#vkookmin smut
kookiesbadhabits · 6 years
My Firsts [M] no. 1
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Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6?
SUMMARY: three hot boys. one girl. college!au.
PAIRING : vminkook x reader
GENRE: fluff, introduction
Part 2 (real plot) coming 5.21.18-5.23.18 
A love... square? I love me some maknae line okay?
So this might be the ONLY story I have ever made a draft for with an ONGOING series in mind, instead of just a smutty oneshot. Don't get me wrong, there's going to be a whole lot of sin, but expect minimal porn logic, but real plot. These boys' characters are based on my life, but in not wanting it to hit too close to home, I'm adding a bit of a twist. 
Based on a true story: that is my mess of a love life (like seriously my life can seem very fanfiction with the level of drama with these three boys. also minus the smut in my life of course, i wish my sex life were this exciting, but maybe in a world with almost no risk of contracting STDs or a world with effortless straight As in university courses) The characters are inspired by some past loves in my life, so this should be a fun little ongoing series I want to try out. 
Also, for context, all three boys plus reader are the same age. 
Boys in general sure are dangerous, but god, these three in particular are on a whole other level. How did I earn such luck to find myself with our paths all intersecting at once?
Kim Taehyung was my first everything. Well, every "first" a clueless 8-year-old could comprehend. The first crush, the first boy to push me on the swing, the first guy best friend, the pure-and-filled-with-curiosity-and-confusion first kiss, the first boy I asked to be my boyfriend after all my classmates started asking each other out. He was the first to make me laugh the hardest I ever thought I could; the first to make me cry the hardest I ever could. The first boy to break my heart: my first "almost love". That was who he was to me from elementary to junior high. 
Can you blame me for taking the emotions so seriously? I was just a young, ignorant tween with all my hormones out of whack. None of that should matter anymore, it was a small piece of my past, a small milestone in life, it should have been completely irrelevant to who I became and where would bring me, or us. I guess I was a fool to think it would be entirely irrelevant, we are attracted to what we're familiar with after all. 
Nevertheless, Taehyung was such a blurred fragment of my past, I was already a completely different person by the time we ran into each other for the first time in six years, right there on our university's orientation day. So why did bumping into him and slowly recognizing him feel like a truck against my chest? Seeing him shouldn't have struck such a heavy chord with me, so why?! 
The least of my worries should be none other than Park Jimin, I know this for sure. He was my high school sweetheart, my first real boyfriend, first real kiss . . . first to be intimate with. Two years of growth well spent, back when neither of us had developed a sliver of personality. Our relationship had its fair share of cataclysmic moments, but it was worth it in knowing how well we existed together in that snippet in time. 
We fought frequently due to the difference in our values and passions, and our clashing personalities in general. He was my exact opposite, aloof, childish, an improviser, clueless, innocent and hopeful. I was reserved, serious, ambitious, a careful planner, too mindful for my own good; a realist. I was aware that our relationship had slim chances of keeping its strength after graduation, with him not enrolling to the same post-secondary school. Not to mention, our relationship had been kept a secret from my family for its entirety due to my parents and their rules to keep me focused on my studies. 
As I predicted, after high school graduation we had grown stagnant in our relationship, no longer growing as people. He was a safe anchor, a source of unconditional love, so unconditional that neither of us worked to help improve the other anymore. I loved him but I outgrew him, so naturally I broke up with him on the worst possible day: the day after our 23rd month together, the same day as his father's first death anniversary. I knew it would paint me as the worst person in his eyes, but maybe that's just how I wanted it.
Finally, there is the most dangerous of all, in that I cannot deduce why I feel such a strong pull towards him. He is exactly not my type and it doesn’t add up. I was introduced to him as I was being absorbed into a friend group by my first uni friend, he instantly became the first man in uni to have an energy that effortlessly drew me towards him. This man is Jeon Jungkook, a cheeky flirt clearly hiding behind the mask of a self-fulfilled prophecy as an asshole. 
In the first instances we had met, Jungkook spent two hours pining for my attention, like a child scrambling towards a shiny new toy. Killing time in the library, our "study" group played a bootleg version of Cards Against Humanity. I had read him enough to know what would make him laugh, and he proved so in his verbal praise on my anonymous answers. The whole while we felt connected, we met after all. In just meeting, I knew the universe had already shifted for us. He spent the whole rest of the day finding excuses to continue to spending time with me, actually the whole rest of the term. 
Sadly, I knew he spelled nothing but trouble. Fortunately, it was the kind of trouble I was longing for.
Anyways, enough blathering on about these three boys with such vague air to it, why don't I start from the beginning? I'm ________, 18 years old, in the middle of my first year of university, and had no idea what I was about to get into.
Chapter 1 - Chance Meetings
"Hey ______," an unfamiliar and rather deep voice calls out to me as I brushed past a small huddle of friends in the crowded university centre.
I instinctively replied hey back, only to stop in my tracks in realizing I didn't recognize the voice. Stunned, and a little confused, I glance over only to lock eyes with a complete stranger with a small friendly smile walking away in the opposite direction.
With a perplexed look plastered on my face, the stranger brushes past his group of friends towards me. My curiosity compelled me to stay put. My eyes, and head naturally tilted up slightly to keep eye contact. He was tall. His sweater was from some high school other than mine, so he couldn't be an old classmate. He just kept smiling at me, beaming like he had met an old friend.
"I'm sorry, do I know you?" I finally asked politely. 
He chuckled, "You don't remember me?" gesturing towards himself, pausing as if waiting for his appearance to sink in with my memories. I was still stumped no matter how long the pause, and honestly it was getting too awkward to bear for someone like myself, who doesn't usually voluntarily make small talk with people, much less with strangers.
"I'm sorry, I don't think I do?" I replied, furrowing my brows trying to will some kind of familiarity still looking up at him and his big boxy smile. 
"You look great though!" He continued, practically disregarding my current confusion. "You here for orientation too? This little scavenger hunt is pretty lame, don't you think?" 
Not wanting to be rude, I put on my best socializing voice. "Aww, thank you!" I replied, matching his friendly energy. "I'm actually not. My sister brought me to give me the tour herself, she told me how boring orientation would be."
As we carried on, I kept thinking about who the heck this mans could possibly be? We ended up talking about high schools, he went to XX high, and I mentioned I went to YY high. I noticed his hoodie was not just any school sweater, he was in vocal jazz. 
"So he sings," I thought as I pondered who I knew as a friend that was a good singer. 
Finally, his goofy smile sinks in, and my eyes grew wide and lips pursed into a small 'o' 
"Oh my god, Taehyung?!" I exclaimed, he only laughed at my reaction, though pleased I finally recognized him.
"Most people call me V now but hearing you call me that is so nostalgic," he smiled softly. 
I blushed a little recalling that he had said I looked great, what with the onrush of memories hitting me like a truck. Holy shit, he looked good, grew his hair, parted down the middle, but somehow he was making it work. 
We had talked a little more, asking for bits and pieces on the last couple of years we had been out of each other's loop. That's right, he moved after 7th grade, it had really been nearly 6 years, he had no social media, and our social circles never overlapped. 
We could only talk a moment more before realizing he was keeping his group waiting, and I, my sister. 
Before he could end up out of my life again, I impulsively asked, "What's your number? We should keep in touch!" 
"Wow, _______ since when did your introverted ass have the balls to utter such words?" I thought to myself, mentally biting my tongue, but what's done was done. 
He smiled warmly but with some slyness in his eyes, "I already follow you on Instagram, no worries." 
I was stunned once again, "His name had never shown up on my follower list?" I thought. Before I could say anything, he had jogged to catch up to his group and so I turned to my sister. 
As usual, my last bus home from campus had to be unbelievably delayed due to the heavy rain. I was on the phone with my ex-boyfriend, now awkward best friend. 
"Are you sure about it? I can really just wait for another bus," I spoke into my phone as I huddled in the roofed shelter of the bus stop, the chilly night air starting to bite through my jacket.
It had gotten pretty dark, despite it only being six in the evening. However, the shadiness of downtown undoubtedly had me on alert.
"It's really no problem, I'm already finished my classes today," Park Jimin replied on the other end. "I don't like the idea of you being alone this late, downtown of all places."
I could hear in his voice that he was already getting up from bed to pick up his keys and head for his car. He already had his mind set and there was little I could do to stop him. He could tell from the pause in my voice I was unsure about the whole thing. The breakup may have been amicable, but it still hurt a little to be with him not being able to instinctively reach for his hand for comfort. In fact, I had been careful not to give him opportunities to come and see me. Yet, here we are.
A drunkard was already beginning to babble out in the streets, with people doing good to veer past him. I watched him warily, slouching to lessen the prominence of my chest, tucking my hair in the folds of my jacket to lessen chances of easily being pulled by the strands. 
"I guess that would be best," I admitted. "Please drive safely." 
"Keep the call on, okay?" Jimin requested with the usual soft concern. "I need to know you're safe there, too."
I smiled, "We couldn't be together anymore, but I'm really happy this is where our relationship led up to," I thought.
In less than twenty minutes, I could see a familiar car approaching towards my stop.
"Get in quickly, _______." he said, also alert by his surroundings now full of potential threats.
I scurried over to his car, and got in quickly, greeted by his familiar welcoming smile. I kept my hand from doing its conditioned action of opening to await his fingers to interlock with mine. He kept his hand on his gear-shift, despite never doing that before and with his car not being manual.
"This is a decent compromise," I thought and smiled to myself, letting my lids bat lightly, the day's events catching up with me. 
Slowly, I let myself fall asleep as usual in our drives, and he woke me gently upon nearing my complex. My roommate, Jean, waited patiently for me to get home safely, leaving a light on. 
Jimin and I exchanged a brief hug at the door, and I thanked him again for his kindness. I watched him walk away as I slowly closed the door. As I thought, there's still a bit of melancholic air in his smile when we see each other.
"I'm sorry, Jimin." I whispered under my breath with him too already too far away to hear. Not that he hadn't already heard that enough times before.
"Oh yeah, since I'm practically absorbing you into my friend group, you've met Jin already but this is Jungkook," Kim started as I sat next across from her in our usual study spot in the library. 
I looked to him, establishing eye contact to give him a sup nod with a smile, he laxly raised a hand and raised his brows to acknowledge the greeting. 
I had met all Kim's guy friends from high school, but none of them piqued your interest in this way. Before even sitting down, I had already spotted him after my eyes found Kim. He was an unfamiliar and attractive individual, emanating energy with a distinct warning written all over it: "TROUBLE".
Nonetheless, I couldn't resist initiating the game that started the moment the universe decided to shift in tune with our meeting. 
In spending no more than half an hour with them, I found Jungkook persistently trying to shift my attention towards him whether it be to tell a witty remark or to try and make me laugh with poorly constructed jokes I had already read off the internet over five years ago. The cool air had to be a facade, all I could see was a dorky squish, spoiled for some attention.
I giggled none the less, to humour him (literally) and to end up one-upping him in the comedy department when we decided to play an app that was practically a bootleg of Cards Against Humanity. 
The phrase was "The worst thing to scream at my grandma's funeral" and my answer had been a blank where I typed, "RIP girl may your bingo wings flap your soul to heaven."
Jungkook, being the judge, burst into laughter mid-way into reading my answer out loud. 
"Whoever put that, good one," he said as he banged a hand against the table with his nose still crinkled in amusement. 
I raised a hand laxly, and he blinked at me, his eyes twinkled with a glint of further intrigue and curiosity. 
Jin ended up winning all the games, and when time came for Kim and I's class, Jungkook quickly got up with us. 
Growing tired of the library scene, Kim and I moved to go to the university centre to get some food. Jin and Jungkook naturally tagged along behind us. I don't know how they did it, but Jin and Kim disappeared for god knows what counselor, leaving me alone with Jungkook. 
We sat with no more and an inch separating us and he looked to me with the same curiosity and intense gaze. I had voiced my discomfort about being left alone. 
"Why are you scared to be alone with me?" Jungkook asked bluntly. "I don't bite."
"Ah, I'm not afraid of you, I'm afraid of being alone with people I just met," I corrected him. "Don't flatter yourself."
By this time, we had easily established some playful banter between us, with him every now and then joking about not being able to handle too much of gaze. Before I knew it, he was telling me a bunch of stories about parties and trips to Paris I didn't ask about.
"Yeah, I woke up with just some girl's bare ass bouncing on my jeans." He continued, trying too hard to show how admired he was by the ladies. 
"We get it, hun, you're hot," I thought through a split-second of lidded eyes before raising my brows again to politely portray my interest in his stories. 
As he was finishing up a story about a flock of French girls crowding him during his class trip to Paris, I sighed in relief to see Kim and Jin approaching. Jungkook was cute, but he was still a boy in my eyes, needy and arrogant. I was fascinated by his character nonetheless, I had never met someone who could sound so full of himself, yet  still seem like just some dorky squish.
Kim and I got up to start walking towards our class building.
"Aw man, it's probably rush hour so I can't drive home even if I wanted to," he spoke to himself aloud. "What class do you guys have?"
"Psych," Kim replied as he pulled the other strap over his shoulder. 
"I might as well sit in your class," Jungkook spoke casually, as if not to sound like he actually wanted to spend more time with us.
"You do you," Kim nodded as she gestured for me to follow her. 
It was only 2:15 pm. I looked over my shoulder to Jungkook, we locked eyes again, I swear I could see his pupils dilate in those big brown eyes. I gave him a small smile before following ahead.
He ended up sitting in our class, beside me the whole time trying to jokingly distract me every now and then. Many times, he showed signs of wanting to leave, leaning over into my ear to whisper.
"When does this class end?" His voice was low and hushed and too close to my ear.
I refused to give him any reaction for satisfaction though and simply whispered back, "Not for another 45 minutes."
He ended up pulling out a book, piquing my interest even more, "A boy into reading on his spare time?!" I screamed in my head. I, _______, had never in my life seen a boy reading a book for pleasure. 
We carried on with class this way, and I just smiled thinking to myself, "Silly Jungkook, everyone knows rush hour isn't until 4pm, you're not fooling anyone you squish."
A/N: Ho man 2/3 of these stories are 100% true tbh I may as well have said their real names. It's 2:30 AM now that i've finished this. Worth it. I am so inspired by the comeback and have been craving to start writing again. So I can't wait to get to putting my ideas for this series into ink.
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myheartbumbumm1 · 4 years
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qwestyon · 5 years
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my 30 Day Fluff (& maybe smut) prompts.
I hope you enjoy them, and if you attempt any, let me know!
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bts-fuxxkboy · 5 years
I got fucked in a dressing room by my Hyungs
A VminKook Story
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Jungkook was going to the store to get new clothes he wanted but the problem is he was kinda on punishment cause he snuck out to the club when Jin and Joon Hyung were having a date night.
Jungkook mumbled to himself as he grabbed clothes. "I like to have fun I'm not a baby but they treat me like one," he said cutely pouting he picks out some clothes wanting to try them on he walks to the dressing room closing the curtain.
"Tap! Tap! Tap!" the curtain opened showing a sweating Taehung and Jimin. "You two why are you here?" he asked confused as they come into the dressing room he was pressed against Jimin Hyung's backside and Tae was standing behind Jungkook.
Tae finally starts speaking but from him standing behind Jungkook, he's breathing into Jungkook's neck as he speaks. Tae starts talking "Well Jin Hyung is chasing us around the store to find you so we have to be very quiet." I nod sighing Jimin who was in front of Jungkook stays quiet.
Tae leans into Jungkook's neck he can feel him sniffling his neck he squirmed a little. Jungkook says a little shocked and flustered he whispers "You smell like candy." Jungkook shakes his head "WOAH! Yah don't smell." "Plus it's too stuffy in here you are way to close," he said a little annoyed and embarrassed.
"Yeah, But you smell so good Jungkook Ahh, this is bad," Tae says as he gets aroused from the smell of Jungkook. He starts sniffing Jungkook again. Jungkook speaks "Hey stop breathing and get away from my neck it's annoying!" Tae couldn't resist anymore.
Tae he kisses and bites Jungkook's neck Jungkook makes noises that were lewd "Ah! Hm!" "J-Jimin..." "Jimin..." Jungkook stuttered out as he did that  Tae moved to his ear sucking on his ear and slowly starts fondling his ass.
"Ji- Jimin! Help me out!..." Jungkook pants out he whines a little "H-Hey... Stop it, Taehyung he....y!.." he says softly. Taehyung now fully turned on he slowly starts sliding Jungkook's pants down "Hey! That's enough!" Jungkook he says freaking out.
Taehyung leans Jungkook over into Jimin making him bend over he puts lotion on his fingers smirking a little he slowly slips his fingers in your his hole. He whispers "it's okay, it's okay...I'm using the massage lotion I bought... So it won't hurt."
"Nh! Ah! Nnnnhuuuu ~" he moans out softy Tae says teasingly. "Keep your voice down, Jungkook..." he keeps teasing Kookie he pats his head softly saying cockily "Pat! Pat! Kook, did you get hard from me touching your ass?" Kookie gasps at the dirty question.
"Ha Ha Ha Ha!." Tae he laughed a little before speaking "It wasn't even touching you Bunny." Jungkook whispers "it's because I could f-feel your hardness against me..." Jimin finally does something he drops to his knees and grabs Jungkook's erection.
"H-Huh J-Jimin w-what a-are you d-doing?" Kookie breathe hitches slightly Taehyung starts asking dirty questions "Do you like when I touch your ass like this?" he grins satisfied with the state Jungkook was in all hot and bothered.
"N-No," Kookie says blushing Tae ignores Kookie's stubborn side and starts sniffing his neck bringing his hands under Jungkook's shirt twisting his nipples Jimin licks the tip of his cock Jungkook twitching slightly Jimin takes it up a notch putting his tip in his mouth. Kookie moans a little he whines out trying to fight it. He yells out "HEY! NO STOP IT!!!!!" Jungkook hardens as he twitches as Jimin slides his tongue over the slit part of his erection.
"GYA!!" he moans as Jimin starts sucking on his tip "Suck! Suck! Suck! Suck!" Jimin's eyes sparkle looking up at Jungkook's reactions "Slurp! Slurp!" Jimin speaks "watching you two made me so horny." Kookie closes his eyes as Tae pinches his nipples "Nnnn- Nnnm- Nnnn s-sto..." "Nh! Ha!" Jungkook trying to speak but unable to Taehyung squeezes his ass fingers still buried inside his hole. "Ahhhh your ass is getting too tight." He says smugly, Kook groans replying "S-Shut up!..." Taehyung turns Kookie's face his way kissing him.
To be continued
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fiddle-styx · 6 years
OT3 Bangtan Fic Recs
I didn’t even realize how many BTS threesome/OT3 fics that I’ve read, so I thought I’d share some of my favourites with you all! Vkookmin, Taegiseok, Yoonkookseok, Jihopekook, Sugakookiemon  If you guys would like any other OT3 ship recs just tell me!! Enjoy!
Bunny Barista by mxinhyuk Taehyung moans at the sweet strawberry taste, and his tail wags in excitement. “Oh God this is amazing. I could sleep with whoever made this right here, right now.” “O-Oh,” Or, Jimin and Taehyung are dating. Jimin thinks Jungkook is cute and Taehyung thinks Jungkook is a great baker (and also cute)
Veins of Ivy by nightynight For some reason, whenever Jungkook gets a cut or a scrape, a plant grows from it. He has no idea why this is, but he thinks it's better he doesn't question it. Instead, he researches and learns about his plants. He's always got his head in a book about them, and, consequently, doesn't make very many friends. There are a few exceptional people, though, that worm their way into his life, and for that he is forever grateful.
loverboy by gangbang this much jimin’s figured out: sometimes, somehow, his words make people fall in love with him.
The Guardian's of My Home by Winter_Queen99 “Home is not where you are from, it is where you belong. Some of us travel the whole world to find it. Others, find it in a person.” ~Beau Taplin Jungkook has never wanted to be still, he has an itch under his skin and the need to explore, but that doesn't mean he can't find his home.
In the Classroom by jiminspeaches Under Namjoon's orders, the maknaes make up for hurting Jungkook.
you can feel it in your mind by nastiechim beta taehyung wants both omega jimin and alpha jeongguk, but he isn't willing to ruin their relationship for it. but when something rises within his biology, he's forced to face his feelings. (again, more heat sex and taekookmin)
Thirst by marcie1a Jungkook and Taehyung get their first heats, and it hits them stronger than Jimin thought it would.
Gettin' Down with 3P by theskipper Five days in Hawaii with his brother, his best friends, and his unrequited crushes. Taehyung's got this under control until he doesn't.
Three by sixtieshairdo He strokes Hoseok’s hair, playing with it contentedly and watches as Hoseok’s face relaxes into his touch. He leans in again, whispering against Hoseok’s lips. “Hi, baby.” ... Part 1 of three's company
Unforeseen by sixtieshairdo As the track winds down, Hoseok catches his breath, shaking his limbs as he bounces on the balls of his feet. Yoongi exhales softly, momentarily relieved though heavily embarrassed, but widens his eyes when he sees Taehyung walk up to Hoseok, wrapping his arms around him from the back. ... Part 2 of how many times is it "accidental voyeurism" until it becomes full-fledged "voyeurism" huh, yoongi?
your taste is so sweet on my lips by tteokie Min Yoongi was a man of habits. When he found something that suited him, he stuck to it. A brand of clothes, a position on the couch, a route to go to work, a takeaway at a restaurant nearby. A mocha at a weird coffee shop. Part 1 of bakery au
i, too, am growing sideways by hronrād (heartcondition) “Yoongi-hyung,” Taehyung says. He sounds so tired. Weak. “What's it like?” Yoongi just keeps trying to get him out of the tub, take him somewhere warm, somewhere better than this. “What?” “Being loved by Hobi-hyung,” Taehyung croaks. “What's it like?”
Care For You (I Always Will) by visbaeallday Taehyung, Hoseok and Yoongi are best friends. Best friends can cuddle, and give innocent kisses, right? They can say "I love you" and share everything, right? They can even get jealous... right?
Untraditional by TheHalesNyx tumblr prompt from confidenceatitsfinest: "Hi! I wanted to request a Yoonkookseok/Sugakookiehope (do you do ot3s?) where they're in this rare kind of alpha/beta/omega relationship but it's still super cute. Their different personalities work together perfectly but then omega Kookie's heat hits for the first time, since he didn't use suppressants for the first time. I was thinking fluffy humor smut maybe?" Their relationship is different, but it’s beautiful. Part 28 of Tumblr Prompts/Requests
You’ve Got A Fast Car, I Want A Ticket To Anywhere by orphan_account They don’t know what they were expecting when they hit the road but here they are--and now that they’re here, it seems like the only possible conclusion to their summer adventure. OR ya know, the Sobikook threesome. Smutty but not entirely devoid of plot. Part 1 of Sobi Threesomes
make me feel like i've been waiting (my whole life) by subseoks jeongguk wakes up to an embarrassing erection, and his lovers help him get rid of it. aka 3.8k yoonkookseok smut in which jeongguk cries and hoseok gets fucked twice Part 1 of omne trium perfectum
Finer Than The Fine Arts by anonymousloris Regardless, Hoseok and Yoongi had been best friends since they started college, and potentially for many years to come. If anything, it should be fun to have a blow off class together their senior year. Just one little fine arts class to graduate. An easy-peasy Photography 101. No heavy clouds on the sunny, blue horizon. That was, until they turned the corner and stepped into the classroom, their eyes landing on a tall, dark, and very handsome looking freshman sitting in the front row. They looked at each other and in unison said, "Dibs."
and i'll smile upon you too by pearl_o "what is going on right now?" yoongi says, still staring at hoseok. "i'm trying to communicate with you! like adults!" hoseok says. "you're doing a really bad job," says yoongi. "how did you picture this conversation going?" hoseok slumps until he's half lying down, letting his legs hanging over the edge of the mattress. "i was gonna tell you that i love you and that i want you to be happy and that i could be happy even if it meant...you know. sharing."
Coffee in the Morning by momentsinlove To say Jeongguk is needy in the morning is an understatement. It is something Hoseok has grown used to really, even with the size of their bed he always wakes up with Jeongguk attached to his side and this morning is no different. Part 1 of keep your love lockdown
Mr. Presidents by friendly9host min yoongi and jung hoseok; president and vice president (respectively) of the student body, captains of the basketball and dance teams, resident social butterflies, homecoming kings two years in a row, disgustingly in love long-term boyfriends, and head over heels for the new junior class representative. Part 1 of like how the earth loves the moon loves the sun
Jung Hoseok Does Not Share by thejooncorner “I think we should have a threesome.” “A threesome?” Hoseok repeated, threading his fingers in Jimin’s hair and pulling a bit to give himself more room on his neck. Jimin sucked in a breath, his eyes fluttering shut. “Y-yea.” “With who?” “What about...Jungkook?”
all tomorrow's parties by pettey Jeongguk moves in because all of them happen to share a hobby that pays well, but it ends up with them sharing another type of home instead.
here we are, all alone (in this room) by yofrere Jimin asks Jungkook to help him make a new dance routine. Hoseok helps too.
/ˈɔːr.ɪndʒ/ by Safi (AngstD) orange adjective of the colour orange; reddish-yellow.
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House of Cards
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Author: sugamins (ao3)
Status: completed
Description: Jungkook is the heir to a mob empire, the most notorious in the whole of Seoul. Taehyung is a rookie sent in to infiltrate by his select team and bring the empire crumbling down. "You knew the game and played it, it kills to know that you have been defeated."
Rating: M
Tags: vkookmin, gangau, drug use, explicit language, explicit sexual content
Note: possible triggers | non-con/attempted rape, graphic violence, homophobic language, xenophobia
Read here.
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ao3feed-sugamon · 4 years
'Cause it's my first time
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3ir9BwY
by LenaDarling
In Namjoon's sad, vulnerable mind, coming home drenched to Yoongi made sense.
(It made sense that he didn't go back to his own apartment, no. He went back to Yoongi's. Home.)
Alpha!Camboy Yoongi has been in love with his best friend, Omega Kim Namjoon, since he came to Seoul. He's always picking up the pieces of his younger friend, date after date, hoping that just once, Namjoon looks at him.
Words: 6692, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 8 of Darling Unedited Roleplays
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Kim Namjoon | RM, Min Yoongi | Suga
Relationships: Kim Namjoon | RM/Min Yoongi | Suga
Additional Tags: That Camboy!Yoongi AU again, Yes we did two versions, alpha!yoongi, omega!namjoon, Friends to Lovers, Fluff and Smut, SO MUCH FLUFF, Scenting, lots of scenting, Namgi being whipped for each other and oblivious about it, nuzzling, Cuddling, I'll update the tags in the next chapter!, Implied vkookmin, Implied Café Owner! Seokjin, Soulmates! Namgi, Soulmates
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3ir9BwY
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goldenclosetkook · 5 years
🌸 Fic Rec 🌸
✅ = Completed
⭕️ = Ongoing
💫 = Fluff
🔥= Smut
🙊 = Angst
🤪 = Crackhead
📱 = Social Media AU
💕 = Personal Favourite
Will update as I find more of my faves
Tinder AU | Yoonmin | @mintysugasweet | ✅💫🔥🙊📱💕
Idols AU | Jikook | ✅💫🤪📱💕
Fanboy AU | Jikook | ✅💫🔥🤪📱💕
FBI AU | Jikook | ✅💫🤪📱
Anon AU | Taegi | ✅💫🤪📱💕
IG AU | Jikook | ✅💫🤪📱💕
NSFW AU | Taekook | ✅💫🔥🤪📱💕
NSFW AU | Jikook | ✅💫🔥🤪📱
Hit Or Miss | Taegi | ✅💫 🔥 🤪💕
I Know I’ll Fall In Love With You Baby | Yoonkook | ✅💫🔥🙊🤪💕
Hit Me Baby | Kaisoo | ✅🔥
Fishnets | [suga]vkookmin | ✅💫🔥🙊🤪💕
Threes. | Vhope | ✅💫🔥🙊💕
Almost Like A Human | Jikook | ✅💫🙊
gentle, baby | Yoonkook | ✅💫🔥💕
like how the earth loves the moon loves the sun | Sopekook | ✅💫🔥🙊💕
i know (his) face but not (his) name | Yoonkook | ✅💫🙊🤪
Snow Prince | Jinkook | ✅💫🙊
Burns Blue | Minjoon | ✅💫🔥🙊
Save Me | Jinmin | ✅💫🙊
Just Breathe | Yoonmin / Taekook |  ✅💫🔥🙊💕
Vending Machines and Bad Ideas | 2seok | ✅💫🙊💕
Crinkle | Jungkook x Reader | @worldwidebt7 | it’s only got three parts but I beg you to have a look | 💕⭕️
Just Say Yes | Taekook
In All Dishonesty | Taegi | 💕
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jiminsasscracck · 7 years
I NEED HELP!!!!! I found this vkookmin smut vid (not real) where jungkook is the bottom, tae is the one he sucks and jimin is on his back and istg i cant find it anymoreeeee i've tried scrolling but my weak ass bitch of a thumb keeps on clicking home and i cant anymoreeeee please help me find ittttttt i dont know whose blog it was but pleaaaasssseeeee -vkookmin smut vid seeker
Well shit idk famAdmin L.
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ao3feed-namgi · 4 years
by LenaDarling
In Namjoon's sad, vulnerable mind, coming home drenched to Yoongi made sense.
(It made sense that he didn't go back to his own apartment, no. He went back to Yoongi's. Home.)
Alpha!Camboy Yoongi has been in love with his best friend, Omega Kim Namjoon, since he came to Seoul. He's always picking up the pieces of his younger friend, date after date, hoping that just once, Namjoon looks at him.
Words: 6692, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 8 of Darling Unedited Roleplays
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Kim Namjoon | RM, Min Yoongi | Suga
Relationships: Kim Namjoon | RM/Min Yoongi | Suga
Additional Tags: That Camboy!Yoongi AU again, Yes we did two versions, alpha!yoongi, omega!namjoon, Friends to Lovers, Fluff and Smut, SO MUCH FLUFF, Scenting, lots of scenting, Namgi being whipped for each other and oblivious about it, nuzzling, Cuddling, I'll update the tags in the next chapter!, Implied vkookmin, Implied Café Owner! Seokjin, Soulmates! Namgi, Soulmates
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myheartbumbumm1 · 4 years
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myheartbumbumm1 · 4 years
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light in your eyes, i cant even speak...🐯🐰❤
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Author: dreamiun (ao3)
Status: ongoing
Description: The first flame of love crackles inside Jungkook's heart when his eyes stop obeying him and follow what seduces them the most.
A hunter without weapons chasing a silver fox that might just want to be caught.
Rating: M
Tags: jikook, smut, fluff, feelings, rivalry, vkookmin, onesided love (vmin)
Read here.
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