#vintage video basement
eightiesfan · 1 year
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Twilight zone
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70s Den
Original Source - Vintage Video Basement - Insta
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sirfrogsworth · 1 month
The (Almost) Flood of Frog Manner
If you followed me wayyyy back in the day, you might remember a flood ravaged our basement in 2012.
This is what I wrote about it back then.
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It was bad. In order to show you a picture of it I had to convert it to black and white because the color version has a shade of brown that churns the stomach just to look at.
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I am still traumatized from having to walk barefoot in that. And I still have a very vivid memory of sitting on the edge of my bed as the water started slowly creeping in and and surrounding me. It literally felt like being in a horror film.
I think my estimate of 6 inches may have been what it *felt* like at the time. I was pretty shaken by the experience and you can see why eyewitness testimony is often shite. Though I think our basement isn't completely level and it was a bit deeper in my room. I just remember my feet being completely submerged as I was escaping.
A few of the pedal casualties...
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A vintage Boss Harmonist that had awful pitch tracking which is why I loved it. A Big Muff, because everyone needs a Big Muff in their life. A Fulltone Fulldrive 2 and Clyde Wah. And about 10 others I don't have a picture of including an EHX Mircosynth, Digitech Whammy, Boss DD-5 delay, and a vintage 1977 MXR Flanger—better known as the Eddie Van Halen pedal that made his guitar sound like it was in space.
Everything had to be torn out and washed with commercial machinery. My room was the cleanest it had ever been—scientifically speaking.
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In the aftermath, while we restored the basement (another long story), I was relegated to my mom's "purse room."
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To make matters worse our air conditioner broke and I have terrible temperature regulation. So I started going mad living in the purse room.
I was convinced one of them was staring at me.
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And trying to murder me in my sleep.
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So... why am I talking about a 12 year old flood?
The other night I woke up from a nap and saw this out the window.
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And it was still pouring.
I started to hear a clunking noise from the basement and when I went to investigate, water had begun to back up into the laundry room through the main drain.
It was reminding me of 2012 all over again.
Except back then I think our pump was underpowered and unable to deal with that much water. And now that we have a much better pump, it seemed to be handling things much better.
I was also concerned because water was leaking in from the basement windows. I guess they were filling up faster than the water could saturate into the ground and the windows are not 100% water sealed.
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Just in case, I piled up a bunch of old towels and bed clothes that were in the laundry room (mostly my dad's stuff) and made a moat around the drain that was starting to back up. I was hoping that would hold back any minor flooding if things got worse. I probably ruined everything, but I am still glad I did that even though it wasn't really necessary.
I also did something stupid.
I went outside to look at the area of the yard where the pump is buried to check on it. And I started to go out through our main garage door, but when I opened it, I let in a bunch of water. And that is where we are storing all of the goods for the next estate auction. So, not sure if there is any water damage yet. I was too tired from pushing out water to inspect things further.
I made a little video compilation of the not-quite-a-flood incident.
I'm very glad it wasn't as bad as in 2012. But this is still going to be a pain in my patoot to clean up.
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Modern Au Slash
A/n: There's a video of Slash talking about how he locked himself in his office to play guitar hero for, like, three days straight so imagine if he was a kid growing up with Minecraft.
Warnings: Slash names a cat hambone
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You came into Slash's room, his mom, Ola, had given him the basement since it was big enough to fit all his little fixations and also muffled him and his guitar.
The walls were lined with terrariums and plastered with posters, ranging from bands in the 90's all the way back to the 60's.
Slash was sat in the corner at his computer playing Minecraft while a Led Zeppelin played from his vintage record player.
You came up behind him, wrapping your arms around him and resting on your chin on the top of his head. "What're you building?" You asked, watching as he placed a few blocks.
"A house." You smiled at his blunt response. You'd been dating him a few months and come to realize that he wasn't cold, he didn't speak like that because he didn't care, his attention was just directed elsewhere. Didn't mean he wanted you gone.
"A house?" You asked, hoping to get more out of him.
"Yeah." He paused the game and turned to you, looking up at you with a pureness in his eyes. "You said you were gonna get the game soon so I was building us a house." He explained. "I'll teach you how to play on here, make it easy." You smiled down at him and kissed his forehead.
"Thanks, you didn't have to, though." He shrugged and pulled you onto his lap so you were facing him. He swiveled the chair back to the computer and rested his head on your shoulder as he continued to play.
"I wanted to, and I had the time." You chuckled softly at that and kissed his cheek. "Look." He said.
You looked at the screen over you shoulder and saw that he had already decorated the houses interior, having given you guys a shared bed. There was a cat on it but it didn't seem to have a name.
"We have a cat?" You asked.
Slash shrugged. "You said you wanted a main coon so I found a mod for one." You kissed his temple.
"Of course you did, loser." You teased.
Slash laughed. "Don't be mean or I'm calling him hambone." You pulled away from him, staring at him in confusion.
"Hambone?" He smiled widely at you.
You stared at the screen as he got a nametag. You watched in horror as the cute cat got flipped upside down.
"What the hell did you do?!" You yelled, staring at the monstrosity while Slash cackled.
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itsladykit · 4 months
Chapter 43 - Sunshine and Rainbows
CW: Sexual innuendo.
Fang let out a soft mrew when Edge picked him up. The one-eyed, ragged-looking cat immediately started purring as he cradled him to his chest.
Everything else he wanted to keep in their safe house was packed away, but he simply wasn’t sure what to do with Fang. On the one hand, if they had to abandon Underfell and take up residence in Underswap permanently, he didn’t want to leave the cat behind. On the other, he couldn’t imagine continuing to live in Underfell without him. More than that, though, bringing him to Underswap would feel too much like giving up on his own ‘verse.
He pressed his mouth to the top of the cat’s head, as he’d done when he was a child. “You’ll stay here with us,” he murmured to the cat, “But make yourself available if we need to evacuate. I don’t want to leave you behind.”
“boss, are ya givin’ instructions ta the fuckin’ cat?”
Flushed, Edge turned his head to glare at Red. “He’s certainly more likely to listen to them than you.” As if on cue, Fang started to squirm, tired of being held, and Edge released him to prowl the house. Red watched him race away.
“so, he’s stayin’ here?”
“He stays with us,” Edge said placidly. “It wouldn’t be right to keep him in an empty apartment, all by himself. And I can’t ask Paps and Blue—”
“yer bonefriends, ya mean.”
“—I cannot ask Paps and Blue to look after him,” he said, talking over Red even as the flush across his cheekbones darkened. “Are you ready, or do you have a stash of mustard to collect from somewhere?”
He patted a nearby box. “nah. got it here. ‘s a good vintage.”
Edge sighed, deliberately withholding a smile. He could not let Red know he found that stupid joke even slightly amusing. “And Slim?”
“last i saw, he was makin’ a backup ‘a his new collection.”
Edge nodded. It had taken weeks—and plenty of help from their softer counterparts—to acquire not only an mp3 player, but the equipment he needed to digitize any physical media he managed to find. Thankfully, the music files themselves were much easier to bargain for in the softer ‘verses, and he’d already managed to amass a respectable number of songs. Nothing like what he’d lost, but it was a start. All of his equipment would be stored in their safe house, but Rus had agreed to house a backup of his collection as well. Just in case. “Let me know when he’s—”
His phone pinged. ready, it said. Slim came down the stairs shortly after, hood pulled up and head down, so they could only catch glimpses of his skull and eyelights. At the foot of the stairs, though, he lifted his head just enough to meet Edge’s gaze and give a little nod.
Edge looked from one brother to the next, hands on his hips. “Let’s get started then.”
The belongings they treasured but didn’t need on a day-to-day basis were few in number, but Red and Slim needed to take several shortcuts to transfer them from the house to the machine. For his part, Edge was kept busy ferrying them from their cave to the Swap brothers’ basement. He managed a few boxes on his own, but when he paused to stretch his arms after a particularly heavy box, Blue came bounding down the stairs with an excited, “You’re early!” and nearly threw himself at Edge.
With a soft oof, Edge caught him up in a hug, then gave him a quick kiss. “I am. Where’s your brother?”
Paps cleared his throat then, making his away down the stairs at a more sedate pace. “here. heya, precious. we weren’t expecting you until noon.” He paused in front of him, arms spread. “do i get a kiss too?”
Blue pulled away, grinning while Edge eyed Paps. “That depends. Are you going to help, or—”
Paps pulled him in, and Edge allowed himself to be kissed. He looked between the two of them, soul warm and eyelights soft. He could hardly believe he’d been so lucky. Still in Paps’ arms, he reached for Blue, running his fingers over his coronal suture. Before any of them could say anything, though, the machine activated behind them, and Red stumbled through, arms full. He sighed loudly, seeing them. “so that’s why the boxes are pilin’ up. cripes, boss, can ya keep it in yer pants fer five minutes?”
Scowling, Edge pulled away from them to bicker with his brother. Between the five of them, though, they made quick work of the boxes, and soon enough, everything had been transferred to their new safe house. It wasn’t much. Just a studio-style apartment in Hotland. The kitchen was barely large enough for a microwave and a hot plate. For now, a mattress and a few scattered pillows were the only pieces of furniture present. It wasn’t a living space, but if everything went as intended, it would never have to serve as one. And, after several weeks of searching and bickering and falsifying paperwork, it was finally, officially theirs.
Paps’ arms folded around his waist, and he rested his chin on his shoulder. “happy, edgelord?” Blue took his hand, his fingers warm.
Edge looked between the two of them. “It’ll do,” he said simply. To Slim and Red, he said, “Can the two of you find something to do for the rest of the day, or do I need to think of something to keep you occupied?”
They exchanged a look. “yer kiddin’, right? after that many shortcuts, i’m due fer a nap. how ‘bout you, bro?”
In response, Slim flopped dramatically onto the mattress, arm folded over his sockets as if he’d fainted. Edge snorted. “Fine. I suppose you’re entitled to some rest. It was a busy morning, and you were both up early. For once.” Pulling free of Blue and Paps, he urged them toward the door, following behind them. “I’ll be back later, then. Keep me updated,” he said over his shoulder.
“on our nap?”
“You know what I mean, runt.”
“uh-huh. an’ where’re you goin’—” He pulled the door shut on his brother’s question, as if he hadn’t heard it.
Blue grinned at him, and Paps tried to silence his laughter. “What?” he asked.
“nothing. nothing at all.”
“Just glad we can finally have you to ourselves,” Blue added, falling into step beside him as they walked away from the safe house.
“yeah. considering we’ve been dating for nearly two months now, we haven’t actually had many dates.”
Edge winced. “Apologies. It’s been…” A nightmare. “…busy. In my ‘verse.” And any spare time he had had been sunk into finding the apartment.
Blue caught his hand and pulled him forward, away from Paps. “But you’ve got time now?”
“I cleared my schedule. Barring an emergency, I’m all yours today.”
Blue’s smile went impossibly wide, and stars danced in his eyelights. “Yeah?”
Paps cleared his throat. “that’s the plural ‘yours’. he’s mine too, bro.”
“Can I have him first?” Edge snorted but couldn’t find it in himself to even feign offense.
“sure. i think i’m due for a nap too, actually. i’ll see you two back at the house?”
“Perfect!” Blue took his hand and started to lead him back toward Snowdin. Paps snickered and offered Edge a teasing wave as he was pulled away.
Noting Blue’s pace, Edge smirked and asked, “Are we going to be late for something?”
“Hmm? No?” Realizing he’d been pulling Edge along at a near-jog, Blue blushed and slowed. “Sorry. I’m just excited, I guess.”
The naked admission—that Blue was excited just to spend time with him—made Edge’s soul warm. “I see.” He edged closer, freeing his hand so he could put it around Blue’s waist instead. “Well, if you have nothing specific in mind, then we’re already on our date, and we can simply…enjoy.”
A soft flush spread across Blue’s cheekbones, and he swallowed. Still, he smiled. “Right,” he said, leaning into Edge’s hold. As they walked—more sedately, now—Blue lifted his head and asked, “Hey, Edge—you’ve never really seen our ‘verse, have you?”
He quirked a brow-bone. “Of course I have. I’ve been all over the place the last couple months, searching for a suitable dwelling.”
“No, I mean…you’ve never just taken a walk through Waterfall and listened to the echo flowers.”
Edge cocked his head at the mention of echo flowers. “Why would you want to listen to the flowers? All they do is—” He stopped, realizing that these flowers probably didn’t mostly scream and beg for mercy. “Never mind. I think…I think I’d like that. Will you show me?”
A broad smile spread across Blue’s face. “Of course!”
Like his Waterfall, this part of the Underground was cool and dark, but there the similarities ended. It smelled of cool water and water lilies and cattails, clean and sweet and earthy by turns. The soft drip of running water echoed through the caverns, and the waterfall itself was a distant roar. Phosphorescent fungi and moss lit the space in shades of blue and green. It lit Blue beautifully, his magic and color scheme perfectly suited to their environs. Edge was tempted to steal a kiss but refrained. Though the space felt dark and private, he couldn’t help but feel there had to be eyes on them.
Blue seemed unconcerned by the possibility. Stars danced in his sockets as he tugged Edge along the path. “This way!” In another time, Edge might have found his openness disquieting, but now he couldn’t help but find it charming.
They stopped at a secluded pool of water, off the beaten path and surrounded by Echo flowers that only murmured back the sound of cave crickets and croaking frogs. Blue kicked off his shoes and sat at the side of the pool, allowing his feet to dangle in the water. Edge eyed the pool skeptically, but Blue just grinned up at him, waiting. With a sigh, he sat beside him and unbuckled his boots, setting them to the side. He rolled up his pant legs, giving Blue a look as he did, and dangled his feet in the water. It was warmer than expected, probably fed by an underwater stream that ran close to the lava pools of Hotland.
Blue leaned against his side, looking up at the ceiling. Edge followed his gaze. “Do you think that’s what the stars look like?” Blue asked.
Edge was quiet for a moment, looking at the phosphorescent fungi high on the ceiling. “…no.”
Blue laughed. “I’ve seen pictures. Papy has an astronomy book. I just…I can’t really imagine it. Looking up and seeing….” He trailed off.
After a moment, Edge said, “I’ve always wondered what it would be like to see the sun rise.”
Edge had been braced for teasing, but Blue’s smile was open and eager. His shoulders lost some of their tension and he nodded. “Yes. I’ve heard it’s…nice.”
Blue’s hand found his, squeezing. “I want to see the sky.” The subtle tremor in his voice caused Edge to move closer and drape an arm over his shoulders. Blue curled into his side. “Do you think…one day…?”
Edge’s sockets shut and he rested his chin on Blue’s skull. “I don’t know,” he said, voice soft. “Perhaps.”
Blue didn’t respond for a moment. “Thank you,” he finally said.
Edge blinked. “For what?”
“Being honest.”
Edge pulled back so he could meet his sockets, wondering how many times someone had offered a comforting lie in response to that question. He ran a thumb over Blue’s cheekbone. “It’s good to have hope,” he said, “but false hope is another matter. I won’t lie to make you feel better.”
They sat in silence for a while, just gazing up at the false stars, their feet dangling in the water. Blue was warm beside him, and Edge was stunned at just how comfortable this felt.
But, being who they were, they could only remain still for so long. “C’mon,” Blue said, standing. “There’s more I want you to see.”
They followed the meandering path, hands brushing with every other step. Soon enough, the cool of Waterfall deepened to a pervasive chill. Edge smirked a little, looking down at Blue. “I believe I’m well enough acquainted with Snowdin.”
Blue just grinned. “Are you?” He pulled away to walk backwards in front of Edge.
Distracted—worried Blue might trip over something—Edge replied dismissively, “Of course. I appreciate the differences every time I come here.”
“But you’ve never taken the time to enjoy them.”
“I don’t even know what that’s supposed to mean.”
“Have you ever built a snowmonster or made snowangels? Gone sledding?”
Edge stared at him. He knew the words—they were common enough references in the human movies and books that made their way underground—but the question still stunned him. “I….” He cleared his throat. “I can’t say that I have, no.”
Blue beamed. “Can I show you?”
After a beat, Edge nodded.
That’s how Edge found himself running through one of Snowdin’s clearings, deep in the pine forest outside the town, dodging snowballs while he scooped up enough snow to make his own. Blue ducked behind a tree to hide from him, but his muffled giggles gave him away. Grinning savagely, Edge added more snow, until it wasn’t so much a snowball but the beginnings of a snowmonster, then crept to the tree. He stood silent, waiting, until—
Blue peered from behind the tree, and Edge dropped the massive ball of snow on his head, earning peels of laughter. “I win!” Edge said, still smiling wickedly.
Blue shook the snow from his sockets. “Not yet, you don’t!” He dodged away when Edge tried to grab him, coming to stop on the other side of the clearing. Edge went to follow but slowed when he saw the blue bone floating inches above Blue’s hand. It spun in lazy circles while Edge’s steps slowed and finally stopped. His bones felt chilled, but Blue’s smile hadn’t changed at all.
“Blue?” he eyed the bone, not understanding.
The twirling bone slowed its spin while Blue regarded him. “Don’t you ever fight for fun?” he asked, head cocked. “It’s not all kill or be killed, is it?”
His knee-jerk reaction was denial, but in fact, he and Undyne regularly wrestled with each other and that wasn’t always for training. Slowly, he nodded. “Sometimes. Never with magic, though.” He eyed the bone.
Blue brightened. “You’ll like it—I promise!” The bone started to spin faster once more. “It’s about showing the other monster what you can do—without hurting them.”
Edge smirked, starting to understand. “So, you want a chance to show off, is that it?”
A faint flush colored Blue’s cheekbones. “I mean—a little.” The blush deepened. “But I want to see what you can do too.”
Warmth flooded Edge’s soul. “Do you, now?” Slowly, Edge eased into a fighting stance and watched Blue track the movement. For the first time, he was aware of the grace in it—the beauty of it, as well as the power. From the way Blue watched him, he seemed well aware of—and appreciative—of both. Edge’s soul swelled, preening at the attention.
Blue’s grin was broad and open. “I’ll go first,” he said.
“First?” Edge cocked his head, confused, until he remembered Paps’ first experience with Fell-verse combat. “Right,” he agreed, “you first.”
The bone twirling above Blue’s hand spun faster now, then—with a little twist of his control hand—it flung forward, whirring toward Edge. It was simple enough to dodge to the side, but the bone didn’t dissipate. Instead, it hovered at a distance behind and above him. He waited for it to complete its arc, but Blue cleared his throat. “It’s your turn.”
“Your attack isn’t finished.”
Blue beamed. “It’s a two-part attack!”
He said it with enough enthusiasm and pride that Edge knew he was meant to be impressed, so he offered an appreciative nod. “And you’ll just…wait to use it until I finish mine?” Blue nodded, and Edge hummed in thought. On the one hand, it was impressive to hold an attack like that. But on the other, it was a very poor strategy for a fight. “Why not just use it now?”
“Because it wouldn’t be fair.”
A fair fight. His soul twisted strangely. “I see.” He didn’t, but he was trying to learn. He raised his control hand, but all of his regular attacks were meant to take an opponent down with brutal efficiency. He had nothing crafted in the spirit of fair play.
So he improvised, pulling his control hand up and into a fist—as if scooping something out of the air—and summoned a line of red bones. They rolled through the snow, rising and falling to give the illusion of wave-like oscillations. Giggling, Blue leapt high; the bones passed under him harmlessly, fading out just a fraction of a second before he hit the ground. Edge had a moment to appreciate the grace of it—how perfectly they’d coordinated their movements—before he heard Blue’s attack cut through the air toward him. Without looking, he summoned a bone club, twisting to strike the attack from the sky in a shower of red and blue sparks.
His soul beat hard, feeling the power of the blow vibrate through his phalanges. Blue pumped the air with his fist. “That was awesome!” The stars in his eyelights spun, and he readied himself for Edge’s attack, bouncing on his toes.
Edge was beginning to understand the appeal of Tale-verse combat.
He drew himself up tall and straight, preening. “You’ll have to do better than that if you want to best me,” he said, flexing his control hand.
Red bones appeared at Blue’s back, ends sharpened to points, spinning lazily. The buzz of his magic was just loud enough to catch Blue’s attention, and just as he turned, Edge crooked his fingers, sending the barrage straight at him.
Red bones buzzed just past his skull as he dodged to the side, missing him by millimeters. Another slid just past his nasal aperture as he bent backward, and a third he caught in one hand, using it to swing himself up and over the remaining projectiles. He caught himself on his hands, using his momentum to spring backwards and land on his feet. He struck a pose, grinning broadly. It was a stunning display, and Edge found himself appreciating the flush of magic splashed across Blue’s cheekbones. But he only had a moment, before Blue returned the volley of bones, and it was his turn to dip, dodge, and deflect. As he readied his next attack, he took a moment to appreciate the way Blue’s eyelights traced over his body, lascivious and admiring.
It felt good. To use his magic—his combat magic, no less—cooperatively. It seemed more like a dance than a fight, each of them leading and being led by turns. Both of them crafting their attacks to showcase their strengths and to give their partner the opportunity to do the same. It was heady, and Blue clearly felt it too. Their “fight” brought them closer and closer each turn, until Edge found himself close enough to catch Blue by the waist and pull him close.
Blue grinned up at him, hands pressed to Edge’s chest. Stars danced in his eyelights, and his mouth was flooded with mana, the node at the hinge of his jaw glowing brightly. Edge cupped his face in one hand, smoothing his thumb over Blue’s mandible. He bent down and kissed him, mana lines prickling.
He broke away, murmuring, “Thank you.”
“For what? The kiss?”
“No.” He gestured to the clearing, to the mounds of disturbed snow, the glimmer of spent magic still in the air, sparkling. Everything clean and clear and dust-less. “For this.” If he’d ever taken joy in his magic, it had long since been overshadowed by horror. Blue had done something he’d never even considered possible and returned some of that joy to him.
Blue’s smile widened and his hand found Edge’s. He laced their fingers together as they started the walk back to Snowdin. “So it was a good date?” he asked.
“It was a very good date.” Though he didn’t have much experience with dating, he couldn’t imagine a better one.
As they walked, though, and as they drew closer to Snowdin, Edge started to feel a touch of unease. Blue was obviously strong and skilled. He’d known that before, but now he was sure of it—the kind of cooperative combat they’d engaged in required more skill, not less, than the brutal matches he was more familiar with. So, again, he wondered why this ‘verse’s Alphys wouldn’t allow Blue to join the guard. What, exactly, did Alphys believe she was protecting him from?
"Blue.” He stopped abruptly, and Blue slowed to look at him.
He shut his sockets, taking a deep breath. And cursing himself for this. “Will you promise me something?”
Blue’s brow-bones lifted. “Um. Okay?”
“If anyone ever tries to hurt you, don’t fight fair. Fight to win.”
“It’s only a fair fight if both parties are playing by the same rules,” he said. Blue just looked up at him, unconvinced. “Please,” he added after a moment. “Indulge me.”
Blue sighed. “This isn’t necessary, but—if it will make you feel better—then, okay. I promise.”
Some of the pressure on his soul eased. “Thank you,” he said, and they resumed their walk.
Blue’s hand caught his, and Edge squeezed it, affirming the hold. “You know,” Blue said, smiling sweetly, “I think I like it when you ask me for things.” The words were casual, but his tone was teasing. “And you know I’m happy to indulge you.” Blue squeezed his hand, and mana flooded his cheekbones. Memories rose up—of that night in Rus’ kitchen, of Blue’s hands on him while he tended his wounds. Feeling warm and languid and—well. Indulged.
 He cleared his throat but didn’t let go of Blue’s hand. “I will. Keep that in mind.”
Giggling, Blue simply said, “Good,” as they stepped into Snowdin proper. It was snowing lightly, and Edge held out his free hand, admiring the purity of it as flakes collected in his palm. Not a spec of ash or dust to be found.
A moment later, Paps appeared at his side, hands stuffed into his pockets. Blue leaned around Edge to get a better look at his brother. “Papy, you’re here!”
“am i too early?”
“Actually, your timing’s perfect! I need to go to Alphys’ for training.”
Edge glanced at him, suspicious. “You didn’t mention that earlier.”
Blue just looked up at him and shrugged. “I forgot,” he said, which was definitely a lie. "Anyway, she said she found a new anime series she wants to show me and I told her I’d show her how to make cinnamon rolls, so I probably won’t be back until late.”
Edge made a soft sound at the back of his throat. “How…convenient,” he said, crossing his arms. Blue just grinned, again walking backward so he could face the taller skeletons.
“you gonna have dinner with her, then?” Blue nodded. “okay, we won’t wait up for you. have fun!”
“You too!”
Edge snorted as Blue started jogging toward Alphys’ house. Paps glanced at him. “what?”
“Nothing. He’s just very…considerate.”
Paps stiffened a little, but then his shoulders eased and he snickered. “he is being a little obvious, isn’t he?”
“There isn’t a trail of rose petals leading to your bedroom, is there?”
Paps laughed. “no. that sounds like….” He paused. “wait. would you like that?”
“No,” he said, voice choked by laughter. “I don’t want—of course not!” They walked together for a few steps, chuckling with shared amusement. Then Edge said, “Though I do hope you put fresh sheets on the bed,” and Paps stumbled.
“i. uh. yeah. i did. not that i was expecting—i mean, we don’t have to use them or—”
Edge chuckled again and slipped his arm around Paps’ waist. “And was that the only preparation you made for our date?”
“no. i, uh…i showered.” He rubbed the back of his neck, looking at Edge.
Edge nodded. “I can work with that,” he said loftily. “Since you made no other preparations, I propose—”
“little early for that, don’t you think?” Paps grinned.
Ignoring him, Edge said, more firmly, “I propose we do something simple. Dinner and a movie. Does that suit you?”
“yeah, that ‘suits’ just fine,” he said, echoing his words as he relaxed into his side. “you got a place in mind?”
Movement caught his eyelight, and he looked up, to see Muffet staring at them from a few houses down. Paps followed his gaze and went still and stiff beside him. He swore softly as she started purposefully walking their way. Edge turned toward him. “Are you alright?”
“yeah. i just. i haven’t seen her since….” Underfell. Of course.
“Do you want to go?” he asked. It wasn’t fair, of course—this Muffet had done nothing wrong, Paps had no reason to be afraid of her—but Edge had more concern for the comfort of one his partners than for a stranger’s feelings.
“no,” he said, voice small, “she’s a friend. i….” Edge just tightened his grip around Paps’ waist. Part of him would prefer to keep his hands free, but this confrontation called for him to provide comfort rather than protection.
They quieted as she drew closer, and Edge searched her features, trying to prepare himself. But her expression was difficult to read. She stopped a few paces away, looking between the two of them, noting the way Edge kept his arm firmly around Paps’ waist. Then her gaze settled on Paps, and she raised her hands to sign, “Is this why you’ve been avoiding me?” One of her hands not occupied with signing gestured to Edge. “Did you think I’d be jealous? Or hurt?”
“i.” Paps swallowed. “hi, muff. this is….” His voice faltered.
“Edge,” he said, holding out his free hand. It was the wrong hand for shaking, but he wasn’t going to let go of Paps. Not now.
She eyed his hand, then took it in two of hers. With the other pair, she signed, “It’s good to meet you. I’d have loved to meet you earlier.” Turning back to Paps, she signed, “Papyrus, you didn’t have to hide this from me. I know what we were. I—” Her hands stuttered, then with both pairs—for emphasis, he imagined—she signed, “I’m happy for you. Really. I hope…I hope you don’t feel as if you have to choose between your relationship and our friendship.”
Paps shifted beside him. “i. i’m sorry,” he said, “i know. i knew you wouldn’t be upset. i don’t know why i….” He bit off the words. Edge understood; it was difficult to lie to a friend, even when the truth would be impossible to explain. “i’m sorry. i hope…i hope you can forgive me.”
She sighed, one set of arms crossed over her abdomen. With the other set, she reached out and grasped them both by the shoulder. “You’re a very silly man,” she said to Paps. To Edge, she signed, “I hope you know what you’re getting into.” Her chelicerae softened. “And I hope you appreciate him. We’ll have to get together, you and I; I want to know more about the man that charmed our Papyrus.” She eyed them. “Now, I’ll forgive you—if you come to my café for dinner. Too skinny, both of you.”
“we’re skeletons—”
“And too skinny. I won’t bother you on your date—I have work to do. And no time for silly men.” Her chelicerae were relaxed, and her signs were loose and flowing, softening the insult. “You’ll come?”
Edge looked to Paps, giving a little nod to show that he was willing, if Paps wanted. The tension had leeched from his bones as the conversation continued, and he nodded. “okay. yeah. we’ll come to the café.”
“Good! Bring G. Your tab is suspended until you’re back in my good graces.”
Edge snorted, covering his mouth to muffle a laugh. “aw, c’mon, muff—that’s not fair.”
“You don’t see me for months and have the gall to talk about ‘fair’? Ha! You come to the café, you eat my food, and you pay your bill. What’s unfair?”
Paps looked to Edge for help, but Edge just cocked a brow-bone. “Seems fair to me,” he said.
“you haven’t seen her prices.”
She just shrugged. “I have a family to support. You want me to take food out of their mouths to give to you? No. You pay your bill. Now—” She clapped one set of hands together, as if signaling the end of the argument. “—I have things to do before we reopen for dinner. I hope this little misunderstanding has been cleared up?” She looked to Paps, waiting.
After a moment, he nodded. “yeah. yeah. it’s all cleared up. again, i’m so sorry—”
She waved away the apology. “Our world is too small to hold grudges.” She touched him on the humerus, squeezing. “I’ll see you later, Papyrus. You and your new beau.” With that, she raised her hand and wiggled her fingers in farewell, slipping past them with a bounce in her step.
When she was out of earshot, Edge asked, “Are you okay?”
Paps was still watching Muffet’s retreating figure. He nodded. “yeah. i am. i…it was easier talking to her than i thought it would be.” Then his sockets widened. “what about you? are you—?”
Edge waved away his concern. “I’m fine. Actually, she reminds me of Slim’s Muffet.” Seeing Paps’ expression, he said, “She was…very helpful tracking him down. I couldn’t have done it without her help.”
“how was it?” Paps asked after a moment, “working with her?”
“Tense, at first.” Fell-verse partnerships always were. “But it was obvious she cared for Slim, and that made it easier.”
“and you’re really okay going to the café tonight?”
Edge snorted. “I’d like to stay on her good side, if it’s all the same to you. We’ll need a very good excuse if you don’t want to attend.” He glanced at Paps, brow-bone cocked.
“no excuses. i think…i think i’d like that, actually.” His hand found Edge’s. “but i might need a smoke break or two.”
Edge nodded in understanding as they resumed their walk. “Take as many as you need. And if you need to leave entirely, just say the word.”
“thanks.” He squeezed his hand. “hope you brought plenty of g, though. i wasn’t kidding about her prices.”
Edge snorted.
  Hours after the artificial lights had started to dim and the streetlights had come on, Red checked his phone. No new messages. He sighed, sharing a look with Slim, who just offered a small smile. Frowning, he texted Edge. status?
He waited. And waited. He drummed his fingers against his thighbone, still waiting. Finally, a message came through. S&R. Red sighed, but before he could reply, another message appeared. I’ll see you in the morning.
Reading over his shoulder, Slim pumped his fist, small smile blooming into a full grin. He held his hand out expectantly. With a huff, Red fished into his pocket, glaring at the phone. “yeah, yeah. here you go,” he muttered, putting 50G into Slim’s waiting palm.
A moment later, another message came through. Tell Slim he owes me half his winnings. And stop betting on my love life.
Red threw the phone across the room, while Slim laughed.
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staticspaces · 4 months
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Mid Century Modern Lunacy
As always, here is the video!!
For today's post we move inside and take a look at the main floor of this amazing abandoned Mid-Century Modern house!!
In this explore, we have a great mid century ranch style home that was built in 1970. From the outside it looked to be in really rough shape with most of the roof missing its tiles, some of the windows had also been removed.
Once inside we see that the house looked much the same as when it was built 50 odd years ago! With vintage wallpaper, a yellow kitchen counter and a very eclectic looking basement…everything you would expect to see in a high end house from the era. The home had lots of wood details, large windows and even a partially enclosed porch area that had been turned into a sunroom.
In the basement there were even some cartoon characters somewhat crudely drawn onto the walls, and the home is rumored to have once been owned by an animator that had worked for Disney and Hanna-Barbera. I was unable to confirm this, however the drawings in the basement did play into the story. The owner died in 2018 and the home has sat abandoned ever since!
This house a was a joy to explore and I am sure that you will like it as much as I did!
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brokehorrorfan · 1 year
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Evoking its early ‘90s setting, The Barn Part II writer-director Justin M. Seaman is raising funds for a retro-style video game and board game based on the film via Indiegogo.
A digital download of the video game, due out in October, is available for $15. The board game, expected to ship in December, costs $75. The video game is also available via USB in Nintendo ($65) and Super Nintendo ($80) cartridges, among other perks.
Additional details on both products can be found below, where you can also watch a vintage-inspired commercial for the video game.
The Barn Part II: The Video Game
A strange fog has rolled into the town of Helen's Valley, and with it has come an army of zombies, goblins, and The Barn Baddies! Join Sam and Michelle as they battle enemies throughout town into cemeteries, drive-in theaters, haunted houses, and more!
Featuring all new voiceovers by the cast just for the game, including Joe Bob Briggs, Diana "Darcy the Mail Girl" Prince, Mitchell Musolino, Lexi Dripps, Sable Griedel, and Chad Bruns.
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The Barn Part II: The Board Game
Something strange is going on at the Gamma Tau Psi annual Halloween Fundraiser this year. It seems it wasn't the brightest idea to hold a haunted house inside of a barn infested with monsters and the undead! Help the group navigate through the haunt and defeat the terrors within, all while collecting various body parts of the creatures to throw back down into the depths of hell in the well that resides in the basement.
Play as Drive-In Joe (Joe Bob Briggs), Dottie (Diana Prince), Sam (Mitchell Musolino), or Michelle (Lexi Dripps)!
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The Strauss Mansion Museum. New Jersey Paranormal Investigations recently visited and shared stories of unexplained paranormal incidents that have occurred at the residence, Atlantic Highlands, NJ.
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New Jersey Paranormal Investigations members JT and Sandy, make their way to the second level of the mansion.
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Sandy shows a book that seems to act as a magnet to unexplained activity.
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“There’s something about this book,” said Sandy. “It seems to be a hot spot.”
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The book captured on camera, glowing with light.
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Patty, of the Atlantic Highlands Historical Society, shows how the book titled ‘The Victrola Book of the Opera’ has moved on its own.
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Members JT, Sandy, Barry, and Michele.
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A child’s wooden desk that sits in a third-floor bedroom has a lot of activity.
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Strauss and his wife Jeanette were dead by 1907, and the property became a revolving door. By the 1970s, the mansion fell into disrepair as an illicit boardinghouse. It was condemned in 1981 and was about to be bulldozed when it was purchased by the Atlantic Highlands Historical Society.
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The NJ Paranormal team is comprised of volunteers and their case studies are free of charge.
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In 2014 a society board member who was standing outside the house, reported seeing a black apparition pass across the second-floor bathroom window. Sandy has been studying a third-floor bathroom in a wing of the house that is closed to the public. This part of the mansion was never refurbished; it remains in its cracked-plaster state.
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Someone is said to have died of an overdose in the bathroom, although they’ve never found documented proof.
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Like any 130-year-old structure, it has warts. The roof must be replaced and the furnace is on its way out.
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Earlier this year, Patty struck a deal with Barry and New Jersey Paranormal Investigations: Run some fundraiser ghost-hunt events (which all have sold out) in exchange for free rein to investigate the mansion.
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Barry talking about the mansion. “This was the first time we went into a place where we had some type of instant activity,” he said. “Is that positive proof that it’s haunted? No. But that’s very unusual.”
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JT explains how a few items on a countertop moved and fell without human assistance.
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There have been 14 owners of the Strauss Mansion, a 21-room Queen Anne-style house, built in 1893 for a wealthy New York merchant family. The first was Adolf Strauss, who built it as a summer home with spectacular views.
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An observation tower that rises above the neighborhood like a vintage haunted-house spire, is an imposing place.
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The main mission here is to preserve history. None of the furnishings are original; they’re all authentic donations from the late-Victorian period.
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“A haunting doesn’t have to be from something catastrophic or murder,” Barry said. “I tell people all the time: What you see on TV or in the movies is just that — TV or the movies. Maybe a family has fond memories and they want to come back and revisit?”
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Take the book, for example. It was published 10 years after Adolf Strauss' death. It was donated to the mansion at some point. The team has studied the tome forward and back. Did Strauss or his wife love opera? Was there a reason it was cracked open to page 8, which features the New York Metropolitan Opera? This is not Hollywood. Sometimes, there are no answers.
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Michele shows a written message on the wall of an upstairs bedroom.
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The basement is also a main source of paranormal activity.
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Patty of the Atlantic Highlands Historical Society. In 2021 a security video recorded a male voice clearly yelling “get out!” at Patty and some other visitors. “Nobody heard it at the time,” Patty said.
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The mansion is not decked out like a theme-park haunted house, although there is an old wooden coffin that’s been the basement for longer than anyone could remember (empty, for the record).
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likeadevils · 9 months
2010 Lover Diaries Transcripts
Feb 13, 2010- Adelaide, Australia
My horoscope said today someone new is going to come into the picture and change my life in an exciting way. PLUS, it’s the 13th. So it has to be true. Right? Right? Well, I don’t see it happening in the form of meeting someone. Maybe I’ll get an email or a call from someone fantastic and life changing. Or maybe I won’t. That’s more likely. I’ve been obsessing over the new album. I always do that until it’s just right. I don’t know if I have the formula just right for this one yet. I know there are great songs. I just need to figure out the strands that bond them together into a great album. And I will obsess until it’s there. This album, any album, is the next 2 years of my life. It has to be more than amazing. It has to be great enough to keep my attention for 2 years.
Apr 13, 2010- Nashville, TN
So I’ve been obsessing over the new record to the point where it’s all I can focus on. I’m majorly stressed and borderline losing it, with all these lists and chronic dissatisfaction. Perfectionist-ness. I keep growing tired of songs because I know I’ve raised the bar and I can beat half the songs. Scott and I had lunch the other day. We were talking about the record and I had this epiphany. I didn’t talk in interviews about how I felt about much of what has happened in the last 2 years. I’ve been silent about so much that I’m saying on this album. It’s time to Speak Now. Scott freaked out. He loved it. We have a title, ladies and gentlemen!
Jun 2010
Long Live Lyrics
Jun 16, 2010- Nashville, TN
So I’ve been a little studio rat since the tour ended (and it ended oh so beautifully in front of 55,000 screaming fans at Gillette Stadium. It was just … wow). Ever since, I wake up to my cell phone alarm around 9:30 each morning. Throw on a sundress, skip make up, tie my hair in a messy side braid, and head out the door with no shoes on. Because the only walking outside I’ll be doing is from my house to my car, then from my car, three steps to Nathan’s basement studio. The CMT Awards were last week. I shocked the world and straightened my hair that night. Gasp!! I worked on a song for a few days, then basically finished it in the car on the way to Nathan’s this morning. It. Is. So. Good. And I can safely say I am DONE writing this record!! This song is up-tempo, and hooky and sort of torn-sounding … like this horrible stressed confusion that comes on when you knew the person you’re pining away for is in the room. And for some reason, there are these invisible walls keeping things from being ok. So you’re not fine. And they’re not fine. And I’m so happy I wrote that song!! :) Taylor
Aug 29, 2010
Speak Now Tour Ideas Themes for set: - whimsy/vintage/boudoir fantasy - velvet maroon/magenta, purple/rich color fabrics forming a tent/curtain roof above stage - bird cages hanging - antique gold frames - snowy winter scene for back to december [drawing of stage with ‘screen’ 'fabric’ and 'drums’ labeled] - maybe be lowered in a painting for opening - recreate a church for Speak Now - intro video with my mouth/lips close up
Oct 9, 2010- Nashville, TN
Today was a long day but it was great to get all of that stuff done-- The Grand Ole Opry performance was tonight. The Opry was just reopened and the backstage is AMAZING now. Since the flood, they redid everything. Every room is custom and chic and just lovely. Warm and well thought out. I walked to Starbucks this morning with my headphones on, listening to music. Music has helped me a lot lately. It helps me quiet my very loud fears. I love mornings like that, smiling and talking to strangers, waving to fans and they burst into tears and screams... All before noon. I drove to the Opry around 3 because I had to do some video interviews. I wore a sparkly cream dress for my performances, my first one was at 8, the second at 10. I preformed You Belong, Love Story, and a solo acoustic version of Mine. That got excellent response. It almost turns into a different song when its acoustic. I got applause several times throughout the song. I was more nervous on the first show. I get stagefright every time I walk onto a stage now. I wish it wasn't so, but I can't blame my mind for freaking about performances. Criticism of my performances has been the biggest source of pain in my life. I Sometimes feel like my college degree is in acting like I'm ok when I'm not. Taylor <3
(2003 • 2004 • 2005 • 2006 • 2007 & 2008 • 2009 • 2010 • 2011 • 2012 • 2013 • 2014 • 2015 • 2016 & 2017)
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theadrogna · 11 months
Dream Show Challenge
It's time for the Dream Show Challenge once more! I gave @singledarkshade​ a list of 7 TV shows or films and we were given a cast of 7 actors in return.
Here's who I had to work with:
The Umbrella Academy - Aidan Gallagher Good Omens - David Tennant The Mandalorian - Giancarlo Esposito Leverage Redemption - Aleyse Shannon Everything Everywhere All at Once - Ke Huy Quan The Witcher - Freya Allan Sense8 - Daryl Hannah
I present you with:
Rift Hunter
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Someone or something is trying to reach Earth, not through space but across a dimensional rift. A secretive agency battles to control the rifts and deal with the incursions that threaten humans and the very fabric of the world. Connor Harris is having a particularly bad day. He is broke, his girlfriend has left him, and he’s desperate for something to go right, when he stumbles through the wrong door on his way to a job interview for a job he doesn’t really want, and into the middle of an incursion.
He is thrust into a world of monsters, aliens and strange science. Jiang Bao heads up the Reality Incursion Fundamental Tactics and Science (RIFTS) Agency which takes in Connor and gives him a new purpose. The secretive agency is tasked with keeping mankind safe but also with making good use of any opportunities that the Rifts produce to further science and technology.
The show plays on Connor's love of video games and retro gaming, getting in references about video games and gaming culture. It has a retro 80s theme tune and a purposefully retro intro sequence. It makes use of garish colours to heighten the strangeness of the rifts and the denizens from it.
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Aidan Gallagher – Connor Harris
In the wrong place at the wrong time, Connor never wanted to be part of the agency. However, his quick thinking and problem solving skills make him an ideal operative. He is a gaming nerd, whose last job was at a large game design company. He has very few friends and almost no real prospects after the company he worked for went bankrupt and fired all their staff, but he grows into his role at the agency. His main skills are in computers, but he also somehow gains an ability to predict when and where a rift will occur. He can also track the entities who come to Earth through the rifts.
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Aleyse Shannon – Tia Adefope
Tia is a government military operative, and is quite secretive about her past. She has trained to a high level and is extremely competent. She never expected to need to use her skills in this way but she is ready for whatever comes. She now leads a team of soldiers who act as security for the RIFT Agency and protect the scientists and technicians from anything that would harm them. When she isn’t saving the world one bullet at a time, she has a pet cat called Discord and a vintage motorbike to restore. She doesn’t have any attachments because her job never allows her time to stay in one place, but she also secretly likes it that way.
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Giancarlo Esposito – Jules Jackson
Jackson oversees the work of the RIFTS Agency. He is their liaison with government and ultimately in charge of everything that happens in the agency, their strategy and direction. He takes a no nonsense approach and takes his responsibilities seriously. Jiang would not have been his first choice to head up the agency and he would rather have found Connor a basement office that he could have left him in. However, he respects skill and comes to see the good points of the team.
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Ke Huy Quan – Jiang Bao
Head of the RIFTS Agency. Strings were pulled to get him this job, and Jackson would have preferred a military candidate. Jiang is an expert in the little that is known about the phenomenon of the rifts. Jiang’s parents emigrated from Vietnam when he was only a few months old, but he embraced his new country, becoming an disaster analyst in the government. His area of expertise is seismic activity, which led him to discover the rifts, but since then he has branched into several other areas of science to learn what he needs to know. He is smart, tough and a little out of his depth.
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Freya Allen – Corinna Salvor
An expert in aerospace technology, formerly of NASA, she was recruited to the team as an expert technician. She helps to deal with the technological threats that the team face on a daily basis as part of their work. She loves the challenge of her work and will happily pick up a gun alongside Tia. Smart, sharp and with a wicked sense of humour she loves nothing better than to prank Dr Caffrey or wind up Jiang. She is an expert at pressing peoples buttons and specialises in cutting sarcasm.
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David Tennant – Dr Alex Caffrey
Alex is a biologist, who found himself disgraced for his unusual views on the origins of life on Earth. Whilst he wasn’t exactly correct, he was closer to answers than many of his peers. Life on Earth wasn’t brought here by aliens but by the rifts. One of his key discoveries has been that humans were not originally native to Earth and he continues to gather evidence for where we came from as he interacts with the creatures that come through the rifts. He is a maverick who continues to clash with the senior team members on academic matters, but has a kind heart and will do anything for his friends. He does not enjoy fieldwork, but there is no substitute for collecting alien goo oneself.
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Daryl Hannah – Persephone Turner
Persi is a linguist and expert in psychology. She is empathic and gentle, not well suited to the work she is doing, but determined not to let her fear get the better of her. There is nowhere else that would give her the opportunity to speak to beings from other worlds or to learn how they communicate. Her tenacity means she is unwilling to let things go, even if they look hopeless.
Episode 1: Connor Harris and the Day of the Tentacle
Connor loses his job at EverByte whilst in the middle of programming a game that could make them all rich. Unfortunately for Connor, things go from bad to worse when he applies for a new job and arrives at the interview to then get caught up in an evacuation. He enters the wrong room and instead of the exit, he finds a glowing rift and a waving set of tentacles being fought off by the RIFTS Agency.
Tia rescues him but not before he is covered in a strange alien slime that gives him unusual powers. He is taken back to HQ for treatment and testing. During this period he becomes away that objects from other worlds have unusual auras that he can see under the right conditions. The team take him out into the field to test this ability and he is able to pinpoint a rift before the final incursion appears. The tentacle monster returns and tries to take Connor back through the rift, but the creature is killed by Tia.
When Connor asks what’s on the other side, Tia tells him that no one has ever returned from the other side of a rift.
And finally, the 80s theme song:
Change Your Heart or Die - The Midnight
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bunsofhoney · 3 months
🕯️ 🛼 🔪 🏜️ 🪲 🧩
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that? 
Probably like 7. It's mostly good, I like reading through my own stuff and tweaking it. But sometimes when I've gotten feedback it can be REALLY PAINFUL to work through it. The prospect of going through someone else's comments can make me writhe in pain or just...not do it for weeks or months. I have the same problem with my professional writing. Probably why I haven't sought out a beta reader in a hot minute, even though I know it would improve my work.
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Welp I was just watching some very NSFW videos for Toxic earlier. Mildly distracting. But that aside, one recent topic was the oldest rum available. It happens to be a Barbados vintage from the 1700s that was found in the basement of a family that made their wealth in the slave trade. It fits perfectly with the story, although it's definitely a rabbit hole no-one asked for in a spideycat smut fic, lol. 
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
I love detailed comments which point out lines that the reader liked, or notes about plot and characterization. Anything I can actually dialogue with them about is the most fun. (You leave such good comments always!)
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
Most recently it was bad grammar (god what a snob I know),  omegaverse, and Tom Holland Spider-Man in Spideypool. I love you Tom but no, just no.
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80s Den
Original Source - Vintage Video Basement - Insta
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scribblemast3r · 2 years
100 things to do if your atar is doo doo
rethink your initial aim to get into higher academia & make your family proud, do tafe instead
do a gap year bc atar is redundant after a bit
volunteer, if you accept peanuts as payment
offer your skills at your local library, do existential bookreadings for kids
say bye to your friends who are getting accepting into their courses
ponder socialist utopias
get lost in anarchist papers
become a tap dancing clown
brace yourself to write a book about your inspiring rebound
work at maccas
get into graffiti
become an underground legend
make trash sculptures
actually go to headspace to get support in work/study
start a blog
write your manifesto
become a countercultural icon
busk (if you have skills like that)
capitalise off your mediocrity (mass appeal)
print a stupid amount of resumes to handout
dont resort to drugs and things
consider a career in comedy
actually take a cert in a marketable skill thats in demand
sell at a market
make stickers
join a cult
become a gutter punk
start an onlyfans
become a menace to society
read stories about successful people who 'didn't need uni' to get to where they are now
bitch about nepotism
pray to god you get a job with a liveable wage
launch an instagram for something weird, because you have nothing to lose
watch every single college acceptance video on youtube, yt knows its a fantasy you'll never see
get into cooking mean shit
decide to publish songs recorded in your basement onto spotify
dedicate hours to read religious texts, to find a path
start a youtube channel
publish a found-footage film
start writing poetry, but only free-form lyrics
read textbooks to replace higher education
regularly gather around fires
get jacked, give advice you're unqualified to
accept your fate
consume an absurd amount of self-help material
wonder where and when it all went wrong
get dragged further to the depths of nihilism
binge [insert anything]
make responsible financial choices
sell AI art as NFTs
consider crypto
contemplate your life
get into drag
do bartending
practice a bunch of foreign languages
be one of those mascot guys
become a filmnerd
complete a barista course
clean your room
join a discord
become a DJ
produce techno
become a performance artist (search: Petr Pavlensky)
live in a sharehouse
defect, escape the clutch of the atar
make shitposts about your 'situation'
go to indonesia, become the modern Gauguin
wander alone into a forest
live off the grid
join the circus
watch youtube videos to teach yourself shit you didnt learn in VCE
busk as a mime
watch Netflix's entire catalogue in a week
consider a career in graphic design
set up a ponzi scheme like that movie
reminisce how good it was as a kid
get into seriously exploitative work to eat crumbs
ruminate whether or not you're mentally challenged
live off youth checks
visit real estate properties as a spectator, not a buyer
cultivate an enthusiasm for vintage cars, something out of reach entirely
literally become Bernard Black
regret the fact you didnt do any subjects that taught you how to handle money
get tatted
try to think of a list of jobs unlikely to become automated in the next 5 years
come to a conclusion that nothing can replace real human service
wait tables
lend an ear to the homeless
time manage like a mf, to make up for how time was thrown around
compare yourself to your graduating peers
compare yourself to country students
compare yourself to the sweats
consider a life of crime: jail provides a food , water and roof over your head
steal lemons
resort to extreme methods to establishment yourself in this dog eat dog world...
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hasufin · 1 year
Not a hipster, I swear
Last week I acquired a ShopSmith Mark V - this is a vintage “all-in-one” woodworking power tool: it can be a tablesaw, a lathe, a drill press, a sander, a band saw, and a joiner.
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But, this particular one has been sitting in a warehouse for over a decade, so it needs some maintenance. No problem!
I’m watching videos online about this - apparently there’s a community of ShopSmith fans. Apparently you need something with a tube to get oil into the gears. I have the appropriate oil, but I thought I’d need to go to the hardware store to get some with the right kind of tube.
Then I realized. Down in the basement I had noticed a vintage oil can. The exact type made for this usage.
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Now. This is the absolute perfect aesthetic. It is also entirely by accident.
But I think I’m obligated to start wearing flannel and talking about how much better these old power tools are.
(They are not actually better. I mean, they’re more durable, but the tablesaw on the Shopsmith is legitimately terrifying and I don’t intend to ever use it.
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staticspaces · 4 months
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Mid Century Modern Lunacy
Check out the video here if you are interested!!
An finally for our last post move downstairs to the very eclectic looking basement!!
In this explore, we have a great mid century ranch style home that was built in 1970. From the outside it looked to be in really rough shape with most of the roof missing its tiles, some of the windows had also been removed.
Once inside we see that the house looked much the same as when it was built 50 odd years ago! With vintage wallpaper, a yellow kitchen counter and a very eclectic looking basement…everything you would expect to see in a high end house from the era. The home had lots of wood details, large windows and even a partially enclosed porch area that had been turned into a sunroom.
In the basement there were even some cartoon characters somewhat crudely drawn onto the walls, and the home is rumored to have once been owned by an animator that had worked for Disney and Hanna-Barbera. I was unable to confirm this, however the drawings in the basement did play into the story. The owner died in 2018 and the home has sat abandoned ever since!
This house a was a joy to explore and I am sure that you will like it as much as I did!
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Its been a productive night in the shop. First, I got the poster framed that my dad gave me several months back. He had it hanging on the wall of his hooch in Vietnam from 1969-late 1970, I was born early 1970. Second, I started working on several vintage bar lights my bride got when her grandpa passed. He had dozens of them all over his house. This Miller sign from 1979 was the easiest.
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The video is just the basement, all 3 florre were full of them and maybe a hundred assorted bar signs. He had them all daisy chained together on 3 switches. The Olympia Gold sign in the video is a full rebuild, but It will work good as new once I get the parts. I miss that old man. Lastly, I unboxed 470 45's that are for my 1977 Jukebox that also needs a refresh done. It is going to be a fun project to undertake with the kids.
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