#viren x reader
madou-dilou · 11 months
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Behold a self-indulgent thing where he just gave her one of the scabrous orders which he has the secret of; or maybe he told her he intended to commit suicide, idk. It could go either way with him.
I say her, but she is really just me; I had no idea it was called an OC until someone told me so.
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The Dragon Prince Masterlist
❤️=Romantic 💛=Platonic 💔=Angst ☁️=Fluff
Callum x Reader
Rayla x Reader
Soren x Reader
Claudia x Reader
Gren x Reader
Corvus x Reader
Viren x Reader
Aaravos x Reader
Character x Character
Callum x Reader
Rayla x Reader
Soren x Reader
Claudia x Reader
Gren x Reader
Corvus x Reader
Viren x Reader
Aaravos x Reader
Character x Character
Completed Series List
Ongoing Series List
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platinumrosetail · 2 months
So here’s another the dragon prince x reader idea:
What if the reader was from our world and had died soon after transporting into the dragon prince world as their oc that they had made for the show? They try to keep a low profile but still have fun in the show but what they didn’t know was that their oc backstory had linked to the show instead of just being a nonexistent backstory for a oc that was made for said show.
As you can tell it’s a work in progress still so some things may change when it’s finally made if I decide to make this.
Now this might be only a one character x reader fanfic idea if I do do it (which I’m kinda tempted to make it) and thankfully I’m able to do both female and male reader for this so yay! Anyway this idea of mine really peaks my interest so this might be the one I do unless I have an even better idea than it.
Hope yall liked it. Tell me what yall think! 😁 I’d like to hear y’all’s thoughts on it! Anyway hope yall have a wonderful day/evening/night.
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sarasade · 1 year
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uUm, sir she started it- A lil comic about how Viren and Lissa met
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redr0sewrites · 1 year
can all the aaravos writers and stans wake tf up and start posting again i cant keep reading my own fanfics or im going to go insane even ao3 is dying out WHERE IS THE AARAVOS CONTENT I WAS PROMISED??? IS THE FANDOM JUST GONNA GO DORMANT AGAIN UNTIL NEXT SEASON???? EVEN THE VIRAVOS SHIPPERS R STARTING TO DISAPPEAR COME ON GUYS DONT LEAVE ME HERE TO WRITE FOR AARAVOS ALONE 😭😭😭
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The dragon prince masterlist
Rayla <3
Runaan <3
Ethari <3
Callum <3
Aaaravos <3
Claudia <3
Harrow <3
Viren <3
Ibis <3
Soren <3
Amaya <3
Janai <3
Dragons (sol regem, zubeia, avizandom) <3
Group fics <3
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mimihanyuu · 2 months
555 (change)
The dungeons are especially dark in the wee hours of morning.
You aren't entirely sure what you are doing. At such an hour, most everyone should be asleep including prisoners. But somehow, you are sure the current prisoner is awake, brooding and perhaps plotting something.
Despite Viren's insistence that he is a changed man, you cannot help but feel suspicious. After all, Soren is your most trusted friend--your best friend. You can't bring yourself to doubt him, to take his father's side. Still, against your dear friend's wishes, and unbeknownst to him, you approach his father's cell. The lantern in your hand makes the halls look all the more eerie.
You hold your light up high, waiting for the inmate to stir. He does, and you make sure your scowl is firmly in place when his eyes meet yours.
"Viren," You begin. The man offers nothing but a dead-eyed stare. He looks haggard, withered compared to the last time you saw him. Good.
"You don't know me, but I know you," You continue, and Viren lets you. He seems almost afraid to interrupt. "I was a knight when you took the throne. A 'weak link,' as you called us." Viren hangs his head. "But that's not what I'm here for. I'm here for Soren."
At the mention of his son's name, Viren flinches, but does not lift his eyes. "...Soren?" He mumbles. You hum an affirmative.
"I believe people can change, Viren," You stare down at him harshly, wishing he would meet your gaze and grovel. "I believe in second chances. Your son taught me that, but..." A sigh escapes you. "I also want you to know just what you've done.
"Soren is hurting. He has been, all his life, and it's because of you. I don't know your story, or what lead you there, but the way you treated him...it still hurts. He covers it up well, but the mere mention of you visibly stings. The amount of times he's cried over you...I've lost count."
Silence. You sneer. Viren still refuses to look at you, refuses to acknowledge his greatest crime. Or perhaps he is ashamed, you think, but that's not enough for you. You want him to weep, to beg forgiveness. You realize it's too much to ask.
"Soren might forgive you," you continue, and Viren finally looks to you. Tears are welled in his eyes, eyes that look tired and remorseful. The weight on your heart lifts slightly, but still, it is not enough. Your expression hardens. "That's if you're lucky. But just know that I won't. Nothing you say or do could make up for the way you've hurt my best friend. I hope you know that."
You leave Viren with your words, slipping into the shadows with a huff and a glare. Perhaps, you think, one day, the man will prove himself to his son. To you.
You can only hope it won't be too late.
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these are my own personal headcanons for our local sparkly elf
insert a song only he remembers stuck in his head
doing evil sparkly elf things
rehearsing the things he's gonna say to the mage that he's been ignoring
trying to make the a cool reveal while wearing the hood while viren is doing his thing
daily practicing with magic
workout(?) for 2-3 hours (working out to out run the child support bills)
does he eat human food or does he just like-
idk why but i just hc him as a bad cook....not that bad- it's just that he magics everything, that i don't think he knows how to cook like a human
probably took care of sir sparklepuff while it was transitioning into the butterfly...(it's my way to coop)
...eats flowers
can and has went into virens dreams and then denies ever being in there
has the softest hair even by elf standards
i think he (hopefully) has a shower
or maybe he can magic cleaning himself again
can do the booba blade thing
(OPAI like the ones in genshin physics)
he has nice hands, takes care of them regularly
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jellyfishxxi · 2 years
Shooting Star, Travel Far
S1, Ch 1: Echoes of Thunder
Summary: A normal day at the castle of Katolis. Callum failing at training, Soren and Claudia lightly teasing each other, and your adoptive father is being hunted by Moonshadow assassins. Wait, what?!
Genre: Comedy, Light Angst
Warnings: Sadness, abuse, abandonment
Characters: Callum, Ezran, Bait, Soren, Claudia, Harrow, Viren, Reader
Relationships: None if you don't count Callum's crush on Claudia
Notes: I'm not writing this word for word from the show, so be prepared for some differences, but I'll try and keep the overarching story the same.
Rain poured down onto the roof. You and Ezran had shared a bedroom for the longest time, so looking over to see the small boy sleeping with bait like he usually did was a comfort for you. You smiled and looked through the doorway, seeing Callum at his easel, drawing something.
You put your bookmark in your book and picked up a candle, walking over to your step-brother. Leaning over his shoulder, you looked at the paper, seeing a dragon melting a man made of marshmallows. "Whatcha drawing?" You asked. Callum jumped, shifting away from you.
You only laughed. "Dang it, _____, don't do that!" He scolded, causing you to laugh more. "Sorry, Callum." You spoke in between laughs, before putting the candle down. "Nice drawing, though. You've got a gift." You spoke, looking back down at the paper. Callum smiled.
"Thanks. It's just something that popped into my head." He spoke, looking back down at the paper. "Take that, Marshmallow man!" He laughed, causing you to laugh too. A lightning bolt struck the roof of the tower, causing Ezran to wake up.
"Callum? _____?" He spoke, looking into Callum's room. "It's just a lightning bolt, Ez." Callum began. "It can't hurt you, try and go back to sleep." You spoke, walking back to your own bed. Ezran nodded and turned around, his back facing you as he and bait fell back asleep. Soon enough, you and Callum blew out your candles too, drifting into the land of sleep.
"Mommy! Mommy please, I can be good I swear! Please mommy, don't send me away!" The child pleaded, tears in their eyes. Their mother didn't care how many years they shed, or how much they begged to stay. "Shut up." She said, kicking them off. "I don't want to spend another second looking at this... This..." The woman thought. "Abomination's face! Get it out of my sight!" She yelled.
"Yes, my queen." One of the guards said, picking up the child. The queen turned and left, not bothering to look back. The child reached out for her, begging for their mother to come back, to let them stay. The guard that held them felt sorry for them, as he knew the queen would not let them stay. He knew the queen was cruel, so did everyone else. But never in their minds would they have thought she'd abandon her own child.
The child didn't know how long they had walked. But eventually, they came to a stop. The guard gently set them down on a rock, kneeling before them. "I'm so sorry, your highness." He said, gently caressing the crying child's cheek. "You don't deserve this." He said, wiping their eyes. The child sniffed in response.
The guard took out an apple from his pocket and handed it to them. "Here. You'll need it." He said as the child took the fruit. "Goodbye, little one. I hope whoever finds you will be kinder than the queen." The guard gently hugged the child, leaving shortly after. The child sat on the rock, their knees close to their chest as they cried some more. They just wanted to go home.
The wind blew past their ears. A song rode on the harsh, winter breeze. It comforted the child, causing their cries to lessen. They couldn't explain it, but the song felt familiar. The voice, though it felt far away, felt familiar. Their cries finally stopped as they leaned back, almost like they were being held.
Your eyes snapped open and you shot up. Looking around, Ezran's bed was empty, and Callum wasn't in his room. They must be up already... You thought. Getting out of bed, you grabbed a notebook and charcoal stick before leaving the tower. Opening the notebook, you began to write.
I had the dream again last night. The one about a child being abandoned. Something tells me this dream is significant, be because this is the third time it's happened. But, I don't know. I have no clue what dreams mean, and I don't think there'd be any books in the library about the subject. I guess it'll remain an unsolved mystery.
You closed the notebook, looking up. You must've subconsciously walked to the training grounds, because there Callum was, practicing with Soren. And on a bench next to the 300-year-old tree was Claudia. Soren looked at you, making a spraying motion with his hands.
"Oh _____, you must avenge me! For I have been stabbed by the stab-prince!" He exclaimed dramatically. You laughed. "Looks like he finally got revenge for all the teasing." You joked, moving around to sit next to Claudia. "Morning, Claudia." You greeted the brunette. She looked up at you and smiled. "Morning, _____!" She returned the greeting, causing you smile in turn.
"Learn any new spells lately?" You asked. Claudia nodded, taking out an orb. "Check this out." She said, drawing a rune. "Aspiro!" She shouted, blowing out a large gust of wind. You laughed, smiling. "Sky magic, right?" Claudia nodded again. "Yep! This is a primal stone. It contains a real storm." You looked at her in awe.
"No way..." You exclaimed, eyes trained on the orb. It held thunderclouds that let out bursts of lightning occasionally. "Yes way!" Claudia exclaimed, putting the orb away. "And most humans don't know how to do magic, so that makes it all the more rare!" She explained. You nodded.
You seemed like you were about to say something, when you heard Opeli calling for you. "Prince Callum. Prince/Princess _____. King Harrow wishes to see the both of you." She said, alerting you and your adoptive step-brother. You stood up, waving Claudia goodbye as you followed Callum and Opeli out of the training grounds.
You, Ezran and Callum stood outside the throne room. You took a breath in as Callum opened the doors, seeing various people around what you called the strategy table, one of which was your adoptive father. Callum cleared his throat, allowing Harrow to approach the three of you.
"Callum, Ezran, _____!" He began. "Congratulations, you're going to the banther lodge!" He said, causing the three of you to look at him in confusion. "Isn't the banther lodge the winter lodge?" Callum asked. "Yeah, what will we even do?" Ezran asked. Harrow seemed intent on pushing the idea.
"You could have dirtball fights! Or make dirtmen! Or even go mud sledding!" He suggested. You raised an eyebrow. "I don't think those are things." You said, folding your arms. Harrow's expression changed into a more serious one. "I just need you three to go tonight. This is not a debate. Pack your bags. You leave at sundown." The three of you stared at Harrow in surprise before leaving. Harrow looked at the doors as they closed before sighing, turning back to the strategy table.
As the three of you walked down the hallway, an overwhelming silence hung through the air. You opened your notebook, looking at your previous entries, sighing as you began to write your thoughts down.
We're going to the Banther lodge. I don't know why, but I have a feeling it isn't going to be good. We don't go there unless it's winter. There's definitely a reason, and it's likely a bad one. Sorry Callum, Ez. But if I find out, I'll have to keep it to myself. Another secret on the pile, I guess.
You put your charcoal stick away and closed your notebook, moving your eyes to look back at Ezran and Callum. There was still an underlying tension.
It was the middle of the afternoon. Luckily for you, you had finished packing by now. You had resolved on taking only some clothes and few personal items. Now, you were simply wandering around the castle, tracing every wood carving and running your hand across the walls.
"...No defense will stand against them." You heard Lord Viren speak in another room. You quietly snuck over to the doors, leaning against them so you could hear what was being said.
"Once the full moon rises, they'll be virtually unstoppable, so we strike during the day." Viren spoke, presumably to Soren and Claudia. You peaked your head out from behind the door, watching the interaction. Viren took out a box.
"You'll use this Archangel Lunaris, a moon moth, to track and ambush them. And do it quickly. If they get inside, they won't hesitate." You were confused. Who wouldn't hesitate to do what? Seems Soren shared your confusion. "To do what?" He asked. Viren looked around, before whispering the answer to him.
"They're gonna kill the king?!" Soren shouted, causing your eyes to widen. You let out a shocked gasp, before immediately covering your mouth as Viren looked in your direction. He didn't see you, and turned back to face Soren.
"Discretion, boy! Do you want to cause a panic?!" He shouted. Whatever was said, you didn't hear the rest. You ran off to the room you shared with Callum and Ezran, breathing heavily. Assassins were coming to kill the king. And from the way Viren was speaking, you could only surmise that they were moonshadow elf assassins. Deadly accurate warriors.
You couldn't believe it. You didn't want to believe it. The man who took you in out of the kindness of his heart, who raised you like his own child...
Was going to die.
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delusional-mushroom · 2 months
Aaravos x reader where reader is also a startouch elf who was Aaravos’s lover but got imprisoned at the same time he did but in a different prison so instead of trying to lead Claudia and Viren to his prison he’s insisting they save his lover (but in his own ‘No! You can’t do it on your own you need this elf’s help!’ To avoid revealing something that would break his mystery facade- maybe reader had like a pet that guards their last residence and Aaravos is just like ‘oh yeah, that’s just ___ he bites.’ Feel free to add some plot to this it’s just a lil scenario that poofed into mah brain hole.
🌟 anon
Oh hello 🌟 anon. Thanks for the request >:3
Side note: sorry this was a bit rushed, especially towards the end. I’d be happy to part two it if you guys want.
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After Leola’s death, you and Aaravos shared your grief. When you had no more tears to cry, and the crater of her demise was full to the brim, you began plotting your revenge.
At first, everything was going great. No one suspected a thing.
But then, a human girl— A human girl, had the audacity to stick her nose into where it did not belong, and rat you two out to the arch dragons.
It all happened so fast, one moment Aaravos was shielding his lover from the onslaught of attacks; and then the next they were both enveloped in a crude, blinding light.
Your look of horror was the last thing he saw before he too was imprisoned.
The two of you were both granted a visage through intricate looking glasses, spared with only one shellshocked glance at each other before you were given to the arch dragon of ocean, Domina Profundis.
Every day, and every night, Aaravos cried in his prision.
First Leola, his kind and loving daughter, and now his spouse: the only thing he had left in this cruel world.
Everything seemed hopeless.
He might never hold you in his embrace.
You two might never see each other again.
That was until a middle-aged dark mage stumbled upon his looking glass. How it got from the clutches of Avizandum and Zubeia to the treasury of Katolis, he didn’t know. But old habits die hard, and Aaravos didn’t mind reusing some old tricks…
“Avizandum is dead.”
Avizandum, King Of The Dragons, the ringleader in his and his lover’s imprisonment. He was dead.
Aaravos felt a satisfaction he had not felt in a long time. Not only was this going to make his schemes easier, but hearing the news of his passing made Aaravos almost giddy with joy. Maybe he wasn’t the one to end Avizandum’s life, but knowing of his death was almost just as good.
Maybe this middle-aged, emotionally fragile man had potential. Maybe he would be a useful pawn.
Finally, after centuries in his prision, escape was within his grasp. He could leave this dreaded place. He could take revenge upon those wretched dragons and elves.
But in a final moment, he relented.
“What do mean ‘no’? We’re this close to freeing you!” Claudia squawked indignantly, pinching her fingers together to emphasise her point.
“You need to free someone else first. Someone just as powerful, and just as essential to the plan.” Aaravos insisted, his ghost-like apparition pointing a finger to a second dot on the map.
“And who would that be?” Viren inquired, Raising and an eyebrow in suspicion.
The star touched elf resisted the urge to roll his eyes. His use for the old man was beginning to dwindle. “You will see when the time comes.”
Reluctantly, he managed to get Viren, Claudia, and Terry to agree, though the earthblood elf didn’t really put up much of an argument.
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Roaring and ticketing sounded through the mountain where your prison was kept. Allegedly, the magic orb that contained you was imbedded into an ancient tree. In order to acquire it, the tree needed to be felled. Easy, right? Wrong.
The tree was guarded by a serpent-like dragon by the name of Mortem, who’s bite held enough venom to kill an archdragon.
“Don’t get bit.” Aaravos instructed.
He was so close to you. He could feel your energy radiating through the mountain.
And somehow, the earthblood elf managed to lead Mortem away and distract him long enough without getting bit for Claudia and Viren to cut down the tree and grab your prision.
The scrambled journey back down the mountain made his breath bait in anticipation. This was it. He was finally going to be able to see you again.
Once the ritual was complete, your giant form kneeled down to look the three mortals in the eye. Shrinking yourself down, his ghostly appearance caught your eye.
“Aaravos?” You ask incredulously.
“I’m here, beloved.”
I’m here…
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aviradasa · 8 months
Love long lost
Aaravos x Fem!reader pt 1
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(picture from Pinterest, if you know the artist let me know so I can give proper credit!!)
Warnings: None that come to mind.
This one shot is based off of a prompt by @jellyfishxxi
Linked here
If you want a part Two leave a request, Private message me, Or tell me down in the comments!! Love you all my little goblins🖤
Don't forget to check out my Masterlist
Part 2 linked here
Part 3 linked here
Part 4 linked here
Do you ever have memories of things that never happened? Memories that don't even seem to be yours but in certain moments they appear before you like a flashback. You know it can't be a dream, but it almost feels like one with how otherworldly they seem and how they mostly seem to attack when the moon is high and the stars shine brightly above the land, decorating every inch of the sky in ethereal light as they paint pictures with one another. I hate them. For some reason I can't stand the sight of the stars due to the overwhelming dread I feel gazing at them. It almost feels like guilt oddly enough and not knowing. god's, not knowing makes me hate it even more.
The sound of our footsteps echoes through the thick forest surrounding the kingdom Katolis.
” I can’t believe it's been two years since we left this place..” I hear Rayla say to me as we approach the bottom of the cliff that supports the mighty castle atop it, “I know it feels like it's been longer than that right?” I ask with a small chuckle as I catch the climbing sickle Rayla tosses me, getting a grip on it I take the first jump stabbing the blade into the rock as we climb
“Yeah I suppose it could feel that way.” she stops for a moment taking another leap up the cliffside i follow “I just wonder if we will still be welcome here after how we left,” she says a large hint of uncertainty following her tone as she speaks.
I understand her concerns well, especially considering the circumstances of our little disappearance. Two years ago shortly after the fight at the storm spire I had been wide awake unable to sleep due to another one of those pesky memories, and went out for a little walk in the castle during said walk I found my dear friend Rayla attempting to sneak out of a window, and with some convincing i got her to allow me to join her. I know it was hard on her. That night she left a lot behind like her love, her friendship, and the trust she shared with the others, especially Callum. But even though we were both struggling we persisted to try and find Viren and Claudia. Unfortunately, we are coming back empty-handed.
I stop climbing for a moment to catch my breath looking at her “Hey. I’m sure that's not the case, despite our leaving they are still our friends I'm sure they will understand once we explain our reasonings.” I tell her with a small grin
“Even Callum?” she asks me with an unsure expression
“Yeah, knowing him you will be fine,” I respond with a chuckle
That was 2 days ago
things didn't go as planned. we arrived slipping inside the castle I went straight to the kitchen and Rayla to the fancy new high mage office to see Callum, and the next morning when she met me outside to go to the Welcoming of Queen Zubeia and Zym she told me all about it, to say the least, it sounded awkward and I'm happy I didn't have to bare witness with my own eyes to that interaction. Then of course when everyone was having a nice peaceful time the news came, in the form of ibis’s last breath. And we made haste to Xadia
. We waited in the storm spire for the others to arrive. when I see the magical-looking glass that made them fall behind I get a horrible feeling of deja vu and have to steady myself to not lose my balance. As I see my reflection in it next to the others a strong feeling of dread and guilt overwhelm every sense I have. As I listen to the story Zubeia tells, I can't help but feel it's familiar in some way. But before I can take too much time to dwell on things a roar sounds from the throat of the mighty queen of dragons as she calls upon a storm to block us from the sun's view, as the light fades a new glow replaces it as the Mirror replaces its view of us all with a rather lavish room and a rather surprised looking startouched elf.
Seeing him froze me. Not from fear but from the fact that he was so familiar, and the way his gaze circled the room, and when his eyes turned to me he looked at me with sheer Hatred. With a wave of his hand, Callum started choking and dropped to the floor. None of us could think we were all stuck but Rayla was able to speak. and she held her hand out with uncertainty, “Callum-” she began to ask before his head snapped towards her his eyes black as a void. Aaravos waves his hand once more behind the mirror and Callum begins to stand jerking like a puppet on strings. We all take a step back, Once Callum stands fully his movements smoothen up once again and he stares into the mirror blankly his eyes turning into an iridescent white. Aaravos then smirks, and so does Callum.
Moments pass and Callum's possessed body paces back and forth his head facing down and his hands tucked neatly behind his back as we look on at the scene with disturbed and confused faces. None of us know what to do in the moment, And none of us dare take a step. That is until Ezren attempts to step toward his brother, Not getting more than an inch before Soren places a hand in front of him stopping the young king from stepping closer, suddenly Callum’s body turns to face Queen Zubeia, raising his head with a smirk on his face and a voice that's not his own “Zubeia~ you haven't aged a bit you look as Young, and ravishing as the day you betrayed me.” Zubeia huffs angrily a cloud of smoke escaping from her nostrils, as he continues speaking “So sorry to hear of your mate's untimely, and tragic passing.” He mocks before Aaravos turns Callum, his meat puppet to face the rest of us.
“So these Are the champions you've gathered to try and stop me? They are nothing but pathetic children.” he chuckles a bit before approaching Ezren and looking down at him
“The whining child king who is way over his head,” he leans down a bit “and he knows it.” Ezren looks down and I place a hand on his shoulder pulling him back as I draw my sword and raise it to Callum's possessed body. Aaravos sighs, raising Callum's hand and using two fingers to move the tip of my blade aside with an eye roll “I'll get to you later.” he sneers before turning and walking up to Rayla getting in her face a bit with a mocking grin “ahh the Moonshadow assassin who- can this be right” he turns his head away from her for a moment before looking her right in the eyes “is incapable of killing?” he lingers for a moment before turning away from her, as he turns Rayla looks down with a frown and I take as step forward Ezren stopping me as Soren did him moments prior, i look down at him and frown but take step back nonetheless.
Callum's possessed body approaches Soren “the failed son,” he says with a condescending grin as Soren looks on with Frustration “whose father wishes he was never born. And finally You.” He snaps his head towards me with a twitch as he approaches me quickly placing the palm of his hand under my chin and curling his fingers up, Digging his fingers into my cheeks harshly and pulling me closer to him, I attempt to use my arm to smack his hand off of me but before my hit can make contact he grabs my arm with his freehand and hold it in the air cutting off my circulation as I let out a muffled scream of frustration and pain. He lets out a dark chuckle “And you.” he repeats as he flashes me a chilling grin
“Aaravos stop this, She doesn't remember anything!” Zubeia jumps in with a snarl.
Aaravos makes Callum's body turn to face the Dragon queen just slightly, not releasing his grip on my face or wrist in fact he tightens them. “ You think I don't know that!” he snaps at her before looking back at me “But have no worries I'll make her remember,” he says his sickening smile returning, As I struggle in his grasp.
I feel like a mouse caught by the tail in a cat's mouth, squirming and writhing to escape. The thing is even though the mouse is aware its attempts are unlikely to make any sort of difference in the outcome of this unfortunate circumstance. It believes it might as well make life a tad more annoying for the cat before it's devoured.
“Remember what?” I attempt to shout, it's quite difficult and it comes out muffled but he still chuckles darkly, letting me know he understood every bit.
“Why how about I just show you,” he smirks disturbingly as he releases my wrist and raises his hand, his palm glows with a blue light. Even before the blood can return to my hand I start fighting to escape his grip as he attempts to place his hand on my forehead, but no matter how much I kick and scream and punch at him he doesn't budge. eventually wrestling me to the ground.
it feels like a snake that wraps its victims in its tail, strangling them to death. But this snake has no tail just hands the hands of my dear friend that He uses as a flesh puppet for his bidding,
In my last attempts at fighting, I catch a glimpse of the others. I see Rayla jump forward with her blades drawn only for Soren to grab her with both arms and keep her still. As I look back up at Callum the last thing I see isn't even him anymore, all I see is Aaravos and blue light as he places his palm on my forehead.
The feeling of burning is almost funny because blue is normally seen as a cold and calming color yet the magic that it uses burns, it burns a lot. it burns so hot that I think my flesh could seer off the bone, I scream in agony as scenes flash before my eyes. Fading in and out and then in again before I feel my consciousness slip away and blue light engulfs my vision. One of the last things I feel is my face being released and the stinging pain of it. The last thing I hear is a dark chuckle, and a crack as I hear my head hit the hard stone.
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platinumrosetail · 2 months
I’m finishing up the dragon prince season 6 so I expect some requests please lol.
I’ll try to pick an idea for a fanfic it’ll most likely be a Aaravos x reader story, heck I might make two, one for Aaravos and another for a various book.
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stranger-angel0401 · 2 months
All Fall Down
Pairing: Soren x Reader
Description: Viren's return has caused Soren to face emotional turmoil. Reader is there for him, standing with him. When Katolis is attacked, they turn to the person they hate most for help.
No pronouns used for reader (I think), no use of y/n
CW: Blood, violence, death
WC: 3.0k
When your group returns from your search for Zubeia, you are all in good spirits. 
Zubeia is alive, she is healing. She will be okay. Your group is unharmed, and together.
You sense the sour mood before Soren. He’s long into a rant about souvenirs and mushrooms when he stops. 
“Uh..is something wrong?”
Ezran looks between the two of you, holding eye contact with you for a moment too long. Somehow, you understand. Ezran gives you a pleading look. Please don’t make me tell him. You nod. Poor kid doesn’t need any more trauma. You glance at Opeli and Corvus, and they nod. You gently take your boyfriend’s hand, smiling softly.
“Soren, why don’t we go on a walk?”
Soren is not oblivious. He flashes you a confused look, which you reply to with soft eyes. Trust me. He does, with his life. He allows you to lead him out of the room.
You take Soren outside to the bridge. It is deserted, except for a few guards. It only takes a single nod from you for them to salute and make themselves scarce. Soren squeezes your hand, and you can’t make him wait any longer.
“Love, what’s- what’s going on? What was that weird silent conversation you had with Ezran? Is there another plot? Are they- is someone coming to kill Ezran?”
You take his other hand, softly bringing his knuckles to your lips. Then, you release his hands, stepping closer to him so you can take his cheeks in your palms. He practically melts at your touch. He only gets it from you.
“Soren..two years ago when you left Viren’s army and came to fight for Zym..I was so proud of you. You had no idea what you were doing or if we would accept you, but you knew that Viren was wrong, and you fought for what was right, no matter- no matter how much it hurt. You did..the right thing, even when it felt wrong, because you knew it was right, and I just- I want you to know that I see you, that I see every sacrifice you make. I see the person you’ve become, and I want to make sure that you know that no matter what happens..you have to stay true to yourself.”
He’s heard this all before, several times. He never gets tired of it, but he’s confused.
“What’s happening, Love? Why- why are you telling me this now?”
You stare into his eyes, and you wonder how they can be so different from his father’s. You hardly remember Soren’s mother, but you think he must have gotten them from her. There is so much life behind them, so much warmth. He’s beautiful.
“Soren..Viren is back. He’s here.”
When Soren asks you to come with him to the dungeon, you don’t hesitate. It’s not often that he admits he needs support, so when he does, you make sure to give it to him. To show him that it’s okay. He seems to intentionally walk down the stairs as slowly as possible, staring at the plate of food in his hand. 
You hear a voice in the distance, and as Soren steps out of the shadows, Viren gasps.
“Soren? Oh, Soren! My son! I-is that you?”
You make sure to scowl at Viren from behind Soren’s shoulder. He sends you a regretful look. Your features don’t soften.
You flinch as Soren tosses the plate into Viren’s cell with a loud clatter.
“Do you need anything else?”
His voice is cold, it almost frightens you. It’s so..unsoren-like.
Viren sputters as he walks closer to the bars.
“Oh, Soren, so much has happened, I have... so many things I want to say to you. I... I don't know where to…”
“I guess that’s a no.”
Soren makes a point of taking your hand as he turns, and his message is clear.
I don’t need your love. I found my own family. I have them.
Viren calls out after Soren, but Soren doesn’t stop, doesn’t even falter. He leaves the dungeon, squeezing your hand tightly.
The next time Soren visits Viren, he asks you to stay near the stairs. You agree, but you don’t let him leave without wrapping your arms around his neck, pressing soft kisses against his shoulder. He is loved, you will make sure he knows that.
You stand in the shadows, far enough that Viren cannot see you. Close enough that you hear everything.
Viren gasps when Soren tosses the plate into his cell.
“Thank you.”
“Why are you here, Soren? You’re a Crownguard. You could ask anyone to bring prisoners their meals.”
When Soren speaks, venom drips from his tone. You hope you don’t have to get used to that.
“Maybe I just want to see you suffering.”
Viren sighs softly, and you prepare yourself for another monologue.
“I was cold to you when we last met in the Drakewood. No father should treat his child like that. But then, I've done many things a father should never do, haven't I? I have been cruel to you. And, your sister... I have watched Claudia walk down such a dark path, Soren. And I set her on it. I am to blame. I finally see that now. But with my eyes open, I also see... you. I see you, Soren. Oh, you've grown so much. You're so strong, so true to your heart. Your good heart. Somehow... somehow... you... you found the right path, in spite of everything I've done. I'm so proud of you.”
“What are you trying to do?”
Soren is at his limit, you realize. But you won’t leave your spot unless he asks you to.
“Soren, I’m just-”
“No! Stop it! Just... Just stop it! I know who you are! You're dangerous! Everything you're telling me is... is some kind of lie! And I'm not going to let you manipulate me again!”
You hate hearing so much anger and pain in his voice, but you’re so proud of him. 
“It isn’t a lie, son. Please-”
Soren whips around, slamming his fist into the metal bars. He breathes heavily for a moment, and you wonder what he’s going to do. You won’t tell a soul. Soren turns silently, and you let out a breath. You see him walking towards you, sniffling. Only when he knows he’s out of Viren’s sight does he collapse into you. You support him, burying your fingers in his hair. You slide your free hand under his armor, rubbing gentle circles against his back. He is shaking. He feels pathetic. He’s so strong.
“I love you,” you whisper.
He sputters for a moment, struggling to form words.
“L-love you too.”
When you wake up, you’re shivering. When you turn, you realize why. There’s no messy mop of blonde hair lying next to you, the bed is empty. You know where he’s gone. You almost wish you didn’t. Part of you wants to go find him, to bring him back to bed. You understand that you can’t. He obviously didn’t tell you for a reason, and you’ll give him that space. You’ll be here when he comes back.
You’re not sure how long it’s been when he returns. A couple hours, you guess. You’ve lit a candle, quietly reading a book. You’re wrapped tightly in your blanket; you’ve forgotten how chilly your quarters are when Soren isn’t here to keep you warm.
The door opening startles you until you see who it is. You shut your book gently, not bothering to mark your page.
“Hey, hun. How did-”
Soren whimpers, bringing his hands up to cover his face. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.”
He turns as if to leave again, and you’re out of bed in a second. You grab his hand, turning him towards you. He stares at the ground. You carefully lead him over to the bed, pushing against his chest until he sits down. You carefully remove each piece of his armor until he is left only in his comfortable underclothes. You sit next to him, and he stutters for a moment. You shush him gently, wrapping your arms around his neck and lightly pulling his head into your chest. He sobs, and despite his embarrassment, he lets you comfort him. He hugs you tightly, gripping a fistful of your shirt as he cries. You run your fingers through his hair and hold him there.
“I love you, I’m so proud of you,” you whisper repeatedly.
The next time you see Viren, you’re alone. He’s surprised by your presence, having only seen you recently from behind Soren. He never lets you come closer than an arm’s length. He won’t risk Viren hurting you. 
“You’ve grown,” Viren reminisces.
You scoff.
He can’t believe how strong you’ve become. You look so commanding and fierce. He’s glad Soren has you.
“Well, what is it? The guard said you have something for him.”
You see Viren hesitate for a moment, and you scowl.
“Don’t waste my time, traitor.”
Viren sighs, and produces a slip of paper.
“I..I don’t think he should read it. It will only make things worse for him. It will only burden him.”
You reach through the bars and rip the paper out of his hand. As your eyes scan the writing, you find yourself horrified. Viren is more of a monster than you first thought. And yet..you are thankful. Thankful that he saved Soren’s life.
Viren desperately searches your expression for something, anything, some semblance of emotion. He is met with cold eyes.
“Soren will not read this, you are correct.”
You turn, but before you can leave the room, you glance back at Viren. He is so sickly, so..broken.
“I’m glad you saved him. If only it hadn’t turned you into such a monster.”
You toss the letter into a torch.
Soren has all but broken down the door to the dungeon when you reach the top of the stairs.  When the door finally opens, unlocked from the other side, he half expects it to be Viren. When he meets your eyes instead of his father’s cold ones, he whimpers. 
“Why would you- I thought- He could’ve hurt you!”
You throw your arms around his neck, and he melts into you.
“I’m okay. I’m here.”
When the kingdom is attacked, you and Soren are prepared to defend it with your lives. As you stare out at the destruction, it all feels hopeless. Until it doesn’t. You don’t tell Soren where you’re going, he’ll stop you. You hope he’ll understand. You pull him aside, hoping this doesn’t take long. You have to tell him.
“Soren,” you start, almost backing out. Soren is quickly growing antsy.
“Your dad- he did terrible things, but he loved you, loves you, so much. But that doesn’t excuse anything he did. He hurt you, and he loves you, and both can be true. But I need you to know that I love you so much, and I will never ever hurt you, not on purpose.”
Soren stares at you, searching for words. He can’t find any. You pull him into a kiss, whispering one last “I love you” before instructing him to save the people, and taking off.
You lock the door behind you, quickly descending the stairs. You hope he doesn’t realize where you’ve gone. Viren is calling out from his cell, panicked. He does not relax at the sight of you. You don’t speak, but you unlock his cell, then his binds. He is surprised when you thrust his staff into his hands. 
“What’s going on?” he questions.
He is afraid. You try to hide that you are too. 
“Viren, you have to do something. Katolis is being destroyed. A dragon is attacking, we- you have to help. Please, everything is burning.”
Viren stumbles backwards, scared.
“I- I can’t fight a dragon! There’s nothing I can do.”
You scowl at him, pushing the staff closer to him.
“What about that spell you did at Lux Aurea? Hearts of Cinder, right? Almost used your own son as a guinea pig?”
Viren stares at you, dumbfounded.
“It protected your soldiers from dragon fire. Do that, save the people!”
“No, I- I had a primal stone then. It’s..different.”
You groan, losing patience. 
“You have dark magic! There must be some way to do the spell that way!”
“I gave up dark magic!” Viren argues. “And even if I did, the sacrifice- oh..it’s unthinkable.”
You shove his staff into his hands, and he stumbles back.
“Do it for Soren.”
Viren shakes his head.
“The sacrifice is a human heart.”
You lock eyes with him and draw your dagger. For a moment, he thinks you’re going to kill him. When you instead wrap his fingers around the handle, the message is clear.
“Tell Soren I love him.”
Soren can’t find you. The kingdom is being destroyed and evacuated, and he can’t find you. He’s resorted to running back into the burning castle, searching under every last pile of rubble. He won’t lose you. 
Just as he starts to become convinced that you’ve been crushed or burned to death, a more awful truth reveals itself. A trail of blood, leading out of the dungeon, leading to a bloody dagger. Your dagger. He follows the trail to find Viren, alone. His robes are covered in blood. His own blood, Soren realizes. Viren takes notice of his presence and yells. It is strained, but clear.
“Go to them.”
Soren doesn’t hesitate. 
You’re in the village when he finds you, helping someone out of a pile of rubble. He is relieved, until the dragon appears behind you, ready to strike. Soren won’t reach you in time, he realizes. He cries out. The blast hits you.
When the heat dies away, Soren opens his eyes. His skin is warm and cracked, and he feels reinvigorated by the flame. 
Hearts of Cinder shall not burn.
He freezes for a moment, understanding now why Viren was out. Understanding Viren’s sacrifice. 
Soren’s name is yelled, and he’s never moved faster. When he reaches you, all he sees is your hand. Your skin is cracked and decorated with lava, much like his. The person you had been protecting has run away.
Soren clears the rubble around you, finding strength he didn’t know he had. When you are revealed under the rocks, he wraps his arms under yours, dragging you out. He glances around the village, everyone has escaped.
Everyone except one.
Soren hoists you into his arms, and he runs.
When you have escaped the burning kingdom, Soren collapses with you in his arms. The spell has worn off. Soren’s hands touch your face, touch every last inch of your skin, searching for damage. You are cut and singed, but you will survive. 
Your hand finds the gash on his forehead, and he grimaces as your fingers graze it. You wipe a drop of blood away from his eye. Soren is the first to speak.
“Why- why would you disappear like that, why would you do that?”
Your answer is simple, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
“You would’ve stopped me.”
He sobs, pulling you into his chest. Silently, he swears to never let you out of his sight again. He’ll never let anything or anyone harm you ever again. You’ll never feel sorrow as long as he is alive. You’re trying to stay strong, but the gravity of the situation settles on your shoulders. You sob and push yourself closer to Soren. Your kingdom. Your home. Your memories. Soren is all you have left. He’ll never let you go. 
You hyperventilate, feeling as if your lungs will never fill with air again. Soren whispers to you, trying desperately to comfort you. How can he?
“I love you,” he whispers over and over against your hair. He receives no verbal response, you still can’t find your breath. Three light taps against his back convey your message.
 Finally, after what feels like years, your lungs fill with air. The weight of what you almost did to Soren hits you, and you cry harder. You whisper repeated apologies into his chest. He was never angry with you. He would’ve done the same. 
You have so much more to worry about than this. People to direct, to guide. You allow yourself to be selfish for a little longer. Soren has stopped crying. The situation will catch up to him later, but for now you are his only concern. He holds you, he comforts you, and he thanks the stars that you are still here with him.
“Please don’t leave me.”
He almost misses it. Your voice is hoarse and broken, and it is barely audible. He hugs you tighter.
“Never, I’ll never leave.”
When you only sob louder, he shifts. He moves one hand from around your waist to the back of your head. He hopes you feel safe. You’ve never felt safer.
“Hey, I mean it. Katolis- we’ll figure this out, you know we will. We always do. And..and when we do. I’m going to marry you. If- if that’s what you want of course. I just- I need you in my life. I need you by my side.”
He feels your grasp tighten, and for a moment he wonders if he’s made a mistake. 
Your response comes quietly, but you’ve never sounded more sure.
“Yes, yes please, I- I love you. I love you.”
Soren presses a gentle kiss to the top of your head, then to your lips. He starts to pull away, but your fingers find their way to his hair. You bury them there, tugging him closer. You pull him back to your lips, kissing him hard, but so softly. He’s scared if he lets go you’ll disappear. When you do finally pull away, you both understand it will be a while until another moment like this comes. He stands, hoisting you to your feet, wrapping your hand in his. 
“We’ll be okay,” he reassures you. “Together.”
You nod, turning. Ready to help your people with Soren by your side.
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newtthetranswriter · 4 months
Soulmate? Soulmates Pt. 2
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Paring: Soren x Trans masc! reader
Word count: 3829
Summary: After Finding the egg of the Dragon Prince and a confrontation with Claudia, it’s time for a last minute effort to stop the elves from finishing their plan to assassinate the king.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of King Harrows death
Part 1
A/n: Okay so a couple quick things. First I’d like to wish a Happy Pride Month to all of my lovely followers and anyone else who reads this. Second, I know it’s been almost a Year since part one was posted but Adhd and shifting hyper fixations got the better of me. I do have an outline for future parts and I've started on part three so hopefully it will be out sooner than later. Anyway, I hope you enjoy and Remember to Hydrate or Diedrate.
I still couldn’t believe it, the egg of the Dragon Prince wasn’t destroyed, like everyone was led to believe. In my shock I failed to realize that I had let my thoughts leak through mine and Soren’s connection. How is the egg still here? Did Viren seriously lie about this? What could he possibly do with a dragon egg?
Um Y/n, what are you talking about, shouldn’t you be at the banther lodge with your brothers now. Shit, we were supposed to leave a while ago. Hello? Y/n you there? How the hell do I explain what happened without him freaking out. 
So, Me and Callum may have been ambushed by a moonshadow elf while looking for Ez. And before you freakout I’m fine. I explained, completely ignoring the conversation happening between my brothers and the elf. Ezran actually saved us before anything could happen, anyway he led us into a secret passage and led us to a creepy store room. In it we found the egg of the dragon prince, it turns out it wasn’t destroyed. I refrained from asking if he knew anything about it because it was likely Viren wouldn’t trust him with his dark secrets.
I could tell Soren was trying to come up with a response from the sudden quiet in my mind. The delay in response let me tune back into my surroundings, “But how? Why wasn’t it destroyed?” Callum said, still confused as to how the egg was here.
Before any of us could respond we heard the grinding of stone as the stairs opened again, signaling a visitor. “Because my father saved it.” Claudia said entering with her strom primal stone in hand. 
The elf got in a stance ready to attack as Claudia tried to convince me and my brothers to stand behind her. My brothers just stood shocked, as I chimed in. “No one’s standing behind you and your lies. Viren didn’t save it, he stole it.” I said calling out her bullshit.
“That’s a lie, and you know it.” Claudia said, turning some of her hostility towards me.
Callum sensing a fight about to start stepped forward. “Then, Claudia, Why is it here?” He asked, obviously way too trusting of the dark mage. I had to fight back a laugh at the thought of Claudia actually telling the truth.
“My father took it to protect us, Callum, so the elves and dragons couldn’t use it.” Claudia defended, voice laced with hatred towards elves.
The elf now clearly pissed snapped back. “What are you talking about? How can we use it?” 
Claudia snapped in response. “Don’t play dumb! You know it’s a powerful weapon.” Okay now she’s just being dumb.
“It’s not a weapon. It’s a fucking egg, Claudia” I joined in calling her out for her crap.
Claudia then started to try and convince Ezran to bring her the egg, preparing to use magic against the elf. Realizing the egg wanted to go home Ezran looked to me and the elf before telling us to follow him, and ducking out of the room. Without hesitation we followed him. Callum on the other hand chained Claudia to the wall, and picked up the primal stone that she dropped in the chaos before following us.
As we ventured through the halls, we heard the sound of wolves howling behind us. “There’s something after us.” Callum shouted as we followed Ezran. I watched as the elf stopped taking out her blades and instructed us to keep running. Not wanting to take any chances, I just kept following my little brothers.
   As Callum turned the corner he was met with protest from Ezran. “Wait, not that way.” Before he could respond he slammed face first into the wall. “Because it’s a dead-end.” The younger boy said with a smirk as I chuckled at his misfortune. Though the laughter only lasted a second as we were now cornered by the smokey wolves.
   Taking a chance Callum looked at the primal stone in his hand before mimicking hand motions he had apparently seen Claudia use before. “There might be something I can do, but I don’t know if I can do it.” He sounded nervous.
   “Is this a guessing game? Just do it!” The elf exclaimed. We all then watched stunned as he successfully used a breath spell to dispel our smoky attackers. “You never said you were a mage.” THe said holding her arm that seemed to have been bitten by the fog.
   “Who, me? No, I’m… I’m not really anything.” Callum responded.
   I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. “You just did magic, dumbass.” He just looked at me confused as Ezran was just excited to see his brother do something cool.
   The elf also responded with an eye roll. “Yeah, that’s what a mage is. You’re a mage.” Callum then responded excitedly, forgetting we were still trying to lose Claudia. The elf shushed him with a finger to his lips, “Nobody likes a loud mage.” 
    “Sorry. Sorry. I’m a mage!” Callum whispered before following the rest of us as we made our way out of the tunnels.
    As we made our way through the tunnels, my train of thought was interrupted by Soren trying to talk to me. Are you ok? I know you said Ezran was able to save you before anything happened but where are you now, and where’s the elf? I could tell he was concerned but also still on edge from everything that’s happening.
   I’m fine, Soren. You should be focused on protecting the king. It’s getting late after all. I didn’t need him to worry about me, he should be focused on staying safe even though he’s supposed to put his life on the line for the king. But if you really want to know, I’m in some hidden passages with my brothers and the elf. She actually helped protect us when your crazy sister tried to stop us from saving the egg. I knew bringing up Claudia was probably dumb but hey he asked how I was so I told him.
   I’m sure she has her reasons, if what you're saying is true about this egg, it could be dangerous. Of course he would think that. Just don’t do anything stupid.
   I didn’t respond to that, I knew he valued his family, so there was no way I was going to convince him that they were doing something wrong. I just focused back on my brothers as Ezran said he would lead the elf to the roof. She hesitated before she followed along.
   When we made it to the roof Callum, Ezran and myself hid behind some crates. The elf then scanned the area making sure no guards were close before speaking. “You’re here. I know you are.” She said, as a taller elf walked up behind her on the edge of the wall.
    “Rayla.” Okay so that’s her name, got it. “ You defied me.” It was clear this elf was less than pleased to see her here.
    Ignoring the strictness of the older elf, Rayla went on to speak. “Runaan, you need to call off the mission.” She tried to convince him.
    The elf or Runaan, jumped from the ledge to be closer to Rayla. “You’ve lost your mind.” He said.
     Rayla was clearly growing more desperate. “Please, listen to me. I’ve found something. The egg of the Dragon Prince.”  Runaan just scoffed at her, saying it was impossible. “The egg wasn’t destroyed, it was stolen. Their High Mage was going to use it for dark magic, but the human princes found it, and they’re trying to help-” She tried to explain before Runaan interrupted her.
    “No. Humans are liars. This is a trick and a trap. You’re a fool, Rayla.” Runaan said brushing her off, only seeing humans for the horrible things they have done in the past.
     Having enough of the arguing, Callum showed himself. “She’s not a fool. What she’s telling you is true.” He said coming to the defense of our new friend.
    I could hear the other elf draw his weapon as he told my brother he made a mistake, and took it as my cue to pull Ezran from behind the crate to show the egg, and hopefully not get any of us killed. I watched as Runaan lowered his bow, muttering out that the egg was beautiful.
    “How can we take vengeance for an act that never happened? You have to call it off.” Rayla said, trying once again to get the mission called off.
    Runaan just sighed. “Rayla, you know it doesn’t work that way. We bound ourselves. There’s only one way to release.” He said motioning to the bindings on his biceps.
    Rayla continued to beg for him to relent and find another way, but even I knew the truth. I had read about it once in an old book, moon shadow assassins bind themselves with a promise to take out their target, these bindings get tighter the longer it takes to kill the target and they will keep tightening until the target has been killed or the limb falls off. It’s a truly dark practice but it’s their tradition. There truly is no other way, they have to kill their targets.
    Runaan turned from Rayla to Ezran as he spoke again. “The humans struck down the King of the Dragons. Justice will not be denied. Now, give me the egg.”
    Knowing where this was going, Rayla moved between us and Runaan. “You three, go” she said, drawing her blades. As Callum was about to protest, she cut him off. “Just keep it safe.” With that we took off back towards the castle, just as the full moon reached its peak.
As we reached the courtyard I spotted a cart full of hay and motioned for my brothers to follow me. Callum looked at it for a second understanding my idea and put his backpack into the hay. I turned to Ezran and grabbed Bait from his head, setting him in the hay as Callum helped get Ez and the egg into the hay as well. “Y/n you should hide in there as well. Stay hidden and keep the egg safe.” I looked at him confused as Bait let out an equally confused croak. “I’ll go talk to the king.” Was all he said before running off towards the main castle.
Ezran popped his head out from the hay to speak to me. “Why don’t you guys just call him ‘dad’? I think he would want you to. If you wanted to.” He said, sounding concerned. 
I just gave him a gentle smile before responding. “It’s complicated, Ez. But you need to get back in the hay and try to keep Bait from glowing too much. I’m going to go after him so he doesn't do anything stupid.” I just ruffled his hair before running off.
Hey Soren, I know you’re busy at the moment but Callum is headed to the Kings room. Please make sure he doesn’t get hurt. I’ll be there in a sec to get him. I quickly called out through our connection hoping Soren had enough focus to understand and not let my brother get hurt.
As I rounded the corner to the stairs leading to the King’s room, I could hear fighting. I also saw many guards already taken out by the elves. Don’t come up here Y/n the elves are here and there’s no way I can keep you safe. Don’t worry about Callum, he just started down the stairs. Whatever you guys end up doing, just please stay safe. That was the last thing I heard before getting run into by Callum and feeling my connection to Soren being blocked from his end.
Running out of the castle to meet up with Ezran and Rayla. “Callum. Did you talk with Dad?” Ezran asked as soon as he saw us.
Rayla handed over Callum’s backpack, telling him she’ll go back in with him if he asked her too. He just shook his head looking at Ezran and the egg. “No. It’s up to us now. We have to return this egg. We have to keep it safe and carry it to Xadia.” He said matter-of-factly.
Ezran nodded. “And find its mother”
Rayla looked at the group of us before responding. “We could change things. We could make a difference.”
I nodded agreeing, that it’s for the best. “Just the four of us.” I nodded at the group. Before we could continue, Bait croaked and turned red, clearly upset to have been left out. “The five of us.” I corrected myself, picking up the glow toad as we headed off out of the castle grounds.
Keeping my focus on moving past the guards running into the castle I barely noticed the conversation my brothers were having. “Callum, do you think dad will be okay?” I could tell Ezran was worried.
“He has the finest guards in the kingdom defending him.” Callum stated, although it was clear he was skeptical as well.
“Yeah. Yeah, of course.” Ezran said still worried but trying to sound like he believed it.
As we ran into the forest I noticed Rayla stop to look at her wrist as the boys kept going. “Is everything okay?” I asked even though I watched as one of her bindings turned red and fell off. 
Noticing I stopped, Callum stopped as well. “What’s going on? Something’s wrong.” He said as if knew what was happening.
Rayla made eye contact with me, somehow understanding that I knew what just happened. I shook my head at her discreetly hoping she understood, luckily she did. “No, it’s… we should stop and rest soon. It’s a long journey to Xadia.” It seems that Callum accepted that answer and we kept walking.
 We kept walking for about twenty more minutes until we found a small clearing where we could take a break and rest for the night. Callum and Ezran laid down on the ground, Callum using his bag as a pillow and Ez just curling up to Bait. Rayla had walked off saying something about finding something to eat. Myself on the other hand decided it was probably a good time to check on Soren.
Hey Soren, how’s everything going? I asked even though I knew the answer. One of Rayla’s bindings fell off, which can only mean King Harrow is gone. 
It was quiet for a few seconds, crickets and the soft breathing of my brothers being the only sounds I could hear. I’m sorry Y/n, I tried to keep him safe. I really did. They were just too strong. Soren finally responded, I could tell he was feeling guilty, but he was also avoiding saying the truth. My dad’s saying we’re having the funeral in the morning once the kingdom wakes up. There it is, conformation that he was really gone. Though I couldn’t stay thinking about my loss for too long as the rest of his sentence registered in my mind.
Why the hell is the funeral happening so soon? It’s tradition to mourn for seven sunsets when a king dies. Why is Viren being so disrespectful? I couldn't hold back my anger, after countless times claiming to be his best friend, and King Harrow going along with his dark magic for years, he doesn’t have the decency to let his people mourn his death properly. I’m not trying to take it out on you Soren, I’m just upset.
It’s understandable for you to be upset, you’ve lost so much in your life, and you just lost someone else who you cared for. You have the right to be upset. This is a side of Soren most people don’t get to see, when push comes to shove he really is understanding and extremely caring. But my dad is saying it’s because the elves killing the king was an act of war, and we need to prepare for it.
Of course Viren would use this as a reason to fight the elves, not like he wouldn’t have come up with a reason soon enough on his own. I’m just so done with Viren. I just don’t like him, I feel like he’s planning something. Please don’t let him damage Harrow’s image in any way. I know you don’t have much control over your own dad, but I don’t want him spreading lies about the King. I told him hoping he would understand.
He stayed silent for a few seconds before changing the topic. Let’s not talk about this now, how about you tell me where you and your brothers ran off to. Can’t seem to find you in the castle anywhere. Did you guys head for the Banther Lodge like you were supposed to do? Of course he would want to know where I’m at. He knew we found the egg, but it seems that in the chaos of the night he may have forgotten about it. So I did what I thought best.
Yeah, we headed there after Callum came down from the tower. Just got here actually. We’ll head back when we get the all clear. Promise. I know it’s wrong to lie, but I can’t tell him we’re running for the border of Xadia to take the egg of the dragon prince home, when his dad is a crazy dark mage who would probably kill us for it. I’ll see you soon. Anyway, I gotta go try and find food for the boys when they wake up. With that I closed the connection not wanting him to figure out the lie.
I leaned back on the rock I sat on staring up at the sky as it slowly started to turn orange in the rising sun. I just hope we can get this egg to Xadia safely. As I was lost in thought I didn’t notice the approaching footsteps. “So, Y/n, do you zone out like that all the time?” I was startled by the thick accent of Rayla, looking to see her sitting on a rock close to mine.
“Oh I was just thinking. Nothing to worry about.” I said, trying to brush off the fact that she probably saw me spacing out while talking to Soren.
She rolled her eyes at that. “Well you must get lost deep in thought a lot, I noticed you were doing it quite often back at the castle.” She said, turning her attention to her wrist, where the assassin's binding still rests. “I’m guessing that it has to do with your soulmate connection. You’re what 18, so you probably already got it a while ago from what Runaan told me about soulmates.” She said matter-of-factly. 
Damn she’s perceptive. “Yeah, we can talk to each other through our thoughts.” I said, trying to keep it brief. “My soulmate just likes to check on me a lot. What about you? Have you gotten your connection yet?” I asked hoping to not overstep any boundaries.
She just nodded her head. “I did a few years ago, but it’s not a very helpful bond like hearing thoughts or even a name on the wrist. I guess we can feel each other's emotions. I’ll randomly feel happy when I’m sad or feel angry for no reason, but I can tell these emotions are coming from somewhere else.” Rayla explained. It was nice to have this little chat, it’s good to get to know someone if you’re gonna be traveling together for a long period of time. “So, have you figured out who your soulmate is yet? What’s it like?” She asked, shifting her attention to me again.
“I did find them yesterday, actually. He’s part of the Crownguard of Katolis, we figured it out because of everything that was happening.” I said with a sad smile, leaving out the fact that my soulmate is in fact the head of the crownguard. “I was just checking in on him. Thankfully it sounds like he made it through the night okay.”
She nodded at me with a timid smile, probably feeling some level of guilt for my first day knowing my soulmate turned out so poorly. “I’m sorry you figured it out during such chaos.” She said, I just waved her off. It wasn’t her fault that the elves wanted revenge for what we did to the King of the Dragons. Changing the subject again, she started to fiddle with her binding again. “How did you know what it meant when the other one fell off?” Rayla asked, intrigued by my knowledge of moon shadow traditions.
I scratched the back of my head deciding what parts of the truth to tell her. I wasn’t ready for her or my brothers to know my lineage, especially my brothers, but she did have the right to know how I knew about it. So I bent the truth a bit. “Before King Harrow and his wife took me in, my birth parents would read me stories from Xadia. I was always curious about it so when I moved into the castle I read any and every book I could find on elven cultures and traditions. In one book I read about MoonShadow assassins and how they bind themselves as a promise to complete their missions.” I told her, it was true my birth parents did tell me about Xadia, and I did read about it in the castle library, but my parents told me from experiences not story books.
Rayla nodded in understanding. “Well then I guess you probably already know why I have this second one.” She said, still pulling at the ribbon.
“Yeah, but I don’t blame you. I know you were doing what you thought was right at the time. We will find a way to get rid of it before it takes your hand.” I said knowing that it was unlikely but hoping to bring some calm to her mind. Our conversation was interrupted by loud bells ringing through the kingdom. I knew what that meant, they’re taking the king's body to the Valley of Graves. Not wanting to dwell on the fact that this meant Viren was likely to lie about where we are and try to take the throne for himself, I stood from my place on the rock. “We should probably wake Callum and Ezran soon, so we can keep walking.” I made my way over to my younger brothers, shaking the oldest’s shoulder to wake him up. “Callum time to get up, we have a long way to go.” I said before moving to wake Ez.
“Let him sleep a bit longer, it’s gonna be a lot to take in.” Callum said, protesting waking the youngest of the group, as he moved to lean against a tree. I just nodded at him before deciding I was going to look for some berries or something for breakfast.
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domxmarvel · 1 year
Pairing: Aaravos x Gender neutral!Reader
Slot:“Why should I trust you?” “You shouldn’t” @v009hj
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“Y/N I need you to gather these items for me” Viren handed you a list.
“New spell?”
“What’s it for?”
“It’s a long story,just bring these items to the room with the mirror” He walked off before you could ask anymore questions. 
The items were relatively easy to find: a piece of fabric along with a needle and thread,a wine glass, a pestle and mortar. The only thing that was somewhat difficult to find was a geode,but thanks to a few connections you got it very quickly. 
You made your way back to the castle only to find out that Viren already left and didn’t tell anyone where he was going. You made your way to the room where he kept that mirror,there was already a table set up so you just put the items there. A sudden draft caused the door to slam shut and everything turned dark. Before you could even use your light spell the mirror suddenly lit up. Carefully you stepped closer,leaning in as if something could jump out,which considering the mirror was originally from Xadia it could be possible. The mirror was like a portal into a beautiful cozy library,you didn’t have time to look closer, you were interrupted by someone walking in. Immediately their head turned towards you,you could move or even look away from them. They stepped closer to the mirror before removing their hood,a star touched elf. You had heard a lot about them but never seen even a painting or picture of one let alone in the flesh. He was beautiful and he could tell,based on how he smirked at you. You noticed how his eyes darted around the room,stopping when he noticed the small table and gestures to it. Before you could even think it through you were following his instructions. 
The reality of it all struck you when he asked you to add some of your blood. You quickly grabbed a pen and paper,since you couldn’t hear him.
“Why should I trust you?” You held up the paper,he moved his hand like he was writing on the air. Letters forming as he wrote them,glowing brightly. 
“You shouldn’t” There was a brief pause before he continued “But I know you will,because your curiosity’s already gotten you this far” He was completely right,you wanted to know more. He smirked as he noticed the blood dripping down your hand and into the small dow,blue dust and smoke coming out as your blood went in. He did the same,drawing some of his own blood. Suddenly you felt a chill down your spine before you heard. “Humans so predictable,you always let your curiosity get the better of you”
“Who are you?”
“My name is Aaravos”
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nebulous-library · 1 year
Nebulous-Library Masterlist ✨
MY AO3 - All of my works are posted ONLY either here (on my main blog in some cases) or on my AO3 account. Nowhere else has permission to post or use them. Do not feed my work to robots. I can’t enforce that, I know, but like, I work really hard on this stuff and it would make me sad.
This masterlist is organized in two parts: 
Things that have the utmost brainrot at the current point in time.
Everything else, organized alphabetically by series.
Read more below!
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Relatively current obsessions -
Hajime Kokonoi (Koko)
Better Together (Koko x Reader x Inupi)
my thoughts will echo your name until i see you again (NSFW - dark content, not porn)
Seishu Inui (Inupi)
Better Together (Koko x Reader x Inupi)
Misc. headcanons, musings, imagines
little acts of intimacy - how they like to be touched (misc. characters)
what their kisses are like (misc. characters)
what they sound like when they cum (misc. characters)
how they fall in love (misc. characters)
Baji with a crush (HC)
the one where lyla gets a physical body (HCs)
UPCOMING - Untitled work (Hologran!Lyla x Reader)
Miguel O’Hara
UPCOMING - Untitled work (Dr. Olivia Octavius x Reader, Miguel O’Hara x Reader)
Dr. Olivia Octavius 
UPCOMING - Untitled work (Dr. Olivia Octavius x Reader, Miguel O’Hara x Reader)
Peter B. Parker x Bagel (feat. Reader)
Fifty Shades of Grain (NSFW) - Peter's love of carbs goes a little too far when he finds himself alone in his apartment one morning, fantasizing about his cute neighbor and not having anything better to satisfy his cravings than the bagel from the coffee shop. Whilst getting jiggy with this bagel, Peter manages to find himself in a little bit of a predicament only said neighbor can help him get out of.
Chuuya Nakahara
wine & dine (NSFW) - When your plans for Chuuya’s birthday go awry, he keeps himself busy with a nice bottle of wine. However, when you arrive later that evening, you find that the wine has caused certain complications for Chuuya. No matter — he’s going to have a birthday feast one way or another.
wine & dine - the bonus chapter (NSFW) - The unplanned follow-up in which Chuuya finally gets to smash
mile high club (NSFW) - Sigma didn’t think his first sexual encounter would be with his assistant manager at the Sky Casino. But things don’t always go as planned, do they?
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Everything else, alphabetical by source material
Like a Moth to the Flame (NSFW) - You are with the Gaang at Zuko's family's abandoned vacation home on Ember Island. Sozin's Comet is due to return in three days' time. The entire squad is stressed, especially Zuko. You approach him that evening in an attempt to help him alleviate some of his tension.
Headcanons, musings, imagines
Being romantically/sexually involved with Kagaya Ubayashiki [part 1] - [part 2] - [part 3]
Douma + breeding kink, kind of (HC)
Eggplant HCs [part 1] -  [part 2]
Milky Way (NSFW) - Whilst sneaking about where you shouldn't, you discovered the mirror from Viren's study down in an empty dungeon chamber. As captivating as such a relic as the mirror was, it was nowhere near as captivating as that which you saw in the glass.
Bound (NSFW) - You didn't mean to start semi-regularly having sex with the leader of one of the most notorious moonshadow elf assassin groups. But it happened, and now after having not seen him in months, he is being held captive in essentially the basement of your place of employment. You decide to pay him a friendly visit.
A Nocturnal Affair (NSFW) -  Night has fallen in Katolis, and what a beautiful night it is. Beautiful, but lonesome. Your chambers at the palace were lovely, but so very empty. Perhaps a sneaky late-night visit from a certain lover of yours can do something about that.
Xadian Nights - Your relationship with Runaan has come to the point where you can no longer stand the sneaking around and the secrecy. Neither of you wants this to be all it is for the rest of your life. After what had started as wistful daydreaming of what your lives might be like under other circumstances, you decide you're going to do it. You are going to flee to Xadia. With Runaan by your side, you venture off on a life-changing journey. [prologue] -  [chapter 1] - [chapter 2] - [chapter 3]
Oikawa Tooru 
The “Oikawa Has A Bedroom Full Of Mirror, Particularly On The Ceiling, And 100% Gets Off On His Own Reflection” saga (NSFW, drabbles/HCs) - [drabble 1] - [drabble 2] - [HC 1] - [HC 2] - [bonus]
Oikawa has both a praise kink AND a degradation kink (NSFW, HCs)
Kokichi Muta
Bringing him presents (HC)
Developing a relationship with him (drabble)
Going on dates with him if/when his body gets restored (drabbles) - [part 1] - [part 2]
Suguru Geto
Character Analysis Hours - [part 1] - [part 2]
High school Suguru + his piercings (HC)
Subby Suguru thoughts 
Misc. poly w/ SatoSugu thoughts [part 1] - [part 2]
Satoru Gojo
His sense of humor (HC)
Misc. poly w/ SatoSugu thoughts [part 1] - [part 2]
Kento Nanami
What flirting with him is like (HC)
Learning how to speak like a person (HC)
Kaoru Sakurayashiki (Cherry Blossom)
what they’re like in bed (part 1)
Cherry/Joe/Adam cockblocking each other
Kojiro Nanjo (Joe)
what they’re like in bed (part 1)
Miscellaneous HCs (NSFW)
Cherry/Joe/Adam cockblocking each other
Ainosuke Shindo (Adam)
Adam’s shotgunning kink (NSFW, imagine)
what they’re like in bed (part 2 - the Adam-centric sequel)
Cherry/Joe/Adam cockblocking each other
Hiromi Higa (Shadow)
what they’re like in bed (part 1)
Peter B. Parker x Bagel (feat. Reader) 
Fifty Shades of Grain (NSFW) - Peter's love of carbs goes a little too far when he finds himself alone in his apartment one morning, fantasizing about his cute neighbor and not having anything better to satisfy his cravings than the bagel from the coffee shop. Whilst getting jiggy with this bagel, Peter manages to find himself in a little bit of a predicament only said neighbor can help him get out of.
Takashi Shriogane
Missing Pieces series - A pre-VLD series in which you, Shiro’s partner, are coping with losing him to the Kerberos mission.
Part one - Let Me Call You Sweetheart (SFW) - You and Shiro had just moved into your new place shortly before he left. Now everything just feels empty without him.
Part two - The Moon and Back (SFW) - Keith comes to check on how you’re doing.
Part three - Stay with Me (NSFW) - Keith’s comforting goes a step too far
Part four - Just One Yesterday (SFW) - A glimpse into the development of your relationship with Shiro when you were both eager young Garrison students
Part five - Somewhere Only We Know (NSFW) - A bittersweet reunion between you and Shiro after his alleged disappearance on the Kerberos mission.  
Part six - The Impossible Year (SFW) -  [chapter 1] - [chapter 2] - It's been almost a year since the Kerberos mission, since you thought you'd lost the love of your life forever. But a fire is brewing within your soul. Despite your previous beliefs, you no longer can sit idly by and accept what the Garrison has told you about the disappearance of the crew on that mission. You need answers. And it's about time you find your missing pieces 
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