#virus gender
twinkpedia · 2 years
VIRUSALERTGENDER (virus-alert-gender)
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★ , , a gender that's feel likes a virus alert email chain, it could feel loud and annoying, or like a virus, this gender is also be connected to the the song virus alert by “ weird al yankovic ”.
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duckkle · 2 months
Okay but can we appreciate how sad funny it is trying to communicate anything to anyone? It's impossible to ever truly explain what you mean to someone. It's a battle between how much time do you want to spend yapping and explaining, and how accurate to your perception you want to be.
Like if I said "I really love trees." I'm thinking of a big sleepy tree deep in the forest. But I actually mean "I love how a tree makes me feel safe and comfortable, how the best naps are had under one." But I actually actually mean "I love trees because it reminds me of childhood, playing with friends, scratched and prickled hands to get the best blackberries. It makes me think of warmth, of summer, the soothing rustle of the wind. Rolling in leaves and losing my mind when I find a shield bug." But I actually actually actually... and it keeps going on.
A tree to me has all this stuck to it. It's a tree, it's sleepy, it's nostalgic, it's sweet, it's buggy, it's soothing, it's warm. I love trees because trees are all that to me.
But as I was rambling about all that, what tree were you thinking of? What does your tree make you think of? I was thinking of a yew.
We got like 73,300 different trees people could be thinking about. Then there's like 8 billion of us crawling around this earth. All with our own trees in our heads.
Hell maybe trees are an ephemeral distant thing to you because you've lived most your life in a concrete jungle. How the hell does anyone explain anything to anyone else when we all have these subtle yet vast differences in our mind of what something is and means to us. You say the words and I'm off thinking different things to what you're saying even though they manifest as the same word for us.
In a weird way though it's kinda relieving. If everyone is always failing to explain even simple things we really don't have to give them weight. Someone can turn around and go "nuh uh that's not what a tree is" and you can just smile at them knowing no one knows what a tree truly is.
Anyway I'm full of lies just change tree to gender for my actual take :)
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darkpeacemusic · 2 months
Can I request x reader hcs for xvirus?? :00
𝔻𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕏-𝕍𝕚𝕣𝕦𝕤 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤 (𝕊𝔽𝕎)
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This man may not always be the best but he loves you to bits.
Most of y'alls dates would often just be something like watching binge watching medical dramas or playing board games (depending on how busy the infirmary is).
His love language is words of affection.
You're the only one he will allow to touch any of his potion making equipment.
He gives you extra special treatment whenever you get injured. (Some of the other proxies are jealous)
He loves to sit on the couch and lay his head on your shoulder after a long day of work.
His favorite nicknames for you are "little mouse", "darling", and "Dearing".
He hates it when you flirt with him during his break time but still allows it because he loves to hear your voice.
Y'alls theme song would be something like "How to Save a Life" or "Chasing Cars".
He always makes sure he's extra gentle when treating your wounds (which Dr. Smiley would tease him about sometimes).
His favorite spots to kiss you is on the cheek and nose.
His favorite saying to you is "You are the best potion that's ever affected me." (I know it sounds cringey but it's the best I could come up with)
You two have matching heart necklaces that he stole from one of his previous victims bc he loves you that much.
He loves it when you make up potion names for him when he can't figure out what to name his latest potion.
Even when something goes wrong during the potion making, he always appreciates how patient you are with him.
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cyberluvzu · 2 months
Hi! Could you do some head canons for dating x-virus?
X-virus x reader
- Likes to keep you around when he's working in the lab
- Calls you his "little assistant"
- Might give you a little job here and there, never something too dangerous
- Washing lab equipment, measuring different things, stuff like that
- Definitely has a gas mask just for you
- Just likes to keep you with him
- Especially if he's working long hours
- You can be quiet, talk, or do whatever. He's just happy you're there with him
- Absolutely collapses into bed with you after
- Honestly I feel like he'd do that no matter what
- He works hard, ends up burning himself out and just wants to sleep in your arms
- He would definitely get you little gifts
- Would get you a stuffed animal to keep you company when he's busy
- One of his main love languages is gift giving
- Also quality time with you
-He would show you cool science tricks
- If you aren't already interested in science, Cody will make sure you are now
- Tells you little science facts every now and then just to info dump
- If you have an interest that somehow has a science aspect to it, Cody is ON IT
- Learns everything about that subject just to tell you and see your reaction
- Like a certain type of bug or animal?
- Here's a billion science facts about it
- He also likes to listen you rant about your interests while he works
- It's like white nosie to him, your voice calms him
- But when he really needs to focus he will ask you to shut up 😭
- Or asks you to help him with some other task to keep you busy
- He also really likes to just be in your general vicinity
- Just being in the same room as you for a while is enough for Cody
- He also gets paranoid about you getting sick
- Mega germaphobe
- He'll make you wash your hands 24/7
- He just doesn't wanna see you get sick
- Also doesn't wanna get sick himself, but it's mostly to keep you healthy
- Likes to watch you sometimes
- Mentally takes notes of little things you do
- He thinks it's cute that you have your little quirks
- Pretty observant
- Really likes learning about you
- He's just curious about everything you do
- Smiles when he thinks back to the little habits you have, the way you smile, laugh, look, your touch, literally anything about you and he's smiling
- His mind drifts off to you while he works, but then quickly gets focused back on work
- He has a hard time expressing how he feels so he'll show it to you in his own little way
- Running his hand through your hair, asking you to keep him company, including you on little experiments
- Doesn't wanna cross any boundaries you might have, but is also too scared to ask you about anything
- He just waits it out until you try things with him
- He just awkwardly pauses if he wants to do something to you, debating on doing it
- He's a little (a lot) awkward
- Not in like the "omg I'm so awkward guys" way
- More in the "I'm gonna stay in this corner the whole party" awkward (real)
- You get him to open up a little and he's all yours
- He likes who he likes, and keeps a small circle of people
- Doesn't like going out on dates where there's a lot of people
- More of a picnic in the park kind of guy
- Library dates, museums, slender forest, places like that
- Doesn't wanna worry about other people interrupting
- He just wants to be with you, his little lab assistant
- Sometimes he can be a little neglectful to you if he's really focused on work
-If you tell him that you feel ignored, he'll snap out of it and pay more attention to you
- Or if you don't tell him, one day he'll be like "Hm, I haven't really seen them in a while"
- And then it hits him like a freight train
- He feels bad about it, tries to finish his work ASAP to go check on you
- Doesn't address it directly if he's the one who notices it first
- Just gives you more attention, tries to remember to check up on you, and take breaks
- He's given you full permission to remind him to take breaks
- Likes hearing it from you, makes him feel better for some reason
- After the first time he forgot to pay attention to you, when you first started dating, he started to include you more in his lab experiments and keep you with him more
- He just gets really into in his work
- You'd probably have to remind him to eat and drink
YOU'VE AWOKEN MY CODY OBSESSION AGAIN. I love him sm and more content of him is NEEDED. X-virus fans are BEING STARVED. 😭
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idanceuntilidie · 1 year
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Computer virus!yan x gn reader
Tw! Mentions of yandere behaviour
Requests are oopen~! Don’t be scared to interact with me
* You were in the middle of the game, your palms sweaty, and eyes focused on the game before you. Luckily you were winning but then something popped up on your screen. Your eyes widened. Internet connection lost…
* Oh fucking hell!
* It really took so much strength to not throw that piece of crap out of the window of your apartment.
* Horrible piece of junk…
* The next few minutes you spent on trying to connect back, which was unusually hard. Frustrated, sweaty from the stress and anger you gave up and plopped on your bed. Checking out social media. And secretly planning a revenge on crap of a computer. A sound forcefully dragged you out of your thoughts.
* You have a message! But how? Your laptop wasn’t- oh are you kidding me? Now it’s connected?! You seriously need a new laptop or a computer, ANYTHING. You clicked open the notification, and guess what happened. The computer froze.
* You love it here.
* You stared at the screen, it flicked, once, twice, before going completely black.Isn’t that enough of a good excuse to buy a new one…? Just as you were about to close it, a face appeared. You were flabbergasted. Slowly but surely backing away from the device. The face smiled at you cheerfully.
* “Hello! Sorry for the scare! I really had hard time finally catching your attention” they said, their voice surely sounded, oddly fake now that you think about it.
* “I have been watching you for months you know? I finally wanted to meet you ‘face to face’!”
* The color drained from your face, months? What do they even mean???“You really should update your antivirus program love! Or not have the same password for everything” They cackled. What in the actual fuck is happening right now?You grabbed your phone, maybe your friend knows what to do- he fixes this shit. You tried to unlock your phone desperately, you heard giggling coming from your laptop.
* “Tehe! Blocked! Sorry I can’t have anyone disturbing our small date you know?”
* You threw the phone away, it landed on the bed with a bounce. Useless piece of junk.“Listen love, I can ruin you if you won’t cooperate with me mkay?” They said nonchalantly before continuing “I can spread some fake photos and such! Your private conversations, and photos might leak out” You kept your distance from your laptop, sitting on the floor, hugging your knees to your chest.
* “I can make your life hell honey!”
* You tsked at them.
* “If you don’t want that, you need to work with me, and well be mine of course~”
* “You can call me Ian, and you are never getting rid of me.”
* That’s enough of electronics for the day…
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interwebdenizen · 1 year
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silverthelovebug · 8 months
((CW: Depictions of a death, blood, and gore :3 Darling could smell the rot in the air; pulses of angry magic and something much more visceral wafted throughout the school of Ever After High. She tugged her eye defenders she borrowed from the Chemythstry lab closer to her face, pulling on the strings to tighten the goggles. A low growl caught the knight's attention, causing the girl to peer into one of the many hallways that EAH had to offer. Ramona was hunched over the body of a teenage girl, purple fumes surrounding the two. Darling noticed the red hood.
Ramona turned to sniff the air, and from where Darling was standing, the wolf's face had been split open by glass. Stained blood marked Ramona's face, though equally fresh, crimson blood dripped from his hands. It smelt awful.
Why aren’t you moving?
Ramona prodded Cerise’s leg, hearing the limp thud of it hitting the floor.
Fine, don’t answer me. He huffed.
Ramona sat in the middle of the hallway, hands covered in a substance undetectable to the half-wolf; sticky and crimson red. They tried nudging Cerise again, but there wasn’t even a pulse.
Wait until I tell mom you’re acting like a possum.
She wiped her cheek, the same blood that was on her hands rubbing onto her face — smearing — adding on to the dried blood that was already caked on in patches, starting from her eyes to their chin. Ramona’s face felt itchy and she growled, hating the lack of vision available to him. “Cerise.” She croaked out in a voice not her own, one that sounded hoarse and irritated. He was salivating, drool hitting the floor in uncontrollable pools.
The half-wolf heard a pop, and the smell in the air shifted; putrid. She crinkled her nose, detesting the smell. Ramona moved to kneel, her tail grazing against the floor, raking her hands up Cerise’s body until she found their face. It was split open, shards of glass wedged in between squishy cracks and tissue. Below her face, it looked like someone had tried to tear out her neck. Like a wild animal attack.
“Cerise?” Ramona said once more, pulling her hands back. She licked her lips, tasting the flavor of iron and his own saliva.
There was no answer, not even a pulse.
Darling wanted to gag, watching Ramona stand up and kick the leg of their sister, as if seeing if she were alive. Based on Darling's knowledge, Ramona couldn't see, she must've been infected for a while now. Her eyes drifted to Cerise and—
Her eyes widened. Cerise's face was unrecognizable, having been mangled as it exploded to release the spores of glass. Darling left the hallway, only remembering the way Apple looked. Not wanting to think about what Ramona had to do to cause the Virus to self destruct and reproduce.
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thinking about religious metaphors for gender ideology. why yes I am an apostate of the gender church. I commit acts of gender heresy simply by rejecting the worship of transition. I was excommunicated for hearing the devil (terfs) out. I am the edgy atheist smugly tipping my fedora when I get to criticize regressive gender roles and perceptions. (okay, maybe not the last one, too cringe :p)
unironically, maybe more zoomers/the Youth™ would get into radical feminism/be more critical of gender ideology if they saw it as a lame religious community and they'd be way cooler for "rebelling" against the "church"...
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en8y · 4 months
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[IMAGE ID: two horizontal flags with nine stripes; each flag has a simplified browser window, with a globe icon inside it. it has a left-to-right blue-to-dark-blue gradient on it. the middle stripe is twice as large as the rest of them, which are equally sized. the first flag has these top three colors: dull teal, cool green, and nearly-white grey. the second flag has these top three colors: green-brown, forest green, and dull yellow. each flag has these bottom six stripes: bright teal, off-white, bright teal, light grey, bright green, and deep purple. END ID.]
webirus: a gender connected to being a old web virus; this gender is connected to the old web, old web aesthetics, virtual aesthetics, feeling mischievous or villainous, and being techrobian!
webitaur: a gender connected to being a old web centaur; this gender is connected to the old web, old web aesthetics, nature aesthetics, being any kind of centaur, and florunity!
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian
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the-poke-virus · 3 months
Dropping my pride flags for [PRIDE MONTH SALE]
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revenant-coining · 1 year
[pt: Virunholic /end pt]
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[ID: a rectangular flag with 8 equally-sized horizontal lines and a thicker one in the middle. colors in this order from top to bottom: darkish blue, green, light grey, black-grey, tan off-white, black-grey, pale grey, light grey, grey. End ID]
Virunholic: a virus system subterm; a gender connected to being an unholy virus; this gender is connected to unholy aesthetics, virtual aesthetics, feeling mischievous or villainous, and being techrobian.
Etymology: viru, (u)nhol(y), “ic” meaning of or pertaining to
for day 3 of @buntress ‘s birthday coining event; for the prompt: unholy
@radiomogai , @imawanokiwaaa
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[ID: a light blue line divider outline in blue. in the center is the google bubble emoji. End ID]
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ratt-trap-afton · 1 year
Chapter 2: You don't get paid for this, anymore, actually.
Word count: 10,683
To do list: - Almost die by tripping over a coffee table - Make Sun want to kill you by saying something you probably shouldn't have - Fix Moon's music box without dying - Explain to Mark without him killing you for letting a possibly dangerous animatronic around his kids - Don't die, just in general really
(Sorry it's been so long there won't be a year between chapters regularly I swear, the ch notes at the beginning explain)
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jloisse · 10 months
Dans un Fast Food, un père de famille refuse qu'un homme (soit-disant transexuel) utilise les toilettes pour femmes où se trouve sa petite fille.
Bravo monsieur! Ne cédons pas aux délires de ces individus mentalement dérangés.
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gender-mailman · 2 months
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a gender connected to being a final girl virus; this gender is connected to final girl aesthetics, virtual aesthetics, feeling mischievous or villainous, and being techrobian!
Coined by me. Requested by no one. Tagging @en8y
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callibones · 1 year
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en69y · 1 year
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errohypersexulic + hypersexulibot + hypersexulicoded + hypersexulirus
[IMAGE ID: four horizontal flags with nine stripes; each flag has a heart in two colors, the left side orange-pink, and the right side hot pink. it appears drippy. it is in the center. the middle stripe is twice as large as the rest of them, which are equally sized. the first flag has these top three colors: deep dark blue, deep blue, and cool blue. the second flag has these top three colors: cool grey, dull teal, and light warm green. the third flag has these top three colors: cool blue, bright teal, and bright mint green. the fourth flag has these top three colors: dull teal, cool green, and nearly-white grey. each flag has these bottom six stripes: peach, off-white, pastel orange, hot pink, medium warm purple, and dark cool purple. END ID.]
errohypersexulic: a gender connected to being a hypersexual error; this gender is connected to being hypersexual, hypersexual pride, hypersexual aesthetics, digital aesthetics, glitchy aesthetics and being digigender!
hypersexulibot: a gender connected to being a hypersexual robot; this gender is connected to being hypersexual, hypersexual pride, hypersexual aesthetics, robotic aesthetics, technology aesthetics, and being pantechnicum!
hypersexulicoded: a gender connected to being a hypersexual code, or a coded hypersexual being; this gender is connected to being hypersexual, hypersexual pride, hypersexual aesthetics, digital aesthetics, lines of code, and DIGiN genders!
hypersexulirus: a gender connected to being a hypersexual virus; this gender is connected to being hypersexual, hypersexual pride, hypersexual aesthetics, virtual aesthetics, feeling mischievous or villainous, and being techrobian!
colors referenced from/inspired by @epikulupu’s hypersexual flag!
op is hypersexual, and is allowed to cope in silly gender ways. don’t clown on this post.
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