#vintage dopamine boost
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Andrew Scott on set of Sherlock | "The Reichenbach Fall"
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dontremindme14444 · 9 months
my fav cat figure would probably have to be the yellow and green one, it's super vintagey styled and i love it so much, it was my great aunt's. do you like to watch interviews/videos related to your favorite bands? my favorite video ever is dinner with rush, it's an instant dopamine boost whenever i watch it!
Oo that’s cute!
and yes! Vintage interviews/live recordings are my favs, gives me a glimpse into what would be like to see the bands I like back in the day on tv. I also watch documentaries about bands from time to time but mostly I’ll put them on when I’m drawing and end up learning nothing. Dinner with Rush is amazing lol. Have you seen the Geddy ice bucket challenge video? It’s probably one of my favorite Rush videos ever.
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cindybanksteam · 1 year
The Newest TikTok Trend is “Dopamine Décor”
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TikTok is known as the birthplace of most trends that have become popular, and one of the newest relates to home décor. It’s called dopamine décor or decorating, meant to spark joy and boost your mood. It makes sense because our surroundings can play a big role in our mental health and how we feel at any given time.
So what exactly does dopamine décor entail?
The dopamine interior design style contrasts starkly with minimalist styles that are often sought-after.
Dopamine décor, which seeks to boost your production of the feel-good neurotransmitter, is about creating spaces that are joyful and fun and also full of color, even if they don’t match or wouldn’t traditionally be combined. Dopamine décor can break design rules because it’s about how you feel individually in space.
Key features of this design style include bright colors that fill every interior surface, wallpapers with bold patterns, vintage furniture, and, overall, lots of visual interest and excitement.
Thousands of people have been liking and sharing videos on TikTok of their own approach to dopamine décor.
If it sounds a little wacky, it’s worth considering how you feel when you walk into a room and feel it shift your energy. That might be a pleasant shift that you experience, but some environments can dampen our mood and energy, like bland, fluorescent-illuminated office spaces.
The concept of dopamine decorating rose to popularity in response to the pandemic. People were trying to escape and found that thinking outside the box with their design was helping them do that when they were at home, perhaps more than ever.
Around six million people have used the #dopaminedecor hashtag on TikTok, so how can you achieve a mood-boosting design in your home?
You can put your spin on it, but some of the key features that we see on social media with dopamine décor include:
Lots of curved lines. Straight lines are characteristic of minimalism, so it makes sense that on the very opposite end of the spectrum are the use of curvy or wavy lines that evoke a sense of whimsy and fun.
Bright colors are a staple in dopamine décor, and you don’t have to worry about them coordinating, because anything goes as long as it makes you feel good.
Statement seating, like fuzzy sherpa chairs, is great for dopamine décor.
Make your floors a place to showcase your style. Rugs with distinctive patterns and colors are a way to put art on your floor so it’s all around you.
The joy we experience stems from all our senses being stimulated, so you want to create spaces that feel good, smell good and sound good, and look bright and cheery.
The idea of designing a space that makes you feel good isn’t necessarily new, but this is the first time it’s been given a name thanks to its TikTok popularity.
If you aren’t sure where to begin with this trend, remember that your dopamine-creating décor doesn’t have to be like anyone else’s. If you have a collection of items that you love, showcase them. Use it in your home design if your favorite color is loud and out-of-the-ordinary. Have favorite patterns that you wouldn’t necessarily think to use in your décor? Use them anyway.
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blossomingbabe · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage Y2k No Boundaries Overalls Dark Wash Blue Medium.
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ephemeriee · 3 years
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wastelesscrafts · 3 years
Retail therapy and thrifting unicorns
(Video: "I Finally Found My Thrifting Unicorn! Hooray for Vintage Secondhand Style!" by Confessions of a Refashionista - no subtitles, unfortunately.)
The fast fashion dopamine rush:
Shopping tends to lead to a dopamine rush for many of us, which is one of the reasons why we like sales so much. This rush often isn't very long-lasting, and can even cause financial trouble if we start using shopping to feel better.
I grew up thrifting so I've always enjoyed it, but I've done my fair share of retail therapy in the past, too. I'm not ashamed to admit that: if anything, I think it's important to acknowledge it's one of the many reasons why someone might buy new clothes.
I personally don't get that mood boost any more ever since I've become more aware of the dark side of the fashion industry (quite the opposite), but I still occasionally feel a dopamine rush when shopping. It doesn't come from fast fashion, but from thrifting!
The thrifted dopamine rush:
The video above this post calls this rush "finding your thrifting unicorn": it's the feeling you get when you finally find that one garment that's a 100% your style, that fits like a glove, that you've wanted for ages, and you know you'll be wearing for years to come.
I personally find thrifting unicorns to bring a much longer-lasting joy than the dopamine rush of fast fashion sales. The anticipation is longer, the reward is bigger, and you're more likely to end up with something you'll actually wear and care for.
Everyone has a different thrifting unicorn. My most memorable one was a frilly winter coat I'd been dreaming of ever since I first saw it online as a penniless teenager. I found it on Vinted last year, and wear it every chance I get. For the person in the video, it was finding the perfect pair of jeans. I'm curious to hear about yours!
I'm not writing this post to urge everyone to move their retail therapy habits from fast fashion stores to second-hand shops. If anything, the best thing you could do for the environment and your wallet is to buy less. If you find yourself prone to using shopping to lift your mood, that's also something you might want to explore further (for me it was part of undiagnosed ADHD, for example).
I just wanted to point out that thrifting doesn't have to be a joyless experience. While it's risen in popularity the past few years, it still gets a bad rep. It's not boring: a lot of people actually find it more satisfying than buying brand new stuff! There's no shame in wearing pre-owned items either, and even if there was: no one can tell when you're wearing them. And yes, any respectable thrift store will sort out their donations and wash everything before putting it in the shop. The idea that thrifted goods are inferior quality or can make you sick is a myth.
If you enjoy the thrill of new clothes but want to move away from fast fashion, please give thrifting a try!
A side note about fast fashion:
There's plenty of legitimate and practical reasons to buy fast fashion, like time/energy constraints, sizing, unavailability, budget, urgency, disability,... Just to name a few! This blog promotes sustainable fashion but acknowledges it requires certain privileges, and will never demonise anyone for buying fast fashion.
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ifbrd · 3 years
A few weeks ago, I mentioned that “my brain has fabricated a Gravity Falls oc who is Dipper’s boyfriend” and mentioned I didn’t know if I was necessarily gonna share anything.
Well I had a job interview today and have been stressing all week so this post will be my reward/ way of getting tiny drops of dopamine to make up for the amount of stress I have put myself under this week..
So I introduce you to Gerald:
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Not really confident in the colors…I just chose the colors at random so those might change. I spent a LOT of time on the rest of the design though..especially the hair lol. He’s falling in the sketch to the right because he is the clumsiest person alive and I had to incorporate that somehow lol. I was trying to draw him as a 13 year old but he looks closer to 14 or maybe even 15 sooo idk we’re just gonna roll with it. He’s the same age as Dipper and Mabel regardless.
I attempted another drawing, that was so terrible it shall never see the light of day, of Dipper and Gerald meeting for the first time and Gerald tripping, as he often does, and literally falling into Dipper’s arms hee hee
In terms of interests, Gerald loves anything that tells a story. So he likes reading and likes movies and tv. But his top passions are acting and history. Dipper has (happily) listened to many passionate history rants. I also imagine Gerald owning a lot of vintage clothes, or vintage looking clothes/historical costumes that he tends to wear. Usually it’s subtle but I imagined Dipper and Gerald going a date where they have to get a little dressed up, like maybe for a dance or something. Gerald finds some decades old suit that’s in good condition but is super dated and super tacky and he just nerds out about it. He and Dipper meet up and Dipper sees what he’s wearing and just goes “….you are so lucky I love you…”
I can’t decide if I want him to live in Gravity Falls or in California where Dipper and Mabel live. On the one hand, Gerald involved in Gravity Falls shenanigans sounds fun, and Dipper is naturally protective of Gerald since he’s so damn clumsy so there’s a lot of cute opportunities there. However I had this idea that they go to school together and met because Mabel joined theater and befriended Gerald…and I also love the idea that Mabel and Gerald take theater very seriously, but sometimes have friendly disagreements (usually in regards to costuming) and Gerald would be visiting and he and Mabel are just deep in an argument (again, a friendly one, they definitely get along) and Dipper’s just sitting there like: 😠😒🙄. But if Gerald lives in Dipper and Mabel’s town, I can’t see him going to Gravity Falls for Gravity Falls adventures? Partly because they’re all teenagers and it depends on what the parents say, but also because, as I said, Dipper is very protective of Gerald because he’s clumsy, so I feel like Dipper would push back a lot on the idea of Gerald coming to Gravity Falls:
Dipper: it’s not that I don’t want you to come or see Gravity Falls it’s just….Gravity Falls can be really dangerous and well…you’re not exactly coordinated…
Gerald: hey I’m not that bad!
Dipper: you scraped your arm last week because you tripped…on a bug..
Gerald: a big bug!!
So idk where Gerald should live or where they should meet 🤷‍♀️
I’m also a total sucker for characters giving each other affectionate pet names (whether those pet names be romantic, platonic or familial) so naturally I had to try to find pet names for them to call each other. My thought process was, it should be something history related since Gerald is super into history and Dipper seems to at least have some interest in it, and Gerald’s pet name for Dipper should be something that kinda boosts Dipper’s masculine ego since Dipper has been shown to be insecure about such things. So what I thought of was Gerald calling Dipper either his “brave knight” and/or “knight in shining armor” (which works extra well since Dipper is looking out for him all the time) and that kinda lead to Dipper giving Gerald the pet name of his “prince” but he never says that in public. He once called Gerald that when Mabel, unbeknownst to them, was in the next room and she has not let him live it down.
Hmm seems like I had more ideas I wanted to share but idk what they were now so here ya go! Hope you enjoyed!
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30 day self-care challenge I’m starting today
I’m starting a self-made 30 day self-care challenge. I will update you on my Snapchat about my journey: @aristocratebabe (well, everyday except day 4, see bellow).
Day 1 - get glamed up and take a hot selfie
Make yourself feel glowed up. Put the nicest outfit on, do your makeup, do your hair and take that selfie. Or find someone to take your photos, even better.
Day 2 - get 8 hours of sleep and wake up by 9 am
As a person who got used to waking up at noon, I feel like I’m done with this. I love nighttime, but I feel so guilty when I wake up late. So join me in this challenge and wake up by 9 am if your sleep schedule is crushed like mine or 1 hour earlier if you already wake up at 9 am. Just make sure to get 9 hours of sleep.
Day 3 - go for a hike/swim/run/speed walk with friend/s
Do some fitness activity outdoors, but make sure to so it with a friend or two. Why? If you’re an overthinker and you want to start taking care of yourself, socializing will help you so much. And also, taking a good workout will help you get the dopamine boost and you’ll get one step closer to your healthier self.
Day 4 - don’t go on social media for a full day
Social media isn’t the root of all evil, but it can be the root of envy and comparison. Today do not check your social media at all. Remember, it’s just one day, you’ll be back at it tomorrow. Tell your friends and family to text you on Whatsapp or other messaging app or simply call you, because you won’t be available on it this particular day. Extra challenge: at the end of a day, journal how you feel without Facebook, insta or tiktok. Is there a difference in your day? What did you do instead of checking SM?
Day 5 - Meditate & visualize
Do this challenge right after your previous challenge. Why? Social media might make you think that you want some things that you actually don’t want. When you visualize your life, you should visualize what YOU want, not what a random person in your hometown wants. This is YOUR life. Live it for yourself. And meditate before you visualize to ground yourself better.
Day 6 - Reach out to someone new in your field
Go to Linkedin or somewhere where professionals you want to be like reside, and reach out to them. Whether is it an e-mail or a Linkedin message. Do this. Tell them you’d like to be in their position once and if they could give you any advice. Try this with someone who seems active online.
Day 7 - Invite someone for coffee with whom you’d really like to meet
Maybe you already know this person, maybe not. But today you will invite someone you’d be wanting to become friends with or simply engage in conversation with. If you already have someone in mind, keep them and do it.
Day 8 - Make dinner for friends or family
Today you will connect better with your friends or family by making a special dinner. Or if you really don’t know how to cook, take them out and put the bill on yourself.
Day 9 - Make a gratitude list
Something easier than a few previous days, but today make a gratitude list. Write down everything you’re grateful for. It can be the birds in the sky or having a home to live in. Or it can be something more, anything you want, write it down!
Day 10 - Ask someone who seems “out of your league” on a date
I’m pretty sure everybody has that someone with whom they’d like to go on a date with. But maybe they are too scared that they are “out of your league”. First of all, if you’re a woman who takes care of herself (and by this day, you really are), no man is out of your league! Same goes for men and everyone else. If you’re taking care of yourself, loving yourself and getting your vibes up, no one is out of your league. Text them!
Day 11 - Read a book with topic that is unfamiliar to you
Knowledge is power. And it really is. Read any book (non-fiction) which is centered around a theme which is quiet unfamiliar to you. For this, I will go for a finance book. Because I definitely need to work on my money management!
Day 12 - Eat super clean
You need a detox. I’m pretty sure. On this day, you have to cut out all processed foods, added salt, sugar or saturated fats. You’re going on a detox. If you’re a smoker, you can’t smoke today. Just one day. I’m a smoker, too, so I completely understand the difficult this challenge might present, but that is what challenges are for.
Day 13 - Share this challenge with a friend or someone you know
Nobody likes to feel alone. You don’t have to keep this challenge a secret, you’re already on day 13. Tell someone you’re doing it and ask them to join you. Tell them how much your life has changed since doing this challenge.
Day 14 - No complaints
“But how am I gonna do this? I’m complaining all the time.” - stop it, sweetie. I know you’re complaining a lot and where did all these complaints lead you to? You were miserable, let’s see what’s gonna happen after this “no complaints” day ends.
Day 15 - Apply for a job position you dream of
I desire to be a model for example. But I have never felt eligible to apply for a modeling job before. I’m sure there’s a job position which you have been dreaming of for a while, but you didn’t even dare to apply. Today, you have to.
Day 16 - Do something creative
Pretend you’re an artist, musician, singer, photographer or other arts professional. Make a music video, take great photos, paint a full picture, write a short story. Today you will explore your artistic abilities.
Day 17 - Visit a place in your town where you usually don’t go
Choose a different coffee shop, place or a restaurant which you usually don’t visit in your area. Explore new places.
Day 18 - Do a brain dump
Write every idea, thought, memory, regret etc. that is on your mind. Get clarity and get inspired.
Day 19 - Track everything you did today
Track every activity you do this day and at which time. This can feel obsessive, but is extremly effective for your time management.
Day 20 - Write down your bucket list
The craziest, most exciting and thrilling things you will achieve in your life will be written here. Write about places you want to go to, activities you want to experience, romantic pleasures, financial goals... this is an extended brain dump.
Day 21 - Flirt with a stranger you find attractive
If this isn’t on your bucket list, i don’t know what is. Maybe you’re dating that person from day 10, if so, flirt with them and make them feel like they’re living in a movie. Dress up nicely, move like a siren, and talk seductively. Find your flirting style this way. Do something similar with an attractive stranger in your grocery store.
Day 22 - Plan your day so the majority of it you spend outside
Try not to stay so much inside your home today. If you’re working or going to school/University, after those, don’t go home. Go to a park, sit by the beach or anywhere to be outside. Invite a collegue with you. Or grab coffee with them. Just try to be outside more than inside today.
Day 23 - Do something out of your comfort zone at work/school/University today
During a lecture, answer to professor’s question or ask him something in front of everyone. At work, think of something you want to do so badly, but didn’t have the guts to make it. Today you have.
Day 24 - Join a class where you can learn a new and valuable skill
Whether it’s a dancing, yoga, improv, digital marketing, language or any other class where you can learn a new skill. Do it. And I know it’s corona happening now, but try to do it where you can be connected with other attendees. If it’s done on Zoom, make sure it’s a public class and nothing private. You want to be around people. This could also mean joining a gym.
Day 25 - Get a tattoo or a piercing you’ve been wanting to have for a long time
It’s important to get out of your comfort zone and make things happen in this self-care challenge. If you’ve been wanting to get a tattoo, but you delayed it because you didn’t know which one, brainstorm today and make an appointment. Same thing for piercing. If you don’t want this, dress the way you have always wanted to dress today. Treat yourself with style of your choice.
Day 26 - Do not use any technology
On day 4, you didn’t use social media, today you won’t be using your phone, laptop, tablet, play station, TV or any other tech device. Be analog and vintage. Let’s see how it goes. Note: announce this to your friends, family, partner.
Day 27 - Plan a country you will absolutely visit in the near future
If corona is stopping you at this, do this the next year. Plan a vacation for a foreign country that you absolutely will visit in the near future. You don’t have to have the whole itinerary planned, but set the date.
Day 28 - Learn an easy dance
Imagine when you go to the next party and show your friends those new moves! Learn some simple dance today, take an hour out of your day and broaden your experience.
Day 29 - Make a vision board
In the past 28 days, you have challenged yourself enough to get the idea of where your life should go. You stepped out of your comfort zone and took care of yourself. Maybe some of these habits remained with you. So today make a vision board. Vision boards are awesome because they help you focus on what lifestyle suits you and your goals. And the more you see it, the more your subconcious will think you already have it, and that is the key to manifesting goals.
Day 30 - Challenge your beliefs
For the last day of this challenge, take initiative and do something yourself. When you wake up today, ask yourself: “if I could do anything today, what would I do?” Find the closest possible solution to that problem and do something different today. Something which is very specific for you situation.
And there they are! My 30-day challenge is done. It’s a mix of self-care, productivity, and social challenges. All essentials for one’s growth and happiness.
Check my Snapchat: @aristocratebabe where I will update my progress!
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jessicakehoe · 5 years
How A Year of Shopping Abstinence Gave One Compulsive Consumer Clarity
Before online shopping, I never thought I had an addictive personality. I feel indifferent to recreational drugs, drink wine primarily to learn about grapes and am far too risk-averse to gamble. Yet show me a seasonal sale and I’ll show you a person who is in too deep to see it: a frenzy of tabs opened, eyes blurry from scrolling, a pallid face illuminated by a computer screen. Saying no to vices, all things considered, was easy. Saying no to a better dressed, more impressive, idealistic vision of myself? Impossible.
Five years ago, I went into debt because of this obsessive behaviour, having filled my life with raw-silk dresses from L.A. and architectural coats from Denmark in an effort to disguise a lukewarm self-image. I lied to those around me about it, concealing shopping bags from my partner and waiting until he was out of the house to remove the tags. I knew I had a problem, and over the years, I chipped away at it, denying myself a purse here, returning a necklace there. Slowly, my bank account recovered and my fixations subsided.
But the impulse stayed—simmering beneath the skin, always threatening to come to a full boil. I wanted to study it and get to know the anxieties that fuelled it, but to gain such a perspective required distance. So when I made the resolution to stop shopping for a year, it wasn’t as a monastic last resort but a deliberate decision to take a step back and condition myself into being a more mindful consumer. It wasn’t about taking away my choices but about making one.
Not everything triggered my compulsive instinct for acquisition, so I kept the ban limited to the things that did: clothing, jewellery and shoes.
Not everything triggered my compulsive instinct for acquisition, so I kept the ban limited to the things that did: clothing, jewellery and shoes. The benefits, I reasoned with myself, were manifold. By not mindlessly browsing the internet for things to fill my closet, I would save a lot of time. By not purchasing them, I would save money. And by not creating more demand for the fashion industry, I would save the planet. (Admittedly a stretch. But I would be, at the very least, less complicit in the environmental impact of clothing production.) The most salient argument of them all: By learning to take the impulsive emotion out of shopping, I would eventually save my mental health.
I started the ban on a Thanksgiving weekend. “Brave,” said a friend with whom I’d shared the news so as to be held accountable. “You’re going to get so many emails.” She was right. They came like a deluge, each offering a sale more enticing than the last. Deleting them unread would have been easier, but I didn’t want to spend a year playing ostrich, so I decided to confront my inbox. Like a one-woman study on the efficacy of exposure therapy, I opened the emails one by one. To my surprise—and to my credit—the force of sheer willpower triumphed. I survived Black Friday. Then came Cyber Monday. Then Boxing Day. On my 30th birthday, I bought nothing to “treat myself”—a historical first.
On occasion, I would feel the familiar restlessness re-emerge, the squirrelly desire to get my hands on something new. It would be triggered by an Instagram photo, say, of a woman draped in luxurious fabrics captured as she walks past the camera. There would be movement in the photo and amazing light. Maybe she’s in Montmartre… or SoHo. Wherever she is, it’s the perfect portrait of elegance and grace, and if I were to acquire the cashmere sweater in the photo, I, too, could have it all. Or… I could keep scrolling.
What I really wanted was rarely the item itself but the acquisition of it: a shiny new object to fill a void.
Refraining from acting on these feelings, however challenging at the time, eventually gave me the mental clarity to observe them. What I really wanted was rarely the item itself but the acquisition of it: a shiny new object to fill a void. The void came in many forms: insecurity, anxiety, depression, impending burnout. Like an itchy throat heralds the arrival of a cold, my compulsion to shop always revealed itself to be symptomatic of a deeper discontent.
Thankfully, dopamine comes in other forms, too: taking a long, unhurried walk; learning to make a complicated dessert; calling someone just to hear their voice. It’s the joy of novelty without acquisition—therapy without the retail. When I’m reading books, I’m not buying books. By that, I mean the more I spend my time living deliberately, the less I get caught up in the need to embellish my life with stuff.
They say creativity thrives under constraints, which proved true throughout the ban. I was forced to confront the things I owned and find new contexts for them. I learned to create the spark of novelty by putting two old items together for the first time. I learned to see their usedness not as a strike against them but as a testament to their quality. Most importantly, I learned that the ability to abstain from shopping for a year isn’t a lesson in deprivation but one in abundance—the privilege of having what you need and wanting what you already have.
This is not to say that I will never shop again but that I now question my instincts when I do: Am I using this purchase to distract myself from something else happening in my life? Am I trying to signal value or success or dress myself up as someone I am not? Like the choice between different lenses at the optometrist’s, these questions help provide clarity as to what motivations are truly at work. And some questions are reserved for the item, too: Is it comfortable? Is it durable? Is it something I will honour by wearing it frequently and with enthusiasm?
A year later, I have emerged on the other side of the ban less impulsive and more informed.
A year later, I have emerged on the other side of the ban less impulsive and more informed. And the way I engage with fashion has also changed. The fast-fashion retailers that used to flood my algorithm have largely been replaced by local consignment shops, vintage stores and ethical fashion resale communities.
Having abstained for this long, I don’t feel right about reverting back to buying cheap, disposable clothes—or about simply replacing them with more ethical counterparts. After all, the most sustainable approach to the way we dress is not to shop sustainable brands but to refrain from supporting the resource-intensive world of textile manufacturing when we can. So, for now, I am prioritizing taking care of what has already been made: extending the longevity of the garments I own and giving other people’s clothes a second life. Maybe I’ll start another year-long ban. This time, no new clothes.
As Vivienne Westwood famously advised, “Buy less, choose well, make it last.” What doesn’t last is desire—the glimmer of getting what you want that dulls when the transaction is over. But knowing that you can live without something—a new outfit, a temporary boost of confidence, a more photogenic life—is what stays with you. That’s what sets you free.
The post How A Year of Shopping Abstinence Gave One Compulsive Consumer Clarity appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
How A Year of Shopping Abstinence Gave One Compulsive Consumer Clarity published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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find a girl donning exactly the same design of gown that you've got during your prom cheap wedding dresses online under 100)()&……ghjRTF
It is safe to say that in the sixties everything changed: society, fashion, music, art, media, everything was impacted. It was a time when everyone truly believed they could make a difference, when it seemed as if the world had limitless possibilities and a few people trying really hard, willing to sacrifice everything, could change the direction of everything.And it proved the power of believing in yourself.MoreThe SixtiesBy:Phil Edwards Conventional antipsychotics seem to primarily affect only dopamine. Risperdal® affects both. Antipsychotics such as Haldol, Stelazine, and Prolixin have treated symptoms in many patients. However, these drugs do not satisfactorily affect the negative (depressive) symptoms, Risperdal® has been shown to be as effective as the conventional medications in treating positive symptoms long sleeve evening dresses.
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antionetterparker · 6 years
Rankings: Best fat burners for men of 2018
Fat burners are one of the most effective ways to boost your metabolism and burn extra pounds. If you choose the right ones, that is.
You’ll find some of the most popular and highly-reviewed fat burners for men on this list, as well as a few underrated but super effective products.
For women, see our fat burners for women here.
Part 1 ranks this year’s 13 best fat burners for men in order, and part 2 will go over how they work and answer some FAQs.
13. Zantrex-3
Click here for the lowest price on Amazon
Zantrex-3 is a dietary supplement that promotes rapid weight loss and boosts energy.
It’s branded as an alternative to ephedra, which was a highly effective fat burner until it was banned by the FDA in 2004 for its side effects, which included cardiovascular complications and multiple deaths. (1) Ephedra was the first dietary supplement to ever be banned.
Zantrex-3 achieves similar results by harnessing the power of a number of high-caffeine ingredients. Yerba Mate, Guarana, trimethylxanthine, green tea leaf, black tea leaf, and cacao are just some of the ingredients in Zantrex-3 that contain caffeine.
Yerba Mate is a herbal tea that has exploded in popularity because it combines the energy-boost of coffee with the health benefits of tea. It’s full of antioxidants and nutrients, and animal studies have proven that Yerba Mate reduces appetite and boosts metabolism. (2) (3) Other studies have shown that it even reduces the number of fat cells in your body. (4)
Green and black tea have also been shown to assist with weight loss. Guarana is popular with athletes, and a 2002 study found that combining guarana and yerba mate resulted in significant improvements in weight loss. (5)
While Zantrex-3 is ephedra free and relies on safer stimulants and sources of caffeine, there is still some risk of jitters, anxiety, and increased heart rate.
12. Performix SST
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Performix SST is produced by popular supplement company GNC.
This supplement focuses on boosting energy, improving mental focus, and advancing the metabolism through the process of thermogenesis. It triggers thermogenesis through a 4-phase Terra time release technology.
You’ll notice the capsule looks a little different. It has multiple layers of PH resistant shells that dissolve one at a time, releasing different ingredients at different points during digestion.
Phase one occurs a soon as you take the capsule. The first shell dissolves and the ingredients release spark thermogenesis, which is the process by which your body burns extra calories to create heat. Studies have shown that ingesting thermogenic compounds helped people burn 16% more fat than a placebo. (6)
After that, phases one, two, and three are triggered every couple hours as another shell dissolves. These ingredients work to sustain the thermogenic state and, finally, transition you back to a regular state so you don’t experience a crash.
11. Contrave
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Contrave is a prescription-only weight loss medication that targets two neurochemical processes, your hunger center and your rewards center, to reduce cravings.
While it’s not proven that Contrave actually functions this way neurologically, it is FDA-approved, and clinical studies show that the medication can help people lose 2-4x more weight than diet and exercise alone would.
You can only be prescribed this drug if you are obese and have a BMI of at least 30 or have a BMI of at least 27 and at least one weight-related health condition.
Contrave is a combination drug that contains both naltrexone and bupropion. Naltrexone is used to treat addiction, while bupropion is used to treat depression. Together, the makers of Contrave believe they can eliminate food cravings from your brain.
There are numerous similarities between sugar and junk food cravings and drug addiction, including the fact that both increase dopamine in the brain, both can lead to a tolerance that requires you to consume more to get the same reward, and brain images have shown that junk food lights up the same areas of the brain as addictive drugs. (7) (8) (9)
Contrave’s approach of targetting the brain rather than the body is innovative and, so far, effective. However, if you’re not facing serious health issues due to weight, over-the-counter fat burners are a better option.
10. Lipozene
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The only active ingredient in Lipozene is glucomannan. While Lipozene was hugely popular when it first hit the market back in 2003, a number of fat burners now contain glucomannan.
Glucomannan comes from the roots of a special yam variety, and it’s widely used for its ability to suppress hunger. This fiber can absorb large amounts of water, so when you consume it, it sits in your gut enlarging itself into a thick gel-like substance. This weighs down your stomach and makes you feel full longer.
This incredible fiber is shown to delay the emptying of your stomach, reduce the absorption of fat, and even feeds some good bacteria in your gut that’s been shown to protect you from fat gain. (10) (11) (12)
In one study, participants were assigned the same 1,200 calorie diet, but one group took a glucomannan supplement and one didn’t. The group who took the glucomannan supplement lost an average of 3.7 pounds more in just 5 weeks. (13)
9. Vintage Burn
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Vintage Burn is another thermogenic fat burner that works by pushing your body to burn calories, converting stored fat to energy and helping you lose weight. Essentially, it boosts your metabolism.
The active ingredients in Vintage Burn include green tea leaf, green coffee bean, raspberry ketones, olive leaf, caffeine, bacopa leaf, garcinia cambogia, chrysin, and forskolin.
Many of these ingredients contain caffeine, which burns additional fat and is proven to increase your metabolic rate by 3-11%. (14)
Forskolin is a chemical compound found in a plant found in Nepal that’s been used to treat high blood pressure for centuries. Recently, studies have shown that the plant can also help your body burn significantly more fat. (15)
Garcinia cambogia, a fruit which contains hydroxycitric acid (HCA), is another popular fat burner with dozens of clinical trials to back it up. Some studies have shown that participants lose as much as 9 more pounds while taking garcinia cambogia over a period of 2-12 weeks. (16)
8. Phentermine
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  Phentermine is a stimulant that is very similar to amphetamine. It’s sold within generic drugs as well as the brand-name drug Adipex-P.
Because of common misuse and the potential side effects, Phentermine is a prescription-only drug. It’s prescribed almost exclusively to treat obesity, so it’s not recommended for people who only want to lose a few pounds. It should never be used for more than 12 weeks.
It’s believed that phentermine works by releasing chemicals in your brain that block hunger and cravings, including norepinephrine and dopamine. Studies have not been conclusive.
Phentermine comes with a long list of side effects, ranging from heart palpitations, nausea, and insomnia to rare cases of hypertension and cardiac valvular disease. (17)
Despite the side effects, Adipex-P is an option for people facing serious medical risks due to obesity to jump start their weight loss.
7. Phen375
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Phen375’s weight loss formula is well-researched and aims to increase your metabolism while cutting cravings. Their product also comes with diet plans and home exercise videos.
The active ingredients in Phen375 are L-carnitine, forskohlii, caffeine, citrus aurantium, chromium, and cayenne pepper, all of which are thought to contribute to weight loss.
Forskohlii is a plant containing the chemical forskolin, which is being used in a lot of new fat burners for its ability to help your body break down and metabolize calories quickly. (18) Caffeine is a popular, time-tested fat burning ingredient, although some people prefer to avoid fat burners containing caffeine as they experience jitters and restlessness.
L-carnitine hasn’t shown up on the ingredient list for many of these fat burners, but there is some evidence to show that it aids in weight loss. It’s an amino acid that helps move fatty acids into your cells to be burned for more energy.
This means it’s not only great for weight loss, but also for boosting orkout performance. L-carnitine supplements are often taken in conjunction with exercise, as it relieves muscle soreness and speeds up recovery. (19)
6. HydroxyElite
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HydroxyElite was created by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals as an extreme diet aid. Labeled as an “intense stimulant,” HydroxyElite boosts your energy and metabolism.
It was formulated to fill the shoes of Oxyelite Pro, a highly effective fat burner that discontinued years ago due to advisories from the FDA. They warned consumers that the supplement contained a drug that belongs to the class of SSRIs, which are prescription drugs used to treat severe depression and anxiety that can have serious side effects. (20)
HydroxyElite got rid of that ingredient and introduced a supplement they claim is equally effective, containing a propriety blend of herbs as well as garcinia cambogia and 100mg of caffeine.
The recommended maximum daily intake of caffeine is 400mg, so you can take up to 4 capsules of HydroxyElite per day. However, you shouldn’t consume coffee if you’re going to take that many.
Garcinia cambogia has been shown in a wide range of studies to help users lose belly fat. (21) (22) (23)
5. Lipodrene
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Many people lamented the FDA’s banning of ephedra in weight loss products back in 2003, as supplements containing ephedra were often the most effective.
However, some fat burners have started to re-incorporate ephedra extract in small doses. Lipodrene contains 25 mg of ephedra extract per serving.
Ephedra was banned in the first place because it is an amphetamine-like substance believed to be responsible for multiple deaths, including the death of Baltimore Orioles pitcher Steve Belcher. (24)
Studies have shown that ephedra, especially when combined with caffeine (Lipodrene contains 100 mg of caffeine), significantly improves the results of short-term weight loss. (25)
Other ingredients in Lipodrene’s proprietary blend include synephrine HCI (bitter orange), theobromine, and green tea extract. All of these ingredients work together to jump start the process of lipolysis in your body, which is the breaking down of fat, while blocking lipogenesis, which is the storing of fat.
Overall, it’s effective at promoting weight loss, but it can have adverse side effects if you’re sensitive to caffeine and stimulants.
4. PhenQ
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By targeting your body from five different angles, PhenQ claims to be one of the most effective weight loss supplements on the market. PhenQ aims to burn fat, stop fat production, suppress appetite, boost energy, and improve mood.
In addition to calcium carbonate, caffeine, chromium, a-lacys reset,  and nopal (cactus), PhenQ also contains a secret ingredient that they claim is clinically proven to promote weight loss.
A-lacys reset is responsible for a lot of the fat burning power that PhenQ has.  It’s a patented formula that blends alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and cysteine. Cysteine is an essential amino acid shown to boost the antioxidant glutathione, which assists in weight management. (26) Meanwhile, ALA is shown to boost metabolism and energy while reducing inflammation. (27)
PhenQ has managed to come up with a unique proprietary blend in an over-saturated market, and it works.
3. Cellucore Super HD
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Cellucor SuperHD is designed to target fat burning in a more holistic way by not only suppressing appetite and increasing metabolism, but also improving focus, motivation, and energy.
The supplement contains powerful nootropics, which are cognitive enhancers also known as “smart drugs.” They’re primarily used to enhance memory and focus, but studies also show that they can improve motivation as well. This is useful for workout performance, but the kicker is this: one reported side effect of some nootropics is also weight loss. (28)
Other key ingredients include green tea, amla fruit extract (also known as Indian gooseberry), and toothed clubmoss.
Amla is one of the oldest edible fruits native to India, and it has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine. They’re packed full of important nutrients, minerals, and amino acids that are key in flushing toxins from your body. This detox is said to boost metabolism, enhance protein synthesis, and increase energy. (29)
Toothed clubmoss has long been used in Chinese medicine, and has gained popularity in the Western world as a a nootropic. However, it’s also starting to catch on in the fitness world for its powerfulfat burning properties.
While the ingredients in Cellucor SuperHD are time-tested, they’ve yet to go through rigorous research in the Western world. However, if you’re into all natural supplements with Eastern wisdom to back them up, SuperHD is a great options.
2. Hydroxycut
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If you’ve heard of one fat burner, it’s probably Hydroxycut. It markets itself as America’s #1 weight loss supplement brand, and they’re probably right in terms of brand recognition.
Hydroxycut has been around since 2002, but it’s changed form several times due to changes in leadership as well as a recall in 2009. The recall was actually voluntary on the part of Hydroxycut and was done in response to a statement issued by the FDA claiming rare cases of liver damage might be connected with consumption of the diet pill Hydroxycut. (30)
After 2009, Hydroxycut put a reformulated fat burner on the market, and the FDA confirmed that the only similarity between this new formulation and the old one was caffeine. (31) Side effects were minimized, but what about fat burning power?
As of 2013, Hydroxycut contains caffeine, lady’s mantle, wild olive, cumin, wild mint, and, in certain products that contain additional caffeine, green coffee bean extract.
Caffeine is the most potent ingredient in Hydroxycut, and a number of studies have shown that it can boost metabolism by 3-11% and increase fat burning by 10-29%. (32) (33)
One study shows some powerful weight loss results when lady’s mantle, wild olive, and wild mint are combined. This herbal formula reduced weight gain in chickens by 20% and significantly boosted the metabolism in rats. (34)
1. Instant Knockout
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Instant Knockout was originally created to give pro boxers and MMA fighters an edge at shedding fat as quickly as possible. After producing incredible results, the company decided to make the supplement available to the general public.
They use a unique formula of 10 natural fat burners, 3 of which are core to the supplement: green tea extract, cayenne pepper, and glucomannan. These are pretty much the end all be all trifecta of natural fat burners.
Green tea might be the most tested and trusted fat burner out there due to a unique combination of caffeine and fat burning antioxidants. A number of studies have shown that taking green tea supplements can increase fat burning during exercise by 17% or more, and those fat burning benefits often extend into resting periods with prolonged consumption. (35)
Cayenne pepper is a proven hunger suppressant that puts your body into thermogenesis, a process by which you start burning additional calories. Essentially, it boosts your metabolism. One study showed participants who consumed capsaicin, the main chemical in cayenne, during breakfast burned 51% more calories. (36)
Finally, glucomannan is arguably the most effective appetite suppressant. This fiber absorbs crazy amounts of water, so it turns into a brick in your stomach that weighs you down and keeps you full all day.
Instant Knockout’s formula for success is simple, but it’s proven.
Part 2: Why should you use fat burners for men? What are their benefits and side effects?
While diet and exercise are the key to weight loss, sometimes they aren’t enough.
Whether you’re not losing weight fast enough, you’ve hit a plateau, or you’re struggling to manage weight as you age, fat burners can give your body the boost it needs to reach your goals. What are all the benefits of fat burners for men?
  What about their side effects? Can fat burners for men present health risks?
Benefits of fat burners for men
The most obvious benefit that fat burners for men provide is an additional edge when it comes to burning fat and losing weight.
  Fat burners are particularly helpful for men as they age. There’s a reason beer bellies are associated with men — they tend to be way more at risk for gaining belly fat than women once they hit around 25 or 30 years old.
This problem is compounded as they continue to age because their testosterone levels decrease. Lower testosterone levels are associated with weight gain and, in some cases, enlarged breast tissue in older men. (37)
At that point, diet and exercise are often not enough to cut it, and adding in a fat burner for men can greatly improve results.
Men are also at risk for high cholesterol, which can lead to a number of health complications. Many of the ingredients in natural fat burners also reduce inflammation and lower blood sugar and cholesterol. (38)
Finally, the caffeine and stimulants found in fat burners for men can also greatly improve exercise performance.
Side effects of fat burners for women
Fat burners do come with some unwanted side effects. Most of these are a result of high caffeine intake or other powerful stimulants that are found in many fat burners for men.
If you are sensitive to caffeine, it’s important to choose a fat burner that doesn’t use stimulants. Green tea extract is a powerful metabolism booster that doesn’t have the negative side effects that other stimulants do.
In rare cases, a few fat burners have been linked to other health risks such as liver problems and increased blood pressure. (39) These fat burners for men are often recalled and taken off the market by the FDA until they can develop a formula that doesn’t produce severe side effects.
Recommended dosage
Different fat burners recommend different dosage levels. Some only need to be taken once a day, while many others are taken 2 or 3 times a day.It’s important to read the consumption instructions and follow them closely.
Some fat burners for men, partiuclarly those that require a prescription, are not meant to be taken for an indefinite period of time. Usually, the dosage will recommend consumption for only about 10-12 weeks in order to jump start weight loss efforts in men suffering from obesity.
Fat burners for men FAQ
Do fat burners really work? They can. The key is to have a proper diet and exercise routine in place. Fat burners can aid in weight loss, but they don’t cause weight loss by themselves.
Is there a pill to lose belly fat? Most fat burners for men do a good job of targetting belly fat. For men who are obese, there are prescription fat burners that also target belly fat.
Is Hydroxycut the most effective? Hydroxycut is certainly one of the most popular fat burners and has been for over a decade. It’s popular because it’s highly effective. That being said, there are newer fat burners on the market, like Instant Knockout, using innovative formulas that may prove to be even more effective.
What is a natural fat burners? Most of the fat burners for men listed in this article utilize ingredients that are considered natural fat burners. These include green tea, chromium, glucomannan, and other herbs and fruits.
Can I take a fat burner before workout? The instructions provided on your fat burner should explain when and when not to take it. Many recommend taking one right before a workout to enhance performance.
Can you take a fat burner on an empty stomach? Again, it’s important to read the instructions on the fat burner you have, as each one is different. However, most will recommend taking one in the morning on an empty stomach to increase results. This allows the ingredients in the fat burner to be absorbed into the body faster.
Fat burners for men are a great addition to a healthy diet and regular exercise, and many produce impressive results when it comes to shedding extra pounds, eating less, and feeling more awake and energized.
However, not all fat burners for men are the same. Each product contains different ingredients, and some are more effective than others.
Ultimately, choosing a fat burner for men that’s right for you is all about doing your research and testing out products to find what’s most effective for your body.
For MLMCompanies.org #1 fat burner for men recommendation, click here.
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mlmcompanies · 6 years
Fat burners are one of the most effective ways to boost your metabolism and burn extra pounds. If you choose the right ones, that is.
You’ll find some of the most popular and highly-reviewed fat burners for men on this list, as well as a few underrated but super effective products.
For women, see our fat burners for women here.
Part 1 ranks this year’s 13 best fat burners for men in order, and part 2 will go over how they work and answer some FAQs.
13. Zantrex-3
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Zantrex-3 is a dietary supplement that promotes rapid weight loss and boosts energy.
It’s branded as an alternative to ephedra, which was a highly effective fat burner until it was banned by the FDA in 2004 for its side effects, which included cardiovascular complications and multiple deaths. (1) Ephedra was the first dietary supplement to ever be banned.
Zantrex-3 achieves similar results by harnessing the power of a number of high-caffeine ingredients. Yerba Mate, Guarana, trimethylxanthine, green tea leaf, black tea leaf, and cacao are just some of the ingredients in Zantrex-3 that contain caffeine.
Yerba Mate is a herbal tea that has exploded in popularity because it combines the energy-boost of coffee with the health benefits of tea. It’s full of antioxidants and nutrients, and animal studies have proven that Yerba Mate reduces appetite and boosts metabolism. (2) (3) Other studies have shown that it even reduces the number of fat cells in your body. (4)
Green and black tea have also been shown to assist with weight loss. Guarana is popular with athletes, and a 2002 study found that combining guarana and yerba mate resulted in significant improvements in weight loss. (5)
While Zantrex-3 is ephedra free and relies on safer stimulants and sources of caffeine, there is still some risk of jitters, anxiety, and increased heart rate.
12. Performix SST
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Performix SST is produced by popular supplement company GNC.
This supplement focuses on boosting energy, improving mental focus, and advancing the metabolism through the process of thermogenesis. It triggers thermogenesis through a 4-phase Terra time release technology.
You’ll notice the capsule looks a little different. It has multiple layers of PH resistant shells that dissolve one at a time, releasing different ingredients at different points during digestion.
Phase one occurs a soon as you take the capsule. The first shell dissolves and the ingredients release spark thermogenesis, which is the process by which your body burns extra calories to create heat. Studies have shown that ingesting thermogenic compounds helped people burn 16% more fat than a placebo. (6)
After that, phases one, two, and three are triggered every couple hours as another shell dissolves. These ingredients work to sustain the thermogenic state and, finally, transition you back to a regular state so you don’t experience a crash.
11. Contrave
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Contrave is a prescription-only weight loss medication that targets two neurochemical processes, your hunger center and your rewards center, to reduce cravings.
While it’s not proven that Contrave actually functions this way neurologically, it is FDA-approved, and clinical studies show that the medication can help people lose 2-4x more weight than diet and exercise alone would.
You can only be prescribed this drug if you are obese and have a BMI of at least 30 or have a BMI of at least 27 and at least one weight-related health condition.
Contrave is a combination drug that contains both naltrexone and bupropion. Naltrexone is used to treat addiction, while bupropion is used to treat depression. Together, the makers of Contrave believe they can eliminate food cravings from your brain.
There are numerous similarities between sugar and junk food cravings and drug addiction, including the fact that both increase dopamine in the brain, both can lead to a tolerance that requires you to consume more to get the same reward, and brain images have shown that junk food lights up the same areas of the brain as addictive drugs. (7) (8) (9)
Contrave’s approach of targetting the brain rather than the body is innovative and, so far, effective. However, if you’re not facing serious health issues due to weight, over-the-counter fat burners are a better option.
10. Lipozene
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The only active ingredient in Lipozene is glucomannan. While Lipozene was hugely popular when it first hit the market back in 2003, a number of fat burners now contain glucomannan.
Glucomannan comes from the roots of a special yam variety, and it’s widely used for its ability to suppress hunger. This fiber can absorb large amounts of water, so when you consume it, it sits in your gut enlarging itself into a thick gel-like substance. This weighs down your stomach and makes you feel full longer.
This incredible fiber is shown to delay the emptying of your stomach, reduce the absorption of fat, and even feeds some good bacteria in your gut that’s been shown to protect you from fat gain. (10) (11) (12)
In one study, participants were assigned the same 1,200 calorie diet, but one group took a glucomannan supplement and one didn’t. The group who took the glucomannan supplement lost an average of 3.7 pounds more in just 5 weeks. (13)
9. Vintage Burn
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Vintage Burn is another thermogenic fat burner that works by pushing your body to burn calories, converting stored fat to energy and helping you lose weight. Essentially, it boosts your metabolism.
The active ingredients in Vintage Burn include green tea leaf, green coffee bean, raspberry ketones, olive leaf, caffeine, bacopa leaf, garcinia cambogia, chrysin, and forskolin.
Many of these ingredients contain caffeine, which burns additional fat and is proven to increase your metabolic rate by 3-11%. (14)
Forskolin is a chemical compound found in a plant found in Nepal that’s been used to treat high blood pressure for centuries. Recently, studies have shown that the plant can also help your body burn significantly more fat. (15)
Garcinia cambogia, a fruit which contains hydroxycitric acid (HCA), is another popular fat burner with dozens of clinical trials to back it up. Some studies have shown that participants lose as much as 9 more pounds while taking garcinia cambogia over a period of 2-12 weeks. (16)
8. Phentermine
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  Phentermine is a stimulant that is very similar to amphetamine. It’s sold within generic drugs as well as the brand-name drug Adipex-P.
Because of common misuse and the potential side effects, Phentermine is a prescription-only drug. It’s prescribed almost exclusively to treat obesity, so it’s not recommended for people who only want to lose a few pounds. It should never be used for more than 12 weeks.
It’s believed that phentermine works by releasing chemicals in your brain that block hunger and cravings, including norepinephrine and dopamine. Studies have not been conclusive.
Phentermine comes with a long list of side effects, ranging from heart palpitations, nausea, and insomnia to rare cases of hypertension and cardiac valvular disease. (17)
Despite the side effects, Adipex-P is an option for people facing serious medical risks due to obesity to jump start their weight loss.
7. Phen375
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Phen375’s weight loss formula is well-researched and aims to increase your metabolism while cutting cravings. Their product also comes with diet plans and home exercise videos.
The active ingredients in Phen375 are L-carnitine, forskohlii, caffeine, citrus aurantium, chromium, and cayenne pepper, all of which are thought to contribute to weight loss.
Forskohlii is a plant containing the chemical forskolin, which is being used in a lot of new fat burners for its ability to help your body break down and metabolize calories quickly. (18) Caffeine is a popular, time-tested fat burning ingredient, although some people prefer to avoid fat burners containing caffeine as they experience jitters and restlessness.
L-carnitine hasn’t shown up on the ingredient list for many of these fat burners, but there is some evidence to show that it aids in weight loss. It’s an amino acid that helps move fatty acids into your cells to be burned for more energy.
This means it’s not only great for weight loss, but also for boosting orkout performance. L-carnitine supplements are often taken in conjunction with exercise, as it relieves muscle soreness and speeds up recovery. (19)
6. HydroxyElite
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HydroxyElite was created by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals as an extreme diet aid. Labeled as an “intense stimulant,” HydroxyElite boosts your energy and metabolism.
It was formulated to fill the shoes of Oxyelite Pro, a highly effective fat burner that discontinued years ago due to advisories from the FDA. They warned consumers that the supplement contained a drug that belongs to the class of SSRIs, which are prescription drugs used to treat severe depression and anxiety that can have serious side effects. (20)
HydroxyElite got rid of that ingredient and introduced a supplement they claim is equally effective, containing a propriety blend of herbs as well as garcinia cambogia and 100mg of caffeine.
The recommended maximum daily intake of caffeine is 400mg, so you can take up to 4 capsules of HydroxyElite per day. However, you shouldn’t consume coffee if you’re going to take that many.
Garcinia cambogia has been shown in a wide range of studies to help users lose belly fat. (21) (22) (23)
5. Lipodrene
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Many people lamented the FDA’s banning of ephedra in weight loss products back in 2003, as supplements containing ephedra were often the most effective.
However, some fat burners have started to re-incorporate ephedra extract in small doses. Lipodrene contains 25 mg of ephedra extract per serving.
Ephedra was banned in the first place because it is an amphetamine-like substance believed to be responsible for multiple deaths, including the death of Baltimore Orioles pitcher Steve Belcher. (24)
Studies have shown that ephedra, especially when combined with caffeine (Lipodrene contains 100 mg of caffeine), significantly improves the results of short-term weight loss. (25)
Other ingredients in Lipodrene’s proprietary blend include synephrine HCI (bitter orange), theobromine, and green tea extract. All of these ingredients work together to jump start the process of lipolysis in your body, which is the breaking down of fat, while blocking lipogenesis, which is the storing of fat.
Overall, it’s effective at promoting weight loss, but it can have adverse side effects if you’re sensitive to caffeine and stimulants.
4. PhenQ
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By targeting your body from five different angles, PhenQ claims to be one of the most effective weight loss supplements on the market. PhenQ aims to burn fat, stop fat production, suppress appetite, boost energy, and improve mood.
In addition to calcium carbonate, caffeine, chromium, a-lacys reset,  and nopal (cactus), PhenQ also contains a secret ingredient that they claim is clinically proven to promote weight loss.
A-lacys reset is responsible for a lot of the fat burning power that PhenQ has.  It’s a patented formula that blends alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and cysteine. Cysteine is an essential amino acid shown to boost the antioxidant glutathione, which assists in weight management. (26) Meanwhile, ALA is shown to boost metabolism and energy while reducing inflammation. (27)
PhenQ has managed to come up with a unique proprietary blend in an over-saturated market, and it works.
3. Cellucore Super HD
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Cellucor SuperHD is designed to target fat burning in a more holistic way by not only suppressing appetite and increasing metabolism, but also improving focus, motivation, and energy.
The supplement contains powerful nootropics, which are cognitive enhancers also known as “smart drugs.” They’re primarily used to enhance memory and focus, but studies also show that they can improve motivation as well. This is useful for workout performance, but the kicker is this: one reported side effect of some nootropics is also weight loss. (28)
Other key ingredients include green tea, amla fruit extract (also known as Indian gooseberry), and toothed clubmoss.
Amla is one of the oldest edible fruits native to India, and it has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine. They’re packed full of important nutrients, minerals, and amino acids that are key in flushing toxins from your body. This detox is said to boost metabolism, enhance protein synthesis, and increase energy. (29)
Toothed clubmoss has long been used in Chinese medicine, and has gained popularity in the Western world as a a nootropic. However, it’s also starting to catch on in the fitness world for its powerfulfat burning properties.
While the ingredients in Cellucor SuperHD are time-tested, they’ve yet to go through rigorous research in the Western world. However, if you’re into all natural supplements with Eastern wisdom to back them up, SuperHD is a great options.
2. Hydroxycut
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If you’ve heard of one fat burner, it’s probably Hydroxycut. It markets itself as America’s #1 weight loss supplement brand, and they’re probably right in terms of brand recognition.
Hydroxycut has been around since 2002, but it’s changed form several times due to changes in leadership as well as a recall in 2009. The recall was actually voluntary on the part of Hydroxycut and was done in response to a statement issued by the FDA claiming rare cases of liver damage might be connected with consumption of the diet pill Hydroxycut. (30)
After 2009, Hydroxycut put a reformulated fat burner on the market, and the FDA confirmed that the only similarity between this new formulation and the old one was caffeine. (31) Side effects were minimized, but what about fat burning power?
As of 2013, Hydroxycut contains caffeine, lady’s mantle, wild olive, cumin, wild mint, and, in certain products that contain additional caffeine, green coffee bean extract.
Caffeine is the most potent ingredient in Hydroxycut, and a number of studies have shown that it can boost metabolism by 3-11% and increase fat burning by 10-29%. (32) (33)
One study shows some powerful weight loss results when lady’s mantle, wild olive, and wild mint are combined. This herbal formula reduced weight gain in chickens by 20% and significantly boosted the metabolism in rats. (34)
1. Instant Knockout
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Instant Knockout was originally created to give pro boxers and MMA fighters an edge at shedding fat as quickly as possible. After producing incredible results, the company decided to make the supplement available to the general public.
They use a unique formula of 10 natural fat burners, 3 of which are core to the supplement: green tea extract, cayenne pepper, and glucomannan. These are pretty much the end all be all trifecta of natural fat burners.
Green tea might be the most tested and trusted fat burner out there due to a unique combination of caffeine and fat burning antioxidants. A number of studies have shown that taking green tea supplements can increase fat burning during exercise by 17% or more, and those fat burning benefits often extend into resting periods with prolonged consumption. (35)
Cayenne pepper is a proven hunger suppressant that puts your body into thermogenesis, a process by which you start burning additional calories. Essentially, it boosts your metabolism. One study showed participants who consumed capsaicin, the main chemical in cayenne, during breakfast burned 51% more calories. (36)
Finally, glucomannan is arguably the most effective appetite suppressant. This fiber absorbs crazy amounts of water, so it turns into a brick in your stomach that weighs you down and keeps you full all day.
Instant Knockout’s formula for success is simple, but it’s proven.
Part 2: Why should you use fat burners for men? What are their benefits and side effects?
While diet and exercise are the key to weight loss, sometimes they aren’t enough.
Whether you’re not losing weight fast enough, you’ve hit a plateau, or you’re struggling to manage weight as you age, fat burners can give your body the boost it needs to reach your goals. What are all the benefits of fat burners for men?
  What about their side effects? Can fat burners for men present health risks?
Benefits of fat burners for men
The most obvious benefit that fat burners for men provide is an additional edge when it comes to burning fat and losing weight.
  Fat burners are particularly helpful for men as they age. There’s a reason beer bellies are associated with men — they tend to be way more at risk for gaining belly fat than women once they hit around 25 or 30 years old.
This problem is compounded as they continue to age because their testosterone levels decrease. Lower testosterone levels are associated with weight gain and, in some cases, enlarged breast tissue in older men. (37)
At that point, diet and exercise are often not enough to cut it, and adding in a fat burner for men can greatly improve results.
Men are also at risk for high cholesterol, which can lead to a number of health complications. Many of the ingredients in natural fat burners also reduce inflammation and lower blood sugar and cholesterol. (38)
Finally, the caffeine and stimulants found in fat burners for men can also greatly improve exercise performance.
Side effects of fat burners for women
Fat burners do come with some unwanted side effects. Most of these are a result of high caffeine intake or other powerful stimulants that are found in many fat burners for men.
If you are sensitive to caffeine, it’s important to choose a fat burner that doesn’t use stimulants. Green tea extract is a powerful metabolism booster that doesn’t have the negative side effects that other stimulants do.
In rare cases, a few fat burners have been linked to other health risks such as liver problems and increased blood pressure. (39) These fat burners for men are often recalled and taken off the market by the FDA until they can develop a formula that doesn’t produce severe side effects.
Recommended dosage
Different fat burners recommend different dosage levels. Some only need to be taken once a day, while many others are taken 2 or 3 times a day.It’s important to read the consumption instructions and follow them closely.
Some fat burners for men, partiuclarly those that require a prescription, are not meant to be taken for an indefinite period of time. Usually, the dosage will recommend consumption for only about 10-12 weeks in order to jump start weight loss efforts in men suffering from obesity.
Fat burners for men FAQ
Do fat burners really work? They can. The key is to have a proper diet and exercise routine in place. Fat burners can aid in weight loss, but they don’t cause weight loss by themselves.
Is there a pill to lose belly fat? Most fat burners for men do a good job of targetting belly fat. For men who are obese, there are prescription fat burners that also target belly fat.
Is Hydroxycut the most effective? Hydroxycut is certainly one of the most popular fat burners and has been for over a decade. It’s popular because it’s highly effective. That being said, there are newer fat burners on the market, like Instant Knockout, using innovative formulas that may prove to be even more effective.
What is a natural fat burners? Most of the fat burners for men listed in this article utilize ingredients that are considered natural fat burners. These include green tea, chromium, glucomannan, and other herbs and fruits.
Can I take a fat burner before workout? The instructions provided on your fat burner should explain when and when not to take it. Many recommend taking one right before a workout to enhance performance.
Can you take a fat burner on an empty stomach? Again, it’s important to read the instructions on the fat burner you have, as each one is different. However, most will recommend taking one in the morning on an empty stomach to increase results. This allows the ingredients in the fat burner to be absorbed into the body faster.
Fat burners for men are a great addition to a healthy diet and regular exercise, and many produce impressive results when it comes to shedding extra pounds, eating less, and feeling more awake and energized.
However, not all fat burners for men are the same. Each product contains different ingredients, and some are more effective than others.
Ultimately, choosing a fat burner for men that’s right for you is all about doing your research and testing out products to find what’s most effective for your body.
For MLMCompanies.org #1 fat burner for men recommendation, click here.
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Notes from the video — Ingredients:
Green Tea: contains polyphenols (antioxidants), contains l-theanine (crosses blood brain barrier), anti-anxiety effects. A study showed that fat oxidation was increased by 17%.
Caffeine: has been shown to increase physical performance by 11-12%.
Acetyl-L-Carnitine HCL: is known to promote the uptake of fatty acids into your cell mitochondria so that you get more of your energy by burning stored fats.
Cayenne: cayenne pepper has been proven to curb your appetite, speed up your metabolism and burn calories.
Synephrine (Bitter Orange, Citrus Aurantium): is able to produce stimulant-like effects without the increased blood pressure and vasoconstriction. Increases lipolysis.
Hordenine HCL: stimulates the adrenals to produce more epinephrine, norepinephrine, and adrenaline.
Beta Phenylethylamine HCL (b-PEA): Stimulates the release of dopamine.
Protein Hydrolysates of blue Whiting – May promote the production of gut hormones associated with suppressing appetite & may help with weight management.
Yohimbe: used as a fat-loss strategy for elite athletes.
Evodia Ruteacarpa (evodiamine): Anti obesity effects of evodiamine has been thought to be due to energy expenditure via uncoupling protein-1 (UCP1 is a protein that uses energy for thermogenesis rather than ATP production).
Garcinia Cambogia: It aids in appetite suppression and inhibits the production of fat cells. It stabilizes cortisol levels, aids in cholesterol control and helps reduce stress.
CLA: Blood pressure control Reduce fat deposits Weight loss Immune support 
Robusta Coffee Bean: C. canephora robusta beans are premium coffee beans that have not yet been roasted and, as a result, have a high level of chlorogenic acid.
Green Coffee Bean: the control group lost an average of one pound in two weeks, whereas the group that consumed the green coffee bean extract lost an average of two pounds without changing their diet or exercise habits.
Raspberry Ketones: In a recent study, it was found that raspberry ketone, when taken regularly, helped increase the breakdown of lipids within the fat cells.
Chrysin:  it is an aromatase inhibitor.
Coleus Forskholii (Forskolin): It helps speed up the breakdown of fat in cells through thermogenesis. Has shown improvements in treating hypothyroidism.
Caralluma Fimbriata: Caralluma has recently been shown in a recent study to suppress appetite and reduce waist size significantly in those who take it regularly.
DMG HCL: has many positive effects, including stress reduction, improved athletic and sexual performance, and enhanced cardiovascular, brain, and immune functions.
Irvingia Gabonensis (African Mango): helps boost a person’s leptin level. Leptin is a hormone that helps suppress appetite.
Winged Treebine Stem (Cissus Quadrangularis): results were that the group given the cissus quadrangularis lost 187 percent more weight.
BioPerine: has been found to increase the absorption of a variety of nutrients. 
Ophiopogan Extract (Mai Dong): can lead to reduction of DHT accumulation the body.
Guayusa: Caffeine without jitters.  
PRO Tips:
Cold Thermogenesis – your body can burn calories trying to stay warm! Ice baths, cold showers, etc.
Intermittent Fasting – cramming all your daily calories into an 8-hour period (example: 12pm – 8pm) and FASTING for the other 16 hours. Can improve testosterone up to 400% and improve fat loss dramatically.
Balancing Blood-Sugar – insulin management. A very important part of losing body fat and maintaining a lean, muscular physique.
HIIT – Exercise first thing on an empty stomach, using some caffeine and water (or product). No calories until one hour after the exercise. 5 – 15 minutes max time. Burns up to 300% more fat.
Managing Your Food Cravings – EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) for cravings and food addiction issues. Dealing with unresolved emotional baggage!
* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Not intended to treat, prevent, diagnose or cure disease. Reviewed under “fair use” copyright laws.
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Can This Be The Super Focus Pill for Poker?
Today I wanted to go over a new nootropic that I’ve recently discovered called Piracetol.  I’ve taken many nootropic pills in my lifetime and I can tell you that my experiences are varied.
Piracetol is a 100-percent natural, signature blend of nootropic supplements proven to boost mental function and increase concentration and focus.  Piracetol was created as an all-natural alternative to Piracetam. The ingredients have been proven in studies to be highly effective.
Piracetol was created by a team of neuroscientists using ingredients that were scientifically proven to enhance cognitive ability. Those ingredients are:
Alpha GPC – This is a natural choline compound.  It’s a respected nootropic known as a potent memory booster, and in combination with other nootropics is a powerful potentiator that can take cognitive enhancement to a new level.
Cat’s Claw – It may have a menacing name, but cat’s claw is one of the most promising antiviral herbs around.
Oat Straw – This ingredient supposedly restores nervous system integrity, emotional flexibility, and sexual flow.
Huperzine A – This ingredient is a cognitive enhancer that inhibits an enzyme that degrades the learning neurotransmitter, acetylcholine; due to this, a relative increase occurs.
Bacopa Monnieri – Bacopa monnieri is a nootropic herb that has been used in traditional medicine for longevity and cognitive enhancement.
L-Theanine – Discoveries over the past two years have uncovered exciting additional properties of this nutrient best known for inducing calming, tranquilizing effects while simultaneously improving alertness.
L-Tyrosine – This is an amino acid that is used to produce noradrenaline and dopamine; supplemental appears to be anti-stress for acute stressors (which tend to deplete noradrenaline) and may preserve stress-induced memory deficits.
The full nutritional information can be found on their label.
The company claims that piracetol was created using ingredients that have undergone rigorous safety checks and has been proven safe and highly effective by scientific research.  Most people start feeling the effects of the pill after about 30-45 minutes of taking it – and typically lasts anywhere from 8-10 hours.  Enough for a long poker session.
They recommend taking two every morning but not to exceed 4 pills per day.  I’m currently taking Vintage Bright and want to finish my bottle before I take Piracetol since the company recommends not combining or stacking it with other stimulants.
One of the guarantees the company makes is that you can return it for a full 100 percent refund if you don’t notice any improved brain function.  I’m really looking forward to trying this and you should give this a try as well and let me know what type of results you are seeing after a month. 
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blossomingbabe · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage Y2k No Boundaries Overalls Dark Wash Blue Medium.
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Can This Be The Super Focus Pill for Poker?
Today I wanted to go over a new nootropic that I’ve recently discovered called Piracetol.  I’ve taken many nootropic pills in my lifetime and I can tell you that my experiences are varied.
Piracetol is a 100-percent natural, signature blend of nootropic supplements proven to boost mental function and increase concentration and focus.  Piracetol was created as an all-natural alternative to Piracetam. The ingredients have been proven in studies to be highly effective.
Piracetol was created by a team of neuroscientists using ingredients that were scientifically proven to enhance cognitive ability. Those ingredients are:
Alpha GPC – This is a natural choline compound.  It’s a respected nootropic known as a potent memory booster, and in combination with other nootropics is a powerful potentiator that can take cognitive enhancement to a new level.
Cat’s Claw – It may have a menacing name, but cat’s claw is one of the most promising antiviral herbs around.
Oat Straw – This ingredient supposedly restores nervous system integrity, emotional flexibility, and sexual flow.
Huperzine A – This ingredient is a cognitive enhancer that inhibits an enzyme that degrades the learning neurotransmitter, acetylcholine; due to this, a relative increase occurs.
Bacopa Monnieri – Bacopa monnieri is a nootropic herb that has been used in traditional medicine for longevity and cognitive enhancement.
L-Theanine – Discoveries over the past two years have uncovered exciting additional properties of this nutrient best known for inducing calming, tranquilizing effects while simultaneously improving alertness.
L-Tyrosine – This is an amino acid that is used to produce noradrenaline and dopamine; supplemental appears to be anti-stress for acute stressors (which tend to deplete noradrenaline) and may preserve stress-induced memory deficits.
The full nutritional information can be found on their label.
The company claims that piracetol was created using ingredients that have undergone rigorous safety checks and has been proven safe and highly effective by scientific research.  Most people start feeling the effects of the pill after about 30-45 minutes of taking it – and typically lasts anywhere from 8-10 hours.  Enough for a long poker session.
They recommend taking two every morning but not to exceed 4 pills per day.  I’m currently taking Vintage Bright and want to finish my bottle before I take Piracetol since the company recommends not combining or stacking it with other stimulants.
One of the guarantees the company makes is that you can return it for a full 100 percent refund if you don’t notice any improved brain function.  I’m really looking forward to trying this and you should give this a try as well and let me know what type of results you are seeing after a month. 
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