#vitamin D deficiency
thehollowwriter · 27 days
Ya'll have no idea how productive I'd be if I didn't have such a shit immune system istg I'd be top of my grade if i could
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Here’s some positivity for systems with weak or fragile bones!
Whether your system has osteogenesis imperfecta/brittle bones disease, osteomalacia, osteoporosis, a calcium or vitamin D deficiency, or any other problems or disorders that cause weak, soft, brittle, or fragile bones, this one’s for you!!
We wish for you a future full of health, rest, and healing! We hope those who surround you will treat you with kindness, and that you are able to access the accommodations you need in order to live your best lives.
To those who have to practice extreme caution or avoid doing activities they love due to their weak bones, we want you to know that your heartache is valid and worth expressing! It’s not fair that some folks end up or are born with disabilities that prevent them from achieving their dreams or pursuing their passions. We want to support and uplift you however we can, and encourage you to try and live a full and happy life despite your limitations!
To those who have broken bones more than once in the past and live in fear of breaking another bone in the future, our heart and thoughts go out to you! Breaking or fracturing a bone can be a terrifying, incredibly painful experience. If you are currently healing from a broken bone, we wish you a swift, painless recovery! Please don’t push yourself, and try to take it easy!
To those who are unable to afford treatment for their weak bones, we genuinely feel for you! It is becoming more and more expensive to be disabled, and working with insurance and hospital billing departments is often a nightmare. We hope that your situation will change in the future, and that soon you will be able to access the care you need in order to take care of yourself properly!
To those whose system formed due to trauma from their weak bones, be it from breaks or fractures, facing harassment and bullying, or dealing with medical trauma/abuse, we want you to know that yes, your trauma is valid and it was enough. No one should have to go through what you’ve been through, and you deserve to recover with plenty of love, self-compassion, and self-acceptance along the way!
This disability pride month, remember that if you have weak or fragile bones, you are a welcome, integral, and cherished part of the disabled community! You are allowed to take up space here, and are encouraged to be vocal about your experiences and what you need in order to live your best lives! Thank you so much for reading, and have an absolutely stellar day!
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(Image ID:) A pale orange userbox with a cluster of multicolored flowers for the userbox image. The border and text are both dark orange, and the text reads “all plurals can interact with this post!” (End ID.)
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renard-rogue · 3 months
Do you think the reason Vampires are so cranky is because they are just extremely vitamin D deficient?
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late-tothe-party-07 · 8 months
Are the ninja turtles vitamin D deficient cause they spend all their time in the sewers?
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grismeldamelda · 13 days
Meet the artist!—✨
Hello! My name is Ella, and I use any pronouns.
I like to draw from macabre themes in my art, as well as both modern and contemporary fantasy, as well as a bit of fantastical horror elements. I do a lot of illustration and mixed-media sculpture.
I’ve always been inspired by my own experiences and interests. I was always the weird kid who knew a bit too much about the weird things. I would watch Bones with my mom as a little elementary schooler. So I found myself interested in things like that at an early age.
I also enjoy character design which has a lot less deep meaning to it and is more about putting my ideas on the page and telling a story through an individual character rather than an entire illustration.
I’ve always wanted to do a mural, but I don’t have the credentials, time, or money to do that. And I’d have to work at night, in the evening, or early morning because I have a medical condition that basically has turned me into a janky vampire. We love chronic pain...
I can’t be in direct sunlight for longer than around 10 minutes or I’ll get sick. I have a parasol that matches most of my outfits. And I plan on getting more to match more outfits.
I may have rambled… whatever.
Oh and here is my other stuff:
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dontforgetoctober3rd · 3 months
Been taking my vitamin d and getting outside more often for a couple of weeks and I think i'm finalllllly starting to feel better? Thank FUCK because I thought this was it, I'm really gonna have to live with this pain forever I'm so happpyyyyy
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cats-and-confusion · 6 months
Let's count 'em baby
Vitamin D deficiency
Chronic Depression
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Highly probable and suspected by family/medical professionals:
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria
Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
Some other shit I'm forgetting probably
I'm gonna just start collecting them. Like pokemon
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jjoelswatch · 8 months
Big ol' health rant under the cut.
I'm beyond frustrated with my care team and how hard I have to advocate for myself to get tests/labs done.
I've been not feeling well symptomatically for over a year, and been dealing with lack of appetite issues for about three years. Started with right side stomach pain last August that led to potential gallbladder issue concerns. I had every test under the sun to rule it out (abdominal ultrasound, upper scope, HIDA scan, stool sample) and everything came back okay aside from some inflammation (no H. Pylori, no celiac, no gallstones, no ulcers-- gallbladder, liver, pancreas, etc function all normal). So it was just like "well okay, I guess nothing's wrong with me except that my right abdomen hurts from time to time" and I tried to move on with my life.
I started having strange neurological symptoms back in March of this year (tingling/numb sensation in my face, strange senses of touch in parts of my face-- like parts of my face felt like a balloon). I've always suffered from ocular migraines with aura and no pain (and flashes of light/visual snow), so I thought it was just fun new migraine symptoms. They went away for a few months then came back in full force with even more fun symptoms (tingling in my hands and feet, lack of sensation in my right leg but not total numbness, a gradual increase in forgetfulness/short term memory issues that are SO not the norm for me, middle back pain??), so I scheduled an appointment with a neurologist and went to my shitty CNP "doctor" (disclaimer, CNPs are not doctors despite how the American healthcare system treats them like doctors) and basically pleaded with her to run bloodwork on me and to try to do anything to get me into for brain scans or something. Because weird neurological symptoms are super scary and it's hard not to assume the worst when you're experiencing them fairly suddenly.
She ran my bloodwork and found that my B12 levels were really low. I learned that B12 can cause literally all my symptoms, so I was relieved and they put me on 4 weeks of weekly B12 injections, with the plan to start monthly injections afterwards. She also told me they were going to test my bloodwork for folate levels and talk to one of the doctors in the practice to get to the bottom of what's causing my deficiency since I wasn't anemic or vegan/vegetarian. I felt...hopeful? and like we were headed down the right path.
Well, the office failed to click "submit" to order my blood to be tested for folate. So my CNP couldn't work with the other doctor to try to puzzle out what's wrong with me.
I was feeling pretty good during those 4 weeks of injections. My memory was sharper and my symptoms were gradually reducing (there is apparently something called "nerve wake up" when dealing with neuro issues from B12D, which can still cause symptoms to show). I knew that recovery would be gradual, as it can take 6 months to a year to really recover from neuro damage/issues from B12D, so I tried to stay positive. But a week and a half out from my last weekly shot, my symptoms returned with a vengeance.
Now my symptoms are a right leg that wants to cramp up from hamstring to calf, a left toe that just...twitches of its own accord, other random muscle twitches/tenseness, and (possibly unrelated?) increased acid reflux issues. My neuro appointment isn't until the first week of October (because the US sucks and it literally takes 5-6 months to see specialists at the bare minimum), so I messaged my doctor in a bit of a panic with some questions about my symptoms and asking if we could more aggressively treat the deficiency, because like...I'm concerned about perma nerve damage at this point?? And she tells me she's going to refer me to a neurologist without answering any of my other questions or trying to see me any eariler.... If she'd looked at my file or remembered our last conversation, she would know that I already have a appointment with one.
I caved and did several things. I tried to switch to the other doctor in the office she said she was going to work with to get to the bottom of my issues, because...why not go straight to the source? That failed, as the practice "doesn't do that, as a rule" which like...okay? Desperate for relief, I started sublingual supplements of B12 (fucked up at first at did the methyl version which just didn't agree with my body and switched to the same form as my shots were). I started seeing some relief in my symptoms, including my muscle tension in my leg (which was previously causing me to have trouble walking) and some of my muscle twitching.
I also called the neurologist's office like, "listen I know you guys haven't seen me yet, but can you order some scans to give me some peace of mind?" and they finally agreed to send me in for a cervical spine MRI and an EMG. I did the MRI only to find out that the reason they had me down for one was "neck pain" which I've literally never said I had and they didn't include a brain MRI like I'd expected given my symptoms. MRI turned out fine, which was a relief as much as it was kind of expected. The EMG is yet to be done (on the 28th).
I finally had my appointment with my CNP on Monday for my first monthly shot and to do labs, including the folate lab they screwed up. I told her that I wanted her to run labs for the missed folate, iron, vitamin D, magnesium, and copper. She sort of...laughed at me?? and told me that we ran those labs already. I told her to look at my chart because we didn't, and she obviously had to walk back her sentence and was like "I don't think we need to run labs for vitamin D but we can if you want?" and of course I said that I did. She refused to run labs for magnesium because that was "a more serious lab" and then said she "didn't know how to even test for copper because that's a heavy metal". I get my labs done, get my first monthly B12 shot. She sends me on my way with "depending on how your labs turn out, we'll see if we need to continue B12 shots"...when it can take a year for my symptoms to correct themselves.
Go figure~ my labs come back - the labs I had to TELL her to order for me - and out of a desired 30+ range for vitamin D, my level is 7 lmao. Thankfully I still am going to be getting monthly B12 shots since my levels are higher (due to self-treating) but still low. I also have to take vitamin D and a multivitamin now. She also referred me to a hematologist because I brought up the MTHR gene that can affect B12 absorption since I'm not anemic or vegan. I just want to know what's causing this deficiency, because she seems to have dropped the ball on the matter altogether.
I'm close to a week out from my last shot now and my muscles are getting tense and twitchy again. It's so, so hard to sit here and tell myself that this healing process is just going to take time-- trying to reassure myself that my muscle twitching is just "nerve wake up" and not a sign of something much worse. I've been going quietly crazy worried about ALS, Parkinson's, or MS because these deficiencies can mimic their symptoms. I just want it to be the 28th so I can get my EMG done and over with, and then see my neuro on the 2nd of October. I so tired of going to the doctor. I'm tired of feeling like they don't take me and my symptoms seriously. I'm tired of feeling like an annoyance. I'm tried of having to go out and do my own research and then bringing that research to my doctors, because between the two of us, I don't have a fucking medical degree. I'm tried of hearing "don't consult Dr. Google" when what else am I supposed to do when you're not doing your job thoroughly?
I'm just tired and I want to feel better.
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going-to-superhell · 2 years
Me vibin and basically doing photosynthesis:
My body: Ya know what would be funny? If I just *vitamin d deficiency*
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I’m tired of not being able to do anything without immediately having to sleep for 8 hours.
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johnschneiderblog · 1 year
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Double-edged sword
Don’t let all those Christmas lights fool you; for those of us who make our homes on the northern half of the Earth, this is the darkest day of the year.
Today at 4:48 p.m. our sun will slide across the equator. It’s the winter solstice, the start of winter - the very festival of Vitamin D deficiency.
So you could say that we’re mired in the very heart of darkness and you would be correct. Or you could say say that for the next six months, every day will be just a little bit brighter than the one before it and you would also be correct.
It’s all a matter of how you look at it.
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j0die101 · 11 months
I have vitamin d deficiency and what they should do is send me somewhere warm and sunny with a physician checking my sun-levels every few days. Instead they gave me pills and send me back to the office.
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oneshortdamnfuse · 1 year
My body shouldn’t feel this fucked up just because I forgot to take my vitamins for a couple days…right? I’ve had paresthesia up both legs for days and electric shocks in my back. My muscles and joints are also throbbing and my hands are shaky. I would go to the doctor again but they’re probably going to tell me to take more vitamins.
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foodsture1 · 1 year
Sources of vitamin D foods
Do you know! Vitamin D is very crucial for overall health. Starting from bone health to cell growth and vitamin D deficiency can lead to different types of diseases.
But luckily we have a free source available for vitamin d, which is nothing but sunlight, but sometimes we don't get enough exposure to sunlight due to certain conditions, and that's when vitamin D-rich food comes into the picture.
If you want to increase your vitamin d and stay fit, then please include the following foods in your diet.
1- Salmon
2- Egg Yolk
3- Shrimp
4- Milk
6- Sweet Potato.
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beforeiruinmyself · 1 year
It's official official today. I have celiacs disease.
Here's my journey to diagnosis in a nut shell. It started off slow and just cascaded starting this past summer:
Moved to a new state ~4.5 years ago and instantly got a weird rash (which has only gotten increasingly miserable). Assumed a local allergy.
Didn't test positive for any local allergens and none of the 4 doctors I saw recognized DH. In particular, the dermatologist literally left me in a puddle of tears. He was so rude about my dermatillomania.
About a year ago, I stumbled upon Dermatitis Herpetiformis (DH) on Google and got suspicious.
Ignorantly decided to go GF to test my theory (don't, for the love of God, do this before you get tested). 80-90% of the rash cleared in about 6-8 months.
While waiting for a new doctor's appointment over the summer, I got like 12+ cavities filled and discovered an enamel pit on one of my front teeth. (I've never had a cavity before and I'm 28.)
General annual blood work shows deficiency in vitamin D + elevated ALT and AST liver enzyme levels.
Finally got an appointment with a new dermatologist, who agreed it was probably DH. First biopsy was inconclusive.
Started my 6 week gluten challenge and obtained a ton of fun new symptoms, like severe head ache, stomach ache, bloating, gas. Plus my DH surged again, with a vengence. Absolutely **fucking miserable** time.
Celiac blood panel shows ttg IgA and Deamidated Gliadin IgA both >250 u/ml (normal range is 0-3 u/ml).
Two new skin biopsies come back positive/consistent with DH.
Additional blood work shows iron deficiency.
DEXA bone density scan (still don't have those results).
Gastroenterologist said my endoscopy results showed extreme damage to the small intestine. Villi are basically completely flat.
So here I am. Systematically going through my kitchen to get rid of gluten-y things. I'm so excited to have an answer and to FINALLY feel better over the next few years!! 🎉
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crackersandjuice · 1 year
bitches be like *sleeps for several hours in the middle of the day because of a vitamin d deficiency*
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