#visit faroes
bogkeep · 8 months
ask meme 9!
9. which of your neighbouring countries would you like to visit most/know best?
i have been to pretty much every country within a fairly broad radius around norway EXCEPT russia, which is not particularly tempting right now for,, you know,,, reasons.... though i WOULD love to visit someday in the future. eagle eyed audience members may also be aware that i'm currently living in sweden for a couple years, so i'm getting to know it whether i'd like to or not haha.
i really like iceland and finland! would love to explore finland some more, actually. and åland! i've only visited åland (a tiny island between sweden and finland) for a brief couple days, but i remember it being absolutely lovely. i would also like to visit svalbard someday, although that counts as part of norway.
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letsberealsworld · 5 months
Trail Tales: Unveiling the Most Scenic Hikes You've Never Heard Of
Embark on a journey of hidden wonders with Trail Tales 🌿✨ Unveiling the most scenic hikes you've never heard of. Join our trailblazing adventure into uncharted beauty! 🏞️ #TrailTales #NatureDiscovery #HiddenGems
Trail Tales: Unveiling the Most Scenic Hikes You’ve Never Heard Of Lets Uncover the unseen Introduction: The Uncharted Beauty Awaits Step into a realm where the mundane footsteps yield to the majestic. You’ve roamed, trekked, and wandered, yet brace yourself for an odyssey through the untamed. Our saga unfolds where maps falter, unveiling nature’s clandestine gems in a grand gallery of…
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laurastudarus · 5 months
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aboutworld111 · 11 months
Title: Discover the Best Places to Visit in 2023: Unveiling the World's Hidden Gems
As the calendar flips to a new year, wanderlust sets in, and our hearts yearn for exciting adventures and new horizons. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or a novice explorer, 2023 holds incredible promises of undiscovered treasures and remarkable experiences. To help ignite your travel inspiration, we have curated a list of the best places to visit in 2023, unveiling some of the world's hidden gems. From pristine beaches to vibrant cities and breathtaking natural wonders, let's embark on a journey to discover these remarkable destinations.
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1. Tasmania, Australia: Located off the southern coast of Australia, Tasmania is a paradise for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers. This island boasts breathtaking landscapes, including rugged mountains, lush forests, and captivating coastal cliffs. Explore the iconic Cradle Mountain-Lake St. Clair National Park, witness the dramatic beauty of Wineglass Bay, and discover the unique wildlife, such as the Tasmanian devil. Tasmania offers a perfect blend of awe-inspiring beauty and thrilling experiences.
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2. Faroe Islands, Denmark: Nestled between Iceland and Norway, the Faroe Islands are an archipelago that captivates with its untouched landscapes and rich cultural heritage. Renowned for their dramatic cliffs, picturesque villages, and cascading waterfalls, these islands provide a truly immersive experience. Hike along the mesmerizing trails, visit charming fishing communities, and witness the enchanting play of light and shadows over the rugged landscapes. The Faroe Islands are a haven for photographers and nature enthusiasts.
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3. Rwanda: Known as the "land of a thousand hills," Rwanda is a destination that will awaken your sense of wonder. Famous for its awe-inspiring gorilla trekking experiences, this African gem offers encounters with endangered mountain gorillas in their natural habitat. Explore the lush Volcanoes National Park, encounter unique wildlife, and immerse yourself in the vibrant local culture. Rwanda's commitment to conservation and ecotourism makes it an exceptional destination for responsible travelers.
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4. Oman: Situated on the southeastern coast of the Arabian Peninsula, Oman offers a captivating blend of ancient traditions and modern luxury. From the bustling souks of Muscat to the awe-inspiring landscapes of the Wahba Sands and the stunning fjords of Musandam, this destination has something for every traveler. Discover ancient forts, indulge in traditional Omani cuisine, and immerse yourself in the warm hospitality of this Arabian gem.
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5. Azores, Portugal: A hidden archipelago in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, the Azores will leave you spellbound with their pristine beauty. These volcanic islands offer a diverse range of landscapes, including stunning crater lakes, hot springs, and lush green valleys. Explore the picturesque towns of São Miguel, hike along breathtaking trails, and embark on whale-watching excursions to witness these majestic creatures in their natural habitat. The Azores are a nature lover's paradise.
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6. Bhutan: Nestled in the Himalayas, Bhutan is a kingdom of breathtaking landscapes, ancient monasteries, and vibrant Buddhist culture. This secluded nation is committed to preserving its traditions and pristine environment. Discover the iconic Tiger's Nest Monastery perched on a cliffside, hike through the Paro Valley, and experience the vibrant festivals that showcase Bhutan's unique heritage. Bhutan's emphasis on sustainable tourism ensures an authentic and transformative journey.
Conclusion: As we eagerly anticipate the adventures that lie ahead in 2023, these remarkable destinations offer a tapestry of natural wonders, cultural richness, and unforgettable experiences. From the rugged beauty of Tasmania to the pristine landscapes of the Faroe Islands, and the vibrant cultures of Rwanda, Oman, the Azores, and Bhutan, each destination holds its own unique allure. Whether you seek breathtaking landscapes, wildlife encounters, cultural immersion, or a mix of all three, these hidden gems are waiting to be explored.
As you plan your travels in 2023, remember to prioritize responsible and sustainable tourism. Respect the local cultures, support local businesses, and take steps to minimize your environmental impact. By doing so, you can contribute to the preservation of these remarkable destinations for generations to come.
So, pack your bags, prepare your camera, and get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey. The best places to visit in 2023 are calling, and it's time to answer that call and create memories that will last a lifetime. Bon voyage!
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jeremiebaldocchi · 2 years
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Voici mon 70ème vlog (blog en vidéo) Je suis parti quelques jours au sud du Portugal J’ai passé quelques jours à Olhao Je te propose de découvrir et d’explorer avec moi la ville de Faro qui se trouve juste à coté (le lien de ma chaîne YouTube se trouve dans la description de ce compte Instagram) #voyage #voyages #exporation #explorer #découverte #visite #tourisme #travel #portugal #portugal🇵🇹 #algave #faro #faroportugal #riaformosa #vilaadentro #palacetebelmarco #eglisedescarmes #igrejadocarmo #capelladosossos (à Faro - Algarve, Portugal) https://www.instagram.com/p/CimXdXAL1BT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jellogram · 3 months
People are so fucking weird about hunting, or any means of gathering meat that isn't invisible to them. I was writing about the Faroe Islands for work today and all the comments on every article I consulted was about how no one should go to the Faroe Islands because they kill whales.
And yes, I can see how the practice is horrifying to witness. They kill so many pilot whales at a time that the shore turns red. But it's also a thousand year old tradition and pilot whales are not considered endangered, or even under threat of becoming endangered. The meat harvested during this practice feeds locals for months.
And everybody writes about it like it's this barbaric thing and the people on the islands must be evil and no one should ever visit the Faroes because doing so supports these horrible barbaric people.
And I'm just like.... do you eat meat? Do you eat meat from the grocery store? Do you believe in boycotting every country that participates in factory farming? If you do, then props for being consistent, but most people don't. The people commenting on how horrible the Faroese people are for doing this are going home and eating hamburgers and hotdogs and would never in a million years suggest boycotting any country that does such things.
I'm not saying the whale hunting isn't frightening to look at, or is 100% morally pure, I just think way too many Europeans and North Americans are very, very quick to judge less common cultures for how they get their meat. And it's incredibly hypocritical.
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folkfashion · 2 months
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Faroese woman and girls, Faroe Islands, by Visit Faroe Islands
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netmors · 6 months
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STAR WARS: Eleventh Fleet AU
A short comic about how, among the stories of Chiss navigators, a new “hero” appeared + a lot of braids.
Commodore Faro, as the Grand Admiral's right-hand man, was able to visit rescued ozyly-esehembo (Force-sensitive Chiss navigators) while they were aboard the Chimaera.
Unlike Vader, who instills genuine horror in the girls, and Thrawn, who was almost at the level of a living legend for the children, Karyn seemed to them… simply interesting. Unusual. And very similar to one strange alien who arrived in Ascendency a year ago.
Commodore is actually very good with children, but doesn't admit this fact.
P.S. Faro and one of the navigators communicate in sy bisti. The girl was taught this by a pilot who served for some time on her ship, and Karyn was taught by Eli. The rest only know cheun. But this doesn't stop them from giving the woman a “new” name.
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theroyalsandi · 4 months
King Frederik X and Queen Mary will carry out state visits to Sweden (May 6-7), Norway (May 14-15), the Faroe Islands (June 11-14) and Greenland (June 29 - July 8). The Royal Yacht Dannebrog will function as the residence during those trips. | February 09, 2024
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05/07/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast & Crew Sightings; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Con O'Neill; David Jenkins; Rachel House; Dominic Burgess; Ruibo Qian; Lindsey Cantrell; Fan Spotlight; Cast Cards; Never Left Podcast; Gentlebeard Wedding Week; MerMay; LoveNotes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika;
= Cast & Crew Sightings =
= Rhys Darby =
Rhys is in the new season of Monsters at work as Roger Rogers! If you have access to disney plus, check him out! Also-- new mini Tiktok from The Cryptid Factor! If you have Tiktok, please head on over to The Cryptid Factor Tiktok and give them some love! If not, the video is below!
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Source: The Cryptid Factor Tiktok
= Taika Waititi =
Some more shots of Taika from the after party of the Met Gala (after getting to escape the leather).
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Src: The Taika Archives on Twitter
= Con O'Neill =
Con is out in LA! Just some quick shots with him and Cooper.
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Source: Con O'Neill Instagram
= David Jenkins =
Just a brief sighting of Chaos Dad! Thanks @ iris_simpkins46 on twitter for the awesome edit and bringing Dad out of hiding again!
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Source: David Jenkins Twitter
= Rachel House =
Some more photos from The Mountain premiere in New Plymouth with Rachel House!
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Source: temaungafilm Instagram
= Dominic Burgess =
Dominic got nominated for the Annual NewFilmmakers LA Award! congrats Dominic!
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Source: Dominic's Twitter
= Ruibo Qian =
Our lovely pirate queen has sent us some words of wisdom and love notes <3
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Source: Ruibo Qian's Instagram
= Lindsey Cantrell ==
Lindsey has been inducted into the Our Flag Means Daddy crew! Thank you @ ourflagmeansdaddy for sending some love her way!
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Source: Lindsey Cantrell's Instagram
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Another cast card from @melvisik tonight! "Tonight we have the First Mate of the Spanish Captain in Stede and Ed's first fuckery. "Es un faro... ¡Cambia el rumbo!" -
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Source: @melvisik's Twitter
== Never Left Podcast ==
New episode of Never Left Podcast is out! This time around: The Gravy Basket! Visit https://linktr.ee/neverleftpodcast
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Source: NeverLeftPodcast Instagram Artwork by @ AmysBirdHouse
= Gentlebeard Wedding Week =
So many of you have probably seen that Gentlebeard Wedding Week has begun! There's SO MANY great prompts out there and so many people filling them! I ran out of room for images-- but please please PLEASE go check out the @gbweddingweek Tumblr! There's artists/writers you've probably seen before and others you may not have! We have such an amazing talented community out here! https://www.tumblr.com/gbweddingweek
== MerMay ==
= @snejpowa =
Our wonderful crewmate @snejpowa has more MerMay prompts for us!
Day 6: Seabird | Day 7: Soup
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= @blueberreads =
More Pixel art from the brilliant @blueberreads! I love this scene so much- and omgosh look at the little Nathan "Cool Guy" Spriggs Smoking <3
Day 7: Soup
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== Love Notes ==
"Hold faith and love in the constancy of your becoming, as I am holding it for you too" - Ruibo Qian So I really loved this quote from our pirate queen today. Seriously, every single day you are "Becoming" you. You are moving forward, you are making progress no matter how big or how small. She believes, I believe, you should believe too lovelies. You are gonna get where you want to go in the time it takes, there is no set timetable. Please read her love note again. You are wonderful <3
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight's theme is the Pan Up Gifs courtesy of @celluloidbroomcloset and @livwifeofkarl
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hydrus101 · 4 months
Don’t think about Bella, a few months along, visiting department stores and sorting through the available patterns of baby clothes.
Don’t imagine her comparing swatches of fabric, testing the weave and the softness and the color to find something perfect for her baby. Don’t imagine the hours she spends sewing seams and fastening buttons, making outfits far larger than what a newborn might wear: dresses that would fit a two month old, a six month old, a year, two; a whole collection of outfits for her darling daughter because somehow she just knows it’s a girl. Don’t imagine her going to Arthur and showing him the clothes she’s made with tender love and care and perhaps just a prickle of fear. Don’t imagine Arthur’s uneasy smile and simple compliment, because even if he may not love her—even if he hasn’t quite decided to leave her just yet—he has to act like it, and this is the least he can do. She smiles back.
Don’t imagine Arthur, newly widowed, coming home with Faroe and bundling her up in the clothes her mother had worked so hard to make. Don’t imagine his twinge of guilt each time he can’t bring himself to do up all those delicate hand-sewn buttons and hands her off to Tess instead. Don’t imagine that after Faroe is dead and gone and buried, the clothes still linger, sitting prettily and untouched in their drawers until the moths get to them and what remains is left behind for Daniel to collect when Arthur finally leaves Boston.
Don’t imagine Daniel’s eyes and hands, teary and calloused, as he holds the clothes his daughter made and granddaughter wore, or his remorse and anger at things he can no longer change. Don’t imagine him tucking the scraps of fabric safely into a box below the stairs, folding each with care while he thumbs over the ragged moth-eaten holes, and mentally making note to find someone, another seamstress maybe, to patch them up. He never does.
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the-algid · 9 days
Wait! I just got a banger Faroeverse idea. Faroe is in an unhappy, old fashioned marriage. She gets a book delivered to her house, and Jane Doe causes her to kill her best friend who was visiting Penny Yang. Eddie in this version is her misogynist husband, who she murders. She also continues to be a pro women's rights activist and just a general girl boss the remainder of the podcast. Pro Faroe Mariticide
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samglyph · 2 years
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So I had two ideas for todays prompt from malevoween and one was spooky and one was sad and I went sad, uh, I have this idea in my head that John, especially after episodes 24-26 because Jesus Christ, Arthur, encourages Arthur to visit faroe. Wants to meet her so to speak. They read her poetry and tell her about the nicer parts of the dreamlands as part of Arthur’s journey towards healing.
To account for my schedule I’m only going to be doing small sketches for these prompts (and I’m not committing to all of them), so expect this to be the general level of polish for any other ones I do for this list.
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groenendaelfic · 6 months
Hi, I just wanted to make sure if you're okay? You used to post fics so regularly and now you're so quiet. I hope you're doing fine and are just busy with real life stuff?!
Hi, and thank you for checking in as well as your kind words. Same to the two lovely anons who sent me love. Thank you.
A very Happy Lucia to you and everyone who celebrates, or who could do with a bit more light in their life. (physical or metaphorical)
I'm sorry for being so quiet recently. I assure you I'll be back and that all my wips and outlines will be finished. (yes even Ghost!Erik, although I'm not making any promises as to when)
I'm as enthusiastic about YR and Wilmon as I was a year ago and I doubt that's going to change anytime soon. It's just that the holiday season has hit me harder than I hoped it would, and so my writing time has been mostly taken up by blankly staring at the screen and then being surprised when the alarm goes off an hour or two later.
It's the first time in eight years that I'm celebrating without my soulmate, and missing them and our two angels is especially hard right now.
I have a very active support network though and I know things will get better. Right now I'm just ... super lonely while at the same time being surrounded by too many people who mean a bit too well.
On a happier note I'm over 15k into the final chapter of Faroe Gone and still in Tórshavn, with only about 1k being stuff from the outline, so it's going to be a very, very long final chapter.
Also the next chapter of ALaWHEO has theoretically reached posting length about a month ago, but I really want them to actually get inside the palace and not just have a 4k car ride where nothing happens. So uh ... yeah.
Also, also I've been valiantly resisting the urge to write Kings Wilmon's first state visit to movie-rwrb's London snippets. It would be a good distraction, but also I'm not sure it would be any other levels of good. I haven't even finished reading the book.
Also, also, also my muse insists it'd have to be Phillip and James III's pov, and I suspect that'd top even The Getaway's level of self-indulgence, if that's even possible.
Anyway. Happy Lucia. I promise I'll be back, although no promise as to when. All the best! 💜🧡
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snakeunderyourboot · 29 days
I have a fun little theory that in the 6 season of malevolent John and Arthur are going to do their own Spiderverse and go hopping through different dimensions, trying to stop Kayne
There are a lot of details that indicate some kind of journey into different dimensions (just in general whole Kayne speech+Darkthur) but all I want is for John and Arthur to go into universe where its just basically coffee shop au
John works as barista in a coffee shop that Arthur often visits with Parker or Faroe. King in Yellow is the owner and he is a bitch. Yellow is another barista there. Kayne is an art student who doesn't let John do his job
Anyway, I think it would be funny if our John and Arthur stumbles upon the universe where the biggest problem is the broken coffee machine
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horsesarecreatures · 1 year
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Beautiful Faroese horse @skessafo wearing traditional Leypur (back baskets). They were a multipurpose work horse, transporting peat, seaweed, manure etc in Leypur like these (as well as being ridden). Leypur are similar to the creels and klibbers used with UK natives like the Shetland and Eriskay pony. I love seeing how the idea is the same but the form slightly different - it really shows the shared cultural horse heritage between the Faroe Islands and the British Isles. Sadly there are only around 86 Faroese horses left in the world making them one of the rarest horse breeds alive today. They are thought to have been brought to the islands by Norse settlers. Some of these Norse settlers travelled via the British Isles on their way to Iceland (the Faroe Islands being between Britain and Iceland). This is why the British Atlantic breeds like the Eriskay and Shetland pony are closely related and physically similar to the Faroese horse and Icelandic horse. The Faroese horse is a little bigger than a Shetland, but the have the bodies of small horses rather than ponies. The Faroese horse was once vital to life on the Faroe Islands. Now they face extinction. This is a shared story between many of the rare breeds around the world. The Faroese horse struggles for demand - there are not enough horses being born and not enough people on the Faroe Islands with the space or means to own them. There is a demand for them abroad, but sadly exporting is not possible by law as horses need a passport to travel. There is currently no passport issuing organisation for them. This means that they can only exist in the Faroe Islands where owners are hugely limited by land and resources. This passport dilemma is a Government issue and endangering these horses. It is a very real possibility they will become extinct soon if things do not change. How to help: Visit: https://www.ffr.fo/indexen Follow: @the_faroese_horse (if you’re interested in breeding them abroad let them know - a list of potential breeders if exporting were possible would be very helpful!). ©Ruth Chamberlain aka Ruth on the Hoof.
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