remake?
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