#vnc paladins
lynnlyrae · 5 months
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Five seconds later: 
The truth is… 
O: He’ll fix that report, right, Astolfo? 
A: Yeah! 
*Roland crashes down on the floor* 
O: And that was fifty one. Congrats, you won. 
… the one who gets the child’s vote always wins.
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Based on this wonderful art by Jun ⬆️
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briebysabs · 5 months
Charles the Diamond
/vol 11/
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callilemon · 1 year
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✨️A wolf in sheep's clothing✨️
Paladin Vanitas, Sapphire.
A rare traditional art from me! This is an acrylic and watercolor painting :)
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almaadst · 8 months
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Priests in love (/ω\) Roland and Olivier aren't actual priests… I think? but they wear Roman collars 👀 Funny how I didn't care about them when I first read Vanitas no Shuki, but now I can't get over Roland's absolute positive-chaotic personality (❁´◡`❁) and in my head - Olivier can't resist either ♡ crazy how Mochizuki keep making those fictional characters which they were much better if they were queer lol
Other: Commission info Jeanne and Domi kiss Vaninoe
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kiqilinn · 1 year
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microdosing on vnc posting before hiatus ends
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mishooboo15 · 1 year
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"My name is Charles. I am the first paladin, honoured with the seat of Diamond."
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midnight---hollow · 2 months
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New obsession vnc! Astolfo is my second fav character and by second i mean im obsessed with him. Here are some reference/pose practices i did with him :0 bonus the fugly warm up drawings i did trying to get comfy drawing him
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ghostly-phantom · 2 years
omg Mira will show up in the next chapter 🥺
Hopefully, this new arc will focus on the hunters. I've been patiently waiting for this!
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fairy-writes · 11 months
Helloo I stumbled across your blog and omg I love everything you have written so far<3 i saw your open requests so I was wondering if you would like to write something for Roland from vnc, like a little scenario of reader (human, civil), who is his crush, wrapping his neck in her scarf when she takes a walk and sees him going on a patrol around Paris in winter without his jacket (he probably forgot it or gave it to someone as a kind person he is).
Write it however you feel comfortable with (or don't), I would prefer reader be female but I don't mind nonbinary.
Thank you for your time, drink some water and have a nice day/night <3
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Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Fandom(s): The Case Study of Vanitas
Pairing(s): Roland Fortis x Reader
Word Count: 0.9k
Genre(s)/Tag(s): Female!Reader, FLUFF, Reader is implied to be smaller than Roland
Notes: Thanks for liking what I have written so far! I love writing for Roland!
The snow was gentle. Falling from the sky and dancing through the air like ballerinas. You bury your nose in your scarf and tug on your gloves as you walk through the streets of Paris.
Why you had decided to go on a walk in this weather was a mystery. Even to you. But you were a good twenty minutes from home, so you might as well deal with the cold and continue on your way. You’d get back to your home eventually.
All of a sudden, you hear your name and turn. You know this voice. And already, your ears are beginning to heat up.
Without his coat.
He’s jogging over, dressed in nothing but his button-down and trousers, boots heavy against the cobblestone. His weapon is strapped to his back via a holster of sorts and looks none too comfortable. He’s waving enthusiastically, and people are staring.
“Where’s your coat?” Is the first thing out of your mouth when he is within speaking (not shouting) distance. He slows to a halt in front of you and grins,
“I forgot it. I was in a rush this morning and didn’t think to put it on.” He says smoothly, and you roll your eyes.
“Sure you did.” Now he looks hurt,
“I did!”
You huff and turn away, but Roland follows along, chattering happily about something or other. But you can tell he’s shivering. Durandal is rattling in his holster, and you can’t help but feel bad.
But he wouldn’t fit in your coat. But you also didn’t want him to get too cold.
So you stop.
He stops, confusion, decorating his handsome features like Christmas tree lights. You unwrap your scarf from around your neck. It’s chilly, but you’re on a mission. You reach up and wrap it carefully around Roland’s neck. He freezes and watches you with wide green eyes. Once the long article of clothing is snuggly wrapped around Roland, you step back with a sheepish grin.
“I can’t have you freezing on me now, can I?” You tease in an attempt to lighten the tension between you two.
Why is it so tense?
Roland seems to snap out of whatever stupor he’s in, and his brilliant grin lights up your world.
You want to kiss him. Badly.
All of a sudden, Roland’s name is called, and the two of you jump away simultaneously. Had he been leaning in?
That’s preposterous!
He wouldn’t feel like that toward you.
You spot Olivier scowling as he makes his way through the thin crowd. At least he had the decency to wear a coat in the snow. The white flakes stand out brilliantly against his black hair.
“Olivier! You found me!” Roland exclaimed, and the other Paladin pinched the bridge of his nose.
“No thanks to you.” He muttered and grabbed the back of the scarf, and proceeded to haul Roland away with a gruff “We have to finish patrolling this sector.”
You stand dumbfounded as Roland waves a happy goodbye, chattering about something you can’t hear, and you can practically see Olivier deflate in annoyance.
But, ultimately, your neck is cold, and you decide to head home finally.
Only for Roland to show up on your doorstep several hours later, scarf in hand.
“Thank you! I would have frozen to death without this!” He says dramatically as you open the door and you smile,
“Now you’re just being dramatic.” You tease him, and he laughs jubilantly. It makes your heart flutter.
It doesn’t take long for Roland to make himself at home inside your humble little abode. Durandal is leaning up against the corner of your doorway. His shoes are placed neatly by yours. Roland is playfully hip-checking you in the kitchen as you get mugs of hot cocoa ready. The room is filled with laughter as you do it right back.
On one particular attempt, you nearly slip in your socks, and he grabs your hips to steady you. There’s nothing in your hands, so you grip the fabric of his button-down to make sure you don’t fall over. He’s watching you with an expression you can’t quite place, and you simply stare up at your best friend. You are close enough that you can count the freckles on his cheeks.
You really want to kiss him.
And almost as if he’s reading your mind, Roland leans down and presses the most gentle kiss you could imagine to your lips. You respond almost too eagerly, pulling him closer by the collar of his shirt as he pushes you back against the counter. His strong hands trail until they are holding the small of your back. His lips are still cold from being out in the frigid air, but you don’t mind.
You don’t stop moving your lips against Roland’s until you have to break for air. When you do, he’s looking at you with what you realize is love.
“Perhaps I should forget my coat more often.” He quips, and all you can do is laugh and pull him in for another kiss.
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ishytori · 1 month
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Невеликий скетч - ілюстрація до мого першого фіку по "Мемуарах Ванітаса".
Коли Роланд підіймає хлопчика на руки, той здається майже невагомим. Він тоне у складках плаща, слабко чіпляється пальцями за паладинську сутану і все просить врятувати сестру. Варто б щось сказати, проте Роланд не уявляє, які слова зараз можуть допомогти. Він обережно стирає великим пальцем сльозу, яка скочується по впалій щоці, і йде геть, виносячи хлопчика з холодного напівмороку маєтку під сонячне проміння. ("Холод")
Little sketch - an illustration to my first vnc fic.
The boy seems to weight nothing at all when Roland takes him in his arms. He practically drowns in his embrace, weak fingers clutching at the paladin's cassock as he continues begging to save his sister. Roland knows he has to say something, but he has no idea what kind of words could possibly help. He runs his finger along the boy's lank cheek, wiping the tear, and leaves, carrying the boy out of the dark cold mansion and into the sunlight. ("Cold", Ukrainian)
(I'd like to thank deeply my dearest friend Lio for translation ♥️)
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briebysabs · 5 months
His official colors throw me off lowkey, thought for sure his hair was white
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vanitinhas · 1 year
A prediction about this new VnC arc...
As far as I know, in the original Song of Roland story (which inspired VnC's paladins), Gano is the traitor that leads Roland, Olivier and the other soldiers to death in battle. Part of this happens due to Gano's hatred towards Roland.
This, of course, is similar to what we see in the manga: Gano is a traitor who is on Lord Ruthven's side, and doesn't seem very found of Charles (and is also very open about hating Roland as well).
In other words: I am now half convinced that by the end of this new arc, Roland and Olivier will be killed by Ruthven's gang.
It might or might not be related to Roland trusting vampires...
And man, I wonder the impact that this might have on Astolfo...
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caffrey-coffee · 3 years
i think i found who Gano is based on, considering the twelve paladins
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Also this is terrible news for Roland and Olivier and i will forever be in denial
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naehja · 3 years
The Two Masked Guys: Gano and ???
Ok I have reread the Masquerade Chapter
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We Already know that the one with a plague mask is Gano
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We also know that he’s a chasseur, probably with the same rank that Roland, Olivier and Astolfo.
But have you noticed that "spider guy", the other with a mask, has ALSO chasseur's clothes? (Yeah you probably noticed)
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What do we know about Spider Guy?  1) he has tried to kill Lucas with Gano’s help (and failed) and 2) he was in Moreau’s lab and the one to take Moreau to Altus, under Ruthven’s care. 3) he wanted Ruthven to kill Noé but didn't dare to act without permission.
Actually if he has been able to take Moreau to the vampires world, it’s that he’s not human. Since humans can’t go to Altus without the help of a vampire(more specifically the vampire must hold the human).
Do it mean that Spider Guy is a Vampire while being in the church? Nah. He can't be a vampire in the Chasseurs ranks. Why?
Because we know for example that Roland has identified Noé as vampire after only 5 minutes with him. So seeing another chasseur very regulary? Nah, He would have noticed something. Or he would have at least doubts. 
But what about Dhams?
Dhams are half vampire. He didn’t need to drink blood and their eyes aren’t as much sensitive than the vampires eyes. And if vampires can identity them quickly (Domi identifies Dante as dham in like 5 secondes), humans could have difficulty to do the same (but even Jeanne, a “old” vampire, has not recognized Johann as Dhams immediatly, but maybe she had not meet a lot of them).
So what I mean is: What about the barrier? Can a Dham go to Altus without help of a vampire? Can they take a human with them if they are able to cross the barrier?
Because if Spider Guy is a Dham, it could explain a lot
1) Why he’s so strong.
2) Why he seems to be able to cross the barrier.
3) Why he can be in the Chasseurs while working with Ruthven; humans can’t see the difference between Dhams and humans.
4) also it could explain that:
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Naenia goes literally OUT of the guy’s body. that's a possession  Naenia does not “curse” humans, even if she can traumatise/torment them with visions. 
But here she clearly WORK with these two.
And if they work with Ruthven, you know what it mean, right?
Naenia only curse vampires but again what about the dhams, who are half vampire? do they have a true name who can be stolen too?
But if Spider Guy is a Dham and a Chasseur....then WHO is he? He’s powerful so he’s important, like Gano, Right? He has been in the same room that Roland at the same time. And I think that we can say that it’s not Astolfo neither.
We have 12 paladins. If it’s not Gano (of course), Astolfo or Roland, we have still 9 people who could be him.
I willing to add Olivier to the "it’s not him" list because the timing between the moment where Spider Guy takes Moreau out of the lab (and takes him on Altus) and the moment where Olivier joins Roland after that is “too short”. (and I hope to be right)
So 8 people who could be Spider guy. 
8 paladins that we don’t meet right now.
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lovemails · 3 years
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this is the most important piece of characterization in vnc
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calmodus · 3 years
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i like drawing him in warm clothes a lot hmm
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