#vnc Chasseurs
lynnlyrae · 5 months
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Five seconds later: 
The truth is… 
O: He’ll fix that report, right, Astolfo? 
A: Yeah! 
*Roland crashes down on the floor* 
O: And that was fifty one. Congrats, you won. 
… the one who gets the child’s vote always wins.
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Based on this wonderful art by Jun ⬆️
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asherasgayagenda · 2 years
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Happy late holidays to @digital-dhampirs !! I was your secret santa and I hope you enjoy the Chasseurs celebrating the holidays together ♪ Thanks to @vncsecretsanta for hosting the event!
(better qual if you click on it)
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briebysabs · 5 months
Charles the Diamond
/vol 11/
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neversetyoufree · 1 year
This is a small thing, but I do really enjoy that we've now gotten confirmation that Roland grew up poor, since it adds an interesting dimension to his relationship to the rest of the church.
The chasseurs aren't just militant religious extremists. By and large, they're wealthy and insular militant religious extremists. The lower level chassuers most likely come from a wider base, but among the paladins, coming from established chasseur families seems to be quite common. Astolfo comes from a line of paladins, Olivier seemingly did as well, and though we don't know anything about Gano's family, he apparently grew up comfortable enough to belittle Roland for being poor.
And like, of course this is the case. Of course the violent hateful Catholics are a group full of generational wealth and classism. Of course the anti-vampire extremists were raised in whole families of anti-vampire extremists.
And by the same token, of course the paladin most willing to question what he's been told about vampires is the paladin that comes from outside their insular ranks. Roland is a chasseur because wants to help people, and if Gano is to be believed, he's also in it for the money. Hunting vampires is a job that Roland genuinely believes in, but at the end of the day, it's a job. It's a field he chose to enter into. He doesn't define himself entirely by his occupation of vampire hunter.
It's always going to be easier to brainwash someone if that brainwashing is what they've known for their entire life. Of course the outsider perspective comes from the paladin that's the biggest outsider in other ways. And of course someone that's been looked down upon by society is more receptive to questioning societal presumptions about evil.
None of this is revolutionary, but it's very fitting, and I'm pleased to have it confirmed.
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almaadst · 8 months
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Priests in love (/ω\) Roland and Olivier aren't actual priests… I think? but they wear Roman collars 👀 Funny how I didn't care about them when I first read Vanitas no Shuki, but now I can't get over Roland's absolute positive-chaotic personality (❁´◡`❁) and in my head - Olivier can't resist either ♡ crazy how Mochizuki keep making those fictional characters which they were much better if they were queer lol
Other: Commission info Jeanne and Domi kiss Vaninoe
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ishytori · 4 months
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"Шарль розуміє: все вийшло правильно.
Перед ним мисливець, у якого не залишилося нічого. Ні близьких, яким би він довіряв і на яких міг покластися — Олів’є відступає ще на самому початку, Роланд сам, власноруч обриває їхній зв’язок, а знову повірити Марко після всього не вийде. Ні любові й підтримки, які могли б зупинити і не дати скоїти непоправне. Ні сподівання й надії на краще".
"Його ідеальний паладин"
До 58-59 розділів я думала, що Астольфо загине в бою з Гано. Зараз мені здається, що він стане жертвою маніпуляцій Шарля. Все ж, він надто юний, самотній і травмований, щоб хоч якось Шарлю протистояти — а поруч немає нікого, хто міг би його захистити.
"Charles understands: everything turned out right.
There is a chasseur in front of him who has nothing left. There is nobody close to him whom he could trust and rely on — Olivier steps back at the very beginning, Roland breaks their connection with his own hands, and it will not be possible to trust Marco again after everything. No love and support that could stop and prevent the irreparable. No hope for the best."
"His perfect paladin" (Ukrainian)
Before the chapters 58-59 I thought Astolfo would die in the fight with Gano. Now I think he will become a victim of Charles manipulations. He's too young, lonely and broken to confront Charles — and there is nobody around who could protect and save him.
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ssaraexposs · 2 months
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sophulceo · 3 months
i can’t wait to learn more about him he’s so pretty he may be manipulative but i love him
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thegracefulwillow · 2 years
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self-indulgence hours
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abnormalityjoseph · 1 year
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mishooboo15 · 1 year
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"My name is Charles. I am the first paladin, honoured with the seat of Diamond."
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lynnlyrae · 5 months
VnC timeline
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I’m mostly an artist in this fandom, but sometimes inspiration strikes and leads me in completely weird directions, such as… figuring out dates of every event in VnC!
With the invaluable help of @retracexcviii, who has created timelines for VnC events before (thank you forever and ever💜) and helped me to avoid some really silly mistakes, I’ve done… this monstrosity of a text, which includes every important canon event I could think of.
— All events are distributed by centuries, starting with XVI and finishing with XIX, and after listing all the events of each century I will put screens of the same texts with correlating manga pages. Additionally, there are numbers of chapters for most of the events.
— Some dates are marked with ~, which means that this date could fluctuate a bit (could be a bit earlier or later). 
— Events that I couldn’t put anywhere specifically are in “UNKNOWN MOMENT” category. I still tried to differentiate them between centuries.
Alright, here we go! 
1493-1500 — creation of an engraving; plague, cataclysms, Paracelsius is looking for a way to save humanity.
~ 1500 — Babel. The awakening of Faustina, who is considered to be the first vampire.
1500-1550 — the awakening of Teacher and Machina as vampires. Machina might be younger than Teacher. Creation (awakening?) of Luna? The awakening of Teacher and the creation of Luna — probably around the same time?
~ 1550-1560 — Chloe is born. She becomes a vampire at the age of 4.
Between 1550-1600 — Ruthven becomes a vampire. He is currently more that 200 years old, and it’s unknown whether he was born as a vampire or awaken or even when exactly his life began. But looks like an adult in 1650, so he was most likely alive in 1600. He is also younger than Chloe: when she calls him a “child”, he doesn’t correct her.
Presumable order of awakening of the oldest vampires: 
Faustina —> Teacher —> Machina —> Chloe —> Ruthven. 
When exactly was Luna born? Does Kresnik exist in this century?
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~ 1650 — the war between humans and vampires. Chloe meets Ruthven.
~ 1665-1669 — Jeanne awakens in a flask in front of an unknown person. She leaves the flask. Later, she is adopted by Eric and Louise, Ruthven's students.
~ 1669 — Chloe meets Jeanne. Ruthven tries to establish peace between humans and vampires.
(31, 32)
~ 1672 — (3 years after Chloe and Jeanne met, 30 years before the end of the war) Ruthven loses his students, his eye is injured; Jeanne becomes the Bourreau of the Senate; Chloe meets Machina; Machina tells about the fate of Ruthven and Jeanne. Almost immediately, Naenia appears for the first time (indicating that Faustina is already a cursebearer); Ruthven visits Chloe for the last time, they part as enemies. If Naenia exists, does Charlatan exist as well?
(32, 33)
UNKNOWN MOMENT BEFORE 1672 — Faustina becomes a cursebearer.
UNKNOWN MOMENT BEFORE 1672 — Luna creates the Books of Vanitas, which are considered to be the reason for the appearance of the Malnomen. Could the books be created to cure the cursebearers in the first place? Most likely, this happened early in the timeline, since there is a whole folklore about it. Even earlier, someone gave Luna the name " Vanitas", which is also reflected in the title of the books.
(48, 49)
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Before 1702 — Ruthven joins the Oriflamme family, becomes one of the Queen's advisors and a senator. The Queen is still alive, but she is also active as Naenia. Luna sees Jeanne in battle.
1702 — the end of the war. According to the pact, vampires move to Altus and sell Astermite to humans in exchange for other goods.
(33, 59)
1764 — Chloe spends more than 50 years alone. Death of village girl Jeanne, who speculated to be killed by a Beast, but was a victim of radical anti-vampire group. On the same day, she is visited by Naenia and then meets Jean-Jacques. The Beast conspiracy continues.
(36, 33)
1767 — Chloe witnesses one of the murders and reveals her vampiric powers when she defends herself. After that, the general belief is that Chloe is the master of the mysterious nonexistent Beast and both are the culprits. Her human family is killed. A few days later the Chasseurs (Vampire eradication fraction?) and Ruthven come to Gévaudan. Jean-Jacques becomes a Cursebearer to protect Chloe. Jeanne, now the Hellfire Witch, finds Chloe. Chloe tries to jump off a cliff, but Naenia comes to her again. Chloe also becomes the Cursebearer. Jeanne kills other hunters, but Ruthven saves her, makes her give him an oath (she tries to resist) and puts her in deep sleep. The Beast stops attacks. Conspiracy between Ruthven and the Chasseurs presumably continues.
(35, 36, 37, 43, 39)
UNKNOWN MOMENT BETWEEN 1672-1702 — Luna witnesses Jeanne in a fight with vampires. Later, after 1767, Luna also knew about Jeanne’s sleep.
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1861 — Olivier is born. 
1862 — Roland is born.
1868 — Dominique and Louis are born. Teacher takes Louis.
1869 — Noé is born.
1870 — Vanitas is born; Dante is born.
1873 — Astolfo is born.
~ 1875 — Olivier meets Roland.
~ 1874-1875 — an elderly couple finds Noé. They live together for some time.
~ 1876 — Mikhail is born. Luca is probably born around the same time or a bit later.
~ 1876-1877 — Noé is kidnapped and ends up in a black market, gets an eye injury and is bought by Teacher. Noé meets Domi and Louis (their proportions are quite similar to Astolfo in his childhood flashbacks, where he is presumed to be around 8 years old, but Noé looks younger, so here I’m assuming Noé and the twins could be 6-7 or 7-8 years old). // Probably around the same time, Dante is abandoned by unknown woman. He meets Johann and Riche. Absence of his glasses and bandages indicate that there could be at least a few weeks or months between the two events. 
(9, 61, 62)
~ before 1881 — Vanitas is orphaned and placed under the care of the Church as a potential future Chasseur, but is kidnapped by Moreau for secret experiments.
1881 — sketch of the Tower of the Sun by Amédée Sébillot, electrical engineer. He worked with engineer Jules Bourdais on this project, but in fact the tower was unrealizable. If the monument designed by Sébillot was real, it would have collapsed under its own weight.
Before or early 1881 — Roland and Olivier move to Paris. Roland is injured, but it’s unknown how it happened. Olivier’s hairstyle may indicate that it happened earlier than the time when Roland almost died. 
~ 1881 — Roland (vice-captain) is injured while defending Olivier. Olivier was injured too. // Misha (who looks about 5 years old??) meets Roland, but later ends up in Moreau's laboratory, where Vanitas is already located.
~ 1881-1882 — Astolfo secretly meets a vampire. When Astolfo befriends Olivier, he tells him about this secret. The death of the Granatum family. Astolfo meets Carl, Roland (his injuries, which were still visible when he met Misha, have already healed) and other Paladins. Olivier definitely had a title of Obsidian by the time of Granatums’ murder, so some time passes between the day Astolfo met a vampire and the day of Granatums’ murder. 
(48, 58) 
~ 1882-1883 1881-1882* — Louis dies. Domi learns the truth about her and Louis being twins. // Luna saves Misha and Vanitas when they destroy Moreau's lab*. Moreau joins the Charlatan. Misha agrees to be bitten by Luna. Later, Luna loses their true name; Misha loses their arm; Luna dies by Vanitas’s hands. Vanitas and Misha inherit the Books, but are separated, and Teacher takes Misha.
*@torterrachampion mentioned in reblog that Noé is officially 12 years old when Louis’s died ang provided an image from a booklet for the Blu-ray of the anime. I completely missed that fact, so thank you for bringing it up! I’ve decided to change the time range for this event to 1881-1882 for better accuracy.
*It is likely that Noé witnessed Louis’s death around the same time Vanitas and Misha were saved by Luna; bonus card features Noé in the same outfit as on the day of Louis’s death together with Vanitas dressed in his lab clothes. 1881 or 1882 is a possible year for Louis’s death and salvation of Vanitas and Misha. In this scenario Luna dies later than Louis.
(9, 46, 51, * bonus card)
1887 — possible start of construction of the Tower of the Sun (in reality, the construction of the Eiffel Tower started on 28 January 1887).
~ 1887-1888 — Astolfo and Roland have a conflict.
UNKNOWN MOMENT (after 1702?) BEFORE 1888 — Veronica and Loki, along with Machina, become Beastias, and Antoine enters the Senate. How old are Veronica, Antione and Loki?
UNKNOWN MOMENT (not earlier than 12 years?*) BEFORE 1888 — “death” of Faustina at the hands of her Beasts and Rusven. Luka replaces her on the throne, but the Senate controls him. Strangely, he isn’t even officially presented yet. It’s unknown how old he was when he assumed his current position, but it’s unlikely that the Senate and Beastias would “kill” the Queen without choosing a suitable successor first.
*Alternatively, it could happen earlier, if Loki, Luca’s older brother, was supposed to inherit the throne prior to becoming a cursebearer as well, but was replaced with Luca. But this is a pure speculation.
(38, 13)
UNKNOWN MOMENT BEFORE 1874 — Archivists disappear. It’s unknown whether there are any living Archivists other than Machina and Noé in the present. It’s also unknown why Noe thinks about blood when he thinks about his clan.
UNKNOWN MOMENT BETWEEN 1871-1888 — Vanitas meets Teacher, or Saint—Germain, who at that time had a different appearance. Were Luna alive at that moment?
UNKNOWN MOMENT BEFORE 1888 — Machina becomes patron of the dhampires and creates her network of information brokers.
~ 1888 (before current events) — Astolfo and Roland become Paladins. // 6 month before — Teacher goes somewhere. // 1 month before — Jeanne awakens from her sleep.
(13, 4)
1888 — Teacher asks Noé to witness the story of the Book of Vanitas via correspondence. Current events begin.
(1, 52)
Possible future event — The Exposition Universelle of 1889, which was held in Paris, 5 May to 31 October. The Tower of Sun (instead of Eiffel Tower in VnC universe) was created for this fair. However, at least some of the buildings were ruined.
(44, 20.5, 46, 55)
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That’s it for now! I think I will update this post in future when we have enough new information to define unclear dates and add new details and whatnot~
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colt-peacemaker · 1 year
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boyfriendndndnd.... if he was a vampire ,,,,,
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briebysabs · 5 months
His official colors throw me off lowkey, thought for sure his hair was white
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shizukais · 1 year
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Mémoire58 『Observation-狭間の闇-』
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callilemon · 8 months
Angst with or without comfort take your pick
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I like both but let's be real, there's something about pure angst‼️
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