fansof-heo · 5 months
Voice 3: City Of Accomplices: Na Hong-soo finds out about Do Kang-woo's psychopathic condition 👀
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fandomidiot · 1 year
Chris: *enters Allison's room*
Allison: need something, father?
Chris: what did I say about werewolf boyfriends in your room?
Allison: there are no werewolf boyfriends in my room
Chris: oh really? *looks inside closet*
Lydia: hi....
Chris: *closes closet*
Allison: I didn't lie
(Voices float in from out the window)
Voice1: Scott, I think he caught Lydia
Voice2: Isaac, be quiet!
Chris: *sigh*
Allison: I still haven't lied
Chris: *kicks bed*
(Voice from underneath the bed)
Voice3: ow!
Voice1: damn he got Stiles too
Voice2: shhh!
Allison: I still haven't lied though
Chris: I fucking quit
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pattehrose · 8 months
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Voice2-#389.wav Voice3-#390.wav
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doodlesbf · 1 year
Chapter 0: Begin of Journey.
* since alot of you guys and ladies are messaging me on blind child so here ya go, my first time writing this out so sorry if its bad.*
(( I forgot to tag @luimagines , sorry was half asleep when I write this at the time ))
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The child is slow to get up from the spot they were hiding in and off the rough gravel ground of the raided and burn down town that been raided the day before yesterday and the child can still smell burnt wood, smoke did bother the young seven year old but try to focus on trying to find something to eat.
Child: okay..time to find food...hopeful not burned..I'm so hungry....
The child carefully peek out their ear to listen in for anything or anyone in case of danger but hears nothing so step out from the alleyway that cover by two buildings corner and bushes too to make it more hard to see for anyone. But the child hand is on the burned building wall use it a a guild to not lose their way and imagine a map in their head in case. Their clothes are old and dirty from sleeping outside and covered in ashes from the burning from before and unfortunately the child alone. The blind child smell something and follow it and knows that smell like bread and came across a burn baker shop and child can feel the heat from the burned wood but get down on their knees infront the shop door to reach with both arms to feel around for the breads that maybe have survived the fire as their ears twitch to hear creaking and turn their head to get a better hearing but managed to grab the hot bread and when their about to pull their arms back the creaking noise turn to a break and something land on their arms and the child scream out in pain but forcefully pull their arms back still have the hot bread in their hands. The child land on their back and start roll side to side due to the hot pain on their arms and smell of burned skin.
Child: ow..owowow..*sob*.
The child tears up and take a few breaths to try to clam themselves and try cool down the burnmarks on their arms yet take small bites of the burn bread but frown, it's the last bread which means that there's no more left but try to savor the taste and the texture of the burned bread. Once the bread is gone and the child slowly get up to pant down their shirt and shake their head and mess up their hair a bit to try shake off the ashes but knows it's pointless but shiver to feel the wind cold blows.
Child: time to go back....maybe tomorrow I can leave for help outside...
The child carefully walk to the same building to walk back to were they been sleeping but stop to hear something from were the town entrance is and move their hand around to find a hiding spot which lucky for them is a barrel close by and hide behind it as a group of footsteps start becoming louder as well as voices too which the child cover their mouth and the other their ear the best they can waiting for this group to hopefully walk by.
Voice 1: man. This town is burned to nearly a crisp and we still don't know we're we at?
Child notice how young this voice is but refused to step out since they can hear something shape being drawn out and another noise like a door push open only for it to break and fell to the floor.
Voice2: well, this town must have been raided and then burned down. But if we are lucky their might be something left for us to use or at less information of were we at.
Voice3: *sign* it wouldn't hurt to look around. About there's survivors or supply?
The child keep on listening and can hear them walk by but slowly try to back away only to accidentally knock over the barrel they been hiding behind to crush and it made a loud noise that the child hears more of something being drawn and hear a voice yell out a hey* the group can see a small child but mainly their blind eyes) that the child jumped and start to run away from this group and hear the footsteps ran after them some yell out to stop but the child refused to listen too scared and afraid that the bad people came back. The child use the building wall as a guild to still running and turn to were their hidden spot is and ran straight to the wall and fell down on their butt with a ow but hear panting from behind and quickly get up to try back away but are corner and start to tearing up again and shaking too thinking that this is were I died.
Boy: hey, it's okay. We're not here to hurt you. I'm link, what's your name?
The child can't speak due to fear and try to still back away but end up sitting down on the ground as tears still fell down their face as this boy try to talk to the blind child yet stay were he is see the child is completely terrified even tho he feel like he have no idea what to do tho thinks that they running after this child may have made it worse as warrior whispered four others to go around to look for survivors or stuff but by the time the four of the send out came back clearly show their's only supplies and no people.
Four: please speak child. We're not here to hurt you, I promise.
Four say in hope the child listened and can see the child is clam down tho the child still shaking infront of him and likely what left of the group.
Child: p-please d-dont hurt me.. the child say in a scared voice yet with a beg as the child grip onto their shirt like their trying to protect themselves that four get up to block the others from getting too close and turn his head to them for help since he doesn't know what to do or say but lucky for four, twilight step in and make sure the child can hear him and knee down to get to their level tho the child hear yet move to the other wall to be away from the stranger.
Twilight: hello, it's okay child. We are not here to hurt you like my friend say. There's nine of us, so if you hear lots of voices it's only us. We want to know if your okay and were your parents at?
The child hear this honey/maple man say and say to him that I don't know were my parents at and finally the child relax themselves enjoy to not be death grip their shirt.
Twilight frown to hear that but kind of expected that since the child is literally blind so can't tell anyways so this gotten alot harder for the group but twilight can faintly hear time bite back a curse but twilight say to the child that his friend four is going to the child to check if they are or have injuries.
The child hear him and the footstep of this four walk over and poke their hand and the child slowly yet with hesitated took four hand and four walk the child out this hidden spot so the child get get check by hyrule as the rest of the group watch but not for long the child stop walking making four turn his head to them confused. The Child ears twitch and tag gently four hand.
Child: something here..we're not safe-
A clob land next to the burned building as the group dodge and drawn out their weapons as a big infected one eye monster appeared and grab the clob then roar to the group.
Wild: a HIMOX!!
Wild go for the child by tackle them out the way and four dodge as the clob hit the ground were the two was before and a fight against the himox began. As the group fighting against the himox the child held onto this now man for dear life to suddenly being tackle and a cycle monster appear now.
Wild: um stay here. I'll be-
Child: no don't leave!
The child hug wild and wild doesn't know what to do one hand he wants to help the group against a himox and the other he can't just leave the child alone what if theirs more monsters nearby? Wild give up and pulled out his sheikah slate to look for weapons that can defeat a himox easily tho the child is confused to hear tapping noise and hear a man yelling as something being rip off a building and the ground then a loud flying towards the child and wild.
Wild look up to see the burned building wall flying fast to himself and the child and he reach for his shield but knew that he won't make it in time but see the child get up quickly and lift their tiny hands up as magic appear immediately infront of the child as the building wall hit the magic and it break to pieces. The pieces land everywhere minus were the child and wild is at but wild smell iron like blood and look to were the child is and see that their arms are bleeding and see the child puke blood infront of wild.
Child pants but ask the man (wild) if he's okay tho the child doesn't look to good.
Wild: me?! What about you?-
Wild couldn't finish his sentence because the child collapse and wild sit up quickly and grab the child before they can hit the ground but wild look up to see the group still fighting and he pick up the unconscious child and carry them to a safe spot to check their injuries and isn't a healer like traveler but he have healing potion and bandages so he use them on the child arms and use the healing potion on the child. Wild nod to himself to see his handy work and lay the child down on the grass near a tree for cover, wild ran back and pull out his bow and bomb arrows to help the group out to end the fight as the cycle lay defeated and proof to purple mist.
Legend: what the bloody heck?! First a burn town now this!!
Warrior: legend! Clam down already!
Time look around as he put his sword away and see the child is missing so he turn his head to wild.
Time: were is the child, wild?
Wild hear and point to were he left them at and the group go to were the child is to sit down and talk about what just happen yet hyrule check the unconscious child and he isn't alone cause twilight, sky,four, legend even wind and warrior came over to check on the child as well since this isn't something they find in burned, raided towns in any of their hyrules.
Time watch the group flock to the unconscious child but look to wild as in what happen as wild explain what happened as time listen but did feel the magic from the child easier during the fight but needed to know well hear it from wild to not be mistaken but all he knows now.
Time thoughts: I'm too old for this. yet the Goddess is testing us again....what the heck is going on?..
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voidbears-oc-stash · 5 months
*Cue several voices SCREAMING at her "NO!" from all around!* Voice1: YOU KNOW WHAT THAT'LL DO! IT WOULD PLAY OUT THE SAME! AND YOU KNOW IT! AND YOU DARE JOKE ABOUT IT!? PATHETIC! you NEVER learn DO ya idiot?! Voice2: all that suffering you caused- all those you "cared" about lost... they meant nothing to ya huh? but go ahead, say you didn't mean it like that- a bold faced lie- Voice3: WOW! ya can't even be BOTHERED to PRETEND to care about him? Ultra? gosh he and his family have been NOTHING but nice to you, and even as he suffers, the first thing on your mind's how YOU'VE been cheated! some friend YOU are loser! *these are Ultra's thoughts! everybody! he hears this kinda stuff! ALL the time! Ultra's still screaming off in the distance! *
Frostbite hisses at the thoughts. "How else am I supposed to play dirty back, then! These guys don't play fair and I'm just trying my hardest to do SOMETHING about it. I can't exactly go and get my deadly treasures because they'll somehow steal it from me knowing my luck. The guy blasted a path through my spell so he'd just [Ⴇolqʜin Иoiƨɘƨ] do it again if I tried any other spell! And I can't do ᓵ∷ᔑ!¡ about it! Nothing I do works! I'd rather go back to being hyper-depressed in my cave than deal with Xaster and his ♋︎⬧︎⬧︎♒︎□︎●︎♏︎ ❍︎♓︎■︎♓︎□︎■︎⬧︎✏︎✏︎✏︎"
"[Dolphin Noises]" but with backwards characters
"crap" in Galactic
"asshole minions!!!" in WingDings
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pandoralab · 3 years
But my heart still has this little hope that is all wrong and he still alive yk
Well all I can do is wait for season 4 and see how it goes
Just passed 30 mins and i already miss the Golden Time team omg 😭
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r-a-n-x-i-e · 5 years
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OCN VOICE 3 Teaser trailers
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vizkage · 6 years
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20181128 #佐藤千亜妃 (#きのこ帝国 ) at billboard live tokyo ー #Repost @chiaki_sato0920 昨夜のカバーライブ"VOICE3"、本当に有難うございました☺️✨ 初めてのビルボード、とーっても素敵なところでした🌃 素晴らしいメンバーと共に、皆さんに歌をお届けできて、夢のように幸せなひとときを過ごせました。。✨ また来年、VOICE4でお会いしましょう😘 photo by @vizkage 【セットリスト🌹】 1.飽和/リリイシュシュ 2.甘い運命/UA 3.太陽に背いて/佐藤千亜妃 4.Automatic/宇多田ヒカル 5.雨の街を/荒井由実 6.MOON WALK/きのこ帝国 7.ベル/BUMP OF CHICKEN 8.カブトムシ/aiko 9.ギブス/椎名林檎 10.CROW/鬼束ちひろ 11.キスをする/佐藤千亜妃 en 1st stage リナリア/佐藤千亜妃 2nd stage Summer Gate/佐藤千亜妃 #VOICE3 https://www.instagram.com/p/BqyM1GUlX_L/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12cgpxlzltrin
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patpatrabbit · 3 years
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😎終於睇晒~我可以安落等下個月嘅Voice 4😍 😔不過因為我唔係一口氣睇晒 Voice 2 及 3,感覺今次嘅故事複製過1。 而家睇咗三輯,我都係最鐘意張赫做嘅 Voice。🤩無論動作~劇情~奸角都好吸精👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻❣️ #patpatの📺紀錄 #Voice3 #보이스3 https://www.instagram.com/p/CPYZqj3touGfYh8Saf9S-sVLXcHBUVcA7zZrWA0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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windycityazan · 2 years
Worth the Korean drama Bing watch
Bulgasal: Immortal Souls -currently on Netflix (16 eps) - Suspense/ thriller/ procedural/ action/ mystery
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Uncanny Counter - currently on Netflix (16 eps) action/ fantasy/comedy/mystery - will have a second season unknown air date
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Voice 1, 2, Voice 3: City of Accomplices, and Voice 4: Judgment Hour all one series done in parts - currently 1 and 2 are on Netflix but won't be for long til Feb 28 has 16 eps in V1 , 12 eps in V2, 16 eps in V3 and 14 eps in V4) suspense/ thriller/ action / detective/ mystery - possible Voice 5 not confirmed who will return beside Lee Ha Na who is the Female Lead in all the series.
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Itaewon Class - Currently on Netflix (16 eps) - Drama, food, life, youth
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RUGAL - Currently on Netflix (16 eps) action/ crime drama/ scifi thriller/
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tee-jay-666 · 5 years
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Golden Time Team is an excellent team that shouldn’t go down like this. I hope you take good care of it. As I’m not good with words, this is all I can say. -Do Kang Woo #voice3 #OCN #Leehana #보이스3 #Kdrama https://www.instagram.com/p/BzV_ztYpRE5/?igshid=13vq5e5m2szzs
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dollyu1208 · 5 years
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📺最近在看的戲劇👀 🇰🇷👍😍#Voice3 #李荷娜 #李陣郁 這一季比較可怕😱和刺激,也還是一樣很好看👍 🇰🇷👍#熱血祭司 #金南佶 #李荷妮 這部還滿好笑的🤣,會有第二季,希望能是原班人馬再度出演🙏 🇯🇵👍#初戀那天所讀的故事 #深田恭子 #永山絢斗 #橫濱流星 #中村倫也 這部不錯看,日漫改編的劇,最後選擇的對象很不可思議 🇨🇳👍😍#致我們暖暖的小時光 #邢菲 #林一 #唐曉天 #鄭英辰 這部好看,是致我們單純的小美好官方姐妹篇,又一對最萌身高差💕 🇨🇳👍😍#我只喜歡你 #吳倩 #張雨劍 #趙志偉 #馬栗 這部好看,是一部小說改編的劇,從校服到婚紗的戀愛 https://www.instagram.com/p/ByKCXcoHV5-/?igshid=wkrqowqyld7h
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lisaliecute · 5 years
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#NowWatching #Voice3 #TVN https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx7g21Th70J/?igshid=1vid6iic8py59
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falling-rhayne · 6 years
Oh. My. God.
Sam. Riegel.
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spiritunwilling · 3 years
<when the singer on the crane wives does the thing with her voice3
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dialover--ayato · 11 years
Bienvenido a mi blog, te dejo con unas de mi canciones favoritas de la sección “CHARACTER SONG” entrega 2013 interpretado por nuestro diaboy #1.
DIABOLIK LOVERS キャラクターソングVol.1 逆巻アヤト 「ADDICTED (2) PHANTOM」- Canción del personaje「 Ayato Sakamaki- FANTASMA ADICTO (2)」
Ayato voice 1: “Vamos a deshacernos de eso”.
Ayato voice2: “Si no puedes conocerme”.
Ayato voice3: "¿Puedes dejarme ir?
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