#virgo love prediction 2024
jeevanjali · 6 months
Virgo Yearly Love Horoscope: कन्या राशि के जातकों की लवलाइफ में आएंगे उतार-चढ़ाव पढ़ें अपना दैनिक लव राशिफलVirgo Yearly Love Horoscope : जहां तक प्यार और रोमांस का सवाल है तो कन्या राशि के जातकों 2024 आपका साल है। आप एक वफादार और समर्पित व्यक्ति हैं और 2024 में, आप अपना समय अपने साथी के साथ मजबूत संबंध बनाए रखें
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astrovaidya6 · 6 months
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Virgo Love and Relationship Horoscope 2024
In 2024, Virgo's love life blossoms with cosmic favor. Stellar alignments promise profound connections and emotional growth. Singles find romance in unexpected places, while committed Virgos deepen bonds through open communication. Venus showers blessings on partnerships, fostering harmony. Navigate love's celestial currents with confidence, as the stars illuminate paths to lasting joy and fulfillment.
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sagittariusmars2 · 5 months
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(Left to right) 2024 prediction
Pile 1
I see that next year you’ll be getting more attention or you’ll feel more popular, I see that you’ll have more influence over people. I see that some of you may move in with someone next year or get a new place to live, I see some of you decorating your house differently. Next year you’ll have more abundance, I see your finances increasing. Signs- Gemini/pisces. Initials- F, B, G
Pile 2
I see that you or someone close to you is going to expect a child, I see that you may get some news about someone close to you getting sick but they’re going to get better. I see that you may get a change in your position that will give you more status, I see you getting a call or message from someone incarcerated or from someone you haven’t spoken to in a long time. I see your finances improving unexpectedly or you’re getting a gift unexpectedly, I see that you may be sad over a love connection that doesn’t work out. Signs- cancer/virgo, initial- N, Q, X
Pile 3
I see next year you may meet someone while traveling, I see you traveling more and having new experiences. I see you getting a message or call from someone from your past, I see someone wants a reconciliation or a second chance with you. I see you benefiting from someone who needs your help or from someone who’s sick, I see you losing something valuable and you may think someone stole it but I see someone either returning it or replacing it for you. Signs- Aries, Sagittarius, Taurus. Initials- R, C, J, D
Pile 4
I see next year you’ll be meeting someone new in your love life, I see you having your guard or boundaries up within your romantic life but someone will show you that you can trust them. I see you meeting their family or introducing them to yours, I see you spending more time with your family or the people you care about. I see you going on dates or spending more time outside, I see you traveling long distances. Signs- Gemini/pisces. Initials- M, Y, X, T
Please watch my pick a card reading on YouTube, personal readings always available!
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uyuforu · 6 months
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Jungkook' Solar Return Chart 2023 - 2024 Analysis
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What is a Solar Return Chart?
A solar return chart is a chart that literally describes your year from your birthday of a year until the day before next year. For example, Jungkook's 2023-2024 Solar Return will starts on September 1st 2023 until August 31th 2024. It describes the year for you, what will mostly happens. It said as a solar return chart because your sun returns in its home sign (your natal sun).
How to check your Solar Return Chart?
Go to astro.com > Free Horoscopes > Horoscope Drawings and Data > Extended Chart Selection
Enter your birth day, month, year, time and location
Where it's written chart selection with "natal chart", scroll to Solar Return Chart
On the box down there you can add asteroids to see more details ("additional objects")
-> This post will be featuring a dear anon, we talked a lot about this, I will be talking about his solar Return Chart and I will add what she told me as her opinion of it. Hope you enjoy!
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✌️ anon's predictions
‧₊˚✩彡 So a spoiler: He'll be doing a shit ton of shadow work and healing in 23-24 and you'll know why.
‧₊˚✩彡 Also even though there IS a 5H stelium I don't think any relationship would occur because homeboi will be focused on himself AND himself only.
‧₊˚✩彡 So he has Jupiter, Uranus, North Node and Chiron in 12h.
‧₊˚✩彡 Chiron at 19 degrees in Aries: He'll stop people pleasing, wanting to be who HE is, would show individuality, start confronting, healing his inner child, stepping into his power, becoming independent, creating boundaries for himself and others. Self love will be a big theme too as it's in Libra degree.
‧₊˚✩彡 Its ruler is Mars in libra at 3 degrees in 5h: Again healing his inner child and falling in love with himself, accepting himself, etc.
‧₊˚✩彡 North Node in Aries at 25 degree: Becoming a leader, creating his own path, being himself, focusing on himself, wanting freedom, becoming self reliant. It's at an Aries degree so it intensifies these themes.
‧₊˚✩彡 Its ruler in 5h Mars in libra at 3 degree: Again about self love, innerchild healing, wanting creative freedom, re-evaluating shit from school years. (The reason for me talking about self love and not relationships is because we have Aries here and Aries are very much about me, myself and I. He moves on VERY FAST from relationships so he doesn't have any baggage about it)
‧₊˚✩彡 There is a conjunction in Jupiter, Uranus and Ascendant too!
‧₊˚✩彡 Jupiter in Taurus at 15 degrees: extreme luck, business tactics and GROUNDING in money matters because he NEEDS it. It's at a Gemini degree and you know what it is.
‧₊˚✩彡 Its ruler in 4h in Leo at 12 degrees: He'll learn the value of family and homeland. He'll be admired in his homeland(overseas too because its in Pisces degree and it is about foreign affairs as well)
‧₊˚✩彡 Uranus in Taurus at 23 degrees: His views on money and possessions will change, he'll learn to be independent in those cases too. It's at an Aquarius degree so it could also be that he'd join people for business purposes(which he already did by collabing).
‧₊˚✩彡 The Uranus and Jupiter conjunction tells me about him learning to be smart (he applied for trademark on his logo <being smart and not letting others take advantage of him anymore> {very much Aries} and being successful in doing it) in business and money game, also needing independence.
‧₊˚✩彡 Uranus conjuncting Asc: He'll also "upset" those that admired him by being rebellious and not playing by their rules. ☆Jupiter conjunct Asc: Personal growth, beneficial relationships and HUGE luck in material/money matters.
‧₊˚✩彡 Now the 5h because it's the most aspected house with 12h. He has sun, mercury and mars in 5h.
‧₊˚✩彡 Sun in virgo at 8 degrees in 5h conjunct Mercury at 18 degrees: Identifying his innerchild by focusing on it, changing his views on love and relationships. Waking his delulu self up and realizing what actual love is and also realizing that he really hasn't been in love because of his delulu expectations (but he'll know that it exists when he meets his wife)
‧₊˚✩彡 Mars in libra at 3 degrees: It has been aspected to Aries so its more about "me" again so self love but also realizing that his intense thoughts about love and relationships are very delulu since the time he started dating (again would also realize that no relationship was actual love and they were just delusions too).
‧₊˚✩彡 It's ruler Venus in Leo at 12 degrees in 4h: He'll be loved/admired/adored in his family/homeland (overseas too) and gain more fame too. I see him starting to invest more in lands,etc. Due to Uranus and Jupiter's ruler being in 4h too and he'll be lucky in it!!!
‧₊˚✩彡 Capricorn Pluto in 9h at 28 degrees: So what I've noticed is that half of the things this year will be focused on his homeland/family. He'll reform/change his beliefs/views on life,spirituality,etc. That will be different and foreign to his homeland/family. Its ruler Saturn in Pisces at 3 degrees in 10h: He'll start diving deeper into spirituality. His views on career will change,after this year he may spiritually start making decisions in his career.
‧₊˚✩彡 Moon in Pisces at 29 degree: He'll be highly sensitive and emotional,it will be a completion of his spiritual lessons. Will imagine and think more about his wife,fall in love more deeply with her. Would also make emotional connections with big communities. Its ruler is in the same house so it's gonna double up.
‧₊˚✩彡 Neptune in Pisces in 11h at 26 degrees: Will open himself to learning more about spirituality and focus on his future become more dreamy and imaginative. Would also think about stepping up the future business game. Sort people from his circle that don't have a good influence on him.
‧₊˚✩彡 Moon and Neptune conjunction: Will have vivid dreams and exciting imaginations about his wife(i could've talked about other things but its Pisces we're talking about so its romance for sure and I'm certain about it being his wife because we have late Taurus degree in Neptune and late Leo degree moon, these both tell us that its his endgame we're talking about). Will imagine his life with his future wife too!! (That's cute)
Summary: He'll be getting big fat bags, will be himself and say fuck you to those that don't want him to be that way, be independent, big on self love and healing, being creative/imaginative about his future (especially his wife) have vivid dreams, transform his views, dive deep into spirituality and be open to learning it. It's a shadow work and self love/embracing, new views on money and beliefs, healing his self created wounds, being independent, becoming more spiritual and falling in love more with his future wife.
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Uyu's Predictions
‧₊˚✩彡 Scorpio DSC: To me it's a year of being single, it's not a year of being in a relationship, it gives me the hermit kind if vibe. 7H is empty meaning nothing serious is over there this year.
‧₊˚✩彡 Sun in 5H conjunct Mercury: Focused on this year is creativity, fame, being under the light for our ideas, conducting mercury (voice) so focused on singing and singer ideas. His album went out after his birthday so I'm not shocked it happened during this solar return. Sun in 5H could make him dating or enjoying flings, flirting, but not searching for a serious relationship.
‧₊˚✩彡 Mars 5H Libra 3°: Mars shows one's drive and ambition during that year. In 5H it means all ambition are focused on creative ideas, he will have many ideas for this year and it's all about art and so his career. The 3° (gemini) means to me the ideas are really focused on his voice, and so singing. So technically the focused this year is his career.
‧₊˚✩彡 MC Aquarius: Career is more important and focused on social medias, and in foreign lands. This also shows because how much JK has been present on social medias already? He ain't stopping. 5° (Leo)= creativity, art, etc.
‧₊˚✩彡 Venus Leo 4H 12°: Def more focused on family life. There could be a changment in his home life, how he feels loved and secured. 12° is pisces and there could be some hidden stuff coming out, and it may change a lot.
‧₊˚✩彡 Taurus Rising: Rising means how you appear this year. Jk will appear as very stable, harmonious and expensive person. A bit secretive or just looking cold or introvert, but more like shy and distant, looks like he enjoys to be on his own, and he enjoys his sh*t basically. Uranus conjuncts the rising meaning he may look different or just unique this year. He could look very weird or just people don't recognize him in a way. He may change suddenly? (could be bald hair for military lol)
‧₊˚✩彡 Capricorn over 9H: Traveling and foreign land are part of his job much
‧₊˚✩彡 Saturn in 10H: Limitied in career, mostly I think caused by military service that is happening quite quick and early in this solar return chart
‧₊˚✩彡 Moon conjunct Neptune in 11H: People will have delusions about him this year, mostly on social medias. It could be people creating rumors about him, or just gossips. Or it could be people building a fantasy about him on social medias. There is for sure an illusions that people create about him on social medias. And hear me out on this one, you will understand after why I said that. I said in my BTS Tarot Reading about military that people expect JK to have the time of his life during military while he will not enjoy it so much in reality (based on cards), and it actually make sense to me in this src. The illusions people create about him could be related to that, people expecting him to haver a good time and actually ignoring the reality about him. It conjuncts moon, his emotions, which means people will not see it or notice the reality of him. It's also in Pisces, that represents the hidden things. Like bro, everything is connected. Why do I think it's related to military? Keep reading....
‧₊˚✩彡 Aries 12H: So 12H is all about the spiritual stuff and hidden things, like the hidden worlds, etc. If we focused on this part, and remember what Aries is about, you can then remember that sign is about anything that involves physical body, the war and so military. Fighting too. In the 12H it means it's part of the spiritual world, but such a sign in it would make me feel like it's more a shadow work, because it's about fighting. So this military service was just right there, in that year.
‧₊˚✩彡 Aries Chiron conjunct Aries North Node in 12H: Chiron is about traumas and the wounds, whatever it is and where it is, it is never pleasant to experience. Man this is literally in Aries in the 12H. Do you still think he will enjoy it????? Yep. Literally to me it means that he will not like military and will mostly see it as a painful experience than anything. It's also in libra degree which means it's also unbalanced time for him. There are no harmony and he hates that. He will experience such a shadow work to do, for real. But, don't worry too much for two different reasons. The first reason is that it conjuncts North Node, which represents your purpose this year, and it's also in Aries 12H with an Aries degree. THIS was his destiny this year, okay? He needs to go to military, because it's his Korean duty but also for shadow works. Shadow works are supposed to make you work on yourself, and any triggers you have or red flag (in a sense) for you to grow up (in a sense). So he needs to go through it.
‧₊˚✩彡 Jupiter in 12H: This is the second reason you don't need to worry. Jupiter shows where you will be more lucky in/at. It's also in the 12H, now not conjucting Chiron and NN, but in the same house. So despite the rough year spiritually, we know it has to happen. But it will also bring him a lot of luck and abundance afterwards. And here's the thing about shadow works: it's literally "blue sky after the storm". Or the rainbow after the storm, I don't remember. But you see what I mean, it's literally realizing how lucky you are and how the universe blessed you to go through a shadow work. He will realize how lucky and bless he is that it happened, and how much he grew spiritually. He will grow spiritually for sure.
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heartwithsilver · 5 months
Hi! Completely different anon here.
Conversations about FS started in 2020 long before Alba, people said that she is a normal person, she’s not from the industry (one tarot reader said that she might be in industry but works behind the scenes, but most readers picked up not being in industry and not being famous in any capacity. She will be famous later because people will find out about her through him, but she’ll be famous on her own), educated and intellectual. Also spiritual. She wouldn’t care about Chris’ money and fame, and she will be VERY private and VERY protective of her privacy. I don’t know about zodiac signs, because I think it’s impossible to predict that with tarot, but I think she should have earth sing in her big three, right? I think Taurus will balance his Scorpio side and give him stability he lacks of (but Taurus also might be a little boring, so maybe she also needs to have some air in her chart, and I think definitely cancer in her big three to connect with his Venus).
About people predicting for him ending up with Amal Clooney 2.0. People meant that FS would be something like her (just in general not astrologicaly) - a woman with career and things on her on, smart and independent.
I’m sorry previous anon, but Alba doesn’t match any of these (no offense to her, she’s just different). And all tarot readers who did readings on FS said that Alba is not the one (unfortunately, we don’t know what they currently think, because they were bullied out from tumblr, and, for example, a really good tarot reader - TarotTabloid - no longer posts). Among people, who’s interested in tarot and saw readings on Chris, there’s a thing like “FS curse” meaning that every reader that does a FS reading ends up deleting a blog or not doing any readings on Chris at all, because people are going crazy…
So, it’s just a little things I wanted to add to conversation
Probably you will read thins today or in 2024, so happy new year 🎉 everything best to you ✨
Well... I don't have much to say.
It's okay for him to have Taurus partners. He is attracted to them, but he cannot have a serious relationship if there is no balance in his elements.
I think I saw this in Ana de Armas' astrological chart when I was asked to look at the compatibility between the two. Some fans see chemistry between the two, and there is that chemistry. She is Taurus with a lot of Earth and Air elements. She is perfect in Chris's eyes. But, something was missing.
I have a lot of planets in Libra, I didn't understand my attraction to mysterious men who don't talk much. Libra's attraction is always for men who receive a lot of attention, signs of the Fire and Air elements. I've always hated being in places with lots of people. But, studying a little more about astrology, I saw Ascendant in Scorpio and the Moon in Virgo. I have a lot of Air and Water elements, but I am always attracted to men with some Earth planet (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn). I would say I am all Water, because my planets in Libra are in a house of the Water element, the 12th house. It's funny that I was very attracted to Pisces men, and I believe my 12th house is the reason for that, because that is the Pisces house.
As I say, I'm a Fake Libra. The two most incredible people I have in my heart had this sequence in their astrological chart: one fire planet/three water planets.
Chris will not be attracted to women who do not have an Air element, because his Sun and Mars are in Gemini, in a house of the Air element, the 7th house, the house of love and attraction. I've never felt like I needed Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius partners and friends as much as Chris does. Because he's not a like fake Gemini. He is a Gemini and Scorpio man. And he will not be attracted to women who do not have the Water element, because his Venus (Planet of attraction and relationships) is in Cancer, in a house of the Water element, house 8.
I don't believe Chris would work with partners who have many planets in the Earth element and some planets in the Water element. Because, the Earth element has some problems with Chris' Gemini side. For Ana's astrological chart to be perfect for Chris, it would be necessary to have a planet in the Water element. With many planets in Earth and Water signs, the person's mind is focused on career and money. And Chris is very emotional, he has a lot of Water. He is attracted to emotional people.
Maybe he needs partners to have this sequence in their astrological chart: Air/Water/Earth.
So there's a lot to look at, but be careful about focusing too much on these things.
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krisluxxeeempress · 6 months
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I kept hearing Libra, as I was preparing for your message. This could simply be due to Libra being your opposite sign and you can never have one energy without the opposite, and or, your person is currently dealing with a relationship that they are currently in or a past relationship that is affecting them now. If it’s affecting them then you should know it’s affecting, you. This is only confirmed because the first card out was the world card reversed, which usually indicates a cycle is not completed, a situation is not yet addressed. Following, the two of cups and the six of swords reversed came out to clarify. The energy feels like you, the reader, are single and in separation from this person. The reason being is more than likely because they are still dealing with someone that they may claim is an ex or not. Regardless, there is still a connection or emotional attachments to a connection that hasn’t been released, addressed or healed. If you are not single and what I am describing is YOU AND THEM, it looks like it’s time to release them officially. I see the King of wands reversed clarifying the ten of wands upright. (sidenote: I smell coffee and I don’t drink coffee) This past situation with another person or YOU AND THEM, has become a burden to say the least. The masculine in this situation feels emasculated, for sure. Let’s say your person is still holding onto an ex and how that emasculated them, this makes it easier to understand why and how this is affecting YOU & THEM. If this is reversed, (without getting confusing, because it’s starting to feel that way) YOU & THEM need to move on from each other because it’s clear there is no respect and it’s affecting them emotionally and mentally. Some of you are simply moving on from this person because they were unable to move on from a past failed and traumatizing relationship which resulted in being breadcrumbed and CONFUSED with their wishy-washy behavior. If you have moved on due to this toxic behavior, I do see them wanting to make move towards you come January,2024. They feel you are the one that got away and they realize that holding onto their past was and is the cause of you moving forward. They worry about you being single and finding better, finding someone or multiple people who are more than willing to give you everything you want and deserve. I am not sure how they are able to observe you, because they are- and they can tell you are not “spinning the block”, or checking for them like they are checking for you. They feel like you cutting them off is equivalent to a funeral. Considering their wishy-washy behavior, it’s easy to intuit that your “relationship” with them was back and forth, on and off, hot and cold and now it feels final to them, like you died. Now keep in mind, if this is your EX and they “moved on” from you and they are with someone new, understand, they are still talking of you and want you. (I do apologize for the confusion)
You could be dealing with someone who has strong Pisces, Virgo, Libra, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius placements. If not, there’s a strong 12th house placement present. This person may have a child with their ex, and this has caused more confusion and emasculation. I also feel for some they were married before with whom they share a child with. It’s almost like they are trying to prove their ex wrong by being a great father and subconsciously trying to prove their ex is missing out on them. It’s like some unspoken vow they made to never marry again or be in a committed relationship after the breakdown of that previous relationship or marriage. It makes me wonder if heavy cheating was involved, regardless, it’s a bit weird and operating on a subconscious level that they are having a hard time breaking and moving on from. If you are on the receiving end of this, move on because I see that you will be living your best life, truly. I literally see that in the cards- I am not just saying that to make anyone feel better! I also feel like if there is a child involved, someone is scared their child mother or father, will raise child support if they find out they are in a new relationship! This person is literally in mental jail. Spiritually, this is indicating some strong witchcraft and spell work casted upon this person to be committed to an ex, that more than likely moved on their damn self but is using YOUR PERSON, financially. The roles can be reversed, and again, I apologize if this was confusing, but I am telling you there’s spell work involved and or heavy manipulation, fear and control tactics being implemented causing them to be stuck but wanting you. The energy feels like the “Get Out” movie. Save yourself and move forward and do not look back, otherwise their demons will attach to you AGAIN!
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alyjojo · 26 days
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Thinking of You - May 👩🏿‍🍳2024 - Scorpio
Whole of their energy towards Scorpio: 9 Swords
Feelings: Knight of Wands
Intentions: Death & The Sun
Actions: The Emperor
This is a past life connection, if it’s your story, there could be some 12th House synastry going on, because “mind reading” is here too. You understand this person on a very deep level, probably in ways they themselves are unconscious to, because “you confuse them.” This relationship has forced them to grow up in ways they don’t even understand consciously, you were definitely supposed to meet them, and this was supposed to go however it went. This person is deeply worried you’re going to say something to them, I assume this is over with, and they’re showing up as a non-committal player type. Not just because of Knight of Wands (though when it’s the case, he’s your guy) - but because Stubbornness and Commitment are at the bottom of the oracles. It’s not their thing, they’re a spontaneous and fiery, excited child in ways - that follows the fun, passion, adventure & experience…not so much the type to settle down.
That doesn’t mean they can’t 💯 The Emperor is in this person’s actions, they may decide to grow up real quick, due to a lie probably, per your oracles. They think they’re so clever and you got ‘em. Definitely heavy fire energy. They’ve been in & out of your life before…if you were to go off on them, they already know you’re right, they know what they do, and at the same time they’re largely unconscious as to *why* that’s a problem. “That’s who I am.” Immature probably, but fun. Not the most reliable, but always up for an adventure. They intend to either “see the light” and end their bs ways - in order to keep this relationship in tact; or they’re happy it’s over…and may have had someone else, like they couldn’t choose and you/this situation did it for them or something. In action, they’re bossing up 💯, maybe becoming a parent, could be being promoted, could have a situation with an ill parent - there are many different things that could be happening with this person. But all are destined, the next cycle of life, Wheel of Fortune. You’re a driving factor in this person’s karmic journey in this life, no matter how/where this goes long term. If they know anything, they might know that, there’s something deeper between you, that neither of you could have with anyone else & that’s clear.
Strategy ♟️
Planning - Prediction - Mind Reading
Their side:
- $$$
- You confuse me.
Your side:
- I know when you are LYING 🤥
- In every lifetime, I always come back to you.
Possible signs:
Heavy fire 🔥 Sagittarius, Libra, Leo & Pisces
If you’re dealing with:
8 Swords with Knight of Cups rev…kinda specific but okay. So you don’t really talk to people, aren’t really vulnerable with them - and they’re also not vulnerable with you for that same reason. It’s like you’ve wedged a bar in between you and others from connecting on a deeper level…while at the same time deluding yourself with how you “perceive” others, or their situations to be - rather than how they are. And/or responding or acting on things that aren’t even factual. These may all be your perceptions of yours, or these may be the perceptions of others cast upon you. Weird way to approach this, it would be a first. All of them can be switched & I’ll just say it one time.
Aries - rushing into some passionate new connection, or wants one, possibly with you, could be a friend/coworker you think is hot 🥵
Taurus - obsessed with you for a long time & is waiting for you to do something
Gemini - working hard and paying off debts or building up finances that have been strained
Cancer - waking up & realizing they love you, could be telling you they’re falling for you 😍
Leo - very happy relationship, you’re everything they want, but could have issues with a child that’s involved, or they don’t tend to think things through or plan very well
Virgo - your ex? Possibly a mother, a beautiful feminine energy that makes everything blossom & expand, but either this didn’t work out, or they’re a non-conformist type
Libra - a failed relationship / business partner, could be involved in a difficult marriage
Scorpio - thinks the grass is greener somewhere else - wants to go find it 🛶
Sagittarius - doesn’t want this to end but can’t continue how it’s been either, walking a thin line
Capricorn - both of you are impatient, angry, imbalanced & kinda off your rockers, and that’s why you’re so generous/loving with each other
Aquarius - a business leader of some kind that has money or an offer for you, like a job, someone at work that everyone likes
Pisces - stressed tf out over you betraying them, but it’s getting better day by day ❤️‍🩹
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Discover Your Zodiac's Holi 2024 Connection: Let Your True Colors Shine
Holi, the festival of colors, is approaching, but it's more than just throwing color powders in the air. Each zodiac sign has a unique astrological connection waiting to reveal itself. Explore the celestial palette and discover how your zodiac sign influences your Holi 2024 celebration.
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Aries (March 21 - April 19): Igniting the Fire
As an Arian, you connect with Holi's lively vibes through your passionate nature. Opt for vibrant reds and oranges to represent your passion and courage. Embrace the vibrant colors and celebrate the joy of Holi with spontaneity.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Grounded Elegance
The earthy tones of Holi's vibrant colors will calm you, Taurus. Enjoy the tranquil atmosphere and take in the splendor of nature. Inviting you to relish in life's small pleasures, let the colors showcase your refined taste.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Playful Conversations
For the social Gemini, Holi is a canvas for colorful conversations. Dive into the blues and yellows, mirroring your dual nature. Let the playful banter of Holi enrich your connections, creating memories as vibrant as the spectrum of colors.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Nurturing Bonds
As a Cancer, your nurturing instincts shine during Holi. Surround yourself with soft pinks and whites, reflecting your caring nature. This festival strengthens bonds with family and friends, creating a kaleidoscope of love and warmth.
Leo (July 23 - August 22): Regal Radiance
Leos, enjoy the radiance of Holi. Drape yourself in golds and yellows, embracing your majestic presence. Let the festival be a stage for your charisma as you shine brightly amid the vibrant hues.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Subtle Harmony
Virgos find harmony in the subtlety of pastels. Dive into soft blues and greens, mirroring your analytical and calm demeanor. Use Holi as a time for self-reflection, embracing the quiet beauty of the festival.
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Libra (September 23 - October 22): Balancing Act
For Libras, Holi is a balancing act of colors. Based on Holi 2024 astrology predictions, choose symmetry in purples and pinks, which reflects your love for balance. Allow this festival to inspire you towards harmony across all areas of life, external or internal.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Intense Depths
For Scorpios, touch upon the deep dark reds and blacks connected with Holi. Reflecting a complicated nature, let these colors mirror the mystery and passion within you. This will allow you to express yourself openly, adding depth to your Holi celebration.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Boundless Spirit
Sagittarians, allow yourselves to fly high with the yellow- ochres and orange-reds of Holi. Embrace adventurousness and use this holiday to explore new geographical and symbolic possibilities.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Timeless Tradition
Capricorns find comfort in the timeless tradition of Holi. Stick to classic whites and blues, reflecting your practicality and determination. Use the festival to appreciate the enduring values that connect us through generations.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Cosmic Creativity
Aquarians, bring out your cosmic creativity with the unconventional colors of Holi. Embrace purples and electric blues, symbolizing your innovative spirit. Let the festival be a canvas for your imagination to run wild.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Dreamy Serenity
Pisceans, immerse yourself in dreamy serenity with the soft hues of Holi. Let the gentle pinks and sea greens reflect your compassionate nature. Use the festival for introspection and connecting with your inner self.
In the cosmic dance of colors, each zodiac sign adds a unique brushstroke to the canvas of Holi. So, as you celebrate this festival of joy, let your true colors shine, guided by the celestial energies surrounding you. Visit AstrosevaTalk and connect with our top Astrologers to get your personalized Holi 2024 insights! Happy Holi!
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jeevanjali · 11 days
Libra Monthly Horoscope june 2024: पढ़ें मासिक राशिफल, जानें कैसा रहेगा तुला राशि वालों के लिए जून का महीना?Libra Monthly Horoscope june 2024: आइए मासिक राशिफल से जानते हैं तुला राशि वालों के लिए जून (June 2024) का महीना तुला राशि वालों के लिए कैसा रहेगा (Tula Masik Rashifal June 2024)
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rainbow-roomies · 2 years
Byler behavior according to the zodiac signs (stereotypes) ✨✨✨
🐏 Aries
threatens the Duffers with violence
yells at Mortadellas invading the tag
refreshes Latest every 5 seconds
serves byler hot takes and all caps reactions all day
deleted their blog on July 1st but came back 2 days later
🐂 Taurus
creates amazing fanart
patiently waits for 2024
would rather jump off a cliff than jump ship
Mike Wheeler apologist
a byler since 7/15/2016
👭 Gemini
writes a 100 one-shots an hour
stays up to date with every byler mainstream media mention
never misses a post
chats up everyone in DMs
on a verge of a nervous breakdown
🦀 Cancer
coos at Will Byers, applied to be his legal guardian
makes heart-wrenching edits like the rent is due
wants s1&2 Mike Wheeler back immediately
wants El to experience real familial love
is basically Joyce andJonathan Byers
🦁 Leo
comes up with dramatic first kiss/confession scenes
constantly relates byler to their own love life/queer experience
loses their shit over Mike Wheeler's lovesick stare 24/7
calls everyone gay
og main character Will truther
💃 Virgo
creates masterdocs
writes fix-its and organizes them by a billion categories
first to spot the tiniest detail in a byler scene
skeptical but somehow still delusional
cringes at the tiny cgi hearts but secretly loves them
⚖️ Libra
master of parallels (Rockie implied, therefore Byler endgame)
ready to personally give Will a new haircut
understands both Will's and Mike's pov
calmly answers angry Minnesota asks
will officiate a Byler+Elmax wedding
🦂 Scorpio
writes the longest analysis posts
hacked 8flix to get all s4 scripts
immediately saw Upside Down as an allegory of Will's shadow self
this video by kaypiece21 is their whole personality
Mike Wheeler's therapist
🏹 Sagittarius
the first one to bring back hope after July 1st (endgame pairings!)
intrepid explorer of the Montero (Call Me By Your Name) tag
makes 🤡 predictions that later turn out to be accurate
not afraid to be a byler on reddit
uses the homophobic dog as punctuation
🐐 Capricorn
proclaims byler supremacy on the daily
already planned a s5 watch party
keeps the tag clean
their posts always end up in the Top tab
won't stop until byler endgame is confirmed on the national news
🏺 Aquarius
posts regular updates on the ever-growing number of tag followers
enjoys the community aspect of the fandom
gushes over how s5 will change queer rep in media forever
found out that every song playing in a Byler scene is queercoded
time travelled to 2024 but keeps their mouth shut
🐟 Pisces
headcanons royalty
lost all touch with reality when vol1 dropped
emotional puddle over byler heart-to-hearts
makes Byler playlists
scrolled down to posts from December 2016 and hasn't come up for air since
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Predictions for all the Moon signs (sidereal/Vedic):
Aries Moon sign:
2023 February to 2024 April is just improving time for you. You will be successful after 2024 April.
Taurus Moon sign:
2023 April to October is not good time for you.
After October, flow of money but problem in love life will be experienced.
Gemini Moon sign:
April 2023 to May 2024 will give you growth in financial life, and education. You can also expect some new love offers especially after October; however, ups and downs in career is also possible after October.
Cancer Moon sign:
Cancer Moon sign people may face ups and downs in career within the period 2023 April to 2024 May.
Leo Moon sign:
Time from April 2023 to May 2024 will be the successful period in your life.
Virgo Moon sign:
Time from April 2023 to May 2024 is average. You will be highly fortunate for about a year after 2024 May. Remember, Rahu-Ketu are not good for you for three years from 2022 April.
Libra Moon sign:
You will get relief in life from 2023 February. You will be successful in the period from 2023 April to 2024 May. 2023 December to 2024 May will dispel all your sorrows.
Scorpion Moon sign:
Time from 2023 April to 2024 May is not that good period for you. But your earning will increase after 2023 October. Problem in love life is also possible after 2023 October.
Sagittarius Moon sign:
2023 April to 2024 May will be the milestone in the life of Sagittarius Moon sign people.
Capricorn Moon sign:
2024 May to 2025 April will be the remarkably successful period for Capricorn Moon sign people after a long struggle.
Capricorn Moon sign people are facing lots of hurdles for some years. 2023 will give you some improvements in life.
Aquarius Moon sign people:
Two years after April 2023 will be the struggling period for you. Health issues and mental anxiety is also possible after October 2023.
Pisces Moon sign:
You are going to face lots of struggles in life after 2024 May. 2023 April to 2024 May is the time when you have to be prepared for future struggle.
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hotdogdynamitezzz · 1 year
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This is my solar return chart of year 2023.
Thank you so much
Btw can you please explain how to know know your solar birth chart if you birthday comes like in the end months example - 13 december
Hey! So when your birthday is during the later months of the year then you'd select the previous year for the solar return chart until your birthday hits because that's when your Solar chart would be activated. So Dec 13th would use 2022 for Solar Return until it's Dec. 13th. Then after that you'd use 2023 from December on and for a majority of 2024.
I can't really see if this chart has the year 2022 or 2023 in it. I'm going to assume you put 2023 so this prediction will apply after Dec. 13th 2023 hopefully that's ok.
Happy Valentine's let's get started🥰
7th house starts in Cancer at a Sagittarius degree with the 7th House ruler the Moon in the 6th House at an Aquarian degree. Right off the bat, I think you could meet people through work or in the Healthcare system. Possibly online too! Maybe working from home or going to gym classes. Anything in your daily life being out and about tbh. Any long-term commitments will probably be surrounding your health this year and any future projects you might be working on.
It's actually very interesting because I see your 5th house ruler (Mercury) in Sagittarius 12th house which is like the epitome of vacation crushes or flings lol. Especially in a Cancer degree I'm definitely getting any area of travel near bodies of water like the ocean or a lake? Probably overseas as it's in your 12th house but with a Cancer degree there's a level of familiarity. Your Mercury practically trines & sextiles everything except for Neptune where it is Square. You could have difficulty communicating what you want from others & there might be many situations where either you or the other person lead one another on. It appears like fwb or hookups would be very likely this year and you could like to secretly indulge in them.
With Venus in the 9th house at a Pisces degree in Libra this just 100% speaks of travel lovers or vacay crushes lol. Again the 9th house is about travel. In Libra Venus is domicile so love will be amplified this year and you will be comfortable in your element. If you're not traveling then you could just fall in love with someone completely different from your expectations. But I think you will be meeting foreign people for sure this year. These people are very stylish, particular and maybe picky, graceful and sensitive, intelligent and classy. Big on Libra/Cancer/Sagittarius/Pisces/Virgo energy.
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swamyworld · 16 hours
Today's horoscope 3 June 2024 Today Horoscope Prediction for Aries to Pisces Monday
Today’s horoscope 3 June 2024: Position of planets- Mars and Moon have formed Lakshmi Yoga in Aries. There is a gathering of planets in Taurus. Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter are in Taurus. Ketu is in Virgo. Saturn is in Aquarius and Rahu is transiting in Pisces. Rashifal (Horoscope)- Aries- There is a lot of auspiciousness. Health is very good. Love and children’s situation is very good.…
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ramtracking · 18 hours
Horoscope Today: June 3, 2024 [ Aries ]
Horoscope Today: June 3, 2024 [Highlights] Vogue Daily Horoscope, 3rd June 2024: Today’s prediction for all zodiac signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio,… Wondering what your love life has in store for you today? Check the love horoscope for Aries, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Taurus, Gemini,… Daily horoscope: Are the stars lined up in your favour? Find out…
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akastrologyzone · 13 days
Get Solution For Your Lost Love
In the realm of romance and personal connections, the stars often hold more answers than we might imagine. If you're yearning to reconnect with a lost love, the upcoming horoscope readings and get solution for your Lost Love  offer insightful guidance. Let’s delve into how the cosmos might guide you back to a cherished relationship.
The Power of Astrology in Rekindling Love
Astrology, the study of celestial bodies and their influence on human affairs, has long been a source of guidance for those seeking clarity in their love lives. By examining the positions of the planets and stars at specific times, astrologers can offer predictions and advice on the best course of action to reignite lost love.
Horoscope Readings for 2023-24: What to Expect
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
For Aries, the upcoming year brings a surge of passion and determination. Mars, your ruling planet, will traverse favorable houses, enhancing your drive to rekindle past relationships. The key months to watch are June and October 2023, when Venus, the planet of love, aligns positively with Mars, making it an ideal time to reach out to your lost love.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Taurus, your grounded nature often makes you a pillar of strength in relationships. 2023-24 promises a period of deep emotional reflection. With Uranus in your sign, expect unexpected opportunities to reconnect with a past lover, particularly around the lunar eclipses in May and November 2023. These cosmic events could bring transformative moments that open the door to rekindling love.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Communication is key for Gemini. Mercury, your ruling planet, will be in retrograde several times throughout the year, notably in April and August 2023. These periods are perfect for introspection and understanding past misunderstandings. A heartfelt message or a casual encounter during these times could reignite the spark with your lost love.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Cancer, your intuitive nature will be heightened by the influence of Neptune in your solar chart. The stars suggest that late summer 2023, particularly July, will be a significant time for reconnecting with past loves. Trust your instincts and be open to revisiting old memories, as they might pave the way for new beginnings.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
For Leo, the year ahead is all about courage and taking bold steps. With Jupiter transiting through your house of relationships, 2023-24 is ripe for rekindling old flames. Pay special attention to February and August 2023, when the cosmic energies will be most supportive of rekindling romance.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Virgo, your analytical mind and attention to detail will serve you well. Mercury's influence suggests that making amends and clarifying past issues will be crucial. The months of March and September 2023 stand out as prime times for reconciliation. Reaching out with genuine apologies and clear communication could reignite an old relationship.
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
For Libra, balance and harmony are always in focus. Venus, your ruling planet, will offer ample opportunities for love in 2023-24. Particularly during the Venus retrograde in December 2023, you might find yourself revisiting old relationships with a fresh perspective. This is an ideal time for healing and rekindling love.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Scorpio, your intense and passionate nature will be highlighted by Pluto’s transformative power. Early 2024, especially January, offers a significant chance to reconnect with a lost love. Your emotional depth and resilience will be your greatest assets in mending broken ties.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
For Sagittarius, the journey towards rekindling love is all about adventure and open-mindedness. With Jupiter's expansive energy, the year ahead will encourage you to explore new avenues to reconnect. Key periods include April and November 2023, when serendipitous encounters could lead to reignited passions.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Capricorn, your disciplined and pragmatic approach will be crucial in 2023-24. Saturn’s influence suggests that slow and steady efforts will pay off. The months of May and October 2023 will be significant for making meaningful connections with past loves. Patience and persistence will be your allies.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
For Aquarius, innovation and creativity will guide your path. With Uranus influencing your relationship sector, expect surprising developments in 2023-24. The eclipse seasons in April and October 2023 could bring sudden opportunities to reconnect with a lost love in unexpected ways.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Pisces, your empathetic and dreamy nature will be enhanced by Neptune's presence in your sign. The period of March and September 2023 stands out as a time for deep emotional connections. Trust your dreams and intuition, as they may lead you back to a past love with renewed understanding.
Astrology and get solution for your Lost Love offer a cosmic roadmap for those seeking to rekindle lost love. By aligning your actions with the movements of the stars and planets, you can navigate the complexities of past relationships and find the right moments to reconnect. Whether you’re an Aries ready to take bold steps or a Pisces trusting your intuition, the universe has a plan for rekindling your romance.
Embrace the guidance of the stars, and let the celestial energies of 2023-24 illuminate your path to rediscovering lost love.
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May 2024 Horoscopes: Lucky Super Conjunctions & New Moon Deliver Keys to Your Dreams
May 2024 Horoscopes: 💫Lucky Super Conjunctions & New Moon Deliver Keys to Your Dreams https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVQhSnHwoMo Your MAY 2024 horoscope and tarot forecast FOR YOUR ZODIAC SIGN. Get ready to embrace new horizons and receive blessed opportunities from the Lucky New Moon in Taurus and Super Benefic Conjunctions between the Sun, Venus, Uranus & Jupiter. In this video, we dive deep into the exciting astrology insights for MAY 2024, providing you with valuable predictions and guidance. 🌙🪐🔮 TIMESTAMPS: ▶ 00:00- Intro ▶ 07:45- May 2024 Astrology ▶ 23:12- Gemini May 2024 Your Money & Mental Powers Increase ▶ 33:11- Taurus May 2024 Magical Career, Mentor, & Mental Health Journey! ▶ 40:45- Aries May 2024 Deep Pockets, Deep Healing & Deep DNA Activated! ▶ 52:22- Pisces May 2024 Trust Your Creative Flow & Success! ▶ 01:01:44- Aquarius May 2024 Home, Family, & Travel Planning On the Line ▶ 01:11:20- Capricorn May 2024: Valuable Time & A Valuable Talk ▶ 01:21:07- Sagittarius May 2024: Celebrating Career & Mental Health Milestones! ▶ 01:29:20- Scorpio May 2024 : Relationships & Choices for Your Wellbeing! ▶ 01:35:51- Libra May 2024: Behind the Scenes  ▶ 01:42:52- Virgo May 2024: Celebrations & New Opportunities Appear ▶ 01:49:47- Leo May 2024: A Big Career Opportunity & Decision! ▶ 01:55:50- Cancer May 2024: Receiving the Love You Give! ▶🌸💫Comment, share some light, and leave us a review. Share this insight with someone you love. ============================= 🔔Unlock Celestial Wisdom: Subscribe to all Yué Light Official Links for Personal Horoscopes & Spiritual Guidance: https://ift.tt/DRfPhxZ 💸Gratitude : https://ift.tt/1kZtYje ============================= Other SPECIAL content You Might Be Interested In: 🌙🪐🔮 Your 2023-2024 Eclipse Season Horoscope & Tarot Guide! See How the Nodes of Karma and Destiny IN ARIES & LIBRA Shake up Your Life: https://youtu.be/Yo2ApSiQ02k 🌙🪐🔮Your Saturn in Pisces and Pluto in Aquarius astrology and oracle reading: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGsewumMPJo&t=0s 🌙🪐🔮Your 2023 Timeless Tarot Predictions & Psychic Spiritual Guidance: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0LNsb6qi9blJYL9Yb4ra9bzLhBAu2h33 🌙🪐🔮Monthly Astrology Horoscopes & Tarot Forecast: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0LNsb6qi9bm7cqE2wrXd_4RRn2dTNBG8 ============================= ✨Love and healing celestial light to you all. May you be held in the celestial light and grace of the Divine Mother. -Namaste'🕉️ #astrologyforecast #astrology #astrologer #allzodiacsigns ✅ DISCLAIMER: ⚡Yué Light does not solicit or offer personal services. ⚡Yué Light is not liable for any loss or damages. ⚡Yué Light Celestial Insight Predictions are not a substitute for consultations and services with licensed financial, legal, and medical professionals. ✅ COPYRIGHT NOTICE: This video and YouTube channel contain multimedia that are property of "Yué Light Celestial Insight." You are authorized to share our links and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to my YouTube Channel is provided. © Yué Light Celestial Insight. 2023. ============================= via Yué Light Celestial Insight-Astrology & Tarot https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCts_DqL7Tnbh-AFyOC5m8AA May 07, 2024 at 02:35AM
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