#vld ladies
mothmanavenue · 1 year
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so wait for me, the world is changing // underneath the ground is shaking
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v0l-tr0n · 2 years
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The klance brainrot will never end I fear here’s a WIP for your time
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lilcatastrophe · 11 months
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@silentwillowwhisperer gave me the idea of drawing Keith in some of Lady Gaga’s crazy outfits so here’s both the boys in two I think suit them. I love getting to draw some funky clothing so this was such a treat <3
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alohaasaloevera · 9 months
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shinkai14 · 3 months
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Lady Electra of Valan
One of my Voltron Legendary Defender ocs.
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chibi-pix · 1 year
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Okay, continuing on with the idea of Pidge one day ending up on planet Myra, a thought hit. Things happening and Pidge just gets kissed by a bunch of Myrans, even getting her face covered in lipstick. While my initial thought was with them thanking her, @t1koy-roll sparked the idea of it being normal and a casual greeting. And @toasthoneyandstardust helped to spark the change in dialogue for Pidge, pointing it out to be a greeting. Thank you guys for sparking new thoughts in this chibi's AU loving mind. Pidge may need to go home and just sleep for the next week. She's used to being a hermit, her social battery can only take so much. Also, note. Pidge probably isn't so much against being kissed? But rather I'm sure a bunch of Myrans just bombarded her, wanting to hug and kiss the little paladin. Try to survive, Pidgey.
Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy this one! Until next time.
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galraluver · 2 years
*Dr. Haggar helping (young) Sendak out after he and the Paladins get injured* 
Zarkon: How does Sendak look?
Trigel: A little better than you, actually
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nerd-of-marmora · 2 years
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Lil Wip of the Nerd of Marmora! The space cat herself is coming together! Stay tuned for the finished product.
Art and Moira are mine
Galra belong to VLD franchise
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actress4him · 2 years
Can I get falling through ice with platonic kidge? Preferably Pidge falling through but I’m good with either!
I’m so sorry that this has taken me...absolutely forever. And I’m sorry that it’s pretty short and simple, I’ve been having a hard time finding inspiration for fanfics lately. But it’s here! And it’s my last current bingo request so yay for finally catching up!
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Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Prompt: Falling Through Ice
contains: lady whump, hypothermia
“I think it’s right over here!” Pidge looks up from the map on her tablet and points straight ahead toward what looks like a series of caves carved into the side of a mountain. Without waiting for a response from Keith, she takes off at a jog, eager as he is to get the mission in this horrible frozen wasteland over and done with.
“Be careful,” he calls after her, but he isn’t sure whether she even hears since the wind chooses that moment to pick up. Not that she would listen, anyway. He knows very well how Pidge is when she gets her mind set on something.
Besides, that’s mostly what he’s here for. Watching Pidge’s back. She’s the little genius who can read the map and work the tracking technology and identify minerals once they actually find what they’re looking for. He just has to make sure that she stays alive and well in order to do all of that.
With that in mind, he breaks into a jog behind her, head swiveling back and forth to take in the empty, snow covered expanse of planet as they go. There’s no sign of life anywhere. He really doesn’t expect to see any the whole time, he doesn’t know what could even live in this freezing weather. And they’re far from Galra territory, so they shouldn’t be a problem, either. Still, he’s going to remain vigilant, just in case.
The ground under his feet changes, and he slows a little, frowning down at it. Ice. Not icy ground, just straight up ice, like they’re walking on a frozen lake. With the temperature this low, it should be plenty solid, but…
He switches his comms on since Pidge is too far ahead to hear his voice. “Hey Pidge, you might want to slow down a litt-”
His warning is interrupted by a loud, heart-stopping cracking sound, and an almost simultaneous screech that he hears both over the comms and cutting through the wind. Breath catching in his throat, he looks up just in time to see his teammate plunge down through the ice.
Ignoring his own warning, Keith dashes forward, feet slipping slightly with each pounding step. There isn’t any time to waste, that water will be frigid and she’s got on her armor but he doesn’t know how well it protects against being submerged and she has her faceplate open…
As he draws closer he can both hear and feel the ice weakening under his feet. Forcing himself to slow down, he inches a bit further before sprawling on his stomach, spreading his weight out across more surface, and starts scooting forward like an insect.
“Pidge!” He can see her head. That’s the only thing that’s keeping him from panicking right now. She managed to get her arms out before she fell completely down into the water and caught herself. If she’d gone all the way down and disappeared beneath the ice…he shook the thought out of his head, refusing to dwell on it. “I’m coming, just hang on.” 
“K-k…K-Keith…” She’s already shivering, dang it. “Some…some water g-got int-to my…my…”
“Okay. I understand, it’s okay.” It’ll be fine, he just has to get her out of there and get her back to Red. If there’s one thing Red knows, it’s warmth. 
He reaches the edge of the hole after what feels like ages of crawling. “Okay. I’m gonna close your faceplate, just in case you were to slip down any further, okay?” He isn’t sure if what he sees is a quick nod or just a shiver, but he does it anyway, feeling minutely better when she’s sealed off from any more cold water getting into her suit. 
“Alright. Time to get you out of there.” He hasn’t actually figured out how exactly that’s gonna happen yet, but it only takes a second of consideration for it to come to him. “If I turn around, do you think you can grab on tight to my ankles?”
“Okay. I’m gonna use my jetpack, so make sure you get a good grip.” Painstakingly, trying not to go too fast but feeling the urgent need to get her out of there, he spins himself on the ice until his feet are in front of her. Pidge pries one arm away from the ice, then another, latching onto his ankles with what he’s sure are stiff fingers. 
He just hopes this idea is actually a good one, and that she can hang on. 
“Here goes!” Keith activates his jetpack, and he goes shooting forward on his belly across the ice. Thankfully, he feels Pidge’s weight come with him. As soon as he’s certain they’re clear of the hole and back on more solid ice, he cuts the jetpack off and quickly sits up. Pidge has rolled over onto her side and curled up into a ball. 
“Hey.” He scoots back toward her, looking her over, though he’s not sure what he expects to see. She’s not injured, just freezing. “You okay?”
A shiver racks her body. “Mm-hm. P-peachy.”
It was a stupid question. “Um. I don’t think I should call Red over here, not with this ice. Is it okay if I carry you back?”
“W-w…what ab-bout th-...the m-min-nerals?” She cranes her head to look toward the caves they’d been headed toward. 
Keith rolls his eyes. “I’m taking you back to Red to warm up. If we think we can get the minerals after that, fine. But we’re not doing anything else until you’re safe.” Holding out his hands to her, he waits until she accepts them, then pulls her up and loops her arms over his shoulders. “One, two, three.” Pidge helps as best she can to get them up, Keith on his feet with his hands hooked under her thighs and her hanging onto his back. 
“You g-good?”
He nods. “I’m fine. You hardly weigh anything.”
She slaps him weakly on the helmet as if that’s an insult.
“Alright, it’s gonna be slow going until we get off this ice. Don’t need a repeat incident.” 
He picks his way carefully across the terrain, wishing that there was any way to make this trip go faster. His jetpack won’t carry the both of them, though, and hers is frozen and useless. Every once in a while, he asks her a question, usually checking to see if they’re going the right direction, though it’s mostly just to make sure she’s still awake and aware. The longer they go, the more fuzzy her responses become, and since they’re no longer on the ice he forces himself into a faster trot. 
By the time Red’s welcome form looms through the falling snow, Keith’s exhausted, but he just pushes himself a little harder still. “Almost there. Stay awake.”
“I mean it, Pidge. If you fall asleep on me now I’ll, uh…I’ll rearrange stuff in your lab when we get back.”
“Nuhh. You woul’n’t.”
“I will. Stay awake.”
“Ugh. ‘Kay.”
She barely does. Keith practically runs up Red’s ramp, into her blessedly warm cockpit, and lowers Pidge into the pilot’s seat as carefully as he can on trembling legs. Her head lolls to the side, but when he taps the side of her helmet she grunts at him and squints her eyes open. 
“Are we home?”
The corner of his mouth crooks up a little. “We’re in Red.” He glances up at the ceiling. “Can we crank up the temperature in here?” 
The Lion gives a quiet rumble in response, and the room grows a little warmer. 
Keith looks back to Pidge. “Feeling any better yet?”
She smiles a little and shuts her eyes again. “Mm. ‘t’s warm…”
“Yeah. We should probably get you out of those wet clothes, but I don’t have anything for you to change into.”
“Feels good. Jus’ need…five more minutes. Then…then minerals.”
He huffs in disbelief. “You need a lot more than five minutes, Pidge. I think I’m gonna take you back to the Castle. We can come back for the minerals later. I don’t wanna risk you getting sick out here.”
Pidge sighs heavily, but she’s in no shape to put up a fight. “Fine. I’m gonna…take a nap.”
Keith laughs lightly. “I guess you can do that.” Now that they’re out of the cold, he’s pretty sure she’ll be safe. “Not in my chair, though. I’ll take you back to the cargo hold.”
He helps her up, and she manages to hobble to the back with one arm around him. As he’s getting her settled, she reaches out and pats him on the arm without opening her eyes. 
“Thanks, Keith. You’re…a good teammate.”
He doesn’t say anything for a long moment, simply staring down at her in surprise. Finally he relaxes a little into a smile. “Get some sleep, Pidge.”
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jalapenobee · 2 years
Please please please Klance going on a midnight date to a gas station because they can't sleep and shenanigans happen
- Squishy
Since you asked so very nicely
Lady Farna
It was dark when Lance woke up. Dark and soft and quiet, aside from the exceptions of voices downstairs and the soft stream of moonlight through the closed blinds. He lay there for a minute, shifting in his blankets when he finally decided to get up and find something to do. Everyone knows that the best opportunities come at 11 o’clock at night.
Sitting on the edge of his bed, Lance fumbled with his blanket to wrap it around himself. He then shuffled to the door and opened it, recognizing the voices as Rachel and Joey from Friends. Someone must be watching TV. Probably Keith. Or one of the Holts, if they snuck in again. Last time was not a fun experience.
Bottom of the stairs now, Lance peeked around the corner to see who was on the couch.
Keith. Figured.
Said boyfriend looked away from the TV, locking eyes with a blanket-wrapped Lance who started making his way over to the couch. He schooched aside, patted the spot next to him, and Lance accepted it, curling into a small ball and snuggling up next to Keith.
“You’re stealing my blanket.”
“I’m cold.”
“I don’t really care right now.”
“I’m wounded. Look at that. My arm. In pieces. On the floor. Blood. Splattered everywhere.”
Lance laughed softly at Keith’s sarcastic antics while the episode of Friends ended and American Dad’s theme song started playing. The TV was turned off, and the two boys sat in dark silence, both wanting to save the quiet moment and say something at the same time.
Keith was the one to whisper first.
“You want me to take you around on the motorcycle? I’m kinda bored.”
Lance shifted a bit in his spot to sit up. “Sure. But can we take my car? It’s cold outside. And the heat would be useful.”
Placing a kiss on Lance’s forehead, Keith agreed and they unraveled themselves from the blanket to stand up and stretch. After putting on scarves and hats, they piled into the front seats of Lance’s blue Honda.
By now they were both awake, keeping up loud chatter and singing along with the radio. They didn’t get to do this often, both being busy with work and whatnot. They’ve learned to not ruin times like these, so they don’t.
Lance was distracted by the tall sign coming up. “Hey, you wanna get some snacks at Speedway? I need gas, and there’s a station ahead.”
Keith nodded, and Lance drove to the gas station and pulled in a spot. Giving Keith 20 dollars to buy snacks, they both stepped out of the car and headed towards their respective assignments. Lance to the pump, and Keith inside the store where there was heat. Lucky him.
Gas prices have gone up, by the way. Almost four dollars per gallon. That’s expensive. Not very nice to the wallets.
After the tank had been filled and money had been unnecessarily wasted, Lance opened the trunk and sat down, waiting for Keith. He came back with two small bags of lays chips and a cherry slurpee with two straws.
After getting settled, opening chip bags and taking alternating sips of the slurpee, things were quiet, aside from the chewing sounds and crickets. Every time the wind blew, the smell of gas would come with it. Not that either Keith or Lance cared. They kept their eyes on the stars-and each other, occasionally. Especially when Lance took an extra long sip of the slurpee on purpose.
“You’re gonna get a brain freeze.”
“You’re the one who bought it.”
Defeated, Keith flicked Lance’s forehead lightly. “May Lady Farna corrupt your head and make all your hot chocolate cold. That’ll be your punishment,” he muttered.
“Who’s Lady Farna?”
Keith took the slurpee from Lance’s hands. “Cold. Galrans called the cold Lady Farna, or farna scartenes. It translates roughly to firn serpent. And that’s kind of what she was. A shapeshifting being with two forms. There was a galran who wasn’t prepared. The serpent floated out of the air and wrapped around him, stripping his soul from its body. He was killed. Pneumonia.”
Keith looked to Lance, who had now huddled up closer into Keith, not because he was scared. “That’s how powerful Lady Farna is. Galrans have that extra fur, remember? With all the things we’ve seen, I wouldn’t doubt that’s true. That’s why you don’t drink slurpee so fast.”
“Fine, geez.” Lance took the drink from Keith and sipped from his straw. The latter watched with a dropped jaw and a how-could-you expression.
“You just took a ten second sip! After I told you a sacred galran myth! That’s betrayal!”
“I’m thirsty.”
Keith sighed. “Change the subject.”
Lance nodded, and the not-fear he had was replaced with a mellow excitement. He sat up properly, set the slurpee aside, and waved a chip in the air, much to Keith’s amusement. “Alright, so I have this Moana theory. Remember the chicken?”
826 words
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lovevalley45 · 1 year
i can't count how many times we get the blue/red outfits with gay ships in legends but. i feel like they do it a LOT
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buggietastic · 1 year
Blog Guide
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Hello My Name is ~Bug~ Welcome to my chaotic blog. @Buggietastic
Some of my featured tags are
#buglikes - This tag is a bit of a catch all,,, in a way. But its simple really. Its things that I find fit my blogs aesthetic. Just things that visually appeal to me!
#fuckinfunniez - For a good laugh check out this tag! Mostly text posts but honestly might be taken over by fandom.... speaking of fandoms
#bugsdoodles - All the fanart! And art (by me) in general that you'll find on my blog
#vld - All things Voltron Legendry Defenders related!!
#bugscos - Here you will find my own cosplays! For now its mostly Pidge from Voltron Legendary Defenders . But I've got many cosplans!!
#toh - All things The Owl House related!!
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alohaasaloevera · 9 months
I made my chronic nosebleeding Lance story into a fic on ao3. I will update here first, but then paste the parts onto ao3 and revise and edit more.
the fic
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The absolute biggest issue I have with Voltron Legendary Defender weirdly enough isn't how the writing became a huge pile of confusing storylines and decisions.
It's the time when the show takes place. Please, let me explain, as I have pulled my hair out about this.
Confirmed by the writers, vld takes place in the year 2314. Okay. Fine. Makes sense. There's technology present in the show that we do not have in 2016/2017. Also Pidge stated that it took the Garrison ships a few months to get to Kerberos. Kerberos being one of Pluto's moons. This also implies that the space commissioners or companies that are involved in space travel and space adjacent activities declared Pluto a planet once again.
Shiro, our space dad and dilf in training, is 25 years old at the start of the series. He was born February 29, which is a date that is only available on a leap year.
Let's do some simple math, don't worry, I'll be your calculator. 2314 - 25 = 2289.
Ladies, Gentlemen, Nonbinary individuals, and possible other genders that I do not know about, 2289 is not a leap year. Neither is 2290. Would you all like to know when the next leap year is in this range of years? 2292.
Since I am a stickler for accuracy in regards to certain topics for reasons I can only blame my autism and ADHD on, the show taking place in the year 2314 bothers me. Please understand that this is simply a me problem. If Shiro was not my favorite character, or if he didn't share a birthday with my first adorable dog, I would not care about this blatant error.
If it helps to those who have the same issue as I do, my fix-it fic takes place 2317. It's not that much of a jump, but honestly it feels better knowing that the math lines up.
Thank you for taking your time to read this! Hope you all have a lovely day.
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chibi-pix · 2 years
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The group works to get the orb throwing robot to the construction site where they hope to finally take it down.
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galraluver · 1 year
This fic is the fourth part of this request. It was a lot of fun to write and I hope you all love it 💕
{ (F/c/b) = Favorite camping breakfast}
The first chance she got to have a little vacation (Y/n) made a reservation at her favorite campground so she could go on a solo camping trip for the weekend. (Y/n) loved going camping whenever she could, unfortunately her job kept her busy most of the time which didn't give her the chance to actually go camping very often. She was lucky enough to live a few hours away from her favorite campground, so the drive to her destination wouldn't take too long. On the day before her camping trip (Y/n) made sure to put the supplies she needed in her living room so that taking everything out to her car/pickup would be easier, her supplies including a bag of clothes and other basic supplies she would need. The day started nice and sunny, otherwise the perfect day to begin her camping trip, although on the way to the campground the sky became increasingly cloudy; (Y/n) was thankful that she packed the protective cover for her tent in case it rained, it was better to be prepared for anything.
(Y/n) could barely wait to get checked in and set up at her tent and foldable chair so she could sit in front of a nice campfire and eat the dinner she brought with her, as well as make some s'mores. During the trip to the park she would be camping at (Y/n's) mind wandered to Trigel, her favorite character from Voltron Legendary Defender; from the first moment she first saw the original green paladin she was entranced and the young woman wished that Trigel had gotten more screen time. (Y/n) was single, painfully so, but if she could have a significant other then she would want someone like Trigel; it seemed like almost all of her friends were either dating someone or getting married, leaving her as the painfully single friend who could never manage to attract a romantic partner. She didn't need a boyfriend or girlfriend to be happy, she was capable of being happy on her own, but she still got lonely and wanted to have someone who loved her specifically. By the time (Y/n) arrived at the park, found her camping spot and got everything set up there was still enough time for her to go on a short hike; the camping spots were spaced out with plenty of foliage surrounding them, she would have more than enough privacy.
With the sky still looking cloudy (Y/n) wouldn't go too far in case it started raining because her jacket wasn't water proof, thankfully her tent would be because she brought the cover for it. She knew that she probably shouldn't walk towards where the clouds were gathering in a circle in the sky, especially since the wind speed seemed to be picking up, but she was in the mood for an adventure and nothing short of a natural disaster was going to stop her. The wind speed became higher the longer she walked while the clouds formed a purplish color in the middle, a truly strange sight that had (Y/n) entranced by its unique beauty; she wondered if the circle of clouds was some kind of wonder of nature, although she'd never heard of such a thing happening before. Lightning streaked across the sky and thunder boomed loudly in the clouds, (Y/n) had to carefully walk over to a large boulder next to the trail where she could press herself against it for safety, covering her ears to protect her hearing and closing her eyes because the strange storm was kind of frightening. The wind whipped her hair around and nearly caused her to fall a couple of times, whatever kind of storm that came out of nowhere was definitely very unnatural.
(Y/n) failed to notice that a person fell from the portal and landed on the ground about twenty feet away, that person being the one and only original green paladin. Trigel had been fighting against Zarkon and Haggar when she was sent through a portal to another reality, falling unconscious as soon as she hit the ground; her helmet and armor protected her from dying, unfortunately they had been cracked from the force of the impact. The wind kept blowing for a while longer, although the thunder and lightning quieted down which meant (Y/n) could uncover her ears and open her eyes. It was beginning to get dark by the time the wind settled down and she would have gone back to her campsite, but then she spotted someone laying flat on the ground. (Y/n) didn't remember seeing anyone else hiking while she was out and seeing someone just randomly laying on the ground was highly unusual; she couldn't just leave someone in need, so her first instinct was to go see if she was alright.
Usually approaching an unconscious stranger would be nerve-wracking, although (Y/n) couldn't help but feel curious when she saw the mysterious person was wearing the same armor as Trigel. It shouldn't have been possible because characters from any tv show weren't real, it couldn't have been possible, and yet after carefully removing the green paladin helmet (Y/n) was given the surprise of a lifetime; Trigel was laying on the ground, right in front of her, and for a moment she thought that she might have been going crazy or something. (Y/n) knelt down and reached forward, placing two fingers in the center of the base of Trigel's neck in hopes of finding a pulse. She smiled when she found a pulse, Trigel was still alive and she was going to save her before someone with bad intentions found the original green paladin. (Y/n) came to the conclusion that the mysterious storm had something to do with Trigel's sudden appearance in the real world, she just hoped that Trigel wouldn't wake up until she had her in the safety of her tent.
"I know that you don't know what's going on because you're unconscious, but I'm going to take you somewhere safe." (Y/n) said while gazing at Trigel's face, still hardly able to believe her favorite paladin was really there.
Trigel didn't crack her eyes open or respond when (Y/n) spoke to her, the dalterion queen was completely unaware about what was going on and she needed help. (Y/n) stood up and walked towards where Trigel's head was, getting her back to her campsite wouldn't be easy but she had to do it, otherwise the government would take Trigel away and dissect her. She bent down and hooked her arms under Trigel's armpits, lifting with her legs before slowly walking backwards towards the campground. (Y/n) had enough self control so that she wouldn't fangirl when Trigel eventually woke up, although explaining where she was would be something completely different and she hoped Trigel didn't lose her memory when she fell. She could easily keep Trigel hidden thanks to there being plenty of shrubbery around and there weren't too many people nearby, all (Y/n) had to do was get her into her tent and make dinner.
All throughout dinner Trigel didn't wake up and (Y/n) had to check her pulse again just to make sure that she was still alive; she was, of course, but she was still unconscious. (Y/n) took the extra blanket and pillow she kept in her car/pickup and brought them to her tent after she laid Trigel in it, that way Trigel wouldn't be completely uncomfortable. By early morning Trigel finally regained consciousness; at first her vision was blurry, although when she saw that she was in a tent she felt confused, even more so when she noticed (Y/n) laying on a cot. She naturally didn't know who (Y/n) was nor could she properly see her since she woke up before the sun was up all the way, so all she could do was wait for (Y/n) to wake up. The last thing Trigel remembered was her final battle against Zarkon and Haggar, the next thing she knew she'd been pushed through a portal made by Haggar.
Trigel could hear the sound of birds singing their morning songs outside, although none of them sounded familiar to her which meant she had been sent to another reality. She spent the next hour or so listening to the birds and wondering where she'd been sent to; her armor was cracked and so was her helmet, but it was to be expected after the battle she had previously been a part of. A few hours later (Y/n) woke up and saw that Trigel had woken up; they just stared at each other for a moment, neither of them knowing what to say to each other. (Y/n) was excited that Trigel woke up and Trigel felt even more confused about where she was and how she ended up in a tent with another woman. Honestly, (Y/n) wasn't sure what to say when Trigel eventually woke up, so she remained quiet despite wanting to break the silence.
"Where am I? Who are you?" Trigel eventually asked (Y/n) with curiosity, no longer able to handle the awkward silence.
"You're in my tent, I brought you here yesterday evening when I found you laying on a hiking trail. My name is (Y/n)." (Y/n) replied calmly, feeling kind of shy all of a sudden when their eyes met and she introduced herself.
"Thank you for saving me. My name is Trigel." Trigel responded gratefully, introducing herself as well so that she wouldn't seem rude.
"I'm glad that I could help you. Would you like to join me for breakfast?" (Y/n) inquired curiously, feeling hungry for the food she brought for breakfast; not only did she get to meet her favorite paladin but she had the opportunity to eat something with her, too.
"That sounds wonderful, thank you." Trigel answered kindly, she couldn't remember when the last time she ate was and the offering of food sounded wonderful.
(Y/n) grabbed her keys and got up so she could put her shoes on, opening her tent and leading Trigel out into the morning air. She breathed in deeply, feeling refreshed after having a good night's sleep; camping always left her refreshed, that's why she liked it so much. Trigel rezipped the tent once she and (Y/n) were outside, admiring her new surroundings while she helped (Y/n) get the food and the skillet out of the human woman's vehicle, it wasn't long before they were able to cook breakfast over an open fire. (Y/n) never expected that she would make breakfast with Trigel; heck, she didn't even expect to actually find Trigel laying on the ground after she apparently fell out of a mysterious portal, but it was truly a dream come true for her. By the time they were eating breakfast at the picnic table near (Y/n's) tent the birds were singing and chirping happily, as though they were greeting a brand new day.
"This tastes amazing, what do you call it again?" Trigel thanked (Y/n) after she took the first bite of the food, surprised by how delicious it tasted.
"(F/c/b), and I'm glad that you like it." (Y/n) replied gratefully, happy that Trigel, a paladin of Voltron, liked the breakfast food she brought.
Breakfast was only the first thing they were going to do that day, (Y/n) was thankful that she'd decided to sleep in her clothes during the previous night. Since there was no way for Trigel to return to her previous reality (Y/n) was going to let her live with her, it was the least she could do for the former green paladin. Trigel graciously accepted (Y/n's) kind offer, feeling a sense of admiration for the woman who saved her; there was a lot they talked about during breakfast, mostly about what their homes were like and about the battle against Zarkon. It was only natural for Trigel to be mind-blown about being an animated character in (Y/n's) reality, (Y/n) promised her that she could watch Voltron Legendary Defender when they went to (Y/n's) home, it wasn't like anything bad could happen if Trigel watched it. Until then, Trigel and (Y/n) were perfectly happy getting to know each other a little better; (Y/n) would help Trigel adjust to life in her reality as much as she could, it would just take a while.
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