#viren tdp x reader
platinumrosetail · 2 months
So here’s another the dragon prince x reader idea:
What if the reader was from our world and had died soon after transporting into the dragon prince world as their oc that they had made for the show? They try to keep a low profile but still have fun in the show but what they didn’t know was that their oc backstory had linked to the show instead of just being a nonexistent backstory for a oc that was made for said show.
As you can tell it’s a work in progress still so some things may change when it’s finally made if I decide to make this.
Now this might be only a one character x reader fanfic idea if I do do it (which I’m kinda tempted to make it) and thankfully I’m able to do both female and male reader for this so yay! Anyway this idea of mine really peaks my interest so this might be the one I do unless I have an even better idea than it.
Hope yall liked it. Tell me what yall think! 😁 I’d like to hear y’all’s thoughts on it! Anyway hope yall have a wonderful day/evening/night.
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sarasade · 1 year
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uUm, sir she started it- A lil comic about how Viren and Lissa met
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redr0sewrites · 1 year
can all the aaravos writers and stans wake tf up and start posting again i cant keep reading my own fanfics or im going to go insane even ao3 is dying out WHERE IS THE AARAVOS CONTENT I WAS PROMISED??? IS THE FANDOM JUST GONNA GO DORMANT AGAIN UNTIL NEXT SEASON???? EVEN THE VIRAVOS SHIPPERS R STARTING TO DISAPPEAR COME ON GUYS DONT LEAVE ME HERE TO WRITE FOR AARAVOS ALONE 😭😭😭
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The dragon prince masterlist
Rayla <3
Runaan <3
Ethari <3
Callum <3
Aaaravos <3
Claudia <3
Harrow <3
Viren <3
Ibis <3
Soren <3
Amaya <3
Janai <3
Dragons (sol regem, zubeia, avizandom) <3
Group fics <3
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mimihanyuu · 2 months
555 (change)
The dungeons are especially dark in the wee hours of morning.
You aren't entirely sure what you are doing. At such an hour, most everyone should be asleep including prisoners. But somehow, you are sure the current prisoner is awake, brooding and perhaps plotting something.
Despite Viren's insistence that he is a changed man, you cannot help but feel suspicious. After all, Soren is your most trusted friend--your best friend. You can't bring yourself to doubt him, to take his father's side. Still, against your dear friend's wishes, and unbeknownst to him, you approach his father's cell. The lantern in your hand makes the halls look all the more eerie.
You hold your light up high, waiting for the inmate to stir. He does, and you make sure your scowl is firmly in place when his eyes meet yours.
"Viren," You begin. The man offers nothing but a dead-eyed stare. He looks haggard, withered compared to the last time you saw him. Good.
"You don't know me, but I know you," You continue, and Viren lets you. He seems almost afraid to interrupt. "I was a knight when you took the throne. A 'weak link,' as you called us." Viren hangs his head. "But that's not what I'm here for. I'm here for Soren."
At the mention of his son's name, Viren flinches, but does not lift his eyes. "...Soren?" He mumbles. You hum an affirmative.
"I believe people can change, Viren," You stare down at him harshly, wishing he would meet your gaze and grovel. "I believe in second chances. Your son taught me that, but..." A sigh escapes you. "I also want you to know just what you've done.
"Soren is hurting. He has been, all his life, and it's because of you. I don't know your story, or what lead you there, but the way you treated him...it still hurts. He covers it up well, but the mere mention of you visibly stings. The amount of times he's cried over you...I've lost count."
Silence. You sneer. Viren still refuses to look at you, refuses to acknowledge his greatest crime. Or perhaps he is ashamed, you think, but that's not enough for you. You want him to weep, to beg forgiveness. You realize it's too much to ask.
"Soren might forgive you," you continue, and Viren finally looks to you. Tears are welled in his eyes, eyes that look tired and remorseful. The weight on your heart lifts slightly, but still, it is not enough. Your expression hardens. "That's if you're lucky. But just know that I won't. Nothing you say or do could make up for the way you've hurt my best friend. I hope you know that."
You leave Viren with your words, slipping into the shadows with a huff and a glare. Perhaps, you think, one day, the man will prove himself to his son. To you.
You can only hope it won't be too late.
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these are my own personal headcanons for our local sparkly elf
insert a song only he remembers stuck in his head
doing evil sparkly elf things
rehearsing the things he's gonna say to the mage that he's been ignoring
trying to make the a cool reveal while wearing the hood while viren is doing his thing
daily practicing with magic
workout(?) for 2-3 hours (working out to out run the child support bills)
does he eat human food or does he just like-
idk why but i just hc him as a bad cook....not that bad- it's just that he magics everything, that i don't think he knows how to cook like a human
probably took care of sir sparklepuff while it was transitioning into the butterfly...(it's my way to coop)
...eats flowers
can and has went into virens dreams and then denies ever being in there
has the softest hair even by elf standards
i think he (hopefully) has a shower
or maybe he can magic cleaning himself again
can do the booba blade thing
(OPAI like the ones in genshin physics)
he has nice hands, takes care of them regularly
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madou-dilou · 11 months
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Behold a self-indulgent thing where he just gave her one of the scabrous orders which he has the secret of; or maybe he told her he intended to commit suicide, idk. It could go either way with him.
I say her, but she is really just me; I had no idea it was called an OC until someone told me so.
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The Dragon Prince Masterlist
❤️=Romantic 💛=Platonic 💔=Angst ☁️=Fluff
Callum x Reader
Rayla x Reader
Soren x Reader
Claudia x Reader
Gren x Reader
Corvus x Reader
Viren x Reader
Aaravos x Reader
Character x Character
Callum x Reader
Rayla x Reader
Soren x Reader
Claudia x Reader
Gren x Reader
Corvus x Reader
Viren x Reader
Aaravos x Reader
Character x Character
Completed Series List
Ongoing Series List
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jellyfishxxi · 2 years
Shooting Star, Travel Far
S1, Ch 1: Echoes of Thunder
Summary: A normal day at the castle of Katolis. Callum failing at training, Soren and Claudia lightly teasing each other, and your adoptive father is being hunted by Moonshadow assassins. Wait, what?!
Genre: Comedy, Light Angst
Warnings: Sadness, abuse, abandonment
Characters: Callum, Ezran, Bait, Soren, Claudia, Harrow, Viren, Reader
Relationships: None if you don't count Callum's crush on Claudia
Notes: I'm not writing this word for word from the show, so be prepared for some differences, but I'll try and keep the overarching story the same.
Rain poured down onto the roof. You and Ezran had shared a bedroom for the longest time, so looking over to see the small boy sleeping with bait like he usually did was a comfort for you. You smiled and looked through the doorway, seeing Callum at his easel, drawing something.
You put your bookmark in your book and picked up a candle, walking over to your step-brother. Leaning over his shoulder, you looked at the paper, seeing a dragon melting a man made of marshmallows. "Whatcha drawing?" You asked. Callum jumped, shifting away from you.
You only laughed. "Dang it, _____, don't do that!" He scolded, causing you to laugh more. "Sorry, Callum." You spoke in between laughs, before putting the candle down. "Nice drawing, though. You've got a gift." You spoke, looking back down at the paper. Callum smiled.
"Thanks. It's just something that popped into my head." He spoke, looking back down at the paper. "Take that, Marshmallow man!" He laughed, causing you to laugh too. A lightning bolt struck the roof of the tower, causing Ezran to wake up.
"Callum? _____?" He spoke, looking into Callum's room. "It's just a lightning bolt, Ez." Callum began. "It can't hurt you, try and go back to sleep." You spoke, walking back to your own bed. Ezran nodded and turned around, his back facing you as he and bait fell back asleep. Soon enough, you and Callum blew out your candles too, drifting into the land of sleep.
"Mommy! Mommy please, I can be good I swear! Please mommy, don't send me away!" The child pleaded, tears in their eyes. Their mother didn't care how many years they shed, or how much they begged to stay. "Shut up." She said, kicking them off. "I don't want to spend another second looking at this... This..." The woman thought. "Abomination's face! Get it out of my sight!" She yelled.
"Yes, my queen." One of the guards said, picking up the child. The queen turned and left, not bothering to look back. The child reached out for her, begging for their mother to come back, to let them stay. The guard that held them felt sorry for them, as he knew the queen would not let them stay. He knew the queen was cruel, so did everyone else. But never in their minds would they have thought she'd abandon her own child.
The child didn't know how long they had walked. But eventually, they came to a stop. The guard gently set them down on a rock, kneeling before them. "I'm so sorry, your highness." He said, gently caressing the crying child's cheek. "You don't deserve this." He said, wiping their eyes. The child sniffed in response.
The guard took out an apple from his pocket and handed it to them. "Here. You'll need it." He said as the child took the fruit. "Goodbye, little one. I hope whoever finds you will be kinder than the queen." The guard gently hugged the child, leaving shortly after. The child sat on the rock, their knees close to their chest as they cried some more. They just wanted to go home.
The wind blew past their ears. A song rode on the harsh, winter breeze. It comforted the child, causing their cries to lessen. They couldn't explain it, but the song felt familiar. The voice, though it felt far away, felt familiar. Their cries finally stopped as they leaned back, almost like they were being held.
Your eyes snapped open and you shot up. Looking around, Ezran's bed was empty, and Callum wasn't in his room. They must be up already... You thought. Getting out of bed, you grabbed a notebook and charcoal stick before leaving the tower. Opening the notebook, you began to write.
I had the dream again last night. The one about a child being abandoned. Something tells me this dream is significant, be because this is the third time it's happened. But, I don't know. I have no clue what dreams mean, and I don't think there'd be any books in the library about the subject. I guess it'll remain an unsolved mystery.
You closed the notebook, looking up. You must've subconsciously walked to the training grounds, because there Callum was, practicing with Soren. And on a bench next to the 300-year-old tree was Claudia. Soren looked at you, making a spraying motion with his hands.
"Oh _____, you must avenge me! For I have been stabbed by the stab-prince!" He exclaimed dramatically. You laughed. "Looks like he finally got revenge for all the teasing." You joked, moving around to sit next to Claudia. "Morning, Claudia." You greeted the brunette. She looked up at you and smiled. "Morning, _____!" She returned the greeting, causing you smile in turn.
"Learn any new spells lately?" You asked. Claudia nodded, taking out an orb. "Check this out." She said, drawing a rune. "Aspiro!" She shouted, blowing out a large gust of wind. You laughed, smiling. "Sky magic, right?" Claudia nodded again. "Yep! This is a primal stone. It contains a real storm." You looked at her in awe.
"No way..." You exclaimed, eyes trained on the orb. It held thunderclouds that let out bursts of lightning occasionally. "Yes way!" Claudia exclaimed, putting the orb away. "And most humans don't know how to do magic, so that makes it all the more rare!" She explained. You nodded.
You seemed like you were about to say something, when you heard Opeli calling for you. "Prince Callum. Prince/Princess _____. King Harrow wishes to see the both of you." She said, alerting you and your adoptive step-brother. You stood up, waving Claudia goodbye as you followed Callum and Opeli out of the training grounds.
You, Ezran and Callum stood outside the throne room. You took a breath in as Callum opened the doors, seeing various people around what you called the strategy table, one of which was your adoptive father. Callum cleared his throat, allowing Harrow to approach the three of you.
"Callum, Ezran, _____!" He began. "Congratulations, you're going to the banther lodge!" He said, causing the three of you to look at him in confusion. "Isn't the banther lodge the winter lodge?" Callum asked. "Yeah, what will we even do?" Ezran asked. Harrow seemed intent on pushing the idea.
"You could have dirtball fights! Or make dirtmen! Or even go mud sledding!" He suggested. You raised an eyebrow. "I don't think those are things." You said, folding your arms. Harrow's expression changed into a more serious one. "I just need you three to go tonight. This is not a debate. Pack your bags. You leave at sundown." The three of you stared at Harrow in surprise before leaving. Harrow looked at the doors as they closed before sighing, turning back to the strategy table.
As the three of you walked down the hallway, an overwhelming silence hung through the air. You opened your notebook, looking at your previous entries, sighing as you began to write your thoughts down.
We're going to the Banther lodge. I don't know why, but I have a feeling it isn't going to be good. We don't go there unless it's winter. There's definitely a reason, and it's likely a bad one. Sorry Callum, Ez. But if I find out, I'll have to keep it to myself. Another secret on the pile, I guess.
You put your charcoal stick away and closed your notebook, moving your eyes to look back at Ezran and Callum. There was still an underlying tension.
It was the middle of the afternoon. Luckily for you, you had finished packing by now. You had resolved on taking only some clothes and few personal items. Now, you were simply wandering around the castle, tracing every wood carving and running your hand across the walls.
"...No defense will stand against them." You heard Lord Viren speak in another room. You quietly snuck over to the doors, leaning against them so you could hear what was being said.
"Once the full moon rises, they'll be virtually unstoppable, so we strike during the day." Viren spoke, presumably to Soren and Claudia. You peaked your head out from behind the door, watching the interaction. Viren took out a box.
"You'll use this Archangel Lunaris, a moon moth, to track and ambush them. And do it quickly. If they get inside, they won't hesitate." You were confused. Who wouldn't hesitate to do what? Seems Soren shared your confusion. "To do what?" He asked. Viren looked around, before whispering the answer to him.
"They're gonna kill the king?!" Soren shouted, causing your eyes to widen. You let out a shocked gasp, before immediately covering your mouth as Viren looked in your direction. He didn't see you, and turned back to face Soren.
"Discretion, boy! Do you want to cause a panic?!" He shouted. Whatever was said, you didn't hear the rest. You ran off to the room you shared with Callum and Ezran, breathing heavily. Assassins were coming to kill the king. And from the way Viren was speaking, you could only surmise that they were moonshadow elf assassins. Deadly accurate warriors.
You couldn't believe it. You didn't want to believe it. The man who took you in out of the kindness of his heart, who raised you like his own child...
Was going to die.
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platinumrosetail · 2 months
I’m finishing up the dragon prince season 6 so I expect some requests please lol.
I’ll try to pick an idea for a fanfic it’ll most likely be a Aaravos x reader story, heck I might make two, one for Aaravos and another for a various book.
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writingsofness · 5 years
Headcanons for how viren kisses? Sweet and chaste and full on snogging lol🤪 thank you! I love your writing!
Hooooo boy
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Most often kisses with Viren are short and sweet, a goodbye before he leaves in the morning and a hello when he comes back in the evening
He’s a busy man and he doesn’t always have time for more than that in the day to day
Just a simple press of the lips that gets the point across
He usually hugs you to accompany these kisses, just a loose arm around your waist to keep you close to him for a moment
Maybe he rests his forehead on yours and breathes in your scent before pecking you on the lips and going on his way
On the other hand.........
Viren likes to dominate, he likes to be in charge of people, and he likes to be respected and even feared
So it’s no surprise that when things get heated he’s rough, demanding
He’ll grab your hips and kiss you with a hunger that leaves you weak in the knees
He loves pushing you up against a wall, caging you in with his arms, pressing his body to yours so you know how badly he wants you
Alternatively, if you are anywhere near his desk he’ll lift you onto the edge and settle between your thighs and kiss the shit out of you
He’s a good kisser, he knows when to use his tongue and when to break away and kiss your neck and how to make you completely breathless
Dear God forgive me, for I have sinned.
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
I’m going to look back on this tweet, especially after Netflix geeked week for animation tomorrow, when the most emotionally invested quotable scene(s) pop up in S4
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randynova · 3 years
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
♡ Soren
♤ NSFW Headcanons
♤ Sweet Honey Nights
♡ Runaan
♡ Aaravos
♡ Viren
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Soren x reader
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💛he loves teaching you how to fight
💛those are what he does for dates
💛just you watching him train while you do something like reading
💛lives if you read aloud to him while he trains
💛Claudia (is that how you spell her name) probably introduces you to him
💛you guys get along right away
💛Claudia doesn’t like it at first but grows to actual like you two together
💛I’ll say this now you have to put up with him and his none stop talking
💛and you have to comfort him when he feels like he isn’t enough to Mach his fathers expectations
💛all he asks is that you love him and be there for him
💛and he’ll be there for you
💛he’d pass up training to be with you
💛don’t get me wrong you do have your fights
💛but if you love him and he loves you then you’ll get through it
I hope you enjoyed. request stuff please I have no ideas
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theimagineprince · 5 years
Can you post some Viren headcanon of him in a relatioship? Thank youu ~
Viren in a relationship-
Will be hesitant to get into a new relationship after his wife left him and the kids. (It's not really covered that much but the wiki lists her as an ex sooo)
You'd probably meet in the palace, most likely like library
Once you both showed interest he'd start to court you. Yes, court.
It would be "old fashioned" gestures like bringing you a bouquet of flowers or a candle lit dinner.
He'd love to show you around his personal library if you were interested in magic. You being a mage or historian would be a big plus because he'd feel like you could understand why his work was so important and the two of you could work on spells together.
Being his partner would mean reminding him to get some sleep or drink water, not just Claudia's hot brown morning potion. He gets so engrossed in his work that he sometimes forgets to take care of himself.
He absolutely loves it when you take care of him or make him anything. He'll sing your praises for weeks if you wake him up with a stack of pancakes.
Expect lots of late nights experimenting, though after those nights you can always find him curled up in bed with you.
Also---- forehead kisses! He's a tall man!!
Being in a relationship with him means you need to have some sort of relationship with his kids as well. He wouldn't see anyone who was cruel or mean to his children. (Teasing Soren is okay though.)
He'd bounce his plans off of you to help flesh them out, however, sometimes he doesn't want your opinion, he just wants you to agree with him.
He would do anything to hide how he actually looks from you. Even if you're also a dark mage. He usually doesn't think about it but when he's with you it makes him extremely self conscious.
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yanderebottom · 5 years
I ran out of things to read
There’s zero kasef fanfics
I’m tempted to make one
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