starheirxero · 5 months
playing ultrakill and it is partially your fault 🫡 /pos
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howlsofbloodhounds · 14 days
i am bad at wording my headcanons but for underappreciated guys id like to share: xchara and dust's papyrus as gossip buddies
i would elaborate if i had the mental space but unfortunately im just here to put the idea in your brain (also happy birthday as of 4 minutes ago in my timezone!)
Eee thank you!!
And i think that’d be a wonderful idea in aus where phantom paps is more like a ghost than a hallucination. I wonder what they’d gossip about
{ @virokuns }
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objectum-culture-is · 4 months
objectum culture is the song "amputee" by gnarly whales
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a-dragons-journal · 1 year
this is a tampermonkey script that reverts the changes to the dash :)
thank you bless you
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neodoodles24 · 1 year
as a fellow 10k-note-post-homestuck reader, good luck on the journey! o7 it's slow going at first but if you click with it you'll really enjoy it
i feel like if i was gonna be OBSESSED with it i would've read it on my own behalf by now. im probably just gonna like it and move on with my life
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kiruliom · 11 months
:0c kitty based 1pp gang (mrri use mrri/mrre sometimes)
eyyyy >:D meowne (mine) started as a gag but then it just stuck around drifjiehf (the full set is mri/mew/meow/meowne/meowself in the format of I/me/my/mine/myself)
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techtactical · 7 months
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you requested asks so i give you: kitty
thank you
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jayesprite · 3 months
@virokuns replied to your post “hello any art program that can do text with...”:
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werewolfbarista · 4 months
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drops this beast in your inbox
MY WOOFNESS............the beast is fluffy in nature..
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pronoun-checks · 1 year
could you do the name soulstice with it/its, ze/hir/hirs/hirself, and/or ay/ai/ais/aiself pronouns? i'm a fan of undertale, deltarune, and celeste, and other than that i like art, space, music theory, & old tech :)
Sure thing!
Wait a second, is that Soulstice? I think I see Soulstice over there! Do you see it? It’s the one sitting by itself with its headphones on. I wonder what it’s listening to? You’ve met Soulstice before, right? No? Well, you’ll have to meet it sometime; I think you’d get along with it nicely. I’ve only spoken with hir a few times, but ze seems pretty interesting! Ze likes the games Undertale, Deltarune, and Celeste, so maybe you could play one of those with hir sometime? Ze didn’t mention which of those games was hir favourite, or if ze likes them all equally, though. Ay also likes art, but didn’t mention if ay does art or not. I’ll have to ask ai the next time I see ai. Ay said ay likes space, music theory, and old tech as well. Maybe you could talk to ai about one of ais interests sometime! Oh, hey! Soulstice is looking this way now! Ay’s waving at us, I think. Yep, ay’s definitely waving at us. Do you want to go meet Soulstice? Sure! Let’s go talk with ai. Hey! Soulstice!
Wait a second, is that Soulstice? I think I see Soulstice over there! Do you see it? It’s the one sitting by itself with its headphones on. I wonder what it’s listening to? You’ve met Soulstice before, right? No? Well, you’ll have to meet it sometime; I think you’d get along with it nicely. I’ve only spoken with it a few times, but it seems pretty interesting! It likes the games Undertale, Deltarune, and Celeste, so maybe you could play one of those with it sometime? It didn’t mention which of those games was its favourite, or if it likes them all equally, though. It also likes art, but didn’t mention if it does art or not. I’ll have to ask it the next time I see it. It said it likes space, music theory, and old tech as well. Maybe you could talk to it about one of its interests sometime! Oh, hey! Soulstice is looking this way now! It’s waving at us, I think. Yep, it’s definitely waving at us. Do you want to go meet Soulstice? Sure! Let’s go talk with it. Hey! Soulstice!
Wait a second, is that Soulstice? I think I see Soulstice over there! Do you see hir? Ze’s the one sitting by hirself with hir headphones on. I wonder what ze’s listening to? You’ve met Soulstice before, right? No? Well, you’ll have to meet hir sometime; I think you’d get along with hir nicely. I’ve only spoken with hir a few times, but ze seems pretty interesting! Ze likes the games Undertale, Deltarune, and Celeste, so maybe you could play one of those with hir sometime? Ze didn’t mention which of those games was hir favourite, or if ze likes them all equally, though. Ze also likes art, but didn’t mention if ze does art or not. I’ll have to ask hir the next time I see hir. Ze said ze likes space, music theory, and old tech as well. Maybe you could talk to hir about one of hir interests sometime! Oh, hey! Soulstice is looking this way now! Ze’s waving at us, I think. Yep, ze’s definitely waving at us. Do you want to go meet Soulstice? Sure! Let’s go talk with hir. Hey! Soulstice!
Wait a second, is that Soulstice? I think I see Soulstice over there! Do you see ai? Ay’s the one sitting by aiself with ais headphones on. I wonder what ay’s listening to? You’ve met Soulstice before, right? No? Well, you’ll have to meet ai sometime; I think you’d get along with ai nicely. I’ve only spoken with ai a few times, but ay seems pretty interesting! Ay likes the games Undertale, Deltarune, and Celeste, so maybe you could play one of those with ai sometime? Ay didn’t mention which of those games was ais favourite, or if ay likes them all equally, though. Ay also likes art, but didn’t mention if ay does art or not. I’ll have to ask ai the next time I see ai. Ay said ay likes space, music theory, and old tech as well. Maybe you could talk to ai about one of ais interests sometime! Oh, hey! Soulstice is looking this way now! Ay’s waving at us, I think. Yep, ay’s definitely waving at us. Do you want to go meet Soulstice? Sure! Let’s go talk with ai. Hey! Soulstice!
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starheirxero · 4 months
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hey i know you're answering asks but you don't have to answer this one right now. just wanted to show you my gameboy :]
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lordterronus · 1 year
hey it's been a while!! how've you been? :]
Yo! I've been doing pretty well, I hope you all have been too! I know we don't talk all that much these days but I see you on tumblr a lot and I always smile seeing you guys.
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bung0us · 5 months
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now for my notes and comments:>
• Horror appreciation post!!! she's a bit of a mother hen since she's so protective of her gang, which is cute!! until someone (Killer-) is in danger and suddenly she's dual wielding her axe AND cooking pan!!
• ever since Hearts joined the group, they never seemed to like Horror?? no one really knows why, but you won't find them together unless others are around because of that
• I love Cream!! it's not canon to main story, but I love to hc they'd travel together with Dream all happy to have company and Cross is freaking outtt because he doesn't want his ex-gang to spot them
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ijustwannamakeemojis · 7 months
nebularomantic, platoniromantic, demiromantic, and recipromantic for the aro requests maybe? :3
We've done demi and recipro here and here! Nebula and Platoniromantic have been added to the first aro post Wednesday!
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neodoodles24 · 1 year
do you know about the unofficial collections slur replacer extension? highly recommend if you don't want to read those
im fine with seeing em. dont worry about me
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ix-c-999 · 9 months
Tagged by @sootyships!
last song: "Told You So" by Depeche Mode
favorite color: Purple
currently watching: Bojack Horseman (a rewatch, showing it to our partner system)
last movie/tv show: LMAO I think the last movie we watched was A Christmas Story on Christmas with our family
spicy/savory/sweet: Savory!
relationship status: In a very happy queerplatonic kink relationship with our partner system <3
current obsession: It hasn't hit obsession level yet but our interest in outer space is coming back again Hell Yeah
last thing i googled: "blinkie collection spacehey"
Tagging: @blue-bubonic, @virokuns, @terrible-cunt, @ballroom-rose, @petrichorvoices
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