#vishnu sudarshan chakra
mplanetleaf · 1 year
కృష్ణుడి తరువాత సుదర్శన చక్రం ఏమైంది? | What happened to Sudarshan Chakra after Lord Krishna?
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jeevanjali · 1 month
Lord Vishnu: भगवान विष्णु के पास कहां से आया था सुदर्शन चक्र? जानिए इसके पीछे की दिलचस्प कहानीLord Vishnu: वैदिक काल से ही भगवान विष्णु को संपूर्ण विश्व की सर्वोच्च शक्ति और नियंत्रक के रूप में मान्यता दी गई है। पुराणों में भगवान विष्णु को जगत का पालनहार कहा गया है।
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komal09 · 6 months
Paush Putrada Ekadashi 2024|पौष पुत्रदा एकादशी 2024
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Date, auspicious time and importance| तिथि, समय, शुभ मुहूर्त व महत्व
Putrada Ekadashi is one of the most important and prestigious fast festivals dedicated to Lord Vishnu. The rituals of this festival are usually performed by married couples. Married women wishing to have a child observe a fast on Putrada Ekadashi and also observe various rituals associated with this festival to seek the divine blessings of Lord Vishnu.
Ekadashi of Shukla Paksha of Paush month is called Paush Putrada Ekadashi (Putrada Ekadashi 2024). On this day, Lord Vishnu, who holds the Sudarshan Chakra, is worshipped. It is believed that observing this fast leads to the birth of a child, hence it is called Pausha Putrada Ekadashi. It is believed in the scriptures that due to the effect of this fast, the children are also protected.
Let us know, the Paush Putrada Ekadashi date, auspicious time, and significance in the year 2024-
Paush Putrada Ekadashi Date 2024|पौष पुत्रदा एकादशी तिथि 2024
The fast of Paush Putrada Ekadashi is observed on the 11th day of Shukla Paksha of Paush month. This fast of Paush Putrada Ekadashi, this year is on Sunday 21 January 2024.
Putrada Ekadashi 2024 Shubh Muhurat (Putrada Ekadashi 2024 auspicious time)|पुत्रदा एकादशी 2024 शुभ मुहूर्त
The auspicious time of Putrada Ekadashi 2024 is as follows-
Ekadashi start time - 20 January 2024, from 07:26 pm
Ekadashi closing time - 21 January 2024, till 07:26 pm
Ekadashi fasting breaking time - 22 January 2024, 07:14 am to 09:21 am
Significance of Pausha Putrada Ekadashi| पौष पुत्रदा एकादशी का महत्व
Putrada Ekadashi fast is especially observed by married couples who do not have children and wish to have children.
Fasting on Putrada Ekadashi also provides happiness, health, happiness, wealth and prosperity to the devotees. Lord Vishnu protects all those devotees who worship him with utmost faith, devotion, and rituals.
As we can understand from the name of Putrada Ekadashi (Putrada Ekadashi Significance), it means "the one who gives a son." According to Hindu scriptures, Lord Vishnu blesses those observing this wonderful fast with all the happiness and fulfills their desired wishes.
Mantras of Lord Vishnu |भगवान विष्णु के मंत्र
Chanting these mantras of Lord Vishnu on the day of Ekadashi will bring peace and prosperity to your life and will help you in getting the blessings of Lord Vishnu. This Vishnu mantra is as follows-
1. Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevay..!!
2. Om Namo Narayana..!!
3. Shantakaram Bhujagashayanam Padmanabham Suresham,
Vishwadharam is like the sky, the clouds are auspicious..!!
Lakshmikantam Kamalanayanam Yogibhirdhyanagamyam,
Vande Vishnu Bhavabhayaharam Sarvlokaikanatham..!!
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santoschristos · 2 months
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Sudarshana Chakra
(The Wheel of Auspicious Vision)
The Sudarshana Chakra legend that is recounted is the one in which Vishwakarma, the architect of Gods diminished the shine of Lord Surya, the Sun God. Vishwakarma's daughter was married to Surya, but could not go near Him as it was difficult to endure His scorching brilliance and heat. So Vishwakarma had to reduce the intensity of the Sun by churning him. This created a Sun dust from which Vishwakarma created a few powerful golden objects, including the Sudarshana Chakra. Other weapons were Trishula and Pushpak Vimaan which were respectively the weapons of Lord Vishnu, Shiva and Lord Kuber. Lord Vishnu holding Sudarshana Chakra is worshipped as Chakrathazhwar, Sage of the wheel.
When Lord Krishna took incarnation, Shri Vishnu gave him this chakra which he could use immediately at any time, it was his own property. During Samudra Manthan, Lord Vishnu used the Sudarshan chakra to cut through the demon Swarbanu who then became Rahu and Ketu. During Daksha yagna it was used by Shri Vishnu to cut burnt Satis body into 51 parts which fell on earth and became Shakti Peeths, holy places for worshipping goddess Shakti.
1- The Sudarshan Chakra has 108 serrated blades, and has the capability to travel several million yojanas (1 Yojana = 8 kms) at a blink of an eye.
2- It is not thrown at anybody, rather, by willpower, it is sent against the enemy. It has tremendous occult and spiritual power to destroy everything.
3- Once out of finger, it chases the enemy and never returns without achieving intended results.
Om Namo Narayana -- Jai Shri Vishnu
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blessed1neha · 2 years
Goddess Parvati playfully covered Lord Shiva’s eyes with her hands and the darkness descended, Andhakasura - Birth & Death
One day Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati were spending a pleasant day in their abode. Goddess Parvati playfully covered Lord Shiva’s eyes with her hands. Suddenly, darkness descended on earth, and her hands started perspiring. The sweat fell on the ground, and a child was born, blind. When Goddess Parvati removed her hands form Lord Shiva’s eyes, light was restored on earth.
The couple decided to give the child to Hiranyaksha, a Daitya king, who was childless and was praying for a son. Hiranyaksha adopted the child as his son and named him, Andhaka. When he grew up, he was crowned the king.
Andhakasura, as he came to be known, performed sever penances to Lord Brahma.
Impressed by his devotion, Lord Brahma asked him, “What do you wish for?” Andhakasura asked him for victories throughout his life and immortality. Lord Brahma granted him the first boon, and added, “I will not be able to grant you immortality as death is inevitable part of life.” He instead blessed him that he will die when he will seek the unattainable.
Andhakasura, armed and protected by the blessing of Lord Brahma, raged a vicious war against the gods. The gods were powerless in front of his powers and sought Lord Shiva’s help. Lord Shiva, after hearing their pleas, decided to intervene and defeat Andhakasura.
When Andhakasura heard that Lord Shiva had decided to fight in the war, he was enraged. He gathered all his trusted and mighty warriors and sent them to the war. Needless to say, Lord Shiva killed all the demons and proceeded to fight Andhakasura.
Andhakasura and Lord Shiva started fighting, but Andhakasura soon realised that he was no match for Lord Shiva. He fled and hid himself in Goddess Parvati’s chambers, with the intention to abduct her and teach Lord Shiva a lesson. This angered Lord Shiva so much that he struck his trident at him. As soon as the blood flowed out of Andhakasura’s body and fell on the ground, thousand more demons took birth.
Lord Vishnu was watching the war from a distance. When he saw the situation getting out of hands, he intervened and used his sudarshan chakra to kill the demons born out of Andhakasura’s blood. Finally, Lord Shiva struck Andhakasura with his trident, and held him up for thousand years. Lord Shiva collected his blood, so as to avoid the birth of more demons form Andhakasura.
After being suspended on Lord Shiva’s trident for over thousand years, Andhakasura realised his mistake and sought forgiveness form Lord Shiva. Finally, peace reigned again on earth and the heavens.
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pooma-satsangam · 2 years
தமிழில் ।।
Significance of Goddess Katyayani – Navratri Day 6
Kātyāyanī is the 6th form of Goddess Durga and she is worshipped on the 6th day of Navratri.
When we meditate on Goddess Kātyāyanī by keeping our attention on the Ajna Chakra, She blesses us with profound wisdom, happiness and prosperity. All the 4 goals of life such as Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha is easily attained with the grace of Goddess Kātyāyanī when you surrender with complete faith. Moreover, Goddess Kātyāyanī has the power to free us from the sins accumulated from all our past lives when we worship her with devotion.
The Mantra for Kātyāyanī:
Aum Hrim Katyayini Durgaye Namaha
Hidden meaning of Kātyāyanī as explained by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Everything that happens and unfolds before us, which is called Prapancha is not limited only to what is visible. That which is invisible and cannot be perceived by the senses is far greater than we can even imagine and comprehend.
The subtle world which is invisible and unmanifest is ruled by this form of the Mother Divine – Katyayani. In this form, she represents everything that cannot be seen or understood. Katyayani represents the deep and most intricate secrets of Divinity.
# How did this form of the Mother Divine come to manifest?
The Story behind the manifestation of Mother Divine to the form of KathyayaniOnce upon a time it so happened that all the demigods became very angry. The form of the Mother Divine that arose from this anger came to be known as Katyayani. There are divine and demonic forces in creation. So also, anger can be a positive or a negative force.
How can anger be a positive or a divine quality, and when can it become a negative or a demonic quality?
There is a huge difference between the two. Do not think that anger is only a bad quality. Anger is also important and has its own place. Good anger is associated with wisdom, while bad anger with emotions and selfishness. Good anger comes from a sense of broad vision. Anger is appropriate when it is directed towards injustice and ignorance. Usually whoever gets angry tends to think that his anger is justified and directed towards some injustice only! But if you go deeper into more subtle levels of existence, you will find that it is not really so. In such cases, anger actually creates bondage for the person. So, the anger that arises for righteous reasons and is directed towards negativity and injustice is represented by Devi Katyayani.
You must have witnessed so many natural calamities which people call the revenge of Nature. For example, many places get struck by huge earthquakes, or severe floods. All these happenings are attributed to Devi Katyayani. Devi Katyayani represents that divine principle and form of the Mother Divine which is behind such terrible natural calamities and disasters. Devi Katyayani also represents that anger that arises in Creation to restore and revive the principles of Dharma and truth. Katyayani is the divine force or principle of the unmanifest Divinity that arises in the subtle layers of creation against negativity and for the purpose of restoring Dharma. It is said that the anger of a wise person only brings about greater good; whereas even the love of an ignorant or foolish person can only cause more trouble. That is why Devi Katyayani actually represents a beneficial and uplifting force.
The Legend of Kātyāyanī’s Creation:
The Vamana Purana mentions the legend of her creation in great detail: “When the gods had sought Vishnu in their distress, he and at his command Shiva , Brahma and the other gods, emitted such flames from their eyes and countenances that a mountain of effulgence was formed, from which became manifest Katyayini, refulgent as a thousand suns, having three eyes, black hair and eighteen arms. Shiva gave her his trident, Vishnu a Sudarshan Chakra or discus, Varuna a shankha , a conch-shell, Agni a dart, Vayu a bow, Surya a quiver full of arrows, Indra a thunderbolt, Kuvera a mace, Brahma a rosary and water-pot, Kala a shield and sword, Visvakarma a battle-axe and other weapons. Thus armed and adored by the gods, Katyayani proceeded to the Mysore hills. There, the asuras saw her and captivated by her beauty they so described her to Mahishasura , their king, that he was anxious to obtain her. On asking for her hand, she told him she must be won in fight. He came and fought; at length Durga dismounted from her lion, and sprang upon the back of Mahisha, who was in the form of a buffalo and with her tender feet so smote him on the head that he fell to the ground senseless, when she cut off his head with her sword and hence was called Mahishasuramardini, the Slayer of Mahishasura.
காத்யாயனி தேவியின் முக்கியத்துவம் - நவராத்திரி நாள் 6
காத்யாயனி துர்கா தேவியின் 6 வது வடிவம் மற்றும் அவள் நவராத்திரியின் 6 வது நாளில் வழிபடப்படுகிறாள்.
காத்யாயனி தேவியை ஆஜ்னா சக்கரத்தில் வைத்து தியானிக்கும்போது, ​​அவள் நமக்கு ஆழ்ந்த ஞானம், மகிழ்ச்சி மற்றும் செழிப்பு ஆகியவற்றை அருள்கிறாள். தர்மம், அர்த்தம், காமம், மோட்சம் போன்ற 4 வாழ்க்கையின் இலக்குகளும் காத்யாயனி தேவியின் அருளால், முழு நம்பிக்கையுடன் சரணடையும் போது எளிதில் அடையலாம். மேலும், காத்யாயனி தேவியை நாம் பக்தியுடன் வணங்கும் போது, ​​நம் பூர்வ ஜென்மங்கள் அனைத்தும் செய்த பாவங்களில் இருந்து நம்மை விடுவிக்கும் ஆற்றல் பெற்றவள்.
காத்யாயனிக்கான மந்திரம்:
ஓம் ஹ்ரீம் காத்யாயினி துர்கயே நமஹ
குருதேவ் ஸ்ரீ ஸ்ரீ ரவிசங்கர் விளக்கியபடி காத்யாயனியின் மறைக்கப்பட்ட பொருள்: நமக்கு முன்னால் நடக்கும் மற்றும் விரிவடையும் அனைத்தும், பிரபஞ்சம் என்று அழைக்கப்படும் அனைத்தும் கண்ணுக்குத் தெரிவதற்கு மட்டும் மட்டுப்படுத்தப்படவில்லை. கண்ணுக்குத் தெரியாதது மற்றும் புலன்களால் உணர முடியாதது, நாம் கற்பனை செய்து புரிந்து கொள்ள முடியாததை விட மிகப் பெரியது.
கண்ணுக்குத் தெரியாத மற்றும் வெளிப்படுத்தப்படாத சூட்சும உலகம் இந்த தெய்வீக அன்னையின் வடிவத்தால் ஆளப்படுகிறது - காத்யாயனி. இந்த வடிவத்தில், அவள் பார்க்க முடியாத அல்லது புரிந்துகொள்ள முடியாத அனைத்தையும் பிரதிபலிக்கிறாள். காத்யாயனி தெய்வீகத்தின் ஆழமான மற்றும் மிகவும் சிக்கலான இரகசியங்களைக் குறிக்கிறது.
# தெய்வீக அன்னையின் இந்த வடிவம் எப்படி வெளிப்பட்டது?
தெய்வீக அன்னை காத்யாயனியின் வடிவத்தில் வெளிப்பட்டதன் பின்னணியில் உள்ள கதை ஒரு காலத்தில் அனைத்து தேவர்களும் மிகவும் கோபமடைந்தனர். இந்தக் கோபத்தில் இருந்து எழுந்த அன்னையின் வடிவமே காத்யாயனி எனப் பெயர் பெற்றது. படைப்பில் தெய்வீக மற்றும் அசுர சக்திகள் உள்ளன. மேலும், கோபம் நேர்மறை அல்லது எதிர்மறை சக்தியாக இரு��்கலாம்.
கோபம் எப்படி நேர்மறை அல்லது தெய்வீக குணமாக இருக்க முடியும், அது எப்போது எதிர்மறை அல்லது பேய் குணமாக மாறும்?
இரண்டுக்கும் ஒரு பெரிய வித்தியாசம் இருக்கிறது. கோபம் ஒரு மோசமான குணம் என்று நினைக்காதீர்கள். கோபமும் முக்கியமானது மற்றும் அதன் சொந்த இடம் உள்ளது. நல்ல கோபம் ஞானத்துடன் தொடர்புடையது, அதே சமயம் கெட்ட கோபம் உணர்ச்சிகள் மற்றும் சுயநலத்துடன் தொடர்புடையது. நல்ல கோபம் என்பது பரந்த பார்வையின் உணர்விலிருந்து வருகிறது. அநீதியையும் அறியாமையையும் நோக்கிச் செல்லும் போது கோபம் பொருத்தமானது. பொதுவாக யார் கோபப்பட்டாலும் தன் கோபம் நியாயமானது என்றும் ஏதோ ஒரு அநீதியை நோக்கி மட்டுமே செலுத்துவது என்றும் நினைப்பார்கள்! ஆனால் நீங்கள் ��ருப்பின் மிகவும் நுட்பமான நிலைக��ுக்கு ஆழமாகச் சென்றால், அது உண்மையில் அப்படி இல்லை என்பதை நீங்கள் காண்பீர்கள். இதுபோன்ற சந்தர்ப்பங்களில், கோபம் உண்மையில் ஒரு நபருக்கு அடிமைத்தனத்தை உருவாக்குகிறது. எனவே, நியாயமான காரணங்களுக்காக எழும் கோபம் மற்றும் எதிர்மறை மற்றும் அநீதியை நோக்கி செலுத்தப்படுகிறது தேவி காத்யாயனி.
இயற்கையின் பழிவாங்கல் என்று மக்கள் அழைக்கும் எத்தனையோ இயற்கை சீற்றங்களை நீங்கள் பார்த்திருப்பீர்கள். உதாரணமாக, பல இடங்கள் பெரிய பூகம்பங்கள் அல்லது கடுமையான வெள்ளத்தால் தாக்கப்படுகின்றன. இந்த நிகழ்வுகள் அனைத்தும் காத்யாயனி தேவிக்குக் காரணம். தேவி காத்யாயனி அந்த தெய்வீக கொள்கை மற்றும் அன்னையின் தெய்வீக வடிவத்தை பிரதிபலிக்கிறது, இது போன்ற பயங்கரமான இயற்கை பேரழிவுகள் மற்றும் பேரழிவுகளுக்குப் பின்னால் உள்ளது. தேவி காத்யாயனி, தர்மம் மற்றும் சத்தியத்தின் கொள்கைகளை மீட்டெடுக்கவும் புதுப்பிக்கவும் படைப்பில் எழும் கோபத்தை பிரதிபலிக்கிறது. காத்யாயனி என்பது தெய்வீக சக்தி அல்லது வெளிப்படுத்தப்படாத தெய்வீகத்தின் கொள்கை, இது எதிர்மறைக்கு எதிராகவும் தர்மத்தை மீட்டெடுக்கும் நோக்கத்திற்காகவும் படைப்பின் நுட்பமான அடுக்குகளில் எழுகிறது. ஒரு ஞானியின் கோபம் அதிக நன்மையைத் தரும் என்று கூறப்படுகிறது; அதேசமயம் ஒரு அறியாமை அல்லது முட்டாள்தனமான நபரின் அன்பு கூட அதிக சிக்கலை ஏற்படுத்தும். அதனால்தான் தேவி காத்யாயனி உண்மையில் ஒரு நன்மை மற்றும் மேம்படுத்தும் சக்தியைக் குறிக்கிறது.
காத்யாயனியின் படைப்பின் புராணக்கதை:
வாமன புராணம் அவள் படைப்பின் புராணத்தை மிக விரிவாகக் குறிப்பிடுகிறது: “தேவர்கள் தங்கள் துன்பத்தில் விஷ்ணுவைத் தேடியபோது, ​​அவரும் அவருடைய கட்டளையின் பேரில் சிவன், பிரம்மா மற்றும் பிற தேவர்களும் அத்தகைய தீப்பிழம்புகளை தங்கள் கண்களிலிருந்தும் முகங்களிலிருந்தும் வெளியேற்றினர், அது ஒரு மலை பிரகாசமாக இருந்தது. மூன்று கண்கள், கருப்பு முடி மற்றும் பதினெட்டு கைகள் கொண்ட, ஆயிரம் சூரியன்கள் போல் ஒளிரும் காத்யாயினி உருவானது. சிவன் அவளுக்குத் தன் திரிசூலத்தையும், விஷ்ணுவுக்கு ஒரு சுதர்சன சக்கரம் அல்லது வட்டு, வருணன் ஒரு சங்கு, ஒரு சங்கு, அக்னி ஒரு டார்ட், வாயு ஒரு வில், சூரியன் ஒரு அம்புகள் நிறைந்த ஒரு அம்பு, இந்திரன் ஒரு இடி, குவேரன் ஒரு தந்திரம், பிரம்மா ஒரு ஜெபமாலை மற்றும் தண்ணீர் கொடுத்தார். -பானை, கலா ஒரு கேடயம் மற்றும் வாள், விஸ்வகர்மா ஒரு போர்-கோடாரி மற்றும் பிற ஆயுதங்கள். இவ்வாறு ஆயுதம் ஏந்தி, தெய்வங்களால் வணங்கப்பட்ட காத்யாயனி, மைசூர் மலைகளுக்குச் சென்றாள். அங்கு, அசுரர்கள் அவளைப் பார்த்து, அவளது அழகில் மயங்கி, அவளைப் பெறுவதற்கு ஆர்வமாக இருந்ததால், தங்கள் அரசனான மகிஷாசுரனிடம் அவளை விவரித்தனர். அவள் கையைக் கேட்டவுடன், அவள் சண்டையில் வெல்ல வேண்டும் என்று சொன்னாள். வந்து போரிட்டான்; சிறிது நேரத்தில் துர்கா தன் சிங்கத்திலிருந்து இறங்கி, எருமை வடிவில் இருந்த மகிஷாவின் முதுகில் பாய்ந்து, தன் மென்மையான பாதங்களால் அவனைத் தலையில் அடித்ததால், அவன் தலையை துண்டித்தபோது, ​​அவன் உணர்வற்றுத் தரையில் விழுந்தான். அவளுடைய வாள், அதனால் மகிஷாசுரனைக் கொன்ற மகிஷாசுரமர்த்தினி என்று அழைக்கப்பட்டது.
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monukumarr · 25 days
Shri Pagal Baba Temple Vrindavan: (Timings, History, Aarti, Location & Phone)
Nestled in the spiritual town of Vrindavan, Shri Pagal Baba Temple Vrindavan stands as a testament to devotion and architectural brilliance. Renowned for its serene atmosphere and divine ambiance, this temple draws thousands of devotees and tourists every year.
Historical Significance of Shri Pagal Baba Temple Vrindavan
Shri Pagal Baba Temple in Vrindavan, established in 1969, has a fascinating origin story linked to a judge who experienced a divine vision of Lord Krishna. This life-altering encounter led him to renounce his professional career and dedicate his life to spirituality. He came to be known as Pagal Baba and founded the temple, which became a symbol of his devotion and faith. The temple’s construction reflects his commitment to creating a space for spiritual solace and communal worship.
Architectural Marvel
Constructed in 1969, the temple showcases exquisite Nagara-style architecture. Made from pristine white marble, the temple boasts nine floors, each representing a different aspect of Hindu mythology. The temple’s height of 221 feet provides a panoramic view of Vrindavan from the top.
Unique Features
Puppet Show: The ground floor hosts a year-round puppet show depicting scenes from the Ramayana and Mahabharata.
Electronic Jhanki: Visitors can enjoy the electronic displays of Krishna Leela and Ram Leela for a nominal fee.
Circular Window: The first floor features a window resembling Lord Vishnu’s Sudarshan Chakra.
Akhand Jyoti: An eternal flame that burns continuously in a glass chamber.
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jyotishwithakshayg · 8 months
Many stories of the origin of this Chakra are heard. Some people believe that Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh, Jupiter have created it by pooling their energy.
It is also believed that Lord Vishnu attained this Chakra by worshiping Lord Shiva.
Sudarshan is made up of two words, Su meaning auspicious and Darshan. The word Chakra is made up of the words Charuhu and Karuhu, which means movement (always moving).
It was made of silver bars. There were iron prongs on its upper and lower surfaces. A very poisonous type of poison was used in this.
There is also a story related to Sudarshan Chakra that it was created by Vishwakarma.
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krishna34 · 10 months
Vibrant Brass Plate for Jagannath Balabhadra Subhadra, Sudarshan Idol Worship
Introducing our exquisitely designed Brass Plate for Pooja with Jagannath Balabhadra Subhadra and Sudarshan Idol, a sacred and divine addition to your religious practices. Crafted with utmost precision and reverence, this brass plate showcases the divine idols of Lord Jagannath, Lord Balabhadra, Goddess Subhadra, and the Sudarshan Chakra. Each idol is intricately carved, reflecting the divine grace and radiance associated with these revered deities. The idols are made from high-quality brass, renowned for its durability and spiritual significance in Hindu rituals.
The plate features a spacious design, allowing you to arrange the idols, flowers, incense sticks, and other sacred items in a beautiful and organized manner during pooja ceremonies. Its smooth and polished surface enhances the elegance of the idols and adds a touch of sanctity to your worship space. The brass plate is also adorned with ornate patterns and engravings, symbolizing the cultural heritage and traditions of Jagannath culture. The presence of Lord Jagannath, Lord Balabhadra, Goddess Subhadra, and the Sudarshan Chakra on this brass plate holds immense spiritual significance. Lord Jagannath is considered the presiding deity of Puri, Odisha, and is worshipped as an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Lord Balabhadra and Goddess Subhadra, his siblings, complete the divine trinity. The Sudarshan Chakra represents divine protection and guidance. Together, these idols inspire devotion, piety, and spiritual connection during your prayers and offerings.
By incorporating this Brass Plate for Pooja with Jagannath Balabhadra Subhadra and Sudarshan Idol into your worship rituals, you invite the blessings and divine energies of these deities into your space. It serves as a constant reminder of their loving presence and fosters a deeper connection to the spiritual realm. Whether used during daily prayers, festive celebrations, or auspicious occasions, this plate amplifies the sanctity of your pooja ceremonies.Additionally, this brass plate makes for an exquisite gift for loved ones who hold deep reverence for Lord Jagannath and wish to enrich their spiritual practices. It is a manifestation of devotion, tradition, and divine grace that can adorn homes, temples, or sacred spaces.
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astrocenter · 11 months
Kaal Sarp Yoga/Dosha -Rahu in Hindu Mythology-story behind kaal sarp yoga
Rahu’s Birth
Simhika and Viprachitti gave birth to Rahu(also known as Swarnabhanu). Simhika also know as Simhita was daughter to Hiranyakashyap. Hiryanakashyap is an Asura (Devil) from the Puranic scriptures of Hinduism. Hiranyakashyap was killed by Prahalad who was a devotee of Lord Vishnu.
 Rahu was given a status of a Planet by Lord Brahma. 
Samudra Manthan
Long time back there used to be a Guru called Shukracharya. He was a Bhagwan Rishi who studied under Rishi Gautama. He hated Lord Vishnu, because Lord Vishnu had killed her mother for giving shelter to some Asura who Lord Vishnu was hunting. He performed tapasya (penance) to Lord Shiva and obtained the Sanjivni Mantra also known as Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra. Due to the hatred Shukra (Venus) bore towards Lord Vishnu, he decided to become the Guru of Asuras..
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Powered with Sanjivni Mantra, Shukra convinced Asuras to attack Devas. Shukra would bring back to life all Asuras who died in the War. Devas started loosing the battle and approached Lord Vishnu.
Vishnu then suggested all Devas to perform the Samudra Manthan, which would yield Amrita (Holy Nectar). Devas on drinking this Amrita would become Immortals.
The huge mountain, Mandara, was used as the pole to stir the waters. But as the pole entered the water it kept sliding into depths of the ocean. To stop this, Vishnu quickly transformed himself into a tortoise and placed the mountainon his back. This image of Vishnu as the tortoise was his second avatar called ‘Kurma.’
Once the pole was balanced, it was tied to the gigantic snake, Vasuki, and the Devas and Asuras started pulling it from either side. As the churning began and the massive waves whirled, an extremely poisonous drink called halahal came out. The gods became scared because this blue drink could destroy creation.
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                        They all got together and prayed to the powerful Shiva to help him them. Shiva appeared before all and gulped the entire poison. But, he did not swallow it. He kept the poison in his throat. Since then, Shiva’s throat became blue, and he became known as Neelkantha or the blue-throated one.
The churning continued and poured forth a number of gifts and treasures. They included Kamdhenu, the wish-fulfilling cow; the goddess of wealth, Laxmi; the wish-fulfilling tree, Kalpavriksha; and finally, came Dhanvantari carrying the pot of amrita and a book of medicine called Ayurveda.
Once the Amrita was out, Lord Vishnu disguised himself as Mohini, a dancer and took upon the responsibility of  distributing the Amrita among Devas and Asuras (who also helped in the Manthan process). For convenience of distribution, Mohini kept Asuras in one line and Devas in the other line. She tactfully offered to give Liquor to the Asuras in disguise of  Amrita. She kept offering Amrit to the Devas.
Seeing this, Swarbhanu (Rahu) suspected her and came to know the reality about Vishnu being Mohini. He disguised as one of the gods and sits in between Surya and Chandra to drink the Amrita. When Mohini was offering Amrita to Swarnbhanu, the sun and moon Devas recognised it to be a trick and complained to Mohini (Vishnu), who in turn, severed Swarnbhanu’s head with his Sudarshan Chakra. As Swarnbhanu had already consumed the Amrita, his head and torso became immortal. The head of Swarnbhanu is known as Rahu and the torso of Swarnabhanu is known as Ketu. 
The Sun and Lunar Eclipse (Surya Grahan and Chandra Grahan)
The head of the Swarnabhanu (Rahu) fell on one side of Sun and the torso of Swarnbhanu (Ketu) fell on the other side of the Sun.
Sun being a responsible planet (In hindu astrology sun is a planet and not considered as a star), decided to stop his movement to keep Rahu from meeting Ketu. That is the reason in any astrology chart one will see Rahu and Ketu in 180 degrees placement from each other.
As an act of revenge, every now and then Rahu gobbles Sun or Moon; causing world to suffer from darkness as a result we witness Solar/Lunar eclipses. The headless trunk of Rahu came to be known as Ketu and since then Rahu has become the eighth planet and is considered in astrological formulations, Ketu being ninth.
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Kaal Sarp Yog
Rahu worshipped lord Shiva. Lord Shiva’s own son Ganpati has the similiar story where Lord Ganesha’s head was chopped off. Lord Shiva had given Lord Ganesha a head of an elephant.
Rahu asked Lord Shiva to give him a body and Ketu a Head. Lord Shiva took mercy on Rahu and blessed Rahu with the body of a snake and Ketu with the head of a snake.
If in someone’s birth chart all planets lie in between Ketu (the head of snake) and Rahu (the tail of snake), then this yog in Kundli is called Kaal Sarpa Yog.
Kaal Sarp Yog can be formed in any person’s horoscope like king, rich, president, prime-minister, peon, poor etc. and those who has Kaal Sarp Yog in their horoscope, instead of they have all kind of facilities but always suffer from any tension, fear, insecure. A person who has bitten by snake cannot sit comfortably like this a person who has Kaal Sarp Yog in his horoscope always fear from death.
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 Parmod Kumar Astrologer
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asrtron · 1 year
Online kundli matching for marriage by our vedic pandit
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The majority of families reach an astrologer to match the boy and girl's horoscopes before marriage. The location of the planet Moon in both horoscopes is taken into account in the traditional Vedic astrology method known as kundali matching. The best kundli matching is one where 25 to 32 components are matched, with the possibility of the couple getting married being fairly good. If 33 or more characteristics match up, the match is regarded as the best on earth and can result in an excellent marriage relationship for all connected. In some cases, kundli matching by name may be helpful. In this case, a couple who were given names based on the Nakshatra method used in Indian astrology and whose birth date was misplaced by the time they became marriageable age. When a couple and their family wish to determine their match and married life, kundli matching by name may be helpful.
Indians are known for studying the study of kundli matching for marriage, known as zodiac matching in Indian culture, since the early Vedic time. To live a happy life, everyone looks for the ideal life to find a partner. Finding an ideal partner or the perfect life mate calls for online kundali matching. Getting an understanding and suitable partner is an honour as marriage is a priceless tie. One of the most important days in a person's life is their wedding day.  The 21st century develops at an amazing rate, just for our Indian culture, Kundali Milan still takes priority over important marriage. The bride and groom's horoscopes are compared to determine their compatibility and potential effects. There is one of the best kundli matching apps for marriage. Celestial bodies like stars and planets have an important effect on our lives in many different ways, and kundli matching provides information about possible threats and solutions for a good marriage. In order to ensure the couple's peaceful, healthy, and wealthy being, it also helps to cancel or lessen the effects of any dosh in their respective Kundalis.
According to vedicrishi kundli matching, the connection between the two persons is the most important factor in every marriage to ensure a strong and satisfying partnership. Without enough connectivity, a stronger relationship cannot work. A Vedic study of a couple's suitability is called kundali matching. Matching Kundli ensures that married life is pleasant, healthy, and delightful by removing thought. God and Goddess Shiv Parvati kundli matching, One of the most feared and deadly items in all of space was created by Lord Shiva. Few people know that Lord Shiva himself built the Sudarshan Chakra and gave it to Lord Vishnu, who is holding it in his hands. In response, the goddess took the persona of Parvati, princess of the mountains, and asked for Kama, the god of love, in hopes to win Shiva's love. Shiva, however, opened his third eye, let out a firing missile, and melted Kama to ashes as Kama fired his love-dart at him.
The traditional method of marriage depends heavily on Kundli matching for happy marriages. www kundlimatching com here you can get a solution to any problem. But many marriages that Kundli matching allows fail, while many marriages that go against it are successful. For more details you can visit our site myastron.com.
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komal09 · 3 months
Maha Sudarshan Yantra
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Maha Sudarshan Yantra: Revealing the Divine Shield Introduction The Maha Sudarshan Yantra is more than just an exquisite geometric design engraved into copper; it is a portal to cosmic forces and spiritual protection. Let us explore the magical universe of this precious talisman.
What Is The Maha Sudarshan Yantra? The Maha Sudarshan Yantra is a religious diagram depicting Lord Vishnu's Sudarshana Chakra, or cosmic wheel. This chakra, a heavenly weapon, is supposed to spin at breakneck speed, annihilating negativity, bad energies, and impediments in its path. The Yantra acts as a conduit for bringing holy energy into our life.
Symbolism and Significance The Maha Sudarshan Yantra protects against malicious forces, mental assaults, and bad wishes. It surrounds the devotee in a protective aura, keeping them secure from harm. Obstacle Removal: The Yantra, like Lord Vishnu's Sudarshana Chakra, removes impediments from our path in life. It removes obstacles, both physical and metaphysical, allowing us to go unfettered.
Healing: The Yantra's vibrations match cosmic frequencies, providing physical and mental healing. It cleanses our energy centers (chakras) and restores equilibrium. Spiritual Evolution: By meditating on the Yantra, one can get spiritual insights, strengthen their connection to the divine, and speed up their spiritual path.
Craftmanship and Material The Maha Sudarshan Yantra is expertly made from high-quality copper. Here's why copper was chosen.
Copper carries energy efficiently, therefore the Yantra effectively channels heavenly vibrations. Purity: Copper's purity represents spiritual clarity and openness. It resonates at higher frequencies. Durability: The thick copper assures long-term use, allowing future generations to benefit from its power.
Energization and blessing. Before reaching your hands, the Yantra goes through a holy process:
Blessing: Spiritual practitioners use heavenly forces to bless the Yantra, imbuing it with their desire. Energisation: Mantras and rituals charge the Yantra, revealing its hidden power. How to Use the Maha Sudarshan Yantra? Placement: Hang the Yantra in your house, puja area, or workplace. The northeastern corner is good. Meditation: Focus on the Yantra's exquisite geometry. Visualize the Sudarshana Chakra rotating and cleansing your surroundings. Chanting: Recite the Sudarshana Mantra for increased power. Om Sudarshanaya Vidmahe Maha Jwalaya Dhimahi Tanno Chakra Prachodaya.
Where to Buy Several reputable sources offer the Maha Sudarshan Yantra:
Amazon: You can find the 3 inches x 3 inches Yantra blessed and energized by Vishaka Arts for ₹625. Dharmsaar Shop: They offer a pure copper (Tamba) Yantra online at a 20% discount, enhancing attentiveness.
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braintag · 1 year
Kamakhya Temple
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Welcome to the magical world of the beautiful Hindu temple Kamakhya Temple, situated atop Nilachal Hill in Guwahati, Assam, India. This magnificent temple is not just a work of art in architecture but also has great religious importance. The temple, which is devoted to the mighty goddess Kamakhya, attracts tourists from all over the world who are looking for blessings, spiritual solace, and a better understanding of Indian mythology. Join us on a virtual journey as we explore the famous Kamakhya Temple's exciting past, unique rituals, and cultural attractions. Historical Significance and Legends: The Kamakhya Temple is a memorial to India's rich history and long-standing customs. The temple has a long history that is steeped in tales and legends. The Kamakhya Temple, a significant religious site in Hindu mythology, is associated with several legends, including one involving Goddess Kamakhya, Lord Shiva, Goddess Sati, and King Daksha. Goddess Sati chose to go to the yagna that her father, Prajapati Daksha, had planned in defiance of Lord Shiva's order to stay away from it. But Daksha had intentionally not invited either Goddess Sati or Lord Shiva. After reaching the sacred grounds of the Kamakhya Temple, Sati's father Daksha started to insult and degrade Lord Shiva in front of all the inhabitants of Tribhuvan. Overwhelmed by the humiliation faced by her beloved husband, Sati tragically took her own life at the spot of the Yagna. Lord Shiva got angry and furious when he heard about this terrible incident. He started the Tandava, a furious dance of heavenly fury, while somberly carrying Sati's dead body on his shoulders. Lord Vishnu tried to calm Lord Shiva, but his efforts were unsuccessful. Finally, Lord Vishnu used his Sudarshan Chakra to sever Sati's body into 51 parts. The locations of each body part are now known as Shakti Peethas. The reproductive organ, known as the "yoni," of Goddess Satl fell in Kamakhya, also known as Kubjika Pitha. It wasn't discovered until Lord Brahma's curse on Kamadeva (God of Love) drove him to look for it. After following this Peetha, he reclaimed his rupa (beauty). Since Kamadeva regained his excellent looks, the area has been given the name Kamarupa (Kamrup), and the god is known as Kamakhya, or the one who is revered by the Kama. Architectural Marvels Visitors are enchanted by the Kamakhya Temple's magnificent architecture. The temple, which combines medieval and ancient architectural forms, is a stunning example of fine craftsmanship. The temple's unique appearance, highlighted by a shikhara in the form of a dome and beautifully sculpted stone walls, underlines its historical and cultural significance. Intricate carvings and sculptures representing numerous deities and mythological figures enhance the interiors. The absence of an idol of the presiding goddess, Kamakhya, further adds to the enigmatic aura of the temple. Spiritual Practices and Rituals Kamakhya Temple is renowned for its distinct rituals and practices, attracting seekers of spiritual enlightenment. The temple serves as a central location for the tantric cult. Where followers and practitioners can receive blessings and perform ancient rituals. The Ambubachi Mela, which is held every year during the monsoon season, is one of the most revered rituals. The temple remains closed for three days as devotees believe that the goddess undergoes her annual menstrual cycle during this time. On the fourth day, the temple reopens, and thousands gather to seek blessings and take part in the festivities. Festivals and Celebrations The vibrant festivities at Kamakhya Temple make it a popular destination for tourists. Apart from the Ambubachi Mela, a number of other celebrations attract both tourists and believers. The Durga Puja, celebrated with great fervor, is a grand affair, during which the temple premises are adorned with dazzling lights and colorful decorations. Navaratri, the nine-night festival dedicated to the goddess Durga, witnesses devotional performances, traditional music, and dance forms like Bihu. Significance for Pilgrims and Devotees For tourists and believers, Kamakhya Temple is of great significance. Those who come to the temple hoping to receive the goddess Kamakhya's blessings are said to have their wishes fulfilled. It is a sacred site for devotees following the Shakti cult, and many believe that visiting the temple can cleanse them of their sins and grant spiritual awakening. The peaceful environment of the temple and the wide vista of the Brahmaputra River enhance the spiritual experience and attract visitors from all walks of life. The Kamakhya Temple is evidence of India's rich cultural legacy and its people's devotion. Its historical significance, architectural splendor, and unique rituals make it a must-visit destination for spiritual seekers and curious travelers. The Kamakhya Temple provides an extraordinary journey into the world of divinity, no matter whether you are drawn to the temple for its mythical history or just to admire its architectural magnificence. So make the journey to this wonderful place and allow the mysterious atmosphere of Kamakhya Temple to wrap your senses, giving you a richer appreciation of Indian spirituality. FAQ About Kamakhya temple Q: why kamakhya temple is famous? Ans: Hindu mythology provides the Kamakhya Temple with an immense amount of religious and cultural significance. It is believed to be the place where the reproductive organ of the Hindu goddess Sati fell during Lord Shiva's tandava (dance of destruction). The temple is dedicated to the goddess Kamakhya, who is revered as the embodiment of feminine power and fertility. Q: How can I reach Kamakhya Temple? Ans: Kamakhya Temple is located in Guwahati, Assam, India. The temple is easily reachable via a number of different ways of transportation. The nearest airport is Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport in Guwahati, which is well-connected to major cities in India. To get to the temple atop Nilachal Hill, you can either take a taxi or a public bus from the airport or Guwahati Railway Station. Q: Are there any specific dress code or entry restrictions at Kamakhya Temple? Ans: The Kamakhya Temple does have some entry requirements and clothing codes. Men and women must both wear modest clothing that covers their shoulders and knees. It is best to stay away from wearing outfits that are too tight or exposing. Additionally, leather items, including belts and wallets, are not allowed inside the temple premises. Q: Can non-Hindus visit Kamakhya Temple? Ans: Yes, non-Hindus are welcome to enter Kamakhya Temple and take in its meditative atmosphere. Visitors from all religions are welcome to appreciate the temple's cultural and architectural beauty. However, it is important to respect the religious sentiments and follow the customs and traditions observed within the temple premises. Q: Are there any specific rituals or festivals to witness at Kamakhya Temple? Ans: Kamakhya Temple is known for its unique rituals and festivals. The Ambubachi Mela, which is held every year during the monsoon season, is one of the most important occasions. The temple is closed for three days during this period since it is thought that the goddess Kamakhya is having her period. On the fourth day, the temple reopens, and devotees gather to seek blessings and witness the festivities. Other important festivals celebrated at the temple include Durga Puja and Navaratri, which showcase elaborate rituals, devotional performances, and cultural programs. Q: kamakhya temple near railway station Ans: The Kamakhya Temple in Guwahati, Assam, India is located easily close to various railway stations. The distance between the Kamakhya Temple and the closest railway station is about 2.2 kilometers, at (KYQ) Kamakhya (Train Frequency 209). (GHY) Guwahati (Train Frequency 255) is another close-by station, located 4.37 kilometers away. If you're traveling from a slightly farther location, you can consider stations such as (DGU) Digaru (Train Frequency 14), which is 23.67 kilometers away, or (RNY) Rangiya Junction (Train Frequency 135), approximately 32.69 kilometers away. Other stations that are quite close to the Kamakhya Temple are (NLV) Nalbari (Train Frequency 42), which is located 41.96 kilometers away; (JID) Jagi Road (Train Frequency 94), which is located 48.58 kilometers away; and (KTCH) Kaithalkuchi (Train Frequency 0), which is located 49.09 kilometers away. To read more blogs – Click Here Read the full article
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sunshinew1976 · 1 year
Guarda "Vishnu and The Sudarshan Chakra: Devotion That Won Lord's Heart #hindu #shorts #vishnu #shiva" su YouTube
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blessed1neha · 9 months
Beside Lord Krishna, if any others avatar of Lord Vishnu did ever used Sudarshan Chakra? If yes, then when?
Varaha avatar of Lord Vishnu used Sudarshan Chakra to kill Hiranyaksha.
Afterwards the highly powerful Hiranyaksha discharged a burning Sakti on the breast of the boar-formed Narayana which filled Brahma with surprise. Seeing that Sakti about to fall upon him the highly powerful Boar, setting up a roar, felled it on the ground. Thereupon the Lord, whirling his sunny discus, shot it on the head of the Danava king. Like unto the summit of the mount Meru clapped by a thunder-bolt the Daitya-king fell down dead on earth; on his death, all the Daityas filled with fear, fled away on all sides. ( Source :- Harivamsa Purana — 3.35 )
Although every incarnation of Lord Vishnu can use Sudarshan Chakra, but each of his incarnations has a special meaning, that is why Sudarshan Chakra was not used in those incarnations.
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the-hem · 1 year
"Beyond the Golden Arrow." Conclusion to the Nrisimha Tapaniya Upanishad, "The Exploration of the Mysteries of The Golden Victor."
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The Fourth Upanishad contained in the main first Narasimha Upanishad states, "OM. The earth and the sky are the location of the Residence, time is like a golden arrow which makes known what is in the heart."
If one wants God to take up residence, it says four intentions must be stated: One to be loved by others, two, to be gracious at all times, third to be kind, fourth to be claw-armed towards injustice.
The Fifth Upanishad speaks of others:
The Devas approached Brahma and requested of him, “Bhagawan, please tell us about the famous Chakra called Maha Chakra. The sages tell that ”It is supposed to fulfill all the wishes and is the gateway to salvation”.
Lord Brahma told them: “Sudharshana (the holy wheel of Lord Vishnu) is that great Chakra. On its middle is written, the Taraka mantra (OM) and also the single letter of Narasimha (Kshroum), on its six petals of the Sudarshana six letters (Sahasrara Hum Phat) are written, on its eight petals the eight letters (Om Namo Narayanaya) are written, on its twelve petals is written the twelve holy letters (Om Namo Vasudevaya), on its sixteen petals, the mathruka (model) sixteen letters with their roots (Am Aam, Em, EEm…. Aha) is written and on its 32 petals are written the letters of the “Narasimha Anushtup Mantra Raja.”
Sudarshana is the Lord of the Wheel. It is the mechanism of God's Grace, and is represented in this iconic form:
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As with all weird Hindu gods, the central being represents an aspect of sentience. The many arms and instruments represent skills, attributes, and traits that are gifts of God to mankind through the study of the Upanishads.
If you compare the slightly more composed version of Sudarshan with the Narasimha, you get a much stronger impression of what it means to be a man of superior intellect and one that understands, sometimes you just have to get mad, really, really mad if justice is to come to pass:
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The Sudarshan Mantra, a branch of the Narasimha Anushtup Mantra, when decrypted, reads as follows:
"Beautiful Lord of Order, who writes the name of Ram upon the wheel of the sun using the mystic syllable, and also the thousand spokes, the names for whom I am the vessel.
Homage to You who preserves the universe, who is the father of Krishna, the Scourge of the Wicked, whose influences flower in those who worship you via the letters and characters contained in the Pranava OM."
This is the Sudarshana Chakra, This fulfills all ones wishes and is the gateway of salvation. It is a form of Yajur Veda, Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Brahmam and Amrutha (nectar). The one who daily chants this “Narasimha Anushtup Mantra Raja“ would be able to control fire, control wind, control Sun, control moon, control water, control all devas, control all planets and control poison.
Rig Veda tells us about this, “The devotees who practice this would be able to see Lord Vishnu in the ethereal sky, like an ordinary man is able to see the sun in the sky. The devotees who are Brahmins would be able to praise the lighted Vishnu’s form.
The Upanishads tell that, this would be attained only by one who worships without any desire.”
-> Beyond the Golden Arrow, called the Nectar of Thought, is this "mantra with intentions and a conclusion". Sent by the God of the Sun, its seed produces from within the hearts of men all that is just, propitious and auspicious, ie, that which is of benefit to the safety and longevity of all beings.
He who flowers from within according these precepts, as the Upanishad dictates, shall be said to have been golden victorious over death.
Here ends the Nrisimha Poorva Tapaniyopanishad, as contained in the Atharva-Veda.
Om ! O Devas, may we hear with our ears what is auspicious; May we see with our eyes what is auspicious, O ye worthy of worship !
May we enjoy the term of life allotted by the Devas, Praising them with our body and limbs steady !
May the glorious Indra bless us !
May the all-knowing Sun bless us !
May Garuda, the thunderbolt for evil, bless us !
May Brihaspati, who answers prayers grant us well-being !
Om ! Let there be Peace in me ! Let there be Peace in my environment !
Let there be Peace in the forces that act on me !
The Narasimha Uttara Upanishad is next.
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